Minecraft, But YouTubers Control My Game...

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this is minecraft but youtubers control my game today my minecraft is going to be completely controlled by youtubers from having to install sketchy mods to not being able to touch the color green to all of a sudden being at one percent health my goal is to somehow beat minecraft while youtubers control what i do but some of these youtubers really don't want to see me win so who are all the youtubers that'll be in control and what or even who is waiting for me in the end stay tuned to find out okay so for the first challenge we have preston hello there nestor i want you to beat the game of minecraft without touching the color green wait what are you serious we're in a jungle okay so i can't touch anything around me let's break these vines real quick i think that's a loud yeah okay and we've set it up to what preston wanted where if we touch the color green we're dead and he also said that we get our next challenge when we get to that village over there okay i have a little bit of a plan i'm gonna mine all this real quick oh here we go oh yes okay we didn't touch screen now we're just gonna parkour all the way over there we got this oh gosh this is actually nerve-wracking this is probably the most screened biome in minecraft and of course i started here oh melons do i got the melon okay that might be green too okay oh stone okay wait i could get tools right here okay i'm gonna do that okay no green except that okay we're not touching that so this is challenge number one out of like 15 different youtubers throughout this video so things are about to get very interesting okay we got this mission get to the village then we get the next challenge we're almost to the water that's blue we can touch blue oh here we go okay okay okay okay don't touch the seaweed oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh this is bad okay i gotta get one oh okay we're good okay 24 blanks we got this oh my gosh we're almost there as soon as i touch the path we should be good oh my goodness so how did this become a parkour segment preston this is the most evil challenge to start off the video with and apparently the challenges are gonna be getting harder and harder i feel like none of them are going to actually control my game in a positive way oh we're almost there wait we only have one one blank no no no no no wait wait wait wait okay okay okay okay okay come on come on yes okay now with that being done let's get to the next challenge all right nestor i want you to install a thousand minecraft mods every 10 minutes and you can't touch the color green wait it's pretty much normal minecraft oh um yo okay yeah so that's what 100 is gonna do to our game and luckily i can touch green again all right give me one sec let's get some bread and then we'll explore well that's new an alloy sword i mean i don't know what that is but i'll gladly take it an iron pickaxe very nice and now our goal is to explore this modern world for five minutes okay can we find like dragons or something oh a lucky block okay bionic this is for you well there's your problem why okay let's explore this little cherry blossom place now wait what the heck is that thing i think it's friendly oh wait no it says to me okay let's go down here real quick and figure out whatever plowed it gave us and is this just like a giant cave my goodness bionic what the heck did you give me oh our just play okay we're getting everything pretty easily so i mean that's going for us oh my gosh what the heck there's so many wars okay we have one more minute of surviving this area and then we get to the next challenge is this like cotton candy or wait what is this fluorite okay i've seen this before still don't know what it does but this should be a good stopping point right here because we finally got diamonds let's find that real quick get our diamonds advancement and now that we have our first three diamonds not only are we gonna make a diamond pickaxe but let's go ahead and get the next challenge from the next youtuber right about now hey nestor it's crafty i set up an insane parkour course where you have only one attempt at it you'll be teleported right now good luck dude um what the heck yo this is so cool oh my gosh okay so crafty sent us on a super parkour and it literally reminds me about mario let's just jump on the pieces okay how am i supposed to do this part they literally flip okay i'm gonna jump on this one oh okay then we're gonna go on that one wait which one flips now oh oh my gosh okay this is a little bit more active than i thought okay let's jump all the way around oh my gosh oh my gosh wait the sides even move wait i gotta time this perfectly guys okay what about now oh no no no no no that was my only way out oh gosh guys guys guys this is actually the hardest parkour ever made are you serious okay jump jump perfect timing oh and what is this oh my gosh this is actually super mario sunshine shout out if you already know what i mean oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay bottle jump okay oh my gosh and that moves what holy this is sick okay gotta make to the end and then we can get the next youtuber challenge okay and yes okay now with that being done let's get the next challenge hey wait why am i here i was just watching the office but okay nestor i'm gonna be sending you on a caving journey and it's not gonna be easy so get ready using all of the new mods you've got your mission is to mine 10 uranium and it's got a chance of killing you so this is gonna be fun but you will need this special helmet until you've completed the challenge good luck buddy boy oh wait what so he gave us a one heart helmet which now that we have it on we're stuck at one heart and our goal is mine 10 of that thing right there oh my goodness why did you do this to us wisp okay so here's the plan i'm gonna get over there and i generally don't know how not to die to uranium besides maybe by like being far away from it so maybe the secret is to not touch their uranium but mine it okay is this uranium oh gosh i'm gonna really slowly walk up to it oh it is okay okay okay there's a chance when we hold it that it can poison us and at one heart we die very quickly so that's gonna be one two three four five six okay let's not pick it up and let's not get uranium poisoning oh gosh there's so much of it okay that's gonna be seven eight okay i need two more guys and then we're good also wait what the heck is this thing i kind of looks like diamonds but it is crystal light oh real quick while we get the uranium let's cook one crystallite and see what it does okay uranium where are you when i need you oh wait cobwebs and whoa wait what the heck is this by oh and look at all these items a zombie heart and look at that right there it's a good old subscribe button to the channel guys if you guys are new to the channel feel free to click that subscribe button right now we're trying to hit 5 million subscribers and that was the live one's actually there anyways um there's pretty much nothing good that we need maybe putter i don't know what puter is but you know we'll take it ring of regeneration wait that's a legendary ring wait grant's region effect this might make being at one heart a lot more easier okay if i uranium where would i be okay two more uranium that's one and two yes okay that's gonna be mission complete we can now throw away the helmet and now let's get back to ten hearts and here's the next challenge from the next youtuber nestor i need you to prove yourself take the special bow i'm about to give you and defeat the following three bosses die and well you lose live and you keep the bow good luck wait what but he just made the entire area go away wait a dominator tier one wait what did he give us forces bow oh gosh okay this better be good oh gosh oh that did so much oh my gosh wait where'd he go okay i think this is the first boss a dominator tier one which is did he just multiply oh gosh okay there was another one and i think that might be it for the first dominator and be power for flame one oh no i just got a message from forrest oh no force is sending in the hardest boss as possible okay bros for whatnot i think he won't hit me okay we gotta be a big careful dodge that dodge that dodge that oh i gotta wait for him to literally hit down come on come on come on oh wait does the ball work against him nope that doesn't work oh no okay literally fighting this guy is not gonna be fun come on slam down slip down oh yes okay it's my time one two okay it's gonna take a few more hits come on come on come on come on gotta bait him into doing one attack yes nice okay here we go okay oh wait only one more hit oh wait this might be it yes okay and just like that that's gonna be for boss number two and who is force gonna give us next did he drop blue oh he did okay now we have the raw helmet and the axe of a thousand medals nice all right oh got another message from force let's see what it is wait what well done those two were a warm-up time for the real deal oh my gosh okay i might actually lose here if you guys don't know what the frost mall is by now this guy is like impossible to fight i had to use a nuke last time he's asleep okay let me find a good spot if we can't fight him i might just try to escape and hit him from above okay guys wish me luck and i better get one like for this oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no here we go here we go here we go here we go wait do arrows don't work on it girls don't work on it why no no guess i can't even move my mouse get me out of here oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i think it's stuck over there okay we can figure something out now i think let me real quick try to negotiate with forest and see if we can get away with this but you know what i'll cut you a deal throw away the special bow the regen ring all your armor and the boston you got and then you can get away okay a deal's a deal let's just get rid of it no more active thousand medals normal helmet no more chest plate no more misteal boots and i get to throw away the bow are you serious i just got the bow and the regen thing okay i mean we're starting at square one but i don't gotta fight that guy anymore we're getting out of here okay see you guys on the surface holy that was stressful on the bright side though we just got our next challenge from a youtuber so let's see what it is i would like you to draw a pair of round soccer balls if it's good i'll give you a prize but if it ain't i'm gonna blow you up baby i got no wait we gotta draw i'm watching mkyum it's like one of the drawing videos but we gotta draw soccer balls oh okay let me real quick pull up a picture of a soccer ball and then we can try for that okay so on the screen right now you're gonna see what we're trying to make and it's literally one of the most complex things ever it's a circle of minecraft you don't really do that but we're gonna go for it it's all good oh gosh guys okay as you guys already know i'm really bad at drawing in minecraft and this is already going really badly oh gosh what is this guys trust me i'm following this google images thing exactly and it's got to be the greatest thing ever this is just detrimental to society like what have i done okay you know what knowing mick yum he will have some mercy on me maybe not probably not i'm definitely dying after this oh gosh this is bad this is so bad guys i'm gonna take a screenshot of this i'm gonna real quick right right here soccer ball and um can we get two subs for this oh gosh here we go wait turn around oh wait what did he give us oh my literally a bunch of atomic bomb rocket launchers full on just the rockets themselves and a tnt x500 what the heck mickey um why did you give this to us i'm gonna take three for scientific reasons anyways with that challenge being done let's go ahead and throw this away and get to the next one right about now yo nestor you see that nuke that you just got blow yourself up see if you can survive wait what i'm gonna die wait no i'm literally gonna die if i blow this up okay i gotta be smart about this it's a challenge he didn't say i have to do it right now so what if let's real quick get some armor on and then maybe go on a mountain and throw blow this up really far away oh gosh okay maybe i can try to make a hazmat suit give me one sec guys whoa that's a big mountain okay that might be the spot right there also don't worry guys i have been installing more mods as we go through this thing but i guess let's get all the way to the top now okay guys we are really really far up i can see all the way over there i think i'm just gonna shoot it on as far as i can jump down get on that water probably and then hopefully we live let's make a bridge all the way over here and then we should be good okay here we go in three two one oh gosh oh did it happen oh i think we're good all right socks i think that might be a dub let's jump all the way down oh man that was a pretty good escape okay all right let's go check that out all the way over there oh my gosh oh look at the mushroom cloud what the heck sucks why did you do this oh my gosh well that's gonna be a mission complete and now let's get out of here before this gets worse let's go down in the cave just so we can be safe okay this is definitely a little bit better we didn't really get anything new from socks for doing that but now it might be a good time to get to the next youtuber which they actually message me right now so let's see what they said on the group chat [Applause] huh wait that's not even a youtuber wait that's your brian what i literally just got sent the sketchiest mod and i'm kind of scared of putting that on guys let me make some diamond boots just in case i guess i'm gonna go install that now plus some more bionic mods and let's see what happens in game oh we got another message turn around it's ready okay i installed the thing and oh uh yet again another chest and inside so mr herobrine which is still not a youtuber got us a full set of troll armor survive that is ominous a glitched out diamond oh and an altar of herobrine wait what the heck a cursed diamond some sunglasses i'm gonna wear the troll helmet because why not and then a bunch of lava buckets do i need the law buckets i'm gonna leave them right there for now and i guess let's put on the troll armor wait do i want this or this oh the boots are better okay oh wait there's something up here too oh oh buddy set this up for me and do i place this here oh wait okay i think i've seen this before i think i'm supposed to right click it with the cursed diamond and then something happens so right click oh you have no idea what you've done what did i do oh gosh okay oh we got another message it's time wait time for what oh you ain't such a hero what's up man oh my gosh you just so much damage oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay that's not good that's not good no no no what's up man oh my gosh we just almost died i don't want to cheese it but we also gotta cheese it wait how many hits does he take what the heck was that the challenge wait we got another message wait apparently these guys are gonna be all over the world now okay wait do i have to kill all of them or something so pretty much the difficulty got even harder now because we apparently have random herobrines going around pretty cool mod pretty difficult one too anyways with that being done i guess we can get to the next youtuber challenge and it hopefully doesn't almost try to kill me every single time i try to use it okay here's the next challenge hey nestor i have a challenge for you from now on your game's gonna be stuck in hardcore mode oh and you're also being teleported to this one block in the sky don't worry though you don't have to stay here for 100 days like me wait what so thanks to cookie we're now stuck in hardcore mode and we got teleported on top of a one block island what am i supposed to do up here i might have to emoji water book at this because i can't make it all the way over there oh okay well that might be part of the challenge here we go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh yes okay just like that that's gonna be it for cookies challenge where we got teleport all the way up but i gotta make sure not to die now cause uh yeah we're in hardcore mode so things are gonna be a bit harder and now we just got our next challenge from the group chat and let's open that up real quick i want you right now to set a minecraft world record you're about to be teleported 100 000 blocks in the air and if you make this mlg water bucket you win if not well that sucks good luck wait what look at my white lover so we went from doing one emoji water bucket today i'm doing literally the world record oh my gosh okay this number's gonna go down so slow guys i'm really gonna go make a sandwich come back eat it and by the time i get back it's still gonna be going down all right well spongebob card two hours later oh wait final four hundred oh gosh oh gosh this might all go to the same yes oh my goodness okay there we go challenge complete and i gotta say that took way too long okay with that being done i gotta say we actually have pretty good stuff now we have all the troll stuff we got the emblem armor all that good stuff but i still gotta get a lot of eyes of ender and everything to actually fight the dragon because you know that's the final goal so let's go down real quick and wait until we get our next challenge and oh we literally just got it okay it's from hannah this time and here's her challenge right now okay nestor i'm going to be sending you to atlantis again and this time i want you to defeat the rat king wait we have to go to ratlantis again and fight a rat king and we got a good luck nestor right click extremely rare drop rate from rat right click anywhere to open a portal to rotlantis oh what's this thing okay do i just right click here oh uh there it is do you do anything oh gosh wait it's spinning quicker oh whoa oh whoa oh that's kind of cool oh wait i should probably stand back oh it's a piece of cheese yo so now we have a portal to ratlantis and i guess let's just jump in gold reached or atlantis so like hannah said our goal here is to find and defeat a rat king so where am i gonna find a rocking who knows but let's go up yup this is definitely atlantis okay so if i was a rat king where would i be i imagine that she put the rat king somewhere so maybe it's somewhere i would think it's obvious all right let's just look around is this a landing pad like an airport what does this do oh whoa whoa whoa what would i do oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay it's only a pleasure to be down no no no no what the heck just happened why did this suddenly become a manhunt oh wait jungle temple that might be a place i can get a bow at least i don't think you can shoot me in water so let's go oh my goodness okay i'm safe underwater but we still have not found the rocking and i'm being chased down by a literal blade oh wait i think i escaped the plane it's no longer in our trunk distance okay um okay i'm gonna go in here just in case let's get a bow okay good thing there's normal stuff in here because that's gonna help us a lot okay emeralds oh wait i could actually make something even better let's make emerald boots plus four armor which is better than diamond boots so there we go okay something at least okay what's in this chest oh diamonds nice okay you never go wrong with those don't need diamond boots and before we go out there again let's make sure to make a bow bow and ten arrows that's all we have right now that's nothing not gonna take down the plane but for now let's keep looking for a structure that could house a rat king wait what is that over there oh wait knowing hannah i think this might be what we're looking for right now all right let's uh go all the way up there through let me get some wood oh my gosh wait i hear the rats okay is this gonna be it oh it's the wrecking okay that's somebody rats that's somebody right okay i'm not supposed to take care of this oh my gosh okay let's focus on the ride king oh get over here wait can they climb up okay no they can't climb up okay let's take care of the right king and then we should be good oh gosh this thing takes so many hits are you serious i'm out of arrows oh let's go get over here rocking come on how many hits does this guy take guys this boss is so difficult no no no no no stay away stairway rats is there anything else i can do oh i could use this okay maybe lava is better come on lava okay i think i kind of got this guy stuck um well mr rock king uh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this guy can bite oh we got it yes okay with that being done that's gonna be for the ride king and my goodness lava can be op and i guess that's gonna be it for hannah's challenge and as long as that plane doesn't come back we should be good but the best part has to be the room with all the chests which let's see what this one has okay so we got some books of we don't really need books let's see any eyes of ender or anything like that no no nothing yeah what about this one an archangel smite wait this item's really good if i remember correctly oh it's like an unlimited bow oh that's sick okay yeah i'm definitely giving you that screw the bow we now have archangel smite okay i'll take that w and before we get to the next challenge because i did just get the messages for the next challenge let's see what happens when i right click this wait what the heck is that thing no no no no no no no i'm jumping oh gosh okay okay okay okay we're gonna escape we're gonna get back to the portal and we're done with this whole thing oh man okay i think we got away and we're never doing that again anyways let's get back to our portal and then get to the next challenge all right time to go back um why are there hairpines everywhere wait are they running away from me why are they running away from me anyways let's get the next challenge playing on the screen right now and let's do whatever they want me to do okay nestor starting now you're not allowed to touch the color red collect 16 blaze rods and you'll be back to normal oh okay so shout out let's give us another portal pet where it just takes us to the nether but i can't touch the color red wait what i guess let's try it now oh gosh oh my okay that was lucky okay so we can't touch the color red how am i gonna get around here okay so we gotta collect 16 blaze rods and then we should be good let's just go on soul sand that might be the move right now okay these no touching color challenges are actually extremely difficult because of one mess up in ions to die okay okay let's go here okay okay this is fine let's just not touch another white purple is a-okay imagine if i still couldn't touch green that would have been very difficult oh that's convenient all right netherforce is right over there but wait how do i get the blaze rods when another fortress is red oh wait i have these things okay wait how does this work on a mob oh wait it's aimbot oh yo that's sick oh gosh okay okay okay i'm gonna miss you guys i'm gonna miss oh wait did they just like stop getting mad at me okay and also this thing won't work anymore not really sure why okay let me get up there and we gotta figure out a way to one get this thing back to normal is it just reminding stuff and also not touching the color red i gotta build all the way up and also find a way to get so many blaze rods okay this is gonna be dangerous guys can't touch the color red billy is really evil oh yes okay do i have no blocks yes i do okay oh my gosh literally everything around me is something i should be okay okay no way that was vanilla the youtubers are something 100 messing with me because that was definitely not vanilla luckily though we figured out that lava is fair game but let me message billy real quick to at least get rid of the lava thank you shadow apples and okay we just gotta get inside and not touch any red oh gosh it doesn't help that's the nether why am i using wood also i don't think picking up items counts as touching the color red or also i would have died a long time ago but if i do die suddenly uh it's probably because of that all right here's the deal guys i'm gonna make one hole and we're just gonna hit them from there oh here we go one two three oh no it's gonna take a while all right give me one side guys i'm literally just gonna grind this out oh my goodness finally 18 blaze rods not even 16 we broke the spawner and after all that according to shadow apples we can do this holy that was the most difficult thing in another this took way too long but on the bright side that's over now and we did get a lot of blaze rods now with that complete it's time for yet another youtuber challenge which they just sent their message in right now hey nestor now that you have those blaze rods let me help you with some ender pearls just download this mod and if you can complete it you'll unlock a passage directly to the end oh major canadian okay i'll take up the mod offer i guess let me install that right now wait what so i added the mod beijing gave me and now we're in a new dimension i think oh wait i think this is the twilight force then am i supposed to defeat the twilight forest that might be like a 20-day thing oh wait okay we just got a message from him we're supposed to defeat one boss and then we can get to the next challenge are you a boss i don't think this guy's a boss okay so if i was a boss where would i be oh whoa that's a big castle maybe up there oh wait this might be a spot i'm pretty sure i recognize this spot from before okay yeah it's that thing oh my gosh okay yeah this guy's tough to fight okay let's go what there's two ways we can defeat this thing either tnt or the rocket launcher oh man i guess i gotta do it guys maybe not the best idea but i'm gonna try nuking this thing and that might be a no for the challenge i did survive nuke one so i mean i know what to do this time i just gotta get really far away oh wait what about above these trees or something okay atomic bomb here we go in three two one we're running we're running we're running we're running i'm surviving i'm surviving i think i'm good i'm good how did it survive that oh my gosh oh here we go guys okay oh no no no no no no no no no no no what's going on what's going on why why they're here by chickens okay so i just used another portal pet to get out of there and now i gotta get all the way back to the twilight force let me message pajan and let's get back in there okay i found this spot again this time it's not blown up it's a completely new one let's do it right this time get over here buddy oh gosh okay okay the good thing is he doesn't do that much damage it's just gonna be a bit of me just slapping him around oh gosh oh gosh okay that's another hit another hit oh we're doing pretty good against him okay he's almost halfway dead oh gosh the amount of mods bionic has made me add it has made this thing so hectic oh okay wait this my should be really good a couple more hits oh and there we go finally that's gonna be it for that boss and we ended up getting literally justin's head for proof to uh being canadian and yet again i just got the ping for the next message on the group chat and let's see what it's going to be this time it's pretty much raging saying that congratulations and i'm being teleported straight to the stronghold oh okay oh yeah i may have added too many mods and now the stronghold is this anyways we did get our 1600 rolls and with that let's go ahead and get all the eyes avenger we'll ever need and now without further ado where is the porter room these things are always very difficult to go through but i mean it's just a modded stronghold how hard could it be oh there it is okay let's break this real quick and finally after all those challenges we can finally open up the end portal and the bad news is we gotta do one more because our second to last challenge is gonna be from donnie bobes all right what do you have to say donnie all right nesta i think one dragon might just be a little too easy instead your final challenge is to defeat all these bosses i've set up for you good luck wait what when i go into the end i think i'm about to see a bunch of new bosses oh man okay well i only have one more atomic bomb left and that's literally everything that's going for me well i guess wish me luck and here we go okay so like donnie said no dragon and his challenge is to do a new boss and oh wait two of them uh i guess i could do two of them three of them oh gosh why oh this is going to be difficult you know what for a real challenge like donnie's headed let's do three at the same time oh wait this guy can hit okay one two oh no no no no okay okay okay we got this we got this we got this we got this okay oh that's another guy can hit oh gosh don't hit me away don't hit me away nice good hit oh i barely dodged that oh another chance to hit him oh no no no okay buddy hit me like a baseball bat wait is everyone healing everyone is healing wait why i can't let them rest i gotta take them out one at a time okay here we go oh one more hit yes okay one final hit and finally that's gonna be one down and we still have both of them to go oh god this is gonna take a bit okay let me grab that real quick let's put on this and we also now have the axe of a thousand medals which might help us fight this guy okay round two come on slam down slam down you know you want to oh yes let's go in nice money you want to slam you want to slam he isn't slamming what are you doing oh yes okay this is gonna be it one hit and yes okay that's gonna be number two we don't really need any of his stuff so let's go on to the final one all right let's do this oh he's almost down okay you need one more hit and we can finally finish this and get to the final youtuber challenge which i don't even know what that's going to be okay this is it come on and yes okay with that being done that's going to be it for donnie bob's challenge and finally i think we might be getting to the final youtuber challenge i just got the pink and here it is yo nestor congrats on the win you did it the whole thing's over uh there we go guys okay so with that final message from rugrats that is gonna be here for today for minecraft youtubers control my game and besides how because i enjoyed everyone in this video just like this one
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,728,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft control, minecraft but youtubers control my game, minecraft youtubers, minecraft but youtubers control, control
Id: -awL3wD0XJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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