Minecraft, But You Can Go Inside Any Block...

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this video i can go inside any block from wood to diamonds or even bedrock my aim is to explore the blocks and destroy custom bosses so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing it is completely free and you can always unsubscribe later also let's go for one like and enjoy the video all right we are in and i can see one thing we need right there this beehive we are gonna be able to go inside of it um i'm gonna oh no i can't break it you need silk touch to break these plus there are two things i'm gonna need to begin this one is an internal table crafted just like that ah that just requires wood and one piece of sand don't need nine crafting tables really and a furnace come on we've got to get this glass come on there we go we need this stone and now we have got the glass so we can go boom and boom the internal table baby now this right here this is very good because this is how we craft things to get inside blocks and the second item we're gonna need is the internal transmitter crafted like this so thank you copper that's perfect and now it's just gonna be a case of trying to find amethyst yikes nope nothing still nothing you are not amethyst we've even found a mineshaft before finding one oh no i think we found one here finally yes i knew it perfect we grabbed the shard we smelt up our iron this is beautiful and now we get the spyglass and use the internal table to make yes the internal transmitter oh okay we can actually go inside our first block boom oh oh no what is that no no no no no what are they get out of here please please please leave me be why can't i hit them okay they haven't hit me yet oh no they do have a heart okay it's fine i can kill them i hate silverfish what are these things oh they're dead okay i think we're actually safe oh and loads of wood perfect there's more than one chest i don't need this much wood that's yeah that's all wood okay i'm out of here then that's mad we just went inside a block easy peasy and now we can really explore and get digging in a load of blocks but we might as well actually just grab this iron whilst i'm here because then we can smelt it make myself a little bit of armor and just feel more safe boom oh and i'm being dumb we can go inside the crafting table oh hello there's just a load of chests all right and i don't need more wood that is just so much wood oh my so much i'm 53 oh we can make literal for lion that's so easy and we might as well grab some of these books easy peasy oh yeah because these books will definitely come in handy oh what no no no okay okay i'm just gonna get as many books as i can why is lava just coming down what okay okay come on come on come on i can't lose any more health either i've got no food okay i'm out of here oh oh we're safe and we got 63 bucks oh and so much iron let's get easy stacks boom boom nice full iron baby but wait a second because my plushies stop selling this weekend on sunday the 5th of june you won't be able to get these guys anymore look how beautiful they are they are just in their own glory and any of you guys that purchased these have a chance of getting the limited edition gold one and if you get this you get to spend an hour with me doing whatever you want we can play fortnite no no i don't want to do that but seriously head over to wispdrops.com and you guys can secure yourself one of these before they're all gone back to the video and i'm realizing a mineshaft is the perfect place to be right now because we can find a spawner nope okay we found a spawner oh i'm still being even more dumb i literally have a block in my inventory that i can go inside furnace take me there oh this is trash it's just slightly fiery oh no it's not perfect oh i only need the i'm just taking the steak yeah so much food i'm just gonna take all of the good stuff this is other than that just kind of trash there's just just a bit of fire fine i'll leave that does just leave me with the spawner here though which i really don't want to go in okay i'm doing it oh oh what no no no what no no no what what what's what no i can get up i can i can stay safe i can stay safe we're okay no oh my goodness what look there's just no skeleton shooting at me what am i supposed to do what have they got so they're killing each other and now they're coming for me okay yes yes we're getting some free hits in i've just got to really no no no no this is bad anything in the chest no nothing good oh okay i don't i really don't want to die i'm going to keep going around trying to get these chests there's one right here get out of here but my axe broke that's bad okay i can break this i can grab nothing this chest sucks you know what i think we're out of skeletons i'm just going to go for it check this chest anything oh yes staff of monstrosity what is that get up get up no no no this is bad what does the staff of monstrosity do but oh oh it's killing them smacked smacked get smacked boy yes oh my goodness and we just got another right sword oh my hearts i've got 20 hearts hang on what there's more of them well yep that's right you die and you die and i've now got 24 hearts all right i'm out of here that was ridiculous i'm breaking this you are dead to me but now i guess i'm just going on a wild goose chase trying to find everything that could be good that i can go inside oh diamonds oh this is huge i can make a better weapon and oh no if there was nine diamonds here i could go inside the diamond block but instead we're gonna have to settle and we're gonna have to go inside this diamond door i've got five diamonds though i feel like i should be being smart about this and i am going to make a diamond axe oh and we can save two to potentially make an enchantment table because we've got the books yeah okay that's what i'm doing here we go boom oh what oh what is that what is that no no no no no no what are they are they diamond dogs no no i'm running i'm running oh my god no no no no no okay i'm going up and going up oh no i'm just out here i'm out here nope nope nope nope that just turned to a regular diamond okay we're gonna have to leave this here because i'm not i'm not dealing with that we're gonna collect this redstone note because we will definitely be able to go inside a redstone block and oh boom hang on shulker boxes okay i'll take a shulker box what is this okay really i really don't want amethyst that's so bad there's another chest a cluster bow what oh are you kidding me oh oh what just happened i clicked the cluster bow and it went nuts this is absolutely nuts i've got to leave here and i've got to try this in the diamond block i have to okay come on boom oh the dogs i'm gonna try and get up if i can oh we're safe wait what if i hold this yes they're getting wrecked and what if i go oh boom oh i just killed all of them but it's fine because we can get so many diamonds and we can actually check these chests now oh diamond blocks literal blocks boom more diamonds thank you this is ridiculous i've got over a stack of diamonds and 22 diamond blocks i think i've got all the chests as well yep i'm out of here are you kidding me that one diamond got us that many thank you so much now you perish [Music] right well that's absolutely ridiculous because now i can just go absolutely crazy and make full diamond i've got the best bow i've ever used in my life i've still got the staff of monstrosity are there any mobs nearby oh the answer is yes and come on you're dead this is brilliant but now that i've got absolutely all of this and i just look well wonderful i've got to do what i originally said at the very beginning of this we saw a beehive so i've just got to get up there and do it i'm full diamond with 24 hearts oh wait though if the diamond ore was that hard it just means that everything coming is going to be 10 times harder this right here is what i'm looking for please bees don't get angry with me i'm just gonna go inside you oh what hang on what where did the bees come from oh no no no no please don't be angry i'm in here there there's a chest here what is that a wasp ray what does this do oh oh my goodness i'm so sorry what is oh what can i spawn my own i can spawn my own b minions i'm destroying this place i don't know if it's worth it though oh gold's dropping i'm grabbing it i'm out of here that was way more stressful than it needed to be why are you like this b i'm gonna shoot you what what it spawns honeycomb no way we fire some bees we get some gold how much gold have i actually got 17. in that case we'll just climb through this sludgy honey which i can't jump on and then we can literally enter a gold block all right i want you all to comment right now what is inside the gold block boom please it's gold how i could never have seen that coming what's in here infinitium what is infinitium oh and good apple no way and more infinitium protection 47 chest plate yep you know what i'm keeping it way more infinitium as well 16 total oh and there's a chest down here with an auric battle axe i'm not testing what that does here i'm out of here um oh my okay yep that scared me but it drops items and what on earth is that this is a stronghold guide okay no if that means what i think it means if i what it tells me which direction and i can use it every 15 seconds that's madness and what i can throw the axe okay i can just launch it at things and destroy them like it's nothing i just saw diamond blocks i can just destroy this whole world right now oh my goodness bye enderman yep you're dead add some free ender pearls perfect but now chaos aside i need to make a block surely or a block what oh internal table i'm dumb i'm dumb boom yes infinity and block that looks insane ah i just don't feel prepared for this i've got the axe but i don't really want to blow everything up so okay i'll just hold the staff i've got the b gun i've got my safety bees these guys will do nothing they just get oh they do hurt stuff for me just killed that chicken okay well let's do this oh oh what is is that thanos no no no no no that is thanos get out what i'm pretty sure thanos is more powerful than that just uh fyi well there's a chest here with volcanium boots in them i'll put them on and volcanium blocks and obsidian we can go inside obsidian as well we're just getting everything we need from inside the blocks more volcanium armor yep i'm just gonna wear it all i don't even care i look ridiculous oh volcanium blade what does this do oh no no no no what have i done what have i done i'm just getting out of here i've turned it all into lava what just happened oh what is this we've got internal gauntlet no no no no what i can just point this at things and kill them i can just destroy everything all items there's a literal totem here i'm taking this chest plate yep thank you destroying all these items what happens if you right click it it just oh no no no no no no oh it just i can destroy entire chunks like it's nothing and oh what we should do just lay out absolutely every single block we can do lapis 2 and wait volcano oh wait maybe i can just go inside the volcano that looks new you know what let's start with obsidian oh obsidian hello what's this oh hey buddy hey what no no no no i'm gonna smack you with the sword what this has sharpness 80. oh what why was that so ridiculous and we've got volcanium oh is this the stuff that allows you to craft the volcanion blocks we got that's madness and sword of oblivion do i really want to test this after the last fire one oh yep that's uh that's actually pretty good i quite like that i think that's everything um i'm leaving i'm pretty sure yeah so it gives you the volcanion block which we've already got you know what we're gonna save diamond i reckon if the diamond ore had those demma dogs there's gonna be something ridiculous inside this oh i right-click the bedrock no no no no no i'm gonna smack it oh oh my goodness what have i done i'm stuck i'm stuck no no no no this is so bad this is so bad come on come on come on come here buddy i'm just gonna have to shoot it with this come on buddy i don't want to kill you this way but i will no you know what i'm shooting it i'm shooting it i can't see anything i'm gonna die no no this is so bad no i'm out of here i'm out i'm out i was genuinely gonna die redstone it is though i'm just trying to power through them now what oh what no no no no hang on hang on why is he exploding me then you really want to do it like this bud fine i'm going to hold the staff you're just going to die come on try and blow me up more than mate yeah get rex get wrecked you're dead you did half a heart you did nothing anything for me a crimson blade right it's getting out of hand now we're back out um i'm gonna test this crimson blade and i have a feeling i'm what we've got speed five we've got regeneration five and health boost five every time i right click this sword that happens okay fine i love it but it's not actually that good to use as a weapon so there we are everything has its flaws and now i guess that just leaves us with the diamond and the bedrock i kind of think it would be smart to maybe kill some mobs with this yep just right click them and i can boom boom gain some extra hearts i'll just run up to them and smack them oh what what's happening okay no this is bad i've got a lot of hearts now but i did also just spawn a army oh but now if i use the crimson blade it'll get rid of my health boost will it oh no it doesn't you know what with 60 hearts and a dream i can do this diamond it is come on okay oh yep i knew it it's another one of these mighty things i'm gonna use this thing come on oh what what what oh no come on i'm smacking it this thing is insane can i kill it though please please please i've only lost one and a half hearts oh we destroyed it that quickly that's kind of ridiculous but at least we've got the chest and what is this super diamond chest plate super diamond boots any time it says super you just click it and wear it there must be more there must be and there's a cryoblade once again i don't know what's happening but super diamond leggings and super diamond helmet we've got a full set of super i'm out of here okay we're gonna put this on and what just what i can jump out of this cave like it's nothing come on jump all the way up up again up again thank you and we're up i've realized something though we have the locator we've got the auric battle axe if we can get enough ender pearls can we get blaze rods yeah we can of course literally the second i say that blaze rods boom that gives us six we need more though we need more oh there's liza vender and there's ender pearls here as well we have got we've got exactly 12. okay super diamond helmet on and show me the way this way we're just going because i am not gonna fight the bedrock wither i reckon we can spawn it in the end oh it's turned okay okay okay where are you you literally have to be somewhere here oh oh it's right here it's right here right i don't know if this is a bad idea i'm just gonna do it i didn't take any full damage we found it though i'm just gonna jump my way in easy peasy this is ridiculous i can just blow my way up and get everywhere and find it yep thank you oh no no no no i don't want to destroy anything you know this armor is too good it's genuinely too good i don't need it super diamond armor is gone i don't know why i did that that was a terrible idea you know what i don't care i just don't care it doesn't matter i'm living the dream i've got the infinity gauntlet i'm going and i'm pretty sure i can just up i can literally destroy all of these towers by right-clicking them and then i can use the cluster boat oh no no get out of here buddy oh i just killed more than one and my hearts went up come on smack yep hit that no i'm out of arrows what all right that's fine we're just gonna b bomb it come on dragon i can probably shoot these yep i can that's so easy good just destroy all of the dragons podiums with bees yep and boom absolutely destroyed and destroyed that's all of them you know what let's shoot it i'm gonna shoot it come on dragon smacking you with these things so much damage oh the endermen are on me of course of course oh that actually hurts that actually hurts i just want you to perch bertha that's a perch we're just gonna shoot some bees come on destroy the dragon no no no i'm just gonna get i'm just gonna get her go go go go go go go there's a yes we gotta we gotta come on come on come on come on okay okay that's good because now i can do the thing that i really didn't wanna do i can jump down here and i can fight oh i don't to do it we're doing it we're doing it this guy come on what one hit and we got it we got the nether star what is this the voidless axe and what does it do oh my it just creates a void what doth
Channel: Wisp
Views: 3,174,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, wisp, wispexe, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, custom, op, inside, blocks, go inside, minecraft but you can go inside blocks, super block
Id: eY42uzsWyh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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