Minecraft Dungeons Beta - W/iBallistic Squid - 🔴 Live

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hello whoa that's phrase we bin hello and welcome to Marion livestream it's gonna be as good a night checking out minecraft dungeons before I started I was saying up a camera so I could like do a zoomed in view of Alec sleeping because it an Alex is in the background everyone always ask to see her so I got the the camera of Alex sleeping and I forgot to zoom it out my face it's just half of my you'll played minecraft dungeons before right yes I played it when he came out I just got fifty emeralds I'll look in it and yes I've played it I basically join his thumbs gonna be holding his hand because he's a little bit of a new yeah taking me through everything there's three levels yeah so far that's all the release form okay are they set levels or are they like like procedurally generated cuz I put it when they're not set levels do you know if it's gonna be like that in the actual game okay it stops I'm gonna be taking you through this gear but I do not develop it I mean I thought you might have a bit of research I thought you were like the expert you know but hey skip it's like different power-ups and different buzz and like you can summon like dogs and yeah you get like do i press to summon the dogs how do i sum of all the dogs so you ask me and then I do it yeah you code it into the game this is iballisticsquid minecraft dungeons so I I could I've got some blue that I could give you but I'm not gonna because I feel like you should Wow good way to find out who your friends are I will show you this bollocks is funny right are you ready ready what's this before we jump Oh think new to saying wait you can give a loop oh yeah so given this creature to thinknoodles who really desperately tried to get me a coat to this game and it almost worked but then it glitched at the end and then squid ended up giving this so thick noodles in the the chap who tried desperately to get me onto this game so shut up to think I hope yeah Before we jump in and get into things his old squid is quiet squid is quite a slit Rose was gonna ask how is uh how is already out there audio so I go like I'm like I'm shooting mice at the moment cuz I'm playing this on PC but with the controllers yes cuz I got my browser case I need to do anything for the PC so like if I keep there like so they're different for this so similar I just keep grabbing the the wrong one so hopefully you can hear it squid until the game sounds ok so tech stuff out further way wat me free then squid what do we do alright so we basically come over to this little map here on the table these are ideas let your missions on your missions your emeralds you can spend them via the blacksmith for the wand reach redder you get like random loot each time so it's pretty funny like it is kind of like a look at it for what you actually get and the end of every mission by play fruit because you think there's like a hit of pop okay I said you all right which mission you gonna do I saw I was in this until word you're saying like what would it be what would be the first one the first one would be the creeper woods I reckon yeah maybe not maybe not the creeps fine it's fine we do then we do the creeper woods I think actually a squid curve is the tutorial level and I usually do think that is locked or in the tutorial so maybe that was a big F in chat but it's fine they just told you how to do the bills are not great yes grid was like it you don't need to do the tutorial you'll be with me the expert disco Cujo like would you like to play creeper woods on default I'd love to play creeper woods on default on expert village a few shoutouts to a few notations that came through Sulley puppet twas I asked how I'm doing today we're a bit ticked on life just says hello stampy is cool I'm right says remember I said my username is current yesterday by the way can you bring back wonderful world I did do like when I started redoing terraria I did do like a one-off like stream showing it off but yeah like it I can only do it on the old version of terraria on 360 so I'll pretty won't do it more than that just turning this down a little bit yes we play minecraft dungeons it's like it's not a mod or anything this is a brand new game which is gonna be coming out it comes on April doesn't it comes already soon I'm alright yeah I think so do you have the cutscene then by the way no are you in a cutscene I'm getting the worst experience of this version the cutscenes and storylines and stories everyone use your imagination those are my views after this you should just tell us we should back out and let you just host it and then you can get the full experience because everyone from my chats kind of seen it I mean like how good is the story for like like maybe I'll worry about that more for the actual game I just kinda wanted to see what this is cuz like I saw like the trailer some that it looked really cool so can't pick up the TNT right and you're gonna throw that ah so then that replaces like my array name which would've be my arrows and so then I guess like so you don't have a class going in it's just the loot you get the level right yes so there's different armor that kind of helps different classes so you can get like armor that makes you better against like you know better it's shooting bows and there's better armor that makes you better at you know like Mele and stuff yeah that's cool because like in other games like this I'd be like oh my character is the healer character which means I always have to be the healer in this case it'd be like oh we've found the staff of ultimate healing and it's like oh you get it this time onboard healing you know I want to take turns because there's two of us now I reckon leg towards the end of this playthrough we should we should try and let I was trying to have a go at their harder levels just so I can see what what it's like because I've never actually done the hard levels' I just kind of gone through it on it easy sir yeah I reckon every kind of fun everyone's telling me to let you kill the enemy so I'm just gonna follow behind and babysit you well you're a bit levelled up above me but it doesn't seem to be like to too big of a difference or strength potions Lebedev is a zombie seem pretty even if like you're hosting the are higher level that seems pretty pretty easy so far no no it doesn't go on the horse it just goes on what like difficulty oh because you said the old we can risk it lower ETV are we pretty - should we have killed the enemies before we rescued is he he's like a magician I'll let you get all the emeralds as well so the loot for like the good loot like weapons at start is it drop by enemies or do we find like chests on the maps if you press em for math oh wait where's the M button on my controller that's gonna be d-pad write something on the d-pad Oh like a little map overlay yes sir if you can see on the bottom left it says secret chest and open chest sir you have to kind of explore every single region because if you miss something obviously gonna miss the chest okay so it's good to kind of check every sort of area which are like you don't you just kind of plow through it all you have to kind of like search everywhere which is nice oh I'd like a big I know if I was like the game freezing or live by the big like it was quite a dramatic like action shot of me what might go out like just froze for a second Oh there was nobody it was just a reminder this is the this is the beta of mine minecraft dungeon so it might not be perfectly polished yet there might be can you jump by the way or is it just like rolling you can just you just press space as far as I know there's no actual jump yes yes I saw you I you or did you see wolf armor yeah there's warfare on my screen ah so I think it's like the loot will be for like different for each person's view but like what they mean maybe I can't give you a Luther and I thought I could so that's all I came I just using that sword now or do I need to know no you need to press I I can't keep up you need to press whatever your inventory is that they'd go over to it and just I think I think I think I just got it like in my inventory there's only one sword there and it's just a sturdy reliable blades I know it's boring so yeah yeah you get like different levels of the same sword so you don't fight over you stuff then you don't fight over the loot you know gets like new I kind of like that so click to go inside so when do I get my doggy that's the big question when do I get my own dog it took me a while to find my dog to be honest oh I can hit through the wall this is a great strategy here we go this is the pro tips learn them all to the to the door why I want to do that but can we lower the boss towards us and then do it this way come on okay rules as well we should just say oh this is like the like the exploit where everyone's gonna farm like is where you just take down your a button and then you just go out for what you come back and you're like top level stuff as well yeah so there's like a lot of doors to open that's about as butch is you get it yeah you know what I mean but they might do more in there in the yeah before game I don't think we can we can go this way then yeah I guess so I guess what we'll have to do is go around and then obviously like find a button okay back through clickety-click pretty smooth transition like I thought there'd be like a loading screen there it just like buttery smooth they're buttery smooth once he was any chest this way know that right have you gone there's like a bit back here we go as well like through the trees yeah that might be a chest there but I cannot see it there's like trees of the way you look on the map see where we have a beam you see he goes the kind like all the way around yeah the way I think that could be they could do like a like a color over it like a thin color or something that's a bit like what I can make it be more obvious where you're being and not and it's quite obvious on my screen yeah I know but I'm quite I want to find someone I'm gonna go back down here cuz I'm gonna you keep carry on if you want that I'll let you do your thing before yes so so far like the zombies have been at no fret I can certainly did not armor ones like they died in one arrow I'm just as I have a limited amount of arrows I've just noticed yeah yeah so you got to pick them up feeling losses and I can tell things ah so you either of us can teleport to the other person yeah so you can go off ahead I can like what it's about this is like normally I go do all the work and you just teleport the line it's like we do the parkour map so I go and do you like you teleport me just fell off a cliff that's not good yeah there's nothing down here I'm coming right I'm going to like a dead end but I'm hoping there's a chest down here or something oh this is lazy it's a creeper face creep affairs you you teleport like for you don't spin the hammer yeah no am I just doing I'll do it it's fun boys amazing school I guess they want to make sure you don't like you're about to die and then you just press it and disappear disappear they're like mana no let's go take some time that's good it's not overpowered dead Oh creeper creeper see my first creeper oh my quota fallen down can you do the whole I guess cuz you could attack and then like roll back I want to try mailee it may be killer creeps so if you roll into attacks it's better apparently a rolling stone you can do final have a chest found another of all the worst sword like a high level one I got more wool fiber oh it's way more stronger so what you can do as well if you get multiple stuff you can click on the item and then there's a thing called Salvage and that gives you emeralds for like unwanted items so if you've got crap you can salvage the crap make more room in your Avengers it's a case where you either salvage it or you like take it back and sell it depending on like okay I'm gonna yeah just one shot the creeper yeah but it's using easy steps you know one sweet this is this is deep default default this is the reverse witnesses this is noob sayin alright it's gets harder yeah we are well up to this level where we're set up up well there are the bosses and stuff I guess yeah oh yeah this is sort of a crazy house all have you come across any like you have they created like new enemies like new moms so when I always play there's like a an illegitimate Lee Read's yeah reads books and stuff but like because I further bosses there's not you know there's a few bosses in Minecraft but surely they're like making up new bosses for this cuz I'm recycle boring if you face the same ones all the time but he's not in so oh they have a lot they have a lot of new bobs in this one apparently says [ __ ] alright to pronounce yes Wazza was a quill koalas Apple aza yes okay by the way oh nice so they do more damage but like you can swing them less but they like slower like see spinny spin combo spinny spin and then I can roll and then whoa let's strain to the spin no messing what's this got see and hear me Ed it's a bit a little bit awkward who should I throw it at chief right across the bring all the way this place gosh game looks great doesn't it all right let's all media service very oh yeah good he's like cuz I was too mad at my stream yesterday I was getting all something you might have even in the chat I said it I'll say it again because it looks like minecraft but just with like really good lighting and like better post effects and like the way like the bushes blow in the wind and stuff it's like it's familiar but just looks like nicer and stuff it actually reminds matter and if you play did you ever play a game called Bastian little bit it was on the original Xbox wasn't it yeah yeah well I think they brought it across house the woman like the narrator like spoke through as you play hey like trafficked into the town stuff like that but it was all like I'm floating islands and this perspective to that beginning area really reminded me of Bastian ya know it's a good looking game and that's what I mean he's very atmospheric I love it especially when he gets the hard levels' you do start you know getting a little bit panicky yeah well I'm just trying to leave you to it I want you to kind of get as much XP as you can because oh yeah buddy I'm gonna keep the sword out a furnace or yeah it's only because this axe is like pretty overpowered you know what this feels really nice when an uncontrollable I the way I should probably check it out on contrology like I I assumed because it's unlike all platforms basically this game like I kind of assume like that kind of do it controller first if that makes sense like like it's not like there's some games that were like PC games that they like the games like terraria which is like a PC game that they brought to console and it works with a controller but it's not the bed I mean even Minecraft like that a bit to be honest to be fair like it it's kind of built for Mouse and humor this is a game I reckon it's like like built equally for both and what's this thing I was almost a spider doing a little hop into this house I let some supplies are you for helpful or arrows do you need either no I'm fine Oh blame me like Zelda isn't it go again smashing in a little break in the house yeah bread break speaking of bread yeah yeah it was it was fine oh just fine it was like it was a little bit mushy on the inside a little bit undercooked yeah I think it maybe like maybe needed more time to rise mitem did you pre-heat the oven yeah we preheated the oven I we did it alright I think it was like I don't know no I think we're gonna try again because we ever got any bread and we're trying to like delay as long as we can go to the shop so we're like we don't think we've to like yesterday is the first day we like run out of like basically all fresh food so now we're like stabs shoot the pig issue the pig issue the pig if you get like chest from it okay oh there's a potion here was that swiftness this one stayed into like a coffee morning for moms like me and stumps like oh how was your bread last night or a nice fresh if you can't beat the smell check your map you see was like a little chess symbol uh-huh so does that symbol only show up because we were close to it then I guess okay like uh yes it was so potions and stuff yeah when you pick it up I know even if that's better I don't want it to be a dog and can you like store them to use later or are they just like instant use you can also get like equip tables and you like one two three slot which you can carry on using so this is what this dog is so I can get like you can get things called Death Cap mushrooms which if you activate it it increases your attack in your movement speed for 30 seconds I'll just say seconds cooldown but you can you keep it your hot band you keep using as much as you want so I can yeah I can see that I am like X Y and B will be meth able to stuff so is that stuff that carries across between levels that's not just things you get as you go is that right across across levels yeah yeah yeah don't worry one circles around free this guy kill my buddy I'll show you my firework errors the called artifacts very cross thing says yeah I knew that I knew that do you know just packing up the game in a second so I can invite thinknoodles into obviously I adored this I'm just letting Stubbs try and figure it out on his head you know what I mean she cuz I'm a I'm a good friend I'm just trying to yeah yeah yeah hold this hand through everything now there's the book readers look the Nerds stock readers they're the things from here that would do they make the whole field are they those things no so they like power of you're forgetting like their burgers yeah how dare they learn a big Assad of it oh I just used a potion the supply set also the potions are in a cool-down your healing potion so you don't like use them up no that's correct yes I can convert so this thing is locked is this gonna open when we kill all the enemies in the area or something yeah pretty much we need to free the rest of the villagers don't let you do that okay you can see on the top racers four out of five villages well I got better I got better dog alarm or as well read some stuff out of thanks for the donation well twice I said hi squid can I see no I'm sorry squeeze you got it you're gonna say 12-hour when you read that speiser twice it's just really fun to take spikes for the five ppreciate and Ezra thanks for the - dude how we do each other and we got all the villagers yet there we done it uh I don't know how needs is so I freed another one there's a are we done the weather let's look down here though there's a little bit going down the ash wanna say there's a chest or anything okay probably just listen to the power of a that I have checked out it's good check this out let me catch up on some of my donations while I make my way back thank you to uh tavern Jones as well as crabs productions he says hey some people watched for a long time every Friday my friend and I would come home and watch building time together keep up the great work yeah dice us a guitar you're gonna suck there was a time also thank you to powerful Daley and Duncan 73 Joseph Ramirez says a say hi to squid from me so squid Joseph says hi what up dog hiding hey I found another chest over here oh really any good look I guess you won't be able to tell me if there's good loop because I don't know yeah you need to be different oh it's for me babe Brett getting that gamer bread coach captain blue says the squid have any food this time law what do you mean well you normally in hula hoops our song on the recording some seeds near I could munch on some seeds you have seeds new UI I've got some sunflower seeds we added a bunch of seeds into our bread it was pretty good I'll tell you what after this we'll both make another laugh and then we can compare those over have a loaf or have a lawful well how I have will you make a little tell us my first ever loaf of bread so I feel like it's a bit unfair oh so follow what he goes our 4 to 5 what a mob but how do I control how far it goes yeah but you just have to walk away and then throw from a distance but it just like when off the scream unprecedented ah what's this potion shadow brew oh man Vince invisible if I did do they not attack me I think yeah I think so scanners catch stuff ok these skeletons are but the pain I want to check every season chest there's no chest what is this scam ultimate scam or tell you what could do some balsamic vinegar and some oil we've met with my bread okay that's tough for hours Oh need to find need to buy some sure there's not a sellout of balsamic vinegar in the shops I hope you people have been panic buying it I would believe you to it go stabs yes like you I can see now how it would start getting more difficult with like Oh Chester like a bunch of different types of troops like when you're fighting just one it's okay but when there's like you're getting froze by the the spiders and then shot by the skeletons and then those guys just like it's like the combinations of enemies [Music] blown up by a creeper wait can you just get really bad because they spawn vexes - yeah I guess that you want to take him out quick well things were sweet without enemies being there oh I can accidentally open the door that was behind me yeah at the end of the mission we get loot boxes it's great oh really you're hosting thank you - a towel robo Oh was your name however your f was it Ethan I think Ethan was their real name did you get oh yeah box oh yeah I'm opening it now boots of swiftness boots best with the enchantments to allow for school movements useful in uncertain times such as these I got the same I really so like it moves where did these go so these go on one of my slot so do I need to activate them oh I do it's it's just like yeah on demand swiftness potion base yeah pretty much do you ever get like I'd like new attacks down there for the other new attacks I'm not sure to be honest I know obviously I've got like flame arrows and stuff and you can also get like firework arrows right let's talk to this trader then get a random artifact appropriate for Leo it's locked it's locked for me I don't have enough molds to pour to poor guys I'm crossing all over again Garen please go I can do this I do this yeah you're gonna get skeletal this one we're gonna Lumbo strong charge attacks it's a scam artist right yeah so would you want to this stuff also just get salvaged to some scale mail I think so yeah it was so many to choose from as well why did we choose them around this area is there anywhere else to explore and like this uh in the pumpkin house there's a house in here I just maps nice and I wouldn't mind like a poster of this oh this don't have a wall paper background without all of like this stuff all over it oh yeah the map yeah yeah how do I get rid of it again oh yeah oh you can't bring up like a little map here don't waste your arrows oh yeah all my hours have gone down again I'm gonna waste one more arrow we're age wait for it right you wanna go pick another level I'm gonna give her a few shoutouts yeah job harder yeah why not we're gonna be going thank you to study fish there's a nice player I wish I could play I'll be up soon I'll be out very soon so you will be able to play oh geez intercessor who told you about mine prompt I don't know it's kind of feels like the things that like everyone just kind of like knew about the same time do you remember the first time you heard of Minecraft yeah I do I remember playing called you in my friend be like oh this game come on the Xbox play it and I'm like on the plane it looks like I don't like her it looks awful everyone's telling us to enchant by the way in the chat have you done any enchanting haven't you no wait wait where's being charming to everyone's like everyone's shouting at us because we have been enjoying the challenge this is new for me Oh literally got the worst guide in the world here I think I'd be doing better without you cuz I think I'd be like looking into this stuff more where do we where do we go to her in charge oh my god love bring up the inventory I could press Y to see why in choice is the thing is like obviously I could in chant this but then I'm probably gonna get better which I listen chant via my dog armor because then I'll be able to I'll probably stick with us for a while since I like the look of it so I get better health regeneration or every 30th projectile being hit by don't we jump like to predict will occasionally craft a small clip and none of these are great okay it might help we can up a bit maybe my long bow as well no that's pretty good yeah I mean you can really yeah French on a night I thought you could stack a meet you can well the thing is is like you're gonna keep on it's not gonna be like minecraft where I get my diamond sword and I enchant it and I'm gonna keep that for like until it breaks like it's gonna be a case of like I've gotta get it I'm gonna enchant it I'm gonna keep it for a while but then I'm gonna get a better sword like throw that away like dismantle it whatever and then like be in shining again you're gonna be like continually doing that and you can salvage them don't worry you get the points back ah so when you sell it to them you get your enchantment point backs very nice we did it we enchanted guys right on the d-pad to open the full map oh okay so that dog Rufus here there's a heist MP Duncan 73 says thank you for being the best youtuber and mommy says can you do barely cooking part two well that's what we we could do that but the bake-off barely bacon barely baking soggy baking sorry Vicki right this is a little bit harder what difficulties this it's just a little bit okay noble boys what's this is it's just hard difficulty years old at school that goes up in like one two three four five six well these don't die one hours anymore so that's already a step up stops sewing I don't care they are a bit a bit a bit tougher so I don't like I'm sure the reason for you is like you can't walk slowly you know no I don't want it can you get this guy Justin Charlie it's probably better but I want to look like a dog so do you want to take whatever that is I can't see it are you alright I take it in dismantling it is better it says it's got a little green arrow on it is better but it doesn't make me look like a dog so is it really better there is it really is it dark trees with the yellow leaves I know so cool and even like middle of things earlier I was doing afraid as like there's like little mushrooms and like if you jump on them or like land on them they like kind of glow and like wriggle a little bit like it just seemed like the physics on these items like these leaves are just it's really nice a lot of like polish has gone into this game how much hapless getting split with a walking stick I get an image you with a walking stick like a grandpa I know in the in the past you were like letting me go ahead and do the enemies maybe don't worry bet I've got the oh it's no doing you know what I asked what I wanted it to do or walk slowly you know you know you know earlier I said about for the map that I want it to like fill in properly yeah like just like filling it in brown cause if I'm not doing as an overlay Oh nobody's filling in brown as well god Nate they work quick didn't they Jeff you know right then what did a live stream let's do it and I know everyone tries to correct me you know what we do it alright so this is like quite a hard difficulty yeah but like I remember like the last level started off very very easy like medium so I'm I'm gonna stop cutting myself in the back yeah yeah okay I'm gonna quit my mushrooms for this don't forget to use your like speedy boosting stuff Odell I'm trapped in and trapped in interrupted good oh go go they did like half you're half my health in like one attack he'll make sure you heal you got EPO I think I'm gonna have to be like I'm gonna be the I'm gonna hide in this bush for a bit hey starts getting harder like this is I'm gonna hang back and be via either Bowman for a bit you you go in there and have fun unless you find me some food didn't I feel like a thing to like speed up my health regeneration because my health is telling not regenerating well I need to equip my dog where's my dog my mall my potion thing isn't regenerating evil old you've taken em loose to do it no you should just keep regenerating your potions for your health anyway for the yeah we should be Jerry over time you know they they were but it's just then they they weren't some reason okay okay how you doing that I'm doing I'm healthy now you won't get I'm gonna be really stay about to be fair like I think the pose is my best weapon from outside I pretty should be it is a good weapon to be fair yeah I got this target harder this level though yeah I think I think I got a bit overconfident after the last level so crazy to get a car do you ever wonder like maybe half these enemies are just friendly and we just we just assume that they're just and those who happens oh yes I got sniper perch okay I'm gonna step here I'll get down there in a constant state of terror or favors game still alive it's doing well bless him so did he just run around and just randomly attack people yeah and then like he regenerates as well I think Aladdin's if he dies did he just respawn up for a while it's got like a cool down and then you can bring him back so he doesn't die forever which is nice cuz I'll be pretty sad there's a supplies up Ashley I'm gonna go to these supplies just because I need arrows I don't need the food if you want to take the food yeah I'm just track kill all these I'm inbound yeah Mike I was like a slow walk and then like a sprint as well I hate the fence like you're not walking or this speed but I guess if a little mouse and keyboard if you're clicking to move I guess like there's no way to do it on mouse and keyboard that yeah I think I'm just clicking and moving my mouse I wanted to be okay this category I don't really do this and stuff Ken you can do this but you just like quickly no no I'm just holding down my left mouse button like surrounded so there's that kind of like how I'm like MOBAs normally work like a legend well this isn't them over what is it then no surprises oh I think it's like you're talking I didn't crawler or something like a Lulu Luke crying gala today it's kind of small like games like like Diablos and fescue Minster it's like Laura isn't it no no that's a MOBA like it's the same perspective mice yeah it's like a Marvel it's this I know no somos bazaar more you play games where you're like you control a champion and then you have like a bunch of mobs and you go against each other feel like this is where we just control in and mob feel like you're a mob what was this oh it's the boss oh I'm not ready for this Oh get the grandma okay I'm gonna stay back and snipe all my games frozen again oh my gosh I don't know what's having I'm still pretty birds well I can I somehow survived that horrible yeah I'm not sure whether that's like lag cuz you're hosting oh don't forget about your little speedy boots I don't know if you have big Mikey forget for a second everyone go to squid stream and tell him to wash his hands because he never does and it's gross I always tell him thank you to her so wolfy died and people who says I want to say thank you for it's making me smile as well as end a star 22 who says would you consider live streaming minecraft with with toy cat and they mentioned you over there and he said he do if you open - yeah now I really love toy cat I've been a bunch of times in person we've done stuff together and hang out with him he's a really nice guy like if he has any ideas for doing anything he can do it yeah you can suggest it so yeah that could be cool Oh dog leaf there's a random shout-out time he wants me to give a random shout-out to someone in the chat so I I'm gonna shout out max max is here hello max he says hi Cynthia its max from the other tab stream I remember you max janitor - max yeah I feel like we're is it a little bit harder and worst find lot hider and hard mode but I do feel like I'm just really like underleveled for like the level that I mentor to be playing on you know what I'm over into the toilet as well if squid is gonna this actually might be a good time just oh is he coming back right okay oh wait oh wait oh wait there oh wait yeah I'll give you a little a little update on sleepy Alex cam good make sure I think I'm a little bit I think I think alex has just died I think my dog's just died he hasn't moved and like how long we've been doing this for for like 43 minutes oh she twitched she's okay she's alive okay we can carry on she's all right oh my goodness how are you how are you coping with this level we're doing alright my hands gamers don't worry it was that watch hard to watch answer my god I just think I'm like a little bit under leveled for it I think I guess not it's not like oh it's did was just like I take so much damage with every hit you know just my arm is not good enough yeah it's more about my my loop and my level I guess it might be the actual enemy make sure you keep like rolling as well cuz gotta keep rolling house that's your keep rolling got your tips are like it's gotta keep growing virus you have to get your ax out how much you probably better do until I put the better on and it's quite of course isn't it yeah oh wait no I can open the supply box as well okay so it's like a twin it's like look at in the mirror I can't believe we why did we vote choose this guy is it me I love a good Moustakas yeah I was half tempted just to be Steve just because there's all of these new characters buddy just if I go like just all these like new ones would just like to stay you gotta love Steven Steve is old school stampy house quarantine well one of the things are I don't know if your bike experienced this as well why for me I've been fine but like Alex just seemed so down all of the time yeah my my dogs I said this to my mum dividend although she was like how's the dog and I said this is seem miserable yeah and likes I didn't think that cuz like you know I can I'm still walking her you know yeah basically as much as like we anyway and we're still playing with her loads and stuff but she's such a sociable dog just loves like human so much I know you've come to say kudos kind of the same like yeah I think she'd like hasn't met another dog or a person in so long I think she's just so down about it yeah yeah they can pick up on vibes like out there they yeah you know I mean really good at that like it's something I didn't consider like cuz cuz obviously like you can still go out to Walker's I know and addicts is gonna be like it's not gonna affect her but like she loves humans like so much and then I even went walking like there'd be like someone there and then they're like cross to the other side of the road no no you mean oh hopefully ah oh my goodness I neither kill MIT hopefully it should be all over soon can I use two axes I don't think I can use two axes come on you might have like a better one whoa oh my gosh huge armor upgrade my old one was six this one's 1550 not even a 15 Alma well so it gives me plus 59 health plus folks don't mainly damage plus 35 damage reduction what are you in this good loop from under your nose cuz you were too slow was it a chest is back I think you I think you got differently from the chest as well you know getting its Quinn its God where is it it's good this is gonna make it so I could it kind of shows me how like underleveled my armor before more so how do we get up here a bit like arrows oh no no the arrows fell down oh I probably be dead now but another other arm I need to get this guy first though night - I need some vanilla creepers climbing up and down like these like places is a bit because you're not jumping you're kind of like kind of always like jerking your way up and like the camera kind of like jerks up a little bit it's a bit weird yeah yeah like when you drop down it's like this is the beta remember this is the again it's not alright yeah well yeah do you find you like my xbox sux it seems right for me maybe they just smoosh us and bugs on the Xbox are you all right I think it's just the way the camera moves like when you drop down like - I think it's - when you drop down two blocks at a time oh okay I think there was one particular place I think maybe I wasn't meant to get up there so this level is like this like three below the heart is difficulty I think really and I put it on for a jerk I was like how I expected to die within the first like you know 30 seconds but yeah this is the boss I'm be careful I'm almost certain that there are in the final game there's gonna be like randomly generated level I'm pretty sure I heard that okay I don't know if like there's gonna be like a campaign as well oh okay well I'm just a boy like yeah I know when you take so long like is this health so long I feel I feel like my sword isn't really good enough to really do anything against it come here you little whippersnapper gonna hand back these little bow of it oh I used to get out of here I'm gonna die soon there you go I'm doing chunks of damage now then yeah we got army in the den easy oh yeah go back behind me so then they were tightening on you so I have a thing on my sword where randomly if I hit them it will send them into a rage and then their attack like anyone so their attack like their own people come back that's all you need to do is you get like get rage in my age for them killing your dog Sam is crap look what I got at level 10 I got sickles I guess some singles as well goals you have to know where a sickle tickle with a sickle okay which way do you want to go together kid yeah yeah cuz there's a whole big area down the other bit yes going party there's a box in your chat and finally by the way squid oh yeah see them a lot stretch up in a minute no jokes they come over here wow that was it chops Kelly do you have a mini mods on youtube by the way Oh quite a few mods so I've got quite a few people now that alike have been nice enough more dudes and they've been really good and helpful and stuff when I'm not I think any of them are in I can recommend some people I've been very helpful just let me know that you recommend top notch okay what what is through here this is really loo oh sorry I think there's like a chance a chest could spawn there but like not always that's why I think maybe it's just like a breathing spot feeling lonely or you can teleport to me if you're feeling lonely squid coming out now I'm cabbing yeah so you know that that place that where we went in the first time I guess yeah maybe we was missing something members an ability you need to get through there um yeah maybe like we went by replay replay replay the level point there's quite a big delay from when you can roll which is kind of throws you off a bit like you roll that's a big out you see like when you're sweating oh my goodness help have you have you know like a mist where they roll they're all getting damage boost boosted by the nerd learning remember Luna helped us out things when we're doing a human koolclap was really helping us out with them yeah good old Luna okay some people in chairs by light yeah I'm gonna already talked wanted to get that guy down oh nice I've got so many Chapman plays I really need to spend them yeah well I'm gonna I'm gonna wait until after the level you can see what like good loop I get in any box and then see wherever I want to ensure that is cheers hippies dogs where are you know for a long shot did I get him yeah I'm getting a bit I got I got water problems of my own ear now mate anybuggy oh sorry I got my doggy vote fine well these guys are tough they take a lot of hits don't they yeah how did it go back back okay we do it well duh stop reading nerd thank you just the right way if there's like anything you can change about the game from what you play so far like what would you change probably the Persians I'd like to star them instead of just them being activated because sometimes you'll get them right at the end of a fire and it's like pointless yeah and maybe blocking I love them to be like on Palach ability I wonder if we're gonna get that as like what are you knowing your the things that you can equipped whether you get a shield there maybe like they could add like they have set up so they can add stuff so easily then just keep adding new things that you could just slot in like it works oh this is it this is the village a ring the the warning bell all right get no wait don't do it yet get this is quite hard oh really like okay well I'm pretty healthy I'm just waiting [ __ ] let's just wait for my my potion cleared out I guess we can have a look around the area dog in his eyes look Conti maybe look for two supplies before we are before we go in yeah this is quite a tough one Joseph Ramirez says can you live stream minecraft with squid we are this is minecraft in the title can't you see some people are never happy but potato knee says here's some potatoes than a bunch of potato emojis also I miss watching you guys I love watching your streams and vids while I play minecraft maps' and thank you for the potatoes [Laughter] Joseph says say hi to stumps is that Joseph Ramirez yeah yeah that's the person who else oh my goodness turtle Ellie says that me my friends say hi hello to you and your I I don't think we're gonna be able to do this boy let's give it a girl right so I ring it do it right ring him in big I should pretty see if I had better stuff actually probably not a good time to go Earthcare I said is this Skye spawn in he's the evil imager there's a little guy you see them you see the trailer well maybe I saw I think I saw like the first trader illegitimate because to a normal drill egde and everyone kicked him out I mean like he finds the of dominance and he gets revenge by taking out all the villages that like would have lame in oh it's nerd to the nerd oh my goodness okay go squid squid squid squid squid that's a lot distorted right next week don't stay near the middle you can get overwhelmed very quickly oh and now there's the Avoca because this wasn't another okay that's just fine this is fine this but it's like an extra one of those didn't like checkpoints on his on his help I think that's when an event will happen it I wonder finger oh yeah it's like different stages all I've run out of arrows I really need those arrows I really rely on the arrows come on give me a portion I'm nearly a portion stitch there we go draw stamps get it there son yeah we'll let you do that work right like I keep these little guys off you use your hair anyway keep going I'm just keep them off you I like this I might I could do right now anybody get sweets we just poke charging and screaming yeah yeah go for it tickle tickle I wish you ain't now right I'm ready let's go I'm gonna be Catholic so so so we really thought I'm just gonna like hide way back here for a little bit okay I'm good I'm good what do I get oh I got a bow which isn't as good as my bow I'm gonna leave that wasn't good who's like worse than what I had let me just say you got the Bible ooh [Music] Corgi update go get it go get the Tooting Elstree mark again and we're stick to just videos for now Iraq I think oh maybe we did so I don't think we do that that's actually such a good effort yeah that was fun and I think that if I if I'd more arrows as well all light feather no one knows what mysterious creature this ever came from but it is beautiful and powerful just like me that's that may by Bob says that beautiful pretty sings stun duration right Massa oh look at this you would chain wish this what watching me what you want I'm watching what did you do are you the feather things ah oh you of course you know all about it's not exciting for you oh not a thing like it 2014 get a random artifact approve I'm gonna get an artifact Oh more boots of swiftness right loose they're better ones right this is where we forget to enchant again 11 gets angry arts I am gonna get a better weapon because mine is trash modeling I think it eats too much attitude yeah bots are taking over it's not good Brandon spend a hundred emeralds to get a soul which is bad and I cellar for 16 emerald brilliant yeah it's like who goes that go this shop is like hi I would like to buy something here's a hundred pounds like oh good look what I got you ready [Music] I got a diamond saw I got a Times oh nice what's the UH what's the attack damage 17 to 26 no it's nice wait no no it's 20 to 32 whoa mine's only 10 to 24 well I guess I attack very quickly with it so we're gonna chant as well watch up on it thundering he was leeching the fugitive mobs gives you small portion of the mobs health that's actually pretty cool fires a snowball in nearby enemy every few seconds pretty good when you're at full HP you do increased damage I'm gonna be this snowball I'm gonna do like a few levels of it as good as well cuz the more you actually like play the better loot you get it's kind of cool I'm actually gonna go to this trader I would have spread 188 on him let's see what he gives me okay I'm gonna highlight at my quick toilet break or you sorta all your your inventory so I will be back momentarily okay [Music] [Music] not actually that much better but we'll keep it out anyway we should keep it out turn the chat off say it to members only yeah I guess I could do telling me to wash my hands sing another another little Alex update she's opened her eyes now that's the most she's moved in the last hours eyes have opened okay I've had to turn my chat yeah I get that bad is that she not being like to better like there's always like a bit in the middle of the stream like a few come through and then they're like Vicky's going deleted and then it stops and it's okay I'm like yeah we done just cuz I can't really take any chances there's so many already when you want to do it the next level sorry tap a few shoutouts to some people whoever whoever donated say thank you to Pewter City who just said they love both of us watched all of our videos for my second viewing of both of them start EMC says I love your videos gaming elites is a please bring back lovely world no plan it'll happen Chloe Drake says really weak uh sorry gone you go ahead difficulty and see what happened no I was like two away from the top we barely survived that one why don't see those no let's just see what it's like I voted no no no I would we would do the same difficult it's the last guy saying what difficulty is it you promised you promised yeah I can't see just as default is that what we were default five fall people fall okay right thank you to the code rake says you remind me of the singer from the band magic do I magic and magic let me let me that is just gonna be a guy who curly hair kinda I guess they kind of got longer hair I gonna remind me a discussed juice down I'm better looking than they are though for sure absolutely absolutely potay told me send me a banana this time I know super King says hey that's that's that's good hello to you hi thank you for the other twenty from bread fish says that I started watching you and lovely world was around episode 70 but I drifted away for a 20 I thought nobody goes foods again though again to release some college stress and I thought I'd pay you back for the entertaining times you gave me I think you so much hope ur the college stresses are manageable on our way I guess yeah I guess you're probably on a bit of a break or work from home I assume depending on where you are in the world they saw that earlier that like girl like squishy and bounce up and on every time I sound up a little bit I just got to coming up my speakers are on it too loud well I can't go so I was like it's try to sing a song Frank's excellent - how do you become a member there's a join but if you do want to remember but you know after and oh and thanks for the 79 dude appreciate it I'm just doing epic stunts stunts I think so yeah it's got big my ethics stunts clickety-click Oh stamps look there's a skeleton just like yeah there's also a million skeletons and zombies attacking us as well oh this is good it's so damn wait what did I put my Oh walk it into creepers oh yes I'm good oh is it chests did you see that going I've got a 31 to 93 Ridge damage birth noise right you take that and give me your sword then courses like oh yeah yeah well I got a heck of a pickaxe from the guest it does this whoa whoa mind blown i ricochet thank you to Joe Siri sister shut up my brother Jonah so shout out to Jonah thanks more for watching I know Marcus Fenix there's a high-sided squid a great see you to play minecraft together again minecraft dungeon looks fun it is Irene enjoying it so far I cow it for the proper levels I mean I don't say these are proper levels but I mean like you know what I mean they over levels yeah I want to play the full game I wanna see like how honest how does he like I know how good they keep it fresh like do they keep like chopping wood like we do like will it become boring after a while or will it stay like exciting like once you like it is it gonna get to a point me like oh I've seen everything I'm only playing just to try and get better loot like it when I get to that point okay careful there's there's creepers enchanted creepers around here you know in childhood zombies here this ball weighs crazy you know something wrong when you get better loot from like little chest rather than being at home the blacksmith he just robbed you though you know pickaxe was boring like I don't even was strong it might have been strong but like the only attack is just one like swim swim there's no combos or anything come on in for me want me a shot this as we go yeah we're now how long like the main games gonna be well I might just do this one just to get more emeralds yeah well as I said I'm pretty sure he is like randomly generated levels kind of make sense I guess bought for minecraft I guess have set every single levels different yeah like I got maybe like the fun of these seem to be set maybe it would be but like I think I think it like I may be wrong but I think that anyone know not for sure can we get anyone fact-checked it goes on a story then is that objectives in each so how would it be a brand in the gym like I wonder if it's maybe like you do that and then at the end then the randomly generated levels or maybe it's just a case of like it's set locations but where the chests are and stuff is random or what boss who gets random and stuff I'm pretty sure I heard about like you can just keep playing X it can I keep changing everything play the maps are randomly generated it has been confirmed assuming that person is correct yeah it's real know a few people are saying it keep walking it to creep like maybe for the other beta go because hope it'll be like oh we're going to creepy crypt and we might have the same objective and I have the cutscene at the beginning but then the actual layout will be different every time yeah let me see if I see a supply chest by the way I need some more arrows yeah will do chief oh did you see that shot I can see people where yeah I know buddy think you could use creepers to like blow up groups of other enemies did you smile you go in them roll away so let me try it here with this guy don't shoot him I mean it's just one other spider but hey there we go efficient God their raid like I looked way out of that rain dirt still hurt me level rooms are randomly generated there are the same steams though yeah that's what I expected so it would be like always look like this but then slightly different she think looking at the bug think we should go back there's like a little maybe that's where we came in and there wasn't it we did missile quite a lot though we missed loads reach winner and be cool ooh where the thing is though it does it's not like if we miss a chest it doesn't really matter because we go back to the blacksmith and then like we just do another level to get more chess it's not like true like it's not like you miss out as all we're never gonna get that again it's just gonna be like oh we start on the legendary loop yeah only one most people are telling us to play minecraft which is kind of funny it's like I know this isn't my crit is a different game but it's like this is my graph guys we're pretty close yeah it's just a minecraft flight IP so you reckon via the Minecraft movies ever gonna come out they announced like a like a date not even like a year they were like March 29 or whatever the day was that it was gonna come out who's who's making it that's what brothers I was it really mm-hmm I mean they haven't really hit me up for voice acting yet sir I could doubt you know then it's gonna be coming out anytime soon well I know I don't know what would still happen but they did like speak about ages ago about like getting people from the community to do cameos and star Hanabi good I loved I said I wouldn't I want to be just someone like just in the background he just does something a bit stupid like famous just in the town I want to like buy something from a shop and like to accidentally drop it was anything I want that to be my fear like I just walk into something in the background let's just be in the in the background just eating an apple or something that's all I'm just hope I'm just hungry actually I want to make some bread I'm a live stream making bread oh there's so there's so many creepers around a squid where we are in the creepy crib I haven't even been using my solder either [ __ ] why would I use my bow bike on how many hours in forever but I keep day confuse about which character around we won't pick the same stupid character to use a speed boost a bit more I guess against the creepers strength nice any games you're looking forward to play where NARS anything coming up squid you're excited about [Music] I'm not a real it no no no no really interesting thanks for your question Gwyn what's nice is a common bar people like excite about the Resident Evil stuff like that unlike do but I've never played um I'm gonna play through doom I think I've never actually played through it so but there's like Final Fantasy coming out as well isn't there something yeah the remake of the 7 yeah not really probably buy anything either what about you um so I'm still playing through Ori and the willow the wisp which is fun the will of the wisp so we're playing through that and and then you have smear a bunch of VR games so I don't know what's coming out but like that's gotta be my room I played them I played house it'd be our chat but things have been similar I've never cheap on my grizzy of EHR Ryoga that's fine experience in this yeah I got recognized it this way she's been doing um she does karaoke in it there's like karaoke rooms oh she's doing karaoke in it it's funny because she's like she's like really good at singing is there's nobody like a few people in there you know and they're kind of like they're singing but they don't quite have the confidence to commit and so they're like quite quite like they're like that and the nice space will come in and she'd be like yeah like this little kitty thing like there's like a microphone that you can hold up to your mouth and sing in and it makes you sound different and they just in between something just like picked are the microbrew like brought it to her like this it's a funny game though there's so many funny YouTube videos on VR chap yeah it smells like I'm pretty stale I was just curious about it there's another one but it's like it's not VR but it's quite funny it's got like comedy night and you in like a chatroom you're like you're on like if I can have a time you have to like go on stage and tell jokes and everyone's like either laughs all right buzu offstage and my dad jokes okay audio is my audio weird no some fight itself I'd to be bit I don't know if you're sometimes everyone else though you know what yeah well I saw I saw one person saying it so usually that means is like very normally with a discard it is a newb says grace grace is your new beard what do you mean screams a noob did you see my my fondant and put like you photoshop my face in I was like that's what you normally do like before tea it's the powers it's like you I'm gonna put it up here it's the ground it's like diamond salt happy about this yeah really just take is your struggle and then sudden you got some bad looming you're like oh here we go it's easier good yeah yeah it's crazy got so much power I'm gonna go miles back by the way we're like what have we really it was like a dead end this way isn't there so we go oh crap it is yeah we're going the whole way back Beauty cow says tell stamps I says hi yeah I just heard a vision for beauty cows well just a shadow please crying face dogies went to France NASA's love you guys so much your videos I've got me through the hardest times in my life including GCSEs I can relate to that think about Freddie says hi stop we've been watching you since episode 10 or 20 of the world are you providing me with many funny moments that I shall never forget thank you very much thank you very much Thank You dr. John Morrissey says oh it comes out March 4th than my crop Oh March 4th 2022 the Minecraft movie 2022 yeah it's so that's why I thought I remembered it was my toy it's nice you love so funny that they got like the day like they're like it's so far off still and they announced that years ago that date is like it's like saying like oh yeah I got a dentist's appointment in five years on Tuesdays you know it's like it's so specific just keep it to yourself like cuz he aver they're gonna be rushing to get that day or it's gonna be ready like way early and they're just gonna be like waiting to put it out so yeah exactly like who knows what the markets gonna be back there like is what other films they're gonna is gonna be coming up they don't wanna compete with this I'm sure they're like a little bit's are disabled like hightail like they kind of put that trailer out yeah I think everyone's like oh my god where's it coming out and then like you know there's a free years later it might be out the hypes you know initially died down there was such hype for that game and there probably will be once it comes out but it's just to share of it yeah I think they like what they've decided to just stay like a bit quiet about it for now and just keep working really hard on it yeah like making games is a ain't an easy thing to do especially the type of game like a big like it's almost like a bit of a Minecraft MMO almost like it I can't be like a an easy first game to try and make definitely not there's a chest route of yourself so I pull where there's a lever down here I can pull I call it was that I wrong yeah we actually check this room first in case there's a chest the vector and midnight thanks we go remembers dudes and someone else thanks for the nation appreciate those watching you who haven't even played Minecraft I know it's crazy like there's like like I guess the good thing is by delaying it is they can do kind of like you know a detective Pikachu where is like yeah it was come like a kid and an adult movie where there's like people like us who like paint mine like to poke fun since when it came out and then there'll be people that like and just getting into Pokemon it's kind of fit everyone yeah like minecraft would be my dad would be like suitable for kids but there'll be stuff for like people of all ages because minecraft has been out long enough that like you know people are like oh I've just like I've nostalgia for Minecraft I played Minecraft when I was a kid and stuff all those things that they guys feel really old when they say it they should be good down when it comes out just like you said it just depends what the markets like but I thought you know minecarts gonna get out it's been around for ages like it will it will go up and down it will go it will get less popular than more pop blue and there's nothing you know it will flow kind of like Pokemon does you know Pokemon was down for a bit - Pokemon go comes out and it goes down and then they do a movie like it will it will Evan flow fluctuate yeah let's just get in there yeah I think I Lutz good enough now for these these fights did you do like a confusion with your like weapons that's a yes I might I have a random chance to do that I think with my armor but then it's also the the fist thing the pencil when I do that jump in yeah okay just going mad yeah way to go black as well that's spider holy look it does like purple flames you find a chest what do you find a chess now it just popped up it was like a pickaxe I just randomly popped up it was pretty craps oh you are you're holding out on me then keep it secret oh don't look if you look on the map there is a chest icon I don't want to go for it where there's one down here as well yeah let's go small persons we're right here get out of here boys did we get this nice thing you'd have to like fight Oh like we both just get our own loop we don't to fight home yeah yeah it'd be pretty awkward with a rush into his chest mine fine boy well I saw these games used to be like and then they kind of realized that like no that's like that's the way to to lose friends I give an overly yeah never goes well which way is it now though you did John Morris oh he's the person who let us know about the when the movie comes out as well as it's catered we just says hey stumpy and White Fang cool nine nine says it's a really good ending stamps for or II would other wish all good yeah we really just had the reason we kind of took a break playing it is because it's a it just been running really bad so like in the living room which is where I played with spaceship the frame waves just all of them oh my goodness on my xbox 1x it runs okay but that's in my office so we've been waiting for them to like update it just so it runs better but it keeps running really fast so we really like it it's just like a bit we're gonna play it like when it's at its best but the moment is played like a potato it's a bit like a potato spit like many other soggy potato are you ready to the enemies up how you hide I get these guys okay we still got the chest yet where is it like like a puzzle here waited so hungry for all of your losses holy oh I got a pickaxe which isn't as good as my other weapon there's a fence exist great dream Menace but it shoots poison but it's crap damage one which is bad so I'm not gonna write to my parents about it do it tell them what you have more minecraft ethic okay so how many chests we have we have 10 out of 90 chests and we haven't found the secret chest yet when you are when you pick up the e the loot you'll just see like a little red or green arrow - just a bit like a kind of some real is it better or worse like FX what it tells you like you know what yeah care die I want to find the hidden chest I would have thought that would have been the hidden chest I mean it was a hidden chest I was pretty hidden though I mean it would have been hidden if there wasn't a pig indicator on the map to show you that there's a chest there that weight is slightly less hidden says hello stamps in squid hello and jinjoo gamer thanks for the membership reshare okay let's keep on going goes okay okay okay all right just open the door my opus and Alex freaked out actually jump scared me a little bit I don't scare you as well oh she was trying to prank me in some way okay pretend I didn't notice it oh I guess there's nothing behind me though I'm sure behind this tree yeah we're if you fix y'all she's just a little cute Covina suddenly she turns into a wolf [Applause] where are you you've just gone charging food if you found a chest that you're hunting down is that it yeah yeah I'm scared my there's a chance my camera might go off it's a bit hot in here and it's like overheating like an overheating warning it's some ice cream for some ice cream when you got my air conditioning on the weather beans has been so nice recently hasn't it yes it's been be gorgeous yeah absolutely no it says what pickaxe is better than my soars I'm gonna have to use it oh that's so that's how bad time isn't it I don't want to use it if you look down here creepers rebirth creep I want to find his hidden chest so annoying well so the may said them the mission is to find the lost tomb homes that's boring there's like a bigger a big old room around here we haven't explored yet oh I clicked on the creepy skeleton on the wall and activate some of a creepy dudes oh really you're gonna creeper like chilling and it is okay Oh that'll be that feathers well good by the way just to stun the world no secret chest I'd only use the pickaxe they're so boring I tell I'm all I might use the pickaxe against the boss just cuz it's better like always 36 36 that's goodbye that was sawdust 22:32 yeah oh oh use it yeah the pker have you used the pickaxes I'm going to attack my sperm as fast okay that's all he does that's that's the only attack yeah that's pretty poor even if you even if I do a roll that's all he does it's a bore yes it's like I'm not aware and it is like a tool I suppose I see is a weapon we got mine in it but you could use that as aware we're still designed as a weapon all Oh what have I done oh oh you know see us still all the emeralds I'll take out these yeah no way my oh yeah go then I getting killed by only enemies and like ruling towards a little loop rather than the help kids got better our mother I didn't see that thank you to a GMOs Sammy Beck fost who says hello Stampede squid as well as jet boy oh who says has the soccer of you being yet so does I think that's been starting my strange I thought my behavior even who started when everyone just keeps asking to see my socks every day and I went along with it for a bit and in the end I decided no this is too weird I'm not doing it anymore everyone still keeps asking to see my socks no I'm gonna die I should not mention that should not mention it to you I've got no socks on so I can't really share socks Oh feet reveal squid feet reveal everyone spelling creeper I've got a shower so they're not that smelling guys is fine sorry they can't smell them like so my breakfast this morning Miley was just licking my toes I'm like dude onyx ghost-like ears because it's like really loud not every aspect all right once all I ever said about stops now she does it to everyone cuz I like people who are like really used to dogs like come and Ionis of each other be like oh hello hello they'll be like oh yeah um I'm gonna push her away she's like she's going for your ears oh man how do we get round there let's keep going down this way you want to keep you another sphere like now this all loops back up with the other way like up to the right here gonna go this way or keep ah yes there might have chest we want to explore the whole map well we've missed a big chunk of the map easy this Maps quite big yeah remember in the beginning we missed we look like the wrong way well I leveled up are so lovely nah I don't think it increases your stat I think it just gives you in Sharman points yeah I think it does yes actually I 10 enchantment points right level 10 one power level isn't it oh this feather is so good should I show the toes we want toes we want toes screen I'm gonna unsubscribe from your channel unless you show me your toes I showed them toes TOCOM I'm pretty righteous that's like a pretty picture out of City thank you you can put it on your dog every morning you can look at meetups is that with social distancing no we'll come near the house plus we're 89 health prepares on mice poop is on my our bundle and puts on my range time it's Milo do this oh nice hat well what did you get our charmer so it makes me really good at like range oh it's also I move faster look is it oh you get put two enchantments on this Wow peaches oh yeah I guess I might inch on this now we're we're safe Rowland makes you very seconds I'll move faster for three seconds oh yeah this pickaxe is well better than my domicile why is that I enjoyed the wrong thing oh I charted the one I'm not gonna use my pen if I salvaged it I should get them back I know I did it yeah it will do anything oh why just oh I can undo huh oh yeah I just I just I just saddled which my go listing was through the chat freak it out well sure they told you let's still say why Salvage here my good armor but you can undo it I found really and rather than in Sean yeah you can undo it if you ever do that are you chatting the level 20 yeah yeah capture up thanks to the duty ship just like falling fire damage with it oh it doesn't look very I am NOT impressed maybe like what I see Oh oh my god your fire we just go back down I go back down the other thing there's gonna be another chance in that little corridor hyah yeah we've been on this level for ages there's a skill move his head is spinning in a circle well maybe I don't do fire arrow damage maybe it's just I did that to my role maybe maybe you just do fire damage yourself I am to fire you are fired doesn't set me on fire well can I sit like this on fire no way let me see what this oh yeah I guess it's my armor oh yeah yeah rolling creates a trail of fire behind you ugh I have that one every not quite five seconds damages all enemies in nellie Rindge burning I've got rolling makes you move faster you got fire I've got move faster I got move faster and fire oh that's not fair I'm not playing anymore they get to Freddy for the donation he says a high sums would you ever consider doing the challenges you two used to do on a stream like what like the old xbox yeah there were some good ones I think the most annoying one we ever did was reach for the star I did a top 10 video of those I think that was like number one I like near the top at least yeah cuz that was like it wasn't just a race it was a race but then you have to keep checking on your opponent yeah I remember like I was up at the top and then like ice I happen to look down and see you and I just dived down from there heavens in the wards or just like oh it was so you were like you'd basically what all you needed to do is like get it into your house I managed to like catch you out just by complete chart what I what I didn't I got my person in time okay it's good because if I do this trail of fire the enemies just don't walk into it so you're gonna damage them if I'm like weak I can go like this and then they just like they can't get close to us then we can just stay back using arrows going in big brain not just a big big brain big brain stumpy big big nice spring pea brain brick nose big red big nose it takes a lot of brain power to like to view a mouse dysfunction to function my snigger little moving parts yes function moistness stampy steve function hashtags new function oh I die I figure I pick up on your own rules you drop 200k I nearly died three ties left the team lives no I have three live and squid is two we're not sharing I'm not sharing I'm a team line oh really all night will hurt you in oh okay quake is 10 seconds how do I do it oh no I'm gonna die - oh it's right back here anyway do we just lose a bunch of emeralds or something okay so I didn't realize it was an instant I guess you need to clear every we get if we die twice again then the mission zone I kind of like that that's kind of fun I think it's good job that you just you know can't just keep dying and then coming back in yes oh yeah isn't it yeah that's just kind of meek such as charging and then me not knowing how pretty wouldn't have gone for that revive had I know I do this line then we can just station arrows and they can't touch them just like the skeletons this is I think has moved this that moves really good with this level just all corridors yeah yeah but like the more open levels I get this thing this round it how many arrows do you have I got 438 I've been like basically only using it as well oh stuck in this ice the creepers in combination with the skeleton the spider spiders and creepers better ones whether you get trapped in the web and then the creepers blow you up find a chest ok this is bad that's like the end of the this route by the way is there like a boss there jump fighters oh hey he'd you in a bit yeah a bit ahead Scott chest get my chest there's looser chests nice wonder this isn't it this is just like a loot room we're good at better bode who's an 18 hours 22 chest that's pretty good actually that's pretty decent did you get anything good I got a slightly better bow the numbers got higher so that's good yeah we don't know there's like camera there's a room up here we haven't explored yet but it's like another dead end Wow nice alright oh there again there's a pedestal thing to push which is gonna open this I think this might be what you just did okay let's get to work boys is dat yes oh why is it going so far to be thrown so far is there a technique to that maybe if like I'm not moving it doesn't go as far or something maybe go we get loads chinks cheeks boots tricks let me pick up the big map the bait ball man oh oh doesn't visit exit you know across that bridge from earlier if you see if we keep going maybe we can leave that way now there's emerald here oh there's like little markers on the floor telling us where to go you've already just follow that hold in our hand just ignoring it stray a big dog Hayden says richboys I have a better sword apparently I do the better sword thank you he's like get rid of this horrible picker so let me just solve it all this stuff should tell apart I want to do it again it's pretty cool hi I fell from the heavens because I have an angel fight I will smite you down Bershka creeper is it we took quite well for the chest I'm pretty impressed we've really 20:23 and we haven't found the secret chest yet but it's quite a few chests yeah I'm like week we got Sony emeralds like I got 896 emeralds oh we don't something I didn't do have to like this this is what happened last time no no you don't you rub you ever think that's what I did I was like do I have to lie it apparently just have to kill like the rest of the enemies well there's that little corridor up here we didn't explore what we have to kill every enemy in the whole place oh it's just taking us there maybe is it taking us to the enemies now it's just taking us somewhere else with the markers so we should have to push another like important and then that'll open it we should come across it okay I can see you oh my head alright you see any enemies I mean uh okay it's definitely this favorite but yeah we we can use explosives to creeper yeah okay this might be actually Oh up here or here it is there knows a little thing on the map so oh oh beside of here we might a loop around the other way though yeah we're gonna say the markers are telling us this with no markers I tell me here but my map is totally this way yeah we better spider that we might get some of the other chests as well I love I love the singing cheers bro that's why that's why people tune in this way yeah yeah that's why I'm known for something like this therefore the singing they come for the gameplay and then they leave because of the city against the wall whoa fancy bow it is the twin bow or we've been attacked there okay a simple but well-rounded piece of weaponry under us or one that's my old one twin bow the twin bow is the champion of the hero who finds themselves outnumbered and alone by shirt two enemies at once up to 66 damage per hour two of them dangerous dangerous fire power yeah I'm going to go in there get the books and salvage this and then I will do an enchantment every few shots I could do it explosive yeah let's do that because the because it's a twin bow the ones that shoot more and has a small chance of doing something are good to have because like what happened more often because I'm shooting more rather than just a great power upgrade I think we gotta go back now yeah wonder if cuz no sorry I don't know I do my double I do my little shield by fire shield and shoot my dog bless him HS so many chests that keeps going off what I'm so confused I see those explosions was from Manchester orphans number we can actually get by the chests wise so we just go I thank you and I just have to leave the crypts I don't want to go home it's a big big level look big big thank you to Isaac for the duration Joseph says what's your real name don't be big brain is my real name I real name's Joe old time says stamps Duato reveal no squid was doing the Thai reveal what because they're looking to ask you to see my socks and then squid said he wasn't wearing any socks sounds like to give you a television station she spent squid I think the clean about a shower he said they're clean oh then I'd okay Baker my toes says since squid revealed his toes and most likely socks reveal your toes and socks we are the hosts salt gang now here we add the toes wet you start it it was the chair hard up leaving it was the chair the chair made me guys game so fun isn't it it's good innit really fun like now I'm like really like just learn how it all works and got into it like I'm just enjoying even more now okay you know what I said relaxing do you find it relaxing like oddly I think this would be the perfect game for like us for when we like you want to just cut up catch up and chat we're kind of just play-acting and still like listening to a podcast or something this needs too much go in the club car oh look go watch it it's okay we've got loads of different ways check him up here there's like tons of different ways we can go oh wow this is like huge level compared to the other ones we've done I'm gonna go up and then have a look so I don't have miss any chests okay where you going to the that big area on the right yeah okay you go that way I mean if you find anything there's no chest year be fair with my with my bow I feel a little bit more like I can hand with these and any point I can just put down a wall of fire because it doesn't damage me a cube a basic just like stand in the fire and especially just like a force field they just don't you move close to me oh no no no unless they're getting in a cobweb okay maybe I should be good yes I am now yeah baby back off just did it just a wee bit yes dad too ahead of yourself man thank you too much he says how was the bread you and Spacey made I was home a bit earlier it was it was alright it was a little bit goofy in the middle but you pay a little bit goofy but we had it we had our own beans and there's good with beans we had it for toast this morning and then we're gonna have a we've got a tiny bit left we're gonna have with some soup later on so we're we're we're we're eating it yeah there's a bunch of chest area by the way I'm open like my versions of them but okay I'm gonna teleport yeah you're pretty see them on the map [Music] come on see whatever these Chester there was one back here oh there's another one down here somewhere as well I like down south Justin what's this foot reveal not giving any more credit to that Elliott says stomp Ian squid can you eat mushrooms in Minecraft and you eat them do you remember Gino and that's a reference to what I wear will I argue no it wasn't oh that was a whole quest episode was us argued about mushrooms and I said yeah you can Neera example is the other way round I think because it was the question it was like you had to do 20 questions I was I had an item and you were doing 20 questions to guess what at all and it was mushroom you said gives it something you can eat knowing ya like that and then you found it was mushrooms and then you like don't eat it go on then no I'm gonna need it it was like oh if you put it with another mushroom you can eat it just knowing its rule for you know amazing so yeah we go for a door victory nice I'm gonna open my loo box oh yeah me too I got a tasty bone you hear a distinct howling as you hold the tasty bone and you know is that how I can spoil in the dog yeah yeah youssef a doc now noise I'm gonna do it as well because yeah my other one was 20 to summon damage and this one's a for someone damaged gotta spend some it spend some other emeralds I will do that do you know if any of this stuff is gonna carry across to the main game probably not we're gonna better tasty bone oh no I know it's a work okay it's gonna stay like that poor dog like oh we're gonna talk I love you got a better dog yeah I got with a make trade see where we get a pickaxe I'm gonna soar better so I got a slightly better sword do you know other like maybe weapons you can get I don't I'll die with pickaxe book apparently this pickaxe is bear them another things my own I got some a Highland armor game speed after dodge plus a hundred and nine health holy that's a lot OOP I really like mark ocurro me I don't know how I can like that I can't give it to you I don't know just a quick tip Oh what it looks yeah green and stuff but do I do I get rid of my Archer Oliver I'll get rid of it so I can get that fire trail or other armor anyway as an enchantment and that's why I like the archer one so much carry some more stuff Seligman of all of this you got what flaming quiver I might do that instead of my speech I was out for the flaming arrows and stuff yeah gives you burning arrows yeah I don't know what to do so I get more of these things or I kind of just want to keep getting them yeah some are more huggable weapons Fallon thanks could've ever dude bishop what's gonna buy loads of stuff and then I'll show little pink or welcome do it this guy is just like throw igloo scale me Oh +62 house that's not good I guess you feel pretty oh knee but I think cuz it only gives you stuff based on your level so you probably shouldn't buy old you should wait until you completely like level up and then buy new stuff Gesser but it's fine yeah right I got a stronger way stronger one so I'm gonna get rid of my twin one just because like I'm not happy with this guy it's not good one slightly better alright yeah that is my job oh come on Chum this to get my rolly-thing again I can rolling zaps three nearby enemies that's pretty cool yeah well we got I get that level three I think I've spent all my money stamps look at my speed boost I get after I roll see that Oh what levels your armor then is that they're a hundred plus a hundred a hundred and nine health plus level 23 armor spending all my money on blacksmith Oh his rib is ripping me off okay I've spent all my money now and I've got nothing out of it oh this game to myself this guy seems awesome I definitely come and I do some more streams of it when it officially comes out I think I'm done for for today yes I feel like I've got a good idea to make bread so yeah I'm pretty commander debater so I probably won't do any more streams of the beta but I am oh yeah when do I get games when it comes up you know in March I will play more of it do you know if it's like I think I'm free to play or do you know anything more about it I don't know I'm guessing it weren't there no no it isn't it Stefani quit somewhere he quit 20 Biggins if you want to get Mike Rogers got a slant 20 big uns down in front of the Microsoft Office and say give me it give me that dungeon give me oh and do some chores wash your parrot scars and pick some go wash your parents go wash your parrot to get yourself some pocket money outside that's gonna be out of this frame here thank you squid for for joining me and Barney welter it's been good fun and yeah hopefully we can play a lot more of it do you know um yeah how many players you can have in the game up to four okay yeah be good together a little squad together I know I'm squashy seemed like she wanted to check the game out as well so maybe we could kind of squad up so it seems like more the merrier is gonna be the way it's gonna work in this game get a full score in here okay right I'm gonna I'm gonna leave there they just chord chat then I'll say goodbye to to my stream and yeah they let me make sure I turn off this did I meet myself no okay I got a good like so I'd always like struggled in the in the past we've getting it working so when I'm like streaming with someone else that you could like hear them it all sounds good and that I like today I got it working like straight away and so I'm so proud like like I did it what whose work I was like wait nothing's gone wrong like why just haven't gone wrong like surely it's not actually working properly is it but actually that she was working so that is something that's gonna be her knee so it's gonna be much easier for me to stream with other people and obviously like I know look like I was playing on xbox was using a controller by was actually playing on PC and that seemed to work all of fleas so it looks like that it's gonna go well for for future streams I think tomorrow I'm gonna have a day off streaming there's just a few videos we gonna do we haven't recorded a space down in a while and stuff so they're probably I mean stay tuned just in case but there probably won't be a stream tomorrow so the next stream will probably be in the day on Wednesday if not Thursday and yeah we're pretty go back to terraria I've got a bit of work to do and terraria sort out my stuff but I really wanted to feed the the old ones army I want to also go sit and see my last erroneous dream I got a flying cat and it was a blue flying cat and I want to die orange so I want to get some orange dye as well so I need to get the dye person to move in so a lot of stuff going on people asking for tabs steve says tabs please yeah I do more tabs I really enjoyed the last tab stream I think what I'm kind of doing at the moment because there's so much I want to get done in terraria I'm kind of alternating doing like a terraria stream something else terraria stream something else so then that way that those that want a bit more variety and aren't really into terraria get something and then those that just really want to area monitor all the time they get plenty of a terraria as well so that is the plan a lot of people saying tabs are funny tabs and get the chicken man says Aiden is that another one of the the secret classes yeah maybe I'll look into that a little bit more as well Animal Crossing Animal Crossing will come I actually had a big a good bit of progress for edible crossing this morning for ages I was wanting to relocate with my houses there's like a little island I wanted to move my house and I couldn't move houses yet and I've just got the ability to move building so as of tomorrow my house will be moved and then that means I'm actually gonna start decorating and make a garden and stuff basically a whole lot of things I didn't bother doing just because I knew I was gonna move my house anyway so my my holiness is just such a mess I'd be too embarrassed we joined on yesterday squashy and I joined Lydia from Mojang we joined her world with ravu as well and like she's been putting some serious time into animal crossing and her island looks amazing and I was just walking around like this is so good and my island is so bad and I was like yeah I'd invite you to see my island too but it's like it's just a mess like my house is literally just a storeroom of items so I will give you a updated tour of my animal crossing world maybe at the end of another stream that I don't think it would take too long and go and show you that off for those of you that are really into Animal Crossing but I am still playing it but just haven't had a huge amount of time to put loads of time into it a lot of people asking about Lobby world as usual no updates there I will update you when there's anything to update on those people saying for for lovely world quite hungry no actually my belly's a little bit robbery right I'm gonna go with them so yeah that's the plan for for coming up in the future I think you're wrong for for watching the stream hopefully you enjoyed it I'll be back at some point later on in the week so if you are free then I will see you then but wrong with that thanks for watching and I will see you all later [Music]
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 131,678
Rating: 4.9329724 out of 5
Id: HY0cZ8ynkpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 36sec (7296 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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