Minecraft: SIMPSONS HIDE AND SEEK!! - Morph Hide And Seek - Modded Mini-Game

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's Patton welcome back to war pine see ya so last time guys I had so much fun with all the different new items all the cool stuff I had lookups take that map and change it to something brand new he added in his own stuff it is gonna be epic today in jet if you go over here you could see what we're actually gonna be hiding ask the simpsons yeah alright so which character is this ray in front of you okay that is Maggie Maddy's little baby does it joke right now he's literally a tiny yeah that's a neighbor Ned alright so check this out I didn't actually look at any of these but look how many warp Seattle engine we have to kill them all oh my God look at this so your Principal Skinner the whole cast of the show yeah it is we've got mo we've got chief Wiggum we have Ned we have um professor Fink we have Reverend Lovejoy we have Mr doff the snake character grass keeper Willie I love that dude Homer Marge Lisa Bart in this mess yeah you were far off okay so what we need to do is um kill every single one alright so I guess if I just go through it like this I should be able to get all their more oh yeah this should work alright one time all right dudes we have every single morph now you're gonna have no idea where we're gonna be hiding as every round so tons and tons of choices on that Jack don't wait to go see the classes let's go check them out alright so though the classes of the savers last time I told that we have vacation coming you don't have to retexture every single class cuz I don't even use most of the classes last time alright you pick out one of those I'm gonna grab the book and I'm gonna read the information to us okay okay all right so look who's left this blog it says welcome to Simpsons hi the senior can once again purchase items to help them find the hires only the seeker can purchase and use the items I think he said that he messed up one of the words here this might have been the one that was supposed to say hi ders if you start with five krustyland tickets you can get more by finding pink and donut spread around the map only the seeker can collect the donut oh it is the party messed up only hiders can collect on us okay each donut will drop between one to three custody land tickets so you better get looking everyone should collect all of the morphs to hide only the seeker can wear the special armor just to look that much cooler after two minutes hires must start movie game ends after three minutes so normal rules guys in the credits mat bills bla bla bla bla bla all this stuff check it out if you guys want to see the credits and have a lovely time Oh would you like to be the hider to start over the seeker I would like to hide okay I'll make sure you your cross steal and tickets and your door okay alright so guys this is what we can buy so we can buy a bully to try to get the hider to kill them we can buy stink bombs we can buy our disco Stu parties make kind of dance around like they do at the disco awesome fireworks showcase um we can buy hide or speak their mind if you hear the hider speak you are within 16 blocks to that and finally get infrared vision used to see hiders through the walls for 10 seconds what are you gonna buy alright I think like last time I felt like it helped a lot when I got the infrared I'm just buying a head okay and then I think that is pretty much it guys and then we have the crown over here we could win and since I'm hiding first I need to go to the hider section and step on this firework wait do I go through all of this alright there we go oh yeah alright so you walk all the way through and now you are the seeker so are you you look awesome thank you are you ready for this yeah alright so you remember how to count of 20 no it was 30 last time but this what time it's 20 okay alright turn around alright turn around I own 10 okay okay come on wait you didn't shut the door I didn't know I had to do three four five six seven eight nine what's up man - mocks it's Jan well 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 it is odd all right looks so cool so yes three minute rounds normally we do two and a half but it has to be three because it's just so very there's so many there's so many it's ridiculous I've never seen this many before like a ton over here all right well good luck finding me so you think I would just go to where like everyone is there's many of every mob here oh my god I found Milhouse you did these look like a creeper oh I think it's nerves I'm a little bit nervous right now but I've lost a whole three minutes which is gonna be ridiculous I have to move around well I don't do that don't do it don't do it please did you see where I went off oh good you're late for me I'm nervous all right at least I know you're not like close by all right give you a little ncnc there wait where's the pink Donuts I'm not up picking these up oh yeah where are the pink donut oh my god I'm so dumb there's literally a pink donut right next to me excuse me person stepping on it all right you can't get any you can only get them when you're the one hiding yeah I know okay all right so do you have any um I just ate two pink Donuts would be my head to you I don't actually see any pink donut or I got I must be in the wrong area so I think oh my god I can't fit through doors wait okay so your large oh not not large circle I don't even know I'm not we talk please are you oh now you oh oh okay that's not you because you're not dying yeah I'm not dying I didn't start moving there was a BART like running anyone move I'm moving right now I need to move for the whole a whole minute now so I've gained three tickets first stuff I could buy for the next round so I'm gonna be using that stuff but Jenna's not found me which is good news I haven't been in this building yet oh I'm not in there I'm not in it all right have you been every building I think most of them alright because I haven't seen you okay maybe you're in here no I'm not John I feel like you're not in here I'm not in there here no I'm not in here alright we are at 2 minutes and 30 seconds you need 30 more seconds of Survivor the kwik-e-mart oh you're probably in there have you killed anyone yeah no I didn't kill that oh no just the one person I only wonder keeping them all wives look out for like weird looking ones I know that's what you have to do with your only chance at winning only 10 more seconds left jab are you there was like a weird one that was doing like the Michael Jackson walk there was that's you that's me I get Homer Simpson and he cannot fit through doors so remember that for future rounds yeah ok so I got a few tickets I couldn't get too many taller than normal like I don't know but some reason you just doesn't fit alright only got three oh look the bowling alleys over there and there's their house there's so many cool areas to hide this is gonna be awesome guys and I can buy something else now for the next round I already have infrared I think that's gonna be really I'll make sure I get doing it's like a bomb yourself yeah I would have done way better but I was stuck in that room ok so I'm taking I'm going to hotter mood ok I'm trying to buy some stuff why are you acting weird away so I can get this one I think the firework would be really useful so I'm gonna buy the firework and combo with infrared nada where it is I my item and now I must pick something epic for the round to try to find Jen as I think I'm gonna go with the cuddle team leader for this round oh you're beautiful oops I just I think I just threw away the helmet oh it's not bit creative oh wait let me just put this on solutely beautiful and remember that you have 20 seconds hi I will not look in that direction at all okay girl ok here we go 1 2 3 4 5 are you excited I'm gonna find a good spot yeah I'm gonna find a really really good spot alright so I know where you're gonna hide so just know you know they just know the tell me where am I gonna hide no because you're not gonna go there and I said are already at 11 seconds of my mind guys counting don't worry the routine you can open it okay 14 15 16 17 18 not just be looking for doughnuts right are you ready or not here I come okay so I need to find Chad I need to see where she went need to actually find the space to hide that would probably be important I feel like it's just a ridiculous amount of um of people you know yes hello my method we already know I don't know where when I saw like a weird fuzz come off one of the people over here and it threw me off me by the way I thought I did I thought maybe I did there's just so many people alright so I know that you're around here wait is this you I'm so nervous like I know that something weird is happening right now more Donuts alright hello ello oh I don't know where you are I just I don't even know what to do I have no idea where you are I'm using oh my I'm like wasting all my items and it's just not working out very well for me at this point I got another donut well you did really yes I'm up to four tickets we do Donuts like everywhere I found two so far no idea where Jen is hiding a really good spot what you did you did I'm nervous I feel I feel a little nauseous I don't know I'm gonna find you though in one minute you need to start moving okay and that's when I will find you oh you gotta risk it for the biscuit you're you're not risking for that biscuit wait how much is the infrared cuz that's what I want to buy Oh the infrared oh that is I think is like five are you buying no I really think it's like five okay I think I'm you have to move by the way wait this is you right no I'm just gonna grab this other doughnut please it's not you literally it was a hundred percent sure this was you ticket wait where are you I literally saw you were in the tree house I was for a little while alright so you are moving around do you have to right we I'm so confused oh no I'm trapped alright fly wait this is so weird I swear that I saw you and then I hit you and I killed you oh man she she'd be anywhere at this point and I only have a little bit more time she's holding a doughnut in her hand you won you got a point to your diet I just started literally a donut in your head so close to finishing you off background I did go up onto the treehouse I was on the roof and then that's when I saw you and I jumped down and I thought the other one that was industry house I thought that one was you I was so sure it hit me in the beginning all right all right all right things not interesting that was a closer do you need to use the shop or anything right now yeah I'm gonna buy the infrared so it's five okay so yeah purchase that I really need to find a lot of donuts this round going into seeger and then I need to pick a new outfit all right oh that seems that seems fair to me I mean reset the watch which outfit are you thinking about getting oh I think I wanna be the burger man oh yeah go with that one okay yeah the beef boss do you want to just start our now and then I'll just leave why you're doing that okay wait did you go into the hider mode oh no okay you might want to do this yeah that's not important all right dudes we are ready for the next round make sure you don't look this way and let's go okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 she counts so quick 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ready or not here I come all right the most important thing I'm thinking is probably to get more tickets because we need so many okay so you only use the firework last round right or did you use the infrared also I use both and I did I spotted you on both of them and I still couldn't kill you that's why I'm fake I just need like a huge amount of tickets this time okay so yeah I'm gonna try to use it I don't know when to use it though like I feel like I should be me or something maybe I feel like he gives you a huge advantage when you have the infrared one okay I'm gonna use it right over here I please don't use it it makes me so sick okay I used it I don't see anything no it's not working no it totally works so is not working you have to use it on the ground you use it on the ground right I mean yeah you did work but I don't see you I'm very happy about that I really don't want you to find me and I just like I feel like I just don't even know what to do sometimes I get so nervous in these situations it just makes me feel sick I froze alright guys made a serious lag issue that Maidan don't move sense when I log back on cuz i crashed completely after I didn't even have my morph and I was in a completely different area than anything so far so what we're gonna do is we're gonna continue it on with like a minute and a half left in the round Jen is about a room behind me in the Rhys will continue after a 3 2 1 countdown they just open the door and close the door in my face all right so it's gonna continue after like a 3 2 1 countdown are you ready okay ready do you wanna go they just closed the door my face don't go towards the orange building you're gonna blend in too much alright minute I'm in the building oh no wait where'd you go where you going I'm gone oh yeah liar you know exactly where I am you know exactly I'm not telling you anything if you don't make sure you stop I already have gotten three Dora since you said oh my god so bad my actual [Laughter] oh my god this 40 more seconds this is what we have to do to win oh no there's like 20 seconds like the great cheese oh my god I did everything I could to try to survive that I should have stopped and just guide more tickets all right I have seven I'm pretty happy with seven what the infrared do work by the way I was lying all right guys I have my costume on I'm ready for the next round 20 19 18 oh and I bought these things guys I got the disco Stu party and I also got myself another fireworks showcase I'm just hoping the lab does not take me over at once again I know I'm really I'm hurt 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ready or not here I come it is on wait I really should be looking for doughnuts we've never liked no tickets I know you really should be looking for that all right yeah you're definitely going weak I just heard that did you see where the firework was wait where to go oh my gosh you're so why are you being so quiet I don't know I saw like the direction but I couldn't see like actually um where y-you hear it no yeah I heard it yeah okay I know I feel like maybe you were over in this direction but now I'm just not sure thing right so I can start like dancing yeah I'm kind of excited to try that without um okay I literally have no idea all right so yeah where are you what you up to are you near me cuz I'm just are you really oh no oh there you are oh no what I'm just joking I'm just joking with you you like you know where I am and I'm kind of freaking out all right okay I need to find you hello hello Kenard yeah I do we do you know okay wait where are you you're just freaking me out well I literally have no idea where you are where are you you don't man no not so cool you can't hear me are you the guy on the roof oh man I've literally have no idea where Jen is right now but I do know that she has to start moving quite soon okay I have five tickets I should probably find like a couple more donuts all right so I don't think I can use like everything on the final round I just need to figure out you know which shop which room she's in or if she's just outside running around looking for doughnuts I literally have no idea where she is I just got a look around everywhere that I can but Jen you need to start moving right out okay I'm moving away so keep moving and please tell me where you went all right wait you know what the problems yet this like lag is causing me to not be able to kill you all right just let me kill you you know what I bet you I would have killed you the other round if it wasn't for that I thank you about what if I had you like 40 seconds before the time went out on this one anyways like I don't know what is something well maybe did he spawn in 7,000 Bob I don't know what it is but right now guys we're going on to the final round then we are tied one to one how many tickets did you get so I have five but they're like not stackable so I kind of have to figure out how to stack them Oh good luck with that I'm gonna check out the additional settings button I think he made it so we can get rid of some stuff okay Oh click here to kill two of each Bob oh yeah do that Oh what I'm gonna hit is probably a little bit too many all right I hit it maybe five times I'm not worried about like like it's not making me actually can I kill everybody know this letting me know they're all back there okay this colossal map is I'm not lagging just running around but I'm getting weird like world lag which is completely different like the games running perfectly for recording but I'll get like a strange like spike and like you lag compared to my walking speed I'm just gonna buy the disco party and I'm gonna get like us no no no no I'm gonna buy the firework and I'm gonna buy the stink bomb all right I still saved my a running one I mean my oh I can spawn in bullies oh that's for them to like try to find you okay I'll do that I should have used my disco Stu party on you so you couldn't run away oh yeah I want to save that for the final round I won so much stuff as possible for the final round alright I'm already in hider mode right I need an outfit oh yeah something cool job all right yeah become bad okay I'm just counting right now oh wait am i go over here yeah okay all right all right goodbye okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 you call a little bit slower all right 14:50 are you that's a little better 16 17 18 19 - 1e ready or not here come I feel like Jen is like the most crazy counters I can't count so it sounds feel weird feels weird dear oh man it is hope that I can get something really nice like you're probably like running around looking for doughnuts right now isn't that like the main strategy at this point alright so I think I'm gonna use my firework I just I don't know where to use it cuz I feel like everywhere I use it is never a good spot alright so I actually already have gotten 5 tickets which is really good what already on five tickets wait I'm using it right now oh wait what I hear nothing good way I heard it but it was like really faint all right I'm glad not about that okay so that's not very helpful I do have two bullies that I can spawn in alright so yeah you could try to get me with the bullies but it's probably gonna be hard to get me with them I would think all right cuz this like place is so huge I don't know where the best places to spawn them in yeah I'm thinking the same thing like how could you even get me with them in a huge map like this okay well I'm gonna spawn in one like right in the beginning great never gonna get you at these okay oh they're like really tall oh that's good okay and then one right over here alright so you're kind of hoping they're gonna run towards me and then that will give you an idea of where I am oh yeah oh he's on the move oh he's on I think he smells yeah all right just follow him I really whatever you do this it does not work out very good real me I am Homer Simpson once again you are yeah oh I'm getting some weird lag is that you someone just fell off the roof do you really think I would fall off the roof of it alright I feel sick but I'm trying my best here alright I need to start moving in about 30 seconds there's so many mobs in this like one area okay I feel horrible I don't see you anywhere Oh everything everything's cool right now maybe you're in the kwik-e-mart alright so in one minute I will need to start moving alright a little bit nervous about all this I think everything's gonna be fine hmm alright okay I'm moving now and I do have five tickets for the next one plus I already have the dance one so I could use the dance and maybe I can buy the infrared and that will really help me find you if I can get this point though oh okay alright I'm nervous oh wait I haven't slept in here oh no no check you matter we'll check the houses wait you didn't even check in the houses all right good um maybe alright so I'm feeling a little bit nauseous right now you haven't checked in the dog house Abbey there's a oh no I haven't checked in there wait there's an odd house oh wait I found like a really cool room I'm and it uses my hiding spot next time all right okay great you're coming up with ideas for the final round well I don't know where you are ten more seconds Jen okay oh yes but wait you never really see me when I was using that when you use the thing before no we have one more bully I can I'm done all right no more I got a point oh okay okay where are you gonna be mad again did it once again Jen fooled you once shame on you it is amazing I can't believe it I can't believe you're gonna have it again tonight oh by the way I had this like Mac you know like you lag to me but I don't actually like getting lag myself yes at one point I was watching you and then you ran like a hundred miles an hour to the opposite side of the map I go in a secret any go to hide ability that's the wrong thing you literally ran to the opposite side of the map all of a sudden all right so you really hide her and then I'm going seeker okay make sure you get a good outfit okay please please Oh what did you buy from the shop alright so I bought the infrared and I also have the dance party so I've got two different things I could use in the final round okay pretty good hiding spot I'm not lagging no not long all right guys I'm all set Jen go for it we are you still Mart marched are you still marked as homer because you're really short well I am I was bar that was it OSU nonpolar you said is huge all right now for you to go yet alright 20 19 18 17 and this is the final round guys I can win this and I find Jen which would be amazing considering the weird lags I'm getting great so you figure out where that hiding spot was 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 I'm gonna come in soon Jen three two one ready or not here I come okay alright so you know that Jen said she went Mike somewhere really important or something I feel like you know I am I don't I'm not 100% sure but I just kind of know that you found like an amazing hiding spot a really good way I have an idea please the way you have was it a firework or the infrared I have infrared and I have dance okay but I just have a feeling that I might be able to find you you know why I think I might be able to find you I saw some cool hiding spots before - I thought maybe you also saw them and you were thinking to go with that okay I could be wrong I probably am I just have that feeling that you're in here somewhere you're making me nervous where are you I don't know I can't tell you I just think you're in the Simpsons house in a closet huh wait you're not I don't even see you wait no where are you all right I'm gonna have to do it infrared all right you stand on the ground no way I'm wrong I don't I don't see you I'm just staring at this sentence house and I don't see anything well you're not at the Simpsons house wait so you are had the Simpsons elves oh are you at this house or no wait all right no this ride is fine no you can run as much do you want that's unfair advantage yeah and you were in the Simpsons house you were in Ed's house I was yeah the Susan's houses to the right I thought you were gonna be hiding in the closet in the Simpsons house but instead I think wait which looks wish no I thought that was the Simpsons house right here I thought this one cuz Ned LaSalle left them producers that was a Simpsons house so you thought that I thought that you were in the house that you had thought that I was thinking of yeah something like that but Jen see so I like who won I will hunt oh I thought you went here because I remember when I went through this house I saw all these good hiding spots in the closet yeah they were just like that in there too so instead so you thought I was in the right house looking for you the whole time but I wasn't you're seriously confused you thought that I thought okay you you thought that I thought that you were in this house but you were another man but I thought you're in the other house because you thought this one was the citizens house but that one missus I feel like you could say this a lot easier but you're saying it the most complicated of a possible no I don't know you're talking about also news we do have another hide-and-seek calming butter is it different morph mod use because there's some issues with this hopefully that will clear up any issues we had this time but news hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely smash that subscribe button also smash that like button as well that would be absolutely amazing hope you guys have an amazing day and we will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 3,776,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, hide and seek, hide n seek, minecraft hide and seek, minecraft hide n seek, morph trolling, morph mod, modded mini-games, homer, bart, marge, lisa, bowling alley, prison, jail, the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons mod
Id: 8eX05JcJJ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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