Relearning Minecraft - 🔴 Live

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hello this is daddy and welcome to a another live stream we're going to be carrying on where we left off with my relearning minecraft stream series uh basically if you didn't see the last stream and don't know what this is uh i am getting back into minecraft this will be the only time i answer it but i'll be asked it a lot throughout the stream yes lovely world is coming back but it's not coming back today and i'm not doing it in the stream uh but yeah lovely world is returning but the problem is is that i've been trying to prepare and do some lovely world videos and it turns out i'm not very good at minecraft anymore i don't know maybe i was never good at minecraft but uh basically i'm learning uh on bedrock how everything works there and then also kind of working out about all of the new mechanics and mobs and additions and features and biomes and changes of the controls and stuff i'm basically learning all of those things just so when lovely world does return hopefully i won't frustrate you all by just being really really bad at minecraft so this is kind of what it sounds like it is me re-learning how to play minecraft so i'm just gonna be playing through a brand new survival world which i started in the last stream there'll be a bit of building a bit of playing around a bit of exploring but the main focus is going to be on features which are new uh at least to me so i'm still kind of making my way through the aquatic update and trying to work out all of the new things that have been going on there then we're going to be doing some of the villager and pillager stuff which is good because i have a village and a pillager tower whatever that thing's called what's it called the well the pillager outpost there's a pillager outpost nearby so i will uh go through all of that stuff should probably get at least like a diamond sword or something right before i i do that and we do have alex with us we do have a corgi cam she's buried herself inside of a of a beanbag but yeah she's going to be chilling out in the the background um yeah she's probably going to go get hyper at some point and start playing around um yeah but the first thing i want to do today is i want to find a shipwreck i want to make a i think it's a conduit conduit i want to make with a on the heart of the sea and i want to use it to craft a conduit because i've never seen the heart of the sea in-game and i've never seen a conduit and i've never made one so that's going to be something for me to to learn all of the uh the ins and outs about uh how's everyone doing though how do people hear so i i thought so last time i did this stream i did it on sunday and later in the evening and that was a bit of a mistake because kind of too many people showed up and it made which is which is nice like i want people to go to watch and enjoy it but like a big part of the the idea of these streams is that you would be able to to help me out and the the comments uh could kind of guide me and give me advice and that did happen but it did kind of get to the point where uh it was very difficult to to read through uh everyone's messages uh just because the the chat was scrolling so fast so there's still quite a lot of people here today but not as many uh as the there were last time uh so hopefully it will be a little bit more relaxed and it always like there's always a very hyped start to the streams and loads of people there and then people gradually like get bored or hungry or or find something better to to do and it gradually goes down so things will er will probably uh come down a little bit out uh hello to uh to hey it's olivia hello to uh to flexi who just says hahahaha hello to shane who says hey stamps hello to blue kitties who says hi hello to too perfect he says hello uh hello as well okay now it goes fast now the chat's called hello to richard hello to mr space hello to corgi games great username corgi games great username uh profile picture as well hello to everyone hello teddy everyone's in the stream so uh yeah before we get into the gameplay uh let me first do a few shout outs to uh some donations that have come through uh hello michael welcome back to the stream just says how how are you i'm doing okay not done much i actually had the last two days in a row i've had social engagements which considering the lockdown is something that hasn't happened in a while we had two kind of like small like not garden parties but people came round we played croquet which is a great social distance game and stuff so uh yeah like for me life has almost not returned to normality but like i've tricked my brain into thinking that life was almost normal so uh yeah i've been doing good thanks i think it will turn to anna as well as a lis aviation who says keep it up uh finn the the garrett says thanks for the vids uh cheez-its uh says first thing you'll do when the never update uh i think i'll do like a stream learning like what to like about all of the never stuff because i've not really looked into that i'm just playing the base game i'm not doing like the beta or like the snapshot stuff or any other of those things thank you to uh tahashi mate as well as uh joggertin who just says what's good uh vex as well turns to julian he says i used to always try to recreate your minecraft builds uh thank you as well to echo who's watched since 2013 as well as the mine creeper uh thank you to jellybean he says uh am i going to play overwatch again uh probably i'll probably do overwatch again at some point in the future not sure when thank you too tells the pony fox aka dog fox aka human fox for becoming a member i would really like to know the story of how you came up with that username yeah that's great i thank you her to orient yoshbosh as well as joe blocks i thank you to spaceman and uh toby mortimer thank you to slippery dj dan who says he loved the content as well as grooviest globe go i feel like slippery dj dan and groovius globe should like teen up team up and like start like a band or like i don't know like dj duo's or something yeah thanks about to titanic lovers as well as a xlise thank you to uh to pastel ducky and mlbf collections who says thanks for being a huge fan oh whoa wait a minute wait a minute uh no i'm not looking at you i was in the game in the background while this was going on and then an enderman just like teleported right in front of my face i'm gonna get him does she does shields help against enderman i'll sneak up i'll sneak up to him don't steal my sand ah oh he's gone oh he's outside the door i do i do my little have opened the door he'll come up to the door i just hit him through the doorway little little trout i'm scared of just creepers in general but also now because i've been in the game for like the the whole night and so i don't know whether they're going to be all surrounding me are we okay ah no we're not okay we're not okay well it doesn't look like there's any other googlies close by at least so i can focus 1v1 against the uh the enderman and i was able to get it so on bedrock do they not have the thing where because i know that i don't know if they do still have on java or whether they changed it back but it used to be that like if you attacked too fast you would end up like doing less damage is that like still a thing on um is that a thing at all on bedrock because there used to be like a little circle that go around the cursor but i kind of just like spammed like crazy and things were okay no cool down on bedrock only jar okay that's good that's good because i was in the uh the camp of uh of not being the biggest fan of that uh mechanic uh as i know a lot of people were i do actually are there any other spiders cause i was gonna try i think i saw a spider over here somewhere i was gonna try and make a fishing rod so i wanna i wanna feed a dolphin a fish and then use that to um to find a shipwreck there's a zombie burning down here are there any spiders still lurking around yeah see you later zombie i think things ain't going to end well for you buddy i'm sorry he waited up all night he waited up all night for that ambush opportunity and then yeah immediately got destroyed i made a bow i kind of regret it so i can catch i can catch fish in buckets now can i get like excuse how silly but can i get the fish back out of the bucket does that make sense so say if i catch a fish in a bucket let's just let's just play around with this anyway because i've not really i've not really done much playing around with like the new fish but if i catch a fish in a bucket can i then get that so i'm i just have the fish uh yes you can you can do okay so i don't i don't even need a fishing rod i do this like old-fashioned style and just dive into the water and just try and get them oh there we go here's some fish because it needs to be alright i know i've got a cooked fish in my inventory but it needs to be a raw fish right i'm coming okay there's something there's something so funny about that just like going without just scooping up a fish and like if i go in the water i got there like how does the fish just not swim away now like what is in the bucket okay so [Music] how do i get how do i get the fish out of the bucket uh any tips so i got this fish and put it down here i guess how do i get it so i'm just holding a fish that i could feed to a dolphin uh place it place it in water so i want to be dog can i i want to be just holding the fit do i just do i do i just kill it hit it left trigger remove the water stab the fish okay let's just kill the fish then okay then it just becomes oh and a bone oh no oh dear that's a to be look to be fair look at the size of that bone and then look at the size of that fish did that boat come out of that fish as a i mean i don't know like much about the anatomy of fish but like that seems like a very big bone to come out of a very small fish if you were if you asked me all right because we're going on an adventure and my farm is uh a bit lacking at the moment i want to gather up a little bit more a little bit more food before we go and head off yeah because i just haven't played around much with like fish actually being like animals in the game if that makes sense because fish before were basically just like items that would only appear with a fishing rod so i didn't know i could just go and like kill the fish whoa since when were there like 7 000 people here last time i looked it was like 3000 something i think things will uh will calm down a little bit later on uh right so i need to feed that fish to a dolphin and then the dolphin's gonna lead me to a shipwreck so i actually i looked up the oh look at alex she's settled down on the giant i need to get like a tiny pillow for like behind me so she can have a a more doggy doggy sized pillow in the the background and yeah i looked at the uh the coordinates for where my house is and i wrote them on the whiteboard i think you just about can't see them but it's 1 000 by 100 of the dimensions and then the y-axis which is the height is just 64 which is like a stack how cool is that like my house is 1000 by 100. so weird um right let me uh while we're waiting for some of this food to cook uh i was shouting out some donations i never got through them all so i want to say thank you to a few more people uh so thank you to um uh i did pastel ducky uh mlbf collection thank you so much as well as spider who said this just popped up in their recommendation and they jumped in thank you to uh to super king as well as death destroyer thank you to uh tahashimate and uh horcrux as well thank you to alexandru from romania uh jared uh olaf uh gdc hall uh as well as a dalek can uh thank you uh daisy joni for becoming a member uh duncan says can you turn on show coordinates please so i don't like leaving them on so i don't like just the text on the top of the screen but i have looked up like where my house is uh thank you to uh everything automotive as well as josh fitton uh thank you to our kiwi uh potato uh as well as a tiger lilies fire uh thank you to uh to riley plays uh as well as ben myers and uh gamer now done and uh meritless uh thank you to her to cody warner and to anthony walker as well thank you all so much for the donations uh should i should i take a bed with me i think we'll be okay because we're gonna be out in the ocean anyway maybe this is gonna be like famous last words but i think we uh we should be relatively safe from the uh the googlies so for those just joining i'm trying to find a shipwreck because i'm trying to find the um the heart of the sea or a heart of the sea uh which i think uh i found in like shipwrecks and like maybe also like water temple type places i'm not entirely sure but first things first uh i need to find some dolphins so i kind of set off like for a bit of a mission in the last stream but i was always scared about not being able to find my way back home uh but now i've like saved my coordinates i'm kind of not so stressed about it because even if it is a bit of a journey at least i know no matter what i will be able to make my way back home uh squish says playing on pc uh no this is on a bedrock on xbox but my lovely world will be on pc uh when i go back to it but on bedrock as well right dolphin nothing i fish oh hello he need to eat the fish dolphin eat the fish is that a llama is that like one of the traveling i mean i don't wanna i don't wanna tell you how to do your job mate i don't i just don't think you're going to find many customers here you know i mean i don't i i don't know i've never been a traveling salesman or whatever you are but i just feel like this isn't the place you're going to get most customers i don't know maybe he's selling fish and the dolphins are his most loyal customers but i ain't so short right dolphin eat a fish oh did you eat a fish oh one one's gone sparkly oh where's my boat where's my boat oh there oh there's going this way it's going this way is it going down i i think i do i need to get like a um oh here ah i think that's where it was guiding me to i can't see it like when i'm above the water let's just swim let's just one does the old torch trick still work nope it doesn't let me place a torch so one of the things that's like i'm struggling with is so on the old version if i crouched when in the water i could go down really quickly but in this one like it's not letting me like do it for some reason oh and i'm drowning oh no pop it looks so stupid look at those swimming towards me it looks so goofy i like how do i put my shield up without swimming under the water is it is there just not a way to do that oh they got like one of those is that like a neptune shell or something i can't remember what those do yeah oh i owe it no no no nautilus no naughty no not nautilus shell right let's uh let's try this again this is this is this it is this the whole is there there's just nothing there is there is that what all my excitement was about finding this thing here uh right what do what does this thing then what does the uh the north nautilus shell do does that do anything uh oh the shells are used to make the corn do it oh dig the sand if it's i keep like almost drowning as i go down here let's go like right above it oh that is the heart of the sea well there's one down here oh i'm gonna drown i'm gonna drown right i need to find a oh go away i need to fight what's the uh what's the best way to breathe under water now now the tr uh the thing doesn't work if i do the old like ladder trick or door trick in underwater is that going to is that going to still work nope that's not working ugh i just i just shut the door in his face underwater how do i how do i breathe underwater if like doors do like the ladders work use a door to breathe the door didn't work uh how do i breathe under underwater like i don't have a turtle helmet so i can't make use that yet dick there is a is a chest uh bubble columns someone said ladder a sign the signs work now because torches and doors don't work uh all right let's just try a ladder don't you don't don't start just leave me alone i'm busy no ladders don't work ladders don't work letters don't work it just does i mean signs aren't gonna work either then i think they just like changed all of that stuff so someone says bubble columns work like can i make bubble columns or is that like the ones like soul sand and stuff like is there anything i can do like quickly now that will work like saying like magma block and stuff for like the columns is fine but i need a thing is there anything that i can just place immediately now doors don't work i can hear you all say magma block but i don't have one of them okay a few people are still saying signs but i just feel like if the the ladder and the door like if all of this other stuff doesn't work i'd be surprised if like signs still work i'll give it a go no signs don't work anymore yeah doesn't see all that stuff used to work but it doesn't anymore i just want to see what's down there i'm going to need to get that like that turtle helmet thing right and you guys aren't helping oh i'm actually getting quite a little bit a little bit tender here now i do have a bow but no arrows all right i think i'm just gonna go for like a like a speed dig and just try and go uh as much as i can so i'm am i digging like underneath this thing is that the the plan god just like start drowning immediately yeah dig und dig underneath uh torches one no torches don't work yeah oh well yeah i wonder if i wonder if a bucket would work and if i like pick up the water maybe that would like work once so if i go here then go like that nope that didn't work that didn't work worth a try ah okay i saw the chest i gotta go breathe but i saw the chest i saw the chest is there is there only one chest at these things or can you get multiple oh i thought there was nothing in it for a second though just because it wasn't loading oh i got a treasure map that's exciting and then i think the dolphin was just finishing off looting it for me just the one someone says just the one and then other people say multiple so i realize the problem with uh with asking the chat for this kind of stuff [Music] riding that did the dolphin just like take me to the thing if you wanted to watch junior he's a little frog that's okay right now actually remember like which way did i come from here's the question i was going to turn coordinates on as long as i definitely know i'm going to go the wrong way bye okay so it was like a thousand by a hundred so i guess this way should put like some like lights up on the the side mohammed says you knew but i know that's the point that's why i'm that's why i'm learning use the the treasure map yeah i will do i'm just going to go go home and uh and sleep to make it day first uh treasure maps are for shipwrecks oh perfectly perfectly perfect that's what we uh that's what i was after god that was stressful to be fair so i really want to make this like uh this turtle helmet thing to help me breathe underwater especially if we're going to be uh getting don't don't don't even think about it please no let me have the water no no looking at the water right there we go i can i can dodge the arrows or block them at least oh stop it you're so you're not even doing much damage but you're just so so annoying yeah look at the dimensions they're almost like so if i stand like here it's like a thousand to a hundred is like basically like right where the house is sorry sheep nothing personal all right let's go to bed well that was like despite the the troubles that was a uh i feel like a pretty successful trip i kind of want to look up to like uh how to stay underwater minecraft bedrock because all all of like signs and stuff like that didn't work uh is there a way to breathe underwater without potions or if you stack scaffolding up to the surface of the water you can remove the water from inside the scaffolding with an empty bucket and then dump it somewhere else creating a pillar of air oh and then the reply to that is yeah those tricks don't work anymore figure that out pretty quick myself like so there's i know there's like the turtle helmet thing but i need like let's see about this turtle helmet thing then because don't i need like to find like turtle eggs or something for that uh turtle helmet minecraft so my old turtle shell turtle shells are items are used for brewing or as a helmet to give the player water breathing status effects um i need to use scoot skew skewt what is that i don't know what that word is what are these uh scoots am i saying that right uh our items that are go away big advert go away uh our items that baby turtles drop when they grow into adults ah which can be used to okay i need to find five of them yikes that probably uh won't happen very much scoots people say that scoots it's pronounced skewers i mean i i just uh said it how it sounds from the the reading see if uh my is this wheat fully grown huh it's great enough to harvest to go grab some of this it'd be nice to to end my rampage on the uh the local wildlife and be able to to have a wheat farm instead right then i'll look at the the treasure map and then the uh the next goal will be to try and find the shipwreck right i'll be all growing when i get back i see you creeper are you coming over god they see you some so far away now i swear like in the past that creeper wouldn't have like started heading towards me then oh what okay okay i was gonna say i'm sure i'm hitting it i'm sure i'm here i was like that's swinging and it's just there staring at me uh am i gonna do another sten series after space then uh so we don't have one planned but then again like when we finished um ocean den we didn't really you know we didn't have space den plan then so um there won't be another den starting straight after space stand but that isn't to say there won't be another den series in the future at some point it just won't be starting straight after uh right then shall we should we look at the old treasure map then how do these treasure maps work oh right uh oh oh there's me there's me down here okay that's gonna say like that's that doesn't help me very much so i can see i'm down here so i guess i just need to go like in that direction and i'll find and it's a shipwreck so i guess is the the brown is that the water i guess right i should probably take a bed with me that's not wall right just so i can sleep on the road i need three wall to make a bed don't i sorry sheep sorry sorry sheep i need a bed hello from the philippines hello everyone watching the philippines uh it's not a shipwreck it's buried treasure oh really oh some people said that uh it leads to a shipwreck i mean but very treasure ain't bad by itself anyway though uh so i guess maybe it's on it's on land then right at the right at the coast all right soon as i go to bed let's uh let's just go and head off so if i just keep heading in like that general direction i should get to where i need i need to go i'm going to take the boat because i might be having to cross a bunch of water like i'm assuming there's like a limit to like how far away this stuff could be so hopefully i'm not just like running for like ever because i don't seem to be like even on this square of map yet i just don't know like how big of a space they are very treasured have diamonds right oh do they that would be great because i'd love to have a diamond sword i'm in desperate need of an upgrade from my iron sword i also want to find some bamboo i've never um crafted this all going to collapse if i run on it no it's okay i've never found and like found bamboo in the game and crafted my own scaffolding and so that's like i'd like to play around oh i'm going close i'm close i'm close that's not far away at all oh look at this place oh i should have lived here it's so snowy i guess i'm close to it so cool seeing all the trees like that let me have the water there we go we got some spruce trees oh i've like completely gone way past where the buried treasure is i got a bit i gotta be excited oh this one's got a trident so i believe he's got a chance to drop it right if i go after him i think he dropped it did i get it i don't know if i picked it up oh did it i didn't drop down that big hole did it is there a trident down there oh i think i think he just didn't drop it all right let's be yeah let's be careful because i want you getting a bit getting a bit hurt here let's go and back off for a little bit oh items float oh yeah it's up on the surface see see this is this is actually i know it's like quite a minor thing but these are the things that i wanted to like kind of really properly learn about before going back to doing lobby world properly because like the fact that items float on water like they didn't used to so now that like you know that might inform some sort of mini game or from designing some sort of shop where like you know like you remember my um my sky high restaurant where like i'd send the items up like to the top you know that could be a water pillar you know if the the version i'm using doesn't work and stuff so that's kind of the stuff i want to learn and whoa look x marks the spot right i mean i'm about as like as close as i can judge on that big old map so how how how big can these things be i'm really trying to avoid letting all of the water in if i can dig all around uh always on the sand layer someone said like is that true can we can we have some confirmation for that they're always under the sand blocks okay that's good i shouldn't have to dig too far i just need to dig like around this whole area basically actually you know what i should do i brought my bed didn't i should uh let's have a little nap this digging's tiring work uh tridents are less rare on bedrock yeah i don't want the trident just because it was right it's just like i just haven't played i just want to play with it i like i've used a trident very briefly in uh in space then but i never really kind of worked how good it was how much damage and how it really worked so how does it work so because i can i can use as a melee weapon can't i and then i can kind of throw it but then when i throw it i don't have to go like pick it back up again every time or is there like a way to is there a way to like bring it back to myself oh you know what it's pretty cool the way it like sticks out the blocks that it gets thrown into i'm like i don't it's funny because it's like this thing it's like yeah it's a weapon how much damage does it do and i like my first thought is ah that could make a good darts game or something you know my first sport is like ah that could be useful for some sort of weird mini game i mean it's gotta be right around here somewhere i'm literally like sitting on the in the middle of the big old x just hopefully it's not like on the edge like in the water uh oh you can enchant it oh can you enchant it and then it comes back there's an enchantment called loyalty ah once again or useful information for me relearning minecraft go you know this is so much better than if i was just uh playing this by myself trying to learn this thing because there's so many things that like i had got wrong or i just didn't know about and like because the alternative would be just playing and then just spending ages reading through the minecraft wiki which would just be so boring whereas if i do it this way you get to see the minecraft content you had been asking for and then i get to learn very efficiently right then where's this buried treasure let me look around like the sand on the outside here then oh you just dig so slow when you're in the water i could see they look why do they look so silly while they're swimming up to you they're little silly faces go away take yours take yourself and your silly little face out of there all right no one anything to do with you dig the stone under the sandstone oh really i thought i thought it was i thought we were in agreement that it's only on in the sand layer was that just was that was that not true mind the star okay okay okay sorry i was told earlier that it was wasn't it there was it what was that no i was told it would only be in the sand layer so i thought that i was digging in the wrong place sorry let's go to this water then we'll dig under the stone then so those just joining uh wondering what's going on um i'm looking for buried treasure uh yeah i got a treasure map and apparently there's very treasure like literally right here here's the map i'm like sitting in it it's like maybe slightly more this way i don't know how exact that x is so i'm just trying to dig down to try and track it out there better be something really good here the thing is is obviously like the main way to find this stuff would be through a treasure map but i guess you've got a chance just to like ah hello hello llo i think don't chest break sand now they do just like tortures yeah like you just have a chance just to stumble across this don't be like imagine just trying to like dig around on a beach and then you just stumble across this right what we got how long did i spend tracking down the treasure map coming here and digging around to find this let's see whether it's going to be worth the effort oh it is it is name tag iron chain mail potion of regenerator i don't need to read all out loud do i that's quite fun dog tag iron ingot tnt tnt again one single diamond kind of wish that was two diamonds but i'll accept it uh then we've got here a a potion of water breathing that'll be lovely for when we um we go find our shipwreck uh then what else we've got here we've got some chainmail trousers the heart of the sea which is kind of like the main thing that i wanted uh let's go and grab that and a music disc there we go let's go and grab that uh inherit as well there we go that was a a very very successful trip and i made sure that i collected all of the important things out of the chest and didn't accidentally leave anything behind i realized i accidentally left the diamond and the other potion in here oh and the heart of the sea what so this is this is what messes me up with everyone's saying go back i was joking i was joking it was a little a little stream prank so loads i i this is f i don't know how but i always get the menus wrong in bedrock when i'm switching things so what see it seems like it's do is it when i press i think it's when i press y to switch things i always end up kind of doing it wrong somehow and i'm not even like like sure like what i'm doing wrong like because now i'm like really focusing it's working uh so i guess i'll get rid of the um the treasure map now now that i found the the treasure but yeah whenever i'm like going to do it quickly it always just like doesn't quite line up right and i i don't know why right this trident's almost dead so let's just throw it at a squid sorry squid and then uh go grab the bed and then uh then go head home no hello no thank you not interested not interested creeper not interested sorry it was only one diamond wasn't it all right i think my home was over like that way somewhere right uh i still want to find a shipwreck though i might look into this conduit thing though and see how i can make that uh dolphins once fitted raw fish they'll lead players to shipwrecks or ocean ruins okay so i guess the dolphin that i found just took me to an ocean ruin rather than a um rather than a shipwreck so i think i'm just gonna like spread out a bit more and uh try and find um a dolphin nearer to a shipwreck i don't want to see one and because now i got the uh the water breathing potion like i don't think it will be like such a chore to go and try and find it like everything i've been quite lucky i think with so far with like everything that i've mentioned that i want to do like it's kind of kind of been quite lucky as in it kind of just happens it all kind of just works out quite easily so i've been i've been quite quite lucky in that regard i just want to go clear up my uh clear up my inventory first before we go into thinking about setting up again i don't know if it's just because i'm running around a lot but my hunger does seem to be going down like really really quickly because we're already playing on easy mode as well here we're not playing on like hard or anything i do seem to be getting like hungry quite quickly quite a lot uh i don't need i really need to chain my llama for now just like all this iron armor but i guess i'll i'll save it for a little bit later on uh pretty should keep the potion of regeneration on me throw the music disc in there save that for when i get my doggy my name tag throw the iron in there and the tnt in here so this is the kind of stuff that i used to be much quicker with but uh i'm a little bit slower with the the menus than i used to be so that is kind of as well as learning the the new stuff the the stuff i want to try and get a uh a little bit a little bit faster with so uh yeah i'm gonna see if i can make the conduit uh i haven't actually looked up what all of the other stuff uh i need to to make uh uh i'll give you a quick corgi cam oh alex is upside down almost falling off the bed uh yeah so i'm gonna try to do that before we go try and find the the shipwreck uh but yeah first i want to go through uh some uh some donations that i've came through while other of playing uh thank you to uh dakota captains blue gaming welcome back to this stream uh as well as tor edwards for a huge uh donation who says uh says uh guess who thank you so much for for coming back to the the stream and uh for supporting the the channel uh thank you to uh to julian mendes who says no more lovely jobly love love pet was in minecraft i know i always say that they changed it to poppies there's poppies now there's not roses there's poppies in the game why change that like i don't know have they ever said why they changed that like what i don't know like i don't know like i don't care that much but i wonder like why like why were they like oh we need to get rid of these roses like i don't know seems like a bit of a weird a weird kind of pointless thing to do but i don't know maybe there's something that i don't know about i think it's about to add to christina as well as just kayden who says dig that sand boy thank you to uh to jl productions as well as a jm uh as well as a glorified uh glory findel the golden haired prince wow is that like a character from a book or something if not that is like such a cool original username thank you for watching my sons alexander and samuel have been watching you since they were babies and just wanted to say uh hi oh cool uh hello alexander hello samuel thank you for for watching the the stream for for so long i think it's well to chloe for becoming a member uh yichi says uh what gpu do i have in my pc so i mainly use a mac i do have a pc for gaming and it's got a nvidia uh 2010 oh 2080 ti i think it is i think that's what it is yeah but i'm mainly a mac guy so i'm not very good at like pc spec stuff yeah uh thank you so much to mr crocodilian welcome back to the the stream uh as well as jared uh thank you as well to uh the only one lazy for real and uh brandon uh ducky tuna just says you back question mark i guess i am uh oh super duper husky says you find uh conduits in treasure chests not ships so i want to craft a conduit um but i guess that i had a chance to just find one in the chest that i was in um unless he's talking about the heart of the the sea uh and maybe in in that case then i was looking at the wrong place but i kind of want to see a shipwreck anyway because i've never seen one i've never seen i think i've seen like a picture of one but i've never seen a uh a shipwreck in minecraft in-game so i want to experience that uh oh jared said dolphins make you swim faster i did notice that earlier uh thank you to nick winter who asked how how's my day going and it's going pretty good um thank you also to uh to park laura and ian plays uh rocky's here says i just woke up welcome to the stream rocky as well as a who should play and uh and owen soup who said the signs and doors won't work either uh they made it so they don't give air blocks yeah that's kind of one of the things i was like struggling with was uh was not being able to to do that all right then let's see if i can make a uh see if i can make a conduit then let me just look up how to craft them and she won't know because if i go to here then go to everything so what isn't this meant to be just everything that i could craft or or is it stuff that i have like how do i get just the list of everything craftable oh hell here's a conduit okay so what do we need oh we need we need loads of neptune shells i see and then one heart of the the sea okay i got a couple of them but we do need to to get some more of them so tell you what let's uh please don't be a creeper yeah i should have checked i have a lot of windows i should have checked so neptune shells are they just you get them from the drowned or do you get them from uh from other places as well that's kind of what i what i want to know so it seems like yeah let's see there they're carrying them seems like the main place you get them from is from the drowned but can you get them anywhere else as well oh you can't see the game whoops my bad my bad guys oh how long was that for yeah for those that like don't normally watch my streams and uh you're only uh you're only jumping in because it's minecraft i'm playing and not something else uh it's it's a bit of a common occurrence for me to uh forget to switch the screens i get too excited i get too into it and i forget to to actually change the screen my bad my bad yeah neptune shells do you only get them from the drowned or do you get them from uh from other places as well would be very helpful to know oh yeah i don't know why i keep calling them i know why i keep calling them neptune shells it's from terraria isn't it there's neptune shell in terraria so that shell what's it what's it what they called oh no you're meant to be water people oh go away i'm just going to run away from them was it like nauticus shells or something but those shells where where else do you get them from uh oh you get shells from fishing and from the the drowned oh thanks tore edwards okay so i mean i'm not going to sit there fishing for ages trying to find them i think the the quickest way is going to be doing the drown well tell you what then as soon as i need to i didn't realize i'd have to get a bunch of those shells let's uh let's have a sleep and then we're set off to get the the shipwreck because we're probably going to run into a bunch of the drowned anyway while we're doing that it's well easier to go fishing with a sword than a fishing rod now by the way yeah since we're going to get a bunch of them anyway like rather than just spending ages swimming around in the dark trying to get them we we go for our our search for the the shipwreck and then we probably just end up running into to get a bunch of them anyway right i got a bunch of um of raw fish now that i can give to the uh the dolphins for them to lead me where i need to to go so i'm gonna go like a little bit further away from where we are now just so the dolphins don't keep trying to take me back to the um the little underground ruin thing that we found earlier i love the way like the dolphins like follow after you thank you to john boyce for the other donation as well as wally club he says how's it going uh dog woof uh welcome back and uh thank you taki uh tucker wolfie and uh crash bang tv for becoming a member uh spaceman says can you bring back twins so we're not bringing back twins but squashy and i have talked about doing a new series on her channel so i don't know exactly what it would be but it would probably end up being something like similar to twins uh cell cou human says uh you can fix trident with uh oh with the shells and an anvil ah if i didn't need the shell so much to make this conduit thing that might be uh something that i think about doing it should probably be oh oh there's a light down there well what's that you guys see that what's that that's not a shipwreck is it looks like it's stone oh it's a thing i found a thing oh another treasure map let's grab the uh let's grab this as well okay let's not let's not oh go up go up up up up up up help me dolphin dolphin help me help me swim up dolphin dolphin i think the dolphin gave me the much the much needed boost at the the final second oh okay okay do you drown faster than you used to or is it just like i'm spending more time going under the water than i used to be because that was scary is this another treasure map oh it is oh i'm close i mean this wasn't the plan but we're close should we get the treasure yeah aren't telling me to get the treasure all right looks like it's right about like here-ish this shovel ain't gonna last long but oh well right now i know it can be under the the sandstone i think this one should hopefully uh be a lot quicker to find this is kind of fun it kind of gives you like a bunch of like little like little extra bonus missions like when you're going and exploring to go and like try and find stuff it's quite cool right i think it would be much deeper than that so let's just kind of like dig around on this level and try and avoid a uh a giant sand avalanche landing on my head because if the sand lands on the chest it all gets destroyed anyway it seems like should be like right about here-ish if like the x is accurate nope i just saw saw a block of a different color and got my hopes up and welcome back emily this part of the stream because uh someone in my building decided to set their toilet on fire yeah i have no idea how wow yeah how does uh how does that happen i mean as far as excuses go for missing the stream i mean that's a pretty great one i remember um like i used to get the train to school and one time when we were like on the train there was a horse this is all real a horse like was like on the track and so the train had to stop and we were there for like hours and there was this train there and i think it's because they had to like it was like turn or like the power off or something and then like turn it all back on and they couldn't move this horse and they didn't know who the horse belonged to or something and so i was late to school because of that and i remember just loving like just like strolling into the classroom halfway through a lesson and being like sorry miss there was a horse in front of the train and so i couldn't arrive on time i just really enjoyed like saying what would sound like a really bad excuse but like actually being true i would have been here earlier if it wasn't for the horse and the train i apologize yeah i wish i had the uh the toilet on fire excuse me so is the is the chest always in like the sandstone layer or can it be in the the sand layer as well like so i only found like my only one i've ever found is the one we found earlier so i don't know like what the rule is like how much it varies for how deep it could be i'm too deep someone said only in the sand layer well see people said only in the sand layer before and it was under the sand layer it was like in the sandstone layer all right let's dig a let's dig a little bit more around the top up here then just clear this whole bit of the the sand out then well at least if i ever want to build anything out of sand after this i'll have i have plenty of sand see that's what i mean you see that see how like i put it in my so what is it is it because i think what it is is like i say when i say i press i put it down then i back out the menu but it hasn't registered yet and then that's how i always mess things up because if you saw like i put the the map in my hand and it was there for a second but then when i backed out it was gone and those kind of mistakes i'm constantly making on bedrock and it drives me like there's so many times i've like gone to grab something out of a chest or like gone to pull on armor but it hasn't done it and i think it's just i'm trying to do it too fast and the game just like lags behind a tiny bit and it's like something that would be such a minor thing but because it's happening all of the time and it like it just gets annoying and i don't know whether it's like is it me messing up doing it wrong somehow or is it the gay like what like what can i do to stop being continually doing that basically so like around the top it up here somewhere maybe i thought this would be like a a short detour to come and grab this thing i don't know like how much i was gonna need to dig away to find it this is like my um [Music] ah what's the game called what's the game where you like you build a sand castle each and then like you hide wall in it and then you gotta like break away the other person's sand castle to find the wall in my in my fun land is it like cut is it like sand cover was that game called anyone oh castle crumble that was the one this is like a weird version of castle crumble oh i've probably given up by now if like if it wasn't for the fact that the last time i did this i generally got really good loot so now getting a bit greedy stone oh there isn't always treasure oh really oh surely surely there's got to always be treasure is that is that really a thing that there there isn't always treasure there there it is there it is there it is there it is right okay what did we get what do we get for our troubles right let's first let's give it some of the sand that's too much time let's get rid of the snow as well and i'll get rid of them all right grab the iron and the gold more tinty another heart of the sea which is pretty cool a book and quill loads of iron actually actually if we got this many prismarine crystals let's uh let's grab them another book and quill noise all right should probably uh head back now seems like my my pockets are so full up i guess the good news is is that we didn't actually uh we didn't make it very far anyway so it won't take that long to to get back home i'm going to try and keep like a lookout under the water oh there's a thing here oh is this a shipwreck is this what they look like i think it might be like quite a small shipwreck maybe oh there is a chest in there oh there's a few chests i think we found out there's a found a shipwreck oh there we go i didn't even need the dolphins oh another dog oh we can make a diamond sword now uh let's get rid of the cobblestone grab all the iron got some emeralds uh let's get rid of the rotten flesh don't know why i don't know how that's survived in my inventory so long all this stuff i've been switching out then i think there was another chest as well right yeah i see i see a little hidden chest down here uh i don't care about the paper that much but there's another treasure map i think i'm about done for for going after treasure for now but i guess i'll good to have a spare one so let's throw away this treasure map this one's already being done let me go grab the the shield again oh little sword come back actually you know what soon as i've just um i've got my underwater breathing potion i could try and look for more of the shells the shells of which i can never pronounce their name right oh there's more treasure did i miss another chest i'll go back i'll go back yes how many of these are shells do i i got four and i think i need like nine i think uh nautilus nautilus nautilus shell is that right was the other one is it in here around the back where's where's secret chest number three or did i hit the dolphin i'm sorry dolphin i'm sorry where's the where's the last chest oh i found it oh there's only two oh is that just because of the stream delay you just thought i missed the other one okay i see i gotcha where do i see how much longer i've got of my of my enchantments like i can see in the top right is there a thing that says how long i have left or is there not oh it's all it's flashing i think we're running out of time oh it's gone it's gone okay let's go let's try and find our way back to the boat i'll press left on the d-pad that brings up like the the chat there's my it's my old treasure map right home just judging by the coordinates i would have completely uh lost track but judging by the coordinates this is us heading back home thank you to 10 off for the donation says you just hurt the uh the dolphins feelings uh the trainers of movie says what's the schedule gonna be for lovely world so at first i think it'll be one a week every wednesday i think will be the the plan uh yeeman says uh you can combine weapons to repair them i think that was already in the the game with like anvils though right but i mean that's like a new thing oh i'm not going the right way here i don't think i think i need to go around the other side of here the right review says my childhood has returned uh frags asking for my xbox one yep this is currently on xbox one uh thank you to uh to big river squid he says glad to catch you live you have inspired me for four years i even to learn java with uh cookie dumps so i can make mods thank you and how are the pets the pets are doing good you can see one of the pets behind you there ori will be uh we'll be roaming about some place oh this isn't my house this is just a bit of a bit of lava i posted a picture on instagram of ori because we've been clearing up the house because we're moving so there's i don't know if you can see i think i've moved i don't know where it is now but there's a plan which she always goes to try and eat and oh i'm on this side now whoopsies uh there's a plant that she always tries to eat so i put it up on this shelf and she kept trying to like find her way up to to try and get to this plant and i took a picture of her just like sitting in the drawer which is where she like ended up just uh ended up just waiting just to try and find it all right let's go to sleep it rains a lot in bedrock doesn't it that's something i've done it definitely rains more unless i've just been very unlucky but it's like always raining i've found thank you to uh to lindsay he says if you throw an item near where dolphins they'll pick up the item and play with it and also pandas can eat cake wow that i think that's the most too revelatory things are being told about the new additions that have been added to bedrock both of those things have just blown my mind pandas can eat cake and the dolphins play with items really uh like what was it my friend like in a spider will the dolphins play with the spider eye trying to think of something that i don't necessarily care about keeping hold of well i can make a diamond sword actually now keep an eye out for any more of those have the shells while we're out here anyone see any dolphins i don't know i always like sit up well i'm like looking around i'm literally like this like any dolphins to the left to the right oh god that goes deep doesn't it well we should still have my water breathing potion to go down there okay that's too scary too scary what's that sound dolphins dolphins dolphin oh hello wow hi i've got a spider right for you to play with do they play with spy what is there any like limits to what they play what about this this shovel's almost broke dolphin all right so what did you do throw an item in the water near dolphins they'll pick up the item and play with it dolphins dolphins it's a shovel for you to play with hello oh there it is there it is go go go get it get the shovel am i doing it right i don't think this dolphin wants to play with my shovel i said i think the dog wants to play with my shovel it's not interested which we're trying we'll try another time all right let's see if we can find some more of those shells then because that's kind of what the uh i shall there's a few dolphins here let's just throw the shovel down and see if they start playing with playing with it well we're looking for more of these shells anyway there's a bunch of the drown i mean you know it might be easier just to fish them up oh you're going for the shovel they can play with the shovel play the shovel oh they're underneath it why would you play with my shovel oh oh there we go play with the shovel oh you're so close to it no they ain't gonna do it right i'm picking my shovel back up right if you're gonna play with it i'll play with it all right i'm gonna go make a diamond sword yeah i think i'm gonna make a fishing rod i'm gonna try and fish up some of the uh the shells because there's loads of the drowned but none of them have it uh make scaffolding with string and bamboo i don't have any um i don't have any bamboo yet i didn't know you needed string as well though but that's worth bearing in mic so i do want to make some scaffolding all right so i believe i have two diamonds can you find a pair everyone about panda i want to find a panda what's the uh what's the biome that we get pandas in then is it like a panda's like rare or are they just like like any other mob so i'd obviously love to find a panda right diamond sword goodbye iron sword you served me well but you have been replaced so i need i think it's like eight eight of these shells that i need to make so i'm trying to make a conduit then how much string do i need to make a fishing rod just two okay so i'm trying to get i keep getting what i need to like know the name of this shell it's the nautilus no let me look up a pronounce and pronunciation thing nautilus nautilus right nautilus shell we need we need we need to find some more nautilus shells are they like um like a rare thing to to fish up or is it a pretty good a pretty good chance to get them uh oh bamboo forest is where we get the other pandas from yeah that might be maybe a a mission for a future stream though to go panda hunting i don't mean like hunting to kill pandas but hunting four pandas i guess hunting to try and find pandas oh yeah jared as well said uh panda spawn in bamboo forest let's go so i want to find pandas and also i want to play around with bamboo and um the things you can craft with it as well so that would be a nice double whammy if we're able to find one of them uh traders movie says you should make a zoo in your lovely world see that's something i thought about doing for ages but i didn't i didn't like the idea of doing like fake animals like building animals out of blocks i thought would be a bit weird and i guess at the time there wasn't really like any exotic animals in minecraft like it'd be a bit weird to be like come to my zoo see the pigs and the sheep i guess now there's like pandas and stuff it could be done thank you to uh to crazy doctor for the donation as well as gara who says that you inspired me to make a cafe and animal crossing okay many shells here are we i tell you what though they're like it's pretty speedy for just getting stuff hmm i mean it's kind of handy to have all of these fish i guess just for for food but i thought this might be the uh the quicker way to get the the shells but it's not a it's not proving to be particularly quick oh there's a 0.7 chance of getting a shell oh wow okay we're done we're done we're done hopefully you enjoyed the the small fishing diversion but we are done if it's going to take that long i think we're just gonna worry about it um when it comes down to uh getting them from like um the the drowned is just gonna be the way to go see if that's just gonna take too long so let's not stress about that too much like i don't know i don't even need to make a conduit for anything it's just one of the new features of the game uh that i just haven't played around with yet and i thought you know might as well start might as well start with somewhere trying to get something so what i want to do now is i want to do the um right let me get this right so i want to go to the pillager outpost okay and i want to do the the event uh the rain i want to do the raid so i think so i think i just kill one of the pillagers right and then that starts the raid does that does that sound correct is that what i need to be doing it's hard so someone said oh god good luck oh is it tricky i mean i got a diamond sword now and full iron armor and i got a and a trident uh i need i need to get the guy with the the banner i mean we can just try it if you want so i remember seeing there was a uh there was an outpost somewhere like i've seen an outpost in this world i can't remember where i think it might be back by the other village because it's like two this is nice i think there's like um two villagers that are quite close to me so i think it might have been near the other one not this one right we're gonna we're gonna get ourselves into a battle now though so for all of you that were falling asleep while i was fishing things are gonna get more exciting now yeah so i think this village is kind of clear i i think it was by there's like the other village in like the more kind of masonry type area area i think it was somewhere down that way be careful good luck is it really tricky then am i uh am i biting off more than i can chew with this it's very difficult i'll try okay i guess so like i have to learn i have to learn at some point you know uh get a bow first they have bows and arrows so i see the things even if i like i got a bow but i just ain't got um i don't got any arrows i should probably wait till i got diamond armor and i just i just want to see i think if i'm very uh strategic i'm very careful i think i might have a bit of a chance i give it my best shot everyone's saying that i shouldn't do it it's too difficult i'm going to bravely ignore your warnings these poor poor villagers have no idea what's about to happen right i think this was the the town or the village i guess that i saw it near yeah i remember this little cat so like a laggy bedrock just even like opening like like you open a chest and like things don't load in for ages and stuff like we're not even know playing on a oh this is sparkly like we're not even playing on um like an online game but it's still like laggy opening chests and stuff's really weird does anyone remember where the uh where the tower was i remember like is when i first started the the stream like the last stream we saw it pretty early on and everyone was like there's a tower there's a tower do the tower and i was like nope i'm not going near that until i've got like prepared a bit i remember it not being that far away but now i'm actually trying to find i can't see maybe i should climb up a bit higher let's climb up like this mountain here and have a look turn back now before you face your doom come on you can make it you can make it if i've got any blocks let's do this the easy way right well we're pretty high up and we can see pretty far where was that tower i remember it being really close to this village i remember just thinking oh there's one of those like pillager things really close by and i just can't see it anywhere okay you see even further now and this is like right behind those mountains there i've no idea where it is my guess is it's that way because i found it when i was looking for like a place to live and i was just kind of like searching all the way uh around the land and i know out of like i was like avoiding like the deserts and stuff just because like i knew that wasn't going to be a place i wanted to to live and so it's all like kind of deserts that way so it's just kind of a little look this way if i can't find it maybe i'll like have a wander around outside a stream and try and remember where it was and stuff this was just like a little random and prompt you like here's a thing i could do because i was also planning to build like a uh a better house and stuff as well like i mentioned the last year that i wanted to build like a a mansion on a hill was the plan and i haven't really taken any any steps to towards that yet oh there is a desert temple though i know this has been like the stream of being endlessly sidetracked but there is a desert temple i could have a look right was that a desert temple there is one isn't it yeah all right let's go let's go check that out at least see where what other goodies we can get i also got an unknown map did you guys see this map zero ah so is this just a map that could be like any area from like where i start using it is that not like to to guide me to anywhere all right we didn't find the outpost but we found the a temple at least so let's go let's go do this won't be a complete failure and then we can go and head back oh it's barely a temple here is that a is that another oh i think there's a desert village over there as well look at that like cool like flying rock uh can we just like go through the middle here there we go these need like a big upgrade they haven't changed these in ages like they're getting better because like the thing i didn't like about all of these structures when they first added them like things like this is they're always just exactly the same like even like the the dungeons and stuff not the dungeons the the strongholds even though they were like different layouts it would always just be like the same few different types of room like just put in a different order and like these desert temples like they're always just exactly the same and it's like oh here's the trap which is the same as every other trap like i feel like they might be able to to make it so i don't know they're kind of more different from each other and they don't all feel exactly the same would be cool these never have that good looting do they it really sounds like you're why does when you're piling up now really just sound like you're a horse galloping so funny yeah so was this like a desert village over this way this is a pretty cool desert i don't like deserts are normally pretty boring but like with like the [Music] with like this village and then that flowing rock and that like cave over there that looks pretty cool as well i missed the horse almost okay i don't really care about horse armor no big deal i don't think the villager outpost was over here so i don't remember seeing this village before i think if i was like anywhere near this village i would have noticed it just because it stands out so much i never know whether like these things are empty or they're just like taking a little while to load on here i don't got any goodies a bunch of beet roots growing it's pretty worth just sleeping here before i go and head back whoa oh loads of emeralds as well actually like emeralds actually seem like worth getting more than they used to because they never really seemed like really worth it but now there's so many things that you can do like the the traveling salesmans and stuff like more things to like trade with them and that they do seem a little bit more more worth going out of your your way to try and get now thank you to jack gaming for the donation as well as uh zoe who says a high stamps glad i caught today's stream thank you el robo for becoming a member well grappled apple says place stone walls around the village ah is that like what i should do to like prepare before the uh before the raid that sounds like a smart idea uh the 360 squad if you hold your shield up you can bounce their arrows onto them so they hurt themselves no of a good suggestion thank you for the donation from uh from luke fisher as well as jackson as well as a matthew's enchanting world duncan says the trident is better than the diamond sword is it really 17 oh it is better i didn't think the that's so weird is it like does it is does it attack slower no it does not attack slower it's weird how like easy and like common like tridents are and then like diamond swords are obviously still you know that they're diamond swords you know we all know like how much of a pain it can be to get enough diamonds to get a diamond sword and you gotta dig down into the cave and stuff i'd kind of just assume that diamond sword will be stronger tridents are hard to repair though yeah i guess but like like because you can get them so you don't even like like i already like got a few of them you know i like i threw one away that i couldn't even be bothered to repair just because i had several of them like you there's no point even to like try and repair them if you can get them that easily uh the tower was by a desert yeah what i think i'll do is i'll i'll watch back my old stream like the stream i did the other day that's when i saw the the tower and try and like retrace my my steps and kind of work out where it was and then uh that that's going to be probably the easiest way to find it rather than just like endlessly wandering around for for ages here might end up just getting a bit boring uh graham says hey stamps what your opinion on pewds new minecraft series uh i'm not seeing it i'm afraid so no opinion playing a lot to uh to astrid for the other donation i was sure it was clear because i remember finding it unless it was a different village but i'm pretty sure it was this one because i think this is like right near where where i i spawned in the world so i was sure it was close to this village and this would be the village that would be raided but i don't know maybe i was wrong there's a good chance i was wrong i'm often wrong uh near the edge of water says morgan i was this people uh going back and watching the uh the old stream to try and track it down i think i just won't worry about it too much for for now i'll get it eventually i really want to make that conduit and i know it's like totally not like oh oh oh look at that oh it's so small look how tiny you are look at you compared to a fish you're smaller than a fish oh you're so very small so when when it when it grows up that's when it drops the um oh what's the thing it drops the oh is it cool what's the thing that it drops the scoot the scoot i don't know if i'm saying that right so it drops so when that turtle grows up it's going to drop a scoot yeah oh look at you bouncing up and down wow who's a good little tiny turtle so how how how long do they take to grow up what do i how do i how do i get this scoot so i don't want to let this opportunity pass so uh can i can i like can i can i put the can i put the turtle in the bucket will you come in my bucket are you you could no oh let's go is it going to the water or maybe it's about to grow up now maybe or maybe it was just we could give him birth is it going to grow oh look at his swoon oh you're amazing you're an amazing little turtle look at you go uh oh feed it see uh grass it'll no don't ruin this moment for me guys go away feed it sea grass okay i'm drowning here as well didn't i oh no i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose my turtle uh okay let's just have this regeneration potion now partly for the regeneration but mainly just to clarify so is this sea grass i guess no is that not sea grass all right how do i get the sea grass is it like seeds where that only sometimes drops or am i doing something wrong oh is there is this sea grass this long one here or is that just kelp i mean this is just kelp right i could feed it where's it where's it gone where's my little turtle gone little turtle try some kelp blue turtle i've got some kelp ow what was that oh hello little turtle oh i think i'm drowning well i oh i got a i got you shears and then is it is it this stuff oh no i'm so sorry dolphin but you do keep no don't attack me please don't attack me cause i don't want to hurt you better help me please oh no i'm sorry you keep to be fair dolphin you keep going right in front of my face while i'm swinging dangerous things around to be fair i can't kill a dolphin though can i no you're not even in self-defense hello little sea turtle i got some grass for you there we go is that tasty are you still attacking me dolphin all right let's uh let's fatten up this turtle then shall we let's get a bunch more of this grass oh no one of the shells something else we need actually as annoying as these guys are pretty handy so do people like what's the general opinion on the drowned by the way guys because personally i ain't finding them that much fun like what's the uh the general consensus from the the community about the drug do do the drown make the game more fun i feel like it depends what sort of player you're like if you're a player that's like after the challenge and your big old goal is to like beat the dragon and stuff but that's not really kind of what i think about when i think about minecraft i just find them a bit of a pain oh they're really annoying people don't really like them they're horrible i don't care too much about those tridents by the way for everyone's saying they're poo yeah oh here oh here they are hey hey little turtle i got more seagrass well that happened all of a sudden didn't it oh here we go here it is i got the scoot i got the scoot oh no oh they're killing all the llamas why are the villains why are these guys always in the water that's not save them if i save him will he give me a discount nothing i really want i'm gonna still save him though cause i feel bad otherwise no poor llama actually there's a few leads here might be worth it might be worth grabbing i need to go home i need to clear my inventory out this has become like an absolute mess of stuff so let's go to the shovel maybe a dolphin will play with play with it i just wanted to grab one of those leads because leads because you still can't craft leads right and so then now with this scoot i can oh no i can't don't i need to only like loads of these scoots right yeah i need to make like a helmet out of the scoots so that's only one and i need to make a whole helmet's worth yikes i guess maybe finding baby turtles is pretty common like once i was able to like stuff it full of food uh it was actually relatively uh relatively quick uh growing up i guess the uh the tower helmets are probably pretty rare then so you can make like full turtle armor as well anyway let's go home to bed i'm gonna go in the water just because i do still need to get more of those uh those shells oh leads are craftable oh i didn't think they had added that yet how do you craft leads now then uh or with slime actually i think i might have heard of that actually minecraft lead recipe uh fourth string and one slime okay that's good because it was always one of the weirdest things for ages the fact that you couldn't craft them so it's good that they've uh they've added that in now ah finally clear up my inventory a bit right the stuff that i'm gonna need more like readily i'm gonna put in this chest some are more some of the more special stuff this will be my this is the worst door so i've got blocks here everything else there and then a few special things which are going to place it in this one here yeah this is a not a a long-term storage solution we have going on here uh you could always craft leeds you're thinking of saddles i am thinking of saddles that's what i'm thinking of it's been a while guys it's been a while so can you not can you can you craft saddles now is the question then so if i throw the things everywhere everyone kept so in the last fight i was hitting with the trident and everyone kept telling me to throw it but every time i throw it i've got to go pick it up again like that's can't be worth it right does it do like that much damage that it's worth throwing without the uh the enchantment for it to come back to you i love the uh the speed boost from the dolphins you can't craft saddles that's so weird such a weird thing especially if you like you load up a world without like uh generate structures on like can you just not get saddles if you don't have generate structures on i always like that to be like a natural way for you to get items oh there's one for shell i think i just got quite lucky early on with how many of the drowned had the shell and so i kind of assumed it was a more common than it actually is i mean it's not the hardest thing to like to get and i think it's the kind of thing that like if you're really going out of your way to try and get them it can feel like it's hard to get but it's sort of the thing that everyone's just going to be accidentally getting loads of anyway just from when they're facing ground so i imagine it's probably something that everyone's got just like a whole chest full of them uh i need prismarine for the the conduit as well oh really i don't know if i got any prismarine i might have to go check that yeah like hardly any of these like there's loads of the drown down there but not many of them with the the shells so i got some prismarine crystals is that what i need let me look up the the conduit crafting recipe oh they don't need to be holding them to drop them oh oh really it has just been everyone that i've killed that has been holding it has dropped it oh i don't i don't need it to craft it i think i think i just needed to like power it up or something but i think i don't think to actually craft it i don't think i need it okay well if they don't need to be holding it let's see if we can uh just go and start killing them let's see if any of these actually drop the shells then like the dolphins are great and all but they're so looks like whenever i'm going around attacking things they're always just swooping up right in front of my face it just makes me just so scared that i'm going to hit them all the time oh they have a 100 drop rate of holding them but then they can still drop them even if they're not holding them all right good tonight all valuable information oh dolph dolphins i'm sorry i'm not attacking you i promise like it's like the whole thing is like i'm not punching you i'm just swinging my arm up and down but like genuinely i am i'm there swinging my diamond sword and they take that as an opportunity to go oh hi yeah now they're all angry at me i don't want and i don't want to fight back because they're dolphins and they're amazing uh reggie rattler says hey stephanie what's your best memory throughout your youtube career uh it's always so hard just to think of like a single moment like oh no no no no no get in the water get in the water it's okay even if you're going to attack me get back in the water um i always remember the first time like like i actually got like money that's gonna sound really bad like yeah i just did it for the money but like like i've been doing youtube for years and years and years and years and the first time i got like you know just for fun and i remember the first time when i got paid anything from google and it was like it was like basically nothing i think it was like three pounds or something it was like just over like the threshold for what you could what you needed to get paid at all back there and i kind of like and it was the first time i kind of had the the idea that you know maybe it could be uh a job was kind of a special moment uh and then everything else is just meeting people like i've done quite a few um kind of like either make-a-wish or make-a-wish type charities and like with like kind of days and events and stuff with them and they're always like have a big impact on me and like stay with me for a long time afterwards and then any of the times like it's not something that like i necessarily enjoy or would seek out doing but like anytime it's like a big stage thing where it's me on stage which is like really not my comfort zone but it's just like looking at a crowd of people that are like excited about like what you're doing and kind of uh enjoying it and it just makes it real because every all of the actual like proper youtube memories of things to actually do with youtube it's just me at home by myself you know like what people think it was like big moments of like ah when you got like you know when you got a million subscribers it was like yeah but that day i was just i just looked on my computer and i saw that number it doesn't feel real so all of the the bigger memories are when i i have like interactions with actual actual people because that feels like a like a thing is that good enough answer oh dolphins are i accidentally killed one of the dolphins so now they're all really really angry at me oh you're not making this dumb i mean like i love the dolphins but they really really get in my way while i'm trying to go after these drowned and look like jumping out of the water to get me it's ridiculous i'm looking i'm not gonna purposely kill the dolphins thank you to marie's law uh lolly who says watching this really brings me back to my early childhood of watching your videos 24 7. honestly this has really made my day haha i'm glad you're enjoying it thank you very much to debug who says i thank you for for coming back and uh drew gaming who says hey something i don't have a lot but i want you to know that you changed my life uh my parents even liked you my dad thought you were cool haha thanks stamps well i know i've made it because drew gaming's dad thought i was cool so number one number one youtube moment right there to be fair that's different from the normal story of like hey i really enjoy your videos but my mom can't stand your voice it always tells me to turn it off that's the sort of messages i normally get yeah please drop a shell please just drop a shell just one shell or two or two would be better stumpy's hair doesn't look right something's off what do you mean don't let squashy hear you say that squishy cut my hair so obviously because i'm locked down all of the uh the hairdressers are closed and my hair's getting way too long so squishy had to to cut it so maybe that's what you're talking about all right let's kill these this last group and then we go to bed oh i think it dropped one did it drop one they dropped something it wasn't just rotten flesh was it oh i dropped gold i mean normally that would be fine but i don't need gold uh what country are you from i'm from england uh where is alex alex is oh wrong side she's oh where's let's play the game where is alex can anyone find her alex is perfectly hidden and no one will ever ever find her because of how brilliant her hiding place is why is she hiding behind a pillow like the piles of rotten flesh floating in the uh the ocean next to my house yikes how's the move going uh yeah we're kind of still just uh waiting for all of the the legal stuff to go there's a whole bunch of like paperwork and like stuff you've got to sort out when you're moving house like everyone always talks about like the difficulties of like oh you've got to pack up all of your things and get like movers and all of that stuff the real challenge is all just like the legal stuff and like who owns this boundary and who has right of way to this gate and all of this you know when was the boiler last serviced there's a whole bunch of super boring but complicated but also like really important stuff that you've got to do when moving house and we're like deep in the middle of all of that stuff and sorting out how we're going to get like you know how we're going to get power from there and you know we didn't have like phone signals so i've just switched to like a different phone network so like at the new place i'm gonna have internet and uh on my phone and stuff so yeah we're doing all of that stuff but hopefully it won't be um it won't be too long uh until i'll be able to move into the new place it will mean that there will be a bit of a break from live streams i'm hoping that uh space then will uh continue and maybe even lovely world will start around then so video should happen but just while i'm gonna be busy with with moving and um not having my office set up there will be a bit of a of a gap from her from live streams probably in about like i don't know maybe two weeks time hopefully how did you come up with your laugh says oliver it's it's not a thing you sit down and plan and if you were to like sit down and plan and like design a laugh i don't think my laugh would be the uh would be the one you'd go for right thank you to uh to miss kik mystic for the donation drew gaming says you get bonus points because my mum thought you were cool my sister didn't think so though have fun i hope i can meet you someday thank you talk to her to spaceman for the donation as well as cosmic doughnut uh ask him whether the the terraria streams are over uh they are for now like when the uh the new update comes out on the platform i play on then um yeah i'll probably uh jump back in and carry on but for now like like now i've defeated the final boss like i felt like that was a a nice place to end on so there's a chance uh i'll go back in the future but no plans at the moment uh adlob says do you watch any uh any anime uh i don't watch any like shows i i've always liked studio ghibli films uh squashy and i actually watched um studio ghibli film yesterday no no no not last night the night before called whisper of the heart which is one i'd never seen before and it was amazing it was really really good i'm surprised it's like not one that i ever always talks about spirited away or like how's moving castle like there's the same ones people always talk about but i've never really um yeah yeah i mean you can sit in the boat if you want to it's not going to end well for you oh yes not when i hear people talk about much but it's actually really good i think need i think i need just like two more of these shells i'm sorry this is going on for so long we trying to get them and it's probably getting really boring for you but i just want to make this stupid conduit just to say i've done it [Music] oh yeah i mean like this is kind of what like the point of doing this on a live stream rather than videos as i can spend a lot more time doing things and we could have a chat while we're doing it as well but yeah i don't know if you're bored maybe uh click off and like check back in in about half an hour or so and maybe i'd have find these last two stupid shells uh you should watch the cat returns it has the baron as a character i know so we actually saw the cat returns before this one and so when we saw the baron in the heart uh whisper of the heart then it like really were like oh look it's the baron so we can it's good because we kept expecting uh actually i won't speak about it i was gonna start speaking about it but i won't in case anyone wants to watch it's on netflix so if anyone wants to watch it for for free as long as you have netflix you can uh i should watch ponyo oh i love ponyo i think ponyo how's moving castle and uh my neighbor totoro or my favorite free i wasn't like kiki's delivery service is really good you got my little block of their their trident fro then do they definitely drop these shells when they're not holding them what's the i might look this up what's the uh what's the drop rate i might just go and double check this just to make sure i'm not i'm not wasting my time here right the drowned they do definitely drop them can we obtain through fishing uh can be dropped rarely by drowned when killed uh if their whole it says can be dropped rarely by drowned when killed if they're holding one but it seems like they're always dropped when they're holding them like this says they i don't know maybe the wiki is just wrong you throw tridents on me i throw tridents at you but then i need to go and have a have a quick breath java it's rarely on bedrock it's a hundred percent ah okay that makes sense it still doesn't answer whether like there's a chance for them to drop them when they're they're not holding them oh it doesn't drop unless they're holding one so that's what i thought at first but then people told me otherwise and then since then i've not seen anyone i think i think it might be better just to swim around and look out for when they're holding them rather than to go after them then uh do i play on ps4 or xbox uh i play on both at the moment this is on xbox i don't know why that i just find them so when you see their little faces looking up at you and they swim towards you that's always why they look so silly for some reason i don't know why i think it's just the way they swim with their little arms out just like it wasn't like they're smiling at you what if they're meant to be invested in menacing they just make me laugh no none of them have shells i didn't realize like how lucky i got earlier we've all here we go that one that one's got a shell yeah i don't know how lucky i got earlier with the ones like having shells i didn't realize it was like quite a special rare thing at the time right i think i just need one more now alex is snoring i don't know if that's gonna pick up on the mic at all alex is just like properly snoring behind me i thank you ah shiloh plus four who says bring squid back what do you mean bring him back he's not gone anywhere he still uploads something to do with me uh lightning the wonder dog says are you going to do any more spyro and if not what game are you going to play next uh no not planning to do any more of the spyro games uh and i'm not sure again i'm carrying on with animal crossing i don't know like what new um single-player game i'm gonna do next maybe the uh i liked the look of the new ratchet and clank game on ps5 and i did play through uh like the last ratchet and clank game on ps4 so that could be an option to to stream through if you reckon thank you to our exponent as well for the donation says you dropped this and has a first place medal very cute uh how are you and squashy oh we're doing good uh squishy's gone to the dentist at the moment and she hates the dentist so we'll see uh what kind of mood she's in when she gets home let me let me just go and make sure i have the right amount of shelves we'll go sleep as well i i think it's eight i need to to craft this thing yeah one two three four five six seven eight yeah so i need one more one more and then i'm gonna have enough i could like go like look in these rivers down this way thank you to uh to cronta for the donation says you were my childhood as well as a lily morton as well he says are you amazing we love you stamps thanks for all the memories uh so happy you're playing minecraft again thanks for being amazing thank you so much for all of the uh yeah all the kind words everyone is just joining in and wondering what's going on i want to make a conduit for no reason other than i've never made or seen one in minecraft i want to learn what they're all about so yeah this series is all about me getting back into minecraft learning about all of the new features and kind of getting used to playing on bedrock getting used to controlling it getting a bit faster with the menus and crafting and stuff while learning all of the new things and i'm one more of these nautilus naught naught nautilus nautilus not that's right isn't it i i i need one more of the nautilus shells in order to make this conduit thing and i found like the first bunch of shells really really quickly and i just can't find any of them so that's what i'm hunting for at the moment what kind of i guess doing a little bit of a mini q a in the chat as we go i think there's too many ground i think they're way too common right it just means that like anywhere in your world where you just put like like any water of this size you're just gonna be constantly having them there like in my lovely world like underneath my house is that just gonna be full of like drowned all of the time now i think the thing is is that there's too many of them and like combat's just never really fun like in any game like it's always a bit of a meme isn't it like how bad the water levels are just because you're so slow and stuff i think the fact that there's so many of them and their combat so boring because i'm like slowly drifting through the water they're not like an interesting challenge but i think they just become a bit of a nuisance i think that's why they're so like like why they're annoying but like zombies are fine and the fact that they're there in the day as well because it's sort of like it'd normally be like oh it's your fault if you're going to stay out at night you might get attacked whereas it feels like these it's like oh you decided to go in the water because you needed to go in the water you know you're gonna have to deal with these guys all the time you know and they're like we've added in these exciting penguins and you can throw things down and they play with them and they give you speed boost but you're gonna be every few seconds having to turn around to kill these like quite weak but numerous enemies all the time that's why they're annoying oh yeah while i'm hunting uh for these things feel free to to leave any q a questions you haven't all right i'm just going to go back just to looking for one to hold oh you got a shell this is the last one i'm going to be careful though because i'm running out of breath oh we did it we did it dolphins are paired did i call them penguins did i i've been streaming for like two hours now this is the time when my my brain starts to melt there we go made a conduit thanks for watching we'll see you later bye no okay right i don't even really know what this does but i think i've placed it in the water so this is going to be annoying so i'm going to be trying to play with this thing in the water but all these drowned are going to keep showing up and getting in the way all right so i'll just place it down and then i like i power it i think with prismarine right let's let's go tell let's go and read the uh the full description of a of what these these conduits are meant to do minecraft conduit wiki as oh a special structure is needed ah okay let's see let's let's read what it says here on the official wiki um when activated conduits give the conduit power effect to all players in contact with rain or water oh you know what it's raining oh that's cool we have a spherical range of 32 to 96 blocks to activate the conduit needs to be in the center of a three by three by three volume of water uh which itself must be enclosed within an active frame the frame is built out of blocks in their five by five open squares centered on the conduit one around each axis what i thought i was just going to throw this down and get like some sort of boost yeah there's a whole thing in that id oh uh were you hiding down here there's a there's a whole thing there's a whole ordeal to it god alex is alex is really snoring right now like can you hear her at all she's still i've no i don't think i've heard like she often does like kind of like night whimpers where she's like like like and when she's in bed oh that's not gonna break that am i oh i can't pick it up again oh really i guess that's where i'm gonna have it i can dig that away and build a thing around it maybe with silk touch i'll be able to pick it up but yeah she's like really snoring right now that was crazy right okay well we were able to make our uh we were able to make our conduit let me just go get back safely uh inside of the house so that was like the main goal for what i wanted to to do for today's stream and i was able to to do it and then i think the plan for the next stream is well i think between streams between streams i'm gonna work out where the uh the lookout tower is the the pillager outpost i'm gonna build what i need if i can for the the conduit i'm not sure if i can though i think it needs to be prismarine it's just from like a text description is too complicated so i think i'm gonna have to watch a tutorial video for how it works and then maybe have a bit more of a play around with that and then i also just need to do some more mining so i need to get some materials then there's a few of the other new things i wanted to play around with like um like the lecterns if you put a book on them apparently they send redstone signal there's some of the new redstone stuff i want to mess around with so uh yeah we can do the the pillager thing we'll mess around with with that stuff and then i also want to start uh maybe working towards building a bit of a of a grander and better house so i think that's going to be what the the plan is going to to be uh going forward uh yeah sorry's a little bit slow this stream uh i kind of knew like it's me trying to learn the game again and stuff i knew it was going to be a bit slower but i did not know it was going to take quite so long messing around with all of those shells trying to to get them all but uh yeah thank you uh for your your patience uh throughout all of that uh before i go and say thank you to a few more donations that came through and then i'm gonna go wake my dog up because she's been lazy and sleeping all day long uh thank you to catcakes uh who says uh can you wish me and sarah a happy 16th birthday i can happy birthday madame sarah like are you twins or is it just both of your your birthdays on the the same day either way i hope you have an amazing day assuming that it is actually today and not like it's technically on the weekend but say a birthday day which i always love that because you can always have like almost like extra birthdays i think it's wrote to er to elise as well who says i watched you when i was younger and although i don't watch you now thank you for being positive uh a positive influence on my life uh you're an amazing man thank you so much uh golden savage says you should play hermitcraft people say that to me all the time and i see people talking about it and i'll be honest i don't even really know what it is like i thought it was a mod but now i think it's a server or is it a youtube series i don't even know what it is um but i probably won't play it i'm sorry i don't know what it is but it probably won't be the kind of thing i want to play but um yeah it seems really popular though i think as well to uh to shimmer's fun uh who says will i play the pokemon sword and shield dlc and i don't think i will i think i'm kind of done with uh with pokemon sword and shield four for now uh i think it's well to cyder bass who says you and my childhood thank you as well as aurora who's become a member and now joined an egg by the way three remembers i've seen the eggs are starting to hatch so the way it works when you become a member there's an egg that appears next to your name and then the egg will gradually hatch and that will come a bird and it's basically uh each month you'll remember for uh yeah see emily uh it says cracked so uh the eggs are starting to hatch so that's stage one of the hatching process which is uh which is quite cool to see because that's my first time uh i saw that before the stream started that that had happened and thank you as well to uh to lilly morton as well for the uh for the the donation uh but yeah that will be the the end of this stream here i'm not sure when the next stream will be but i'll try and uh as much as i can uh schedule it in advance on the the channel so you will be able to see uh ahead and if you are able to to catch it i guess i will see you then but for now and i thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 597,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 4sec (8344 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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