Minecraft Dungeons - With A Squid & A Duck - 🔴 Live

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hello everyone welcome to a another livestream once again gonna be carrying on playing through minecraft dungeons with squashy and squid Squishy's in the cool already squid said give me a sec so that's the current progress hello squashy don't say kalos been talking to you for the last three hours but hello Casey how are you I'm good Debbie how are you I'm doing very very good right everyone everyone we can do bets on when squids gonna show up so the plan was that he agreed to was that we would meet at 20 to 5 to get set up for the stream it is right now to pass 5 when when will squid nugget arrive that's gonna be the the big question when does everyone think Oh alex is here and she's got a little squeaky piggy toy so enjoy that annoying sound in the background front of the stream don't adjust your your headphones my head friends literally just broke so if you start hearing stumpy echoing a bit let me know cuz I can like go and find some other ped phones but I don't really have any more so what do you need just like little more like headphones like yeah yeah somewhere right we were taking bets and when you would arrive I think most people actually a said later than you did see you 1 squared you one yeah 3 minutes left no you're not you we arranged to meet at 20 to 5 so we'd have tried to set up I swear you said 20 to 6 you live your life every could be you oh yeah be bothered alright to change my phone nail from last year I was gonna be too lazy for Dawn yeah there's no this is quite hard cuz like thumbnails there's no like good screenshots of in game four thumbnails really cuz everything's too small in the menus I think we're all just gonna be like switching between the earth the same you know our pictures nipped out to the guns oh no right to get a few plants all the way home we got stuck behind the slowest driver ever ever who's this little old lady and like every turn I took to get back like she took the turn and I was like just let me pass you she was doing like 20 and a 4 and I was just the worst what would you put on citizen pots I got some strawberries or some lettuce got myself some pumpkin plants because I'll be making a little vegetable patch yeah green finger screw so that's what I'll be doing today like I spent a little time recording this morning and I was like I've got a good do be veg patch and yeah I needed some stuff sounded some jolly good jolly good so you are you're just gonna set up your your stream yeah it's pretty much done I just need to find a screenshot okay so before your live I'm just gonna go and say thank you to a few people that have donated already and what I thought we'd do is just in between each round we can go through and say thank you to the donations like before we go into the next level and so then that way we're not doing it in the the game so we can just kind of catch up with our own chats and say hello cuz I realize everyone was moaning that I wasn't looking at the chat enough in the last dream and I was it's just there were many breaks in the gameplay what we do on the hardest difficulty was that yeah like I can I can mute my mic just so you weren't here but I think I think the best way to do it is I just mute myself on discord I think and then I just pull my headphone out so I think I'll just do that right so I'm gonna do that quickly now I'm gonna say hello to some people the games open squid so just pop up in the game and then we load up in the ER the first round okay goodbye I first want to say thank you to to the legendary Kevin who I hope is here because I scheduled the stream and then I looked like this morning and they donated like on the scream schedule so hopefully they're here so the D legendary Kevin donated $10 saying alongside follow I keep it up PS the cropped beacon is okay so I guess we're gonna need to to have to worry about that hopefully they were able to show up for the stream we'll try to see in there in the chat but there's a lot of people here and it's moving very very quickly please turn on slow mode slow mode not on slow mode should be on I think it is on I think slow mode I'll increase slow mode I've never gone oh it's it's every 60 seconds I've never gone over that I've got I'll go to 85 seconds I know it's like slow mode is is pretty pretty divisive yeah people like a lot up but hey if you want me to read the the chat then um like I needed to be a little bit uh slow down anyway thank you to uh to hack as well as a Victoria usher who says hi huge fans are Leland and Harrison thank you for for watching guys I think he was voted to gravy or money donated saying to turn the slow Boudia it is gonna be ugly today thank you turn to juicy boy for the other five donation as well as Michael mania things happen to me as well [Music] thank you so much I was just wondering if you're gonna play Terraria again now then you have a jump so I prefer or an Xbox the life to John Barrowman off the TV just to save I do nephew loves you I hope you say hello to your your watching the stream I please go to the water the dog for becoming a member and Jimmy Snuka patent goblin but you managed to make it live today so hopefully you will enjoy it so yeah thank you everyone so much for donating we will be getting into the gameplay momentarily I'm just waiting for a squid nugget to get completely set up if you are didn't hear he was stuck in Catholic I think that's a find an old lady while driving back from a garden center and I've heard a lot of excuses and that's a new one that's an original one I've heard before so yeah at least he was until he does that telling me I leave my mind is everyone ever so heroes yeah stop this channel okay I'm still here yeah oh so I got him yeah I didn't meet you here I don't you there's a Mary that is amazing okay wait let me let me do a quick test if i press this now both you say blancmange and they shouldn't be able to hear it so say but yeah okay yeah right okay I now that was a good test run for what we need to what we need to do it's so funny I was just moaning about you like your garden sent a story as well at least you can hear me squid right I'm just gonna start like buying summer some equipment and sauna all of my muscle 500 corrupted beacons okay someone donated and said it's okay Ida legendary Kevin says the corrupted beacon is okay Opie and I just got one and holds a mental power within it waits for the moment to unleash its wrath bernie is really really good I'm just sorting up my audio so I'm gonna beat you guys a sec okay okay make sure you actually do Mutis not like stampy yeah she promises kiss me is so rough we don't have time to practice and get it all set up properly was the problem you see you see right I think I'm gonna I'm gonna have to get rid of my my trusty dog I think guys do you would you on it I can't even do that Kendall I know you but like I don't even read the feather move on my healing move sorry oh no I I own equipped in it did like the dog cry so I died it died on the floor next it died of heartbreak for being unwanted literally he died on the floor do it again odo is how what it was because I had a clipped it I thought that was just the sound effect it does when you were you wanna quip it right some good Alex can you give that a break please oh he's just looking at me a little tell waggy how badly can you hear the the oinking in the other background cuz if it's too bad am I have to steal her toy and I'll be the villain but if it's if it's not too bad will it hurt will it hurt you away I see her speak and it says um why is a high-powered beam that continuously damages mobs that's pretty good what are what are you rocking squashy I have speed bade little feather I got this thing still oh yeah yeah and then I got some new armor but I don't really want to put it on because obviously we're staying with the robes yeah we sticking about it sword and I've got power bow I'm pretty basic but it's the trustee things you know and I think like the stun is really useful especially when we're going in yeah waves of enemies the thing is those alright I'm little 25 now and I've got a quite a bad like so like my other gear is like level 37 and 35 but my February 25 I feel like I want I want a new better feather that's what I want yeah my one is 23 so it's better than boy I got never crafted beacon a better one I wish you could like trade I know I'll be so handy I've got more I gots plunker armor again so I can get rid of this one now car says two wizards and a squid that just sounds like a story waiting to happen doesn't it yeah okay yeah what is it called what's that what's the word it's a um wha and Aesop's it's a fable Aesop's fable haha - is is it a squid yeah - who is it and a squid then try out into the crafty swamp you could see two wizards in the wild wearing pointy apps we will besides I've ever destroyed again squids just getting his his stream on his head setting up so squid and I will be streaming squashy will just be joining in for the the fun and the the loot so you'll be able to watch Iruvar views or if you're extra fancy you can try and have both views up at the same time and watch it while cross-eyed if you are if you want to yeah I feel like tutus enough you know if I was streaming at the same time it would just be you know like I kind of want to read like one chat you know yeah so I'm reading your chat and we also we kind of stick together and then squid or just runs off by himself and dies that's kind of yeah if you want to watch that then what squared yeah we kind of go or anyway yeah so for those I don't know what the game is this is minecraft dungeons it comes out tongue Moreau officially squid managed to scale a few copies off the back of a lorry which means we got to play the game a little bit early so this is the full game we played Thea the beta a while ago but then last Friday we played the full game and it's a lot of fun we've been played on the hardest difficulty which seems to be the way to go when playing there the game and it's kind of a brawler game you go kill a bunch of googlies and then you get really good loot for it and then you repeat it all squid nugget has joined the game he's still used to still muted though but he's in the game of ice yeah he's on he's on Nicole's account disco Cujo which is why his uh his name is that I showed up like that but um trust me it is squid right are we gonna go I'll just wait till he's talking before we uh before we dive straight in thank you - yeah - okie cat he says so happy to see your content again I started watching with stampy's lovely world I think it's my turn to Pierce he says maybe you could try revisiting robots from a bit I'm already I'm not a giant fan of roblox so probably wine I'd enjoy that when I played that I am back anyway we saw you popping the game are you are you ready to rock you ready to go straight in well there's only what so there's only one more level we can do now that we haven't done but then there's a locked level which I'm assuming oh yeah when we complete the temple would be able to do it so I think there's only like two main levels that we've got left to do until they have the island realms people are telling me to sell my old legendary gear yeah just just just sell everything there like you're not using now yeah that's what I do I get rid of all of my stuff yeah I think I'm gonna actually I think I'm gonna get rid of the old stuff I don't know if I should keep it or not no if you just salvage it then you get like stuff to lie like more stuff okay I've got like a legend unique diamond sword I kind of like it looks fancy you know what I'll salvage it it's so sorry ice is so gross oh is that the pig yeah it was complaining about it in the chat I thought it was stump it was just a bit like stomach Crump's I see I see if I get two snoot there's even get to snoot so what was that thing that you said was it the corrupted beacon I was at the harvester that you said this about this yeah but those ever watch the other streams us the new trick we've been teaching her to snoot oh no or he's jumped on my lap oh no the animals are taking over at least you got the quiet animal no no she's wearing headphones with wires so oh yeah she's okay believe that's why she's here don't what Emily doesn't sell him you couldn't you can do it like in the game you can just salvage them you just go for like every time I pick something new better I just salvage the old way better armor no Musketeers no go sit with the wizard stick with the rosary to be fair we probably should get better Armour oh my goodness a I've got 1123 32 coins okay I've gotta buy something yeah let me buy something quick go shopping and going shopping one time I will go back up again I'm just sitting on the the menu ever said I can't see the game I'm just saying on the map menu just waiting for this one to finish his shop he's just gotta go up to the garden center quick he'll be back soon [Laughter] wonderful week what's this this item has the faint smell of an open field baked bread and freshly cooked crops what does that do well his old a zombie the llama summons a llama llama gang whoa look at this ama hold up yeah it's not a whiz it's not a wizard on knows it ok ok Skelly armor plus 100 souls gathered oh so you could use this in like unison with the souls thing that's what I'm gonna do okay what are you gonna use that just for this one and then see if it see if it's any better okay there we go can we play God anybody you think this isn't shop simulator right there's a temple yes I think there's only two main two but the thing is there's only two main levels left but like every time you play them like the layout that's what the map screen says there's there was too late middle spaces left this one and then one that says marred early well the yeah but you can see the spaces but they just say lot so this is the only one we can do now but then we're gonna unlock what looks like maybe the final level we're fine find out next week find out right now I lied look at this one it looks can we go in the water subscribe man I want to have a swim chop-chop-chop okay ones be right back got you you're fine just carry on opened pet problems oh sorry I think Ori did something I don't know making a massive poo on the keyboard don't worry easy did you lose headphone cables what was it I'm almost she she bit them roll oh yeah oh yeah so that these cuz when you're wearing headphones like it's a fin cable and also you're moving your head so it's like jiggling around she like Joey's for them what's that like good for Harold bad is that bad fire right it's good I think it I think it's to do with Souls okay yeah cuz I'm I think I've messed up my gear of excite two things that need Souls I got my healing thing and then this corrupted beacon of the corrupted beat him here we go hmm oh it does do a lot of damage right Dragon Ball Z or something yeah Hadouken yeah I'm gonna try to look for some like more gear that doesn't need souls because I'm like yeah that helped I'm like split between the two we're healing at all you gave to do with souls I'm lagging a lot yeah I'm getting a little bit of choppiness oh really oh I keep hoping and then and like teleporting I'm not flying it's just choppy for me sometimes mm-hmm maybe try you haven't got the my stream up have you as well can you maybe I do but it's low-quality I mean I can just pop out the chat yeah to say that he streams lower quality of the stream up enjoyed it oh and of an Enderman don't even Enderman where are you guys calm I think it's the only way we can go right where I've done the screen goes all blurry you can't stun them IVA can you do this yeah you can but they like just teleport away don't see too fazed Chuck I'm just taking this feeling little totem thing hey great stop smacking me I'll do it stops me which opportunity the thing is well know what are these guys oh I'm curious to see how you're gonna end up blade like making my fault why did you not tell me to blow oh well this guy spawning in the the scaling other zombie sorry it's very cool I wish they're like actually like this yeah can you imagine oh my squid what can I sell I'm a happy roller yep I need some bread yeah we watch out for the traps find the gold [Music] they're all its squids face did you do that yeah yeah grab the side you're gonna like probably walk over the souls they don't displayed like to you guys the shield top all of these mobs into Minecraft right oh no that really mean he left me where's he gone have you got him oh you've got him stamps oh I got it oh yeah keep an eye on him they're losing he's like baby Yoda yeah what we be safe let me get damaged by them that's one just now all right Oh a road accident find the tomb for the blade watch out for the Rollie pollie there's a little link put up here's like a little cave get the pig ah yes we go near let's head this way up here so you'll go for this little doorway first is like a little cave area Collin let's go I got a glaive like like like squid boldly charged in the wrong direction I'm gonna equip my new weapon did you get I've got a pointy pointers are the best yeah that'd be using coalescence over what reference for those fans I'm getting hurt regeneration of tribe always wanted this mornig I see the big guy back laughing yeah you gotta go to them I'm gonna stun them all chop it up into pieces until you know what we're getting loads of souls blow in just do that are you cease weak he's so weak also my back you know I don't if you get souls from the ones that they spawn in I don't think you do oh stop ruining this feather so good against ones of the shield's you just do the the feather stun yeah why why is it a feather boys have we ever questioned that way they've ever allowed you to do a front-flip stun move like what what is it bar a July guess or something why would I beg you for a shock waiter fluffing it vibe yeah how'd you get that roll roll roll from here right God our way out I got my speed my doesn't even let you doesn't even let you try there's got to be a switch or something yeah I reckon rolling off the whole time with no complications nearly time Oh some [ __ ] maybe activates like a bridge or something oh yeah look at this yeah like I want a new ability to suck all my stuff uses Souls got a soul knife lovely I got a short I'm stuck in like the wall somehow okay hmm like I can salvage like while in the game did you know that it's done and I might just use this bow instead of this just because I don't really like the crossbar is that much then do a bunch of enchantments right Kim you give me light for a second ricochet punch spawn a circular area that hills all allies within it ooh hoo that sounds kind of juicy we always just get the healing stuff don't we because we're always dying all of my abilities are just different ways to try to keep me alive [Music] for those whose chat isn't working there's a bug at the moment with the chat on mobile oh really yeah so it's not for everyone I think it's like Eve are only on the iPhone or an Android or something but people are saying about it yesterday so if you're on your your phone or tablet or something is not working it was pretty much everything here that it yeah I think we tried to get that chest I was like a little Arun okay time to see the tomb can you ask why squid is not starring history are you live squid let me change I mean I've got I've got people watching hey I'll check off I'll check out the footie I'll be probably getting trolled right now okay I just want something you ask away so it looks like you said your life to me yeah wife oh no I gotta click to my going advert for Minecraft dungeons yeah that's good marketing yeah I'm wife Lori don't worry about me I'm like I think they were watching i ballistic ahktar personal i ballistics to my world grateful enchanted scale is I was a great I'm gonna see my no I died pretty quickly guys insurance Kelly's right I'm shooting down my arrows that will do a they have a decent chance of making legal healing spheres well the only thing will be like where like around me or I know you could roll out of the the cobwebs or kanya yeah tip of the day far away the opposite way to what where we're standing Oh more ammo I got V farmer where are my healing circles I'm just resting my eyes look at this place I need to like oh I don't know what I need to do you need to kill the ball are you down as well yeah I got a healing potion right let me be aggressive healer I don't know who this is I'm gonna try and get you up daven you heal wherever I'm picking out of squishy you heal then you try and get squid and I'll try and stay alive we need to just take turns picking each other up babies dying around the corner cuz I'm like gonna go here here here thank you where's stamps arm you're gonna different weird no I'm still I'm still it like back here there's still the enemy still chasing our this thing set for this enchantment zero nests 20% chance to spawn a circular area and that hills all allies within it just quit it but I've gotten doing it but I just haven't seen it do it is that is that you sure it's not this thing is it a little wooden guy holding a love heart yeah he's so cute like Groot oh yeah no it just says like it's just my bow I have a chance of making a circle they always a bar you have a chance of making it a 20% chance and I find like a hundred arrows and I express the book called out here I will forget nothing's down there can confirm from you your dead body nice one stamps good oh no we recently my viewer have you stopped using the controller today I am yeah it's a lot better I do like it I feel like it's made for it yeah just feels right you know nice and comfortable Oh watch out for them yet oh oh I see you I'm still a region squid you're in the middle of this slicer no I saw it's not here it's just it's just creating a nice breeze oh look we just stand here we're always gonna run to us and get squished in Bay what's gonna get squished you have to roll for it that's the plan oh dude this place is massive oh my goodness there's a lot of me wow that's Opie Oh jolly good should we start saving up a bunch of souls ready for the boss so we can do like our big attacks thing is out so as you see under your abilities see we see h1b you see there's a blue line filling up so that means all's so on your abilities in in the top-left corner if there's a little flakes face going yeah like that that means the ability needs like Souls to do in Howard yeah so two of my what was the face doing stamps again said we should have saved our souls save our souls company keep it down how many China if any sweet some stuff not right now yeah it's best first time what difficult is this home so notice this is odd the most deadly thing has been asked just getting bored and rolling in pissed yeah I agree our impatience has been the most challenging you need a bit harder difficult did he do hardcore mode I think we just got like a very good gear right now oh this is what we should do against the boss yeah to put down like double up the healing thingies yeah yeah oh maybe I lost my hat then come on Skinner's don't works for me I love that thing I really want one of those bean things yes good so but it does use the soul so the reason we lasted for so long man is I've saved up those of size that's kind of the way they've balanced it it so annoying cuz my healing thing uses souls as well and so I'm always like do I heal what do I damage tear it guys I'm a little bit damaged ones face are you Tony I'm not down I'm just has anyone gonna recording of squid saying hey shadow the hardest mode this is a nice day and then he goes down it yeah we almost failed earlier we already just rather quick let's just go back and get him squid that's crazy go get squid actually oh my god I got full souls what's this oh no taking the staircase no you really showed that staircase yeah just gonna guess wish they'd get switch no this get Pistons to pit look it's not even just keep hacking it and you can hit the free walls as well let's get in this yeah I'm gonna back up just a little bit away come on Oscar [Music] let them come through go this is a talking about this is tough but I've got Mack souls so I try and get to the little middle bit EXO as the thing's gonna blow oh look at least soul my characters continuously moving I think my keyboards like broken we need we need to get rid of the guys spawning them all in we're just killing all the zombies this big guys yeah so do we charge full with that okay fixed it what are you doing leaving on the Yankees every time every time biscuit my keyboard kept taking over and I wasn't even touching my keyboard it was like registering what I was touching it and I wasn't as the winner I'm just standing here healing up yeah there's a little bit tough I got so many chests I feel like there's a lot less chests on the map than there was in the beta I feel like you're not really searching for them no yeah I think that's the difference we kind of came through it quite quick yeah yeah speed run look at this guy dick this guy an enchanted husk double damage fire trail and burning he was in the top of the screen I like shows come a little husk yeah didn't didn't open up very much did it allows everyone to join the screen turn you're playing Minecraft dungeons try not to die again so we I believe if we're correct we're one away from the like the final level I don't think we are though I'm dead oh no I did it well we don't think we have to fight the ender dragon I feel I was gonna be the final boss so they sent us more levels that they're adding to the game they're just over what's there now your isn't much dead by the way squid you're both dead wait yeah yeah there's a couple husks that we killed one easily and then I underestimated and then two came and they just like hogs DeBary how are ya cosmic key says stop talking about fortnight what was that what was that one my chats talking about I think we were chopping it cuz I don't always just troll Mike the same fire that stopped it to me like the hip but use a potion first creepy no I don't need it yeah like so for those who don't know a is to attack and also to try to resurrect someone there there's an enemy Nick's who are down body you're trying to pack them like grabbing their face like what are you doing when you revive it we gotta go slap in the cheeks come on love you like okay y'all live again sure I guess I'll stop be dramatic neither the spiders too many too many flame timoney flaming husks guys boss time is your souls fault no it's probably like ball the ball when he does so much damage to you down oh yeah he's not powerful enough for this guy good comeback speak come back don't don't find by yourself with us we're going together chill out I feel like we need to change our armor a little bit maybe yeah probably pretty cold out a bit too long I want to know where my my healing circles are but when I shoot my arrows I'm supposed to get Healey circles where are my healing circles baby it's meant to be like 20% which means like 1 in 10 I should get one where are mine only circles sounds can you get these guys this yeah they're like attacking through the collar come on boys you can't dodge in time it's so unlike the Dodge has like a cool-down so shoot in birth bond ours is really effective yeah I don't have any foes I do actually have more bows and arrows right now no here's the thing is that the Chinese figures like we're gonna have to get the rest otherwise we're gonna get destroyed oh no this was not advertised Oh creeper creeper creeper creeper creeper creeper oh oh grab me the riskiness like oh the riskier is just chaos I'm so glad you vote for those healing circles I'm just running from one healing circle to the neck yeah then I've got a solid I get closer to you guys as well my healing arrows doing them I better just he's healing the enemy I've been already oh yeah we are we gonna switch away from the the wizard gang now that she's done with that said it's Salvage dad's house she's still my best on all right thanks to Bernie that excuse me oh yes still my best time I was gonna keep it on really yeah why something I got someone with him but it wasn't as good so I'm staying true the light the last wizard below there's a reason for that I've just really kitted out my Alma now do not sound like a boss that was like I was add a little bit of a sweat on my brow of it yeah yeah yeah yeah we need to get loads more arrows because for those bosses like the pinky favorite there is then the problem with with that one is like if he attacked you he did so much damage like instantly save your arrows for the like n fight squid berries like he's like lighting cigars with all this spare arrows and stuff and this little squiddy built his house from arrows I made a base of arrows what's this chain thing what's the chain thought about chanting oh this morning in so many there's a joint chain on my screen okay is it's a toilets chain a purple light chain a giant purple toilet change he said I feel like we need to just reach in yeah it's just how I might do a little oh we stuck on the stairs yeah that's crazy do that I think we need to wait get back here squid let's wait till we all have and I've tried to get out of there what's really working yeah I think we already Twitter we have potions ready so you can be really aggressive and then just like heal up and you need to baby is he's coming down the stairs now so if we let him calm down the stairs okay guys last big guy I'm gonna now go buy another paper why is okay for bub sides thank you this was not in the brochure not lunge anyone got any more he Lisa no yeah it's funny it when I request a PD sir could all go out the back right I said I'm doing it what'd you do man fall down this is the end of the level here now arrows oh yeah my arrows the other levels like carry a cross between the others as well you know buddy carry across the arrows I think I think so oh she's in there a house that you can go in to get more of them in like the spawn area I always said that little house oh wait a minute oh I fight a lot of hours then I only got areas right the end then like I they're all gone at the starting travel is it this house what do you do oh look Rebekah's that's good oh that's cool ok let's sell some sauce of junk yeah look I think I think this house I've read to the right I think it has like um stuff in doesn't it or is it all it just pigs that's just little house has a little fireplace rah I'm gonna wear you my mic quick and I'm gonna say thank you for a few donations came in through and then I'll sort out my equipment and then I believe we're gonna be going into the final level sorry Tasha [ __ ] I hope you enjoy that lobos's and I think there's one more left for uh for us to go I guess I'll go on this screen now and you see a little bit of the gameplay Alex is er has finally settled down and stopped chewing her her pig now thank you for a galaxy reborn for for becoming a member as well as a Kade William who says a high stampy have you decided on for the king I'm not sure what for the king is was either thing inside of Minecraft and oh sure I think you add 2 to Dave Durland Oh money said people are gonna be mad at me for say that you can increase the slow bad for the chat is so crazy yeah I think the increasing slow mode was the other right waiter to go so I gradually read the chat now and when solenoid is not it gets a little bit bad thank you - I just remember from becoming a member as well as a Vic who says a hotel squid he isn't alive right now was that all part of a prank or was he actually not live because when I checked it it did show up so maybe that was just a big trollee prank on us which I wouldn't be too surprised by hello - ah - Caleb McCarty thank you so much for for watching bear the stream hopefully you're enjoying it I think it's not also to add Samantha Burchfield and I go sorry bored as well for a total revelation says hello I'm back if you want to do human full flat there's two new levels oh really we why should go and do that because wouldn't I had so much fun playing through all the old levels on human fall flat going candor and playing some more of them would be hopefully just as fun hello rocket willing welcome back to the Nerdist stream who is hashtag at work hashtag cut watch today hashtag team stampy hashtag take my buddy hashtag hashtag Lowell have a good stream yeah I always love her love rocket willing a rocket willing some comments Maggie's bow to her to unexpected games who says that you're a great youtuber and I love your your content and oh no Pig oinking has has restarted I could still hurt toy but then I'd feel like the biggest super villain in the world so I think I'm just gonna leave it so you have to to suffer through the other young king I'm afraid I think there's more to it - Sam Sam Patrick who says you pretty don't remember me but we met three years ago hmm I wonder where we met it says you're such an amazing youtuber and I've always loved your content thank you so much Sam I think he's more to it - Justin Hansie a hunter and thank his well rocky is a back endure the stream as well I [ __ ] you to it - fresh he says hi Stephanie hope you haven't had a good day Scott Lauren who's become a member and is now an egg thank you as well - er - er - Henry as well as Ellie he says me my friend Maci love you guys so much thank you so much I think it's well - er - Dante grant and Matt the master for a $20 donation says a good luck to all of you thank you so much I think he's well - word - revolution slays who says I say Heitor to squid he's awesome and Thank You turtle Lilian as well so stumpy you're the best and Isaac as well for a $5 donation thank you all so much they're all very generous I'm glad that everyone seems to be enjoying the the stream and I guess the the soft stampy and squid reunion if that examiner who says like oh like wow like you haven't spoke to squid in ages like what's good old squid like it's good and I talk to each other quite a lot we just haven't like done videos or string together or or anything all right now let me see if I can buy anything new I want to get some some more artifacts well maybe the flaming people would be good let's just buy all of these and then we would pick they're the best one and then we would go for walks I don't really want I might of the the soul healer because it's very very good I just don't want to things that require songs because they're not gonna be like splitting my way in between them or the totem of regeneration I might get one of them as well because they work quite well and then I can still heal the total of shielding a social radius proper energy I predict sir shield oh it only protects from projectiles though yeah I think I think I'm gonna join the the healing circle crew and then I kind of can I change my enchantments now has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it I just I just never saw it come out like a maybe it was doing it I just didn't realize it well I just I just never noticed it happen I can't add more enchantment to charm as though I said a bunch of worn charmers here so the better like loot that you get the more enchantments that you can add like there's just like more more slots available alright let's see let's see a verb squid is ready to go back in squiddy you there are Mia sorry sorry me to apologize for being here squid it's not your fault sorry miss all but beat good thing my accident oh come on look look what I got I got one too oh no was gonna join the beacon gang I just got one not bad the one that the head you know the good one oh is that the yeah yeah the projectile shield yeah I just think I saw them tweet that out right so then spend all my money and I got nothing back I feel absolutely scammed oh no the real there is an extra level high block here our halls look at this so I got a chance to do an electric-type when I roll you right we going hardest difficulty again yeah oh one of the okay I want to get every chest in this area because there's three types of artifacts we can get and one of them is the feather so I will probably be a high level feather and I really gosh yeah I don't not logged in to those sales stampy yeah so you point out that the game isn't officially out yet so usually there's like a day one update when games come out so there might be if like it's not based or anything but there might still be a few bugs or something general explain she's rolling around like playing and OH lifting up hurts I got scared was off I thought like I rolled over her my chair or something then I realize that she's not close to me and I didn't roll she's just really a really hyper right now all right I'm back in the game okay then we're it was that again down down Thanks down down down down leave it okay sorry everyone's back I just got some shock powder whatever that is alright luckily it normally only does that in like the Hulk or when joining a mission and I think it's done it when we've been in a level or lastly I don't a jinx look at the statue is like the arch elegy with the Enderdragon photo it is an Ender Dragon absolutely beautiful okay let's go look at all of us at the end why inside your social distancing guys where's the social distancing Oh are we gonna party are we gonna fight the ender dragon hello hello hello hello hello well you guys are lagging like crazy Oh huh yeah you would both like stuck at the start for ages know that what did you skip the cutscene oh I didn't get cutscene oh we would do the kiss fully clad a really dramatic camera like panning up the whole stand around the buttocks is trying to be all dramatic but then we were just all standing inside of each other oh good these guys do a lot of damage by the way yeah they do a heck of a lot damage your lace is gonna be hard yeah well you were the last one wasn't hard enough so I'm gonna run it you're like in the woodland mansion with the access they do some crazy damage I'm just I'm just hiding behind the walls well y'all think about all right you guys go ahead I'll just be back here my little beacon yeah oh this is actually really good because they have crossbows and it's projectile I think you smelly as well I don't think they can get in Oh amazing when does a group of enemies I'll test it out I say I think I think it's just projectiles they do that because I think I got to say one and I didn't equip it because I saw it was just projectiles like that or did these are basically projectiles for the Nerds fill the Nerds kill the readers library nut-nut police I mean they are the enemy so we can kind of all right Oh doing this chicken PFC there's a chest first I really want to get an upgrade if ever wait wait don't rush it there yeah do anything nakum your fire oh he's only projectiles I can't leave us solve a beacon for this I think it'll come in handy I mean done did this level seems to be a very like Prospero I'm gonna check there's like a little corridor up here so I'm checking like everywhere on this level now I do loop up the edge Oh Chester just got a crossbow press the chest don't even give me the first place regice might use the crossbow I don't know I've got a mess I don't wanna miss no I might use this crossbow so I've not been enjoying my enchantments on this thing yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna winch um this hey you're not gonna use the radiant shot I get it so alright guys and I'll do extra damage to enchanted enemies there we go I've died modified now you guys just playing dress-up yeah okay a fight and you're like me shoes hey if I got a better weapon that's gonna help you out too I showed up just just about the right time here yeah things are getting a little bit hairy good reach I mean I'm already Harrison I'm gonna drop in all you got all you got I wish they'd like drop Pharaohs yeah some picnics of all its going for a world record this level no 500 averages why would it be my record of the last dream of killing six on bees look at that trick later you can jump you can roll down from the high ground down here this is the easy come on boyo give us a choke though because you said that last time then they gave us that I didn't want Miami at this beer do you hear you all I don't know because I put my thing down at the same time these guys are a bit they drop it thanks Mojang just what we asked for cheese guys I gotta say I can't really say anything cuz I just kind of yes we did it easy I feel like this would be good for like the try shot buzz I don't know well I have one by dummy arrows arrows I fight like 270 yeah dude they're 251 I remember it the bow just go like boy like firing me nothing it's just like dust comes out which you Christ apply what where's the chests I signed up for Lou give me Luke it's quite a linear level as well so you just y'all here we go here we go my supplies Alisa Marisa Oh squid I got I didn't take any of them I didn't tell you squid took one you took two oh it's going outside to the peasants in the castle grounds I got a key hey rice if you get hit you drop it so your body well my stephanie gonna drop it until we clear out the enemies here we go now I have arrows I am firing like three at time yeah commitment oh my gosh this this bows crossbow good piggy yes annihilating them it's firing up three of four at times yeah I knew it'd be good trash on that's probably why you go through our Rose so much yeah on it I got it guys by the way I've got TMT probably just keeping the layout I might burn mine get back get back get back watch like Thrones by cross my screen I've still got the key haven't dropped it yet David dropped ik ones not front into place can we cure yourself a front indeed we just go in where's the key got me fire in the hole I do one of those another times when I realize I'm saying it wrong as I say it but I just commit well with the other one the saucepan one into the fire as the old saying goes a skill it needs to be on a t-shirt nice where's the key and I'm sick of carrying it have you been here yeah no not all you to be in the fight I'm taking my key soon look at him ohayo here's the key oh wow oh yeah yeah there you go son all the chefs I know what to do yeah look at that too many chefs while the saucepan by the way when using the the enchanted beacon or whatever if you roll during it you can cancel it if you need to smash that you'll objective well there's a door up here guys run out of ideas crush the party party oh it's this way the party's over here Oh smashing wait a we the bad guys like for real they're about to have a nice meal and we're just come in and wrecked it all we are the monsters here die die you see yourself for my table found it will reach the room now boyoung shouldn't do something like a smashing table Simula yeah you're playing it squish oh another boot club another book club nerds nerds nerds nerds nerds nerds kill the Nerds very quickly all right either why don't worry about me I need to use my abilities more often I need to know what this little amulet thing does oh is it over T DT is a merely enemies here teeny teeny teeny T cushy the spin-off the unofficial knockoff of Tiny Tim Tiny Tim bootleg he's got the but I think it's just fasten the level for you maybe you got a back because you're a witch don't like it you probably I know maybe oh yeah I don't know oh no no no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop aah adds a lot of people here oh I'm bring them all to you guys [Applause] you won't over exaggerate see I see you know this is actually really satisfied cuz there's loads of them but they're not very strong so you just like destroying your way through what was really fun you can't catch up to me done talking in the port as I was running OH mushroom Oh God six and then I can like him he'll even what do we do when he stops yeah yeah here I was cool we were we were ambushed they saw us coming then they they trapped us so bad I will take that new crossbow there's a good thing to have then thank you very much I think it's you're about square [ __ ] it's what it's your bat it bothers you look oh yeah my back yeah I've got big arrows oh they're hilarious they're brilliant they're massive look at this guy like Oh night when they die they're like landing tables like rag doll I like it funny yeah dang gay room just some of them limp said you could open all that each so we should all just go a road stuff if it's the face yeah that would be too civilized [Music] my new boy who was this look at a maze yeah the missus crap is a pip oh oh dear ever be Cowboys Oh back off a bit squeezy yeah because he just grg back bend down the token yeah anyways well as any is anything spawning these or they just come in he spawned them yeah they're they're gonna keep coming in slice and dice I don't know if ya got mace I don't leave my feeling to stay close by well your honor isn't the one that you need to press to do n like use the souls is it it's the souls yeah yeah so you're needed when it's like so you'll see the little blue line underneath if that's true one more it will feel more at home yeah yeah I know I'm waiting - it's like cream.i up yeah everyday if it's like half full that will completely heal you yeah there's the lack what's gonna be the boss thing he's gonna be the archer themself I wanted to I think it's the ender dragon your thing what really nice radii anything is good like they they painted so yeah I'd I don't think in here I think would be in the end though right it's gonna be a small ended right yeah if you look to the statute he was quite a small it's just gonna be an end of Dragon's egg with little legs running around I like wings pokey oh okay I'm gonna get the note I'll get the nurse no go I'm really weak oh no I'm dying why did I why do they say why did I say we're getting good don't know never say that but do you really still have that Apple and I had this much help and o'healey yeah watch out for the blue flames guys gonna hide back here for a bit guys let's gonna go to our team up stop just chill for a minute potion potion no okay yes do you see next to where your souls are it shows how you been you have so I have three fall off the levels let him know ain't done yet don't get away chief the story continues it's done yourself a peaceful yeah no yeah it's a not out anywhere yet officially but it will come out ps4 tomorrow oh my god I got a feather already leveled up white feather I'm going from 25:37 I got a mushroom right now I'm gonna new my mic again and then a channel March up a little bit and then I'm yeah I'll click on the what's the next I think it's the last one on the map isn't it the next one the Obsidian pity cooler yeah that's the only one we haven't done apart from realms which isn't out yet so yeah I think I think this is the last one now oh then I reckon yeah I reckon Island realms will be the end as my guess my guess okay okay right I think I've got them got them muted hello everyone yeah sorry yeah I can't recap too much for the chat so the two reasons why Supergirl is one because as you saw the the game is up somehow this ended up on my lap yeah because they gave us absolutely chaotic it's kinda hard to have a chance to anyway also because squid streaming as well he's got his own chat so it's kind of dip difficult to have our normal kind of 1v1 of of me and the the chat because uh there's two different do different chat so yeah it's a and say thank you to some donations that I missed during the the gameplay because I really don't want to miss out anyone I think he turned to fresh she says hi stumpy I hope you having a good day which I am toxic player once again says a heist on Pete hi squid it's morning for me so good morning good morning it's a like 6 p.m. for me Kyoto to evening I think you are Scott Moran for becoming a member a little update for for members there is new there are new emojis being created as I speak so hopefully by the end of the week or at least by the end of next week there'll be a bunch of new emojis for you to all play website that's gonna be fun thank you as well to uh to San Patrick as well as a crated who says thanks for the content Victoria usher says a Leyland and Harrison would say thank you I had only Linton Harrison I think I said I looked you before to have a me saying hello again I think you might message that before I read the the first time I success a high random question do you pray any trading card games portent in my mind I just wanted to ask her no I haven't I never like I collected pokemon cards when I was younger I never actually like played Pokemon I kind of only like collected them I think it's well to add to curse frost who says hi stop squid and squashy you guys are a huge part of my childhood and taught me how to speak English I was awesome thank you say hi to Alex from me Alex Chris frost says hello say hello to Chris Fox Alex say hello to Chris Fox say hello she's like so confused she's like you're gonna throw me the toy or what like you give me attention but you ain't throwing the piggy what's going on here Alex it pour oh I love the way she's like I want her to shake my hands but she won't like look at my hand she's like stares at the toy she's like this I'm like shake my hand she's like yes throw the toy like not looking at where hope all goes well what's her again Alex it sits like she won't change her gaze from the toy as she does poor poor fall that's amazing I think he's wrote to her to tell fishy he says hello I'm funny I recently came back to Minecraft from YouTube and found out the UN squashy I'm married and dad had a baby and popularmmos and Jenna separated crazy how much can happen in two years thanks brother laughs welcome back to beer the community I guess dude not the back yet I'm here right we are oh yeah so I didn't do my loop oh just sticker the same stuff good oh good enough you just get scammed anywhere that's what I found out anyway you don't get anything actually look I always get better stuff in the levels than like the stuff you buy normally don't you man I got a better I've got a feather now so has a stall has a three-second stun duration and a 3 second cooldown which means I'll stun them then their stun for three seconds and then I do this again yeah so this can be endlessly stunned basically that's good that's good for us anyway yeah yeah I have a may spot I don't want to use it I think I prefer younger oh look you know mrs. obsidian pinnacle this looks nice those are it all right save your arrows okay Wow do you have the other cutscene this time script no it's all all aids is just panning across the level to be fair no well have you just run off not right here are you standing inside the still alone yeah okay here we go wait don't worry I'm just trying to sign into streams on my phone because I can't see anything how is them how is this love like not on fire yet oh yeah very realistic is that I've got they've got fire spread off hmm what's the deal with your Batman squashy how did you get that it's just a pet bat is that like whatever like main abilities oh dear it fits on my armor it's really I just get a pet back what do we get from down extra isn't how we gonna know what we gonna do here like I have no healing I'm just like hiding here why did this why their zombie spawning here I got my healing thing down oh I'm stuck in the spiderweb oh stop it Ned did you buy this eraser then how did you get the rizal cuz I'm amazing I'm an epic game I never know that with these hoes whether you can pull through the one knob just be really careful I always just amazing oh I'm going back down I don't like too many enemies on their holder on the bouncy again yeah what is this - I'll send you down we are so good oh my gosh I should be using my new when you know okay no one just stops fire so many arrows it's like five hours of mobs oh dear right so just gonna keep studying them kill all the nerds don't read there will be no learning oh no oh I'm down I'm down I'm down I'm down I put down a heating Gameboy went down like why you could have put the shield over me and then resident yeah I know okay this way for a chest quick what what but this way now oh I know just I just go get a loop on the Dancy balances yeah yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay I fill up the edge pushed me down how did I get out of that life oh my gosh I'm down oh no oh no one new scooter how do I get back to you guys oh you can for for hammer can you fall homework to us carny teleport to us if you come to me I'm like completely safe there's one skeleton next to me okay I'm gonna okay just give me a sec they keep spawning in it takes like so long Oh squid to the rescue all right right then I heal then we have to the legatus Krejci oh no the Knights after me or so many enemies yeah I'm down here I'm gonna go squid they're very strong they're very very strong these we're lady got the old dick well straight back into it thanks for the warning guys yeah I gotta be on your toes keep on your toes ease right I'm gonna stick together okay this is never gone yeah I mean it says this is like the final level I guess of the main game so you would expect it to go hello guys stuff a lot here okay I'll hold my Haley's logo in the middle of pointing just like eat a whole loaf of bread but he said minecraft eagerly right okay five arrows now I'm gonna do this I'm gonna stun them all look at that Wow I'm very weak I lost you I got fired away without talking for the best cuz I was about to die I could just see your the but now I know that's what's crazy when you're gonna do the same come over here squishy Kahili back no way I just gave my Hellfires off squids off says the one let's go stick together you just do by the way right kill them as soon as they spawn so they don't build up they're all kind of going in one at time I don't like this amulet I got the other nerds quick get the Nerds tancy - I'm gonna go where until there's more more people I think they're gonna be on this bridge of it okay watch out I kept them going yeah all that's gonna get a lot of damage there big dudes are the acts like so many here here we go he's surprised no still my hours yes your Shh we're so like fighting over the arrows all the time ha ha the hours are everything in this game you know I thought there might be like him like a wizard stuff gonna be kind of cool like a mage kind of thing yeah I reckon that's gonna keep on adding like a a bunch of new weapons and equipment and stuff yeah this might be a good game like once we finish playing through like I know maybe not once every two months or three months just check back in and see what's yeah do you know like what we got cuz did we get the heroes edition what are we supposed to get with it I don't know I didn't look I'm not sure what this is maybe other skins oh yeah possibly net you guys place it in roads I think you in the right way but if you want a boss okay yeah and well we're here sure stick together guys is there anything good that way ever I got four hours left there's just emeralds like a chest of em what's coming back for that let me get just tap down on the the d-pad to see further map you red stone golem are these gonna be this one was easy last one wasn't it maybe on this difficulty he bit harder i him in the back watch out for the thing I mean he's really often hey can you like can you go up decide if I skip and face me and you guys keep shooting it same give you a kiss he's after you now if I gave him a back I'm so weak he's so weak restrain maderas Oh get away get away I feel like he should first I felt something like okay study him does not work I expected it easy easy wait was it in the mod waaah hey where are you oh hello I'm not got any more arrows I have all of our exam just just what you think he was getting a bit too easy well at least we did them one at a time careful of these budget ice follow me be he wants to be right back off back off what he does that hurts a lot Oh got someone else can't get me a murmur protective sir coolly stuff I've really need to hear it again send it to fall in love who loves me nearly me down come on he'll give it a big kudos haha oh nice oh he's so weak eyes [ __ ] you [ __ ] got need to heal in the corner I thought that was him there yeah nicely done he gave dude I'm gonna switch I'm gonna switch to this sword yeah I'm gonna check for I have ya doing it more Charles go on and hope I don't come across another stupid - it's don't girl heal for a minute Oh visit of the 100 never Gulen we picked out here we supposed to go jump jump it jump out so we'd like bring him back to the open area and then yeah yes bring him over here just gonna stab him in the back you chase him away squid yeah you bring me up spanking yeah why is it just one zombie pair all right we're coming squid how's things going I'm just taking him for a walk okay you're gonna quit the journey what is this joy bridge for understand a quick break he can't get me I'm in my protective bubble your safe space my safe space nobody come in my safe space yeah she's having a when she's loving yourself good how I bought Eli we all need to like go in attack when he's crouched over yeah yeah I'm gonna be fine don't we know okay I got some critical hits then spanking me ah I just know this is gonna is so weak that recharging give it a week easy or go to you robe most thought it's good oh no I haven't you guys got a hundred ah you got a Suki rub back over the endless bridge mine sense you go the other way yeah I think that's the way we're meant to go for the level but there's got to be something to seek around here sure all of these columns to get around it it was one chest I think there wasn't anything special no oh I think you need to just put that down sir step away from the TNT actually says why stick together when you can split up uh it's kind of tricky to don't want to do that impulsive what if he gets down on you apart it's harder to kind of fight your way through so much easier you're gonna string my role of the TMT stays oh all right Oh week there's a group right yes he's one of you buddy good dog yeah please are you miss Tim you melon you can't like go do I hear you did the damage you can't like throw it not far like a little speech yeah it's better for like big groups isn't it I wish I'd arrows this sucks it does suck without arrows doesn't it especially for these guys mm-hmm homie you can't just like charge in I hope I don't need it then Oh piggy don't worry father piggy for now we got bigger fish to fry big good golly mr. squish I'm liking so much oh really yeah yeah it's like teleporting me in love doing like that don't like that don't like then leave him outside the back yeah in the back yes yes I'm trying in the back come on give me a break from them now I'm gonna change my sword what is this a minecraft mod no this is a brand-new minecraft game with Minecraft dungeons comes out tomorrow unlike every console me and the fridge Samsung fridges it was evident Tesla's as well bleep exotic SOT it's a claim on the table this is cozy again we've gone from like a real a sort of wingyee desolate players to nice interiors little more tables gutter master piano master I really want to find the engine I can hope you get to prevent by the environment no it's really hopefully fought like the wither yet yeah I think they like I bet they're saving all of like those big bosses for like DLC the water level that'll be pretty funny yeah I bet I bet they're gonna add like DLC and being like oh yeah now you can like buy and then you can battle the with exactly like such a big announcement yeah I kinda want to get like the best gear I feel like you know you do all this like one time and they'd be good to kinda like grind off camera like playing it and just get like the best of mm-hmm okay which where do we go oh yeah don't underestimate these guys we've already already got two lives that stuck in the wall there's they're actually there's a demonstration of why we don't I kind of run back into them oh no oh no okay okay careful I can't get away I thought they're just stopping me around I can't get away be that you start like pushing you I think it's more about swordsman to do em oh no more damage against like you sharted guys even my slaughter my crossbow I remember why is there a spider spawning here yeah there's like little baby zombies as well yeah oh well back to you mama okay how about on those chasing me I'm dead a normal mob spawning it and yeah the night's gonna be come in just go away you stupid top it oh no the night's getting me the tide has been a help I mean my bubble I made my safe zone no Bob's can't hurt me here pursue the the are chillin sure that's just what the mission says squid you can find secret buttons in every level so you can open secret doors in the camp Wow Oh what this buttons we press in the level then when we go back to the camp there'll be three stuff there it's not what army I think he's lying I need to see video proof I haven't seen any buttons lighter for anything Oh me no I don't see like it's like Easter eggs we can go to stop it here see there's a chest any buttons any liberal downstairs yeah then what season Iman's last night Paula everybody I just super hidden Owen says stumpy keep making videos this is so boring [Laughter] no you stole my arrows there's a bit bright here someone set that's how the game around whilst this round II then we reach our got everywhere should we go outside yes go there's a button on the corner of the chest you miss someone says oh well I'm not going back there dear G favorite is it all scared of heights mister roll into every pub all doubt it all down it oh we're trapped your own I put down the healing preemptively air hunger ya go pal okay you should eyes her game in the back oh really I got it out oh he's cooked I'm back that was huge damage [Music] right next something yeah get it gonna we got him we got him we know hey maybe killed me but we got yeah yeah I got a stronger cloak I can put more enchantments on it perfect by Chapman's routes been hit by damage inflicting projectiles will increasingly caught a craft a small quiver of arrows oh that's what we need so every tender projectile I get more arrows back every what sorry so every like 10 arrows I fire I'm gonna get like a small quiver of arrows back oh you love like 50 then the 50 back at least wow that is you shoot ever loves about oh it's another golem wait where is it all this hole we just like go a different way we just go home the level of the golem took my little minecraft hat I've been not that trick it's a guy oh yeah we got some bones here like he's not gonna buzz of the bowings right surely the boys boys Iike day is he gonna grab it grab a seat doc grabber as it appears it keeps falling endlessly I could it I got it as well Oh guy here's a genuine good tip from defeat in those columns oh wait we slice slice slice that's satisfying than the rule queen oh okay oh no no no no we're gonna die for these are there any strong ones run away run away let's just keep running keep running keep running because there's so many of them but we cannot keep running cuz the Phantom's look at us oh yeah yeah you can't leave me I mean they keep running stops stuff behind a wall oh it's heavy stuff teleport quick teleport break it again teleport teleport to youth great shape [Music] how do we get out of that one oh we still alive oh those enchanted big guys are reducers I steal you into hits like literally two hits me am i anyway they charge it cuz there's a lot of them like they push you and you can't even if you can't get away from them yeah they're like walls they you ain't pricks they called units and he leaves my nevermind as in like always Oh naughty Dubrow okay appropriate yeah I'm trying to have to get them far away enough is actually gonna get them very good ever that tiered team it was very go I completely missed them I want to be Anna like can you press a different button to just drop it instead of yeah a little bit why'd you do that give it me and always fruit like way over the enemies they fruit so far I'm gonna be like hold right triggering like a mean where it goes very good yeah maybe you can't I'm trying a button right no I thought this would be something something it's like I find the button up yeah no I'm looking at OPM are they stone or wooden buttons anyone I know use your be more so I try and say so I I have to parent my being with the souls and so I only really use it whenever like loads just in case we enough going up against a big boss or a drawing group of enemies I feel like we get into a big boss as well yeah that's what we saw these waves of enemy okay so we got like I guess I mean [ __ ] yeah I guess oh yeah okay let's just relax a minute okay we need to climb it yeah well it is this hard because of the red stone columns there as well I feel like we should have killed the golem and then barely do I mean every year okay several full health yeah yeah ready to go like kill the kill the column yet it's great Reza it's great Reza Reza is this what are we to do here squid you got it right we dressed by pressing the a button it's the a button squid I'm done I'm done so what we should maybe do is even make sure we do this do it a lower difficulty or play more of the other levels to get better loop first and then go back no difficulties gonna get higher isn't it when we oh my goodness stay behind a wall someone says I don't think there's possible with the goal of yeah so what what next time I think the thing is is we killed the imager too quick and I think we're meant to have killed the golem and stuff so I think if we were just focusing on it and dodging the beams would be fine but that and the redstone collar which takes half an hour to defeat was a little bit too much for us now is nuts looked also though those like in demanding oh we got the ground oh dear I had a load of attacks as well yeah yeah alright so we are sweet jump on later remember the week going good another shot yeah what jumper do another stream later in the week and try it again yeah okay so we will let you know when we know when that will be and I will schedule the the stream so yeah I'm gonna say bye turtle squashy and squid and then I'll sign off the other stream so thanks guys [Music] wow that was a yeah there was a lot of fun wouldn't it man like we would always like have it difficult cuz we were doing it on the most difficult saying but that was like that was like new level of difficulty that was yeah that was unexpected yeah Ashley says yeah never mind stick together law yeah I old there stone button that says K Anderson okay maybe I'm next time we play fruit we'll have a look through for more of the other buttons but yeah well we that was tricky I think as I was just saying if we completely defeated the red stone golem well the little Eligius out there cuz they really didn't do too much damage so if we just got rid of the red stone column and then got into like that last fight I guess like the heart then I think we might have actually had a decent chance or more chance than zero chance which is a we had their first buy a few more donations came through while we're playing them so I want to say say thank you to to them people oh Raphael berries backs as a have a good day you're my favorite youtuber I've been here since level lovely world 54 and you were my childhood I think you for coming back a regular in these early streams epic Sarah says high stamps hope you are good loving the villain the videos Tyler asks how a nice way she likes are doing a row doing good Alex has been a little pain in the stream because she keeps going oh no I think it would that's a horrible song I think it's broken I think we've been saying look she broke her toy wheats way she always celebrate when a when squashy when Alex's favorite toy breaks not because we're mean just because it just gives us a little bit of a break from the squeaking or the honking or whatever special noise the toy has and then inevitably we end up having to buy a new version of it cuz Alex gets sad but we are free from the honking we're free from honking yay this is this is what oh is this like I'm sitting there watching TV and I and then I look down and Alex would just be staring at me and I'm like what are you staring at me then I look down and there's just some toy that's obviously being seen on my lap for the last half hour I don't even realize it she just sneaks up and she'd just place it next to me on the chair and I won't even realise that you just wait there really patiently for me to throw it it's pretty adorable but when it's 24/7 it gets uh it gets quite a quite a lot thank you to uh anesthesia from Cyprus thanks for for watching hello Katherine welcome back to the earthís tree what occurs well raffia flora another donation who just says thanks for being you and a little one of those weird pear emojis I don't know why there's so many pear emojis that are YouTube have as the other default emojis yeah I know Chris Ross there's a nice stream stamps see you soon I see yeah there's gonna be the height squared so stunt smells can one of the mods ban him please because you keep showing up here I don't think he's got anywhere else to be keep showing up here yeah so that's gonna be under the stream here so yeah I'll speak to a squashy and squid we'll try and work out a another day hopefully drawing there the week when we're all free and then I think probably maybe we replay one other level just so we can get like the exact loop that we want and then I'm gonna this is what's gonna happen I'm gonna say to replay that level with the difficult you one down and squid and squish you're gonna say no don't hardest difficulty and then we're gonna do hardest difficulty again and then we're gonna lose again and then we're gonna turn the difficulty down that's my prediction yeah yeah what will happen well I think we should do next stream and I'll speak to the guys and see what they think I think we should do a poll I set up a straw poll and we can vote on what difficulty like we're gonna do max difficulty where it's gonna be painful we're probably gonna die or are we gonna take the coward's option and put the difficulty down but have a much better chance I've seen how the other game ends good news as well for all of you that haven't got the the game yet weren't able to get it early the game officially comes out tomorrow I don't know how much it is because it's gonna be different in like different countries and but it's coming out on Nintendo switch PlayStation 4 Xbox one and Xbox one it's gonna be out on game paths as well so even game pause you get it for free same as PC actually and also ps4 as well so it's going on basically everything so if you want to play it yourself maybe like play loads tomorrow find out all of the the best lewin strategies and then you can message us and we'll have to do on the hardest difficulty eventually might as well do it now says squid yeah I know I knew you'd want to do hardest difficulty like we could do not hardest and then replay it I I think what would you think squid if you're still here about my my poll option Emily says play here blindfolded yeah oh it's 16 pound 74 pets in the UK says Oh Samuel which is a very specific and a bizarre price for it to be yeah I don't know if it's the same price from different platforms yeah all squishy says do a poll we know you were still in the chat squashy I'll agree that so do you agree with that squid oh I love the way we're having a conversation yeah rather than in the discord chat just through this chat and owner on my stream what's going on a husk squids in the game but he's just spamming supplies here but oh I just missed it yeah yeah I suppose I should quit out of the quit out of the game now make sure it's a it's all saved yes I think that's probably what we what we do then so yeah I'm gonna once again I'm gonna schedule in advance when the stream will be just so you know exactly what damn what time we'll be but I'm gonna leave the other chat off on the schedule this time just because apparently last night a bunch of bots appeared in the stream while I was asleep like in the stream schedule so the reason I kind of schedule in advance is so you know exactly what day and what time it will be and then I can do it oh yeah we're showing your time zone I'm easy I just want better Armour though yeah it's how we do that then we'll play one more we replay at one of our favorite levels just for fun and to hopefully get some better loot on the hardest difficulty and then when we go to the final level we do a poll I've also got a six hundred and thirty three emeralds as well which means I might just be able to buy loads of loot and I think I'm just gonna buy loads of like the armor and weapons because I think I got pretty good gear but I just need better better things turn off the charity you start streaming sis crazy yeah that's what I'm gonna do it's pretty what I should have been doing there the whole time but um like it was kind of fun because loads of people would be in the other chat early and just kind of chatting and playing games and like making friends and stuff so there was a nice little community that formed around the other scheduled streams but um yeah I think if there's mud showing up and people have to moderate it because there might be some mainly beany showing up in there I think it might be a better just to turn it down I think you gotta check for the other donation and that is gonna be the end of the stream here I'm gonna go and give Alex some much-needed attention which he has been dying for the whole stream so yeah that's going to be the plan stay tuned Animal Crossing will be coming back soon by the way I'm just doing loads of terraforming and doing loads of demolishing and rebuilding bridges which as you know every time you demolish a bridge you have to set it to be demolished and then it will be demolished the next day no time you want to build a bridge you have to separate to be built and then show up the next day so it's just taking loads and loads of days so I was just kind of trying to get that done before I stream it so yeah Animal Crossing will be coming at some point maybe just me decorating inside my house as a shorter stream so that would be coming as well for those asking for that and Spyro will continue as well at some point for those I've been enjoying that stream and there are things so at the moment anyway that's gonna be the end of this dream thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all later in the week sometime right [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 152,286
Rating: 4.9409962 out of 5
Id: exXLhztMQUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 27sec (7107 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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