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what's up gamers welcome back to another minecraft survival video now in the last time we survived a volcano and now overwhelmingly you guys asked for a tsunami so here we are today today's mission is to survive a tsunami so and I am I born in hallux how does the tsunami mod work basically this is the apocalypse but get epochal buckets mod I don't know how to say it but essentially as soon as I place down let's say like right here a bucket of water it will infinitely go as I go and keep on breaking it'll keep on going until forever so essentially what we're gonna do is find an area to make our home or we'll have honestly we'll have 10 minutes to just prepare ourselves for a tsunami so let's find that area we're gonna head probably we're gonna locate a village I feel like I always start with a village it feels like fair alright so because one one seven ten there's no sporter command so we're just gonna go ahead and let's say right now we are at x2 19 z 83 or something we're going to go ahead and I'm a slash spawn point here we're gonna go ahead and TP to negative 1220 okay so we're not at 12 what 12 whatever blah blah blah blah blah so in theory if I place down this block the tsunami should come for me and however long it takes for it to get to where I am let's just see what happens so that's the tsunami it's oh god it's already lagging it's already it's already it's already like oh yeah no that's okay all right here we go we're killing and it's go time it's go time we it's time we gotta go we gotta go crafting bench what do we need what do we need to survive we need some sort of food system so get some seeds I feel like our goal we should have a couple goals here which is one of them should be having a food source having a bed having an area that I can sleep in with no problem being able to mine with no problem and yes that the last one is yes okay so here we go I don't know how much time we have before it gets here but hopefully we have enough time and it's not here in just like one minute but this is my favorite part of the mine which is why I like survival challenges so much guys is that we can I like the beginning of Minecraft it's like my favorite part having to find resources and etc whoops I didn't mean to do that so this is this is this is fun this is fun oh god oh god I'm panicking I'm panicking I'm just waiting I'm gonna see like a freaking wave just suddenly be here oh man oh man it's terrifying okay okay sorry guys I need I need I need wool oh my god this is one seven ten they don't even drop food jeez this is OG couple things I feel like we should go into the mines and get some iron tools I don't have food at all I think we I think it's getting close that's why it's lagging oh no we gotta be quick iron is always useful I don't even think I'm gonna make armor like I just just for tools if I ever need it alright hello zombie that was my rotten flesh I can eat that I have no food I am on struggle Street right now but I don't really have a choice otherwise to do anything else Wow equipment I need stuff leave me alone thank you very much oh and this is one seven ten so the swimming sucks swimming in this is really the worst honestly alright here we go more iron I'm thinking maybe we should get a bucket of lava because we could get infinite cobblestone in our base but I feel like we don't necessarily need that honestly I should be getting more wood right now cuz doors are king why is it like oh oh is it here and I just don't even realize it let's just get a couple more pieces of iron alright I'm just so rare for me right now cuz if I'm living underwater it's gonna be hard for me to come mining you know what I mean so I'm just getting on iron now so I don't have to come back and get it again yeah we yeah let's go ahead let's go to the surface let's get much wood as we possibly can and sand as well because I okay good I thought I saw water I was like oh no it's too late we're good okay you are somehow so good so let's go ahead and well we should maybe kill some Skelly's as well because bones will turn into some good stuff for us okay let's sleep the night away actually I'm dying I'm starving to death I have to eat a spider eyeball do you leave me when the Oh now I'm dying poison there's another village I don't even see it oh my god we're saved word is saved I was like surely it'll be here I guess a thousand blocks is a little more than I thought but that's good you know gives us like 20 to 30 minutes of time y'all have any food in here oh I am saved yeah ah I have pick games okay time to get that bread gamers you know I'm saying brothers villagers got everything you know what this is it's like when you found you in like horror movies when they find the safe haven they're like oh my god it's perfect it has everything we need and then like and then you die it doesn't even matter I'm like right here no my home bed was missing Oh God oh okay hold on I got to find where I was again that was really dumb I'm sorry guys anyways I was gonna say it's like when you find your your home and you're like oh it's perfect and then you just something bad happens and ya know it's something did that happen I died cuz I'm an idiot alright gamers so here's the deal Soho I lost everything but then I also realized that when I went to go and check on the tsunami it just was not moving and I wonder if because I was not in the chunk it wasn't working so what I'm gonna do is we're in a new world this is the seed it's a really good seed we started a village and we have a lot of things we've got here I'm a little nervous but I've given myself the tools that I basically had in the the first world it's we're in a different world like I said let's see if we can survive here we go tsunami activate okay / kill uh okay I slash killed myself go go go go go okay the one thing I missed in the last world was I didn't have a whole ton of wood so let's still get a bunch of wood I didn't give myself saplings like even though I had a ton of them no you guys have no idea what's gonna you guys have no idea what's coming oh yeah I'm taking your parents I'm taking all your carrots I can easily just live in here but I feel like that's cheating living in village cheating I have to make my own house I got some apples and some paints and shooting speck okay it's more sugar cane give me the gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme we'll take the cactus for some reason I don't know why no yeah it is definitely movin it is just that slow you'll love to see it you'll love to see it that's good that's good that is Oh God God okay it's fine it's fine no that's salad that it is that slow okay so we have time we have time to get eggs from chickens because I'd love to get some chicken it like a chicken farm we need to start cooking up our glass if we want to have a underground glass tree dome of sorts so we got to be quick honestly Rose I'm I'm literally just gonna attach this house do this freakin farm this farm I have now taken over this is my farm now you know what I mean you know what I mean guys the way we know if we did if we survived the tsunami is if I can fully live on inside the dome with not just bread if I can live on and I have animals in there I have a I have a cobblestone generator basically like Skyblock I can do that and it's a mission accomplished if I can't get materials then it's a mission failed about a stack in a bit of glass we're looking pretty good for our farm as for everything else I don't know I don't know if we will have enough but at least we'll have a our farm supply you know looking good you know what I mean and I just wasted a piece of glass gosh dang dude all right it's fine it's fine it's fine oh my god okay it's crunch time oh no okay it is crunch time boys we need to get this done like as soon as possible I see the tsunami it's coming in oh that came in way faster than I thought it would actually oh god okay we got to move all this we got to move everything prepare prepare we don't have time we're running out of time I'm not ready I'm not ready oh no it's lagging oh it's here dude oh no okay now if we can find some animals that would be great but it realistically I don't need chickens I already have plenty of eggs all the animals are god-knows-where know where all the animals scientists save at least one species there they are pigs come come wait potatoes yes pigs pigs come with me come come come or do you want carrots carrots yes follow me hurry we don't have time come on Kevin come on guys guys don't look at this tsunami we gotta go what's how'd you get out how the heck did you get out how did you get out oh my god okay No No hey the carrots carrots yep yep come on come on come on come on come on come on come on get in the house again come on good oh my god nope nope we got go give me the glass gave me my glass go go go go go no I don't need this I'm trying to survive get out of here get out I've wasted so much glass at this point wait there's a freaking okay okay oh I probably had a little bit more time and I was exaggerating but dude you know I just don't need this in my life I also just realized growing some wood in here is gonna be quite a difficult but hey a boy can definitely dream oh my god it's here the water is consuming the land you know usually tsunamis are a little faster but this one it likes to take its sweet time it takes its sweet time but there you go guys the challenge has been completed if there's like a slash tick speed or something I don't know I don't know if there's like a way to make this a lot faster but this Namie has officially consumed my home that's that's wild oh man I wonder if it's because I'm in creative it's going a lot faster it feels like it ya know so far no leaks the house is working as planned our animals are chillin well I think that is a mission accomplished here and I feel like that deserves a like button so if you guys did enjoy the tsunami Survival make sure hit the like button subscribe if you knew but that's it guys I don't know maybe I don't maybe we can do like a part two to this like me actually surviving in the tsunami liked having some sort of goals I'm not sure if I this is crazy this is so cool run villagers run while you still have the chance you fools the yeah look at the damage man look at the absolute damage like this the reason why it's taking so long if you guys are wondering like why is this so slow is because it has expanded like millions and millions and millions of block at this point have now been covered in water like right now it doesn't look like a big wave but when you see that it's consumed at this much of the land you're like okay that's that's a lot that's a lot but that's gonna do it for me guys I hope you guys enjoyed this tsunami survival challenge we completed most of the challenges one was protect the species which is our pigs and our chickens we've got a farm we've got a bed we've got an area to mine we don't have a tree area but that is a work in progress and we can technically we can make a cobblestone generator with no problem I just I have got a mining area so it's like it's not a big deal I don't remember what the other goals were but that's it we've completed all of our goals we have survived thank you so much for watching though I hope you guys enjoyed make sure like I said hit like my subscriber new we're almost a million subscribers so please please subscribe if you are new and I see you in the next one guys thank you so much and goodbye yay
Channel: AlexACE
Views: 555,326
Rating: 4.912487 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft for kids, kids, lazarbeam, minecraft lazarbeam, minecraft alexace, minecraft trolling, trolling lazarbeam, alexace, alexace minecraft, alexace minecraft with lazarbeam, alexace pumpkin god, minecraft but blocks are falling, minecraft volcano, minecraft volcano mod, minecraft disasters, minecraft disaster mod, minecraft volcano survival, minecraft volcano eruption, minecraft challenge, minecraft volcano challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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