Minecraft: ESCAPE THIS ROOM!?! - Find The Button Unexpected - Custom Map [1]

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video so we already figured out Jan is a genius and figured out the first level there's a pointed out up here and the button is right on the ceiling so there is a hit I'm just gonna smack this right now it says jump around so Jen just like she acts so crazy she just jumps all over the place it ended out up there all on her own so dude didn't hit the button did you so today dudes it's gonna be really fun because this find the button map is supposed to be completely different than other ones they have the levels all super unique like this there's like special effects and stuff so this is please Google my username for my stuff's have absolutely no idea what that means welcome to find the but unexpected made by CM l SC find the button to start generating audacity and enjoy map inspired by the little variants I see in button map so maybe today this will start a new thing in button map so people have all kinds of weird hidden buttons so dudes if you are out a jump but I'll try to say something I think I always jump and I said dudes if you ordered the channel to jump I hope that you will enjoy this and also subscribe if you do let us know you subscribed when the video is up our reply to tons of people so feel free to say hello and I'll try to say hello to you as well but I guess had won the first round now we're on to level 2 remember this is a competition me against you and I'm already waiting ok so where to put it 0 to 1 because Jenna's wedding okay okay so don't hit the hit button okay is this the only thing in the level this level looks really easy I see like Redstone behind the mmm but I saw the whole Chad I saw the whole I noticed when I hit this there's even a button behind there too but this is probably the one I better get this okay check sure - to know what is happening who are you okay already okay what is the name of this one I don't know well we'll find out soon three two one go okay so I'm gonna go up here oh no I said where are we going from you oh maybe this is the right side oh okay here we go if I lose to you right now I'm gonna be so sad this guy wait you teleported me back here like when I jumped up there did he jump onto the tree oh I don't she's better at parkour alright so I'm gonna go over here never thought I'd heard you hear you say those words okay so I jump over here I am beating this legitly I guess you have to hit it like really quick before a teleport you have to have the perfect timing did he go like that let me go up here nice and calm jump or something now you can have potatoes life is all about potatoes today did ever play like a potato mash look at this these potatoes everywhere on the wall okay this one my tweet what it's your two three win with like a clean sweep today is this supposed to be an easy because I'm telling you I'm losing so much hunger it's got to be in peaceful right yeah I'm pretty sure because they give us no food no potatoes they're everywhere well we can't take me game Oh - camera jack - yeah okay please please find the button please what are you doing where are you I found a secret button room you did there's like a hundred buttons in it I can't find the button I think I hit everybody even underneath you um nope well I'm gonna get going now what what's happening they can't be in there something oh there's a button in the room wait yeah I know I hit that before so it's not in here you know you know what it did I got it Jen behind the door in the house it is now one two three I really need to come back the HOH I feel like we're in another farm it's like the same place but never all right level 5 just in case you don't like potatoes all right 3 2 1 go I'm going for it I'm wrong I'm very wrong oh no I'm back here again I'll tell about it to you hello ok so that's not it doesn't do anything so this time no it really has to be in here there has to be like one spot that goes like underneath right what are you're standing in a tail all right teleport to me we're gonna figure this out no problem he's gotta be one spot what if it is the hit button what if the hit button is the button no can't be I'm gonna hit it just in case okay hit it are you blind why can't you see the way what does that mean wait there's a way to go I don't see any way let me check again maybe it's under here somehow right maybe there's like a minecart and then we just go down there or something there's a way to see could it really be in the lava but you found it in your dark yes oh but I have teleport to you since I died hello yeah but you I get free free hops on the buttons hey everybody it's none of them what how could it be none of them have no idea back up but they said we can't see the way we totally found the way didn't we yeah how is this not is that doesn't make any sense wait I heard a noise would hit this plane oh you did all right dudes we were looking around I see I already figured it out so we couldn't see the way because you literally couldn't see it is 2:00 to 3:00 I am catching up six no potatoes 300 where is it well something happened I knew I heard something I heard something open oh it brought it always do was hit it twice at level seven I just hit the hard way yeah but okay I hit it twice it brought me here it says what was the secret message from the potatoes they're delicious hi why you know and yummy what a spawn point here just can't we mess this up okay so how about this I won't let you go first and you get one choice then I get one choice how about that okay from the potatoes that was wrong Oh didn't know okay so I'm gonna go with I think if I was a potato they wouldn't say yummy or they wouldn't say did they're delicious they won't be talking about themselves they would say hi oh my god it is wheat wait you what you want I won the whole map oh look at our faces so many potatoes but you have to see the other view though this is amazing are you seeing this I know it's really spectacular sure they like coming out of our mouth they're coming out of her mouth to go in in our mouth like there's so many potatoes there you like we're puking potatoes yeah but we're loving it all right dudes we are back in just looking at the side really carefully right now so what we did is we actually looked for the second map in the series we played the first one now we are playing find the button unexpected to look at this button it's pushing it's in amazing self pushing button but this doesn't help us does it so once again guys we're stuck in the starting room and I noticed there's this chest and it says use the least hints possible we have levers we've got five of them we could place on gold blocks to help us beat the levels use those very wisely I already don't know where the button is though no we're gonna start all right so there's youtubers and stuff in here but really there's this one right here but I it just presses itself you know I'm just gonna maybe it's invisible I'm just gonna click wait oh my god it's all imported you oh the first level again accidentally all you did was you walked onto a specific block and it teleported you so once again it's a competition but we are starting over last time I won I think it was 4 to 3 this time Jan is up 1-0 on the first level three blocks oh there is I'm just gonna hit the button wait that's probably what's supposed to happen oh no this is it yeah this has gotta be it please there's like so many of them it's like a hundred buttons alright I'm really hoping fine let me try this row I think I've hit like every button it's always roll oh oh my god it's you know there's a ladder off oh okay okay so the ladder brings you over here to the button the button does not do anything are you serious you look fine there's nothing oh I'm here oh my bite appeared over here that was it all right it is tied one to one I'm coming back just like last time okay so I have a bite in my hands oh it can be placed on barrier it says so you can place it on these barrier blocks but how is that gonna help us where are you right it finally brought me to the right level now I think before I was still in that same level for some reason I was oh this is where you were oh it teleported you last time it said to me that's what it was okay okay now what are your confused why I wasn't with you oh yeah here we go three two one go okay sure okay stalk attack secondary your only useful after the first okay so we shouldn't use that man okay I mean there really isn't a lot to this place right wait wait a second wait when you look through the glass you see a button right yeah it was invisible so you just clicked all around so you got it no I just stood there and waited patiently and it opened up did you really I really like any talking about oh wait maybe someone has to be standing there but then you go boom are you standing there when I pressed it I was standing there oh yeah maybe that's why okay what are you talking about today okay all right you stand there look through the glass okay oh when it's open yeah oh I get what you have to do maybe you have to take the button we got and throw it down so something over there oh yeah that makes sense okay so it was okay so I the level four I think it's height okay Jen is up one two got it down dude here we go we're in another little garden dragon head don't worry I'm gonna read everything okay so they're all enter dragons with names the first one says I want potato then Stuart says please potato and Bob says I like potatoes and joy says it's a potato town says oh because I'm hungry and James the ender dragon only says energy hungry okay so it's not three two again I found a potato I found other potato I found our potato isolated a dose oh it's giving me so many potatoes no those are poisons oh it says they can be placed on dirt on dirt oh oh so we have to jump on the garden and then place down the buttons oh this is kind of cool actually I've never seen anything like this before I hope that I'm the first one to find it I just have to keep stopping on the gardens and every time I stop when I get stuck on it oh please get me off of this [Music] okay this one over here over here I know I keep hitting Soho there's only a couple left over there we did it we did the ball we did the wall none of them actually over there wait but we can't put my graph so you can only put on turkeys there anymore turn around looking around this is can be placed on dirt that's the only blog yeah there's no more dirt around I'm looking at here to see if there's like a way down we might have to hit this Chad all right let's do it let's use our first never wait what if I put it on the side of this grass it looks dirty okay there's no way to do that okay so there really isn't any more dirt than okay I'm gonna do it should I put it down do it okay so the first of our hit levers and it says what is wrong with James James James what is James oh he had a button on his head you were depressing I beat the level he was very like a button hat okay so we are tied 2-2 and we are on to the next level there's so many Gardens in these maps no all right that's why I have like so many buttons in my inventory okay okay I'm ready okay wait I'm gonna put my leg out of my inventory too so they don't distract me are you ready ready three two one go and we haven't even had to use a letter yet we just used the lever of the last level check oh oh yeah we did that's all you found out about James oh hold on it's giving us buns again when we go in the water last time it didn't actually help us though yeah but this time they're like he's nothing else right very peculiar over here wait when you go in this hole it gives you potatoes for some reason it gives you like millions of potatoes weird I said what do you think we have to do I don't know you want to stomp on the car let's do it we have no choice I'm gonna be very upset though oh that was it I got it there's only a couple down all right so it is three to two yeah there's like nothing in this room stop looking I'm sorry looking with those G&I I've got crazy yeah three two you're looking at oh sorry my bad we look down we look down please okay okay no no no no no no you looks you get in that spot right there okay nobody get in this spot three two one yeah I know we're both going for it right I don't see anything I see nothing up there yeah here's the point right there oh we can still put these down in dirt in cases one of these um okay so right now it's not looking good dude so there's nothing up here I didn't see anything but I didn't jump high enough maybe hold on I'm gonna try something there was a plan up there oh you can see it from here beautifully I'm like putting bunny hide right now are we oh it's gonna be three two three if it's seven levels like the first map you do know that that means that this one is gonna be for the win okay I'm try to hit it try to hit it should hit it all right there we go it is tied three to three potatoes have another secret oh okay was the potato part II know I didn't like how you said I'm gonna say ribs ass where was the potato potty so this is the final level I will let you go first time soon it I said it last no wait I go first was last time we did this you but first didn't you yeah yeah okay so we're either level seven at level six with what I think it's five you oh my god it looks hilarious what you're doing look out my screen oh my goodness I'm really about the potatoes now the loser has potato shooting out of every orifice you're gonna have to eat them all they're all coming out of your your mouth it's really gross to watch I can't even watch this horrendous looking all right okay make some sounds a couple sounds like potatoes are coming out of here what all right I've got this don't worry guys how come she gets all the potatoes I won I can't move I want the potatoes we need to get out of here wait there's it Sophie we can put a hit thing on potatoes hit the lever nothing happened who named Elvis what codename Elvis does that say that on your screen if she is oh it said nothing I feel closer yes I need to move jet it's the last two months we can't leave oh good name Elvis maybe we type it in this trap panicky the lag is so bad dudes Elvis it matters something really cool happen if you tie that into him for this level I don't think I want to speak with you right now oh I thought I beat the map I was gonna hit the hit button I'm gonna go down okay just you know what I'm just gonna I'm gonna get out of here ille this thing is lagging so bad please stop this is the only way we could possibly leave if we kill ourselves okay I'm gonna try but I can't seem to type anything I am back to the beginning but dudes it looks like it was victory for Abbie today we get some really close masters but I loved it I loved how everything was like super unique are you coming I'm trying to I'll be there soon but I'm waiting here all patiently something Oh No the potatoes are coming with you no no no no if no idea why this is happening anyways hope you enjoyed the video um please subscribe to our YouTube channel I'm gonna try to get out of here if I can look guys if you did be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel also leave a comment down below leave um I can't concentrate on speaking leave a comment feel free to say hello I'll try to reply to a bunch you guys hope you have an amazing day and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 9,246,083
Rating: 4.8338833 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, find the button, secret, modded mini-games, minecraft mods, custom map, puzzle, parkour, 1.10, 1.11, garden, farm, structures, minecraft trolling, redstone, quiz, test, vs, items, jump, puzzle map, lava trap, trick, epic, crazy
Id: Sl_T6j_0LYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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