Minecraft, But You Can Go Inside Anything...

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today we can go inside anything from a lava block water to even the sun inside these blocks we'll face new challenges and find new custom op items will we survive watch till the end to find out let's do this an ooh inside anything challenge it's a book that says you will be assigned a random item slash block to travel inside and if you are not inside of the assign item slash block within five minutes you will be instantly eliminated click here to begin okay oh diamond sword okay wait what wait we just got a custom pearl use this to travel inside anything and okay we have five minutes oh god oh god wait we need a diamond sword okay wait this has to be it there's two oh my god please please yes i knew it if not bro it would have not made sense and quickly boom you have the diamond sword throw it down custom and approach um okay that is a diamond sword over there i gotta be very careful what's inside this chest yes okay okay okay okay this is good i have four diamonds bro i don't have enough wood what's inside of this one okay more diamonds we have eight diamonds come on come on come on bro there's so many diamonds here ah it's coming from me oh my god oh my god oh it does damage please please please stop stop stop i'm literally booty naked no no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god suck my nuts diamond sword oh my goodness i'm gonna die i don't have time to eat i don't have time to eat oh my god oh my god i don't have time oh my god oh my god i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i have to be dead i have to be dead oh my god or not or not or not i did it oh my god what did it give me sharpness 10. oh my god oh my god i literally got the sword i just killed with half a heart i'm actually a god i'm actually a god bro yo what's inside of here oh my goodness charm this one fire ass pick one okay i'm going to take the fire axe right just because it's fire aspect i'm gonna take these diamonds as well i don't have wood i mean i do just not enough wait i'm an idiot i can mine the diamond sword there you go and now we can make ourselves fool diamond pickaxe mine the diamonds holy crap we have a stack and eight diamonds already bro that was crazy and we got another custom pearl and oh my god another challenge water block okay we have a timer no no no no no um i need food i would say we have enough time but how am i gonna get a water block screw it let's take this up sitting just in case let's make ourselves the rest of our armor that's fire aspects and okay there's water right here bro how am i gonna wait wait what oh my gosh we can mine the one i just got the water block what the balls we can just mine it with our fist okay okay we got some wood just in case i feel like i'm smart right now but gamers let's do this three two one and okay oh my god oh my god oh my what is happening wait if i fall i'm dead if i fall i think i'm gonna die what the heck is this is this a water block ow oh my goodness wait what the it's throwing fish at me oh my god oh my god i'm dead i'm dead oh my goodness i almost just fell oh my goodness oh my goodness okay he's just chilling there it doesn't see me what is this challenge let's make ourselves a sh oh i need to mine this wood yes there you go boom a shield i have a sharpness 10. i'm just going to go for it oh my goodness oh my god it blasted me all the way up here wait there's a chest here oh my god wait what what what i don't know what i just picked up a water chest plate i'm putting it on wait i can move faster now in the water block bro where are we right now this stupid idiot oh my goodness come on come on come on oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay okay okay okay oh my goodness i'm smacking i'm smacking him i'm bobbing and weaving yo wait what the heck is it doing oh my god i'm dead i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh my goodness come on come on get combo doesn't let me knock him off i'm freaking truck i have a weight i have a water sword why have i not been using this gg challenge is over i'm actually dead no i'm not oh my goodness oh my god stop yes i got him bro we're almost full water armor right now let's double check this chest okay yeah i don't really need anything okay now we have to do a crafting table which is so easy i'm gonna get some food sorry but i need your meat so far we're doing pretty good gamers let's do this three two one and this guy looks pretty tough oh my goodness whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wacho jet whoa wait he's almost dead oh my god wait what is that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa obsidian chest plate look at my health wait a minute gamers gamers gamers gamers oh my goodness i think every time i hit the crafting table he drops a new item let me test my theory out let me go right here hello and if i punch him what is that let me punch him again i don't know if he's dropping he is dropping stuff and then wait a minute oh my god he dropped a hook shot okay wait i'm gonna die i'm gonna die this water block is perfect wait no he can still hit me i want good stuff okay bro this is amazing we got a lot of useless stuff like a map i don't really need that wait sun block spawn egg what something tells me we shouldn't have this right now honestly though i am not complaining and okay now we have to go for a magma block it shouldn't be too difficult right we have another custom pearl i might want to spawn in the sunblock bro wait are we gonna fight the sun and yo we can move so quick underwater the thing is we don't have that much time gamers we gotta find like a ruined portal or something oh my god you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me we're doing so good with the time all we need to do is grab one of these going i could eat this golden apple butt what if we need to go inside of it you never know three two one boom oh gotta be kidding me bro you gotta be freaking kidding me a freaking magma block i hate fire so much water sword it's definitely better bro yeah you don't like water huh oh my god there's just a lot of pools everywhere then the floors magma the entire thing is a magma block we're inside of one there's a chest here oh my goodness fire sword wait does this work on the freaking thing of course it doesn't this fire sword is so sick but i don't think it's the best water sword water sword water sword he's almost dead he's almost dead wait he's not even doing that much damage what a weakling ah i think you were a boss wait why is there a random fire spreading okay oh wait i have fire resistance is it from the fire sword what fire block hello i thought it was nice oh my god oh my god this is the final boss not the other guy oh my god i was a fool i was a fool i was a fool i'm sorry oh this fire sword good thing we have it i'm good oh my goodness oh my goodness come on we can take him on we can take him on come on come on come on you want a drink you seem a little thirsty boy easy i just loot in peace fire blocks what also the fire sword permanently sets enemies on fire okay that is pretty sick let me just yeah why is the lava not flowing is this don't tell me oh my gamers we just got a lava block dude we're making such insane insane progress what is that fire launcher eat the fire it looks like a bro what the nuts is this boom oh this thing looks sick now subscribe or i launched fire at you i'm just kidding i wouldn't do that that doesn't mean you shouldn't subscribe and okay another custom pearl and another challenge cloud block what does that even mean actually i know exactly how to get this we're gonna need an axe to get a lot of blocks boom okay we have plenty of wood now wait couldn't i have just gone like that oh my goodness okay never mind that did not work sorry about that sheep oh baby cow boom come on come on come on yes and if we just go right here make a little pickup point like this we should get one two three wow blocks or maybe more i really don't know okay i don't think i could have done it anymore perfect come on come on come on and and yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes give me the cloud oh wait what i just broke another one saw yeah we're still in the cloud dawg easy cloud i really hope i can mlg with this please please please please oh somehow i placed two but with that said i don't want a full inventory i got some more food and boom oh my god oh my god i'm sinking i'm wait i'm sinking oh wait i'm holding on for my life right now where's the cloud blocked i think the only way is to actually fall come on yes yes yes i see the cloud block come on land on this block yes oh my goodness you fool wait is the clown block stuck as well oh it's not stuck oh my god oh my god i got watch out oh it's chasing after me i'm like it just spotted me no no no oh my goodness bro this thing is so annoying leave me ah oh my god dude it almost knocked me out let me get this chest loud sword wait what oh my goodness this thing is sick what no no no i'm stuck i'm stuck oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh no no no no no no no dude oh i killed it that was easy he just poofed away honestly i feel like i over complicated that but this is like the weirdest thing we've had to go inside of yet wait what's inside here okay a bunch of clowns do 25 cloud blocks doing clown pants and a bunch of other clown blocks if we put these clown pants on oh my goodness we can now fly with them bro these pants are insane yo and speaking of insane golden apple well i thought i needed the clown pants to like grind to the next item but we kinda already have the golden apple wait didn't i say to save this thing yo i'm a genius three two one and boom bro they're running away from me no it's okay god sword boom bro wait the cloud sword i can spam yo they just pooped out golden apples what this is insane right now let's definitely grab a gold block just in case so we need it and oh my god three god apples bro the cloud swords insane look it gives levitation this is also so beautiful i think i remember this so every time we smack one of these guys oh my god i got a god apple is it when they die do they drop the god apples yup oh my god it's when they die i'm sorry i need to eliminate all of you wait can i breed them with golden apples okay no you can't who knew our golden apples this huge though and had wood inside what and there you go just like that we have 64 golden apples and 32 god apples no more need for meat and now we have bedrock well that should be easy clown pants water pickaxe dig down screw it fire launcher boo 99 okay there we go we're here i only have six flint left bro wait can i mine the bedrock we don't even need to mine the bedrock we can just go inside of it bro oh my goodness wait there's no boss i think we're safe there's literally just a sword specifically a bedrock sword oh my goodness hero's blade 50 attack damage why would we need this though oh no and then there's just an empty lectern wait what bedrock oh no wait what the oh my goodness oh wait what no no no no no no wait what no better rockstar better i can't i can't attack him hold up oh god i don't think i don't think this guy has health even chugging got apples i'm gonna oh my god i'm actually dead go go go go go go go go oh my goodness bro i don't think we can defeat him at all gamers how about this what oh shoot oh my goodness oh my goodness okay let's get the balls out of here bro that was insane we are literally not getting a break lava well that's easy i have the lava right here boom there you go actually let me throw some stuff in the lava wait no the egg the sun egg i just threw it in the lava it's okay we're gonna fight the sun anyways three two one and boom oh my goodness oh my goodness the entire thing is made out of lava lava just spawned on me what if i there's two of them boom bam take this nerd oh wait i ran out of ammo wait did i kill one of them replace this water block and then mine it and then place it again come here stupid lava come on come on come on water sword okay wait he's doing massive damage wait what no no no no no no no it's so annoying he's placing lava everywhere come on don't fall off and yes oh my god that was actually so easy bro we're so overpowered i just realized i had the bedrock sword please tell me it was worth it lava apple oh my goodness lava chest plate lava shield lava nuggies well we got a new shield upgrade which is insane a lava chest plate and a new god apple i love it the way this apple tastes funny heard that joke before i think these lava nuggets keep setting me on fire yeah there we go and oh it's time the sun let's go all the way back up all right son i'm not exactly sure how to mine you i assume we have to use the water pickaxe i don't know if this is gonna work but since we can't break it from here what if i eat my pickaxe wait i'm still holding it wait what oh my god nothing is happening wait what gamers where did the sun go it's daytime i literally do not see the sun bro wait what is going on right now what did i just pick up sunblock wait a second oh my goodness it's becoming nighttime what the balls oh my god if we touch it we get on fire it's the sun okay wait we don't have much time i think i see the moon yeah look at the moon wait don't tell me we're gonna be able to go to the moon oh my goodness i'm kind of scared let's do this oh gamers we are inside of a sunblock look at all of these mini suns i don't even want to find out if we'd fall in that oh my god sun pickaxe bro what the heck are you kidding me right now this is insane is this the sun's core it's like made out of glass we have a sunblade so why does that matter a blade that holds the power of the sun when it said we can go inside of anything i guess we weren't joking bro we have a sunblade and it does 50 attack damage bro this is actually unreal i've never seen this before and now it's time for the moon it's gone and there it is holy bro this is literally it i'm actually kind of terrified three two one wait what there's just random xp here and we're inside the moon don't see a moon vlog there's moon cheese mmm geez okay wait what if i eat it oh my goodness i'm so overpowered what if i eat the moon cheese i'm even more wait what oh my goodness wait i can jump i can literally jump because of the gravity i think or that was the moon cheese i have no idea i got a moon miner breaks blocks with the power of the moon bro what the heck i haven't even tested the sun pickaxe bro and now we have a moon miner i'm kind of scared but what if i mine a single wait what gamers gamers wait gamers what am i dead i'm dead wait i'm i'm in space wait oh my god um i what how do i get back i can't get back i'm not in the block clown pants come on get me out of here please wait no i took a screenshot i died what oh my god the moon pickaxe got us killed that was awesome i think we need to do a part two regardless subscribe and click these videos right here i love you gamers
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,607,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But You Can Go Inside Anything, minecraft but, minecraft but you can go inside, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: hHhKSIfqlUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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