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what's up gamers welcome back to another minecraft video as you can tell we are starting minecraft in a tiny area I don't really know what the title this is but basically this is captive minecraft if you've never played Captain in Minecraft you would know it's a classic this is a years old at this point but I felt like it was appropriate to revisit it because I've actually never done it so I wanted to give it a shot so basically what this is is it's a very very tiny world as you can see I can only move it within about 6 blocks or not 6 9 blocks sorry and the only way for me to expand this environment here is if I get achievements so as you can see there's rewards for us if we get if we can expand a little bit further and of course I guess the goal is to eventually get every single achievement but it's it's a lot of fun I'll leave a link in the description if you want to try this out yourself but let's get into it if you guys want to see more of this and maybe this potentially become a series make sure hit the like button and subscribe if you are new but welcome to Minecraft in a very very small area so I've already gotten the open your press e to open your inventory the next thing would be to get a piece of wood so that seems pretty simple enough oh hello hello cow friend we now have a piece of wood an account friend hello I guess the next thing we could do is get a crafting bench that could be one there we go we want to get to that chest that would be very epic so easy easy peasy we've got ourselves our friend his name is his name is big boy what's a big boy let's see so the next achievement we can do would be we can do a variety of routes so let's go ahead and just do the pickaxe one it's okay I can't place it on that block nevermind because I feel like a pickaxe would probably be the better material we can use so let's go ahead and make ourselves a pickaxe so we need some six there you go we've got ourselves a pickaxe epic games aren't you excited big boy alright let's see can I open the chest no I cannot at big games okay well I guess we can make ourselves a sword then let's make ourselves a sword yes give me that chest oh yeah can I open the chest I can't but I know chickens hello chickens how are you these are our new friends his their names are scrambled and sunny-side up we got some food I got without killing anybody I'm a vegan in this let's play except for this these don't count I can eat these alright so our next achievements we could do is make a hug which I guess shouldn't be too bad let's see the next chest is right over here so it's not too far away it's where I feel like we're making pretty good progress progress so here we go we got our home now and the next achievements we can do is make bread cake a stone pickaxe harvest some leather Oh big boss I won't that won't do it to you I won't do it to you Monster Hunter Hot Topic okay so we should probably get I guess go down none so here we go we're gonna go ahead and dig down and get ourselves some stone so that we can get to achievements which is the stone pickaxe as well as the furnace so far though I really like this concept it's kind of fun because usually you don't really do achievements but the fact that you actually have to get all these achievements to basically progress it is really fun to me so I'm enjoying it I'm enjoying it for sure and it's a classic it's a classic this this is a I'm actually playing on 111 - which is very very old but it is definitely oldie bug oldie you know what I'm saying okay so let's get our to have some more cobble there we go furnace so we can expand our area once it Kevin Bacon hello Kevin Bacon welcome I didn't expect to see you here okay so we got ourselves a stone pickaxe now hey there we go we got another cow very epic okay can I open the chest oh I'm one away okay what can we do - smelting iron ingot delicious okay maybe if we can find a piece of iron we might just be able to get ourselves the next achievement to advance a little bit so I think it's time for us to head into the mines I'll see you boys in a bit but I guess we're just gonna dig until we find ourselves a piece of iron and hopefully some coal as well but I don't know oh here we go got some coal so step one is complete fairy epics and now we just need some iron and then we can get whatever's in that chest which I have no idea like I said this is my first time playing captive minecraft I've seen other people play it like big star but this is my first time playing it and it's pretty epic I'm not gonna lie finally we finally got some iron boys there we go so now we can advance once again feels good my dudes feels good ok you do love to see it so let's go ahead and head on back as you can see I went on a little little bit of a mining binge I I mind a lot and it took a while for us to find a we were looking for but we finally got it let's head on up ok so where is my furnace my furnace was in my inventory so here we go there we go we got an oak sapling let's go ahead and plant these bad boys because of course we want ourselves to be able to get some trees okay so let's go ahead and cook up our iron okay there we go iron ingots have banded fire no gum it is raining and it is spooky also I just realized there's Islands up there I'm guessing we'd have to build all the way up there which is pretty brutal but whatever some nuggets a regular potato and a shrink yeah well then a rake I just I literally only got a potato it's a strength that is not very the next chest is all the way over there and there's one there I'm assuming they're probably somebody's up there as well is that another island of theirs that's just a cloud I think that's another island jeez there's so much there's just a lot so let's see let's keep on track though so our next one would be to acquire some diamonds catch some fish cow tipper hunt some monsters let's see here what could we do what could we do I guess we could travel a minecart I have to make a minecart ooh maybe we should hit the mines and get ourselves some diamonds I feel like that must be the next reasonable thing for us to do because there is not a whole lot else I could do get a bunch of stuff so I feel like we're definitely missing on some goodies down below let's see if we can find some diamonds we are fifty four blocks up so we've got a little bit of a ways to go to head on down so let's go ahead and do it I do hear some skeletons so we must be getting somewhere that has some sort of monster area which is an achievement on its own killing some monsters so that's good oh here we go okay there's a lot of stuff down here apparently that's a lot oh yeah they're going they're just going at it oh god oh god oh god oh god there's a lot Wow nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope oh my god okay okay there's a lot of baddies I'm going I'm going this way I can't go this way I'm stuck um all right what do I I should have cooked some food okay what do I do in this scenario did I get an achievement though Wow I'll by the way I have night vision on I don't know if you guys said realize that I always do it for the videos so that you guys can actually see what's happening I'm gonna die oh my god I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead what was I thinking I should have cooked my food I'm such a dummy that was dumb I should have cooked some food and made some more torches so we could actually like be fine but I'm a big dumb so that's my bad it's fine got all our stuff there thankfully no creepers exploded my goodies so we are good oh god I thought that was it go ja Jesus I thought they're blowing up me okay well all the mobs are now dead okay here we go guys Nobby it's like we'll kill this zombie come he is ami made that achievement yes there we go another achievement has been achieved so let's go upstairs place this water down and get the other water and we'll have ourselves an infinite water source oh Jesus okay okay that was dangerous I forgot that I have night vision on let's put some torches up so there's no more mobs spawning down here go ahead and make it a baby okay just wait he's back dick boys back I felt so bad about it but he's back baby what's up big boy alright so that is done the next one achievement is breed 2 cows with wheat which I literally just did but I you know it doesn't work again it doesn't work again so I have to wait for you to be ready to have more babies but I'm just going to go back down let's quickly make ourselves some foods though because food is important and we'll be ready to go that bag down look at us go ladies and gentlemen if you guys enjoyed by the way make sure to hit the like button it lets me know that you are in fact enjoying ok food required let's go back down and see if we can find ourselves some Diamandis yes keep fighting each other fight my minions ICSD gold gold is nice don't know what for but I guess golden apples I love an apple oh god there's a lot of them Oh God ok come at me beasts yeah yeah boom up Oh God ok ok alright ok yeah you guys go at it now coming for the kids ok the freaking and the skeleton blew up the creeper and killed me in I can't believe that happened yeah oh god that's all another creeper give me my stuff I am angry boy at least once any time I do any of these survival things I die at least a couple times midway through the episode and this is that time great there's more creepers fantastic come at me B oh my god there's my son's gone my stuff's gone 100% it's just straight-up gone like there's no fine it's fine done thumbs out an unsent there's so many oh my god oh my oh my god there's so many kill me let me Adam alright what did I retrieve back I definitely lost that pickaxe it is gone I have a stone one I've got some other materials I've got lots of Bones oh it feels so good to get out of there honestly not even mad that I ended up losing that iron pickaxe I do hear lava it seems like it's right underneath us so hopefully we find that diamond very soon that would be very nice oh and just like that your boy has made it to Diamond Oh what the heck is this is this next to a stronghold if so that is hilarious and also pretty cool okay well just like that your boy has completed the goal of the day achieving some diamonds epic games in the chat even though she's not a livestream in the in the in the comment section hit the like button and all that others other nonsense for watching my struggle but interesting to see that we have ourselves a little a little dungeon of sorts here and look at that looting to Apple whether it's snow ender pearl okay or maybe not oh my god we can go to the ender dragon we can literally fight the inner dragon in this playthrough very very cool I guess looting too would be great as well if I could put that on a sword but that's super cool I didn't realize that we could fight the ender dragon in this play Thurs so if you guys want me to go in and fight the inner dragon here in this little playthrough of captive minecraft or minecraft in a very small area make sure to hit the like button guys but that's we're gonna call it here I hope you guys did enjoy today's episode this is a this series is definitely a lot of fun I will say I'm having a lot of fun with it and it is a very very intriguing very it's very hard I'm not gonna lie maybe it's just cuz I'm a bot but who knows but so far so we went from one block to all of this so I feel pretty good about it but yeah check it out throw diamonds at another player well I don't think that's gonna work out but making a Chema table portal to the nether catching fish I could probably do catching and cooking fish I could probably do on a rail maybe I don't think so sniper duel and there's a lot of them here that are kind of like a but I feel like the the going to the nether and doing a bunch of those will make our lives a lot easier and yeah but that's from the call guys hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you in the next one thank you so much for watching check out my second channel make sure you like button subscribe and I'll see you later
Channel: AlexACE
Views: 853,827
Rating: 4.9328084 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft for kids, kids, lazarbeam, minecraft lazarbeam, minecraft alexace, minecraft trolling, trolling lazarbeam, alexace, alexace minecraft, alexace minecraft with lazarbeam, alexace pumpkin god, minecraft but it's underwater, underwater, underwater minecraft, lazarbeam minecraft, fresh minecraft, mrfreshasian minecraft, minecraft in a tiny barrier, minecraft barrier, minecraft in a barrier
Id: c4HTotkatvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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