Human Fall Flat - W/Squid - 🔴 Live

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hello this is Duffy I'd welcome to a no live stream where I am once again joined by iballisticsquid who is currently trying to throw me off the edge down here the animal abuse has already began hello everyone before we get properly into shenanigans I'm using a new mic so let me know if it sounds okay and like how loud is it compared to squid does it all sound okay can we just get any tech problems away and then we carry on No do you know what I really want to like have one game on the PC because you can like take a picture with a webcam and then put it on to the person's face and it's the most hilarious thing ever I just seen somebody's face like falling through the sky it's amazing it just sounds like it sounds horrific it sounds absolutely horrible I hated a-squared you finished well crook whereas we were waiting I put my headphones on and squid chose the time to go right next was microphone it's not crunching on some crisps and what what were you eating some bucks standard Doritos I didn't hear them because I knew it annoy you oh wait a minute my oh you need sound for this I've got um if I put my webcam top left there's no video of the game if I put a top right there is right I'm gonna go I gotta go do it well kinda like I've kind of solved them but um I'm not my my little webcams nobody top left and now it's top right and I feel all weird I feel like I'm in the wrong floppy the wrong corner I pretty fix this quick right um you yeah you checked people are trying it this fixed I saw four people that watched last stream we kind of jump straight into the to the DLC it was one of the most recent Maps they've actually put out but because that was no clear this before what we're gonna be doing today is going straight from the beginning the first level is the mansion and then they kind of go in line and then obviously cuz he's been up like two years as a bunch of new maps I don't know how much we're gonna play of this like last stream was really fun we had a good time but we never actually went through the tutorial so this is like the beginning bits the tutorial it tells you what to do and then we're gonna go into the yeah we're pretty blast for this stuff oh can you do me a favor could you give you grab my armoured cover I just like a really relaxed if I walk around here that's it yeah yeah enjoy me squid is too quiet but my mic sounds good I will turn squid nugget yeah so the mic probably won't sound as good as my mic but you may notice you can't see it it's like it's further away and the other mic I had to be right have it right in my face there's a I had to be right in my face video to be out of here but now we can I can move around freely let's go look how long could we spend we should do the video like this right here we go the back-to-back challenge this is how we gonna do it oh I was gonna put my controller down no I'm playing with my fidget cube you pay this I'm gonna play my yeah it's got them you can't see if everyone else can see then little bits that you like flick and stuff little bit like a little fake analog stick in there and squidgy thing I'm a fidgeter so thanks grace you got it for me for Christmas all right come on fidget let's go we did this end of the last one didn't win this very fidgets the name of my box yes so it was bed to be fidget log does not know weight tutorial so I think we could have press these buttons right over the edge that's what you did in the last stream on that ice cube if anyone didn't see our um our last stream on this game check out we both did like highlight videos so if you want kind of a quick a quick way to go see it that's probably a good way to do it what's y'all's back and there was exactly the same as mine like it was like weird think we donated the same way completely alright yeah this is still the tutorial level I think yeah so we gotta get oh so god you have a climb oh you can move that we go through here oh I'm gonna climb on this trail we always go in the dumpster if you want we could push and pull these as well I'm going on this train just cuz God if I even be up there that way need to go to this tutorial you could say that um training [Music] [Laughter] yeah there's some good up here oh wow me well I thought yeah I found the exit I don't know if you can reach it from from the other way as well okay I'm probably gonna follow this if it's a saved I think you do all the hard work well there I do you need you don't you need to go through the exit as well you go through and see what happens ah so I don't think I can reach it okay let me just where are you oh hello so we we gotta get we can't climb on these can we should be able to I think they're like just too high yeah perfect synchronization' can we like pull these trains we can't recreate the trains oh darn I can't push it a pitch wait hold up can you move that middle train yeah I know I can't move it though this one's stuck no yeah I can't move this one that I'm on to the platform now you wait I think you I think you're weighing it down a bit scat all here we go here we go oh [ __ ] oh but how we know how do I get on it now boy that's the probe is about that I think I think I can get there from the stairs there we go up a wave here because you did like all the work discovered where to go you teleport looks like we are carrying on where we left off are you gonna hold the door open for me oh you don't quit it mate come on squealing the butcher dancing stompy you just skipped a bunch of levels oh really what party we skipped a bunch of ribbon oh we didn't he's lying well we're just too good too good for the levels every soda tutorial anyway we don't really just show it as the row upstairs my chest just talking about fortnight in it for tonight sucks okay okay I mean I'd say yes it does you love to be at night you love it I've either played it since the end of the first season I know you love it you love for ages I am I played it when chapter 2 came out and played it for like a day and then just got really annoyed because everybody was better than me every game yeah watch is like a bit moment yeah but at least you can have fun with overwatch like even if you know you don't like win you still constantly shoot in people and can feel like you contribute in and you know what I mean for that you play for 20 minutes did you just get sweated on and then it's like that's a waste of 20 minutes right I still like the bill it's not like I like I like the idea of building in a game like that I just don't enjoy doing it in fortnight yeah I liked at the beginning when nobody could build yeah okay put the Box on there lift it up to me and then this time you can slide me across and you can you can make a joke or everyone's talking about fortnight now why do I mention it it's gonna be the fall that stream oh oh are you gonna deliver me a box quit are you gonna deliver me a box no you decide this across now I can you should just try anger for the job it's a box share anything I do anything I need to slide you across them I guess nice Oh proper delivery drivers we're living out our dream yeah I need to bring this down just just er what it really to do stabbed there could be on a t-shirt squiggle in the box we need to make some squiggle in the box match literally no one in my chat is talking about this everyone still gonna write you role no till about fortnight and anyone who does talk about what night needs to be shamed by let me pick it a good emoji that we can use for shame I don't know how to do it maybe just a sad emoji I don't know how to do emojis on here yeah picking emoji cuz I can't work out a do it cuz I'm a dog that and shave anybody talks about fortnight alright what do we do yeah I've played this mission as well this is I don't know why I'm asking you like I know this is okay you give me a oh my good we know how things go with me doing parkour with we've read this story before we know it ends buddy just like kind of just blaming it bounced up with boy boy boy you little leg out at the back boy what we should do now we need to make it more dramatic this is too easy there we go thank you scoop that's just what I say for you to do there's a there's a tutorial thing here if you meow look there's a little ramp can we say don't fall off oh look do we do we need that ramp I'm gonna cheat commit boy yeah so if you jump then do the play dead like through the air like can I make it so I could dramatic end of like a basketball people spamming X in the chat alright eggs yeah if anyone talks about fortnight you've got to do an egg in the chat to shame them smelly smelly egg in the chat bring the eggs into this right come on stamps you really good at PyCon need to show everybody what you made well there's loads of Chapuys anyway we only have to jump across most of it well where's the checkpoint well just like bits that you can climb up halfway through look at the dramatic job to go P or not but probably yeah I looked at climbing aspects is great yeah you can t be in there quick oh wait yes I could use you to pull myself up [Laughter] at least I tried to help you would you go this all good situation again okay gotta stick together you've been so jealous right you need to bring one of your hands up bring one of your hands up that's it bring on the ledge I'm not letting go of you it's both of us or none of us if you try to throw me off I am holding on to you I sing oh yeah you're gonna make now on yeah do that in one big job I think this one's doable I got it you know this level would have been so good to have done before that other level why defend I never played it yeah good duh cuz like every level they have like a new sort of you know mechanic like the ice is melting yeah I remember what's on the mansion on so yeah well I think I think this isn't the mansion I think where are we off to much now this is I think this is like the main sort of beginning bit yeah this was like it's not really teaching us anymore we're just doing it what have you gone oh yeah I just like yeah I think we need to find moment to go over okay slide away then well let me see if I can make the jump first could not just go down here now what is this fall well there's a roll yeah yeah I think we're never going here were you going I'm gonna check up here there's a row up I want to swing okay good authors of rope this is gonna be take okay grab it Roy this rope Oh sobs I'm coming what's a Swiss watches what's the tree oh no no infer I focused on a turtle what Jamaica TV no it doesn't know I did Joe have you gone yet I'm still swinging oh wait I'll climb you back up again swing myself off course now this is embarrassing guess if I let go I'm gonna try to make it on the tread okay you ready get a catchment right right in position I try to do this double dramatic last time yeah yeah I catch you I'm ready okay bring into my arms right that's Kate appear if you have my headphones on have you okay got game sound on really quiet okay so this sounds like there's a are we too far right it sounds like there's an earthquake just context huh what about me it's okay I'll I'll push the trend off and that should help us get the next bit I think it's what we got to do so you know that you didn't even have to be a PA look watch oh no I made it anyway I need help we started me off is Scott sir is it right right yeah single IV wept for then do we now Oh from the other side we can jump on the train maybe and then get up okay I'll start they said yeah I saw you fly all right I read some donors out in a minute guys can I get a pier then how am I gonna get up here that was so dramatic can you um can you make a song can you make a song out of your shouts with your shoutouts for your donations and I'll do the same song yeah can you make that make their names into a song I mean I can try they'll have it you'll have a back in back in music music for me classical you ready to go yeah she said he watched you for years all the way in Australia I love your videos thank you for the photo reason to help with our fires one second squid was good was singing I was doing is backing track I know it's crazy just well did just Adam even like shut the door like over there again she fix you she can't hear you she just creeps out the car like I'm seven years right I gotta go from I saw like a budget our nation's coming inks they know they want to be in the song to be fair I was so focused on my duty dues and keeping timing I didn't even hear a word you said so I'm just gonna what what you want in don't beat box cuz I don't a rap X I can't rap I can't say Eva basically I don't know why I suggested this give me a give me something do something [Music] Mackenzie shout out to Rafael shout out to vine Charlie Hodges who says happy gamers shout out to pumpkins Tom just a nostalgic fan dropping by smiley face race to the moon see I'm such a the music runs through my bones yeah I just cut it just comes naturally to me I was Carrie go Carrie kissed yeah I think every seemed like how arrest in fear someone who said it just so are you choking what if I did be for me to fool as well I need me for beautiful as well obviously we don't that far back do by French beatboxing oh my goodness keep it up just things like those with hours of Daisy you're a shoot-to-kill river that oh yeah I don't think we ever spoke to desi like on voice char it was just a random marry me never had a headset so it could have been like a 50 year old man or even I think once like after we'd finished doing the maps I think I spoke to him once I really yeah I think I was telling all my friends list I don't think he's a human other thing he's ever online anymore oh we have an argument yeah it would be rock star yeah you got you go on to get a save pipe okay thank you the surface and I go oh do you need to use these care what throughout the mid do we need to smash the windows with them anyway look stop spread are you gonna smash me free I just know you for you to use you know how to solve a problem just use your head go on this try the wood scrappy this is not the right way to go hmm hmm try try doing this try try stripping the pillows through the window it feels that we do we can smash yeah I don't know whoever pillow is there gonna be strong enough Grima NER there's a question few steps is just crisis or Stumpy's new videos are little waggy than the old videos is there a reason what you mean by his qualities just got worse over time he's just it just cares less I don't know what I mean by likey like what might be like the videos lucky yeah the videos a like a you've got a whacky video stamps sort your videos out I'm not sure what you mean I don't know how you don yeah sorry I don't know what you means if anyone else has noticed it it's not like it so not the lice is there talk about the videos but I don't know how videos can be laggy like in in what way oh sorry controller bucket oh good don't get in the bucket stop let's get the wall screen let me just watch this well I think these open as well oh I just got the window well maybe not I can kind of open it a tiny bit you might need to like open it up oh oh I think I need to smash you through there that wall oh here we go oh my goodness all right let me get another write up I'll go again did you see anything no could you see sweet honest there's like a wall I'm smashing down I'll give me a thumbs up Oh sack says hey stamping why you a dog not a cat there was there was no cats available I was there cats are squids yeah I would oh wait I can't go any further that way because I'll have to contact the devs I think you don't need to be in there I think I just no I think I just you're gonna fall asleep soon oh forget that upgrade upgrade no squid we have an upgrade well you'll see check it out of this school you let me out give back it out I can come up what's the upgrades what are you all about to jump onto this thing yeah yeah I got it Oh call me Miley Cyrus okay don't worry but yeah let me go I'm gonna stay hanging on you get my tip for machine my time to go for a ride I can either hand hold up just just bear with me one sec sup yeah yes hey you ready yeah where we going where we going just scraping me across the grass but basically just walking at this point what we meant to do of it wasn't uh I'm getting off this thing come on oppa construction site I wanted to really swing you like yeah maybe one day go on so all the stairs this yeah is this where we meant to go there's a whole bunch of stuff over that way it's gonna be something up here right yeah we have to do that a park or something I love your method of going up the stairs dance up the stairs the legs don't mean anything for the character do they ah old we push this off I'll push it down here mr. Schue mr. Schue oh no no Danny I think no obviously not there there's obviously pushed it how would he just go onto it would you mean I pushed you to run away you pushed it I sigh what it's a joke pods go for a ride and I thought you pushed a pipe and let me go down here first and see whether this is where you need to get it oh babe maybe not I don't know maybe we just do even need that no no it looks like we need to go over here did we just jump it let me see if I could just jump it I think there's a hog as a whole area down here I feel like if someone gets on this wrecking ball if I bet it does I swarm in to do that is that is that a little bit to go I just jump from the top I know I don't but is that what we meant like look around is that the gig is you know it you look behind you is there a way to like continue heading on ah this is all new I mean I can't see if there's any other way how we supposed to get through here so I think what we are meant to do is there that wrecking ball I think I'm supposed to smash it yeah yeah let's do that in oh we are dunno I was gonna go do your way no you come do my over then it's more fun right do I just cook okay I'm gonna do a dramatic dive what it's a lad oh oh oh this is absolutely this is so not the way we're bid to be doing this because the wrecking balls moved we're gonna stay up here put me right back in the right way Oh got a save point I got a save point okay I'm really curious if the wrecking ball is what we're supposed to be doing I think we meant if we hold on to it it would just go through that gap maybe oh is it upwards don't want me to do here I think I should have dropped down on the other side shame I'm gonna jump across here I think we've completely [Music] maybe I can use this to smash the glass yeah we got a box here let me try this I won't mind just put this on the button I like the glass yeah don't we need the box no what did I do I open the door I am did we need the box for the next bit hopefully we do Excel right now I think I'd be will meant to do that on the bone but I did my fancy way okay I was fine you supposed to smash the wall to get in so scary okay yeah part we would you look like it was first be there for a reason yeah we need the box for this because we can't jump up you though if you throw the box off the edge I think it will reset to where it starts it to you take the box okay oh you just pull the lever pull the lever oh come on don't don't come up don't come by you're gonna pull the lever don't come up here don't come up here we can't do anything out there unless you open it there's another leaver on this side I can't let Gavin oh there does something different [Music] how om the box uh Connie I think just fall off and you'll get here cuz I got a checkpoint you know that's Chi in what's still chillin let's just let's just try to do this okay come come back out no because I'm scared you won't let me back through again I promise no I like this side now I promise I like the man here no I wanna see if this works well there's another box on this side I can get stops come out right you're not getting that up here you don't know about my strength there's another box on the other side I could use to jump a cup I can't reach it go pull the lever I get the other box I think you stick it here with me now no oh Sam's Boxster where you going wait I can flick this bit hold it what's this pull the lever pull the lever okay I said pull the poles pull the poles leave us I had to push right I think oh no I felt right let me see what does pushing this button do the boy said remove the polls stay open the doors not open though right have you just broken in the box I'm bringing the box okay you need to come and see out on the door with the box okay well I don't have the open it if I can't top here we go stabs oh yeah I'm not there yet once that oh you got that box up yeah yeah how'd you get that box up so I want in my chats and you can remove the poles the poles lot the poles that were holding this thing up this little flippidy oh I feel it about the lever I see I see all right now put the Box in between the doors okay oh you need to pull it though I know I'm scared to go too far it I got my feet are off the ground I can't pull it wait wait wait oh yeah is it like think so I'm just gonna break the box use the poles yeah I think now I think while we can use two I use this boxes to press the button I think we can kind of cheat what we meant to do here there's another box but I think we need it okay go for it you just do that and we go through the door oh yeah but what am i up here I was done minute yeah stampy he's barely looking at chess as though I know some we're playing IV like playing overwatch like a mid of a really intense game and like in the middle of plane it's like he's not really in the chair it's like I can't like I kind of one eye on both like okay that's like all of our cubbies there are kitchens like that as kinds of bait babes like falling down so it's like a dream of for me a second the dried beans for dinner last night beans on toast beans on toast oh that God Tyr food nice CD bread hmm my mind was just bread from the petrol station that smelled a bit like petrol so that bread wasn't that right y'all got even made ooh who I had shell own brand bread should try make your own bread is so easy oh really lied you have like an actual bread maker or just like an oven oh I'm on the other side of that door I was trying to open earlier I'm back it like you know when you went for your ride in your little bin yeah little bucket you'll be will bucket yeah oh great that's not a good thing no wait ohh mr. speaker I'm tracking up this wall I don't even know why hmm we need a case if there's a hook there stumps we need to go up to that hook do how long I'm gonna need to use the rocks um how can we use the rocks to smush hold it there's a walkway look we get up here see there's those windows there they made a dent oh oh cool you're strong in yeah yeah I helped I helped oh god I was just about to really overthink this puzzle until you saw that yeah just smash it when in doubt smash smoke it with a rock exactly concepts yes [ __ ] smashing it Arriba some odd dollars in a minute I just like a mute buffers that's fine okay um oh you made it nice huh yeah you gotta be quick boats there's a bit of a bit of a sea or swim now it's like a really easy Champa beard wait we're back yeah that's where we're a second but we couldn't get to this bit before like Oh literally using your bomb to Kleiber I just needed something big to grab on to squeeze what's the roundest quitea sting I can use to go steer a second squid good sandy recession it's great just sign right here just for him seconds give me a high five it's good clean your skivvies my good a get to mischief my turn to troll you know where there's a box over here hold up maybe I can swing on this oh god there's no okay there's more glass there's more glass all right don't throw this bit off wait this is a wrecking ball here Sam cigar box really mm-hmm yeah then just use the glass I don't know how you're gonna get back here oops I'm gonna use the wrecking ball yeah but glass is heavy enough this game you try and come up with good solutions and wait Oh like when don't like a second glass it's heavy enough if I also stand on it over there I'm gonna keep piling up my glass I'm gonna go get another bit it's obviously the solution obviously the right solution yeah obviously there's just all this all this you know amazing game design over this which glass okay so I can't get in the door the only problem I'm facing here Sam's how did you just jump over there yep stink so heavy yes oh yeah a stasis whatever you say like that look this open this knowing it to the boss and justice giving oh they saw that I don't know else do then Sarah are you holding on to it yeah gonna stay there for a bit okay let me try and I'll hurt smashing thank you yeah you wrecking the place alright why is this girl there's no railing here what I'm obviously the codes mate yeah I love to know what's happening but I mean you've done it yeah yeah let's go for my class strategy until I saw you made actual progress I previewed exactly two bits of glass and then a box in order to to get some bucks and no glass don't grab me that is your hand stuck was it one day I wreck of make this yeah I don't know what I'm going to do to it oh there's always a box we need that box see up above you like above you to the right oh yeah how do we get up there always this thing it's can I put does this slide off some pack are here hmm so that's the way Oh hmm hmm come on stamps use that big grin well I so we need you the Box across oh is that like a ladder that we can like knock down do I need to bring this over to that little swing of it next to you how do I swing across yeah let me try that oh I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this I can barely start right then is this gonna have to monkey bars nope ooh oh dear okay take out the box you're the boss I want to go help squid looks so much fun I think I think going this way of the Box might be easier yeah do you think yeah like hundred percent yeah well I can like parkour around no idea did please back up to the top you married oh well how did you just a couple to this uh yeah okay you got your chalice at oh yeah I think doing it this way might be the easier way what happen I towed away at just the wrong time I missed your failure I missed every bar right go ahead go go oh okay why don't you just jump across there here we just you because we limo bomb snaps look now look can you break it all right yes messaging about popping round I am being a trapeze artist methods crazy oh she's after we go bother it whatever you do he's after some cardboard boxes we have yeah mums in the cardboard box is there oh the host is the one who needs to do the chat boy I don't think we need a we need a checkpoint why you do know squid it's because I've already dropped it down now cuz last last time I did that and it just knocked the box off I didn't get up there yeah I think I think like what they were saying I just need to load the checkpoint can I do that you get I just need to knock it down right you you do you do you do it's like squid what was that you're not gonna make that you don't gonna make that shut up turn to Tiger who says I've never had a shout-out before you have now ah the potato says I'm not your mother is that loads of showers doesn't in Europe charge fly gamer says I unsub got a three donations in a row from Rick I just say hey you've a little dancing potato I'll try and catch up with her for some of these during squids failed jumps attempt I think we have a while so I yeah this is this the part where we read people out also thank you to to patent gonna nine eight who says hey stamps thank you for all the fun videos your Lobby world shaped me to be a better person I hope one day to meet you and thank you a person well thank you so much Pat hope you're enjoying the stream and watching squid it's not easy is it it's not easy okay Joey just can I just do it nah nah gives your nice kiss I like I like job looks like delayed or something I'm gonna get ready in position after you fail oh it's good always good it he's got it oh I would if I can chomp away let me to put on hold it to grab your legs we should try that afterwards though a like a do oh yeah we got to give that yeah okay let's do that yeah nice you totally ignore it where you grab them to me they're not seems I'm up okay got it good right try grabbing my legs it's like I think you I think you might be to dip from the flat ground okay everybody if I do this and I'll go down really low now that's fine I'll jump on this okay I'm slide off I can't see what you're doings have I turn the camera I like lift myself up oh I do see little glimpse of your pores bouncing up its dead that thing about come in how did I don't understand don't believe it's wigging anymore love it a bit of troubles are you job you from like right at the top yeah okay oh yeah I've time to look at you know like twisting my arms round my legs my face right there we'll check it there you go yes no gonna stop swing you properly no trying to check up you ever like I just backing you into that thing let order let go as I swing as fast as I can backwards and see if you fly off the edge alright good good yeah yeah we need to get the box across I think we might have to take at the top way doing that part cause way too hard circus music intensifies right you do I'm gonna drop it and then I'll just start the whole thing again really don't drop should I get to the other side be ready to try and catch it in case you get it close Oh handy box right please don't drop it so as we're gonna do it all over again Oh will you just send over just send over what I was gonna do it why do you mean me right on it as well that's why that's why I assume but this would work if you do it real slow trying to it slowly if you can your face what okay okay right I don't want to tip it off but I tried jump on don't tip it off if I see you if I do so tip it this my way at least I guess okay okay there we go I did just saw my arms stuck again flashbacks from beginning sorry how you do it my arm stuck stop you'll be watching for five years now I love you sirs will I thank you so much stole mine says poetry this is poetry I have read minded it I need to catch up on mine I'm already catch up on mine yeah I was just reading comments okay the five humour for fights off with it it's a great game I'm glad I could bring it stamps as world Charlie - dude hamish thanks for the - with all my friends and they ended up yelling at me because I know so much yeah I mean that's exactly what's happening yeah I can relate to that one I could understand le sex with a fire wish I could donate bar but university is bled me dry also I'm super late but congressional engagements you broke you guys thank you Oh criminy I think for the to not penguin frog thanks for the - can you say flip-flop fish hop for me there you go - hope you both have a good day / - Greta thank you angry up sex to the one and it thanks for the - hi hi dude alright what do we do now oh wait I come down here squid go down here why that leaders egg crush me gonna go down to that lever yeah and then maybe do all them flip it up yeah hey this is a one-man job again here thanks for volunteering - wait Bobby welcome eros fine I'm just discovered this game oh do I need to smash this glass jump into it like like belly flop onto it yeah then I think I need to look but then there's an opening to the end of the level I think we need to swing through that opening from here when you throw a circus a glassful let me know he tried to smash ruin either oh do we do oh do we have a mold the box the box the box no because we took it out for about to get through there's something up here they'll be something up here let me have a look let me severe the situation yeah well Matt what's what's under the oh this is oh there's another lever down Eva I think that's for the door yeah but we need to smash the glass somehow my my face was not strong enough Oh move the yellow thing and smash the glass move the oh oh there's a yeah oh there's a yellow thing like a pole or something up there that I missed I just could send me at war Mars was like a chat just there thank you for the tips red dragon I love this game and I love streaming it because if we was recording this together we really got stuck so much I don't know I don't think we've realized is only the pose was the bit like we would have worked this out eventually I'm trying I'm trying to make you feel good stumps come on just just heaven yeah yeah I mean absolutely Indus indispensable they say destructible but absolutely indestructible okay right I've seen it I've got the yellow thing and you like to slide it down I'm wiggling it oh [ __ ] forwards it's moving it's moving maybe just pull it back and then lift it over can you pull it towards you easier okay I'll try it's really making a meal out of that's not I have it it's stuck come on yes oh that's drop that down now I guess yes alright disc is this gonna open the door though how does this is this gonna stay open oh it does I get it stay oh yeah I broke the lever amazing completely missed okay right you're gonna jump up to me again the suicide it's just do a side-by-side okay right not this go not this go the one after so not this the Mex go back click go yeah ok so this is the this is the first proper life that was move that wasn't just the tutorial that was more than a tutorial come on give it a little sorry wake up James I always never know what's our jobs to do for like referencing old live streams because like you for videos you kind of assume if they're watching a series they're gonna watch most of them but when it's like a two-hour live stream I never know how many references I should make the squiggle in the box was a good one almost 10 bit shout out to happy Wade crazy who just says hello and thunderstorm hunters there's wiggle box can't believe you fought caper toss was another thing no way with caber toss is its Kaiba but you said I didn't say guys I said I did so keeper I said like you said I said caper there's a caper cape is a fish it's not a fish hey Sarah is Katherine see what serious says love we just dropped them capers yeah caper not keep her with an a the bra fish escape yeah really see a PE argh I need to look at but I need to look this up CA ka PE AR katha capers if there's a media company it's not a fish is typing capers no if you did you search k a PR yeah ka PE are animal we doesn't come up with a fish no it's not a fish it's not a fish it's not a fish it's not a fish it's a vegetable vegetable toss and you're a vegetable it says capers are small flower buds of a shrub which grow in the Mediterranean they're picked by hand and they're fairly pricey stamps you don't want to go tossing them about a bit ingredient add in a distinctive sour salty flavor too many savory dishes so y'all just be you're just tossing vegetables about something that's what you've been doing that's what I do in the kitchen she comes in look down you push it look down look down look up look down look down and fishy fluid look down now yeah now push it forward that's it you know like you truly use the world's biggest penciler you like drawing on the floor I'm trying to oust it could you give us it hard to stop staring out man having a cup of tea yo you got this you got this you could see it are we gonna even here to walk across that yes we are do you remove awards across the log in the last one oh my god there's a catapult there's a cab hole on the other side I can't wait to kappa put you these come on I'll catch you don't don't you dare move it don't you dare don't you dare don't you dare I'm making it worth your time pretty pretty Oh Kappa Kappa Kappa this way this way this way this way oh so you trebuchet you find me it's all trim use a careful as it couple right don't do yet let me get in it rock scene you know I don't wanna go in it all right already well it's just smashed into the wall right bear Rocking how do I reset it oh you know you can already use it once no yeah can you imagine I don't want to wind it where do I do this thing here shout-out to a clip would help the cat use as hi stamps just join the screen welcome we have been doing perfectly for every puzzle we have not struggled at all apparently something like that oh do I okay there we go you have got such an easy job I've had two y missile I did when I hit my own I didn't even need to do though I just did it for fun do we even need to go for that well can I open this cake alright okay bothering can open one side of the game but not the other I think oh there's a thing in here I've got a walking stick was that crowbar I don't need to use the crowbar to open this right you watching no I'm doing my own thing I'm picking them picking the lock I'm braking and yoga you're going like the bold like aggressive way oh yeah I'm using stealth and sneaking in with my crowbar did it I broke down a piece I think I'm gonna keep keep doing it okay I like I were just dude separate fix I don't even know where you are so I've gotten like the castle gate and I can open one side I think I need to use a crowbar too the other like oh maybe a boulder okay maybe I'll come back to this right how's the rock crown going for another one remember to load the second one in I'll catch it you need to pull the cow fault back you launched it straight over oh do you think you would've whined it okay so I'm gonna wind it not as fast yeah yeah yeah went too high it's too technical for me how do I look I'm coming to help winch it myself come on it's funny it's you you're they're loading you know this that it's like playing really sad music you're gonna which it myself just like dududu the lone we can't afford can we don't just pull the whole catapult backwards yeah as I was gonna do like start ng beyonders yeah that's all that all right give that a go yeah you owe me please please please please no did you fire me now oh so we could try break Stonehenge can we show the catapult around and break Stonehenge I reckon it might be able to can you move it I said let me see if I can pull it over how many thousands of years as Stonehenge stood dog show yeah I can't wriggle in that do you think we could both trip in the catapult and then that pull the lever together maybe maybe right how does the winching work guess you gotta do it that way yeah oh it's not hard it's really hard you were making a really big drama out of nothing all right good okay follow it follow it because we're heavier okay so I know this is where I was squid you see there's a crowbar down there oh yeah well I think it's just one of these hooks I was trying to use that to open this from the other side this is what we do we gotta grab one of these each and we got a knock we're gonna use this and and smash him do you get on the other side smash smash swore that I wouldn't Darwin but this one gonna break the castle very sir I think we can just pack I think we could just open these doors anyway look we just reach the Bofur a big Oh pull them open their regular woman I can't because you'll put a big block in the way I'm gonna go try this one I reckon it's what we're gonna do it's not really working there is it I know there are look I think we do issues the block to climb up to here maybe that I I think they're locked from the other side this a team effort I have a corrupt old er bump yes I always ask that question squid yeah you know is the I first met you that was the first thing I fought why is it my bum come on lift lift lift come on I look like I should get a liver I'm not even left oh don't you just a really okay love to save the princess Oh everyone's telling us to do what we what we just did what to climb up here the delay did you drop down or go oh you up there I went through the princess tower to see with princesses find the princess no there's no any of it move on I think she's in this house here I found her printers printers your bogeys coming through the window sneak sneak through the window so their mum doesn't catch me princess princess I'm here are you here in the oven are you in the princess oh my god Oh dere might crowd myself into this oven oh my window but quite climb in the oven do you like three squeeze yourself in okay it's a push don't pick up on the me you know feel I never go oh please little dog with your small paws reach to the back of the oven to get my cookies oh we can just walk around I guess I think it's just decoration well we must oh wait we can it's just gonna lead us back to where we were though yeah we must we must need to be in here for some eat unless this is just like so we get on the roof look we can swing across the lantern Oh we bring we bring the car benda kai bring a cure you get it go you know there's two handles on this thank you guys good he got two I'll put you back my back's just broken it's perfectly that's not an effective what you climbing on to it squared is not helping okay more nichd a little over my leg it's like Snapple to the floor pocket pocket class this isn't a big classifies is slice good come on keep up I'm check key thought right you must be the one who's played this before oh hey stop dissing you while I'm constantly failing this is you watch it this is our this is our real canine does it you ready yeah I want you know oh yeah actually works someone donated just as you did that it would ding like like success oh I missed it because you you left it swinging bleep me thumbs do you fault everything where if he ever use fedor knows why I'm waiting for you big thanks for the to Dubai islands of eating as my favorite series as a good serious enjoy hands of you was good outfit me chocolate to be nice to see okay can you do a quid stamp a oh my goodness it's never gonna happen just cuz I'm sick of the game as well I'm stamping and stitch you just says your Nana thanks stitch you appreciate the nice donation things I will tell my name it's very good a job we just look like zombie to go [Music] no scraped her squid squid squid squid squid squid squid squid squid yeah my god I can't make it up why you serious yeah go back go back go save me squid save me some wall okay one minute let go let go let go let go I don't want to let go for God's sake get up you down oh [Music] really done you over you have to wait five seconds or two you jump too far away oh I just got a save point I just go say for you oh here he is I see a shadow up [ __ ] oh my goodness the way I landed really right okay so we came through there you're like MIT you should move this again whether there's a a pass across the bridge there's a padlock we just last time I broke it with a rock so we might need to be getting a rock from somewhere and I know we need to do I need to move the car so you can make it across big bridge or can you move about me I decided screw it off let me see I shout out someone earlier because they said they'd never have a shout-out and all my charts are saying I've never had a plastic right break the lock with the rock oh did you - right there with the low I'm lecture your back into a screed come on okay I'm gonna move on you're such what why are you like this tubs we have some nice encouragement are you playing on xbox we are playing on xbox oh you could survive boy oh my god joy walkie stick I don't - drop it down I don't know what we need this thing is that everything noise lows and stuff up here's another little house there's a barrel there's some more swinging we got to do there's so many places we could go now so I'm really open oh there's some zip lines do you reckon we have to use the stick to like zip across well maybe there's a bell this stick with sticks amazing Oh y-yeah yeah I think this pole here maybe do you need to to use it to swing across there mash deep let me see my shape yeah I think use the pole or dopamine all the way back down put up a little boy back okay thank you thank you k excuse me have you seen my fly that I saw at the stick stakes mine now I got the stick no get off me you know what it's worse just chop chop oh we did we got in there my stake in this take it away you're gonna wake it away why we are we gonna do it together good we could shoot together right your job stick the wrong that's all your right shoe but you're making me panic you're making me Braddock gone good get it the right way around it's time to cocoa liquor okay okay well then let me wait let me just stand here and hook it on and then our job anyway that's it Oh wrong way around so when we asked us I know if I just line up oh that's it is it no just a joke I said you just grab them to this stick and I'll pull your graphic grab the stick oh you got oh don't you still there grab the stick I don't get too close because you can mix it's like gonna hook me down grab the stick okay let's grab it just grab the stick right okay let me do for the other side up pull up pull up how's the wheel oh great was it do I cannot rule it that's for sure hmm hey you come on it as well maybe these two of us I don't think so because all of these levels could be complete with one person I think all right here in the wrong way I think Oh Oh all right you staying here right run the other way well you can run the other way there's a secret lasagna in the tower says uh vines no no like a nice lasagna oops little bit more no wait what a lot of [ __ ] bit stand on this thing it's a bit um okay okay just let's lift it up and then I'll climb up I mean I don't know if I can jump to the other side oh no Mike Mike I stick to it it's just like a wall I put it like I know is that gonna work you need to get up from the bottom that's what you need to do you need to wait it's on the ground you need to get on it and then hold the maybe if I jump from it this side so I'm like right in the middle of here okay just get on just get on so I'm trying to do be ever I say in the middle hold the middle hold the middle of the body God okay flash cat says he's not looking at chat ash devta says little stumpy fortress says epic can we stop screen yeah let's go there's a panel that I could drop down to you would that help you it anyway I mean yes I can get all would help you get up yeah it would okay of course it's would come on it's so hard it sucks I end up just standing on it and then I come do it you got it there we go I've got an idea if I grab the stick like good Oh your idea both good no no grab the stick a pole meal really you see this yeah sit now pull me up well let me go this way go guarantee you'll I can walk backwards say oh you want it yes I said yeah yeah I think I couldn't lift it any of you back to it my let me get it with both hands it said oh you put the same is it no the jump thing just pulls me towards you okay let me let me try and hold the wall and pull myself up as well to you a little bit I think we may be let go the stake I got bored I think it's saved if you just jump off now I've kind of the wood oh okay nicely climate the wood nice right it's going to come into my house Claire I said they were gonna roll barrels down this ramp for some reason just cuz there's a giant ramp and then barrels at the top of it Donkey Kong you got two entrances do stunts you really fancy can I just like slide down this [Music] don't try sliding down it oh it's a barrel here okay darling go borrow where we have to get it in liner where Matthew Smith says I'm never using super chug a my super chatty didn't read Eric okay I'll get to it okay people get so angry yeah six years of you to see six to the ward bedroom index with the one bg8 you guys I get told us not can we add can we can we go in the barrels where we meant to do that come in at a slight I try all movement with a job oh oh yes yes I made it I made it no time oh then we use their the barrel to climb up here I think are the skills up here okay wait your turn nice just wait your turn your turn holy God no oh you're not gonna make it I'm not giving you this barrel though get away - you fool and then I'm gonna go Nicky I don't give you this barrel well I gotta read my donations where you struggle don't you says can you play five notes of Freddie's note because I'm a coward I'm too scared turn to Matthew as live for the duration oh I got one from an anonymous oh no that's good a with a restricted message so thank you guys for the donations don't get get let go I think I give edged my way back to here stupid barrel oh my god oh yes okay the steak steak steak steak stay stay Alex is that was on my door so oh I mean [Music] it's just skill squid just skill pure skill god he's some tricky jumps we're gonna do here it's good scripts no I no one cares get up your melon uh with the top of the car sighs I feel so great to be this high this is so fun oh this is amazing Hey oh this is so great what a great what a great place to be you agreed to do this because that was you like messing up I'm just better than you now that's all it is no I held it for you I got the barrel down they rolled the barrel off I'm opening a cake you might need to stay down there anyway I think once I've opened this gate we're like done it's just personal thing now to be honest is this gate staying open I think it is right I'm going down yet although I must hide the castle I'm back at the willow I'm by the zipline Travis says we're trying to annoy you and I think he is I think he's just not very good sad can we go can we have in both chats can we sad faces in the chat because squids not very good and it's sad it's quite sad he wants to be good at the game but he's not very good and it's really sad pause quick we have poor squid with lots of sad faces poor squared bad for squid not very good at the game no that'd be nice cuz it's sadly feel sorry for you cuz you're not very good at the game you might mean if everyone just super just to me that make me feel a lot better thank you guys appreciate I'm gonna do this I like if I won this game to like seven o'clock tonight yeah if you are you'll be on it by yourself it just keeps rolling stumps well cuz I don't have a friend to hold it you know what I mean because he broke it off over the next level I'm gonna desert no it's really weird does he want the princess all to himself oh that's all I got like I've got I've got one of those big poles again and I need to hook a lamp down so I can swing across but it's yes it's not just the first job because though the rest of those jobs are all really tricky as well by the way now we're rolling now we're rolling now we're rolling Oh chat we get some double using chat please we go so which window door go through stop oh poor squid not very good Oh stamps stampy when he sees squids titled Lola what's your title what's the tail of your stream squid question I stuff I think you're getting carbon the gems weren't that the things if you die now you're just gonna get teleported way ahead where so what did you do then you do what I saw - so there's a thing I had to open to open up a big Gate as you went did you go through the gate yeah I've gone through the gate and then I had to hook down a lamp and swing across your see me in a second I'm not them to you far don't worry don't you worry happy birthday Jean I rush it all over Hugh first thanks to the two said I hope you feel better screwed yeah Thank You Oliver sad face squid sad face I don't want your pity I mean yes swing across in the lab so I had to hook that down to me ages what perfume should I wear today stamps one two or three ass Hannah what should her what perfume I think Hannah you should get a spare bottle and combine all three fingers that was they'll smell nice yeah why why sell for one purview when you could could jumble them all on like maybe that's what she was asking should she wear one two or three perfumes like how many per hello [Music] we still own it you gotta let go squid you gotta let go so I don't again this game's amazing can you see where I'm meant to go from up here I meant to go anywhere okay let me just this says there's a place down there with a house that we've not gone to there is I saw a cave or we went to fling ourselves using this to get Cece over here with this house is we've not been there yet see that could bears I view this no I'm gonna try and lose this is just like as a launcher I saw a kid double arm yep now there now yeah and I got checkpoint oh I see it okay I see the cave yeah yeah I'm coming phew handles in a big logo totally noise yeah right oh I think we need to go up here this is like this across I got rid of your your back babe squid you're not helping literally I had this perfectly under control to me oh oh stop what are you doing I'm gonna I'm just gonna wait until you're done up oh this ain't happening oh I think we need to oh we need to use and then there's this this plank here as well ah smash ooh maybe I stand on one side and then you jump on me over and it flings me Oh proper circus well I I keep thinking that but then no because all of these levels go cuz I know there's an unreal is it on it so our meme it can do I have we got to do it we need to drop the anvil to launch us up then well anyway drop it from I don't know let's just make the seesaw in the position then we're this is cool we come back to the am bill right you bring up no but maybe we it looks like we do that why not maybe there's something on this house I don't mean in the house yet and we have to drop it from the truth for the roof of the house as this this stairs in the house housekeeping yep no ones are like this looks like obviously the place we're meant to be trying to get to like just cuz the like the terrains different you don't bring the um bill yeah bring it over we give it a go maybe if we just like if we just stand on one side and just throw it that will be enough hmm it's heavy or maybe it's just a way just to properly they'll end up while we both walk up yeah I'm thinking it yeah it's just not as fun I think that's high enough if we put this anvil on yeah how are you going my daughter started creaking oh can you can you help me lift this handle up it's quite heavy is this where we go in okay oh it wasn't a bit of a better position but this might be doable now pick up you pick up ask car the old rabbit jump stabs - dragon I don't know and I think it's quite high enough yet all right if we do the pole yeah the ponies to be closer to the anvil you say that you say that's good am I good to use you these will work we just like that the pole like the log needs to be like further away so it's like clear like more of an angle like further away from what we're doing so like down here yeah well we push this up okay come on look that's it that should be enough and you slide this plank here if we get the anvil on that that'll be way higher okay oh just using my face all right sit push it down I'm gonna clear the envelope is it you pause oh good oh me I'm stuck start can you give me 30 reps that's my head go play I think like play Dead's a good way to reset it huh yeah stumpy you're doing it wrong well we better do now I reckon we carry on I reckon this is a good way all right we need to I need to pull this down and if so if I stand on this then I'll stay down then I can pull it up what's it well weigh it down no I'll be ready to help me so I drop down a bit without me standing there yeah I need a bit help maybe come on go on it ok pull it up further back don't forget yourself ok yeah and they said we were doing it wrong this looks fun right what do we do here then we've got a big swing attached to a bucket we move these ah this looks like it's to an underground base see there's like a [Music] pasta do you I don't know maybe Oh like the book isn't thin there's like a loading like parkour stuff that we just like fell past my goodness this is huge this is a big old hole [Music] Romeo donate 2 pounds and said pull strokes he's not very good sad face oh my goodness poor square piece no to be fair he's trying his best he's trying he's been oh and that's all you can ask for me not wrong just the squid way hmm ok I've got a bit of pike arias that was gonna be careful man well we are we so we're just gonna be park chorong back to like where we make our I have no idea to be honest maybe the book was like a checkpoint so we could get my copy easily maybe I don't know where there's a sir there's a rock here do I push the rock maybe I mean this looks like this is meant to be climbed so this isn't it like we're like breaking away up the level again Oh stupid yes yes here we go another catapult is another catapult over there did you stop breaking this place the parkour skills are real [Music] [Applause] I think this levee is better than the earth the ice level I'm enjoying this book yeah this is great alright they use the catapults yeah speaking of carports looks like we got to fire ourselves okay how do you can you give you a hand a seconds good I don't know to do this again I'm just here we're just getting cyberbully by everyone stumpy will you please tell squid I love him Viper thank you appreciate it guys this is my pad can you give me a look like a really impatient like twiddling my toes like [Music] where are you landing where are you landing okay we're gonna do the drop leg just for the lulz and it backfired majorly are there any rocks or do we need to launch by ourselves right come on get in with me game with me okay this is gonna work oh yeah push it push it push it don't reach you filed eleven got it well that's it put it down yeah thanks weird right oh well there's a hole can we climb through this or do we need to cow pull ourselves through it there's a piece of wood here I think we need to cow pull ourselves through the hole sure you wanna use the wood maybe but I feel like it's small enough if we do this cow pod that'd be one epic trick shot it's like get through that gate okay I'll leave the wood here just in case what would we use the wood for I might just fallen off like I'll reuse it is it as a thing to stop it rolling forward see how it's rolling forward all the time maybe we're gonna use it as like mm yeah we do need the cow pulp further back I guess why would we be too high to go through that hole right wherever you go to do test shot so let's pull it back a little bit all right I volunteered to be the the Cannonball for the test shot okay let me let me we have to move the sticks it's rolling forward all the time oh oh oh I should have grabbed on I might be no Matt yeah there's that perfectly lined up it just needs to be a slightly weaker or further away yeah I've moved it further away so it should be good move there how's it now this is the good the good stuff all right yeah we are we gonna both go in it are we doing this one oh sorry shut up to a Pokemon cave lava this is high from island hello from Island hi fun fact I'm half Irish my mom's Irish he got a new mic I do have a new mic should sound okay the best thing is is you can't see it it's it's hidden it's it's further away so it's like right here but it's like a like a longer-range mic so I think it's better yeah all right let's go I'll be far away too far away because I grabbed on to you it kind of slowed this down let's just do it do it boy no time Hotel squid his super chats aren't working your super chats aren't working oh the other should be mad the monster said that oh yeah oh yeah Matt's done here to see I just I've seen the Matt I just need to catch up dude yeah I'm a baby baby he me I have you got them set to show up on scream or not yeah okay that you go first okay I'm ready of my arms to catch you whoa whoa I'm a little bit to the right if you want to adjust it for your go I might be able to make it in with skills right move it a bit to the right how to move to ever I think I think I should be just good using y'all okay it's doesn't easy yeah it's definitely a bit bit wonky okay I'm about to get in is that the end yeah that's the exit okay come on with some of a big finishing Kara with a large yeah when you're in the air potholed left if you can see if you can guide yourself to the left because you are very much Oh squid where are you I need to see your view of that is amazing to see you view it des Island No oh god that's the saga so confused I go like shut in by the gate and then it like like over the castle the manage to sneak down til next Remus and yeah yeah so we are we got four for carrying on right so like not now but like more no no yeah we're due tomorrow or whenever yeah yeah okay so rowing boat together I won't go to stream tomorrow or over the weekend but maybe like okay maybe magically maybe Monday where I'm gonna put a tentative pin on Monday for our next review would like to carry on now for those of you that are just joining in the stream and saying oh no I'm sad I've just arrived for the stream is ending don't worry the entire stream on both of our channels will be available as VOD debby recommend watching it it was a lot of fun a lot of crazy shenanigans happened so it's probably definitely one you want to you'll want to check out if you like these kind of things anything you want to say before we go squid I got a few donations I want to make sure split off and then do some catch note but yeah we still be in style to be back on Monday sounds pretty much said everything else but yeah hopefully you enjoy this all playful I didn't know there were this many levels I only played a little bit of the last one it's all this is new for me now which is quite good and there is another DLC level as well which we haven't played which is quite cool as well as we can do that at some point in the future but right yeah so I'm gonna say I'm gonna leave the the school the cool squid and say goodbye to my scream and you can yep you can do whatever you do with your stream okay yeah alright see you later bye run watching on squid stream and seal it off or you'd never leave yeah I'm basically just ending the this dream now it's always been done I'm you to to like streaming with other people and I'm like really like I finally got comfortable with a with streaming by myself like it took me a little while like even though I'd done so many videos doing streams is is very different and I'm just about now where like when I'm starting a stream I'm not nervous I used to be like I even mentioned it so my early streams like when I'll be going to press like well will you be is I'd set it to like stream starting soon then I see all the chat going and I'm certain people saying like I'm so excited it's gonna be so fun and I'll be like is it know like is it gonna be photo I'd be really nervous that stuff would go wrong and now when I start a stream I don't get nervous anymore so that's good I just need to get a little bit better at streaming with other with other people like not many people know this but the reason I don't collaborate very much is just I find it I find it difficult recording with other people just doing normal videos whatever peep like I'm just not very good at not being in control and especially for someone I don't know very well which is why I did generally don't collaborate with many people but like a few people like squid and squashy I've got comfortable with so it takes a little bit of a little bit of a while but anyway I'm running now I saw what I said to do a check because this is a new microphone like how is it sounding like is the sound levels all good I noticed we have my last stream that we did the other day squid was quite quiet compared to me but yeah if you let me know how this all sounds if it sounds decent enough I'll leave this as the permanent setup for doing the live streams and then just all my videos are recalled with my old mic so you remember like this is how this stream is normally are they're normally like this and I just hate this because it like covers my screen up there and it comes to my face and you've got this giant horrible stand in the other way so it's it's much it feels much freer I guess sounds pretty good it's good it sounds perfect sounds really good okay good yeah so from now on I will be freer to kind of move around as if I'm gonna start dancing in my streams so yeah as I said I think I might have missed a few donations Luke and Lucas and I think I donated showered you out he donated said tell squid to bring back bed walls I can tell you he loves bed war so it pretty really after doing old squids dunking me in the water while we do this but we tried tunes we did a a live stream of bed wars and it was really difficult because we kept getting like a really really targeted so maybe he will do that again thank you as well to nx3 ninja as well for the dollar donation I really appreciate that and yeah thank you everyone for watching the streams as I said no streams over the weekend the next stream will probably be on Monday at around 4 p.m. assuming squid and I are both still free at that time so if you want to see us carrying on playing the game check it out then there will also be the VOD of this stream and I'm also gonna do another like best of highlights montage probably of just the rest of this game now I pretty won't do one of them so if you don't like the longer streams but you just kind of popped in to say hello to me then yeah you can go and and watch it then I reckon everyone I'd be other a good rest of your your evening because I won't speak to you before then I hope you have a good weekend as well and I'll see you all later [Music] you
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 124,208
Rating: 4.9489307 out of 5
Id: dMtmZlVsmh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 15sec (6375 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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