Minecraft, But Your Health Multiplies Every Time A Creeper Explodes You...

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so you're probably wondering why my health looks like this believe it or not i actually work to get them and let me tell you what this was no easy task to get these hearts here just check this out oh this is uh my creeper farm say hello to all the creepers you might be wondering tapo you can't even breed creepers so why do you even have this creeper farm here let me show you pause if you haven't read the title already this is minecraft but your health multiplies every time a creeper explodes you and by the way that's the reason why i have a creeper farm but anyways i'm going to try to beat the game while my health progressively increases from creeper explosions also a small percentage of viewers who watch this video are actually subscribed so be sure to subscribe and also like for the youtube algorithm anyways that's pretty much it enjoy the video three two one go okay i just realized i have one heart okay um welcome welcome to the very nice challenge let's get some stone tools like usual but yeah um i'm definitely going to be trying to find as many creepers as possible and hopefully i don't die because that would be bad i think i have a strategy for me to get exploded without dying okay because i have such low health right now i need to get damaged by a creeper or whatever i need to get exploded on man in order for me to go and get more health but the thing is i have such little health that i feel like it's very easy for me to die i have an idea in my head and hopefully it will work all right first things to do stone tools i mean this star is it's kind of yikes one heart i'm laying here with one heart right now and i need to find a creeper if i fall like in a small little teeny tiny pit or a hole or whatever i'm dead i'm dead let's be careful and walk around with caution eh [Music] oh oh my god i thought that was gonna kill me oh i have to be more cautious oh my gosh that is a yikes let's start right here there's a cave nice i'm really hoping there's like some iron nearby or whatever i see some iron right here oh right here as well oh dude there's like skeletons and stuff i could get one shot no scope from a from a skeleton down here this is not good i'm gonna try to get like iron armor as fast as i can also there's a zombie i'm going to challenge you i'm going to challenge you sir oh this is such a rough start ah more iron more iron more iron i need iron armor i need to take as much protection as i can come on don't die on me oh we could progress now in the cave oh no i see a skeleton over there i'm good no thank you any creepers hello yes yes thank you thank you [Music] your health went up to two that's an upgrade let's go all right all right i'm feeling a little bit more confident now i have two hearts very very good it's now multiplied very very nice let's go and get a few more furnaces here i'm gonna go make my armor very soon oh it's night time should i do a very risky thing you know if i'm gonna have full iron armor i might do it here's my idea i'm gonna go out there and scour to find some more creepers to just go ham with my health it's gonna be high risk because there's gonna be a lot of other mobs there's gonna be skeletons there's gonna be zombies spiders all those things man but there's also gonna be creepers and that's the thing that i need i need those creepers to blow me up i'm gonna go and make this iron armor i'm no longer a one shot so that's really really nice all right let's go up here we go oh yes here we go up great time boom yes okay nice good job good job okay we have four hearts now four hearts oh oh okay four hearts is really good what is another creeper yes eight hearts oh there's another dude it just keeps going more creeper oh yes dude okay we have more than usual we have more than the normal amount of health that you have in a normal game of minecraft we have 16 hearts now but we could go even further wow this is actually like skyrocketing higher and higher like as a second this is actually kind of ridiculous ah 32 hearts this is very quick what this is actually really really fast oh my gosh okay going outside uh was the best idea in my head holy crap this is actually a great idea okay let's keep eating food let's keep eating all the food now i just want my saturation to go way up i'm literally gonna kill every mob that i could eat in sight so then i could have the most health we're gonna do this all night i wanna see how much we could get how much help we could get in one night there's one right there i see one two three four okay what is my health gonna be after all that let's see 64. 128. 256. 512. let's go oh my god there's so much i oh my god uh oh my god look how many rows of health i have already oh god the stacks of hearts man it just never ends dude we're getting backed up by so many hearts now i want to keep going i want to keep going oh there's two more there's two more creepers two more we're at a thousand hearts and two thousand now oh god okay now i have to explain to you all of you who were like wait what why is his hearts not going up anymore okay literally we're at a point where it will literally not let you visualize how many hearts there are on the screen however you will still technically have the hearts so i do have 2 000 hearts at maximum but it doesn't show it it only goes up to 512 so it's it's just going to be like this the whole entire way the whole entire challenge the whole entire video oh god we're at 4 000 now you know honestly i'm kind of glad i'm kind of glad because i feel like the video would just be unwatchable if there's just this fat wad of of hearts in front of the screen this whole entire time i feel like that'd be just too much so what did my chance to dream when he's on half a heart we entered the night at like one or two hearts and we're out here with 4 000 hearts oh my god i have so much food i'll just keep eating and eating and eating can't stop won't stop my stomach is just never fulfilled ever i have so much food but i'm literally probably gonna just eat all of this as well dude that little teeny tiny sliver of hearts right there at the bottom of my screen that is four rows of hearts already that is so much it's just that it's so compressed it looks like it's small but it's really a lot wait a minute i have an idea that's gonna be disgusting i know i have all this food right but what if i do this this is gonna be so messed up thank god we're not in hardcore i'm going up what if i just go all the way up here back all the way up as high as i can oh god is this the big brain move okay here we go let's do this oh my god oh my god oh no i'm still alive ow i lived that oh why did i go on the bed i didn't mean to do that i lived i can't believe it oh that's when you know you have so many hearts and i missed the bed and you do now let's see if this works please tell me this is gonna work oh look at my health oh my god it's literally full it's full i'm invincible oh my gosh there's no way i'm gonna die now i could literally have no armor i'm gonna just play with no armor you know what i'm removing my armor i don't need anymore i've i'm retired uh from wearing armor i'm done i'm just gonna go play the rest of the challenge without any armor i don't need to worry about anymore holy crap dude i've never had so many wrinkles in my brain before let's go oh that's a lava thingy let's go to another all right we're going to another now here we go [Music] right oh that's good that's good ah no uh whatever we still did it go here we go it's time what is this i'm gonna go around right here on your fire aha oh it's the bone area any fortresses hmm this is kind of a poop area no armor harvey back at it again oh my god that was a good seat i said poop seed earlier but it's literally good wow fortress already bro here we are we found it yes man let's go i know i hear blazes but i wanna i wanna get a full on straight up blaze spawner oh it's right here aha okay let's go yes okay we could go and get these rods now here we go very very nice ow i have no armor up but i don't care i literally don't care at all there you go we're at four rods now wait a minute i forgot some water from my fridge hold on i'll be back guys later that same evening [Music] i'm back hello oh oh wow oh hey guys how you doing are you all doing well i see i see all right let's get rid of these guys hold on y'all are done y'all are cancelled gg goodbye everyone the party's over there you go we have seven rods now we're good all right now we need to find a bastion we need to go and get like a bunch of those things though i'm gonna just jump down real quick oh poor guy didn't have enough hearts there it is the bastion all right it's time to go wow jk didn't hurt at all oh here we go here's the entrance we're in hello guys hi everyone i'm on fire all right you know what they're all going to get mad at me but oh well oh oh yeah yeah yeah whatever i got it i got it whatever not today let me just get my blocks just chill you guys come on now guys if you're if you want stuff here there you go yeah take your own resources have fun with that oh pearls already keep her going guys come on there you go you guys take it any pearls no pearls all right all right let's get to the next block shall we la dee da dee da having a good time with my boys with my boys i found big stuff i found big stuff all right oh god they're going like we all right hi all right now go do the thing all right here we go oh god this is this is just violence oh there's pearls i have eleven oh my god oh they're throwing everything what's that for angry oh more pearls dude we're good we're set we're set we're set let's go we have a stack of eyes now oh girls we got more pearls oh we are set i think i'm done here i think i could leave honestly oh pearls okay leave goodbye goodbye goodbye oh my god see you later bye everyone uh now we have to go back home we're leaving now we're going back to the portal oopsies i didn't mean to do that hold on let me just go back here nonchalantly i could see the soul valley yes oh i'm actually losing health oh we're gonna do a reset when we go back home then that's fine dude we are literally having too much fun to the point where we're visibly seeing all the hearts being broken i'm running out of parts i never thought i'd see the day oh we found it it's right here here's the entrance okay we've made it this is it that was a success that's really nice okay let's go get some wood and i'm gonna reset my house i'm gonna do the strategy where i just jump in love or whatever and then i have like all the health again boom boom all right i'm gonna put everything here into the chest i'm gonna set my spawn there you go it's set and now we jump and i'm gonna use the bathroom i'll be back 11 minutes later [Music] i'm back hello and i'm still a lot what the heck why is it so like slow what is going on yeah hurry up fire wake up there you go dude i'm still alive i'm not even halfway done what this is taking so long for me to reset oh my god this is allowing you to visualize how much health i actually have you could see all of the hearts or whatever but this is really like showing how much health i really have i could stay here for so long and it's done thank goodness and we have a new fresh set of health nice all right let's go and find the ender dragon or the stronghold to the ender dragon here we go oh it's time for uh walking i'm gonna break every single chicken because i want to make sure that i have as many arrows as i can because that's gonna help me kill the ender dragon 346 minutes later oh wow okay finally let's see update oh it keeps going wait it goes on the other side now okay wait it's literally in this area it's in this deserted island let's do some last minute creeper explosions before we go i've realized there's probably some creepers that will spawn here give me more bang eight thousand [Music] sixteen thousand i'm revving it up before we go 32k please thank you thank you for that if i just keep running in a circle they'll just keep spawning this is amazing i'm generating so many creepers bang all right 65 000. can we get to a million hey yo one three one k i i'll just not even just blow yep all right we're at quarter million five hundred thousand wait wait wait wait hold on bang one million we have one million hearts and an extra two million arts four okay i think it's time for us to go now wait hold on on eight million eight million hearts i'm going down now i don't wanna be here anymore thank you for your services everybody it's time for me to leave goodbye oh there's a stronghold uh we're here we've made it let's find that end portal oh it's the bookshelf area okay this is new wait power four wait actually really good what if we go and uh you know just get a little bit of iron or something flame yes oh my god it's in a weird corner as well i knew it i knew it okay here we go okay i'll leave one because i want to get iron this is looking good this is looking real good i want to take that i want to make sure that i'm going to have like a powerful four bow now let's go get a bunch of iron oh hey boom 67 million oh hello bang 1 34 million 134 million wait no way there's just no no over 200 million oh god all right all right all right let's go smelt our stuff now we have a bunch of iron this is really good all right we're on our way of getting that anvil we just need a few more left and then we're good oh we're also getting building blocks which is also very nice this is the prep boys the prep the calm before the storm let's get some gravel as well we need this gravel so then we make a bunch of arrows when we go fight this dragon oh okay let's go make the anvil have enough oh my god okay let's go make the bow as well it's bow time okay we have the bow now power four not too shabby okay it's time it's time i am ready now i'm ready i got my power four i'm gonna splash four things of fire res because it makes so much sense just for good luck even though it's not gonna give me any statistical change unfortunately i don't have enough levels for the flint wait do i ha all right now it's gonna look cool when i go kill the dragon unfortunately i cannot find any diamonds for the pick stuff so uh this one's for you let's do this here we go let's get out of here oh i forgot one more thing i forgot the thing that i was supposed to do ah crust unprepared andy uh there you go okay okay slightly prepared andy let's go oh boy this is it it's time to go and become the biggest child in the world all right let's get all them all them things though there you go that's one that's another i'll literally stay here i don't care your breath is hot and stinky but i don't care i'll literally stay here all right i have the power and the ability to do so there you go very nice there you go another cage let's go right here let's go break this one right here i'll break you thank you let's go down here we go let's go i'm seeing dead in front of my eyes but i don't care i'm gonna give you this way oh bang oh oh god oh i don't care let's go let's use that powerful flame i don't care about these endermen it doesn't matter oh it's going back down once more all right let's go i've shot myself bang grits axe crits in front of the eyes i'm poking your eyes out boy it's so bad it's close you about to die oh my god it's close it's close oh i've ran out of arrows i've nowhere else oh god i could do the gravel thingy i could do the gravel thingy oh oh god it's going down wait wait it's going down one last time it's time to kill you in front of my eyes all right my eyes connected to yours let's go ah bernardia let's oh yes and we get the egg yes that is it we did it we did it we killed the dragon amazing all right let's go and get this egg shall we there it goes the egg has been captured and that is it that is the game it was fun i enjoyed this one thank you for watching bye
Channel: TapL
Views: 12,747,030
Rating: 4.8622975 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft UHC But, Minecraft But, TapL Minecraft, TapL Challenge, TapL SkyWars, SkyWars, Minecraft Modpack, Minecraft Mods, Modded Minecraft, Cursed Minecraft, Blessed Minecraft, Cursed UHC, Minecraft Scenario, Minecraft Minigame, Minecraft Challenges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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