Minecraft Hide and Seek Build Challenge

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hey guys what's up L shadow lady here and today I'm doing a Minecraft hideand-seek challenge with my friends each of us will build our own hideand-seek Arena and then hide inside while the other players try to find us but since this is an LD shadow lady video after all you already know that I have some devious tricks up my sleeve Lizzy Lizzy what have you done but first I need to build an arena for me to to hide in and this is a very small space they are going to find me so quickly unless I build something very chaotic and intricate so my first idea is to replace all of this grass with water now we've added a whole new level to this hide-and seek game because I could be hiding underwater so I'm going to build loads of rocks and trenches to create some nooks and crannies that I could be hiding in and to camouflage myself even more let's add some texture with a few diamond or blocks sprinkled in there that should keep them distracted for a few seconds next let's add some bone meal so there's lots of sear grass and some kelp too for some natural camouflage next we'll add some Soul Sand like so and this will create a bubble column thus making it even more difficult for The Seekers to find me down here except I won't actually be down here looks like it's time to build the next part of my hideand-seek Arena I decided to stick with the water theme and turn my Arena into a giant fishing shack now because I'm going to be hiding in here I thought the more chaotic the build is the longer I'll be able to stay hidden so I added all these balconies and extensions to create a sense of confusion to anybody who Ventures inside TAA the fishing shack is complete the only problem is that there's nowhere inside to hide yet so we need to give this interior a makeover that includes lots of hiding spots for them to check and of course a few little track WS so let's start here at the bottom where I'm going to create a very busy chaotic shop Vibe and to match the exterior it's going to be fish themed so let's line all these walls with shelves so here we shall have some codfish taada and let's get even crazier and add a few puffer fish oh wo okay that one's actually dangerous which makes it even better now these are super cute and all but I think we need some bigger fish if you know what I mean yes Dolphins let's put a dolphin on this shelf over here there oh that is perfect that is so cool wao okay everything in the shop is alive and it's floating around okay you know what this place is still missing though some squid hanging from the ceiling Yep this is definitely one of the weirdest things I've built in Minecraft but this is not where I will be hiding so it will be a complete waste of their time let's go up to the next floor and you might notice this suspicious painting and behind it I have hidden a secret area and down here I'm going to place my piranha pit just a habitat for my pet piranhas absolutely not a trap and if somebody were to accidentally fall in here I am not legally responsible for their death cuz maybe they shouldn't be snooping around in my house in the first place they had it coming now we just spawn in a few special piranha fish taada now you might be wondering what's so scary about these cute little tropical fish well you can't see it but there's actually an invisible drown riding on top of it which means if we summon a few more of these and some poor unsuspecting victim were to I don't know fall in the hole they would be eaten alive by my beloved pet piranhas now you're probably wondering how somebody would fall into such an obvious hole well they would probably fall through this false flaw that I just made it's almost impossible to detect that these are not real blocks so now if somebody Ventures behind my paintings to investigate this suspicious wardrobe they won't be finding naria they'll find my piranha pit pirania ooh now I could hide up there amongst the cobwebs and watch all of my victims I mean friends fall into the piranha pit but no that is not where I will be hiding let's go out of the painting room and instead add some distracting decor and let's also add some animals in here they can be the perfect distraction maybe they'll think I've turned myself into a cat wait can you hide inside a composter wait am I inside the composter right now ah not really that's not the best hiding spot okay never mind let me out okay well that can be a ruse I'll add loads of composters around and they'll have to check every single one just in case next let's add some armor stands all in a row and of course plop my head on it now they'll have to inspect each one of these carefully in case it's the real me but of course none of them are me in fact I won't even be hiding in this room let's move on to the next floor up which is the final floor and up here I'm going to waste their time even further with some pointless drip Leaf parkour and all of this drip Leaf parkour is going to lead up to this Bell does this Bell do anything no but I hope that they waste loads of their time attempting this stupid drip Leaf parkour while I am hiding just a few blocks away this is where I will be hiding and it's been right in front of your nose all along every single one of these rooms has this fireplace and at the very top you can actually access the space within the chimney and this is where I shall hide but this is a little bit obvious so let's make this a little sneakier by placing this dispenser with a button and filling it with potions of levitation now when you enter the fireplace and press the button you'll receive the levitation effect and you can float up to my hiding spot I hope it takes them a long time to find me up here so I told Scott Jem Shelby and Jimmy to come looking for me at the same time but if they find me they have to hide with me until there's only one Seeker standing let's see who that will be okay I'm in position I'm very scared wait there's parkour to get in here oh boy oh my gosh you're Fallen already you fallen noral I'm checking the outer oh my God Lizzy oh oh what is this it's a distraction guys that what it is don't trust it horrible don't trust it it's a distraction what is going on she could be in the water outside too she's not in this composter everywhere I think she could be she just isn't Lizzie said this was going to be easy did she say easy I don't think this parkour goes anywhere what the heck oh G on Jim I'm not going down there oh I thought Jimmy had found it cuz Jimmy was so quiet quiet I thought uh I'm trapped that's not supposed to happen I'm stuck Lizzie what have you done no ow ow ow ow why is she got piranas there's piranas in here and we can't get out are there what's happening I'm going to get killed Lizzy what have you done this is piranas for real you died I'm getting eaten by piranhas help me that's crazy why am I in Jim's bed where could she be I I don't know oh go she is is that Lizzy yeah she's that's Lizzy was that above or below I think it's up oh I'm dying by a puffer fish right see you in Gem's base again can we get up she in the she's not going to be in the water down below is she there are spots to hide in down there that [Music] was if she is at the other end of this end of this shift shift shift shift shft Shi you're a monster wait where's Scott gone is Scott found Scott oh oh you sneaky man got to track down Scott got to track down Scott where was he where was he ow oh I figured out where you guys have been dying I found it ah all right yes yeah go in there Shelby oh is there a oh oh yep I found it where is that where the heck are they I flipped all of these how did bro we need blow that horn again please I don't know blow that horn gem what's wrong with me I I can't all right you good you there Lizzy if you don't blow that horn I'm pushing this cat down he's going what did you just do oh no she's gone that was really clever Mr muffles is going wait what I can't push him down come on up welcome I can't push him down jeem okay I'm going to ring the horn oh you what are you doing guys do you think I'm a sick man I can literally hear your footsteps on the [Music] [Music] roof [Music] let me know in the comments if you guessed correctly that Jimmy would be the last seeker and if you want to see more hideand-seek check out my friends videos to see their awesome builds
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 733,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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