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this is a submarine and on it I have to survive 100 days in the contaminated ocean every 10 days the level of the infection will increase dramatically increasing the spawn rate of dangerous creatures we'll be able to upgrade our submarine and explore a huge infected map which is filled with different locations and one of them is the Mariana Trench day one I appeared on some small island first day guys there's some kind of PR skeleton and some chest here the first thing to do was look around because the world here is full of Interest locations and especially underwater this is a contaminated ocean yeah to be honest without the note I'd have no clue I didn't waste much time on land and went straight into the water look at how huge that shark is as you understand guys the ocean is contaminated and I have to be really careful here so that I don't end up like this skeleton over here we appeared almost at the highest point of our world here it was possible to explore various dungeons relatively calmly even without a submarine so I my oxygen ran out come on fast fast fast Faster come on up up up oh my God guys I completely forgot that I can breathe underwater four Hearts friends I guess the seab B will have to be explored in several Dives I haven't found the promised submarine yet but I did find a pistol and an underwater mask now we could stay underwater 35% longer at this rate my guils will start growing soon oh and by the way I got a pistol the only question is whether it shoots underwater I don't know yet oh wait what is that okay guys I need to take a little air my gills haven't fully grown yet I think that the submarine is not in a very good condition yeah oh oh what is that what else is there stop to HP even the pania will seem friendly to you compared to the creatures that live underwater even though we were literally 10 blocks from the surface the infection had taken its toll and even he aggressive mobs responding now it's time to check if the Gun Works underwater and as you can see yeah it works near the submarine there was a chest with an O which I read with pleasure this is the legendary submarine bumblebee if it will help you explore the ocean and all the darkness that lies within it that's great but he won't even move look there's moss growing on it already by right clicking on the transport a menu opened where the required amount of resources was written down for the submarine to work okay I understand to fix it we need some kind of currency and I feel that today we'll have to look for it before the end of the first day I have to make at least some kind of home for myself collect starting items and resources so the first thing I decided to do was to go get wood as usual so guys I was barely barely able to collect one tree in this survival blocks break super slowly but what do you want it's the real hardcore survival we're on the surface guys and we can finally make our first crafting table great guys congratulations let's make our first tools the next question arose of how various ores such as colar iron could be mined in the contaminated ocean and I'll tell you that the answer lies in these Stones there was a huge number of them in the ocean all the ores that were're used to seeing dropped from them look these are iron samples can be melted down I wonder what will come out of this so look we melt down a sample of iron and get yes we get an iron ingot that's it so it turns out we can break all of these Pebbles and get our needed ore from it and look I think I missed this chest after spending a couple more minutes in the ocean looking for various resources I began to prepare for the night and made a small shelter that I hope will help me get through the first night second day and I think I was lucky because absolutely no one attacked me at night today I continue to explore the starting location of world and discovered these interesting geysers yeah look there's some I don't know gazers here they're releasing so many beautiful Bubbles and maybe I can somehow interact with them so oh wait coal Coal and gunpowder thoughts it seems that resources have not yet accumulated in this geyser definitely geers were a cool resource of renewable resources such as gunpowder and coal but besides geysers on the second day I found something interesting so what's this wait are these the houses from SpongeBob okay let's get serious now and by the way here there's a piece of a ship and let's see if there's any resources here so okay just resources since this is an infected ocean guys there will be a crazy number of underwater infected and apocalyptic locations for example here is just a piece of a ship and there's even a note here the first day I decided to start keeping a personal Journal while I was sailing I'll return home only in a year the sooner the better day 10 everything is going as well as possible but every day looks monotonous I hope there will be something interesting day 20 we went out into the open ocean it's so beautiful here the captain locked himself in the control room and didn't answer the ship rushes straight towards the Rocks the crew is in panic I'm afraid this is my last entry oh my God guys and as you understand this is a really contaminated ocean there's no other name for it just half HP just half HP guys I guess this will be a really difficult survival at first glance although maybe we'll someday find some kind of scuba gear day three until now our main goal was to repair the submarine but to do that that I had to collect 15 mesh fibers of course you're wondering where do you even find it if you watch my video where I survived 10 different apocalypses in a bunker then you'll know that there was a recycler by putting garbage in it you could get scrap in this survival everything works exactly the same only the recycler is now overgrown with corals and Moss and slightly different resources are needed for recycling it's day three and I noticed something strange guys look there's something glowing there and it's really really deep from where we are now and what's more guys there seems to be a part of have some ruins of course I still can't see what's there but we need to somehow swim there but as you understand for now this was impossible for us because the submarine was still broken and we simply didn't have enough oxygen instead of building a house in the coming days I decided to completely explore their starting location so that there wouldn't be a single untouched chest left so here we have two geysers and even a box with debris so let's collect collect this whole thing we don't have much oxygen so let's look quickly so some kind of pants great div pants and let's go up as soon as possible Possible Oh my God we've gone so deep already okay I made it guys I made it although in the following days I was attacked by monsters many times I was still able to collect the required amount of resources to repair the submarine friends it's been a really long time and as you understand I simply didn't find a recycler so I have a lot of garbage lying around at home but the 15 items that we need in order to repair the submarine I just simply found in chests so okay guys we seem to be moving that's amazing just take a look oh my God guys look at that now I could control our submarine but moreover I could improve it oh yeah look this is the upgrade menu so it turns out that for the currency we find here and process in the recycler we can also upgrade our submarine first of all I decided to swim to those same ruins that I saw at the beginning of survival from my Island so guys let's stop at the entrance actually perfect just take a look okay as you understand we don't have much time to explore because our oxygen is being used but now guys I just found a book C be refueled with oxygen and our submarine and by the way this skeleton was less lucky than me and I hope that I won't end up like this snorkel the we can breathe under water wait stop yeah that's the logic of Minecraft I understand no you don't need to put an oxygen tank or a diving mask just a snorkel with a mask for underwatering breathing and that's it friends I guess now we can safely swim underwater as much as we want okay we probably won't take this off let's wear it all because it at least gives us some armor now I could loot all the boxes very calmly and even read a note at a calm Pace but the most important thing was that there was a recycler here just look at how we looked now so we can even drop off our items to recycle them yeah great yeah look wait wait guys who is that I don't even know who it is oh my god oh oh okay at least he doesn't do a lot of damage okay at least he doesn't do a lot of damage so guys he left me on 2 Hp I thought he was weak but apparently not guys here of course first we looted this is already the basis for this survival and let's start with this build build that suffered more Empty Barrel so some barrels I don't know guys this might be useful to us I think it's better for us to collect it while I'm digging like this my whole life will pass through okay this building looks way more interesting so sword a new gun okay not bad pretty good let's go having reached the location I decided to return home because it was already nighttime on the surface day seven there are 3 days left before the infection rate increases and of course this is very little time considering that we don't even have a base yet day seven guys it's insane but we don't even have a base yet we have two options where to build it either in the air or underwater you know we've never had an underwater base in any of our survivals I think it's time to fix this let's go I chose a place for the base quite quickly it wasn't far from our start but at the same time it was also close to the new biomes of the infected ocean okay this place is not bad I think it's best to make the base in the mountain and we'll make the platform for a submarine right here it took me two whole days to collect the resources and build a frame and on day 10 something really strange happened uh guys I think this is it the level of the infection in our ocean has increased the color of the water has changed and new monsters have appeared but most importantly all those same underwater volcanoes from which we had previously collected coal and gunpowder have disappeared from the world as well to be honest it's even scary to go into the water I wonder what kind of creatures making those sounds okay let's put the Panic aside let me show you my house in general so far everything here is pretty modest we have a bedroom here small storage area for now and right here where the warehouse is we have a couple of furnaces as for a submarine I managed to make a small frame underwater like a garage for it it's clear that the submarine will stay in the water it'd be pretty strange if it stayed on land but maybe we'll make some kind of log system in the future I won't think ahead for now so far this is what it looks like before exploring the Deep biomes of our contaminated ocean I wanted to stock up on resources a little bit since we'll never know in advance what items from this world may disappear I spent SP four whole days collecting all the logs that lay broken in the sand various plants and ores and by the way there were even small mines here or rather underwater caves in which just like in regular Minecraft there were the most common ores so guys before we go to our new ocean biomes I want to show you the submarine itself there has been no review yet so first of all we have a cabin like this and this is where we control the submarine and here guys we have a living room if we suddenly find ourselves somewhere very deep underwater then we'll probably be able to lie down on the floor here but overall I hope that there's going to be different improvements here that will help us arrange it all so let's not waste any more time let's go and on day 15 we began the dive into the depths of the ocean guys be sure to tell me in the comments if you have a fear of deep water I most likely don't although we're all afraid of something mysterious look at these debris here okay I think first of all let's park and try to loot this ship guys just imagine how deep we are there might be so many monsters here these guys were clearly out of luck oh okay note let's take the note distant lands they exist I thought there was no land in this world but it turns out that there is and it's better not to get close to it what why if there's land it's better not to approach it I would love to check it out but again no one knows what could possibly be there so wait a minute what is that hey stop what kind of monsters are these okay okay guys it's better to reload fast come on the bad news is that I only have eight rounds left some iron slime ball okay good I think this is some kind of part of a ship or just a sunken ship let's try to swim inside oh good afternoon good afternoon oh my God that's it I'm out of ammo okay now we have some problems there's four of them and they move quite quickly okay well it's better than huge megalodons or I don't know giant quids pH he even dropped a helmet wait did you hear that oh my God okay I don't know where that sound came from but it was a little scary now let's definitely swim inside there were a couple more monsters inside having dealt with them I found notes in the boxes that revealed this world to me even more the Super Sound apparatus was able to detect sounds of foliage 4,000 blocks away which means that there's land coordinat 4500 by 4500 oh my God so it turns out we can explore some kind of land okay I think we'll definitely sail there but first we'll explore this ship um that pirania and the pirania launcher oh well maybe this could be useful to me oh come on come here just like that what what are you going to do against my super pirania device that's it guys this is what's going to happen to every pirania that tries to bite me having looted the remaining boxes I decided to go home pack my things and wait for the next day day 16 distant lands interested me very much but no less interesting was exploring the ocean and especially it's lowest biomes the game is built in such a way that we can't just take it and swim there or some monster will eat us or the submarine will not withstand the pressure or we just simply Melt from the temperature and as you understand all of this requires upgrades which I'm going to get in the next coming days well look with the decorations I think we'll wait a little bit although wait sofa you can sleep right on board the submarine and skip the night yeah of course it's useful but here's the locator and what does it do it allows you to find treasure containing mesh fiber oh I decided that first of all we would buy the locator the first thing I did was go to the recycler from all the trash I collected on day 15 I got as many as four mesh fibers not a lot friends but what can you do I started exploring the ocean thanks to the submarine this could be done quite quickly there were both small locations like this and entire underground dungeons okay guys it's a little dark here Zeman is not allowed entry what I don't understand joke what's the joke well guys this is just disrespectful in such places you could really find tons of good loot but there were also plenty of monsters here stop something weird is flying at me I mean floating floating it's more floating more precisely look at how huge that fish is and and look here in this biome there's even some containers that we saw near a spawn I'll take the loot there too and I'll be honest I've been avoiding this weird dungeon for a long time but now I'm going to go in there yeah there's a lot of skeletons in these locations I wonder how I'm still alive string and fish I mean they could have put something better of course oh oh mesh fiber okay new gun will take it and a note if Zan is here tell him that he's a zonoid what do you mean by day 19 I was able to buy a locator these days were very interesting in terms of studying the ocean but at the same time dangerous in terms of Hardcore that's it guys we have an improved locator just great I just didn't have time to test it because day 20 has arrived infection levels in the ocean have risen again and this time Krakens began to spawn on this world update now Krakens will spawn in the world but no more than one on the entire map that's just one Kraken okay one Kraken might spawn the appearance of the Kraken on day 20 stressed me out a little bit well I was just a little bit shocked it's day 20 guys I'm going out into the ocean and as you can see no one has eaten me yet but one thing was clear I had to move way faster because if the Kraken appeared on day 20 then what could appear by day 30 today I decided to start studying the surface of the water because in one of the notes I read that there's land here I don't know why I didn't start doing this earlier but I started encountering some really interesting dungeons um I might be dreaming but I think that's a real Lighthouse the first thing I came acoss cross was a lighthouse or rather an abandoned Lighthouse I don't see any monsters so I think we can just park here and oh my God by the way in the submarine we haven't actually sailed on water like a ship yet all right I hope there aren't any ghosts here I'm just going to loot the boxes here and leave super quietly in the lighthouse I was able to find these resources which was pretty good for a location I didn't even though existed just Tropical Islands and by the way I collected as much wood as possible from them because it takes a really long time to mine wood underwater only by Day 26 I finished exploring the surface and then I began to explore this underwater world again I'm home guys my favorite bed wait no time for sleep that's it I want to say that we've never seen a kraken though although in fact it's already running around our ocean running around how could I even say that although actually he's been living in our ocean for seven days now on day 27 I sorted all the resources that I managed to find on the surface and on day 28 I finally went to explore the contaminated ocean well guys you and I have already bought the locator and we've never actually used it so let's turn it on there's no menus only sound as I understand it The Sound determines how close we are to a treasure yeah oh somewhere close wait here look oh my God it's real that mesh fiber what that's amazing guys we'll take it despite the presence of a locator such Treasures were really difficult to find especially when there's a kraken roaming around these sounds yeah I'm pretty Prett used to them but I don't like it somehow wait that sound was really close wait what's that okay guys let's just turn around we'll turn around and drive off here as quickly as possible this was our first meeting with a kraken in this survival but you can't even imagine how many more different and dangerous creatures I'll meet in these 100 days day 30 Ocean contamination levels have increased again this time a new type of dungeon appeared in random places in the ocean radioactive waste radioactive waste is appeared in your world look for them to loot cool items crack con activity has increased and one new monster the killer fish has been added so a fish that's a killer at this rate all my hair will turn gray soon man I would say that the killer fish was much more dangerous than the Kraken because it could accelerate and act more directed I want to spend most of the next 10 days searching for mesh fiber and exploring at least one new underwater biome guys we're Sailing In Search of our fiber during these 10 days I want to get at least 100 50 of them of course in addition to monsters and various underwater zombies in this infected ocean there were various fish and some of them spawned only in the deepest biomes sh guys of course I've already counted like seven different species of them during these 10 days I was completely immersed in the game sailed over different arches and even visited a variety of caves but on day 38 something terrible happened guys this seems this is my encounter with a kraken and there's no way to escape from here that's it guys there's no turning back he agroed on me guys he got angry oh my God we need to run run wait I mean there's nowhere to run okay here you go Kraken oh my God how much HP does he have I decided to get out of my submarine wait are those guns wait wait a minute come on wait it's actually working come on get it Kraken my key will just fall off my keyboard right now oh my God guys I don't believe this what after defeating the Kraken I was really happy even though he didn't drop anything and as you understand understand the most important thing is that survival continues on day 39 I decided to visit the biome that have been visible since the first day but I didn't dare to go there until today since it looked really dark okay guys our submarine has survived the Kraken so I think that in principle we could try to visit it there were a lot of aggressive fish in this location that I've never seen before they even threw some kind of ultrasonic waves at me otherwise there were also abandoned containers although I think the loot was a little better but on the other side it was nothing special here various crystals and some strange bamboo also grew throughout the biome in general guys I decided that I collect all these strange items since I didn't see any other dungeons for loot here so I think we'll just pick up these glowing blocks and maybe they'll be useful to us in the future day 40 the ocean contamination rate has reached 4 out of 10 and no the color of the ocean hasn't changed yet but the sky began to look really sad as for me the water is still the same color but look at the sky it changed color a little bit definitely I also swam to the nearest Islands I saw that the grass has disappeared from them and even some strange Dirt has appeared that it hasn't even been there before and look even the dirt is becoming infected what if we don't have time to explore the distant land 5,000 blocks away I would of course love to see it in color I didn't get as many resources for the upgrade as I wanted however I could still buy one of them now your submarine is more resistant to different temperatures well guys we only have enough for this I think we better buy maybe it'll be useful for us in some way but let's get ready for an expedition I still want to get to that massive land 5,000 blocks from here I understood that I'll would be on the road for quite a long time and that most likely when I return the level of the infection would be five or even six but nevertheless the interest in this location was greater than the fear of any dangers and I decided to hit the road the journey took me 5 days the most that happened these days was some distant cries of a kraken but I hope I'm just lucky day 48 I reached that very land and the most important Advantage was that the infection hadn't yet reached here all the leaves and trees were in place just look it's it's actually land okay let's park somewhere here and let's see what we have in hey what give me back my cooked piranna there's something that I don't understand at all right now and what you want to eat too who are you anyway and what do you even need and this is how guys this very land meets us in front of us there's already some kind of dungeon with some monsters but I'm glad that at least it's not infected I think the infection hasn't reached here yet and yeah look wait there's a radioactive sign here maybe this has something to do with our contaminated ocean wait guys guys wait okay stop okay there's already some mutants here and that's definitely a bad sign why am I still wearing the snorkel yeah I feel like they're just waiting for me okay let's loot the box so a new gun a new gun is always good so guys guys there's actually a lot of them here so I think that we've completely cleared this location now we can check it out okay mesh fiber gold hook increases experience thrown by creatures especially once you haven't killed recently okay wait where's my hand wait give me back my hand all right it just looks pretty funny so mesh fiber a shovel and a turtle egg okay we'll spawn the turtle egg at our base well definitely not here in the location I found a lot of boxes and in one of them there was even a plot note contaminated ocean the consequences are irreversible no one thought that such a small plant could lead to such an apocalypse except the director certainly he knew everything but it seems that's exactly what he wanted oh my God so we're talking about some kind of factory and about some director who knew everything about this contaminated ocean I can only assume that this plant is located somewhere here but for now let's completely loot these boxes more loot we'll take it then there's a lot of ammo here I really like that so the site can be painted how do I do that um I guess it can then we'll definitely try to do that I was about to go deeper into the island when I found a really interesting item in this box I've captured a mysterious creature glowing octopus in a bucket wo and that's what radiation does to these mobs I guess let's take it back after the location on the shore I decided to go along the path deep into the forest trying to find something interesting and first of all a continuation of the plot because as we understood from the last note there really was a plot here I'm continuing to travel around this island and I don't know how far I walked but I finally noticed something interesting here as usual there's all sorts of monsters and a lot of radioactive barrels with this contaminated water so wait mosquito mosquito oh my God there's a mosquito I just got attacked by a mosquito well who who well okay calm down I just really hope that this Seagle doesn't steal any food although I think he's already stolen everything he can okay 4 HP guys 4 HP two more left so guys I think we've cleared the entire location now I can safely see what's here so these boxes where it says Zan team it usually has the coolest loot okay a new sword okay that's that's a lot better than mine mesh fiber ammo and a note this contaminated water must not get from the plant into the ocean in any way otherwise there'll be worldwide water contamination this could not be allowed but as we understand judging by the circumstances in which we find ourselves the water still got into the ocean and the whole ocean these seagull man so yeah the water entered the ocean and this is where we're surviving right now at some point the sun came out again and I decided deed to go further along the road trying to find the mystery of this contaminated ocean I even had to spend the night on the island and the next morning I reached the final location of this place it was an abandoned Factory guys this whole story led me to this weird dungeon and here as usual there's a lot of monsters so hello hello okay new sight ammo oh oh wait look it's an SKS so okay we can even put a sight here that's really cool and we have a note as well soon the entire ocean will be inhabited by huge creatures is 20 times larger than the largest Megalodon the ocean will become alive I've been waiting for this moment for 20 years today the Krakens will come out so oh my God okay some crazy director of this plant has simply gone crazy well yeah he is crazy but now we need to figure out what even happened the these seagull are just stealing my bread I can't oh wait another note this happened the plant director has gone crazy this can only be stopped in the Mariana Trench it is located within a radius of a th000 blocks from the appearance of the test subject end of connection and I guess the one being tested is apparently me so it turns out near a spawn within a radius of a th000 blocks there's a Mariana Trench and we have to find it in this survival and wait one more note on behalf of the workers of this plant I officially declared that the toilet here is really comfortable eigor uh that's a pretty useless note why do I even need to know this information half of the survival is over it's day 50 and as you understand the level of the infection increased which meant the appearance of three new types of monsters and most importantly a change in the properties of water until today every time I went underwater I was given the effect of night vision this was a certain property that helped me see well underwater but the game becomes more difficult every 10 days and from today this effect is no longer here the water became darker and it became much more difficult to see the monster in it on day 55 I found myself back home of course the journey takes a lot of time across such an ocean guys I'm at home and I want note that look at how cloudy it is around I literally can't see anything and now we'll have to survive in this ocean I almost had enough to buy a whole upgrade and given the appearance of new monsters I decided it was time to save up for it day 56 and as you remember guys we found a turtle egg I think it's time to spawn it here look at the size of it it's so cute just look at it the Muk guys is simply wonderful despite the fact that there's so many monsters here today I'm going to collect these fibers in order to fully up upgrade the hole after a trip to distant lands I collected quite a lot of garbage which I gladly sent a recycler and received quite a lot of fibers that's it guys we have enough for the hole upgraded let's go the next upgrades will definitely be shelves and a sofa my next task was to finally modernize my base and do it very specifically first of all I decided to transform the existing rooms use more technologically advanced blocks and the second stage was to build a second floor the frame is ready guys let's work survival of course is really cool probably one of the coolest in recent times I don't really understand the complexity yet but we had a tough moment with a kraken but that danger awaits us at every step and I don't feel that way yet Perhaps things will change in the future especially with the appearance of new monsters in a couple of days our house was ready it looked really technologically advanced and fit really well into this ocean this is what the first floor looks like I expanded it a little bit our second floor is completely made out of glass and it also looks really cool in my opinion and our third floor is also Al glass and I can directly see what's happening in the valley day 60 and there was only one change in the ocean the activity of sea monsters increased this message in the chat guys it's a little scary well not even a little bit a lot today I'm going to tryy to get to the new biome naturally I realized that there's a lot more monsters and they can attack but after comparing all the pros and cons I still thought it was a good idea I've already swam half the way I will be calm except for the change on day 60 because the crack appeared after that and wait yeah I hear sounds okay these are just sounds if the headphones don't deceive me it's somewhere far away the sound of an unknown monster was getting closer and closer and I still continued to swim towards my Biome and looking back I can say that this was a really bad idea oh my God what this monster is huge oh my god well that's it guys let's go the collision with this monster is inevitable we we'll have to fight usually in all my survivals you can close yourself off the monsters or build up blocks But Here We Were were in their Zone and there was nowhere to run plus the submarines simply cannot swim really fast okay I'm glad that we upgraded the body but still it might not help with this monster come on come on come on come on it felt like the battle lasted about a minute and a half the monster either swam around or intensely attacked me wait what he's swimming away oh my God he he's just swimming away my heart is pounding guys it's it's just impossible Now by some miracle we survived now it was clear that this was defin Ely not an easy 100 days but rather my carelessness which almost led me to the end of this hardcore survival miraculously we reached the new biome and let's see what's here I can't even see anything now and look here as it turns out there's some wrecks of some old ships okay most likely there should be boxes here there were boxes here with really good loot now I knew that at least this journey was not in vain the biome was a Scorch Wasteland but only underwater yeah there's clearly no life here look all the the corals are gray and with this I think we should go home day 62 I set myself the task of finally upgrading My Submarine by Design putting a sofa and shelves there but of course they have uses besides design as I said you can skip the night and sleep on the sofa and the shelves add additional space to ride in the submarine but as you understand before that I had to get a bunch of mesh fiber it's a new day guys and after two attacks by monsters I'm still in shock that we're alive however survival continues and we still have many unexplored locations in this world in the next 10 days the game will become impossibly difficult and in fact I had my last days left to loot the ocean properly there were a lot of locations in these 100 days and as you know they're all completely different on the surface underwater and even in caves oh my God I didn't know there were even dungeons in the caves wait what's this look it's some kind of treasure chest well guys I've collected enough resources to buy two upgrades a sofa and the shelves and unlike the other upgrades the these upgrades were given to me now we'll just put them here like this one and two and now I can pretty much live here leave a like under this video if you would like your own submarine in almost 70 days I still didn't have a farm so I decided to make one okay guys it's day 68 and I'm going to make the farm I think that will make a doed room all together and for this we'll need a lot of glass having dug up the sand and melted everything in the furnace I began building a small sphere which would later become my farm I really hope I have enough time to make it before Day 70 because I'm even scared to imagine what will happen in the ocean like the video for the underwater Farm Day 70 the color of the ocean turned a new color and it was no longer green the number of monsters and their activity increased and some plants began to turn gray and completely Fade Away friends look the ocean is becoming completely apocalyptic there's fewer and fewer small fish here now in this ocean I feel like only huge monsters live today I decided to venture further into the ocean to explore some of the toughest fish to be found here well now we can normally take our resources on the submarine on an expedition we have a sofa and if anything we can live right on it I didn't really know exactly where to go but my task was to go as deep as possible I'm already very deep there's a lot of Sounds here and I think these are coming from huge creatures and basically our hole is strong plus our submarine is well pumped in terms of thermal insulation so I hope everything will be okay having descended even lower I was really surprised I couldn't imagine that I would find a new type of dungeon which at a glance was generally similar to some kind of buildings of another civilization what kind of pyramid is this guys it it's glowing all over the place I couldn't even imagine this existed I think we'll park here there's no one around yet so we'll try to explore it if only understood where I am actually it's so cool that I came across such a futuristic building at such low depths and the first thing I saw is actually this entrance so we have no choice but to go in okay another door I don't even know what to expect so much happened during the survival that it's difficult to even imagine oh wait wait what's this why is my screen shaking there's some crazy doctor here reload reload reload what's going on how many different mobs are there actually in this survival I managed to kill this boss but it was really scary what kind of dungeon is this anyway well okay we're here to explore it so let's go in the first room I was pretty lucky with the loot 31 mesh fiber a book and quill and an eternal steak that I could just eat forever the director of the plant visit at us last week took water samples and went to the next station we don't know what this could mean but something bad is clearly going on there's a chance we could have completely missed this location but I'm super glad that we found it and learned the details about the plot and is there anything else here at all when I returned the next day I saw that the main entrance was below I don't know how I missed it but well it happened so I found the main entrance let's go in carefully um I don't want to go in here anymore wait what are these huge monsters oh my God how many of them are there where did they even come from what are they okay guys carefully they're squeezing Me 2 Hp left guys I have 2 Hp 2 Hp come on come on come on okay I think that's it these mobs also dropped mesh fiber we bought all the upgrades but we'll save it up for repairs now let's take a look around and see what we have here so the station of course is huge ammo and a new gun climbing upstairs I found another note this is Drew girl's Research Center we study the bottom of the ocean and look for new fish the company's next task is to fully explore the Mariana's Trench although no one knows where it is what how you're a research center how don't you know where it is yeah sure I feel like we'll have to look for it ourselves now we'll just completely loot everything and return home and just wow how did we come across such a cool location on day 73 I returned home and sorted out all my things it's day 74 guys and today I'm going to go to the cave to mine some obsidian to finally make an enchanting table in the next 2 days I mine obsidian and also made an enchanting table wo I can even enchant my flippers from day 76 to 79 I improved the parking space for My Submarine that's it guys now our submarine is in a really beautiful place and it's pretty well lit I'm not even ashamed to look at it well guys tomorrow the infection rate will increase and I really hope that the ocean will not just disappear it's day 80 a very terrible thing happened today all the vegetation in our ocean has completely disappeared just look this is our starting location oh my God I hope we can hold out here until day 100 day8 one today a huge and aggressive School of sharks gathered near my house and I just decided not to leave all day just in case these days the sounds of monsters from the depths of the ocean have intensified they were completely different and really scary I even got the impression that it would no longer be possible to survive here because actually there was no resources left for extraction in this ocean day 82 continuing to study the ocean floor I found a really interesting dungeon it was a construction crane guys I don't know how you ended up here but there's nothing else around it's the only one here so we have no choice but to check it out the main thing is that no huge monster comes here otherwise I'll just be done oh note you might wonder where the fosa came from in this ocean to be honest we don't know either end of connection what okay if you're wondering how my team does these survivals as you can see they don't seem to know themselves on day 83 I continue to explore the remaining dungeon I needed to do this to restore the submarine to full HP because it was quite worn out by now I collected everything I could now let's process it great now we can go fix the submarine now let me tell you why I needed to repair it in the first place as you remember on the island I found interesting notes regarding the Mariana Trench and some director of the plant who caused all this infection in general in the coming days I want to go in search of this Mariana Trench well and without a repaired submarine going there will be really really dangerous and that's all I told you guys let's keep going on day 84 I was fully prepared collected the most necessary things in my submarine and set off in the search of Mariana's Trench to accurately find it over and over again I went in different directions from our spawn constantly coming back and forth and trying again honestly there's a lot of monsters around and the sounds are certainly scary and there look there's some kind of huge jellyfish it's probably not a good idea to approach it it might aggro on me in the coming days I try to do everything so as not to aggravate any monsters towards me on day 84 and 85 there was no result on the 86 I found the only surviving Coral which was still colored and nothing else but finally on the 87 I noticed something very interesting so look this is pretty weird is this a cave or is that it wait guys look it's actually it we found it we have found the Mariana's Trench and odly enough there was still vegetation in it perhaps the sight of the infection was completely bypassed however when I swam closer I heard really strange sounds coming from the bottom yeah guys just look at it look at how big it is I can't even imagine how long I can go down there before going down I decided to make a small base so if anything happens I can come back and put all the resources that I find at the bottom on the 88 while I was finishing up my warehouse I noticed some strange creature Swimming by it's good that it didn't attack me on day 89 I explored the area around the Mariana's Trench and found nothing no dungeons no vegetation day 90 in fact today is the last level of the infection rising in the ocean only 10 days can separate us from completing the survival but these 10 days can become a complete test for us and our submarine okay guys if you ask me what change on day 90 I haven't yet descended into the Mariana's Trench I'm going to do this literally any minute but oh my God it was crazy but the entire area around the Mariana Trench was completely covered with Magma veins I don't even want to step there guys I'm more surprised that there's no no such thing around the Mariana's Trench and there's vegetation there it's it's some kind of magic you could say that there was no turning back for me so I decided to go inside the Mariana Trench the dive into the Mariana's Trench has begun guys there's so many fish here wait I think they're attacking me they're attacking My Submarine there's just so many monsters here it would seem like the Mariana's Trench wait this dude wants to attack me oh guys I think that's it more or less various Fisher continuing to swim around but I let's hope they don't attack me I understood that there was no way I could pass this location and that I would have to deal with all the monsters that were here look there's some interesting location here and a few more monsters even a lot I would say Okay monsters so Guys these guys are super tough I don't know what I would do without this shotgun guys I think that we managed to fight off the monsters and let's see what we have here oh so wait a minute that's a new gun the rifle will do great judging by the different guns here I feel like some tough boss is waiting for me ahead there's even a chest plate look at how cool it is let's take it Crystal Heart increases the maximum number of HP wait that's really good guys and there's also a note here the infection was successful now I'll become that same monster and only by defeating me can the infection be stopped so oh my God it turns out that the director of this plan has become a monster and only by destroying him can we try to free the ocean from this infection well then I guess we'll sail there we have no other options I don't know how long the journey will take us but diving into the Mariana's Trench is not a quick thing in these frames The Descent of the Mariana's Trench was still interesting but then it was Pitch darkness and I swam for a really long time first going up and then going down the entire Journey to the very bottom took me six whole days while I was swimming I thought about how incredible this survival was how much we explored and what an unusual gaming experience we got but now the most important thing was to get to the very bottom and on day 96 I finally reached it so guys I'm approaching this monster and the submarine is reminding me of this let's go come on come on come on come on let's kill it some mobs are coming around as well okay we need to leave leave leave come on he's pulling me in guys I think this battle will not be easy perhaps this monster would have had some chances to win but my submarine was pumped to the maximum during this survival come on come on come on come on come on come on guys a little more just a little bit more yes yes guys we destroyed the monster oh my God guys okay this battle was actually easier than I thought we actually managed to survive 100 days in the contaminated ocean friends this is just incredible the Journey Back took the same amount of time and on day 101 I finally emerged from the water it was an incredibly Pure Color that's all guys good luck to everyone Zan was with you bye-bye
Channel: ZeeMan World
Views: 486,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kz1lURIwOcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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