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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you something really cool now mark my friend zombie has gone it invited us to the middle of nowhere where I'm not really sure what he wants us to do hello mark my friend new zombie what's going on today why have you invited us to the middle of nowhere is there something wrong hello Naveed I am glad you made it I wanted to play another challenge with you I have set up a few items inside the chests for us you will make a spider head whilst me on the other side will make a bat head and whoever makes the best home wins good luck wait we're gonna be building more homes today mark that's gonna be so cool I can't wait to get started so mark is gonna be making a battered which I'm guessing these are all the items he needs he has white wool red wool black wool bramble and also gray wool and an outdoor with a ladder and I'm making this spider head so I need Red Bull black wool gray wool and also like gray wool with an outdoor and a ladder mark is gonna be so awesome so let's get started I really want to make this house the best one we've ever made so let's get out all these items good and also our oak door with our ladder so let's do this wait Marcus done it already marki little cheese you're supposed to give us some time okay let's do this we've got to be so quick let's go inside game mode 1 and let's get building you guys ready for this let's do it ok I'm gonna get out mm-hmm why should we start building I might do move right around here just in front of mark some do one good we're gonna be a little bit slow and once we get into it will be a lot quicker and perfect then we do another black one come on muck is gonna win we call it mark our friend zombie win okay 71 and then we go up okay let's let's just do this real quick this is gonna be insane good good good and perfect there we go this is gonna be like a little phase and we do one two then another black one and then another gray one wonderful so let's do this I'm gonna do one more up let me go up there we go another one another one another one then we go and then up perfect so these are gonna be his wonderful eyes doesn't this look awesome already okay I'm into another one there and then another one here then I'm gonna do let me think I might have to go all the way across hopefully this looks really decent once we're finished yes mark whoa mark is going so quick guys we've gotta hurry up okay so do one to another one up and perfect and we have to copy the other side I think that's a replica good and then we do another around there and then another eye here and there another eye there yes this is awesome okay and let's build this up there we go maybe mark is building a bat head because he it doesn't have much to do so he's doing a really good job so far okay and now it's time to fill up this wonderful space one two three four and good let's just keep on going across I want to figure out how big we want this house to be and there we go and good yeah I think that's big enough there we go and keep on going good and let's meet this one across right on the other side and perfect so all we have to do now is fill up this wonderful space keep going come on we can do this before mug wins we have to hurry up there's gonna be crazy mark if you win this I would've been so upset okay almost there and the floor is almost done and perfect hmm let me think what mark is doing such a good job if only mark actually helped us behold it'll be so nice but to be honest we have won almost every other competition so mark wins this one I won't feel that bad there we go and perfect so now we're just got to fill up this wonderful space good and keep going good and almost there come on we can do this if Mark winces I'll be super sad this is crazy now I don't like working under pressure but this is definitely so good there we go and perfect for my stair good almost finished we're just gonna finish off the roof now and then we can add a fun tour and also a ladder and we can never finish off with making this wonderful home a little furnished place so we have some wonderful furniture to put in later on there we go cool perfect no no no and good almost there I'm starting to panic mark my friend zombies making me panic and there we go wait a second ok it's not finished yet we're doing really well almost there we go and check up on mark doh hmm mark this looks really nice I really like this this is cool and let's see what else do we have to do so we got to add this one there we go and then this over here perfect and then this one over there good and there we go almost there now come on we can do this and good it's perfect ah wonderful mark whoops finished but we still got to add a front door so let me do this this listen this then we add our door there and a door there good and then we can never forget our ladder go right to the top there we go good and perfect let's give it up this had some lighting and awesome mug we finished all we got to do now is at the furniture let's go and have a look at Mark's doing wow this looks awesome mark I'm gonna help you out okay I'm at the front door for you there we go ah this is wonderful mark what do you think are you gonna keep on like adding stuff as you go along I'm gonna help out mark guys because we've finished so hopefully we actually help him finish up as well there we go mark this is gonna be wonderful hmm I have a feeling all he has to do now is the top of the ears there we go and there we go nice are you finished mark I think he's finished oh wait what's he doing what is that mug where'd you get that form aa mob being the crazy zombie as always he's doing some weird stuff well let's go and see how our houses look and guys before we go any further comment down below which one is your favorite one the bad house or the spider house mom was a little bit bigger but Mark once has is mark your one is so cool I think I'm ready to get started so let's get rid of these items and I think it's now time to go ahead and actually add some furniture so let's do this let's go inside my house first and let's add where's our furniture I'm gonna get out some beds so I'm gonna get out a black bed and also a red bed that goes with its eyes and also his fangs so do a black bed there and a red bed and let's get out some bedside cabinets I'm gonna get out a dark wine I think this is perfect there we go and there we go mug this can be your bed and this one could be my bed it'll be so cool and let's see what else we can do I'm gonna get out a red lamp and also a gray lamp I think this is perfect there we go and there we go cool doesn't this look awesome and what else can we do I am gonna get out the dark oak there we go I'm put one there and one there and I do want a TV in my wonderful house so where is it ah the TV mug should we get two TVs there we go and there we go awesome okay and I do want to get out a red couch and also a black couch which I might put right in front of the TV I don't know it might take up the whole area but at least we've got a TV and let's go right to the top and I might go ahead and actually change this place into a spider haven so let's get out some iron bars this is gonna be awesome mark I'm gonna make this into like a little prison there we go almost there awesome this is gonna be crazy mark can definitely not see this coming mark I'm gonna make this into a bit of a spider heaven so as we go along we can spawn some spiders and hopefully they don't escape there we go awesome almost there come on I can't wait to do the bat one I think is gonna be so cool we can probably even spawn some bats inside Mark's house and maybe they can live in there with him I don't know once we get over that we can figure it out there we go awesome almost there mark do you want to come up and have a look I think this is gonna be so awesome once we finish there we go and perfect wonderful so let's go spawn some spiders it's gonna be so cool mark are you ready for this two three and four there we go this is so cool mark come on buddy let's go let's get out of here so there's closest door come on mark this way don't forget to close the door behind you if not those spiders gonna get loose and let's go so like the bat house nice this could be the Batman house that was so cool but before we get started I do want to get out some bats so there we go one there we go two three and four Mike this looks cool come on let's go get some beds I'm gonna get out a brown bed and also a red bed it goes with its eyes as well so it's through a brown bed there and also a red bed there isn't much space in here so we have to be really compact I'm just gonna get out some lamps I'm gonna get out and oh let's get some couches as well there we go and also Brown lamp and a red lamp I'm gonna do a brown up there and then a red lamp there with a couch on this side and then a couch on this side mark even though there's not much space in here we're doing a really good job and let's go right to the roof there we go and what else should we get out I do want to maybe get out my house hasn't got a fridge or even a toilet so maybe she get out of fridge I might also get us some doorbells for our houses which i think is a great idea so let's put the fridge right there there we go and then also a doorbell mark are you ready for this hello I'm coming in and this has been a doorbell they're spiders can you let me in please I want to come in it's gonna be so cool and let's go inside and what should we do before it gets dark maybe it's toilets I don't know let's do this I mean it out the toilets and also a basin awesome let's do one there and one there ready you guys ready for this I'm gonna fart it's all that spider meat I've been eating grace well guys is now getting dark to me and mark my friend new zombie gonna have to go to bed so Mike which house do you want to sleep in let's sleep in the bad house now that we're here so guys I'll see you soon at the crazy Minecraft video and don't really comment down below which one was your favorite house the bad house or the spider house it'll be so cool to find out so guys I'll see you soon and don't forget to like subscribe I know suppressor notifications bail and Mark would love to say which means who loved to give a shout at this wonderful person thanks so much for pressing the notifications mail so guys I'll see you another crazy minecraft video and peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 504,380
Rating: 4.7265744 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, spider, bat, house, mod, mods, minecraft spider, minecraft spider mod, spider mod, spider minecraft, spider mod minecraft, minecraft bat, minecraft bat mod, bat mod, bat mod minecraft, bat minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, minecraft house mod, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft mods, mods minecraft, build, battle
Id: slsIFwh8UAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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