Minecraft Encrypted | TRAPPED IN A SIMULATED REALITY! #1 [Modded Questing Survival]

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this is encrypted a brand new 1.18.2 questing Modpack that starts us out in a completely blank void world the only thing in this world is white simulation block and a single piece of dirt if we open the quest book here we can see that we start with the encrypted questline and there are kind of five information quests here to get us started and kind of let us know what is going on here so the first is cryptocurrency it says cryptocurrencies can be used to buy items from the eShop spend it wisely and already we start out with the uh the cryptocurrency simulation sound effects read me so we've got some important information here about the mod pack mobs don't spawn at night time but cursed Earth Farms do still work so we can get mobs to spawn using cursed Earth encrypted matter can be obtained by Crouch right-clicking the white simulation blocks so this is kind of similar to how you'd normally get maybe Stone pebbles in a Skyblock or a stone block ultramine is installed for those who don't know this is the mod that lets you mine multiple of the same block all at once when you hold down the specific key number four you can twerk or Sprint to grow saplings and plants and then number five white simulation blocks can be combined with other elements to make new colored variants there is a little bit of a backstory here it says a tragic accident you are a software engineer who works at crypttech after hard work crypttech succeeded in making a machine that can simulate reality they called it srsm one day while you were working on the srsm it developed a book that caused it to transport you to a whole new simulated reality luckily your pocket computer has the ability to write some code and inject it into this simulated reality encrypted is all about generating resources and making machines to help you get back to the real world some quests slash recipes are subject to change and then finally there's a little section about contact this pack is made by cryptic and you can join the cryptic encrypted Discord with this link right here perfect so we do get an advanced Wireless pocket computer as well as 100 XP and there's so many noises being made in the background right now I love the attention to detail with stuff like that in modpacks and I've actually never used the advanced Wireless pocket computer before from computer craft tweaked but I'm interested to see how that plays a role in this mod pack before we get started too much here I do want to do a few things if we go to options controls and then keybinds I would like to change my quest keybind to grave that's the key directly beneath the Escape key and to the left of the number one key on your keyboard just so we can open the quest book without having to go into our inventory first and you'll see that the graph key is already bound to ultramine I'm going to change that to a button on my mouse and then as per usual the button on my mouse is usually allocated to back by Quark it is so we'll get rid of that as well that way I can press the grave key to instantly open up the quests and I can hold down the bottom of my mouse to get the FDB ultimate stuff to appear in the top left there that will become more important as we press on now for those of you familiar with antimatter chemistry this pack seems to draw at least a little bit of inspiration from that mod pack but with a hefty number of tweaks to make it stand out on its own as a 1.18.2 mod pack much like antimatter chemistry we start in a void world and we do have the alchemistry mod which adds all of these chemicals here that you can use to combine to make different resources from Minecraft I'm actually not sure how much this plays a role in the pack going forward but I assume it's going to play at least a little bit of a role because we do have it here and it is allocated to one of the quest lines at the very least this questline does look scary but it does specify at the top here you don't need to complete them all this is just here to give you an overview of all of the elements that are in the pack so this uh questline here the player.getprogression is the general progression of the pick it kind of works us through all the different stages and those kind of correlate to all of the stages in the new reality Quest folder here so this like folder is the main quest line and then we have additional quest lines down here we have utility generation and storage these ones are not like main questline quests these just kind of give you an idea of what furnaces are in the pack what useful items are in the pack the kind of pipes and conduits you can use to move items fluid and gases around stuff like that we also have generators and we have different types of storage I'm sure we'll get to all of those in the future but let's go ahead and start right here progression dot start we'll take that that's going to give us some XP levels some AR goggles from Advanced peripherals and another piece of crypto currency so so I believe the way that the cryptocurrency works is just like any other kind of in-game currency we can spend it at the eShop now the eShop does have some pretty cool stuff here right at the top we've got some stuff from storage drawers these are items that you can craft but I assume the idea here is that you can purchase these prior to having the resources to craft them so the drawkey requires gold for example and if you wanted the draw key to be able to lock and unlock drawers before you get gold you could purchase it here in the store there's then cooler stuff like the angel ring which gives you creative flight this one of course significantly more expensive it costs 150 cryptocurrency to purchase then there's also things like speed force here this is a trinket that you can apply to yourself and that's going to increase your speed to 200 and then at the bottom we have things like the sophisticated Banks it looks like we can buy Wither Skeleton skulls which actually might come in useful um I do have a little bit of a track record of having tremendously bad luck at getting with the skeleton skulls and then we have a few Enchantment books at the bottom here as well so we can choose what we spend in our cryptocurrency on but the cryptocurrency is a little bit hard to get at least in the early game although I am fairly certain that it does say here you can make your own cryptocurrency using the pncr assembly line so if we look at the recipe for the cryptocurrency here we can see that uh much much later on in the mod pack we can use new metacraft to uh to turn encrypted ingots into cryptocurrency and then at that point we could make as much as we like and spend that on basically everything in the shop but I do think that's gonna be quite a ways away for us uh just yet so to start with let's go ahead and tick from everything that's gonna give us a little cryptocurrency and I believe that's going to unlock this quest line here which is the introduction to the mod pack you can obtain encrypted Mata by crouching and right-clicking the white simulation block with empty hands we totally can and I really like the texture on this I like the way that it uh that it moves I think that looks super cool so we can take this and I think we can do quite a bit with this we can craft saplings and more samplings it does look like we're going to use it for lava a little later on down the line even more samplings and occasionally some logs as well I do like that we have this choice of samplings right from the get-go that does mean that if we do any Base building we can of course really pick which kind of logs we like and and use those the twitch chat is right with the uh encrypted matter here this is not uh kept so if you can click really fast you can get a lot of matter and if you have a macro setup like I do you can use that to very quickly gain a large amount of encrypted matter basically the macro that I have just right clicks very very quickly and so it allows us to get large amounts of encrypted meta very very quickly but it's really not needed you don't need damage encrypted matter I don't think and getting a large amount of it that fast really isn't that much of a benefit so next Quest any sampling I think we'll start by just crafting this into a regular old oak sampling I think that's going to be the easiest way for us to start and much like the quest book told us before we can go ahead and shift near the tree to cause that to grow nice and fast and then if we hold down our altamine key we can go ahead and tear down the entire tree in one go fantastic we do also have fast Leaf Decay installed which I love to see the leaves disappear very quickly we don't have to get rid of those manually which is very nice indeed so next up is logs it wants us to get eight logs which is for us gonna be one more tree this time slightly larger I do also think that I'm probably going to get rid of the minimap for now Chip we do have one in the top right but it is currently just showing us a giant blank void so if we press J and then go to waypoints I'm sorry not waypoints we go to options and then minimap preset and then untick enable minimap that's going to go ahead and get rid of it we can still press J to see the map of the world around us but it's not constantly taking up that spot in the in the top right hand corner as a reward for completing this Quest we get even more logs and some more cryptocurrency we do need some planks that should be fine I'm not quite sure how many we need less than 24 apparently is the answer and down here more samplings different samplings can be crafted using the encrypted matter it wants us to make specifically cherry wood saplings so the cherry wood samplings are a little more expensive they do require five encrypted matter and so that is going to require that we craft a a regular crafting table I don't know if we have the crafting station we do it looks like we actually have tinker's construct installed so we can make the crafting station the crafting station is uh basically an upgraded version of the crafting table the benefit to the crafting station is that you can leave items in it so if I put some wood in there and then walk away the wood doesn't spill out onto the floor you can start putting a crafting recipe together and then come back to it when you have the white items which is just a small Improvement it also does allow you to access adjacent inventories so if we put a chest down right next to the crafting station we can put things in here and then access them from within the crafting station itself which is super useful I do believe that you can also shift-click in recipes and so if we try and make a note chest here we can shift click in and it will pull the logs from that adjacent chest into the crafting station which is going to be super useful for early crafting recipes thankfully there are no mobs here no mob spawning even at night so we don't really have to worry too much about it getting dark here now that we have a crafting table we can of course craft our cherry wood sapling and just like before we can do a little bit of Shifting here to get that tree to grow this is quite a nice reaction I do quite like the the pink leaves there they've also got slightly smaller logs and we also do have a cherry wood leaf carpet on the floor though as well this one does seem a little bit trickier to uh to break so I will quickly whip up a regular old axio although I do assume that we're going to start with tinker's construct probably sooner rather than later this Quest wants us to get demonic locks so we can craft cherry wood logs with encrypted matter to make demonic logs okay so I don't know if this cherry wood log is the right cherry wood log it looks like a rather thin cherry wood log oh but we can craft two Thin cherry wood logs together to make a thick cherry wood log and then we can craft that with our Mata to get demonic logs let's make a few of those how do those look those look like they're gonna give us some nice red planks they do look at that I quite like that I could see us making a bit of a base with some uh some red demonic planks there inside of our simulated reality that we currently live in uh big up here though I don't know if we necessarily need to go this way just yet it looks like this is going to be used to make our bucket of lava yeah we need some demonic leaves which we can get as well from the Demonic logs but um that's jumping the gun a little bit because there are a few other things that we're going to have to work through before we can get down to uh to the cobblestone generator here so it does look like we have a little bit of X Nicola in the pack although I'm fairly certain that we don't have any sieving yeah there's no sieving in the pink so it's not that kind of mod pack but we do have Crux and we do have silkworms so it looks like we're gonna craft some sticks craft a wooden Crook and then what you can do with the crook is if you break oak leaves with the crook again if you hold down your Ultraman key you can break them all at once that's going to give you more samplings than you would normally get from breaking the leaves but it also gives you silkworms the silkworms here are useful because you can use those to infest the next tree that you plant and that's going to allow you to get string so if we place this down do a little bit of Shifting you do have to do a little bit more shifting at night there we go we can then go ahead and right click these silkworms onto the tree here that's going to infest the leaf that we right click but then what's going to happen is slowly but surely that's going to infest the adjacent leaves to that leaf and before you know it the entire tree will be full of infested leaves which we can then break to get string So in theory you do only have to put one silkworm in here but I usually like to put a couple in there just to speed it up a little bit especially given that the silkworms are not particularly difficult to get and that you can also cook the silkworms if you have a furnace as a nice light snack if you're feeling a little peckish and don't really mind eating worms um over here we've got a crafting blueprint it can be used to specify ingredient arrangements for easier manual crafting each lot represents a recipe I do not know how this works let's give this a try shall we so do we just uh let's say if I put this in here like that and click tick can I just now right click there to craft I totally can that is very Nifty oh so we can set up recipes that we use often and just kind of create a wall of blueprints and then we can run up just right click a bunch and that's going to craft up all the things we need that is really cool how easy are those to make is the question they are pretty easy to make we do need a painting which requires canvas and the canvas requires either straw or canvas rug I'm assuming the canvas will get requires straw as well the straw we can get by cutting wild rice oh there is also a recipe down here that uses wool and of course we can thank you chant yes if we use our crook on the tree here we get string and we can use the string to make wool real quick I am going to get a bed here because although we don't really have to worry about the fact that it's night time it uh it is a lot dark and I would prefer to be working in in the daytime if at all possible so it does appear that we should be able to make quite a few of those crafting blueprints fairly easily if we wanted to and that might not be a bad idea going forward here let's quickly claim some quests one thing you can do is you can click this button in the top right that allows you to claim all of your quest rewards at once so right now we have three quests that are yet to be claimed but if we click this button it will give us all of the rewards for all of those quests all at once which is uh which is very nice indeed further down here we have wooden shears which if memory serves me right I crafted like this that's going to allow us to actually Shear the leaves directly from the tree so once again and then this time if we use our ultramine key with the shears we should be able to get all of the leads all at once and then from there there are two things we can do we can place the leaves into a barrel that's going to allow us to get more dirt and therefore grow more trees or we can put it into a crucible a wooden Crucible specifically which is going to allow us to get water which is going to be required to make this cobblestone generator so I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to do both of those if we quickly get some slams and craft up one more set of planks here we can make a regular wooden barrel like that if we put this down you can place things like leaves or samplings into that Barrel I think it takes eight it does once you've done that you'll see in the top left that the progress bar there is completing and after a couple of seconds that should transform into our second piece of dirt it does indeed fantastic for now we can go ahead and put that down right next to this one uh we are currently missing a pickaxe that is completely fine we should be able to make one of those I also don't know if the the world is simulation block all the way down or if there's anything else lower in the world like underneath the simulation block I would assume that it is simulation block all the way down the wooden Crucible here I think again is just basically oak logs yeah with sticks and a slab and this works in basically the same way here we can place I believe some oak leaves into here one two three and four this time and if we press shift you can see that uh very slowly but surely that is going to transform those uh leaves into water eventually it will get as a thousand millibockets which equates to one bucket of water but at the moment it's uh it's only at 32. so that's going to take a little bit of time we can leave that doing its thing for now until then let's claim some of our Quest rewards here uh we do get some vegetable soup here which is gonna be very helpful that is a very hearty Meal which I'm very happy to have and this wants us to get 16 dirt which is quite a bit of dirt here now it looks like we can make wooden plates out of wooden pressure plates if we do something like this and then something like this we totally can look at that this wants us to make four and I have made three that is fine I probably should start putting some of the stuff here that we have in uh in this chest especially some of this encrypted matter because we do have far too much of it clogging up our inventory as for that wooden gear that also looks like a fairly easy recipe it's four planks and one stick and then finally there is a wooden machine frame which is four wooden plates one wooden gear and then it looked like four wooden planks it is nice now the recipe for the cobblestone generator here requires that one wooden machine frame with six planks and then one ceramic lava bucket and one wooden water bucket that shouldn't be too difficult I don't think do we have four demon logs we do not that means that we're gonna have to get some more cherry wood I don't know if we can grow two cherry trees next to each other because they are a bit of a weird shape unlike a regular old Minecraft trees but once we have some more cherry logs we should be able to fairly easily craft up that fourth demonic log and that in turn should allow us to craft up demonic leaves it totally does fantastic that gets us a blood cake which is definitely worrisome I don't know if we should be eating that or if that's just if that has other adverse effects but we'll put that down for now maybe we'll eat it uh if we find ourselves in a pinch as for the water bucket here I believe that if my kevopolis memory is serving me right this is the recipe for a wooden bucket and in a few minutes we should have a bucket worth of water that we can extract from The Crucible while we wait for that to finish though we can take a look up at the top here and maybe look at making our first few Tinkers tools so before we do that there is one more Quest here or more optional quest for uh the crafting table on a stick this is a pretty nifty little item and again if memory serves me right I think the recipe looks like that apparently I am mistaken the recipe is instead much easier it's just there perfect so this does exactly what you would expect it to do while you're out and about instead of having to find your way back to a regular crafting table you can just right click the crafting table on a stick and it gives you a three by three crafting table that you can use anywhere in the world you can now craft anywhere anytime we also get a stone cold on a stick that's pretty nifty actually I didn't know that was a thing that existed and we also get some more cryptocurrency taking us to a grand total of 24 that's quite a bit I don't know if we really have anything that we want to buy just yet I feel like a lot of the good stuff is is pretty expensive yeah we are pretty close we could buy a backpack if we wanted to and these backpacks are very good at the sophisticated backpacks you can get quite a few upgrades for these backpacks that allow it to do quite a lot of stuff my favorite is the the feeding upgrade so you can just put food into the backpack and it will automatically feed you that food over time which is uh it's super Nifty although the backpack's not that difficult to craft I don't know how hard it's going to be for us to get things like leather but it does seem like the backpack is craftable fairly soon so I might continue to save the the cryptocurrency here until we can get something super useful I really do like speed I do like creative flight those might be quite far away but I would like to uh to get those as soon as possible if we could so a bank over here the blank pattern is something we've already made but we can make more it is quite simply two blanks and two sticks like so from there we can make the Tinker station the part Builder and the crafting station the crafting station we have and so I think if we pick this up that should complete that Quest it totally does so the pop Builder is super easy to make two planks and two blank patterns we then have the Tinker station which is also super easy to make it's yet more planks and yet more blank patterns let's go ahead and drop those down here and here and so now we should be able to make our first Tinkers tools although bizarrely as a reward for completing this we were given a copperho a copper pickaxe and a copper X so I don't really know if there's much point in making a Tinkers tool just yet at least not until we burn through these because right now all we can make is wooden tools and the wooden tools are definitely not going to be as good as the copper tools that we've been given for completing the quest we are very close on The Crucible we're almost 800 millibockets so maybe uh 80 of the way there while we went for that final 20 to come in let's go ahead and make a few more barrels here I think I'll make four more for a total of five and we can do something like this because the quest to get 16 dirt is going to require quite a lot of leaves and it's also going to take quite a bit of time with just the one Crucible again I do think here that there's no limit to how fast you can put things into these barrels and so if you do it quickly if you can right click quickly that is it uh it should go in quite fast and not too long later we have 16 dirt fantastic and our Crucible is done we've got one whole bucket of water so we can go ahead and take that out now what we should do here is we should go ahead and start making a second water bucket worth what I think I'm gonna do actually is I think I'm going to make a second Crucible because it does take a little while here but uh what we should do is we should make an infinite water source so that we don't have to uh keep using this method for getting water in the future so I'll get another Crucible going I am going to use this bucket of water here to make the cobblestone generator but hopefully these two are going to finish about the same time and once these two are done we can use these two buckets here to make an infinite water source and then from there we shouldn't have to use these uh crucibles really ever again to get water going forward so thankfully this Quest does give us a ceramic bucket and then now all we need to do is uh craft up this cobblestone generator which requires a ceramic bucket of lava which we can make actually we didn't even need the ceramic bucket because we we can make a ceramic bucket of lava using a wooden bucket which is uh surprising to say the least but either way do we have what it takes we do not reminiscing four demon logs that should not be a problem for us let's do one two three four from there we can craft up the ceramic lava bucket and from there we should have everything we need to craft our first cobblestone generator [Music] [Applause] nice so now what we can do with this is we can place this down alongside a storage device so I think if we put down the cobblestone generator and we put a chest above it it should start receiving Cobblestone at a rate we type in cobblegen of I think one Cobblestone per second it doesn't tell us the rate here but I think it's about one Cobblestone per second it's not particularly fast but it is free now we do have we look under the storage section here storage draws in the pack and so hopefully if the recipe hasn't been changed what we should be able to do is craft up a regular old Minecraft chest and then craft that with six planks to get a regular storage drawer and from there if we place that storage drawer above the cobblegen like so the cobblegen is going to start storing all of the cobblestone in the storage drawer and just for those who don't know the storage drawer here is a single block storage device that can hold one item but it can hold a large amount of that one item by default this can hold 2048 of any item so right now it can hold 2048 Cobblestone if you shift right click you can see that it has upgrade slots you can upgrade it to hold I think up to over a million of any one item and there are also different types of storage drawer that can hold more than one of a given item so for example this one here the two by two drawer can hold the same amount total it can still only hold 2048 items in total but instead of holding 2048 of one item it can hold 512 or four different items if that makes sense now the twitch chat is telling me that we should be able to upgrade the cobblestone generator basically straight away to the Cobble gen tier 2 and that does appear to be correct because all you need for the next year of cobblestone generator is the first tier and eight Cobblestone boom and boom so this is going to make cobblestone faster 27 28 29 30 so maybe two per second now it might be twice as fast as the old one there are five tiers of cobblestone generator the next one requires iron and then gold and then Diamond but I think the diamond one here produces like 20 Cobblestone per second it is very fast and can produce a staggering amount of of cobblestone for us for now though that appears to be everything in the uh from everything questline complete so next up is I heart chemistry so uh just for ticking this Quest we do get a helium neon argon radon Xenon and Krypton which I believe are all the the noble gases there the novelist of guesses uh these are all different lamps I don't know if we need these for anything or if these are all just purely aesthetic we'll start those away for now maybe we'll uh we'll use those in the future if they are like maybe we'll put them down decoratively if they're not used for anything uh in the near future we do have this custom recipe here that lets you uh craft four chests from eight logs which is super Nifty allows you to craft a lot of chests very quickly unfortunately I put those down incorrectly I have to not shift when I put it down there we go and then we'll do something like this because again we have to not shift when we put these down so we'll go boom boom just so that we put those down and they connect fantastic so let's have a look what is the next Quest here the next Quest I think might be up here it totally is so we'll take this who hates chemistry I heart chemistry all right so the first Quest is to make a cobblestone generator and I do quite like that the game is giving us quite a bit of stuff right out the gate here again let's do a little bit of an inventory claim I'm gonna put everything in here for now and I'm going to keep the stuff that I need which is a pickaxe and an X and then maybe my crafting table on a stick we could always pull more out when we need it and you know what just for good measure boom we'll put our fire hazard warning sign up as well no fire there right now but you know there might be some in the future in fact actually can I put that uh on here there is a little bit of lava there that could be uh considered a fire hazard either way let's have a look can we craft ourselves a regular old Minecraft furnace we cannot that leads me to believe that the recipe has been tweaked it has we require seven Cobblestone and then one compressed Cobblestone thankfully we do have a large amount of cobblestone and so making that happen is nice and easy we'll go ahead and throw that down uh let's say here for now as a reward we do get four compressed Cobblestone a guidebook to alchemistry the periodic table of elements and yet another cryptocurrency um I do quite like having this available to us gives us a nice easy Glimpse and to add all of the elements there and it also does show us the atomic makeup of those elements as well which is uh is interesting at the top there with the uh the circle it shows you the uh the electron positioning I'm not quite sure if that's going to be particularly useful for us but anyway let's go ahead and progress on here we do have the tier 2 couple gen all we need to do is pick that up and the quest will complete fantastic and now this is where we get into a little bit of the chemistry side of things so for those of you familiar with alchemistry from Minecraft 1.12 the dissolver and combiner are usually the two main machines the dissolver usually lets you break down items into their chemical form and then the combiner usually lets you recombine elements into new resources for example if we look at coal here we can turn two graphite into one call and we can make graphite in the combiner with four carbon carbon we can get by breaking down presumably some form of living material yes we can break down cellulose into carbon and we can get cellulose from logs so basically we can turn our logs into carbon and then we can turn our carbon back into coal so this is basically a way of transmuting certain items into other items via the medium of chemistry now these do require power so I'm interested to know how we're going to power these but uh maybe we'll find that out I am also going to start smelting a couple of logs here just to give us some charcoal to make torches with because it is uh it is getting dark and I would prefer it to not stay super dark thankfully the cobblestone generator does provide a little bit of light but let's have a look here can we make the dissolver I think we can yeah it requires a six smooth Stone one furnace one compressed Cobblestone and one wooden Hopper the twitch chat has recommended that I make quite a few wooden Hoppers here so I am going to do that just so that we have a couple lying around ready to go and we don't have to keep crafting the same recipe over and over and over again these are made in the exact same way as regular Hoppers by the way but instead of using iron you just use regular wood for the entire recipe like so over here we have a few charcoal so we'll go and make at least a couple of torches here to light up the uh the area around us all right so I've scattered a few torches down for now uh just to kind of tie this over until we eventually get to uh to sleeping but let's go ahead and start smelting up some Cobblestone here I do think it's almost certainly going to be in our best interest to make a few more furnaces uh if we craft down our quadruple compressed Cobblestone that gets us nine triple compressed Cobblestone that we can then craft down into a stack and 17 double compressed we can then craft that down into a staggering amount of regular Cobblestone and then you can see here that we have just a crazy amount of cobblestone available to us thanks to that Quest at the beginning and that should allow us to make really as many furnaces as we like let's do something like this and we're probably gonna need to get more wood very shortly because we've managed to burn through our entire supply of wood very quickly um I am going to put a lot of the Cobblestone aware I don't think we're quite at the point where we can make a compacting draw just yet we're not we need both Redstone and iron before we can make a compacting drawer so um right now we can't really do too much with the compressed Cobble outside of put it into its own door we could craft it down to a regular Cobble but I'm going to keep it as compressed Cobble just in case there are more crafting recipes that do require the the compressed Cobble again it's just going to save us having to uh to recraft stuff over and over and over again so what I'm going to do now I guess is uh quickly see about smelting up six or I guess 12. yeah 12 smooth Stone and then from there we should be able to make both the combiner and the dissolver we did just get a a comfort buff for eating our our vegetable soup I'm not quite sure what Comfort does but I'll take it uh over here we do have 16 of the smooth Stone and if we grab some more Cobblestone of both varieties we should be able to craft up at the very least two more furnaces and that should be everything for us to get the dissolver and the combiner [Music] so both of these do require power at least the combiner does maybe the dissolve a dozen it doesn't say it does but I think it might now we do have a quest line down at the bottom let me quickly claim my cryptocurrency here we do have a quest line right down to the bottom for generators and the first questio says that these generators burn any flowerable items to generate RF uh burn time is the same in all generators only the output of the generators is different so there are a ton of generators here they're all basically do the same thing but they just produce more power from burning things like word call sticks charcoal slabs Etc and I think the first and easiest one for us to make is going to be the stone generator here it does only produce one Redstone flux per tick which is not particularly great but we don't currently have any of the stuff required to make these other guys here so I think we're gonna have to start with this which is eight smooth stun and another regular furnace the regular furnace again should not be be too difficult for us and then from there we do have the smooth Stone required to craft ourselves a very basic and very bad storm generator so let's put the combiner on one side and the dissolver on the other and then let's see about putting a little bit of fuel into those machines I think it might be worth making some charcoal here potentially although actually it's probably not we can get wood very easily I think it's probably just best that we throw planks in there and let those burn into uh into power so in order to progress on to the next quest line uh we do need to make a compactor which I don't think is a device I've used for used before but does appear to be fairly easy for us to uh to make let's quickly get some more smooth Stone smelting here and then other than the smooth Stone we need two 2x compressed Cobble and another wooden machine frame which really shouldn't be too difficult and we do have more planks available to us so let's just go ahead and craft up yet more wooden plates boom there's our wooden gear and boom that is our wooden machine frame can we sleep to get rid of the rain we cannot uh let's go options uh music and sound and then let's turn weather right down there so it's not quite as loud as it was before and that should be everything for the combiner the only downside another combiner sorry the compactor the only downside to having a chest next to your crafting station is that it blocks your bookmarks again for those who don't know you can bookmark items in JIS if you find a recipe that you want to save for later like the compactor you can hover over it press a and then it will save it over here so that now even if you get rid of the search for compactor it's still there on the left hand side and again you can press a just to get rid of the recipes once you've made them but that's quite useful normally because it means that for example if we get our crafting table on a stick I can just click here and see the recipe so it's a little awkward sometimes having a chest next to the crafting station like that but either way for now if we make two double compressed Cobblestone that should be everything for the combiner it is and I believe if I'm not mistaken but that should be everything that we need this one does require power that we need to get into the next quest line so let's click here visiting other dimensions interesting so we need to make 10 obsidian and I assume based on the fact that we've just been kind of walked through our chemistry I assume we have to do it using our chemistry so I think we're going to need 80 potassium chloride 80 magnesium oxide at aluminum oxide and 240 silicon dioxide that might sound like a lot but I'm pretty sure you get silicon dioxide from cobblestone yeah so and also it looks like the dissolver might not require any power like its bar is not filling up there but it's also not working okay so maybe it does need power let's try this one's filling up first we might just need so many more generators to get enough power for this okay let's see about making at the very least two more Stone generators then and for now what we'll do is we'll just move these and we'll have one generator next to each machine so that we know exactly where all of our all of our power is going so I'll put wonders of it there and open the combiner there like that so now we can put fuel into all of these and although it's still going to be slow because we're only producing 1 15 of the power required we should be able to put some cobblestone in here and start breaking that down now if we press U here we can see that there's a 96.82 chance that we get nothing from Cobblestone and then there's a small percentage chance that we get silicon dioxide iron aluminum gold zincronium zychronium sorry gallium dysprosium tungsten and nickel okay we can also take our white simulation blocks here and break these down these give you a much higher rate of silicon dioxide as well as a little bit of tungsten so maybe we should throw those in yeah that's going to get us some silicon dioxide now the question becomes I guess where do we get everything else from potassium chloride we can get from Granite diorite endocyte and then all the polished versions of that I don't know though if there's a way for us to get Granite early on oh I guess it all he is right yeah so we can take our it's an interesting situation I'm not quite sure of the logic of how that works but we can take our Cobblestone or our simulation block we can run that through the dissolver to get silicon dioxide and then over in the combiner we can put in our silicon dioxide and we can turn that into granite oh my bad it goes in the uh the compactor like this now I don't know necessarily how we specify that we want Granite because the recipe for Stern and diorite is the same can I shift click the recipe in Oh I thought we can all right nice okay cool there we go so we can use our simulation block or Cobblestone to get silicon dioxide we can then use the silicon dioxide to make grenade but then we can break down the granite to potentially get potassium chloride it's not particularly a higher chance but there is a chance though of getting potassium chloride interesting okay let me uh claim my cryptocurrency reward there that is interesting you can also of course combine chlorine and potassium in the combiner to make potassium chloride and it's quite possible that there might be a better way of getting potassium and chlorine you can get potassium from potatoes and you can get chlorine um from something there is a layer of gray simulation block underneath the white layer simulation blocks can be dissolved into different elements and components so what do we get from light gray simulation block is my next question like gray simulation block gets us silicon dioxide iron carbon and tungsten interesting so the cool thing is here what we can do is that we can break this down and we can actually use the iron to make ion ingots so we can take the iron and if we put it in the compactor we can turn 16 iron element into one iron dust and then of course we can smelt that one iron dust into actual ions so we do have a way straight out of the gate here of getting iron I do think but one of the first things that we should probably look towards doing is upgrading our power generation because at the current rate it's going to take us a little while just to get the like just to do anything here because it requires uh so much power I'm only producing 1 15 of the power required so it might be worth trying to get some iron here uh do we have the ability to ultimize this we totally do and one thing you can do if you hold down your ultimate key you'll see in the top left it currently says shapeless if you hold shift and then scroll you can change the shape of the area that the ultramine mines out so if we click mining tunnel we can then go ahead and do something like this which almost worked and this and this oh it zigzags okay so it goes from white to green and back to white again but basically you can kind of see there from the outline that this digs a little bit of a zigzag tunnel oh I didn't realize we're so close to bedrock wow okay so we started like y level eight I really thought that we were uh we were much lower down oh people do also mention of course uh let's uh sleep because there's a thunderstorm but people have pointed out we do have a compressed Cobblestone and compressed Cobblestone is quite possibly one of the easiest ways for us to get a large amount of resources so if we take this and we uh we recompress it back into triple or double compressed and then we take that and compress it into a triple compressed if we put a triple compressed in here let's take these out first we actually get quite a bit of stuff we got a lot of silicon dioxide some aluminum some iron and some gold let's put all of that in there and that's gonna get us quite a bit of stuff specifically iron gold which are going to be particularly useful for uh for getting those higher tier generators chant does make a good point that quite possibly the best course of action here is to focus initially on upgrading the cobblestone generator because it looks like we've got 2000 Cobblestone but it looks like Cobblestone is going to be our main source of stuff at least in the early game here how hard is redstone to make if we can get some Redstone then we should be able to make a compacting draw very easily we need strontium carbonate and iron oxide so iron oxide is iron and oxygen strontium carbonate is strontium and carbonate carbonate is carbon and oxygen so carbon we can get oxygen I think we can also get because I think we might get oxygen from cellulose so if I was to take something like Uh Wood and I was to drop that into the dissolver that gets us cellulose you'll see cellulose is C6 that's carbon 6 h10 hydrogen 10 and o5 oxygen five so we can break that down we get six carbon five oxygen and ten hydrogen that's C6 h10 o5 beautiful so the iron oxide shouldn't be too difficult the strontium carbonate though could prove itself more tricky okay so it turns out that the red simulation block each simulation block gives you different uh resources which is useful the red simulation block here can be broken down into strontium iron oxide and silicon dioxide the the way you make red simulation block is by crafting normal simulation block with iron oxide and as we should saw before we can make iron oxide so we can get strontium and so I think it actually might be worth seeing if we can't get the compacting draw here the benefit of the compacting drawer is that it's going to allow us to automatically basically craft our Cobblestone into compressed and double compressed Cobblestone so we don't have to do a lot of manual crafting there for getting large amounts of cobblestone so let's see then if we can't get some iron oxide so it used to be that you would do basically everything in the dissolver and combiner it looks like in the new version of alchemistry the combiner is used for combining chemicals the compactor is used for turning chemicals into actual stuff at least that's how it appears to be so far so here we're looking to make iron oxide this stuff right here so we need some iron and we need some oxygen nice it's not much iron oxide but it's sung and then from there we can craft our iron oxide with our white simulation block to get red simulation block and then from there we can break that down now we only need two redstone we didn't get any strontium though if we're gonna make two redstone we need two strontium carbonate and two iron oxide so two strontium carbonate requires two strontium that's basically what we're after right now so let's do what we just did a few more times with a few more logs here and see if we can't get enough strontium also we'd have to change our mining mode back to share plus here uh to see if we can't get to Redstone chat is pointing out that we can actually use beetroots here to accelerate our production of iron oxide because if we break down a beetroot we do get sucrose and iron oxide and of course we can just grow beetroots on dirt and we can make beetroots using iron oxide and sucrose sucrose we get from hydrogen uh carbon and oxygen which we do have so over here if we go sucrose like that we can put in our carbon our hydrogen and our oxygen we got this from cellulose by the way and that gets us sucrose I was mistakenly under the impression that you could craft beetroots into beetroot seeds that is not the case and chat has reminded me we do have to make beetroot seeds first these are a little bit more tricky they require sucrose iron oxide and triglyceride but the triglyceride it really isn't too difficult if we type it in here triglyceride again it is just carbon hydrogen and oxygen fantastic so we'll take all three of those and see if we can't get some beetroot seeds so this is done in the combiner which is not the compactor interesting these are made in the combiner okay so some things are made in here I guess the beetroot seed requires one triglyceride one sucrose and then one iron oxide nice so now we can take that and if we were to go ahead and quickly grab ourselves a regular old Minecraft hoe we can hold the ground here plant down our beetroot like so and then presumably if we shift next to it that's going to accelerate the growth of the beetroot and oh you get more Bluetooth seeds from the from growing it which is fantastic you actually get a lot of beetroot seeds from growing it of course that means that we can go ahead and do something like this and plant down even more beetroots and then we can do this and we can Harvest these and then we can take all of these beetroots and run them through our chemical dissolver which is going to give us even more sucrose which is hydrogen carbon and oxygen as well as more iron oxide that iron oxide is then going to make it easier for us to get the red simulation blocks which we can then use to get some more Redstone now we should real quick here see if we have a bucket left over we do but we can use the ceramic one we should before I forget take our water and create an unlimited water source I'm gonna put that down right about here so now we shouldn't have to worry about using these in the future to get more water and we should be able to get quite a bit of iron oxide very quickly here so once again let's see about doing something like this to get ourselves some red simulation block and we did just mine some more white simulation block from down here I think I am going to try and do a lot of my white simulation block mining on the bottom level of the world here just so that we don't make a complete mess of the surface and then over here let's see if we can't get a decent amount of strontium and then did I figure out how much we needed here each piece of redstone just requires I think just the one piece yes you need one strontium per Redstone and we've got 12 so we should be able to make a fair bit of redstone yeah let's see if we can make that happen so Redstone is made in the combiner again not made in the compactor that is fine let's type in redstone and then we'll put in the iron oxide along with the strontium carbonate we need to make that first of course so straw on TM carbonate first requires carbonate uh the carbonate requires carbon and oxygen both of which we should have so carbon and oxygen will make a fair amount of this because I would like a fair amount of redstone if we can get it although power is of the concern so I won't make too much of actually and then we'll do can I just put these in well like if I do the recipe will it do it for me or will I do I have to no it looks like I do have to actually type in uh strong TM carbonate first boom and boom again we'll not make too much just yet and then from there that should be everything for the Redstone right it's Quantum carbonate and iron oxide boom and boom and there we go we have some Redstone perfect so we do need to get some iron here thankfully we do have quite a bit of it and of course the the Beats here are basically an infinite source of iron because we can take the Beet Roots place them in the dissolver and then take the iron oxide and redissolve then to get iron and oxygen so we can basically use our beetroot Farm here for infinite iron because we can take the iron and craft that inside the compactor this one is done here so we'll press U and then shift click in the recipe and then we can throw all of that in that gets his iron dust we can put the iron dust into our furnaces here that is of course going to get us some iron ingots I'm going to make a few more here we're doing quite a few of these and then once we have enough iron ingots we should be able to make a compacting drawer so the compacting drawer requires a regular storage drawer with two Pistons Five Stone and an iron ingot so Stone we do have Pistons we can make now that we have the iron and the Redstone we just need a few more logs which we are probably gonna have to grow and harvest because right now we are completely out of logs one and two there's two Pistons so now we're just missing a regular draw and an iron ingot the iron ingot we have and so if we craft up another regular old Minecraft chest and another regular old oak storage drawer that should be everything for the compacting drawer and now if we place the compacting drawers above the cobblestone generator it should start to Auto compact our Cobblestone into both compressed and I was hoping double compressed but at the very least it does oh yeah it does okay so opposite is here in regular Cobblestone compressed Cobblestone and double compressed Cobblestone I'm not quite sure why it doesn't show the graphic for regular Cobblestone but if you click here you get regular Cobblestone if you click here you get compressed Cobblestone once we have enough and if you click here you get double compressed Cobblestone which is very useful so we got all of our compressed couples are in there that is perfect and we can also if we want start moving some of our other Cobblestone into here as well the compacting drop by default can hold significantly more than a regular draw you'll see here it can hold up to 128 stacks of Any Given item and 128 multiplied by 64 is 8192 so just by default this can hold about four times as much as the regular draw can plus we get the added benefit of it auto compressing that down for us so now you'll see in the top there that we have 34 double compressed Cobblestone so if we wanted to we could just go ahead and take 34 double compressed Cobblestone out and we could run that through our dissolver to get a bunch more resources now before we do that there are a few other things I think we should do here I think we should look at increasing the tier of our cobblestone generator that's going to allow us to generate Cobblestone faster and because we can't turn Cobblestone into resources it of course generates us resources faster now to upgrade it we do need nine iron and so we are going to have to get I think a little bit more in the way of beetroot um I do believe we can break down the beetroot seeds as well because we're getting a staggering amount of these unfortunately that only gets you cellulose it doesn't actually get you iron oxide and so that does mean that for nil the beetroot seeds are a little bit worthless they're not really anywhere near as useful to us as the actual beetroots are but that's fine we can take our extra beetroots and throw those in and there we go a little bit of beat growing and iron smelting later we do have eight iron ingots so let's go ahead and pick up this guy um I did break the copper pickaxe that we had by uh van mining or Ulta mining I should say for uh the simulation box earlier so we are going to have to look at getting a uh a new pickaxe fairly soon but now though boom that gets us a higher tier cobblestone generator if we wanted to upgrade this even further we would just need eight gold which we're so close to oh no we're not that close to actually never mind um for some reason I thought we would uh it was eight gold uh element per goal that's not quite there but if we take some double compressed Cobblestone uh we might be able to get a little bit more gold although it doesn't look like we're going to get anywhere near enough to get us uh up to eight dust we've got five dust though that's a shame we're so close we've got five out of the eight that we need but for now we can put this back down and we should now see that we are getting Cobblestone faster than before you'll see that the Cobblestone plus seven eight uh and then nine but against the nine it picks up to a compacting drawer it's a little hard to see here but I'm not quite sure I feel like this is a little bit bugged but uh we do have Cobblestone here it is being generated and then it is being crafted up for us to use uh for more resources going forward we are getting rewards as we go here which is pretty nice we are getting more cryptocurrency as well as a little bit of beetroot soup which I will go ahead and slurp down here that also gives us the uh Comfort buff again still not quite sure what that's for but uh we are at Forte cryptocurrency now so we are getting quite close to being able to buy something like speed I said quite close we're a third of the way there to be able to buy something like speed which is not really what I would consider quite close but we're getting though now another thing that the twitch chat is recommending that we uh we make is the Bonsai pod here this is made from five brick and brick we can get by smart and clear player we can get from kalinite cowanite cowanite this might be something that we can make now silicon dioxide we have water we can make at H2O and then aluminum oxide is just aluminum and oxygen and the aluminum we can get I believe from one of the simulation blocks we are getting some from the Cobblestone um let me check though is there a simulation block that gets us aluminum there is the black simulation block which you get from carbon that seems fairly easy for us to do so if we do this with carbon that gets this black simulation block if we run that through here that gets us some aluminum can we make water silicon oxide and aluminum oxide so what we don't have but silicon dioxide we've got a ton of water we can make with hydrogen and oxygen I do wish that these were not the same color that's a little tricky to uh to make out like if one of these were blue that would be easier but let's do this and this again I think nine is probably enough for now and then aluminum oxide is also very easy for us to do it is Aluminum with you guessed it oxygen and then from there that should be basically everything we need right so if we're going to make the kalinite we just need two silicon dioxide one aluminum oxide and water so let's type in k-a-o click on that we'll put in the aluminum oxide silicon dioxide and water that's going to make us the calorite and then I think we need one more it looks like we might need more water there we go and once we have the kalanite we should then be able to head on over to our compactor and begin turning that into play nice once we have five clear we can smell that up into five brick and once we have five brick we should be able to get the Bonsai pot from the bonsai trees 3 mod and from there well that's going to allow us to do is Ultimate the growing of things like wood here to basically give us an infinite supply of wood going forward which is going to be particularly useful for fuel right now we're using wood as our sole method of generating power and if we can automate the production of that power that's going to make our lives so much easier it's going to mean that we have to spend less time going forward at twerking to grow trees unless I'm harvesting the wood from those trees so the Bonsai pot what we can do here I think is we can go ahead and craft up a two by two storage drawer this one here that I mentioned earlier if we put that down these are crafted in sets of Fall by the way if we put that down let's say here and we place the Bonsai pot on top of it what we can do is we can place a single piece of dirt into that Bonsai pot by right clicking like so we can then place in a sapling also real quick I'm going to turn auto jump off but we can also place a sapling into that by right clicking like that and then you'll see that that is going to slowly but surely grow a tree for us now what we can then do is we can then place an X into the Bonsai pot so if we grab three Cobblestone we can do something like this and we can place the X here into the Bonsai pot that's going to automatically cut down the trees as they're grown and deposit the outputs into the output slot now from there you can also I believe put a hopper into here to allow it to automatically drop the items into the drop below however if I type in Bonsai here I think it has to be a regular Hopper yeah so we've got a regular hopper in that's gonna work we do have a wooden Hopper that's not gonna work we could if we wanted to move the Bonsai pot up by one and use the wooden Hopper to pull the items down boom we do have quite a bit of iron lying around and so we should probably just go ahead and craft up a few more iron dust and use that to actually get a real Hopper that we can use to turn that into an auto Hopper and at that point we will have basically fully automated the process of generating uh oak logs along with saplings and potentially also apples let me check yeah so logs you have a 75 chance of getting apples you have a five percent chance of getting sticks 20 and Oak saplings five percent you can also get leaves as well but if you want to get leaves you have to enchant this Stone X here with sock touch for now we're not going to do that because it's not really worth it to us instead we're going to take a regular chest craft that up into a regular Hopper and then put that into the upgrade slot right there that's going to drop those items down into here this is perfect because this has four slots one four saplings one for apples one for logs and one four sticks and so this should continue to just passively generate all of these resources for us of course if we wanted to we can place down even more of these and we can start using all of that wood as fuel for our Stone generator and also just for regular crafting going forward as well chat is right we actually don't get apples there you'll see it does say requires a beehive upgrade so we would have to put a beehive into the the botany pot or the Bonsai pot like this if we wanted to get the fruit that is Apples but uh that's fine that shouldn't be too big of a problem for us just yet I think Chad that that is probably gonna do it for this episode of encrypted I think what I might do between streams I might make a few more storage drawers and I might look at dedicating a storage drawer to each element right now we do have quite a few elements and things are starting to clog up our storage situation quite a bit I might also make a storage draw for like the encrypted matter and uh and you know wood planks or something like that just so we can kind of more easily organize some of the items we already have next time we'll come back we'll see if we can't get the Obsidian made here I'll take a look between streams and and see if I can't find out what it is we need to get in order to make the magnesium oxide the potassium chloride the aluminum oxide and the silicon dioxide once we have enough of all of these we can make our obsidian we can head through to the Nether and people have pointed out that once we have netherank we can use that Netherrack to get gold more easily because the Netherrack here breaks down and has a chance of getting gold and I think you might even be able to break down uh nether brick as well into uh maybe even more gold yeah you get a slightly higher chance of getting gold if you turn the Netherrack into Nether Bricks first so that is going to be a source of gold for us which is then going to allow us to upgrade our cobblestone generator and we can also then upgrade it even further with diamonds diamonds you can make with carbon so it needs two stacks of graphite is required to make one Diamond then each graphite does require four carbon so we would need eight stacks of carbon if we wanted to get one Diamond but we do in technically have the ability to make diamonds from the wood that we have here because we could turn the wood into cellulose and the cellulose into uh into carbon and then that carbon into diamonds so the diamonds are possible let's go allow us to make a diamond pickaxe and then it looks like we're gonna get a mining portal and visit the mining Dimension which is interesting so this is cool it says baby so this is kind of where it might Verge away from antimatter chemistry antimatter chemistry had a big focus on using uh the chemistry mods throughout the entirety of the pack I'm wondering if this is going to kind of Veer off a little bit and not be quite as chemistry focused once we get to the mining Dimension maybe once we get here we can use this dimension for getting oars and you know things like iron Redstone gold diamonds Etc in the future and then we can move forward through blood magic and some other magic mods into Mods like create into some of the tech mods like mechanism and thermal expansion down into some space mods we do have galactic craft in here part of our goal is going to be to go to at least the moon potentially even a few other planets as well and then the final quest uh line Looks something like this we do have singularities they don't seem too too bad they all require Elements by the looks of it here but again ten thousand oxygen in the elite game hopefully shouldn't be too too difficult and our final goal of course is to craft the finished program here this is quite the uh the recipe book I'm sure we'll get there in due time but for now I'm gonna go ahead and wrap up today's stream there [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Gaming On Caffeine
Views: 517,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Encrypted, Encrypted, Encrypted Mod Pack, Mod Pack, Minecraft 1.18.2, Minecraft 1.18, Modded Minecraft, Let's Play, Encrypted lets play, Encrypted Playthrough, GamingOnCaffeine, Survival, How To, Best Mod Pack 2021, Getting Started, New Mod Pack, Best New Mod Pack, Mods, Modded, Minecraft mods, FTB, Modded Stoneblock, Modded 1.18, Modded Survival, Stoneblock, Questing Modpack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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