Minecraft, But There Are Custom Sticks...

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are you tired of crafting boring regular sticks well today i have added a load of custom sticks to minecraft each stick has a different ability and the question is whether i can beat the game using every type of stick can i do it stay tuned to find out also we're getting really close to four million subscribers so if you enjoyed this video then please check your subscribed it's completely free and you can always change your mind later all right enjoy the video and we are in hello my friend you are very helpful i'm glad i've spawned next to you because i never thought i'd be doing this now if you guys have played minecraft before you will know that a stick looks exactly like this but obviously today that has been changed because once i've got my super slow stone tools boom we can grab this techno blade guy right here and this one and now we have got two pork chops and if i go like this bacon stick attack an enemy to inflict knockback 1000. this is so dumb come here cow you ready but what he okay i just wanna yep oh my goodness he goes flying okay well this is one of the sticks that we can make now there are nine sticks and they consist of iron gold diamond gun powder pork that we've made golden apples ender pearls blaze rods and then the final one eyes of ender so my mission for this entire game is to get those sticks and use them to my advantage obviously each stick has a different ability so i'm going to start simple and get plenty of food and now i'm just going to go mining and get the first stick here which is the iron one oh yeah we need coal for this oh there's got to be iron here surely oh there's a creeper as well yes we can maybe get the gunpowder stick soon you want no iron yes okay right as my sprint ran out oh wait actually we only need two that's perfect and we can just get this iron smelting straight off the bat get the food cooking in a smoker as well oh yeah we've got the two iron and now here it is boom the iron stick breaking a block drops an iron ingot any block i break now with this iron stick oh that's so good oh and there's more dirt here perfect we're gonna have so much iron oh yes this is amazing this is the dream well it's one of the dreams i've been doing this for about 10 seconds and i've already got enough iron to potentially make all of my tools and for lion as well this is great all right let's get that armor and of course the tools the buckets and the shield that's what i'm talking about so this iron ore is genuinely useless so far we have got two of the nine sticks so we gotta keep going and hopefully in this cave no it's a dead end okay yeah you know what i'm gonna dig down right at the bottom if i can find gold or diamonds then we can get one oh okay i'll take a mine shaft make a sword make my life a bit easier oh hello raper don't explode please oh please no no gunpowder again i think we're still too high up to get any of the stuff we need oh hello buddy i know there's a skeleton behind me but i don't care i need this ender pole please yes we're halfway to the end of pole stick get out of here you suck oh another one of them and we can make the end of pearl stick brilliant this cave is endless never mind we found the gold that's perfect so i'm guessing if you break stuff and get iron from the iron stick once we've got this gold stick i'm pretty sure it'll do the same but with gold come on yes and boom gold stick breaking a block drops a gold ingot yep come here yes oh no way we can get infinite gold this is gonna be so good for trading for pearls this is only three of the sticks and we're making it this far this is really really good okay and we have got a stack of gold that'll be good for now i don't think i need this furnace for anything now i might just grab a tiny bit of extra iron and then just keep searching for diamonds we are literally at y12 so yeah i'm gonna start strip mining oh no no it's happening no please please uh hey guys what's going on my name is wiss welcome back to strip miner with wisp episode and sixty six thousand four hundred and fifty five today we're gonna be strip mining yeah okay yeah no i don't i don't i don't wanna do that again oh i hear lava my seat counts at 40. oh no we found lava perfect you're joking oh please let this be more than one diamond please please please yes no way oh so many right we have got four diamonds but realistically we only need two because i'm guessing yes diamond stick breaking a block drops a diamond okay no come on i need something i can break with my fist yep there's dirt right here and there's an enderman up there okay let's grab oh my i'm gonna be full diamond straight away okay i'm gonna come back though i want to get this guy before he disappears hey buddy please drop me an ender pearl please oh you're kidding me i'm the luckiest man of life so if i craft an ender per oh my an ender stick right click to throw an enderpearl no oh oh my traveling through the nether is going to be so easy can you oh no okay you can throw them multiple at a time that's terrifying i'm not going to do that oh my goodness this is unbelievable i'm never gonna have to be near danger because i can just purl away and with all the diamonds we're about to get i'll take less damage right let's grab a load how many have i got 35 diamonds yes let's make full diamond armor you know actually let's not make the boots because i need to make gold boots for the nether and then we can very easily make all of our diamond tools too boom but get iron iron sucks and we're getting so close to having all of the sticks now yes oh my goodness and we have enough gold and the gold stick so we can get the golden apple stick later as well that is brilliant and of course because everything is so easy right now we've got lava right here make a second bucket i think the sticks i'm going to want to keep with me are the ender stick and the bacon stick because then i can just launch people away and hoglands i can just get rid of them and we are done we've even got the flint and steel boom the portal is done and i actually i i don't see how something can kill me right now i can just purl away or launch it away so here we go no this looks like a bad oh no it's a good spawn you're kidding me you're actually joking what i can just launch myself over there oh my yeah this looks like an awkward place to go so i'm going to pearl over there oh no why would i do that okay i'm fine that was a terrible idea though let's pretend it didn't happen and just get up here okay where are the blaze spawners there's one right there get away guys get away i'll smack you away oh no oh there's a blaze spawner right through here i see it got it oh no blaze rod oh buddy i will launch you away yes oh and then they don't find me anymore this is so good and now we have our spawner as well which is all locked off so they can't teleport away there's a blaze rod give me another one i want to see what the place yes the place won't stick we can do it there they are come on what do you give me oh yeah i knew it'd just be a place for a fire stick right click to fire it explosive fire ball wait so oh oh my i'm literally i'm a ghast this is what god's doing okay this oh oh you can't click with it either okay so clicking and right clicking fires it that is amazing but i'm not gonna do it near this spawner because if it breaks i am dead okay so we're gonna need what eight blaze rods realistically oh no we're not because we literally need one because i can make the ire vendor stick yeah come on please buddy just give me one yep there's one i got it i'm leaving goodbye i don't need you anymore guys i will blow you up get away from me get away you're dead yes killing them with their own devices come on can i kill him yes i killed one i killed another one and now i need to find my piglets and oh yes hello ghost i've got to hit it i have to yep that's got it that's got it yes that is ridiculous okay let's use our ender sticks to get away easy peasy yes the crimson biome that's where they'll all be i just need to find a little herd of them let's go up there oh i almost fell oh okay didn't happen there's a hogland right here come kill me buddy hey come here yeah come on come round here yep yep yes he's over there he's dying you know what let's do this here come on buddy get the gold in get in that hole come on no there we are good you start trading good man get away oh he just disappeared all right any pearls for me buddy nope nothing that's fine you keep trading down there and hopefully if we can just get two pearls from this guy we are done and then the only two things i need are gun powder and golden apples oh what this guy ran over yep get in there okay we just got a three second piglet all i need is pearls guys oh that's pearls come on how many two ender poles that's literally all i need if i just take this one blaze rod these two ender pearls boom boom yes stronghold stick right click to locate the nearest stronghold okay so if i try and throw it in the end it doesn't work oh it does wait what they just disappear okay doesn't matter i've just got to go back all right easy does it launch me over please land there not in the lava it worked yes oh buddy trust me you don't want to do this you don't want to do it i'm just going to throw a load come on hit him yes oh my goodness i just want to see what massacre we can cause yes okay the answer is a lot of massacre i think i can throw a pearl am i safe yeah let's just do it launch but i'm not in lava oh that could have been bad though oh there's my portal good we're here oh this is too good to be true okay so if i throw this yes it literally takes me there all right so now i just need to find creepers and apples that's it and i can finally make proper full diamond as well perfect oh it's night time that's really good so creepers will be everywhere but first things first let's make a diamond hoe please give me an apple i need oh there's one we need one more come on apples you know you want to oh creepers no don't explode no there's another one here as well i need this no no gunpowder finally oh please tell me to drop more than yes so now we can craft one of the two last sticks explosive stick breaker block to explode it so now maybe this will give me an apple please please please oh okay that's literal tnt wait does it damage me it does nothing oh my goodness and the stronghold is that way okay come on apple my hose gonna break we finally got it yes so that means we can craft the final stick boom boom and the healing stick hitting a mob heals one heart and now if i take a load of damage and i mean a load of damage come on if i'm doing this i'm doing it properly down we go yes okay and then i smack a zombie oh my it's just healing my heart oh you're kidding me this is gonna be so good in the end okay yep that's insane let's just carry on going now we're going that way oh no i've just realized i don't have enough ire vendors for the portal wait wait wait a second if i throw a load i'm just going to keep trying so many wait please yes they drop oh my goodness there's so many how many do i have 27 yep we've got enough okay yep so it is still this way good we can just pull there make our life so much quicker just whack a mob to heal my heart perfect and this should be the shortest traveling time ever another biome change it's fine we're still going the right way just yoinking our way over i'm basically just throwing oh it's turned okay that's perfect wait so that means it's in between that pull throw oh did it go straight down it's going straight down literally right now yeah if i jump it goes directly down okay down we go oh yeah we found it okay dug straight past it easy peasy this is probably the coolest way of finding the stronghold ever oh this is just a segment that has nothing to do with anything oh no it's fine there's a way right here please give me food yes okay i've got barely any food this is an issue and okay i'll take the iron oh yes please give me an overpowered enchantment i would love that right now oh actually we can make an enchantment table anyway oh powerful oh oh my goodness so i just have to use my iron stick to break a load of these wooden items or i can just place down a load of gravel that should be plenty start breaking it and we get our iron and i can make an anvil and we make it done make the bow nice and easy as well boom grab the book stick it on oh powerful easy peasy we can also just craft a load of arrows as well now we've got about a stack or a stack exactly yes i just need to find this portal now where is it so many dead ends oh okay we found it and there are no i event oh there's one okay that's good we just placed them all in because i've got so many we'll leave that last one and boom done oh let's just go oh okay i didn't set my spawn why do i know okay fine whatever i'm going okay come on dragon wait i've got a bow but can i use the fire sticks i'm pretty sure i can please explode it do it oh no i just missed that's got to hit it it has to no yes it hit it nice okay come on please no we're just missing it's got to hit yeah it hit again yes okay and again we can get all of these awkward ones yet another one i'm gonna get all these high ones just like this this is so easy yes another high one easy peasy oh they hate the dragon come on let's get this one again please it's insane okay we've got the caged ones left and nothing else i think oh no one up there okay if i get far enough back i'm pretty sure this has 100 accuracy so if i go up a little bit and i just go boom come on please hit please i worked yes oh my goodness i am so low okay let's just smack an enderman heal up and i'll have to kill it oh no okay buddy come on come on yeah every time you hit me i'm just gonna whack you again with the stick so i wouldn't recommend it you can't kill me fast enough because i'm just healing get out of here yes done it worked i'm gonna have to blow these ones under here okay come on and boom got it i think this is the last one yes we got it nice oh yes okay now what happens if i whack an enderman with this oh it disappears okay okay what sticks do i have left to use the healing stick is important the explosive stick and then these are the four that we don't need at all right now okay we're good to go you know what let's just aim a load of fireballs whilst we're going come on yes it's working oh it does so much damage yes so much dragoni come on oh it's hitting me a little bit i don't care i'm just gonna fire so many into the sky yes we're hitting some is it perching it is oh it stops every time i hit it come on come on come on let me under just like that oh i'm so low i'm so low oh no no heal me heal me yes thank you buddy i'm sorry i needed to heal myself sorry for relentlessly smacking you i had to right i'm actually going to craft golden apples because they're better than regular apples to eat you know i think it's time to resort back to the regular bow for a bit power four as well so it'll do so much damage there's one it's so high up yes there's another one oh it's doing so much damage i think it's doing more than the fireballs do yes i really want to hit it with the bacon stick i want to see how far it goes oh that's a perch good get loads of shots whilst it's coming down actually let's do this come on we will explode it whilst it's coming down yeah that's plenty of damage right there oh so much okay we'll get underneath using the bacon stick but wait what it's not doing anything okay oh no i jumped terrible idea pushing it again no why is there an enderman hitting me right now okay i'm going under i'm going under okay come on bertha i need as many hits as possible right now we're doing it come on wait actually can i do this underneath oh yeah that's damage right there come on yes so much damage please yes yes no no oh aladdin yes oh no no no get away from me heal me heal me oh please don't kill me oh okay it's all good i've got to kill it with the healing stick i have to i don't think i'm going to be able to hit it with the knockback stick i want to but i can't i mean my last golden apple i don't want to shoot it with the bow because then i'll win i've got to do it with the healing stick so i'm going to perch up here come on look no please oh it's perching never mind and we go come on yes i'm in all right i can kill it with the healing stick yes stay down come on there she is one bertha yes yes yes and it healed me oh my goodness that was the weirdest thing ever okay well uh custom six are quite overpowered and just think if it wasn't for these sticks we wouldn't be here right now so that is why you play minecraft with all these custom sticks
Channel: Wisp
Views: 7,908,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, op items, villager, stick, sticks, custom sticks, diamond, random items, there are custom, there are custom sticks, minecraft but there are custom sticks
Id: BlsxuvzAlH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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