Minecraft but WOULD YOU RATHER?

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oh Daisy knock knock oh yeah you should probably get that fixed I'm sorry I'm sorry but it's for a good reason you know come on look Daisy all will be revealed come outside you know I know you stay inside your crusty old house all the time I need you to get some fresh air so I made this this looks boring I'm going back inside my house hmm you know uh I'm gonna have to enjoy these delicious cookies all by myself yeah you're in Creative I don't want to talk to you anymore you cheated yeah you are creative I put us in survival Hey listen you want these or not oh all right Daisy welcome to Wood out welcome to would you rather was that so hard Daisy I want my cookies you want your cookies oh well you better play the game out this is how the game works Stacy you are presented with two options very hard options I might add they're pretty tough to pick between but you have to pick one and keep in mind your actions may have consequences but what if I don't want to choose one then I burn the cookies don't jump dare just tell me the rules all right Daisy so here is our first question would you rather burn your house down or kill a puppy why are you looking at the blue one I mean then again burning your house down it is kind of sucky Daisy I'm not gonna lie oh would you kill a puppy in Cold Blood Daisy you wouldn't no I mean not really never no not at all why would you oh no no no no no no no no don't put me no oh no no no no no no no no I'm not going over there so for me personally I'm probably gonna stand over here I thought you weren't a baby anymore Daisy you would kill a puppy really it's your final decision I have bad experience with puppies um no I don't really you must be referring to a recording that never went live I I don't know what you're talking about all right Daisy you made your decision and now you must take action follow me behold Daisy the puppy that you must kill I'm sure it's gonna be a hard thing isn't this your puppy no I just found it on the street so it's your puppy uh it makes it so much oh my gosh I'm shocked at how easily it was for you to kill it how many puppies dogs Daisy all right well you did yours now it's my turn and you might be wondering I don't have a house do I no you don't because guess what your house is gone it's nowhere to be found that's true but Daisy you have to remember something where have I been bunking this whole time um probably in the your basement down there because I didn't break your basement oh I'll have to check that later but it was actually your basement so my secret laughs [Music] so technically your house is my house and you know you know how the rest [Music] as you can see Daisy our actions have consequences so you better pick your decisions more wisely next time otherwise your house might be on fire okay so what are these questions be blind for you oh and obsidian in with a wooden pickaxe okay this is interesting so this one there's a chance of death while this one there's not a chance of death so I'm kind of leaning more towards the blue but what about you you're just scared you scared you're unable to do it you're just wait I mean I'm scared I'm scared yeah I'm scared I'll beat you with a shovel I'm not scared to do that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey take it easy why are you trying to burn down the forest Daisy you know that Wildlife is trying to survive and people like you are destroying them pick a side I mean this would take a while and this I mean I could I could you know I could ow okay you know what you're right I'm more of a patient type of man unlike other people me yes I am very patient I know that's not something you're so you're so funny you're actually so funny that you think you're patient tell me Daisy who is the one that beat the a kid in line at Costco the other day was it me yeah so no I'm pretty sure it was a certain blonde individual you know ring a bell not I don't know anyone blonde I can't see anything in here it's too dark yeah that's what a blindfold is for Daisy but you know this is your decision okay and there's my obsidian why is it on a stage wow that's a lot of wooden pickaxes oh where's that zombie oh don't worry I I hired the most professional zombie there is just stay still stay still here I'll even make it easier for you Daisy I'll make it easier just stay still stay still now I'm gonna spawn it and I'm gonna put it directly in front of you so that you can kill it instantly okay okay three two one go yeah I mean it's a zombie so it'll do a lot of damage don't hurry I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure you're good you know I'm so close don't freaking close come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on no Daisy don't get out of the way over again uh it's right next to you uh it's right behind you you know uh it looked like I picked up a shovel uh I'm sure I'm sure you'll figure it out why are you trying to beat it up with a cookie though uh maybe over there oh you hit it you hit it yeah Daisy Daisy don't come this way do not come this way [Music] maybe I'm starting to think you can see through your blindfold dang looks like you failed this challenge Daisy and I am free to mind this I'll be all by myself just stay back stay back stay back please please please please please please please please please I'm so close to mind it all right Daisy would you rather eat only vegetables or would you rather only eat rotten flesh they're both gross gross they're both disgusting I mean it's kind of like one very messed up one and the other one's at least edible oh I don't want to eat either of these Oh You Touch the blue one you really like rotten flesh don't you um the rotten and moldy ow no why would I want to do that huh ow ow ow man if you keep punching me I'm gonna have to eat some cookies man okay I'm not gonna have health wait hey hey hey hey hey hey chill chill it's your fault stupid option you always blame me for your character traits that you can't make a decision so how about you pick one and get it over with you know I just heard your stomach growl right there it's fine you pick one and I'll pick the other one okay we'll pick it at the same time all right three two one go [Music] huh well here's the trick about this one Daisy my stomach is made out of titanium so I can eat anything and be perfectly fine you cheater all right Daisy here's a little present for you and I ain't talking about cookies gross hey hey this is hard for me too you know oh alas I have to eat rotten flesh that used to be human how awkward how undivine how why don't you pick vegetables huh I hate vegetables so why are you making I didn't make you pick it you picked vegetables you didn't pick the rotten flesh hey aren't you the one that always eats meat all the time you're the one that's like killing all the mobs in fact have you noticed that there's no passive mobs around here I think you caused a famine all right Daisy it's time to eat Bottoms Up three two one [Music] Daisy you remember what mom told us vegetables are good for us laughs gross okay Daisy Daisy I have a secret that makes vegetables taste better okay look at the vegetable now look at me now look in my hand that's what's in your hand right now [Music] uh come on Daisy it wasn't that bad get up Daisy dizzy hold on a second this happens all the time [Music] oh my gosh all right but what are the questions would you rather use an ax or use a bow ax or a bow this must be about PVP right hi ow ow no what are you doing oh I'm scared to use an ax because you're scared huh you're scared to use an ass scared to use an ax what are you saying what are you on Daisy are you scared to use to use an ax um not really looks like you're scared to pick one because you don't know what's waiting in store you don't know the thing I prepared what what do you mean I last time you did that my house blew up I'm talking about um um I'm gonna really have to ponder this you know what Daisy I ain't no wuss I'll take the ax wow what did you say what did you say you want to say that again I'm grateful little you must say that again huh you want to say that again if I said it we would get demonetized we are gonna be fighting something what are we fighting this is your ax and are you ready um Daisy why is this Arena so small and also why are you up there I mean some armor some of this and that what's the cash ier just mix and match you'll be fine why are you okay well I guess this one's good why do I look like a freaking runway model Daisy this is foreign oh yes I'm ready you know I want to return the hospitality you gave me with those vindicators and present you with a very simple but unorthodox question would you rather wear a pumpkin on your head or hold a mango movies what's wrong Daisy holding up mango doesn't sound so bad heck in fact Daisy I'll even do it right now see I'm standing on this side and boom I'm holding a mango isn't that so easy I oh down what's wrong with mangoes come on it's just a mango look at that it's just a mango is what's your problems with mangoes Daisy oh look at that it's just a fruit I mean I bet a lot of people watching this video love me ow okay okay okay oh good oh I mean the only alternative is wearing a pumpkin on your head and I know you just love being stuffed into a pumpkin huh [Music] well you know maybe someone shouldn't have trapped me in a little two by two compartment with a bunch of angry men that was your fault my fault you know what how about you hold this mango maybe calm down are you trying to shoot the mango you're me you're so awesome victory oh my mango oh my feet see anything what do you mean there's holes in this don't worry there you go specify if it was enchanted or not Daisy now you're gonna have to wear that for the rest of the video yeah yeah your voice really suits your face right now I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry get back in the house okay okay you know I just I needed to stretch my legs anyway would you rather tell your biggest secret or give away your most precious items uh um I don't know if I can do this um man Daisy these questions are kind of lame I'm not gonna lie you probably should pick out some better ones you know all right hey why do you solve all your problems with violence huh you haven't wanted me to wear a pumpkin head so you gotta pick one okay okay okay okay fine fine tell your biggest secret uh I mean do I have to it doesn't have to be to you right no it has to be to me uh I'm not gonna lie Daisy if I if I did this I don't think you would I don't think you would like me anymore uh not like not that you don't like me anyway items do I even have left you burned everything your pee bucket why would you even want my bucket Daisy I thought you hit my bucket and it's so precious um um he's a dab fresh this I mean this ax that's not the right ax probably has more value than anything you know you're a bucket I don't know if I could separate with my Pokemon but my biggest secret you give me your bucket and I'll burn it [ __ ] [ __ ] this Buck has been passed down from generation to generation that's just disgusting fine fine fine fine what what precious item did you even have oh you already have my brushes item you already have my total plushies so I'm gonna do anything more uh oh yeah that's right I I I I do have hey it's where's my where's my total where's my total roll plushie funny story um during all the Havoc um where is my Totoro plushie see so you know how it had all that snot and Gunk on it right you remember that you sneezed on it and you put you like put all your boogers and those so I wanted to surprise you and uh clean it and put in the washing machine and it may or may not have um unwoven oh oh I'll get you another one I'll get you another one listen listen to reason Daisy Daisy stay down stay back stay back I'll burn your cookies Daisy you talk my total plushie and broke it look look it was an accident I was trying to clean it to surprise you and it's not like it's Daisy what are you doing with my bucket you broke my Totoro no please Spirit no no please okay well at least we finished the game and you know I had fun I have two arrows and I lost my bucket so where's my cookies oh yeah your cookies um see here's the issue Daisy you know how you kind of punched me like crazy in this video you remember that you remember that Daisy have no clue no clue about it just like that and every time I did that I would have to eat a cookie every single time foreign that was the last cookie you ate all the cookies I did this for nothing and you owe me a bucket for what reason do you need to be in Creative so you don't hurt me I'm not afraid to kill the punch a child I'm not afraid to punch a child what are you talking about okay well what are these questions fight wow I have a new flower yeah look at that
Channel: Ethobot
Views: 189,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethobot, minecraft animation, Aphmau has NO EMOTIONS in Minecraft, nico, cash, aphmau, nico and cash, daisy, Etho, ethobot, etho and daisy, nico and zoey, daisy minecraft, mia, prestonplayz, eystreem, firelight, Babysitting DAISY in Minecraft!, Dating a YANDERE in Minecraft!, Who KILLED CASH In Minecraft?, Minecraft, but any scary build hack becomes real, Guess Who!, Minecraft but Would you Rather?, Minecraft but GUESS WHO?, Why I Killed EYSTREEM in Minecraft…
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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