HIDE AND SEEK In Minecraft /w LDShadowLady, GeminiTay, Smajor & Shubble!

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today we're playing hideand-seek in Minecraft with a Twist I am gathered in this video today with some of my friends we've got Lizzy we got shovel we got smer we got Gemini Tay and each of us have a 30 by 30 blocks plot completely empty each of us is going to be building a hide and seek map completely free for whatever we want our theme to be inside of that plot and then once the build is done I'm then going to invite my friends on and take turns one by one for them to try me and see how long it takes them to the quickest person that do it is the winner and what do they win respect always respect always now this is my plot right here 30X 30 how I'm going to start is that I'm going to terraform the ground a little bit oh I forgot to tell you the theme I'm going for a ranch oh yeah we're going to be building like a farmhouse type place um and how I thought I'd start it um is basically I'm going to terraform the ground up a little bit one I'm going to do this because then I can build inside of my terraform the ground more hiding space I'm done already and I haven't even started building the actual build I'm just I'm just terraforming the ground okay that's how many layers I'm going to go up let's add the building on the top and then we can uh add in all the secrets and whatnot after um I've gone for the stone bottom don't know how I'm feeling about it uh but we'll wait and see how it goes I need to make it less of a box so I'm adding side bits all right okay the roof's going on dude I'm so happy I'm so happy okay roof is done for now even though it sucks just whacking in the floor so we can get some lights in here doing a random random Stone and and a sight floor side bit done look this house is coming together it's he it's coming together it's coming together I've just added a lovely little chimney guys I think that's the house pretty much done do you know what that house might be one of the best houses I've done in a very very long time forget about the interior for now we are going to act like this place right this bit it's going to be uh over over flown with hay bales from from the the farm just working so hard there's there's hay bales just popping all over the shop and good for us that this will uh be a nice little nice little hiding spot this could be look I'm going to leave a trap door here so I can hide down there so it's overflowing with hay look at that that actually looks pretty sick so we got the hay over there we've got a chest and Barrel frenzy going on here uh where I've made a hidden spot as a trapo right here so I can I can hide in this bit what if I did it with a full block actually there there we go that's amazing love that I've got a nice little trapo just chilling there we're going to be planting some seeds here getting some wheat grown to make it interesting I'm going to make it two blocks deep so I can hide in the pools of water some of them I'll put a cheeky trapo on the top oh yeah I don't know if I think we're in survival so this that ain't going to work but hey it'll confuse them so that's all right they're going to have an overhaul of pumpkins as well they've grown too many it's too many for them to handle crazy okay we've got our pumpkins and then the last bit I want to do is probably um I want to get like a little a little Lake which I will do in this I'll do it at the back here like a little bit of water so I can disguise myself in some bits I can't drown so it it takes away from everything cuz I'm pretty sure we're going to be hiding in like survival or or Adventure mode so I can't I can't drown myself can I I think I might have just turned into a builder what is this look at my Ranch everybody right I'm going to do the inside and then I'm going to show you it all right because I've been recording for so long I'm going to do the inside and then show you the results all right let's do it I'm going to be there in a clap okay I've done the interior I suck at interior I really do you come through here I've got the main oh it looks boring it looks it looks awful oh genuinely it looks bad do it I need to I really need to improve on my interior I just I just don't know what to do for it that like what is that space there where what am I doing with it you know I'm just not good there's a couple of hiding spaces in this bit number one is this wardrobe it's a secret little bit there and then there's a final hiding space up here final hiding space here is just around this corner and just hiding here I changed it just last second I've put trap doors all in the corners and then there's some space behind a couple of them um for me to hide against um so yeah that is it we've got in total I reckon about eight or nine hiding spaces I don't know which one I'm going to use yet but we're have to wait and see I think I'm going to be found by my friends relatively quickly and also I have a feeling that my build is going to be the worst and the quickest to find me in but you know what I'm not a builder I'm trying to get better we'll see how it goes let's get on to my friends trying to find me okay we're hiding from Lizzy first time I'm going to use my my first spot ready this one okay this is my good one all right we ready I'm nervous this is not a very big place to hide in so I don't think I'll have much trouble here Jimmy could be hiding in this window no in this there's so many little hiding places okay Jimmy I see you're a little uhoh Jimmy Jimmy I'm stuck Jimmy it's happened already oh dear oh sorry oh gosh I can't ow oh okay oh no sorry just having some technical difficulties okay there we go now where where where are you don't go in there I'm doing all right here guys doing all right here sney M by your but I don't think you're hiding out here I think you're hiding in this nope okay not in there I think you're hiding in here okay not not there either are you in the pumpkins no I I'm trapped myself again [Music] help this keeps happening there's a lot of and crannies in your base Jimmy I guess you're inside well I'm coming in what this place is so tiny where are you why can't I see you oh a secret a secret back to the Wardrobe you're cleverer than I thought Jimmy what have we here oh is this it no it can't be Secrets but how do I not in there the secret behind the bookshelves not in that one either one of these perhaps no I'm doing right this one okay not that one either I'm doing okay are you on the roof how does one get up to the roof if if one is on the roof you're not in the house the house is empty I've searched everywhere why am I so bad at this there's no way on the roof guys we're doing well here we're doing well we're at least like two 2 and 1/2 minutes in right I think you must be where where must you be seriously where are you are you in there wait no or are you am I about to get trapped again yep okay um my bad I've Gotten Trapped in there so many bases there I found so many hiding places in your base Jimmy how are you not in a single one of them this genuinely is my my my number one spot genuinely okay I have checked everywhere how is this humanly possible there aren't that many floors to this place I don't understand just Talent just Talent what I've had my grubby fingers over every single trap door in this place and you're not behind any of them are you are you even in this house wait are you down here hello oh you were under the porch the whole time I was under the porch you had your your little grubby fingers over everything did you did I I should my are we stuck in here now yeah we're stuck fantastic places to get stuck in this placeas I didn't think you jump in every single hole there is I did well uh you found me let's get out of here I think my best space is the the under the porch but but I'm going to go for the hay bale space this time all right let's do this I'm like a sniffer dog I'm going to find them not going to use the do I'm going to jump through the window check here no check P there no this place is kind of empty about up here well this is a secret of some sort same with here and this one goes round to nothing oh nothing of course Jimmy wouldn't take that spot cuz he would take not there either I don't know if the horn is JY or if the horn is Lizzy that ain't me guys I think I heard little feet movements did I oh I'm so sorry I've broken some wheat how did lizie not break any we God give you Jimmy this is pretty good thank you like I haven't F you like it's well done nice Marco Marco par oh how in Earth do you get in there do I get into this building from here oh I do I'm an idiot I didn't realize this was a building this entire time hi I didn't realize this was a beling the entire time H I can't get up I will uh I'll make sure I there we go well that was lovely that was good yeah I'm glad I thank thank you for the compliments but slightly not at the same time there's a few in there you didn't complim that's fine that's fine backhanded compl yeah backhanded sometimes right send over the next person well a gem is smart so smart where should I go for this one I either go down the pumpkin hatch I either drown in the water I can't drown it's annoying because I did a few hiding places where I could just go in go in the in the water I'm thinking maybe the cupboard should I try the cupboard a the cupboard one's so easy though I've really messed up on that one the cupbo one's too easy guys I think my best two play of the porch and the hayy Bale I'm going to go for the porch again I'm going for the porch again it's too good to not do we're doing it again let's do this all right now this is a pretty cozy house but that took a long time for him to hide so uh he's probably not somewhere oh that's it's a double door which means it's a double wall which means we should open everything barrels even guys I knew I shouldn't have gone in the wardrobe that's exactly what I've cleared I've cleared this room it's the first thing gem did was check the Wardrobe wait yeah oh that's a that's an entrance you're not in it but it's in a wait Jimmy I'm stuck what I do why would you face the TR what I do I want that taken off my time this one's done the same you're not in there luckily or maybe you are maybe you are no you're not you're not you're definitely not in there a lot of places to get stuck around here dangerous no you're not in any of them do it go up more okay he must be on the grounds I'm coming for you Jimmy I've already gotten stuck in your house once so he's got to be outside there's a little hole here don't go in it that looks like a place where you would get stuck if you went in it it is so hopefully he's not in that one I'm not there's water here did he do the water trick that I I did there is a hole he's not in the hole though that's it oh there's another hole here I should have done that I should have made it into a space okay not in the water water has been cleared should I eat some steak and make it funny I'm fine your wheat I'm so so I am so sorry God all of your water is very deep he it this is taking me so long where is he hello guys I might be a gamer oh I'm stuck again ready goodness sakes he's eating wait where are you eating why are you eating okay he's on the other side of this wall I'm pretty sure maybe I was wrong about how I searched the inside it actually sounded like he was right here I I don't know how hey if I can Master gem I can do anything in life let's see let's see in here Jimmy you're under the porch I'm under the porch oh my gosh did did you hear my delicious my delicious Munchies I did I did oh my goodness did you like it you like that was good that was a good one right that was good there was a lot of spots I got stuck a lot I fixed a couple sorry about that I knew it was going to happen um but that was good that was nice right send over the final person what is going on over there guys I'm going for the hay again I'm going for the hay bale again there's only two good spots I've realized in my base um and these are the only two I'm going for it again boom we're doing this guys we're doing this all right let's go everybody's taking a decent amount of time with yours which is making me feel even more insecure about mine because I thought we were together in having smaller ones but you seem to have very good hiding spaces in this one oh a tunnel Shelby went to the tunnel straight away okay oh I have officially already gotten stuck that's yo if I went if I went there again Shelby would have just got there oh my gosh that's insane okay I already I already broke the first rule which is don't jump in any holes and I I jumped in a hole okay nothing too suspicious on this floor nowhere where these trap doors can lead no secret paintings in the wall oo secret nope are you secretly one of these guys in the suits I wish maybe [Music] outside okay unless no maybe outside you must be outside oh gosh here we go uh okay not in there how does everyone always walk past it I don't get it Scott did the exact same thing you got you must have some good hiding spaces here cuz I cannot see where you possibly be guys I've I've nailed this again you going to find me yet oh okay you sounded close I don't think I can trust that though I want to think you're on the roof somewhere but I wouldn't know how you got up there okay there there's no way that you're in here I think that you're outside I think you're definitely outside and I think you're in the back somewhere oh I didn't see this I found you I looked everywhere else first you are the second person to do that they they they around the whole thing and then went oh right they can go I can go in here ah you know what I was being so cautious around this hole that I didn't up I was like We'll go around nice well that was lovely very good lovely SP thank you very much yeah and now we stare come here I need to tell you a secret you're pretty awesome that's to the viewer not to Jimmy just so just so he's aware so let me give you the scores on the doors for the hideand-seek challenge in fourth place was Shelby with 4 minutes and 50 seconds to find me in third place was Lizzy with 4 minutes and 31 seconds to find me in second place was gem with 3 minutes and 24 seconds to find me and in first place it was Scott with 2 minutes 46 seconds to find me I'm just glad that I lasted longer than 30 seconds
Channel: Solidarity
Views: 269,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hide and seek, hide and seek minecraft, hide and seek, solidaritygaming, solidarity, smajor, ldshadowlady, shubble, geminitay
Id: uAsOsc1L7Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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