Minecraft but you can craft MEGA tools from any block...

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in today's video ladies and gentlemen we're going to be able to craft mega tools kind of like you kind of like this one yup that's a pickaxe made out of blocks but it's not a pickaxe it's a hammer i don't even know these tools are insane and we even found some glitches with them so if you guys are excited you already know the drill and of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because if not i'll bonk you with this hammer okay no but seriously though guys at 2 million subs i'm gonna be going bald so subscribe and yeah i can't wait to go ball with outside gamers let's do this ladies and gentlemen you see these freaking wooden tools and stone tools too pathetic yeah i just burned some tools five seconds into the video what are you gonna do about it wow iron tools so cool psych pathetic oh you think just cause you're diamond and you're rare and you're blue that you're gonna be saved no yeah guys i have to do it i have to it pains me oh you guys thought i wasn't gonna just you know burn the nether right tools ladies and wait dude oh yeah they don't burn i forgot ladies and gentlemen in today's video we don't even need the normal tools well actually i'll use the netherright ones to get materials to craft the new ones that we're crafting but in this video guys we're gonna be crafting some mega tools weapons thingies and why is there just a single block of okay i don't even know today's mission is to craft the new mega tools in minecraft which i have added only to this world okay so if you want to see them in normal minecraft leave a like and comment down below yes because yes i don't even know anymore okay whoa what there's a freaking okay wait there's a cave right here bro hold up why is this village actually beautiful look how sick it looks are you kidding me okay wait this is probably one of the coolest spawns i've ever spawned at okay but we got a councilman trade so in order to craft these mega tools guys we actually just need iron to craft the first like stage of them and hold up we need some coal but yeah fun fact you can't actually craft the wooden or stone versions of these weapons slash tools they're mainly tools they're not really so much weapons and okay this freaking cave was garbage oh hello there mr iron golem speaking of free iron hold up y'all already know let me just joint a quick door okay let me place it right here come at me nerd oh god oh god okay i always miss the door strategy dude oh dude this sucks okay nope yes i got it no no no no no okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on a little bit this way yes now come this way perfect aha no what what okay never mind dude these iron golems are getting way smarter bro what is this guys this is not going good okay come on come on come on come on just get stuck on the door yes just like that what he literally just went okay no dude these iron golems already know they already know the drill bra come on come on come on come on no okay okay okay yes yes what what what no no stand still oh my gosh aha i got him yes we got five iron for free let's go okay gamers i can't really wait is this a cave okay wait no this is doo-doo all right i'm just gonna dig down yolo you already know how it goes oh wait what okay hello mr cave we need to find some no not zombies come on bro we need to find some iron gamers you so in order to craft these items guys we need a crapton of iron blocks specifically a stack and then wait yeah i literally think that's how much we need we literally just need a stack of iron because we need to use the blocks version guys we need iron blocks in order to craft these tools and if we want to craft the diamond versions we need diamond blocks which is yeah i i know it's a little a lot to ask for okay but we're at 24 iron we gotta act like we're speed running minecraft wait we're actually almost done we have 34 iron bro why does this cave actually have all the iron that we could have ever asked for there's some gold i don't even care for a bro i just want more iron go go go go go go we're almost out of sack holy nuts dude there's so many iron and literally there you go we already have more than enough iron okay wait why is there so much iron though like actually i know i've said that like a billion times really what okay wait what this world was literally made for me to craft mega tools out of this freaking out of everything except we haven't found diamonds bro i guess our iron luck is off the charts today okay guys we cannot die we gotta head back to the surface go go go go go go oh wait what we found diamonds okay that's always cool i mean oh it's just one okay great we found more iron though let's go this is honestly what i needed more than diamonds okay we're on the surface boys i just realized i don't even have any wood oh hello mr farm i'm sorry i'm sorry for griefing poor squib worms man i feel like villagers never get the respect they deserve okay but hold up let's make two furnaces actually wait we can make three yeah perfect let's put the coal in here there you go we split the iron up evenly boom and now we wait okay gamer so so far we have 32 iron ingots which okay which gives us yes three iron blocks which is perfect so we can actually now craft one of the first tools now which one do i want to make there's three mega tools guys that we can craft and i think the first one i want to make is gonna be the axe or should i call it the great axe yeah i'll call it the axe just because you know the great axe i'm a little lazy it's too long but look at this guys it's a little thick boy version of the of the normal axe okay wait it's a lot bigger actually but the coolest part of all these mega weapons or mega tools is that they're all relatively like they look like they could belong in minecraft i don't know if i said this already guys but comment down below if you think we should actually add these to normal minecraft and it's not like i have the power to do that but we can all believe so leave like if you want mega tools in regular minecraft okay but let's see what this bad boy can do i mean it's just a regular axe right just a little better with nine attack damage okay wait that's actually kind of nuts okay so what happens if i just chop down a piece of wood yay wait what it broke two pieces of wood huh what happens if i break this one right here wait what i think it breaks a three by three look at the yeah okay wait what happens when we use it on a tree hello mister tree mahinya and oh my bro it completely destroyed the entire tree what wait does this work on every tree hold on wait what if i use it on this old bra we can literally clear this house into oh dude this is insane look how easy it is to grief bro these tools okay wait no these tools can be a griefer's best friend look at this bro imagine you're raiding a base and you have this tool that can literally just break everything in a three by three bruh what okay hold on i might as well just steal the stuff in this chest yo we have 50 oak logs within like two seconds of mining okay hold up let's see how quick we can freaking clear this forest yee okay one tree be gone thought oh my god bruh i'm so sorry mr beast i know it took you forever to plant these trees but yay this is freaking madness wait what hold up did you guys see that i think i just found a glitch i think you break the grass first oh look at that it insta breaks okay wait what we just found the glitch with the great axe bro huh on second thought guys maybe this shouldn't be in regular minecraft oh it didn't work that way i think it needs to be touching the wood where you can break the grass and then like insta break the tree like look right here you eat all my broth why is that so satisfying does it work oh it works on a poppy wait that's big brain if we get these poppies we can place them right here and then yay all bra we just insta-break the entire tree look at this bap wow never did i ever think poppies would be this useful gamers yeah it's too easy we already have two stacks of logs plus one okay wait the durability though actually does go down a decent amount which i guess is fair speaking of fair this is not wait a second i don't even think you need to wait hold on guys i don't even think you need to break the wood looking in the direction i think if i just break the bra if you just break the poppy are you kidding me you can just break oh my way i want to see if this works if i place this log right there actually let's break two if i go like this dude what you guys saw that i could break two trees at once if i just connect them with the oh bro wait a second i just thought of something genius i want to test i don't know if this is gonna work but if it does it's gonna be so overpowered listen ladies and gentlemen we're doing big brain testing in minecraft let's connect all the trees with this one vein of logs right i don't know if there's a limiter to like how like far this will stretch right let's see let's see let's see boom boom boom kind of like that okay go like this okay ladies and gentlemen everything is connected i'm gonna go ahead and place a freaking thingy right here three two one yeah oh my nuts dude i'm so big brain oh okay well i didn't get all of them but yo it got enough oh my nuts bro it actually worked perfectly dude this is insane this is actually insane my game is literally lagging a little bit just because of what we're doing okay it's about to be nighttime that's not good yo but look at this look how much freaking space i cleared look at all these trees i'm sorry trees i've murdered you all it's okay i have their babies now i have 11 baby trees okay hold up these zombies are trying to yoink my freaking oh dude this thing does so much damage okay well maybe not it's just okay it's really heavy but when you hit a hit it does nine attack damage which is nuts but okay let's get all our iron perfect let's go wait what four didn't smell okay it doesn't matter i'm pretty sure we have way more than enough yeah we definitely do we have freaking six iron blocks okay so the next tool i want to go and just make is probably the easiest one maybe the one we should start off but it is the iron excavator wow that that's a pretty fancy name for just calling it a bigger shovel it actually looks really cool too so this ladies and gentlemen is better than another right shovel why because well we're about to find out okay let's see what should we do with this shovel should i just try and like see what happens if i try and mine the mountain yolo yay oh what the balls okay so it just mines a three by three okay wait we can literally clear so much freaking blocks so easily and okay nah hold up i'm gonna beat these fools with this with this great excavator whatever how does my excavator taste mate okay they're not dying how much damage okay just 4.5 not insane amounts it's way more efficient than a freaking netherride shovel though although the netherright shovel does way more damage i mean okay yeah i don't care though i don't care about the damage i'd much rather use this thing than the freaking nether right trouble look at this bro oh bro why does this look like i could just put some glass down and have like the sickest cave house mountain house thing but yeah i mean at the end of the day it's still a shovel so there's not much you know coolness to it it's just a bigger better shovel however guys let's go and actually craft the final one which is i think i'll pick wait what is that wait what why does it look like a hammer it's called it's literally called the iron hammer and it does less damage than the excavator which is kind of weird is this supposed to be a pickaxe question mark i'm kind of confused okay so this looks pretty sick i'm not gonna lie i like how it looks however uh what does it do though i assume it breaks oh oh okay well yeah that's kind of what i thought it was gonna okay wait am i just gonna keep digging down okay you know what guys let's quickly see how like how long it takes for us to find diamonds using this thing let's just dig straight down if i find diamonds right now you guys all have to subscribe okay that's the deal that's how it works he's fine diamonds we're at y 15 14 13 12 and now we're at 11. so i think we didn't find any diamonds that's fine i'm gonna go one more down and then now we can go ahead and strip mine let's see if we can find some diamonds boys honestly bro i don't doubt that we will this is like this is actually kind of nuts okay except for the gravel dude why are you oh my gosh gravel is literally the worst enemy of a miner i swear if i honestly could choose one block to be removed it would be gravel like i literally hate gravel bro i literally have i'm acting like i don't have like the ultimate shovel in my inventory bro okay hold on i hear lava maybe we'll oh we found diamonds let's go as i was saying about oh dude this is insane we got seven diamonds or something like that maybe a little less i don't even know well that was pretty quick we found a couple caves and gold and literally diamonds and it literally took us what no more than like three minutes to find diamonds i mean obviously guys this pickaxe or this hammer thing is extremely overpowered but it seems like oh god yeah it seems like it's not the best on durability it's literally gonna break in three two one and oh wow there you go who would have guessed okay guys we're back on the surface i'm in creative mode what i want to do is i want to go and see the difference between like oh my okay this is the diamond one bro this looks sick the tools look way better in their diamond form are you kidding me hello mr skeleton okay yeah bye okay let's see so is it the same thing okay yeah so they do the same thing however this one has insanely more durability it seems like oh my god are you kidding me all right i'm gonna beat you with my hammer boy which i still feel like should do more damage than just five but it's okay that's why we have the great axe to do 10 attack damage and i assume the axe does the same thing as well okay yeah same thing and so does the shovel except the shovel is way faster holy crap yeah the shovel in mine's way quicker now guys hold up do we use netherride ingots to oh no we don't know don't tell me you have to use the bra you have to use the block to upgrade them to another right and this does now 11 attack damage which is kind of insane i'm not gonna lie that is insane these things are so expensive now are they worth it though do you guys think these things are worth it because you got to use the blocks guys it's literally like three times i think more expensive than the normal versions but let's see okay does it do anything okay i'm not gonna lie this is extremely quicker and it probably won't break nearly as much we could probably find so many diamonds with this actually now that i think of it you can find a lot of netherrite with this holy crap these tools must be so useful especially the well specifically the hammer yeah the excavator is basically an insta mine it's kind of insane and then i assume the great axe is the same thing basically i don't know man is it actually worth it to make yourself a freaking netherride great axe along with all the other mega weapons slash tools i don't think it is and okay there you go that's so satisfying guys whenever we break like more than one tree at the same time but yeah i don't know it seems like a little much i mean they could be really useful i would probably just make the iron versions and stop there i mean the diamonds are also really expensive let me know what you guys think in the comment section below but with that said hopefully you enjoyed today's little video where we crafted some pretty epic gamer uh tools let me know which one is your favorite and let me know if you guys think these should be added to minecraft personally i think they're kind of well balanced because although they're really overpowered they kind of cost a crap ton to make and they use up a lot of durability even the netherright ones so with that said i'll see you guys in the next one peace out gamers
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,900,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft but you can craft MEGA tools from any block..., minecraft but you can craft tools from any block, minecraft but you can craft weapons from any block, minecraft but you can craft from any block, minecraft mods, mods, mod, minecraft mod, minecraft craft mod, bionic
Id: DlJX2kceWEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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