Minecraft, But You Only Get One Block! Ep2

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well then why don't we get started today i thought we should play this world in survival mode the truth is mikey and i built this whole entire world from a single block today we're trying to survive in a brand new world there's just a dirt block how are we even supposed to survive here a snow block this block is super special because it changes into other blocks when we break it so that we can reuse it here oh yeah just like that look it just transformed from a block of snow to a block of wood we can keep mining it just like that as the block levels up it'll start to change into different kinds of blocks than before i think we might be at level three now and it just gave us a ton of snow blocks at least now we have a couple of snowballs nice now then mikey we're gonna keep breaking this block in order to make our world even bigger sounds good let's do it for now just keep hacking away at it and we'll see what else pops out of there i'm on it okay mikey you're in charge of stone sure iron oh iron sweet iron is really valuable the hoe a wolf so cute no wait up we have to stop it from eating our livestock hey stop it oh wolfy mikey let's tame the wolf so it doesn't attack again yeah let's use our meat for some reason there was meat all the way behind this tree now we can tame it here did it work if you give a wolf meat it'll start to like you [Music] wait a sec this isn't good oh uh whatever i guess since it isn't attacking the other animals it's okay but we should still try to isolate it hmm our precious sheep is gone i really wanted to get wool from it oh well for now we'll just smelt some iron and mine the block that's mine except we should probably be careful of the animals and monsters that appear definitely we don't know what block will appear next or what creature will spawn true true true nice work keep going this is a really good pace yeah wait a sec mikey this is really bad huh something spawned uh don't fall off there it's gone i squished the farm what was that don't worry about the farm that thing was kind of like a skeleton i have a really weird effect on me oh i see it was a frozen skeleton if it hits you with an arrow you'll be slowed for a while oh man let's keep mining let's do it sweet yeah yeah yeah we've seen a lot of snow so i wonder what other interesting things will appear yeah i don't want another monster why can't our village just be nice and safe huh why does this keep happening to us what the mikey give me a break my health is running really low ah i wonder if we could capture what did you say capture it it was just a thought oopsy don't worry about it we'll catch the next one that means we'll need a monster prison can we make one here sure i guess we can lock away any monsters that spawn in the prison awesome i'm not sure how big to make it [Music] this should be good we'll lock away all the bad monsters here perfect i already crafted a couple of iron bars great now i'll just set them up [Music] cool [Music] like this [Music] can you make a door okay sure on it next we'll place the door in there and if a monster spawns we'll smack them right into the prison oh thanks no problem there wow well done okay the prison is complete we'll throw all the monsters in here now let's get back to mining all right let's go hopefully there are no monsters yeah keep it up this is good oh what what's that no idea it walked into prison all on its own i'm a little scared but we shouldn't leave it in there mikey i think that's an arctic fox no way is it really yeah it's so cute this is incredible i think it's afraid of us though that's fine we'll just let it free wait a second [Music] huh i fell off what i fell off seriously what are you doing at least i wasn't holding anything oopsie oh well it's fine i fell off but we managed to get an arctic fox wait where'd it go oh it's by the tree oh it's so cute hey we should clear some of these trees there's too many why is there a sheep up here huh the arctic fox wants to hide behind the trees so i'll just clear them away there that's good this tree is big when you're done pruning the tree let's continue mining sounds good okay what do we see next maybe we'll find a chest i bet it's really good see what's inside come on hurry wait what wait a sec mikey i think the wolf may have eaten our chickens really maybe the wolf needs to be put behind bars maybe wolves seem to fight other animals mikey can you hand me some meat please the only meat i have is chicken can i tame it with this [Music] oh no the wolf stop this is bad it looks like it's going after the sheep mikey get the sheep to the ranch how do i do that do i push it here use this weed hurry quickly mikey the wolf is attacking bad wolf i'll stand in the way it's not following the weep it's too scared it's coming no this is bad this is terrible oh the arctic fox what no way this wolf is too dangerous let's lock it away we don't have any other choice oh our precious arctic fox it's gone i'm sad i'll just block it off here i'm sorry mr wolf but you need to stay locked up don't move you ate too many of our animals all right mikey let's mine yeah yeah yeah i wonder what'll pop up next gold oh gold yay arctic foxes that's great oh this is amazing oh no he ate a chicken seriously you gotta be kidding oh why does this keep happening to us i don't know that's just how the world works jj too bad it's the laws of nature oh well mikey let's continue mining for now right let's go yeah we have lots of snow i want something nice not just stone and snow and dirt and stuff whoa hang on that's not good stop it get in lock it up come on get in yes we got it but there's still one more over there the other one is by the ranch i'm on it but i'm low hill i just need to ah i fell off no no way hold on the one we locked up is oh mikey we locked up one of the skeletons but it's still attacking us what are we supposed to do with it [Music] leave it to me jj wait wait wait stop don't open the door what are you doing this should work now it won't attack now that's a door close one that was really rough you can say that again i'm gonna give the stray a roof so it doesn't die from the sun there [Music] okay that should do it all done that was really hard but we succeeded in capturing a stray as our pet awesome looks like it's settled down right okay let's mine until we find another upgrade all right mikey you're in charge of stone blocks okay nice this is going well stone what the heck a polar bear it's so cute and friendly it's not attacking i don't think so sweet we found a new friend [Music] it's really okay i definitely thought it would hurt us i guess this one must be safe it seems like it wow a friendly polar bear let's keep going all right let's do this yeah good job yes yes yes what huh what what happened what what was that we fell right through i don't know what that was but we just dropped off the map crazy we were holding on to a lot of really good items too that messed us up yeah this is dangerous i think i'll stay back a bit good idea what was that why did we fall all of a sudden it's a mystery now i'm sad look out again oh nice good dog the wolf thank you wow thank you it's because i tamed it thank you mr wolf he's perfect other than eating our sheep iron iron iron stones nice this is pretty good here we go awesome oh sweet oh wait keep them away from the wolf they both went off the edge i wanted a pet arctic fox let's put the arctic fox inside yeah that's a good idea come on good fox huh it keeps running help me get it inside mikey go now the polar bear's attacking it this is awful the animals keep fighting amongst themselves we need more fences you're right these carnivores are way too dangerous around each other let's lock them away in a carnivore zone is this big enough let's test it out i'll try to get it in i don't know what will trigger it so i'm a bit scared good point okay there now for the door this should be sturdy enough to stop the polar bear from attacking all right then let's continue mining mikey yeah i want an upgrade me too i'm ready for something new to come out stone stone dirt dirt snow snow how much more till it upgrades and what kind of upgrades will we get oh a chest open oh that's pretty good i just remembered four saplings is all we need to make a dark oak tree like this that seems right now in order to help it grow we're gonna need these bones there we go i'm gonna use them to create some bone meal perfect whoa what did you do wow that was really something special incredible all right let's upgrade this block mikey come on let's do this thing i wonder what upgrade is next there's still nothing i have no idea oh upgrade it's happening bedrock means it's upgrading right it won't break the last one was snow themed so i wonder what this one will be let's eat some watermelon while we wait yeah we've gotten a lot of snow animals since then that's true i wonder what it'll be 12 seconds 10 nine eight what blocks will we get i can't wait to find out four [Music] two one huh it's sand oh quick dig hang on i just realized something sand will fall straight down right i know how we can collect it huh it's difficult but i'll try it out uh how do you stop it from bringing the water with the bucket over here sure like this great now i'm gonna climb down what are you serious place a block here stone okay now you can collect the water again mikey oh i see the farm's drying up i get it by climbing down and putting a stone block directly underneath i've created a mechanism that will stop the sand from falling down below oh i see look a prismarine block huh dark prismarine i think it's water themed we'll start seeing more blocks related to water now that's awesome i guess that's why it was all sand at first [Music] hold on what's that i don't know it's coral coral whoa that's amazing but it dies if i mine it looks like we're getting a lot of sand again this is great we can smelt the sand down and turn it into glass yeah let's go sweet nice oh wait mikey look huh oh turtles two turtles appeared so cute these are mikey's friends so let's let them be [Music] [Applause] okay um oh look this is so exciting we finally found diamonds let's harvest it mikey go ahead and use your iron pickaxe me really right on it oh diamonds thank you so much i'm so happy awesome i think we'll be able to make diamond equipment soon great now that we've come this far maybe we should build a house to store our valuables sure in that case let's build a house while we still have time to do it let's go how about we build it out back i'll help you out oh fancy all right like this whoa it already looks really comfortable yeah should i make the outside burst yeah that's a terrific idea like this yeah nice now the glass oh glass panels yeah glass panels help us to preserve our glass now let's put them up ah thanks nice great job i'll put it here too i used it all here's a ladder let's build the roof out of andesite okay [Music] perfect it's great [Music] nice we did it wow what a pretty house it's almost finished we just need some doors okay now for the entrance we should put it on a lower level like this with half slab one door is probably fine here oh thanks one more window looking good whoa wow this is awesome i'll use more glass this is really nice you think so i'm going in oh this is a really nice house but the part with the missing glass bothers me there great this means our house is finally complete we did it i'm so happy yay we even have a pet polar bear and a guard dog the ranch is a little small but it's still there see we even have our own watermelon patch and pumpkin patch don't forget about the turtles they're on the farm right for some reason we have two turtles there's also this wolf we had to lock up but next time we can turn his jail cell into a nice area for dogs let's do it yeah all right let's see for now we're getting water theme blocks so when we return we'll have to keep mining and see what other water-related items appear okay after the next upgrade we'll see what kind of non-water blocks we'll get awesome to be continued let's mine mikey yeah yeah whoa whoa if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 12,116,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: -oDqzicFy9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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