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hello guys and welcome back to another amazing minecraft video where today I have such a cool mod to show you guys it's going to be so fun okay so first up I have to show you the first chests look at these weapons so this is part of the wild animals mod it brings in a total of like 35 new mobs so some of them are going to be dangerous so we have a dart gun a poison dart a tranquilizer dart a shotgun a shotgun bullet a hunting rifle and also a hunting rifle bullet just in case we find some dangerous animals that won't back off and we also have an all-terrain vehicle so I have to go to my zoo way over there so it's just perfect to have a little vehicle in the mud it's absolutely fantastic okay well what just happened who's moving this car it's not a ghost inside the ghost maybe we should hide what's going on this is weird okay but I'm going to go inside let's go ahead and travel to our zoo there's actually pretty far I like to be able to actually drive through grass and everything it's so fun because of most cars just wouldn't do it it's slightly faster than walking which isn't that bad and it's so fun wait what is that there's another chest waiting for us Oh what did you say oh let's see what this says then Ave thanks for coming to my zoo I want to have a packed Zoo full of animals please choose wisely which once is born enjoy mugs oh that's pretty fun I'm gonna leave my Jeep right there I think it's a good spot hopefully no one else is going to come with their Jeep and putt or block me in it pretty much so that's going to be pretty trustworthy okay so we have all our villagers here hey guys how's everyone doing all cowards can I have a carrot nice thank you actually I want to be fun you can take that back Oh chicken this is actually a decent place marks done a really good job with the zoo and we have a main office and also a map look at this so we are oh it is that us there in the Green that looks pretty cool guys guys no fighting in the zoo you'll be kicked out and you won't be ever be allowed back in but let's go ahead and have a look ah as this bonus oh nice I think we should starts off with trying out these turtle shells there are titles in this mod which is pretty cool but we have to try on one of these shells and decide which one suits us the most is it the green one or is it via sort of brownish one which one suits us better guys comment down below which one suits me better I'm going to choose the brown one if you guys don't agree just tell me down below I would actually like to know do you know what I have to stop these guys that they fighting and they shouldn't be fighting guys I've got a rifle okay I think it's a skeleton that started it there you go let's also try the shotgun come on stay back stay back come on there you go a UK iron golem now for that I'm going to use a tranquilizer darts on you because you've been naughty Yuki oh well one no I've got slowness and blindness this tranquilizing diet is actually pretty dangerous here we go there you go that's better so you should be tranquilized now and also let's use the poison dart come on come on come on oh there you go a very bad person to be able to do that but let's also go ahead and try out the next little spawn as we have just check-in these weapons because we have to get out so many small knows how many do we have I know that each row is 9 says 9 18 27 28 29 30 31 about 32 33 it's pretty cool actually let's get out quite a few random ones let's get out the Jaguar the draft the a copy what's that the polar bear the African slid and also the Cape Buffalo the Galapagos tortoise and also the Guana what I love iguanas and also the hippo so I was getting dark I can't deal with the dog I hate the dark let's also go ahead and change the daytime that's good and let's go ahead and spawn some of these crazy animals Oh something happened right there I liked a little bit and the globe is scared okay so let's born the Jaguar whoa this is scary oh no you're going to be good though yeah because I'm not I'm going to dart you up you you be a good boy you be a very good boy I let us a spawn beat you off nice this is this one another one because they come in two different sort of varieties look until they are it's so nice can I write them do it you guys you want to try out to see if we can ride them because lick what we can get we can get a mounting harness there you go let's see if we can actually buy this one here we go come on can I ride it no can i oh I can't but this mounting harness says some animals can be ridden by their owners so that means I maybe in the future once they become mine I can actually ride them that would be so cool like rideable animals but let me also go ahead and spawn a black rhinoceros can I write this guy come on I want to write something that'd be so fun I just black rhinoceros now I'm not sure if it's true or not but having a black rhinoceros got a next thing weather's awful like this weather would make me extinct so I that would be crazy I think that sure I don't know but let's also go ahead and spawn the warthog ah it's a baby one it could be just like you I love them so much ah that's so nice ah lovely I can't buy these guys can i that would be pretty crazy look how small they are unless also go ahead and spawn the Galapagos tortoise as this guy is mental which I can't ride either I am just going to give up on riding these animals and this is a spawn the polar bear oh another crazy anymore this so cute I love them so much and finally the African bush elephant in this area then we go somewhere else has born the last two whoa they're almost as tall as me no look if I double my size hey stay here where you going so it's going to leap for a second ah that's so nice and then we also go around the back and spawn the next couple of animals because we can't spawn them all next to each other the African lion is a dangerous creature which we have to keep away from our other animals because they're pretty dangerous and this is a spawn the black rhinoceros again because if they need company they really do need company and just for a little sneak peek I'm going to show you guys the green iguana there you go look at that guy I'm spawning them up there because they're pretty they're pretty small creatures and I'm scared to going to be eaten so these guys stay up there people that walk around the zoo should hopefully be able to appreciate everything that Mark is done so that's decent let me go ahead and get some more animals out ok so just put back my animals so let's go ahead and get out all the Anaconda Wow and also two Sumatran orangutan let's get out this olive baboon the okapi I don't know what that is the battery rusa what even is that and the kondal I have no idea what that is either we've already done a few of these let's get out the build stalk and finally the American bison because Mark said only spawn ones I could actually add features to the zoo and here's all the other items we have we have like some kibbles some Pangolin scales some new that you do like bamboos which is amazing steel odds for like the steel bars bar fences you know for the animals and everything which is pretty decent and it's getting dark again this is just days it's going so quick let's also carry on spawning because we have to be quick because this is the final day and then the zoo is opening so that's going to be crazy let's spawn the anaconda whoa okay I'm not sure mark is going to be happy with this one look how big he is that's the biggest snake I've ever seen well okay I need to spawn some orangutangs because they need to play together I need to kind of calm down these animals oh look at the orangutan that's so nice maybe I should give them some bananas that would be pretty good idea actually and inside over here I'm going to spawn some olive baboons there you go they're pretty crazy creatures look at these guys are so nice let me also spawn some more copies in here there you go they can almost touch the ceiling aaaa you're not allowed upstairs no okay I have to leave them doesn't Mark's responsibility he can take care of them and let's also spawned the babby rooster because why not ah look at these ones they're so nice are they really nice I like them and the Andean Condor oh no no no no no no don't fly waste a round here good good stay around here yeah I was born a friend for you if you stay around here ah they're really nice ah maybe they need to meet they would love me for some meat actually and also some build stalks these don't even look like we're animals are but they look so nice I love them so much they're so cool wait what's going on over here I need sponsor where did you come from that's actually pretty crazy lemme also spawn our final animal which is the American bison whoa this guy's hefty let me spawn a friend for you there you go now you guys stay around to you okay no one move oh we apologize for the mess gas incident to the main office thank you ah that's why there's so much little mess around that make sense and look at this we have animal droppings take it back take it back that's really crazy but that's enough of me you're playing with my animals I'm throwing poo at them but I love them two beers and they love me but guys I think it's so much watching don't forget give this video a thumbs up and subscribe and I will see you all soon with another crazy video peace out you [Music]
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 3,292,825
Rating: 4.6666255 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, zoo, wild, animals, mod, mods, minecraft zoo, minecraft zoo mod, minecraft animals, minecraft animal, minecraft animal mod, minecraft animals mod, minecraft mobs, minecraft mods, mobs, mob, awesome, cool, brand, new
Id: nrhVlQyaKCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2017
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