Minecraft, But You Can't Walk Or Jump...

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minecraft but you can't walk or jump at a glance you might be thinking how can you even beat minecraft without walking or jumping there's no way right well i'm here to show you it's actually possible possible to be but very very difficult and by the way this challenge took 23 hours in total to complete so i'd appreciate it if you could like the video for the youtube algorithm so yeah thank you and a small percentage of you blah blah blah blah blah here's some stats you can subscribe if you want anyways i hope you enjoyed the video hello hi i'm next to a tree and look at this boom boom boom boom boom it's all gone it's all blank and uh if i press my was keys it doesn't work at all i can't i can't move anymore i can't jump anywhere the only thing i can do is move around look like this oh there's a village right there oh my gosh that's actually gonna be essential i could like mine and and place stuff i mean i can find this and place it that's gonna lead to our victory at least we could take this thank you game i may or may not have already added like a few hours of play time into this challenge you know just just a bit of time just you know it may be a few minutes maybe a few hours anyways i'm gonna go and make uh the thing that will save our lives a u a u in wood and what does that mean a boat if i get a boat i can do this magic trick and i move that is a strategy to survival in this challenge as long as we have a boat then we're gonna be fine let's go and make a quick wooden axe just temporarily i just want to go around the area and get more wood and if we get more wood that has more of a chance for us to make more boats and if we have more boats that means we have more of a chance to move and not die there's a chance that i might actually be unable to pick up the boat because it like drops maybe on the opposite side of where i'm standing so then there might be a lot of times where i might just abandon the boat completely and that will suck but that's the thing you gotta do sometimes anyways let's go and make more boats all right let's go get some more wood as well using the boats why not we'll get like maybe a stack before we get to the village i want to like be extra secure with the wood why not okay i've made a bunch of boats and my axe is almost dead we gotta go there's gonna be a lot of nice stuff for the village at least one of them things gonna be uh let's see here wheat from hay bales equals bread let's get down real quick uh come on okay oh gosh okay we're going going going if stuff like this happens by the way when the boat is just kind of like uh yeah i can't really pick it up right now because it just dropped over there um i have to use blocks to like push it towards me anyways we're here and that's over there let's get the bread let's get all the hay bales all the handles hi chicken [Music] all right let's go make this real quick there you go 39 bread oh the sun's actually going down there's going to be scary spooky creepy crawlies spawning around the area i gotta go we gotta go go go go go go before before bad things happen get into a house now come on you might not rest now the bed is too far away oh can i put it in there can i put it in there i say can no the villager's in there this is hardcore mode by the way i just wanna just let you know just remind everyone here that it's it's hardcore mode there could be literally a creeper out there i'm gonna break this i don't even care anymore oh my god too far away still ah oh i'm in i'm in and i'm in there too oh my gosh why was that so difficult and now all those creepy trolleys are now gone i'm so so lucky to not have anyone like actually go up to me that would have been a very very sad first night you almost killed me you know that at least we have a bed now we could sleep and not need to worry about creepy crawlies anymore let's let's start our our tools now let's go get some stone stuff anyways there's one thing here that i really really want to make sure to get right there that is what we want carrots if we get carrots we have to make sure to get a saddle as well and if we get a saddle and also a fishing rod then we could go and ride a pig which would allow us to have the pig walk for us instead of us walking for ourselves because you know we can't at all in the first place so this is like a major breakthrough let's go take all the stuff let's go rob them with their goods that's how to win everyone if you didn't know that's how you win in life you just have to like you have to steal oh there's more over there as well i'd even see that we could get so many carrots from this we gotta kill the golem for some nice nice iron hold on you kind of did a poor job at like you know defending your village i mean like half of the crops here just like completely what are the houses they don't even have walls anymore they only have just basic columns yeah how am i going to do this this is going to be kind of weird this is harder than i expected wait okay oh [Music] does that work [Music] i guess that works all right i have to piss this guy off real quick hold on oh how am i going to piss him off without dying oh my gosh i have to wait for him to come like near me or something this is kind of scary hold on we have to get close to the golem first you're still standing that's good i'll get two right there all right and i have to smack this guy oh shoot wait can i smack him from up here will that work will he kill me if i stand here oh he nodded his head yes oh there you go and i have to hit you get close get close i'm literally on the perfect block and positioning come on just get close oh i pissed it off and pissed it off yes yes gg we got three iron which would allow us to get something really nice and that would be bucket bucket now you might be wondering oh you know you know bucket kind of sucks what the heck you could have made like an iron pickaxe or something harvey what are you doing well i have a water bucket now i could actually move myself using the water bucket it's gonna be really good this way it's a great investment also what i see that over there what the heck hey yo we should probably uh you know get that so i think the safer option is for us to get a pig and use a pig with a carrot on a stick for us to move we need to get that first before we get to another yeah that's the priority for right now that plus getting some wood so we're going to get some wood now there's another there's more iron for me and thank you for participating in my social experiment we got three there's something right here i wanna check it out there's like no lava at all okay what's in the chest though let's see here what there's a temple as well what is the seed okay okay oh my goodness yo this is amazing that's pretty cool we could get to that soon here let's go over there let's pour our way to victory i could use the bed right now to sleep but i'm not gonna do that just yet i need to get some string we get some string we can make a fishing rod and make a carrot on a stick so yeah oh my gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh ooh we really could have died let's find some spiders shall we you know what if we just get string from the temple isn't that like a chance for us to get screw this you know what i'm out goodbye i'll take the chance we're probably gonna find string in here anyways let's go down please don't be anything down here is there anything down here oh my god why is there so many things that are that sounds so close yet so far oh of course thanks game it's okay although the noises sound so close i think we'll be safe so long as we break this okay we're good that's more the string than i expected yes i don't i don't think we need the tnt at all there's no saddles no oh i wish it was might as we've got the tnt as well we're gonna get out okay parkour parkour uh oh no not yet no let's not use that let's not use that parkour oh and and and parkour oh there okay we're out well that was an unfortunate temple come on okay we had some cool things like these i had zero iron from that and especially the saddest part of it all i did not find any saddles so sad if i found some saddles then i would be able to actually travel with the pig but no we cannot just yet we're gonna have to find it a different way cha cha cha i have an idea render distance 48 yeah this could work this could work render distance 48. [Music] oh oh there's a village there's another portal there's the temple so what else is around yeah we're going left side okay i asked my twitch chat and they said we're going left so we're gonna go left side and we'll see what's even over there in the first place maybe there might be something cool that's out of my render distance who knows all right let's go all right we're checking again with my boat towering skills let's see if we find anything here oh that's a lot of ocean and a lot of desert as well oh yeah we're gonna get to that area let's see what's over there wait someone in my chat just said that oh you could go fish for a saddle i'm down let's see what we get oh come on so much cod piercing for efficiency for hey a bow wait what wait what infinity wait that's gonna help so much holy crap look what we got we got another nether portal all right let's see what's over here okay oh there's actually no lava here what the fact that there's no lava here means i can't even use this let's go to the village i ran out of wood can i even make it there wait how am i gonna get there i have five oak planks and and what else the village is up there up that's the key word up it's up there i'm down here i'm gonna make this i i kind of abandoned my other stuff but i'm gonna i'm gonna just do this real quick maybe chad moments chad moments hold on we're gonna go up okay all right keep it going okay okay okay okay they have what wait do they have wood wait wait wait wait wait where's the wood oh no these guys don't have wood they they use sandstone they use sandstone oh where's the nearest tree i have one idea in mind i'm looking at what i have right now i have two iron ingots and some bones just by that alone i could probably make it out here live i'll show you why we gotta get to that tree first oh my gosh i can't believe it no wood in the middle of a desert i should have known the desert is lethal when you least expect it the only reason why i could still do this is because of the water if i didn't have water with me right now it would be over it would just be literally over all right let's wait let's let's do daytime real quick all right day time [Music] hold on this is this is scary let's go right here right here oh crap how am i gonna trek through here oh how's this gonna work how's this gonna work i do have frost walker but it's not gonna help because it's only a temporary thing so i would have to literally like make a path for myself here i'm gonna take this out for now cause i'm too scared that this might screw me over that's what we're gonna do we're gonna have to bridge using water and blocks wait hold on like this like this like this like this this is working this is actually working really good so far hold on keep going how can i go the opposite direction i'd have to just keep going oh no wait you could only go one direction with this i can't turn or anything okay we made it here that's that's good that's good hold on we're gonna have to go a different route hold on real quick we're gonna pog our way to that tree dude okay we're within that site now we just need to go this way let's go hog pog pog pog pug pug [ __ ] [ __ ] pog pog pog we did it we're at the tree we did it oh my god we're at the tree okay good good good good good good okay now that we're at the tree we could go and take the wood all right we're good now and not only that but we could also do this we're gonna make some shears okay we could get some shears and do do this real quick and if we do that then we get some saplings and we use the bones to get more wood like a so oh yes oh my gosh what a clutch oh my gosh i'm glad we took the bones with us that's so good i i feel like these desert villages are kind of like scams like i don't know i don't i don't know about this i kind of just don't want to go to them anymore i just feel kind of demotivated the fact that it doesn't even give me any wood compared like to other villages man we should probably go back to savannah then if we want to get more wood we have to go that way now oh it's something it ain't a saddle whoa what oh my god we get power five oh my goodness what okay thank you thanks game ah we got a saddle all right now we have a saddle so let's find a pig shall we if we find a pig oh it's gonna be good let's find that pig wait there's a pig right there pig pig pig pig pig carrot hey hey hey what's up buddy what's up what's up what's up okay hold on hold on just wait here just wait here let me do something real quick as i hold my carrots i'm gonna make a new fishing rod for this because it's a special moment fishing rod carrot carrot on a stick and my saddle saddled on carroted let's go yeah oh my god we could move thank goodness we could move we done did it we done did it yes now we could just roam freely here and find out whatever we need to find a lot faster now that took so long but yeah we did it we did it i'm gonna name you joe okay all right you're joe now hi joe we could go to the village without worrying about our deficit of wood oh there's an armorsmith right here let's see what's in here though okay okay so i have two diamonds what should i do with two diamonds a diamond sword sure i guess oh wait there's some lava right here it's a lava pool okay we could do another portal here then all right all right this is good so far all right remember the coordinates chat all right we should go mining so yeah i'm gonna go mining because i wanna like have as much good armor as possible before things get a little crazy i'm gonna get out of this pig real quick oop and then we're gonna make little uh hole for you pig so you're you're taken care of here let's do this and we'll break you get on the get on the boat pig get on the boat get on the boat can you get on the boat please there you go okay i'm gonna keep you here but in the meantime i'm gonna go mining okay mr pig mr joe i need to get some iron and other goodies so i will be back okay let's go down okay mining's a little scary but it's it's actually feasible i'm able to do this without dying that's cool we could find iron diamonds this way so this is good oh my gosh it took this long to find iron i've been mining for so long thank you game and we're back on the iron pickaxe thank goodness wait i hear water over there that's not my water i want to go check it out i hear things that are walking as well i'm pretty sure there's creepers in there too oh gosh this is gonna be kind of scary you know what i'm making a sword i don't care i'm gonna use the diamonds for a sword there you go let's also make some leggings there you go wait i found the opening i found the pocket it's right there oh it's a ravine there's some coal over there and probably a lot of other stuff as well too okay i hear you walking near me hey what's up ow and you did nothing sir good job this is such a risky area man there's diamonds okay let's get those diamonds then there's a creeper right there though oh my god why are they spawning stop that's no good this is very risky if a creeper falls on me it's over sorry i had to turn on the hitboxes on because i've had times where creepers would just fall and immediately explode on me all right i think i understand the protocol here and it's over for you the yield for the for this diamond vein is so bad well i got three actually you know what that's not the worst i want to come back stronger than ever i'm gonna encave myself like the avatar you know i'm making a diamond pickaxe i feel like that's gonna be a good idea all right i'm gonna just dip out of here now thank you for existing ravine thank you all right we successfully explored the ravine without dying so much iron right here hold on how much iron is this we have 41. it's time to smell i want to get an anvil now let's get this off and now we do this boom and a boom an anvil ah i actually did not expect for us to grind this all right let's start with you efficiency four oh wow it costs nothing boom and then the boom power power five power five infinity would you look at that dude we could use this bow so much to like kill everything you know everything's gonna be like a two bit this is like a laser also i'm gonna do this as well there you go i think we're done now with this also oh my gosh everything's mining so quickly yes all right let's get out of here diamonds as well pog it's an eight vane as well oh wait no wait nine pin oh it is oh let's uh let's do this real quick and then we'll also make a chest plate boom looking good looking good are we out yeah we're out we're out we're out we're finally out it took so long we made it alive and the pig is fine hey pig hey pig how you doing yes oh my god that took so long but yep we got power five infinity that's like the best thing ever man we also have diamond chest plate diamond sword diamond pickaxe with efficiency four and a good chance of winning yeah look how easy wood and deforestation is nowadays before i had to like boat to one tree at a time or like pour water onto myself in order to get to that certain log of tree but no i could just literally get a pig as like a shopping cart like the pig is a shopping cart now and i could just hop onto the shopping cart and then just go wherever i need to in the grocery store and the grocery store is the forest it works all right i think it is time for me to go to another this is gonna be a massive breakthrough okay it's time to do this let's get that flint though now before we can make that fns i'm gonna go and make this arrows okay the arrows are huge because look power five bow with infinity we can shoot so many things oh okay flint's lint and i don't have any iron oh yeah ah i know a place where we can get iron hold on no oh no no no no no no no i have an idea hold on we're gonna do this we're gonna be from right here and we're just gonna yoink ah okay so now you're in your little station and i'm gonna block the water up there you go oh my gosh innovation at its finest there you go and we're good and we go yes there you go there's the target right there oh my gosh that's a six shot iron golem rip gg let's make that fns there you go let's go back to the lava okay let's go make this thing now there you go oh no no no no no no why why what just happened what was that oh my god no joe no why like this you won't be missed joe you won't be missed and there you go and there you go we got the portal but now we need a pig still all right i'm gonna just put a bunch of random poop here until i need it okay i don't need any of this stuff until later okay another pig right there pig come here right here yes okay i'm gonna name you mama all right mama let's go previously we had joe but now we have mama okay we're at the nether finally we've made it here thank goodness let's do this are you ready let's go through the nether oh my god okay all right how's everything right now there's a ghast there you go okay we're in bone world i forgot my flintstone i think how this is gonna work i'm gonna place one lava right there and then would on this side i think that works oh my god yes happy days happy days all right it's time it's time for the real deal let's do this all right it's time to do the thing all right you're in and i'm going into here we go good luck mama there now we take you out and we're off all right it worked it worked yes let's go let's go let's go oh my god hold on let's render distance 48 real quick i want to see if i could find anything amazing oh no no no no no no no no no no go go go go pig you're on two oh my god how do i feed you or 48 render distance we couldn't find anything that's okay we'll go this way then maybe we'll have a higher chance of finding the fortress this way on the other side of this cavern oh i see it from here oh my god oh my god barely just barely though but i see the fortress thank you render distance 48 thank you we're gonna be very very careful very very careful if you want to get down there oh my god half a heart or one and a half should i just get a new pig i mean we're here at the nether portal should we just get a new pig real quick yeah yeah i'm sorry joe mama i'm gonna retire you okay i'm gonna have to discard you as well pig i'm sorry i'm gonna have to go for uh joe 2.0 or something asleep oh big leaving wait where are you going why you get to the fire why why what is your attention why oh my gosh okay we really need to find a new pig now is that a pig i see that's a pig i see pigs pig pig pig pig we got a new pig i don't know what to name this one comment section can you help me out the the comment with the most likes is that pig's name okay and we'll give a placeholder name for this pig i will call you untitled you're untitled for now here we go let's take our baby steps for good measure just to minimize the risk of pain how are we gonna get there though oh god what's the path oh no we're gonna have to possibly mine our way there and i don't know how long that's going to take our strong suit is that we have a diamond efficiency for pickaxe and we could probably mine netherrack pretty fast you know maybe we could do something like this yeah this this works i think this could work i just go down oh i s i'm stepping in foot okay and we're down oh i made it here yes dude good stuff all right we're down here we're getting closer to where we need to go i'm kind of pooped right now i've no idea how to bridge there's this thing a lava in the way it steps from here all the way to there like it's like a massive lava ravine maybe there has to be different way i'm gonna go this way now we could probably go this way oh my gosh wait that links up wait what oh my god oh this works okay go through here careful careful oh my god there's lava right there careful careful careful careful now there you go there you go we found an alternative route i think we're getting closer to the fortress cool cool there it is i see it right there that's the fortress so how are we going to get through here let's get a closer look shall we you could see the wither skeletons as well we're gonna have to be careful of those guys let's dig through i think that's the safer option let's dig through we're gonna dig that whole thing out i'm willing to do that it'll take a bit but definitely worth it oh it's getting even closer okay i think we just need to mine this way now [Music] i think we made it on this side where could it possibly be oh my god oh that's closer than expected we made it we're here we're here we did it okay whoa that's a one hit from the power five whoa oh killed it i killed it i killed it i got our first blaze rod yeah yeah that's that's a blaze spawner right there some are spawning that's a little scary that's all right though i'm gonna leave the pig here for now i'm gonna do this myself stay here no no no no no no what are you doing what are you doing hey what are you doing hey stay here stay here get in the boat get on the boat now come on okay there you go better oh my god oh oh all of their blaze stuff burned i think oh that no it did no it did okay okay this power five is insane absolutely amazing let's take this real quick let's go all right all right it's pay dates pay dates made it go go go go go we gotta get out we gotta get out get out get out get out get out okay we got four rods four odds yes come on more get back get back get back what do we have now we have seven rods let's get more just for security purposes because i do not want to go back here again i'm gonna break you no more oh we got 11 rods we got to get out of here now i'm out i'm out no more no more no more no more go go go no more of this stupid area all right we're going to get out of this joint all right pick let's go let's get out of here we're leaving now we're leaving holy crap we did it 11 blaze rods for the nether fortress specifically i still need piglens i still need piglets to trade for ender pearls let's go to the piglens guys let's get to those guys oh how many six all right you better give me some pearls or else i'm out of here i'm probably out of here regardless i'll be honest with you here we go 11. thank you we're here we're at the portal rowdy goodbye desert have a nice time nether we're outside now we're back to the overworld we've survived another let's go make the things let's see where it goes right there we're gonna have to go this way now since the eye vendor told us to go this way we're gonna go 800 blocks this direction and we'll see what happens okay i ran like what like 800 blocks or something yeah that seems about right i'm gonna go throw another eye vendor let's see where it goes it still goes this way and it's gone all right i'm even further now what okay oh oh uh i don't think i could recover that wait is it floating up oh oh hello hold on we could pick you up hold on ah there you go awesome all right now we're in a we're in a birch forest oh we're under the stronghold then it's probably just right here you know right here right here right here all right we're going down now hopefully this is it no i'm sorry bubba i'm sorry oh my god i'm sorry what are you on oh my god no you're halfway okay we can make through this i'm so sorry i apologize literally there's not a lot of space here i should have just social distance i i still have not named you yet have i i'll call you bubba because i said that all right we'll go this way come on bubba let's let's mine this way i think we're getting incredibly close it might literally be here oh diamonds hey hi oh all right that's not part of the script but you know sure i'll take it dude i'm gonna be super stacked super stacked that's so much okay hold on this is what we can do look at this oh my goodness are you kidding me are you are you kidding me i feel unstoppable three fourths nice wait is this oh cave question mark yes i think i think that's good oh wait wait whoa hey we're here we're here we're here over here christmas too we've made it let's go yeah look at that achievement oh we found the library that's cool i suppose all right what's in here then um we could check here actually wait i heard the silverfish wait i heard that wait wait wait wait whoa whoa that went over my head let me listen to it again talk to me wall not you pig hold on wait [Music] you know what that means it's close hold on let's see if there's any last minute gifts that the the game will give me i want to see if it's going to give me something nice here oh my god oh yes this is so nice thank you game what else efficiency four yeah i'll be sure to use that efficiency four okay um i'm so glad i got the anvil earlier literally is aging so well this anvil oh my god oh my god how just how just how okay another sharp three thanks game oh i found you not pause 1k negative 1k okay remember that remember ah no no no why why not like this not like this not like this no no no no no no no no no no ah that's tough there's only one eye that has been fulfilled and i have nine i can make one more okay now we have ten so that means we could only fill 11. [Music] we're gonna set up shop we're gonna get more pearls we're gonna be better than ever we've gone through three different pigs in the last nine hours so that's that's pretty uncool all we need to do is find a pig go back to one of the uh villages that i found from a few hundred blocks ago ah dorne okay we're on the surface now oh thank goodness there's pigs over here i am going to get you you specifically and we're out we're out let's go oh yeah by the way i should probably get the pearls this way which is trading we're gonna trade for enterpros and the way for us to trade for ender pros is by using a lot of wood now boom boom all right now we have 23 emeralds let's see all right give me ender pearls please thank you i would appreciate it all right you're gonna give me amanda pros now right i'm gonna go to the other village 400 blocks away and then when we get to that i'm gonna have three stacks of emeralds and then i will use those emeralds to get a maxed out cleric in order for us to get pearls okay that's that's the plan now oh my gosh that was so much trading i have this amount of emeralds i have 141 emeralds right here i think i need to find a new village the clerics here are scamming me but i do know one village somewhere it's like 800 blocks away but i'm willing to get to it because i'm that stubborn all right we're going now i'm i'm dipping out of here let's go and find that new village you see what i see right there i checked a few hundred blocks and there's another village we could use beautiful here we go oh yeah welcome back me okay is there any clerics nearby hello any clerics ow ow my goodness hi that's a cleric yes okay so now let's trade with you okay and there you go power up even more sir all right good so far good so far good trades all right now give me the good yes oh yeah oh yeah thank you so much sir oh we got it okay okay this is really good oh my gosh i appreciate this okay we could sell more yes over stack like we could finally go now we're about to win this we're going straight to the end portal now we're going we're going we're gonna kill this dragon we know exactly where the end portal was because we were there earlier it's like right here isn't it oh it is here it is and we made a little one carving for ourselves and we'll go down down down down down down ouch here we are we've made it this is the finale here we could open this thing up right now we literally can uh you know i'll have my pig on here there's no going back because this is hardcore mode i think we're ready now i think we're ready now drinking the fire as for suspense let's do this we're here you're here hello we've made it to the end oh we're on the island yes that's so good let's go let's do this there you go there's two right there oh gosh and completely missed oh we already won dude there's no way i feel so confident all of a sudden dude this is a lot easier than i expected it's because of the pig the pig pig power there's another one oh get out get off of me get completely played son there you go that hurt that one oh gosh here comes another oh there you go there you go oh no no my pig my pig i'm sorry pig i'm sorry pick i'm sorry pig recollect recollect all right pigs on two hearts we're good i think all of them are broken now we just gotta kill the dragon all we need to do is just shoot it and we win ow ow oh god thank you pig pig power no no no no no oh okay oh crap no my pig no no bubba no i have to do this for bubba god oh god oh god oh oh my god oh my god i'm so scared right now wait no no no stop for baba oh come on it's right there come on a few more hits just like three more or something right there it's about to finish it's the end yeah we did it we killed the dragon without walking or jumping once again my controls literally nada nothing no wash keys no space bar and we won the game also you get out of here get out get out oh my god we actually did it we actually did it for bubba for bubba let's go let's go oh my god we did it we won the game i hope you enjoyed that was fun i learned a lot of new mechanics today and i learned that pigs are literally the most op thing in the world
Channel: TapL
Views: 5,544,299
Rating: 4.9571724 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC
Id: 59nNlLh9SF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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