Doors, But Every 5 Rooms my HUD gets worse..

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Roblox doors is too easy so today I'm beating the game but every five doors I'm spinning a wheel picking a random Roblox game and adding a part of that game to doors so by the end it might look something like this like in summer you suck and let's start alright so I'm in the game and these first five doors should be really easy let's just grab the key real quick there we go I also bought all the items from the elevator because why not but I'm just gonna speed around these first few doors door three door four and door five okay no monsters yet so now it's time to spin the wheel as you can see we have like 20 different Roblox games so let's spin it what we're gonna get be something good and we got pet Simulator X that's actually a pretty good one so now we're gonna find an image from the game uh this one looks good I'm gonna put these buttons into doors and there we go this looks perfect and now it is inside of our doors game this is so cool bro wait I can't even see my items now what the heck okay this is my uh this is my lighter that was a bad position to put those buttons but it's okay I can live for now let's go to door 10. is there a crucifix in this room no crucifix I'm so unlucky we're at door 9 almost gotta spin again no monsters just yet and door 10 okay we gotta spin again let's see what game we get and it's mm2 okay another very popular game so for this game we're gonna use this image right here and I'm gonna try to take this thing right on the side there we go I got it I'm gonna move it on this side actually and Bam now it's inside of doors it doesn't take too much oh my gosh there's eyes okay ow get away from me as I was saying it does not take too much of our screen so I think we should be good we're at door 13 already bro time is flying I almost have to spin the wheel again grab the key there we go door 14. oh the light just flickered uh okay I think I hear rush I think I see him yep I definitely hear him get in the closet okay that was close it's gonna be really hard to see closets later on when my full screen is covered but here we go door 15. let's spin this wheel again I kind of want to get Tower of Hell please bro please never mind looks like we're getting bed Wars I don't think that game has a lot of Hud yeah it doesn't have that much I'm just gonna take this red health bar down here it's really tiny move it right over the items and there we go now we have two health bars inside of doors the bottom left and bottom middle let's go we'll never die guys we have so much HP but here we go door 16. what the when did they add the lone wolf picture into doors I don't know they added this meme into it it's called the alpha be an alpha not a beta guys I actually don't know what that means here we go and flip that switch I'm almost at door 20 already I've seen what two monsters any in here yeah I don't think so okay let's spin this wheel please be a game with like no HUD please blocks fruits uh I think that has a lot of Hud yeah it has a lot of it I'm gonna take the health bar down here and stuff all this stamina and stuff put it right there and there we go it's on my screen what the wait no I'm so dumb I can't see my health bar now oh my gosh dude I'm not gonna know if I'm low or not this sucks it's okay I'm just gonna be very very careful with every step and Elijah's flickered okay I think Rush is coming yep okay you're here I'm getting closer get in the closet ah and there he goes Where's My Flashlight bro I cannot see crap oh my gosh what a screech comes door 24 okay in a puzzle room ooh a candle yes give me that please and door 25. I'm officially a quarter of the way through now I get to spin the wheel again spin that wheel and it looks like it's gonna be a DOT me yep it's a DOT me the game where you drown babies I mean what there is a lot of HUD in adopt me I think I'm gonna use these four sections right here though these four little buttons I really need that friends button because I have none and there we go they're on the screen I cannot click them though anything good we got in here uh I got a lock pick ooh dude I have so many items in my inventory but I can't even see half of them please don't beat Timothy The Spider and the lights flickered okay another rushing coming you're in the closet go oh my gosh he was right there dude he was right there almost door 30 where's 30. uh over here please don't be a dark room okay thank goodness it's not time to spin the wheel again what game we gonna get I think it's gonna be Brookhaven oh maybe Tower of Hell nope it's Brookhaven I'm gonna try to find a smaller button for this one let's see here I'm gonna do the shot button right over here this bottom corner seems like a good spot and there we go got it okay are we doing a seek Chase now like what is this long hallway I don't think so yet yeah no seat change yeah okay with the lights flicker oh there's some eyes oh crap there's two doors bro I don't know which door it is I can't even check anymore I'm gonna go with 34. okay of course it's not bro I don't even know I don't know how much HP I have I'm probably so weak can I get a Band-Aid no no Band-Aid if you got any chest in here any chest oh we have one it's just coins never mind yo let's go up Band-Aid oh my gosh I'm so lucky and another one I'm probably almost at Max Health now unlock the door and now it is time to spin the wheel again please donate okay that's really good that game has like no HUD at all I'm gonna use the pink money at the bottom it's a really small button and we'll put it right at the top left and now it is time for a seek Chase it should be pretty easy I can see most of my screen still what's up seeky poo what's up okay run this is so easy bro I've done the seek Chase what like 27 times already actually probably like 2700 and there we go I beat it I'm gonna watch him slam his face in the Wall come on come on come on bro so trash kid get out of here anything good in here please know Timothy please no Timothy okay I think we're good oh my gosh there's three doors in this room okay I think it's 42. I don't think I'm gonna get this one wrong please 42. no oh my gosh are you serious I'm actually so stupid is it 43 okay it is thank goodness and the lights are flickering again all right time to get in the closet goodbye Rush goodbye have a good day just kidding have a terrible day we're at Door 46 now so let's spin again hopefully something easy oh Tower of hell that's a really good one there's almost no head at all in this game so I'm actually gonna do two things let's take the timer and like the bar on the right right hand side you can't see the timer well in here but it'll show in game and I put the bar right next to the mm2 stuff there we go looks good our screen is actually filling up a lot now I'm actually worried it's gonna look so bad soon door 48 we're almost a figure right now oh my gosh I can barely see door 49. let's check all of these closets I mean drawers it looks like there's nothing in them but okay here we go door 50. what's up figure you dumb idiot I'm about to beat you with like half my eyesight he looks so stupid so I'm gonna crawl into this corner now and spin again because you know it is another five doors [Music] please bro please okay we got piggy I mean that's not a terrible one I don't know if there's a lot of Hud and piggy oh yeah there's like nothing there's only a Crouch button I guess I'll use that here we go I'll put in the open space at the bottom that looks good now time to beat this door 50. you know the control button is actually true it is controlled a Crouch grab this book my screen is so covered right now no dude I can't even see the code at the bottom left I can't see the numbers guys I might have to cheat a little bit soon okay I don't know yet it's my video okay shut up I can break the rules if I want to I can still see the paper well though I got all the books now but I can't see anything I can kind of see the first digit is zero but I'm gonna have to cheat guys I'm sorry okay I got the code I think it should be like this and Bam since I kind of cheated I'm gonna spin the wheel twice next time but here we are at Jeff's shop what do I want hmm I'm just gonna get a crucifix there we go yeah okay the light just flickered okay get in the closet get in do not die okay okay okay am I a door 55 now I I literally cannot tell I think I am so I'm gonna spin twice here let's get some good games one is build the bow and the other is Rainbow friends okay I'm not sure how bad these games are for this challenge but let's see oh no this is actually kind of bad you know what I'm gonna make it hard I'm gonna take this launch button right here and the goal and for rainbow friends I'm just gonna do the blocks found and there we go it's on the game dude this is filling up this is not good for me and it's a dupe door oh my gosh okay I could die from this if this door is 55 it should be 56 now right oh my gosh I hope I'm not low please okay good I really could have died there this is so bad and it's a dark room bro I can't see crap door 59 okay I already have three lock picks oh my gosh and door 60. dude I gotta spin again can I wait until I get into like a bright room I don't want to spin it in a dark room I'll just do the spin in this room right here I don't think Street spawns here let's spin I kind of want to get Jailbreak I don't think there's a lot of HUD in that game and I got jailbreak I guess you asking you shall receive oh wait a second jailbreak has a lot of Hud what the heck I guess the best thing I can do is get this little mini map down here I found a different screenshot but it still looks good and I also got like a little bar here to you know like spice that little little bit okay there we go it's added dude I cannot see any corners of my screen it's impossible door 62. I honestly think I can win this whole challenge with the die here Screech okay oh that scared me that could have killed me I need to find bandages though dude I'm so I'm probably low I hear Russian again okay okay get it get in get in oh my gosh that sounded so close what the heck bro I don't know if it's door 66 or 65 okay never mind it's it's already open but it's time to spin the wheel again so we're gonna do that I don't really hope for anything this time ooh Arsenal okay that might actually be a good one I don't think there's a lot in that game let's see let's see let's see uh yeah there's not a whole lot I'm gonna take the little health bar down here I think that's the best bet look at that bro we got so many helpers now okay so my game disconnected and I had to go all the way back to Door 67 but now I'm here uh I don't know how low I am but it's okay because I have a million health bars I'm so op I don't have a skeleton key so I can't get in here sadly but here we go door 68 uh no monsters please what was that was that seek okay I think there's just Eyes On The Wall anything good in here at all oh I got a lock pick oh I got a key too guys look what door number it is it's so funny right guys so funny right guys okay I'm sorry now we're at door 70 so let's spin the wheel again now I got even more health bars let's go bro this is way too much health bars but here we go we got another seek Chase like guys I can do this blindfolded okay I'm doing it right now blindfolded you have no proof I'm doing it right now and the final room the fire room I actually have only taken damage here like once in my life slam your face in that door bam wait how'd that door open I wasn't even near it what the heck okay I guess I don't have to see dupe I didn't even open that door bro what the heck okay uh another Rush okay okay get in the closet have a good day Rush have a good day oh I just realized it's door 81 I literally have to spin again click to spin honestly whatever it lands on I'm fine with okay Royal High I mean I guess that's okay oh my gosh never mind there is so much stuff on the screen bro there's so much Hood literally the smallest thing I can find is this thing right here so I'm gonna make it smaller and put it right over here somewhere it looks ugly but I don't care there's nowhere else to put it dude are you serious there's another oh no I need a closet I need a closet oh wait never mind I think it was oh okay well I guess we're doing Hull um oh gosh he's behind me go away halt no one likes you bro I am focusing so hard right now where the is the door okay I made it oh my goodness that literally took forever dude I'm at door 86 but every room is so dark no I gotta get into a bright room there's no way I'm spinning a wheel in a dark room okay oh wait I think I think uh Rush is coming never mind actually we're good let us spin the wheel and I got big paintball wait does this game even have HUD I don't think it does okay it does but it's really small oh I'm gonna take the kill feed down here I think that'd be cool here we go this looks good I'm gonna put it right next to the Royal High stuff now Roblox doors is officially a shooter game what the what the rush is coming again two door what the are you getting gonna get in oh my gosh that was so close bro I actually almost died there what the heck I would have cried no choke okay but we're now we're at door 90. dude we only have 10 doors so I'm gonna spin the wheel twice here because I'm in the greenhouse rooms now and I do not want to do it at door 95 that's gonna be tortured so the first game we got got is MEEP City and then we guy Aveda for odor hang out I'm gonna take the coins right here and for evade I'm just gonna take the health bar all corners of my screen are taken up this is like the worst it's gonna get okay I gotta Focus so hard here sorry if I don't talk much okay guys I'm sorry I gotta Focus I gotta be super careful for traps if I walk in one I'm screwed I think I hear Rush okay get in the closet oh that was close oh my gosh guys I hate this game a lot right now I think that's door 99 please okay okay good and here we are we're at door 100 It's the final wheel spin either combat Warriors or sonic speed simulator go and it's Sonic Speed simulator okay you know what let's just put both of the games on okay screw it I gotta make it maximum difficulty so for Sonic I put these rings in this energy bar and level bar and for combat Warriors I put these buttons now let's do this door 100 with basically no vision at all come here figure Bring It On yeah Frick you kid okay run run run run I gotta run to the right I think bro he's following me oh my gosh okay okay I need to collect all these things now I already got four of them so so far doing good this is scary bro I can't see crap I only need two more of these little battery things oh where is he where is he okay I'm just gonna hide in this corner guys he's right there I'm so scared right now I think the last two pieces are all the way at the top yep there's one and the other one's right over here you know what figure I want to use this crucifix come here stupid bam yeah get out of here kid get out of here I need to go do this thing now go go go put all the things pull the things and now we set on fire burn freak you kid I can barely see the cut scene what is happening now I gotta do this puzzle uh I'm just gonna skip to when I do it and there we go I did it okay get an elevator all right run run run run oh my gosh I can't believe I beat that bro I can't believe it I am literally the best doors player okay don't even at me guys don't even at me but yeah guys go watch another video on the screen now like And subscribe or you suck and uh figures gonna kill me now
Channel: Mr_Booshot
Views: 317,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, bridge run, mrbooshot, mrbooshot ibella, mr_booshot, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny, roblox funny moments, fake doors, doors monster, doors item, crucifix, roblox doors, doors roblox, doors, doors update, update, floor 2, doors floor 2, i created fake doors, quiz, doors quiz, guess the doors, hud, hud doors, hud mario, hud gets worse
Id: Fc2qzOBBYH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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