Minecraft but you can Milk Structures

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minecraft but you can milk structures yes in this video we can milk any structure drinking this milk gives us crazy new powers and abilities as well as loot related to the structure like village milk that keeps hostile mobs at bay or geode milk that lets us shoot amethyst spikes we'll be milking our way to the stronghold so we can milk the end portal plus i've heard that even the ender dragon is now a structure sounds utterly ridiculous let's check it out i see a village over there that is key because in villages there is a new type of bucket called a structure bucket and we can use it to milk various structures found in gabe is that right chest hello have you seen a chest not in here but something bad happened ah hiding it from me huh hey there it is structure bucket dude solid gold hold on i'll be i'll be stealing this thank you okay let's give this a shot so if i just we got village house milk what looks delectable okay we're gonna drink it in a second but i need some food to go with my drink hungry okay bread in hand we can get eaten and then get to drinking let's see what this village house milk does home sweet home gives regenerate what did it say it said gives regeneration health boost and repels hostile mobs come again oh and we got some villager loot dude this is amazing we got regen health boost yo we got an oh hold on a second you seeing this man i'm about to devalue all of your currency you thrilled he doesn't seem thrilled well you don't want it hey i figured well i'm just going to keep drinking this to be honest if village structure milk gives us this useful of an ability i cannot wait to see what the end portal structure milk's going to get us okay we're all wood needs are covered and we got plenty of food and emeralds to boot but now i want to find some other structures that we can milk oh and uh not the personal dude i i see you're iron thank you have you seen any important milk lately betsy now you know what i'm talking about okay so there's an ocean right over here and i figured we could try and find a shipwreck milking on some pirate chips bruh oh boy i want to see what i get from those tasty otters oh there one is oh perfect and a friend hey oh are you leading me leading me to the treasure alert oh i even got some nice dolphins effect on me lovely okay now we go not today i'm here for the good loots actually i guess i'm here for the milk okay let's see so if we go down near the shipwreck and just boom we got shipwreck milk that sounds disgusting oh and look it literally does keep the drowns at bay they just keep getting pushed away from me when i get close okay well we're going to drink the shipwreck milk but i want to see if there's any loots we can get our hands on to down here down we go here we are oh bury treasure map loving on it and we got some more goodies yes please right over here i don't really need the emeralds to be honest oh also we're about to drown get up all right let's go ahead and drink the shipwreck milk see what happens thirsty let's see pirate makes nearby mobs drop their loot occasionally come again oh my gosh i'm just getting tons of rotten flesh you must be joking me i don't really want that to be honest stay away mister but we could use this for something very nice hmm oh i know i could use some armor betsy no i ain't done with you okay we're not milking you this time around but i will get my hands on some sweet sweet leather ah baby baby baby we can make some fancy leather armor for our trouble i mean it's better than you know other options for the time being don't look at me like that what are you he's just giving the knot off oh look the drowns are getting picked on oh good boy friend oh dude i just realized by the way look at this we got a bunch of buried treasure maps every single time we drank the shipwreck luke i didn't even need to grab it from the chest we are looking fancy with the loot right now oh my gosh hold on a second okay wait this is actually really close there we go hey hey hey oh wow yo we got some serious goodies up in here diving i'll take a diamond every day of the week baby hold on a second oh yeah i'm gonna drown again get up i'm wondering if we can actually make more of these structure buckets oh hello whoa how did you get a creeper skull on you dude oh easy oh he explodes hey easy man what were you doing with the creeper that's what i want to know oh gosh okay oh there's many okay stay away from them wow where'd they come from well then we can make more of them perfect well before we find the next structure we may as well get a little bit more of our shipwrecked milk it tastes delicious goes great with cooking that desert is still nearby i'm wondering oh look if they're trying to hide from me the village is right behind here's a pyramid okay we must be very careful entering inside of this place down we go baby hey looking good now let's see what we got loots whatever loots whatever loots whatever loots whatever oh right i almost forgot let's see desert pyramid milk what's this going to be about drink it up oh ye whoa what did it say said pharaohs hold on pharaoh's gold let me see this turns nearby blocks into oh my gosh we are rich baby oh wow this is so nice this is incredible bro and look we're getting like we're getting gold we're getting tnt oh and oh we're getting this we get we're getting it all hold on a second i wonder if we can get golden apples oh we can't look you almost stock up on this and guys if you haven't subscribed to comments to crafting yet you should do it right now especially because very soon we're gonna be milking that and portal baby bro this is awesome okay with that guys check out this amazing new poster design we've got and i hand signed each and every one of them but there are only a few remaining so if you haven't grabbed one yet what are you doing you're never digged straight down i've heard it all before but you know look i got like infinite all things with all this milk baby we should be good in fact i hear some nasties nearby oh oh what dude we're right up at the village we're in my chef now you must be joking me hold on a second okay yo bat i'm so thrilled to see you right now oh okay let's drink this to make room for another let's see well that's that's gold everywhere okay mod shaft milk it looks delicious actually but what happens when i drink it let's get rid of these things i don't really care about teen titans all right drink up minders vision makes you mine faster and makes nearby oars glow bro yeah we getting named what else can we get from this stuff huh oh it gave us a bunch of iron yeah plenty of iron but we didn't really get much for diamonds or anything you think you'd get some diamonds but we they get a bunch of torches too so that's really nice we could just use the x-ray vision to find diamonds so you know it ain't no thang i puppy diamonds yeah i love it it gives me a haste effect i didn't even realize that i was in the dark before i'll take those thank you very much sweet sweet diamonds love it so good and actually check this out because we got all those enchanted books from the desert pyramid milk before i actually have enough iron right now to make us an anvil and a sword and we can make a pickaxe with our new diamond goodies as well and now check this out baby y'all ready we got a fortune oh i don't have levels it's all good baby the levels literally highlight themselves i'll have experience in no time oh check it out we got a fortune three piglet we get so many times do i think i hear a spawner nearby i'm still trying to get me some diamonds but i hear ooh hey this ain't a spawner yo we found a geode i wonder if i could milk it that would be oh whoa oh the homies are here this creeper zombie nah i'm playing that game hold on we gotta get the uh what again the village house milk that makes me nice and uh safe i think yeah okay look now i got extra hearts in fact i'm gonna bust out the apples as well thank you very much i think we could take them on now i got a little bit extra going on here what's good players they can't even get close to me okay gavilan gambling yeah that's good yeah they can't even nice you silly fools oh gosh they're all blowing up okay we gotta take him out as soon as we can please bad bad oh gosh where are they going okay retreat okay before it wears off though seriously i think we're good are we good handled are they coming from there i don't even want to find out okay hold on a second i gotta drink the mineshaft milk can we milk this we can we got geode milk look at its purple glory what does it do let me see sneaking makes you shoot amethyst spikes no way no way look oh my gosh this is incredible i'm so excited i almost saved some of this but all right back to mining there we go this should do it oh with the fortune enchantments coming together so nicely yep we got 30 we got enough for a full gear upgrade so good we got it all and what's more y'all ready i prop 4 on them yep you already know homie check this out yo we looking real nice okay it is another time oh we got more diamonds too i'm gonna milk me a fortress and with our shipwreck milk nice and handy it's gonna be rather dandy against these blazes and these endermen the loot's gonna come like nothing baby but first we do need to find the fortress okay no fortress yet but i've got an idea maybe hold on a second maybe we can milk a ruined portal what what would what would we even get for it all right let's try y'all ready let's see rude portal milk delicious well i mean i hope let's see what happens um dimensional punch punching mobs sends them to the nether huh what i don't huh oh we got some special oh we got loot for doing it too okay interesting i don't see them being too useful here they'll just get punched right back to where they come from but we can save one for the overworld for sure and actually thinking about it aren't fossils technically a structure too i want i want to try oh milk it oh it worked what oh it's pretty looking nether fossil milk what is it about gives you strength and resistance whoa strong bones full potential oh here we go there it is let me in baby i want to milk you a terrible fortress indeed hopefully the milk doesn't taste terrible though let's see boom nether fortress milk you milk me joking me that didn't make any sense that's okay all right let's see what it does huh shoot fireballs on sneak and have fire resistance passively oh my gosh and we already got the blaze rods okay well i guess i don't need that shipwreck loot or shipwreck milk after all because we already have our shoot fireballs on sneak i want to use this let me sneak maybe yes whoa oh it works oh i love actually and now that i'm thinking about it we don't even need all the gold we collected because we have the shipwreck loot i totally forgot but hey i could use it with these apples oh my gosh we have a full stack a full stack of gold novels you must be joking me in fact i don't even need this bread anymore thank you while the bastion would be nice to loot we're here for the enderman and so i think all we got to do let me see yup yup are they i think they're dropping yup they're dropping under pearls too good we're just gonna hang out by these guys they're literally pooping pearls like they're going out of style wow we already have okay well this is gonna be no time at all bro they're literally everywhere okay just like that we are good alrighty all that is left at this point is to find ourselves the stronghold oh i suck oh gosh oh dude no no no no no no bad bad bad oh gosh they're everywhere you must be joking me ew okay oh no oh no okay oh my god get out of here oh i'm almost dead okay the end eyes are pointing to right here for the oh my gosh oh i was trying to go lg next time apparently the strongholds around here somewhere ah right below how convenient ain't painful okay just a second and then we're gonna be able to milk this puppy dry give me those sweet sweet otters oh hey there it is oh boy let's mine this as soon as we can no no please mine okay good handled okay now run don't let them get me okay all we gots the do oh yeah is load these eyes on in and with any luck we can milk the end portal dude okay let's see what it does though huh whoa portal hearts yo look at my heart's down there no way dude that's incredible it's gonna be so handy because the dragon is apparently a structure of some sort too all right here we go we're about to find out baby oh boy yo we stuck right on inside richest man ever just using gold blocks to get around all right let's see where's this dragon whoa what are you oh gosh seriously what are you hello is his head his head is a desert temple and his wings are geode bro what okay well actually i'm gonna use the geode milk and we're gonna just we're just gonna go to town on this sucka okay sneak out him fire away baby check that out awesome oh wow weird it doesn't have any health oh boy yeah we're going to throw that one down oh boy that was close whoa did it just did it just breathe out a struck it breathes out structures come again what is happening okay sure why not huh let's go ahead and uh oh yeah yeah bad bad bad bad go get stuck by this dude what is going on okay we're gonna just take out the crystals before anything else okay well this is not what i was expecting from my ender dragon fight but you know it's okay i guess i'm literally suffocating because he fireballed a desert temple on me okay looking good crystals nice and handled now we just got to take out this structure dragon which is very odd because it don't even have it doesn't even have a help did we win what huh uh well there's no dragon in sight so hey i guess we won hey thanks for subscribing
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 346,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, milking ores, minecraft milking, milking cows, milking diamonds, new blocks, diamonds, cows, mining, quickest way to get diamonds, minecraft diamonds, gold, op weapons, caves and cliffs update, caves and cliffs, milking, milking structures, end portal, milking end portal
Id: 5x-c4yCEY0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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