Minecraft but EXTREME WHO AM I?

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you date we are um yeah what [Music] who am I what are they [Laughter] this is who am I each player has three guesses to figure out who they are or they die who am I I know I'm aphmau don't tell me I don't even know I don't know okay that's a really deep question okay all right all right all right so so you guys ready to play yeah yeah I'm ready oh what is happening wow oh my god wow look at what about me what about you having a theme going on here oh yeah yeah I think I do too who wants to go first who wants to go first that would be me I'm going first okay go ahead go first okay I don't know listen um I I don't even know where to begin um okay uh do you want am I like a creature or no no who do you think you are there's a theme going on here just make a guess do you want to start with a guest yes yes just guess okay uh uh I'm Bowser in swim trunks no no no no no you're more not uh think opposite yeah they they think do you like her his brother uh then I gotta be uh wait Mario yeah but you're doing something or doing something you're like you're like doing something from the 70s 70s 70s okay okay ancient times yes I know yes I must be Mario doing like disco dance or something no no no um okay it's like what happens when you when I go when you a glass Falls it yeah breaks and when you go to a dance for you oh okay okay I'm Mario break dancing yes yes I gotta see this yeah plus a move really okay all right me next be next am I Bowser no you're not Bowser I'm not you are the same color as Bowser yeah yeah I'm Yoshi but something um you're not a normal Yoshi not normal I'm a yellow I okay [Music] [Laughter] okay so I was paying attention when Aaron was done oh no I know a little bit so I can assume that I'm Luigi but I'm doing something something about me if you know I'm not doing anything okay so is something wrong with me do like am I doing yeah you made some New Year's resolutions what would your resolutions be oh oh um okay let me try this um popular New Year's resolution M am I like super buff Luigi that's so fast okay okay let me try this let me let me I Gotta See [Music] um I'm guessing I'm Peach but there's something about it right yes you're like a vacuum cleaner yeah that's that's one way to put it yeah yeah uh let me see like if you were making a cake for Mario you would want to eat the cake first am I [Music] your pink and your rounds is a pretty good hit now nice sorry Mario your princess is in another Castle [Music] no your princess was eaten by Kirby Mario's kicking me oh what is happening over there oh this is gonna be difficult I don't know I don't know what to say about any of you okay all right you go first Casey you go first oh I'm guessing there's no reoccurring theme Here not that I can say no I don't think so I have no idea what's happening to you so you're from uh a popular movie that came out recently yeah a scary popular movie yes yes [Laughter] oh no you also lost the guess you gotta be careful okay you you were popular on Tick Tock for a bit oh yeah yeah oh um [Music] I'm doing so exciting yes yes you're doing something I just can't describe why yeah I don't know I mean yeah you're pretty good at it yeah like it's more of an interpretive dance than anything yeah it's uh I think you like bro five times [Music] [Laughter] I mean I can definitely smell what you're cooking with this style over here oh oh yeah uh there's there's something special about you okay you oh let me make a wild guess because I'm assuming it's something I'm listening okay am I or I am the rock but behind me there's like a little bunch of rocklings behind me and they're all following me waiting for winter and when we go out and and I lost one so I lost a Little Rock link and the rockets be quiet okay and and then and and then I go find uh Jumanji your guess has gotta be done um let's Okay was I close was I like Chinese you really live up to your name let's say that's a great one I'm a rock rock I am the rock rock what what get yourself oh wow got it yeah I mean it's gone wow wow I was like that that's that's like the oldest book in the trick I mean [Laughter] all right apparently um big fan so apparently of someone popular yeah am I am I a musician yeah pretty popular yeah a musician okay okay what oh boy am I um okay all right all right don't don't don't yell at me uh these fans okay but I'm gonna try to take you guys here you are a musician and you worked with somebody whose name was similar to this guy Zane Zane yes Zayn okay Zane oh boy Dane yes who is it that was the name Zane um you have style that's a girl right yeah yeah you've got like like you know like like you know bunnies are very funny you no bunnies are very soft Casey help me out here okay fur they're a furry but they're what makes them soft I mean I am not good to put on humans hair yeah and then what what a bunny was dressed very nice it would have great style Harry Style that was so difficult oh wow from One Direction ah there you go now this this is gonna be difficult [Music] yes oh gosh uh am I it's it's a little bit hard to not laugh ing Aaron Aaron Aaron so you you yes look into my eyes do I have eyes I don't know where to look for this banana okay am I a minion no no related to them you're related to them I'm related to them you're like you're like in charge of them so Gru yes but good good good and then and then and then Casey's wrapped in plastic I I am I I am I I grew wrapped in in plastic wrap oh my God no no no no no no [Music] um yeah go to your dream mansion after you get this right I am big Rue dressed as a Barbie yeah that's close enough look at you'll have to look at me I am a Barbie girl in the Barbie world no one's even spelled that one boil that's great all right I'm gonna go 10 to my Rockies now bye oh boy oh my God what are you doing what's happening with me what's happening with you okay okay all right uh you know I'm gonna go first I'm really curious okay you just what oh sorry just whenever you lay down it's just yeah it's it's a bit wonky oh boy oh okay oh look there goes one of your cousins right there oh yeah look look my cousins um all right what's wrong why do you keep laughing because let me look at you I mean I know I got no reason so a pig is my cousin I'm a pig yeah okay I'm getting good at this all right nice okay who can I think of that's a pig um famous pig we should say Pig Peppa I'm Peppa It's gotta be Peppa well there's something else you know you're not that easy why is it easy what's wrong with me what is wrong I don't know what's wrong with you like you got something going on here uh okay so oh my gosh you scare me to look at oh my God oh my gosh am I okay all right so I'm probably not a flat Peppa Pig y'all are freaked out am I a 3D Peppa Pig Stop Dancing like that I can't help but be who I am okay so 3D Peppa but boy you got up on the wrong side of the bed I don't even what is wrong with me okay I am Peppa Pig with a 3D and I'm I'm I'm Mario no no no no no no um okay how about this um let's just say you need like two pairs of glasses I won all right just take a look oh I'm about to say you needed two pairs of glasses but you caught me off [Music] the side you don't even have to turn your head oh yeah peripheral vision all over all right who's next yeah who's next [Music] okay as I stand up on the stage to present in front of you all same face Aaron please face Aaron face Aaron oh please what's the matter Aaron actually no he's turkey Oh no you're very working it yeah okay so someone or something is dancing you you've got the moves yeah am I in like a cartoon character doing this uh no no no not a cartoon cartoon you are a threat sir a big threat it's like a threat to the universe to the universe okay everything is not balanced right no nothing is balanced what was it worth what was it worth Zayn oh this this is weird um Cthulhu busting a move wow Oh no you're not um no uh go to the universe oh boy yeah okay Captain America I'm putting that out there and you fought Iron Man and you fought and you were tired and you were tired for a bit so you could grow some watermelons okay so I am Thanos throwing it back oh my see this sucks all right all right am I am I moving am I doing any action no you're not no like you just staying where you are is enough action as it is all right all right so I'm still okay uh math you're really distracting me so so I'm threatening but but I'm also sucks am I like no no no you have no arms to t-post with okay okay not t-post okay okay let me let me let me let me let me tell you all right so you've you've got a resolution okay you've got like like for New Year's yeah yeah what's the most popular one to lose weight well I mean what's the second most popular one [Music] yeah that's it to work out yeah but how much like imagine if you did that like times a thousand like like if you wanted to get like a uh this kind of figure what would you do no well that's what I would do to get looking like you let's let's say you've already done the squats you've done yeah the crunches you've done all of that all right all right but uh I am an Among Us character right yes yes you are all right so so and among us but with a very buff legs oh you are a buffus among us all right buff is Among Us so chiseled all right Casey your turn oh we gotta have to back up a little bit there's a very wide berth look at that wingspan yes uh you like green and money you do like money like I cannot leave your restaurant without being charged for the air okay um Mr Krabs okay you pretty much got it on the first shot wow
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,306,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: U0aroPmJ350
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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