I Survived 1,000 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)

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question do you want to watch a guy spend way too long building things in a block game then you came to the right place my friend because I just hit 1000 days in my hardcore world and look at all the things we've done we've mapped out an entire Overworld in the end built a giant nether portal look at that thing we collected every illegal item in the game none of these things should exist what even is that we put an entire ocean in the nether what what that's not even possible how do you do that we'll stick around and find out stick around for two hours to find out you can watch this while you study while you sleep you can even just watch this you don't need a reason we start with episode one which is technically episode three because we don't talk about these two anywho I spent 1 000 days in Minecraft hardcore and here's what happened I spent 24 hours seeing how rich I could get in Minecraft 1.18 it was not easy this video is gonna be split into three phases getting overpowered tools to get rich making overpowered Farms to get richer okay wow I'm rich if you want to see how rich I get stick around to the end of the video Elon Musk Jeffrey Bezos Bill Gates Mr Krabs what all these tycoons have in common that's right an insatiable appetite for wealth I like to think that I'm up there with them but in reality I'm not I literally have a diamond and two pieces of bread to my name please stop trying to escape and I think I deserve to be so much richer than that thank you so much guys this food is really going to help me because I'm trying to get his room I'm here to tell you right now listen we need all the diamonds yeah all of them and to do that in 1.18 you've got to go all the way down to Y level -59 and strip mine would have made more sense to put them in the brand new caves but I don't make the rules I just abide by them all right let's get it we've got it it's it's not enough though no oh a whole no all right let's make a couple of these all right professional Minecraft strats here I'm a veteran how do I get how do I this is so slow all right let's enchant a diamond pickaxe we got okay why can't we why can't we get level 30 is it because I don't have 30 levels all right let's go get 30 levels a long time okay we've got 30 levels back again let's put these in and still Level 20 okay we need more books okay I'm just gonna borrow some leather I promise I'll give it back okay sugar cane sugarcane sugar oh sugar cane what you're not that guy pal trust me you're not that but I swear it hasn't taken this many bookshelves every other time I've done it please be my friend please I'm sorry okay but why is every bee in existence here okay this is this has got to be enough oh oh who's gonna win now these guys are at it oh no oh now we gotta go bye how many bookshelves uh 15. okay okay yes okay 30. all right let's see what we get Fortune three I'm actually gonna reject that okie dokie I guess we're gonna go and get some more XP then so we did this back and forth for a while because it kept getting bad enchantments and I accept nothing less than I'm breaking three fortune three and efficiency four and so it took a while but eventually we did get it at what cost you ask uh about an hour wait yeah wasted about an hour on this not not very good really but good things come to those who wait and those who spend about an hour in the near the mining courts what it would cost okay let's go and get all the diamonds we have now got a decent pickaxe and a dream and I'm gonna start mining right here so much faster please be eight please be eight please two another three why did I just why did I just mind that with my own no already this pickaxe was a worthy investment we are two hours 14 minutes and 19 seconds in and things are going great okay we dug a decent a decent distance there we're now gonna go three blocks this way one two three and we're gonna we're gonna go back we're just gonna repeat this over and over again until I'm bored I mean until we're riching okay so a total of 20 minutes of Mining and we've got 61 diamonds is it enough uh do you ever heard Jeff Bezos going oh yeah no I think I've got enough money now no we continue [Music] for a second while I just stroke my diamonds yeah I think I think we're flying too close to the Sun here all right we now have all these diamonds let's make some diamond armor glass protection that could be pretty pretty useful I have been known to be blasted in my time another blast protection though really I don't think so sure I'll take some fire protection you know what I don't usually use smites so I'm gonna go with Smite this time okay last thing we're gonna do here is actually repair this pickaxe two levels that's pretty good you know I liked my I like Smite now we can't be sat around here all day talking about Smite okay we're three and a half hours in and we've still got to get rich okay let's make some golden apples quickly because we're going to the nether all right let's find some skeletons well first we need to find another Fortress actually now what I mean by skeletons is actually Blazers because we're wasting no time we're collecting all the things we need to go and introduce ourselves to that Ender Dragon oh boy I wonder where I'm gonna find a fortress because it's really been a long time now this gives me fire resistance right yeah kind of It kind of does if you keep eating them so I made my way to the nether fortress to collect some blaze rods I can hear a lot of fire boys oh yes give me that sweet fiery nectar come on I dare you I did okay we got nine nine should be enough for now let's go get some eyes uh ender pearl eyes hi have you ever heard of smite Smite whoa oh no oh no [Music] then I clicked cement pearls and before heading off Enchanted some more of my gear okay we got seven Eyes of Ender I don't think that's gonna be enough but I can't find any more Enderman so we're gonna try our luck I'm not too fussed about what I get since I'll be re-enchanting everything soon anyway it's just that I don't die before I get to that point we're getting richer by the second then set off Pro tip if you say please the eye vendor actually never breaks I'm not even kidding it's a magical word please please feather falling please please please man this whole police thing is working so far sure do wish I brought a boat okay I'm gonna get a boat this is oh wait I can't I can't jump up because I have mining fatigue yay yes I'm swimming and I have no wood but guess I'm swimming a few inches later I have been swimming in the Arctic for about 30 minutes yeah yeah that's it stay still stay still nice quickly add that to my collection yeah this is probably the most annoying area I've ever had The Misfortune of searching for something in let's just Dig Down okay so I'm pretty hopeful that if we explore this cave we're gonna find the end thing that was literally right there it's literally right there okay that is not seven we need two more The Optimist in me when searching for the remaining 200 pearls in the Fortress but instead I only found two mob spawners I'm so unlucky Ah that's got to be pretty rare right Spawner in a stronghold okay sadly I think I'm gonna have to go to the surface in the end I've been out there trust me I am not interested in your kid unless he has ender pearls no but he does whoa whoa oh no oh no oh I I just keep falling I just keep falling how deep is this I'm dying why am I dying how how am I still falling this is how it ends this this is it I'm gonna oh okay how deep is this thing no no like seriously how deep is this thing what no that makes absolutely zero logic I was falling for about six months I have so many questions but kind of also don't care so I'm just gonna just gonna uh go alrighty here we are pop these in one two just ignore all of those arrows that are there that wasn't me actually I'm gonna I'm gonna need these oh hi [Music] okay she's coming down for her belly tickle here we go is it here we go shoving her belly tickle someone loves some tickles another step closer to wealth beyond our wildest imagination all right let's collect all of this and go home then I guess because I'm happy with that is what a poor Minecraft player would say we ain't done oh these guys want to come too okay let's grab these and we're going straight into the end City straight I'm sorry but these creatures just make absolutely no physical sense like what are you all right yeah whatever yeah yeah I'm bored of this now yeah yeah yeah yeah okay good now okay I'm they used to be good looting these are they nerfed the loot they better not have I hope that was a one-off yay man I actually remembered the head I always forget the head is weird because I actually I actually really feel like I'm a dragon [Music] okay let's make a shulker box ah local shulker box we're gonna make a diamond ax we're gonna enchant it and get the best enchantment that there ever is so we did not get that but that will do actually that won't do sure I don't know what I don't know what Fortune does on a on an ax but I'll take it wee okay I have a light truck but I have no rockets and even if I did I'd just break it really quickly you know what we need mending books and you know what that means it's villager time see that's why we've got this ax we're about to do a lot of chopping now if you don't know why I'm chopping down trees for villagers future Kalani will explain because I really can't be bothered to right now Juju Kalani here you see logs they're full of sticks and villagers well they're full of emeralds and if you find a village and make a villager of Fletcher he'll buy all of your sticks he loves sticks you keep bringing these ghost sticks and they'll make you very rich it's a good old-fashioned commercial transaction you see you give and you receive something that is in your eyes of equal or greater value in this case far greater value because emeralds are as a fact better than sticks in almost every way hey buddy real quick real quick can I just see you in here real quick and just trap him in now comes the fun part we break this and until we find a mending book yay okay we have a mending book but we don't have a book yeah I'm gonna need a book well I know where I'm gonna get the leather from um but I don't know where I'm gonna get the sugar cane from my friend an absolute pleasure doing business with you if I get if I get that if I buy that from him place that do this yeah yeah I can get some more of these well listen my friend this has been thoroughly successful for me I wish you all the best in all of your endeavors but actually I'm gonna lock you in here so I wish you all the best in your imprisonment brilliant next up we needed an overpowered XP farm now there are a lot of choices when it comes to XP Farms my personal favorite is the Enderman XP farm I've used it in many videos and that's because well it's awesome but since I've built it many times I'm not going to bore you with the details and the trivia just know that it sucks to build you literally risk your life on a minute to minute basis but if you do survive it's worth it this XP farm can kick out about 0 to 30 levels in a few minutes granted your ears may be bleeding when you finish but at least you'll have those sweet levels bruh name the name tag and actually the last thing we need is ender pearls hey hey hey hey hey you yeah I'm talking to you and you and you and you and you and this guy and that one and you and her and him duh man hungry work guys yes and and we've done it we've done it that's probably the easiest one I've ever done this guy usually just absolutely destroys me so basically as soon as they see this guy just straight spinning it really really aggravates him and then they're all like hold me back bro hold me back and there is actually something holding them back right now so we gotta change that let's just let's just let them all go green element six out of eight why is why is narrator voice on okay now we start chopping we just be straight chopping out here just watching that XP roll in I spent a while enchanting until I had some almost maxed out gear I say almost because not everything is yet basically everything has efficiency and braking protection all the things you need oh I know is this guy he's gonna start dying isn't he I see this all the time in these caves it's pretty sad I'd help you if I could buddy rest in peace oh I literally had a wash bucket but I'm not gonna spend more time here than I need to because there are better things to be doing and well plopper died uh so why doesn't it work hang on a second where's plopper oh no is he died well I guess that's that's the end of that then well he kind of died at a really good time to be fair because we got some good stuff next up we need a gunpowder farm for my Rockets we need some cats there are no cats here I've located a singular cat will accept my offering how many how many how many like your mind you mind your mind you're mine you're mine get out the bed okay we have an army of teleporting cats let's go I'm gonna make it right here on this island because that seems like a good idea to me that was a bad idea this this is a hive for every type of mob in the in this game then I started working the gunpowder Farm out of 10 I rate this Farm 10 out of 10 because it's easy to build you need minimal resources and it produces a lot of gunpowder but then I take away 10 points because cats are extremely annoying to work with and you need four of them on every single level so that's a total of zero out of ten all right now comes my favorite part doing nothing okay we have a lot of gunpowder I'm not gonna need all of this right now a stack of rockets will last me for a while at least so let's try and make some TNT I'll be interested to see how much TNT we can make from that gum powder let's go and collect some sand hello hello hey don't look at me like that sometimes you just gotta take some sand okay it's nothing personal I just need some sand where else am I gonna get it bro okay so we gotta stack in a bit that's not too bad my next question is how many netherite can we find with this TNT to the nether hi bye foreign oh yeah that's good yeah nice uh nice little tunnel I've made there what I particularly like about it is the visibility okay that is all of my TNT gone and what do we have to show for it three ancient debris can we make another right Ingot from that you bet sure we can't I'm going back to the basics okay this has never failed me just straight miners see never fails me okay I'm gonna stop for my pickaxe breaks quickly repair it and uh come back come back rinse and repeat this is how we do it okay so I feel like the most valuable thing I have right now is probably my pickaxe because this is going to get me more ancient debris so let's stick it on and go and fix it oh wait it's broken isn't it nah okay let's try and get another plopper there he is now okay so this should work yeah don't say that works okay one thing I have just realized is that I have a ton of sheep so we could try the bed method okay awesome well we got some word let's try this out I'm gonna do this for 30 minutes and if it's not working I can live without netherrite okie dokie let's set up a little base of operations here and let's make a load of beds and let's start blowing stuff up foreign we've got 25 which is definitely worth it so I'm going to use the rest of these materials and then and there we are with this extra that we already have we should actually have enough to finish everything and final one and there we are completely netherite tit out okay next up on our list is an emerald Beacon now the method I'm going to use is still trading sticks for emeralds but I'm going to do it differently this time because I'm going to keep curing these villagers until they trade one stick for one Emerald Yes you heard that right so first we need to make a base of operations oh I think I have a brewing stand somewhere here hopefully I really hope I have a brewing because I don't have a brewing stand yes thank you now we pop the fermented spider eyes in and that makes potion of weakness then we add some gum powder and that makes a splash potion of weakness okay so sticky piston there repeater here leather here then we're gonna put a trapdoor on it and we're gonna do that for every single one of these yeah I can actually trap this guy right now he's trapped you're trapped my friend so what happens is you have a zombie out here when the villagers are up like this you can't touch them but when you press this and they get lowered down then he can turn them okay so now I'm gonna dig some holes and hopefully the villager's gonna fall through them ah over here in and there you are brilliant ah that's how they're getting out it is because I did not shut the trap doors now we just wait for the night time and while we're waiting for night time I'm gonna go Apple farming we're gonna need a lot of golden apples okay now we got this guy in here we can escape and when I drop this guy down he should start attacking so if I come over here and there we are okay he is turned and this guy's turn now this guy's about to turn so now we're gonna Splash and now he's just waiting [Music] okay and they're all starting to heal now just this guy and there he is okay so now it's down to 26. let's go again you might not want to come in here bud you might not want to come in here he just ran away okay they're all healed and we are now at 20 sticks for one Emerald okay we do need to do some serious Apple farming now though oh we can actually buy them from this guy that's that's uh so much easier okay now we just need to farm for some gold apparently why minus 16 is the best for gold so we're gonna strip mine and see if we find any yeah I didn't find any strip mining caves are still the best for gold okay let's cook this up make some of these okay with these guys in the back you can either name tag them or put them in a boat if they're in a boat they won't despawn they're now down to 14 and we go again okay they're now down to eight sticks for one Emerald okay they're not down to one but I'm actually gonna start trading at seven because this guy's he's reset his trades which is not good I don't really want that to happen to the rest of them so seven is good enough seven sticks for one Emerald that's still pretty good yeah and let's go and get some more wood wait what that on fire my Woodland mansion's on fire how is it on fire I was gonna make a video out of this I guess I'm not guess I'm not then yeah no that's that's burning down we are getting extremely rich doing this this was definitely worth the time nah see this guy's reset his trades back up to 25. I have no idea why but you know what that means yes we're indeed getting very rich but we still had a lot to do at this point and not very much time to do it in so I thought I'd multitasking at the same time as trading with the Villagers I'd go to the nether to collect the Wither Skeleton skulls and actually what I'm gonna do is create a brand new portal now I'm gonna put a portal here that's right with the corners so you know I'm rich and then at the same time as trading with these guys I'm gonna go and look for some Wither Skeleton skulls and I bet you there's going to be another Fortress right at the spawn ah okay not too far away yes I think that's two yeah that's two and I think that's three I think that yes that is three all right let's get out of here and I I don't have my elytra on okay yeah a light show would help now let's get out of here I did some more trading with the Villagers for a while and eventually had all of the emeralds that I needed to make the beacon okay one thing I don't understand how are there two chickens there how how are there two chickens there I gotta fly past this absolute tragedy every time I go to collect wood like what happened I need to know the story of what happened here I don't understand okay I think we have all of the emeralds that we need now probably even more so yeah I'm just I'm just I'm going we're going straight into this easier doing it underground and there it is lovely okay now we're gonna use this underground with a haste we're gonna instant mine we're gonna use the Giga drill method and find all of the diamonds yeah we're actually gonna find all of them to make some space for the beacon put it down here I just realized the beacon needs sunlight and I'm like down near Bedrock that took so long in 1.8 oh I'm home I'm home thank you okay that is working and let's put some haste on it Ace two and let's start mining why why is it not insta mining why is it not instrumenting the tough is that why they call it tough because it's literally tough ah this is kind of put a hole in my plan I'm not gonna lie this is kind of this kind of ruined everything okay at this point not gonna lie I was panicking we did not have long left and I still wasn't satisfied materially so I improvised okay plan B I've gathered all the things that we need to get rich it doesn't look like it but just wait I wonder if I can glitch up onto this block my elytra come on come on hey that actually worked all right let's go okay so apparently I wasn't recording for this last bit up here good job it was absolutely incredibly boring okay the last thing we need is a villager so I'm just going to create a little stream that I can vote him down in oh hello hi I'll just fill it with water grab this guy here we go and this should lead straight to the ocean and here we are didn't that work did that work amazingly okay now you just have to now you just have to get up here get get up here okay he's up he's up now we just need bad Omen so we just gotta get this guy there we are we have bad Omen now I'm gonna go near the Villager raid is gonna start now all the pillagers are in here where they can't get to me but I can get to them then we've got a redstone clock and that drops me down a raid starts again and then I get pushed all the way back up and we go again in case this is about three minutes of loot which is not bad okay we actually don't have enough space for all of the loop we're gonna need some more space we're gonna need some more chests let's get some more chests going okay and I'm getting attacked by vexes okay I think they're gone no they're not gone they are not gone okay oh okay okay there's just literally too much are they still here these vexes are still here I'm not even sure how you properly sort it okay I just got to put these somewhere because we do not have the space okay we got chests so like we can store stuff but it's like poor people storage we need we need shulker boxes we need rich people storage so I'm just literally gonna loot the end for a while I'm just gonna loot the end okay we have looted the end pretty pretty well I'd say let's go home okay we've got all of these heads and all of these elytra along with loads more loot we've got all the shulker boxes now all the shulker boxes we need but we have 30 minutes left 30 minutes to get rich okay I'm gonna make some sort of sorting system here quick okay to make a quick sorting system so that I can Chuck out all of the rubbish and keep all the good stuff and now I can transport it and the vexes are back the Vex okay okay so the Vex is kind of messed it up I'm not gonna lie but we have got some good loot but that is the timer gone we have we have no more time we've got to go those are the rules 24 hours it's over it's over okay now we're gonna see how much we've got how much loot did we get how rich did we become in 24 hours of Minecraft 1.18 not gonna lie 1.17 was way easier it's pretty hard to get rich in 1.18 okay we're gonna visualize it we're going to place everything in front of us but first we need our Beacon yeah I should like do this should I just jump down or I'm gonna play it safe I'm gonna play this one safe foreign [Music] nice [Music] and last one and of course the egg we can't forget the egg finish it off there she is so yeah Rich can you get in 24 hours of Minecraft pretty much that rich I mean you can probably do better I'm not very good at this guy I mean look I don't even filled this I wasn't even Rich enough to fill all this backspace it's pathetic yeah all right well that's 24 hours of my life I'm not getting back [Music] let's form this boring nether portal into a mega portal in Minecraft hardcore because this thing this is old news look at the disapproval on my face I am not happy so if you want to see how I did it stick around to the end of the video this one thing is going to be right there which means well yeah I'm gonna have to move all of this this land I'm gonna have to move you you can't be here no bro okay let's set up this Beacon and uh and start moving a lot of ground that is step one step one of of many many steps okay so I feel like this is like a good center of the island let's dig down here and let's clear an area for the beacon so this is one end here you see and that's the that's the other end all the way down there that's oh this is gonna be big okay so that's how big the portal is going to be but in a big old Circle so now we've got to flatten all this out easy [Music] [Applause] okay my shovel is already completely dead now let's do the same thing to my pickaxe [Music] the other quarter of the circle things were going great but I was breaking tools at a rapid rate even ones with mending on so I went and Enchanted some more okay nice now we've got all of these tools maxed out let's get back to it [Music] okay last bit and there we are okay now we've got to put a giant obsidian Circle there and if my calculations are correct which they always aren't it should be about five stacks of obsidian and that's just for the portals outline and to make things faster I'm gonna I'm gonna take this I'm taking it [Music] a few okay we've got everything we need but I think I'm gonna do it with grass blocks first just in case I mess things up and then have to spend another half an hour mining obsidian so let's see how this goes and that's why we didn't do it with obsidian it's supposed to be there there it is okay now we just have to replace all of that with obsidian hopefully we've got enough yeah I already know this ain't gonna be enough hey that was actually enough all right okay so obviously this is just a rough cut out uh so I don't know whether to just take the entire Island down to this level or just grade all this back so it looks natural I don't know we'll have to see it after the portion is built so now I had to take it down by eight levels because Nether Portals they don't look like this they look like this they can only go upwards so you can make it like this or like this or even like this but you can't make it like this you've never seen a flat nether portal and that's because they don't exist so let's get another portal effect we've got to play seven layers of glass the first layer purple stained glass the second magenta stain glass and repeat this until you have this cool effect but I didn't come up with this glass idea so go subscribe to sandiction link in the description that rhymed but Kalani you said eight layers that's right see another portal glows so to get that glow effect the entire bottom layer of the portal is going to be covered in lava which will give off a faint glow through the glass as demonstrated by myself here easy right no no it takes so long to do this I do not recommend oh look a giant Circle okey dokey that is eight levels now let's just fill in all of these holes quickly actually before I cover this one up I uh I got an idea one two three four oh five bye bye now yeah yeah yeah okay there we are now I don't know what to do with these edges I don't know whether to just cut it off straight down or to sort of grade it out because if I grade it out it means I don't have to use so much glass because I'm already gonna have to use like a lot of glass so I'm thinking I'm gonna grade it out and see how that looks and if it looks bad I guess we'll just take it straight down [Music] but we don't need to worry about all of these imperfections here because we're going to be covering this entire bottom floor in lava and I was thinking glowstone that's going to give off an uneven light unless you evenly cover the entire bottom layer in glowstone which I don't want to do I don't so my plan is to cover it in lava and just let the lava spread out and hopefully that's going to give a completely even light to show through the glass but we'll see we'll see about that anyway we need a lot of lava Ah that's not good yeah no we're dying we're really dying okay so basically we should see how far lava flows so that is one two three so if I put it if I put it there that then connects okay and then if I put one there see it's just like a puzzle it fits together okay now we just gotta do that everywhere everywhere [Music] um there's a hole in the ground full of lava those with OCD Look Away now because everything is completely straight apart from this this one line here I'm really have OCD and that's triggering me okay we got to make a giant smelting farm so I'm gonna need a lot of iron [Music] oh no oh no my inventory is full up nah that's sad then I made the giant smelting system and to demonstrate you put the items in the top here and then the thing goes zoom and then a few seconds later you got your smilted items in the chest below so now we just need a desert okay this isn't a desert but it is a quite a substantial Beach so let's get some sand because we're gonna need some sand and when I say some sand I mean okay we've got all this glass but we need to stain it purple so we need some flowers I also and I wonder if these give off red dye yes so I can yes okay so I just wasted all that time then yep I sure did okay so then we put the red dye with the blue dye purple dye okay so I'm going to start doing the first layer of the purple stained glass we have 13 stacks and I think you're gonna be surprised at how little that does that is 13 Stacks purple stained glass and we're not even halfway through the first layer which is by the way the smallest no what have I done we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents okay halfway through the first layer so now I carried on collecting glass I became a man obsessed with collecting glass dyeing it and then placing it but after a while the first layer was done and it cost 6454 blocks of glass or 101 stacks of glass if you were to hold that in your inventory this is what it would look like bruh I got six more to do okay now we just need to find a magenta flower I think it's called is this that no is that them no that's the same thing I'm colorblind okay aha this is them right no oh my days look at this place though so yeah but no sign of magenta anywhere I swear down this isn't it [Music] yes that's the one okay and then plant this one and just doing a bit of this because that makes sense okay now we just gotta do a layer of this okay I'm just gonna go into full gamer mode I'll see you when the second layers done I guess probably just did not think it would take this long okay so 9392 of the purple stained glass and we've placed 6659 of the magenta stained glass so for a rough guess I'm gonna add another 100 and say that we need 350 stacks of glass so that's going to be six and a half double chests of glass six and a half double chest of glass that's that much glass uh no Kalani from the future here just for the record that I don't know how I got that calculation so wrong but it's wrong I needed I needed so much more glass than that like so I'm thinking right the fastest way to get coal now is probably charcoal since I've got this massive furnace there I can just I'm going to chop down a load of wood get charcoal yeah this is already so much better than mining yeah ah what's that tickling me oh there's something tickling me hey knock it off it tickles yeah all right we've got two of these they're both full and we also in our inventory I reckon that's gonna be enough for now yeah that's gonna be enough for now okay so now I just need to fill these chests up with sand and when I do I know I'll have enough so let's go fill them up [Music] all right we got six and a half chests full of sand let's get it all in okay yeah that's the most effective way of doing it right right probably not and now I AFK in my little AFK uh hole alrighty let's get it [Music] thank you and we're out well at least we know for sure that this is this is a great level okay because you look down and you can't really see the lava it gives off a glow but you can't really see it you just look really hard so that's good that's exactly what we want okay last stretch we're on the last stretch now he's like hang on a second why aren't I going home because it's fake look at all that fakery isn't it marvelous isn't it beautiful [Music] thank you [Music] okay if I make this you have to subscribe that's just how it works oh my days actually made that you just have to you have to now you have to last one I think I might cry um okay well that was a lot of grass I'm not gonna lie I I completely underestimated how much glass this needed yeah yeah I'm happy with that that glow looks good but we ain't done now we ain't done oh look it's every mob that's ever existed okay so obviously we start to make the island in the middle that's gonna look like it's coming out of the portal but I kind of want to get rid of all of this land here first but I think we can all agree that I've shown enough placing and destroying blocks so now we're going to flatten out all of this land just like this you see it's all gone that transition is not going to look very good because the sun's at a different it doesn't matter it doesn't matter yep I did a little bit of off-camera work if you know what I mean no I'm kidding I spent hours and hours moving all of this it really took a long time way way longer than I I thought I would to be able to uh to be fair okay next up we're gonna build the island in the middle so we're gonna need a lot of this okay there's the center now from this we're gonna build a symmetrical Circle and then afterwards we'll make it look a little bit more natural okie dokie okay now I'm gonna build this up into a sort of Mound okay we've got a basic shape there but it's not very good shape so let's make it more natural foreign [Music] know what to do on the top but I'm thinking like I'm thinking like a a great big warped tree you know what I'm saying maybe that would be cool and if it's not cool we'll just burn it down can you burn down these trees that that's a no okay if it looks bad then we're gonna have to live with that because I will not be chopping it down because I think what we're going to do first is get a basic shape of the tree and then just thicken it out from there oh what even is that what okay we just can taste down just try again I'm gonna try it again okay what is I mean it's an improvement on the last one so there's that okay so I'm gonna try and incorporate the portal into the tree because somehow I actually have to get to the nether yeah that just doesn't even look good ow okay no I think I got this I think I got this let's redesign redesign it right nope okay out okay getting somewhere getting somewhere okay and then do a bit of this put it put one there yep right okay I'm gonna carry on with the tree and uh return to this okay that is actually starting to look like a tree and let's put some leaves down [Music] just like that yep yep okay it's starting to look a little bit weird I'm not gonna lie so then I continue placing leaves until I created what can only be described as a five-year-old's drawing of a tree so I took it all down I couldn't find the footage of me taking it down but during that time I redesigned the leaves into more of a branch form which I think we can all agree looks a million times better and it sure is a big old tree for reference there's a tiny little villager I feel like I should go back the way I came aim it steady okay at the top of the tree now just this last cluster that looks so much better clusters of leaves was definitely the way to go I don't know why I put a bush on top of a tree the only thing is now is that all the Clusters are completely flat underneath so we're gonna have to fix that because it looks weird [Music] okay so now I think it needs some stream lights I'm not sure exactly how or where I'm gonna put them maybe just sort of maybe underneath I may have overdone it a little bit but that looks good that looks good for now so I'm just wondering if there are any sort of like nether vines that hang down because that'll look pretty cool on my tree hey look nether Vines okay let's try these out okay we'll let those grow out and see what it looks like see that's not giving me the emerging from a portal effect that I want so I think if we go like two blocks down it will kind of make it look like it's coming out more which is going to cost a lot more glass oh okay I had no idea silk touch breaks the glass blocks you can pick it up that's amazing there we are yeah yeah no that was definitely a good move man that actually kind of looks like it's coming out of the portal this is turning out so much better than I ever could have imagined because now we're going to do is take down this portal because we need to flatten out all of this land here everything else has like a nice level to it and this is just a great big no for me oh okay that looks kind of cool okay so now I want to get some of this nether grass and just start placing it around the outside of the portal and then have it blend into the real grass you see where I'm going with this we're sort of blending it in okay and then we can do a bit of this and then on the grass do a bit of this hang on a second red looks way cooler yeah I'm actually going to change this to Red okay and then maybe it should blend into the nylon I mean we can we can try it what's the Worst That Could Happen take it down I've done that five times already okay cool yeah I think that looks good I would extend it even further but I want to be done with this video at some point this year so so just looking at it from the top my plan was to take all of this Stone out and replace it with grass but I'm kind of thinking this really I'm kind of thinking the stone looks cooler it kind of looks like the portal was killed off the land all right let's do it oh there's just like there's just so many blocks in this game just placing and destroying and placing and destroying [Music] thank you fun facts my my arm physically hurts from placing blocks I don't know much about stuff but I'm pretty sure that if you if your entire arm hurts from playing a game you've probably been playing it too long all right let's smooth this area out let's make it part of the land you know I'm saying we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna naturalize it um my arm hey that looks pretty natural not bad not bad all right now we're gonna need a boatload of Bones because we've got a lot of ground to bone meal okay now he's got bone meal all of this all of this land [Music] what huh wait so if you bone meal if you bone me all the mushrooms I didn't know that wow Minecraft never ceases um amaze me oh yeah that looks cool nice okay nice we've got some uh we've got some vegetation going on here there's some vegetation up in here okay this is looking great but it's also looking kind of boring so let's plant some happy little trees it's gonna be a faster way against saplings than this but if but if there is a faster way of getting saplings I don't know it [Music] okay now we're going to highlight the edges with some bone meal [Music] looking good looking nice okay now we're gonna collect some Oak and we're going to make some fake dead trees looking nice okay finally I'm gonna make a little nether base down here because I feel like it's a waste of an opportunity right down here and this can be our way in and out because I won't regret that [Music] [Music] okay got ourselves a little nether base so yeah you come down here and then all right yeah we'll work on that but yeah look all this space for nether activities so much so much storage space we've got we also got a second floor look at this second floor more storage we'll work on that we're gonna work on that lesson Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was this nether portal I I wish it took a day but it did not so yeah there we are all done what is that thank you [Music] there we are we are done hate is it gonna say sure Kalani it looks cool but it's a bit over the top for a portal wouldn't you say I mean after all it does exact same thing as a normal one and sure there's a case there but to those people I say uh what do I say I say like like you know um uh nah [Music] I searched this place hi and I searched this place alone you know how many blocks I found here three there have been three blocks on the end Island for 11 years and that that is not acceptable [Music] hi do I did what any reasonable person would do and I put my entire Overworld in the end yes literally I'm not I'm not I wish I was kidding so if you want to see how I did it stick around to the end of the video I love how I literally have a mega portal but I'm still always starving laughs okay so I think the first step is probably to take it down to this level here and then from there we can start transforming the pillars there are 10 pillars so I'm thinking nether jungle cave Badlands and City ocean mushroom ice Plains and desert I think okay now it's all on the same level uh did I just look at that guy I think well I just definitely looked at that guy did I yeah okay we start with this big one and we'll go easiest first which is probably the nether the issue is I have to take a layer off of every single Tower otherwise they're going to be too thick so I hate obsidian already okey dokey this makes some space shove all of this in there it's actually quite a lot okay we've got that layer off let's go get some materials thank you oh hello there oh hey bud come with me yeah yeah oh all right okay welcome to the end of your life okay we got some materials let's begin on the first Tower okay it's basically here I've left the Netherrack because we're going to use lava instead so and one there and one there for the top we're gonna use warps nyliam and then we'll bone meal it and then we'll bone meal this to get a um uh there's supposed to be a tree there so oh okay so okay so yeah but no no I need I need a bigger tree like uh not that one that's what we're talking about and I'll add some of my own leaves because I'm just that kind of guy yeah that's looking good that's looking good okay some fakery well it was worth a try uh yeah so purple stained glass and fake nether portal okay now I'm gonna try and I'm gonna try and put like a like a sort of nether fortress in here sort of thing so kind of like that but I'm feeling like it maybe should come out the other side as well like a like a sort of nether fortress Crossroads don't forget the fences and some loot chests there we are Tower one nether done next up desert Tower this one's gonna be pretty easy I think I'm just gonna theme it off of the desert temple get some of this some of this and that is literally all we need actually before we start I just realized pains are gonna be a lot better for this yeah that works better I think I get done well like we're done with this one I mean we've got like eight more to do or something okie dokie jungle Tower let's see how we get on with these materials oh and also if I remember rightly I'm pretty sure I have an unusual amount of spawners here ah yes there we are there's one and I'm gonna take some of this Mossy Stone and if only I had another one around oh okay let's take some of these spider webs too and just start placing some stuff in a random order like this you see like this oh [Music] and here I'm gonna make like a little uh jungle dungeon yeah jungle dungeon okay brilliant okay cool nice uh now we got this big boy over here and this is gonna be the cave Tower I don't have a better name for it [Music] put some diamonds in there put some lapis in there put some iron in there put some Redstone in there put some Kalani in there and Cave tower all right now we're gonna make the bridges they're gonna connect to each other from about this height and they're all going to be themed from the tower that they're connected to it's going to be this height because um well these towers over here are tiny and we can't really go above them so that's the height okay this is actually very annoying to make look natural I'm just gonna I'm gonna use some slabs and then some walls I'll put some on the bottoms and there we are Desert Bridge yeah there's ow Desert Bridge Okay so yeah it's not the best to walk along but it does the job so we're going to come through here and then we're gonna go uh I'm pretty sure that's actually the wrong height I'm almost certain that it's definitely the wrong height I'm gonna have to that's fine it's fine we just raise it hey just okay okay they're actually scaring me now okay that's now raised to the right height let's continue and put some of this uh black stuff hey that actually looks quite good okay I think I've figured out a pretty consistent bridge design so yeah we can carry on making Towers now and to finish off the cave Tower we're actually going to put a geode in here that we can walk through and put some of these sparkly things and to finish this one off let's put a lush cave like right there digging through an Obsidian Tower takes way longer than you'd think [Music] Lush cave yeah Lush cave it's actually a pretty good Lush cave I'm I'm surprising myself quite a lot today anyways we've got next like a badlands or something okay Badlands Tower this is gonna be interesting because yep there we go just as I thought they're just gonna keep taking these blocks aren't they okay so I'm actually gonna have to replace all of these down here [Music] bad lands more like bad Tower I did my best all right let's make a bridge I need an end Tower so I'm gonna take yours say goodbye to your house I guess not that I can really make fun of them I I still don't even have a house but who needs a house when you have pointless Minecraft Builds that you'll never use am I am I right I went to the ocean to collect some ocean blocks for an ocean Tower but the guardian said nah sorry and gave me mining fatigue instead side note why a spoon anyway I realized I'd have to defeat them if I wanted those blocks I went fishing which was way more dangerous than fishing ever should be but anyways introducing a puffer fish I divided this guy equally into thirds and drank him to give me underwater breathing the logic here is they can only give me mining fatigue if they're alive ocean blocks check next up I needed materials for a mushroom and an ice tower I found a small island and took everything boiler alert the ice tower is going to be embarrassingly simple because ice is embarrassingly simple ocean mushroom and ice tower done now this big boy planes by him I left the biggest tower for the easiest biome I'm lazy but first something needs to happen with this Tower it's just so boring it's just something like a little ice cave in here or something okay so to finish this one off I'm actually gonna grab some quartz and make some quartz stairs and I think we can do something with that yeah words go words love words yeah kinda kinda looks like snow and then if we do sort of thing like this sort of thing it kind of looks like snow cut kind of see how it kind of looks like snow no no me neither I mean there's only so much you can do with ice really I'm gonna add like a little mine shaft and um I actually don't think that's positioned very well yeah now I'm going to change the position [Music] okay so to finish this off I think we just need some flowers and a beehive probably I'm gonna put a beehive in there because uh apparently flowers don't grow with bone meal in the end so there's a b where's your hive that's it just go into your hive yes no oh beehive will you behave but like but but like yes yes [Music] there we got some flowers up here now and we're gonna put this dude right here hello are you alive I think I can hear him well listen I wish you all the best uh living in a completely different dimension okay now we've got the basic design of all of them let's build the bridges between yep all right let's do this uh uh firstly how secondly how did they do that do these guys are up there thinking they can take some meat blocks as well but they can't it's Enderman proof because you don't know Enderman can only pick up the side blocks so if you make a side block a block they can't pick up they can't get them uh so but yeah Bridges so I'm gonna be lazy and just put another mine shaft in here but it has a Twist because it's in a different Tower and it has spider webs yeah you see completely original completely original [Music] okay we got mushroom ice and planes by him left let's speed run some bridges [Music] hey that looks kind of nice okay one more left ah these Bridge haters just won't leave me alone [Music] another mine shaft [Music] okay there we are do need to cut these Vines down though because that looks weird Moment of Truth is it a perfect circle hey that's a pretty good Circle that's a pretty good Circle okay so speaking of circles now we've got to make a circle all the way around and I'm thinking I'm thinking up we'll make it out of obsidian since we have so much obsidian now it's ridiculous okay circle's looking good now we got to uh blow this all up yeah we're gonna blow it all up that's it we're blowing everything up but we're only blowing up everything inside the circle once we've done that we can place black concrete inside it to make it look like it's deeper than it actually is and then we're gonna um uh put my whole world in the middle um yep okay I need more gunpowder because this Farm's just not enough so basically what we're gonna do is just um extend it just like this yeah you see I it looks impressive but half of it doesn't work because I hate working with cats but that's okay we'll just AFK for longer okay as much as I love blowing things up I don't want to blow up my beacon so we're going to move it up here and then start blowing up things if you're wondering why I didn't make a TNT machine it's because I am not that good at this game this is about the best I can do with redstone I only lit two of them no okay no no that's definitely blowing out okay well we've made like a dent we just need to make like 25 more dents and then I'm just really hoping it doesn't go near my Towers in hindsight probably should have done this before I made those Towers they're tough on the inside but on there yeah please don't on the outside they're very fragile I can't hear myself think yeah you know what from here on out I'm gonna mine it by hand okay so I'm gonna go down in twos like this just like that I think why did Enderman always have to hang around wherever you're building okay nice that's looking good back to blowing stuff up I guess tell you what mining End Stone is not easy even with haste it's just so slow so slow [Music] okay now we just gotta get rid of these loose blocks that the TNT didn't explode and we're done I desperately need food okay now we're gonna be replacing all of the End Stone with black concrete inside of that hole we just dug and the hole's not perfect but it did trust me it doesn't need to be because black concrete is so black that it doesn't even you can't even see the shape it it all just Blends into one color the only issue I have is the recipe for black concrete is sand gravel and an ink sack so I'm going to need a lot of squid and I'm hoping there are enough squid around here to where I don't need to make a squid Farm aha our first victims okay slots that's six six I just got six from one squid oh this is gonna be easy oh there are so many of them it's only when you stop to realize how many squids are in this game that you actually realize how many squids are in this game there are an abundance of squids in Minecraft three minutes I've been looking for squid and we've almost got two sacks Stacks two stacks but we've got more than two sacks okay nearly two stacks of sacks let's see how much concrete we can make out of this [Applause] let's see now I'm a man that really appreciates the sheer quantity of squids in this game and you really open your eyes to it they are everywhere so I guess the best place to get gravels the nether right there's usually a whole bunch of grout yeah there we go all right gravels and Sack no okay so sand gravel sack no ah wait Sac black died Black die first sand gravel black concrete powder uh that's not no no that's not what that's not what I want that's not what I need don't you aren't going to do this are you don't do this okay okay so apparently we place it in water or something like this aha okay black concrete there we go look how black that is that is black also I gotta do that with every block can I just no okay but can't I just do this no okay not gonna lie didn't foresee this as something that I'd have to do hang on a second I can just place all of the black concrete powder and then just run water over it when I'm finished oh this is gonna be easy catastrophe avoided okay let's see the dent that I can make with the concrete powder that we've got so far it is just so unbelievably black I mean look at this you can't even see where one block ends and another begins which is exactly what we want because then it'll give the illusion that the hole is a lot deeper than it actually is I love me some fakery all right first layer done this is uh this is gonna take a while isn't it [Music] okay we've placed a load of powder now let's um let's see if my water Theory will work well that works like a charm and of course of course I would run out of materials there wouldn't I it's basically the plan is here that we're going to build a sphere in the center cover it with glowing item frames map out my entire world and place those maps in the item frames to literally make my entire world but Kalani you can't place a 2d topographical map of Minecraft on a 3D sphere that technically has four sides since they're made out of blocks that would mean that only one side would look normal and the rest would look less than I never said it was going to be easy okay I never said it was going to be easy [Music] foreign let's get some item frames yeah okay so I actually already have a ton of item frames from my last video so that's good so I guess I'll just I'll just take these yeah I'm actually just going to leave those there to despawn I have literally not even used one yet I'm that good at this game okay so for a glowing item frame which by the way we need so that it doesn't glitch out because sometimes when you put Maps into an item frame there's a weird lighting glitch so a glow behind that fixes that issue so sadly more squids are gonna have to die for this build and I have calculated that we are going to need the precise amount of a whole load whole load of glow squid sacks where are they usually a couple here I'm not seeing any aha okay so now I think yeah glowing item frames okay we have 14. uh that's not enough okay so my plan is to just keep flying away until more spawn and then oh man squids have got to be honestly one of the easiest uh things to farm in this game okay we are 45 let's just see how far that gets us because I'm still not entirely sure this is physically possible so let's just double check that this is possible before I really commit to this and commit Mass genocide among the glowing squid Community a community I would rather be on good terms with considering the fact that I have already killed a lot of other squids but the gas Community I I don't care okay we got we got a three by three area Okay total of nine let's get nine Maps put them down and work from there now as far as maps go maps are kind of expensive one Compass is one map and one Compass is like a whole load of iron anyways too much is the point and I'm not that rich so instead uh yeah we're gonna trap a couple cartographers and uh make them sell me maps on the cheap okay all right guys you ready for this you just hop in there there we are and okay so I'm pretty good for emeralds right now I think what uh sorry sorry what oh I see right he's picking up the uh the totems okay and he also had my lighter on okay dude's just straight up stealing from me okay this is actually not going to plan um please don't burn quite yet okay remember the truth there we are one map for one Emerald brilliant now we just buy a whole bunch of these okay so we're going to start from the portal as a reference point and okay this is going to be annoying okay yeah the portal is going to be a reference point and we're going to work out from there so basically from the portal in every direction it's going to be about 35 Maps which is a lot um of maps okay let's start from here we're just gonna go in a straight line in this direction for about 30 to 35 Maps [Music] oh this is going to be complicated isn't it at least they're numbered at least at least we got that going for us all right let's see how far that gets us [Music] just placing that one row of maps took 15 minutes that is not okay okie dokies now we're going one map to the right and doing the same thing uh I think it's this way right okay so does this see this is the hard part I don't think that's a match is it no no it's definitely not a match um and neither is that oh wait hang on okay all right okay I get it I understand oh this is just one massive puzzle that I should never have started what okay all right okay all right yes that works that also works okay it's you know but it's we're getting there yeah to be honest I am getting that that feeling of massive regret right now I can I can feel the regret building I'm not sure I should have done this and there may have been a reason no one else has oh but then I see how cool it looks and then I think no definitely continue well I sure did continue that's right I continued for another six days yes six whole days of mapping and you know what getting all the materials and actually mapping out the world was the easy part the hard part was making all of the maps meet up on a 3D surface I'm not gonna bore you with the details about why that doesn't work but it just doesn't all right try it for yourself and you'll see what I mean actually don't try it don't try save six days of your life I mean even outside of map making I was having a hard time but I was getting there slowly but surely Day by Day map by map I was getting there I was actually doing it my PC was literally dying in my render distance on two chunks but I was doing it I don't understand how they even do that how do they get inside the towers but it makes no sense it was at this point that I had to make up my own part of the World by cloning other maps and I think I did a pretty good job considering actually I mean sure the coastline is basically a straight line but it's better than nothing right just don't look at it too hard my leather collecting strategy for the item frames was basically flying around taking it from horses because I have an unusual amount of forces where I live and I was averaging about a stack of leather every seven minutes and averaging about five frames per second but was it worth it uh yeah it was worth it look at that beauty okay so I I genuinely think that if I if I fill in this last part out my PC will actually die so my plan is I mean you ever seen those globes at school where like you know one-fourth of the globe is cut out and you can see the different layers than the center of the earth kind of kind of something like that these frames are something nothing else yeah like that okay let's finish mapping so basically at the bottom I'm just placing like the second like the same two maps everywhere I'm just calling in the same map I mean who's gonna see it it's down at the bottom okay don't judge me foreign okay so yeah cool but also really boring let's add some oars around here and different things and then in the center I think uh maybe a geode I think that would look pretty cool like the center of the Earth wow these frames are absolutely unbearable what what how did I not know that was a thing okay nice now I just need some more crystals but I'm pretty sure I took them all so we're gonna have to wait for them to grow [Music] okay cool let's add some more texture on the sides [Applause] prepare yourself for satisfaction and lag oh boy that was worth it okay there are literally just a few random Maps left okay all the maps are done I don't know whether to celebrate or cry maybe a bit of both okay since we can't place any more item frames in case my PC explodes I'm gonna play some blue concrete down here and hopefully that'll blend in yeah not too bad I mean just don't look at it again don't look at it okay final touches last stretch okay we're gonna put some clouds ah fine okay I'm forced to release these sheep from captivity because there's physically not enough grass in their pen [Music] those clouds though am I right my hopes were not high with the clouds but I think they actually turned out pretty well okay I think the final thing we need to do is uh just texture the side ticks it looks a bit too clean the circle's a bit too clean for my liking and we have a load of obsidian so we might as well besides the fact we're getting two frames per second it looks pretty good okay Final Touch is uh cleaning up everything that the Enderman destroyed I really don't like Enderman now that all this left is uh to spawn the Ender Dragon so um yeah you seriously took the flowers okay just pop that there and uh hold up hold up whoa what's happening why why the towers by the door that's not good no okay so I'm guessing most of the map yeah yeah most of the maps have gone um stupid Dragon can't even properly perch silly that's not how you put oh okay right uh it still works though I'm kidding that was a backup world I am never spawning the Ender dragon ever again well we did it we literally put our world in the end and sure haters are gonna say all right Cline is sure it looks cool but it's a bit over the top wouldn't you say I mean what practical use does it actually serve in the real world Beyond mirror Aesthetics and I'll say back Beyond mere Aesthetics there is nothing Beyond mere Aesthetics pal yeah yeah that's what I'll say back [Music] all right see ya this is a dog these are thousands of dogs and this is a dog Avalanche that is a dog Avalanche pause okay let me explain story time so I was playing Minecraft right I thought wait a second I do this for a living I should probably check out this new update that everyone is complaining about because that will be fun so I went off into the Netherlands searched for 1.19 chunks came out in 1.19 shot hang on a second I'll recognize that Iceberg you know that's all junks have been in before us right there I know this because I spent 45 hours mapping out my world into a 3D sphere which was definitely worth it and extremely useful so I carried on I carried on and came out in brand new chunks it had all the telltale signs of brand new chunks flowing water yep nope that's that's pretty much it because everything new in this update is apparently in the ground yeah give it up for the ground I love being in that place I love the ground anyways I found a real important I thought hey wouldn't it be funny if I just dug straight down and found this place straight away [Music] I dug straight down and found this place straight away for my luck was about to turn it was about to turn in a big big D dog way I mean how hard can it be the guy the guy's blind I'm blind uh okay leveling the playing field I respect that wait don't tell me this guy stores XP inside blocks he knows I can break those right oh there he is hey I was wondering when you were gonna show up I can't see anything uh literally nothing yeah so I can run away though I can do that what are you gonna do bro no like like seriously what are you gonna do I don't keep up with this game as much as I should okay I have no idea what is he sniffing for me is that what's happening is he sniffing for me oh no I feel I feel bad for this guy Matt you can't even see me oh yeah maybe you can kill a bat though oh he vaporized that back okay so but bats aren't actually that tough all right well just because you can kill bad whoa no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay no no no no wait hang on is Minecraft hard now is Minecraft is that what's happening is Minecraft hard he's chasing me isn't he this can't be happening this is a block game this is a block game I come here to feel good about myself I play this game to feel good about myself and my achievements wait wait no one told me okay does that mean I have to try now oh don't tell me I have to try I hate it when that happens and so I ran away with what was left of my dignity and while I understand that I stepped foot on his Turf first stole his badly placed XP and kind of verbally disrespected him from a distance I have to admit one thing I kind of take that personally A wise man once said violence isn't the answer it's a question and the answer is yes with that being said I think you'll agree the most favorable outcome of any scenario is one where you achieve success with minimal effort like success without lifting a finger because I ask why do something difficult when you can just make someone else do it for you introducing wolves you find a forest you're going to go in look for one bring some bones you're gonna click it click the wolf and boom dog makes sense you know that makes sense just biologically changed into a completely different animal yeah cool he's like where I once howled I now have an overwhelming urge to bark but logic isn't the only thing missing here okay we need a headquarters we needed a place to do all of this breeding but despite my masculinity being Shattered by a warden I needed to keep my cool and not get distracted by my rage and say build a giant Temple of Doom that perfectly represents both my anger towards recent events but also a practical space that also has some style because that would just be an unnecessary use of time and I'm probably only going to use it like once anyway so what's the point in spending like two entire days building this just won't make any sense I mean people complain about my upload schedule already I don't need to go wasting time on pointless bills it just doesn't need to happen I mean but Kalani don't you think it's a little bit over the top no we need all of these blocks I think this represents quite well the direction this video is going in but it can't go in any direction without dogs oh yeah dogs I forgot haha a wolf I hereby pronounce you a dog as my first I'll give you this identifying Mark the black represents the fact that I only have black dye ah like a wolf psych dog oh look it's a wolf wait where'd that wolf go oh so you just thought you were going to be a wolf wrong sorry I I don't make the rules these bones do okay so I'm not gonna lie at the best of times I'm struggling for food so we've got we've got rotten flesh is that gonna is that yeah that works well that wasn't gonna last long so I went and gathered some animals and made a basic sheep farm but I remembered wait if I just stopped caring about the animal's feelings I can gain more introducing cruelty you're going to build a fenced area build a second level out of wood you need to trap the chickens up there all right make a redstone clock attach that baby to a dispenser now this is the fun part okay it's fun but you're gonna find two willing volunteers okay don't name them that's how attachments begin their product next you're going to want to start feeding them and don't stop feeding them eventually they're going to start laying eggs which The Hoppers will collect and feed them to the dispenser which will fire the eggs out straight onto a wall where the chickens will hatch in this area ready for me to collect and by collect of course I mean Slaughter the plan was going great I kept feeding until my egg layers were producing enough eggs to be firing constantly day and night look at this this dispenser is spewing egg so many eggs in fact that there was a chicken plug a clog of literal chicken so many chickens existed in one place at one time the existence itself just said no and they ceased to exist anyway now we had an abundance of chicken which meant it was time to start feeding it to dogs so they can make babies this was far more time consuming than I thought it would be okay so you have to you have to unsit every dog otherwise it can't breed and then and then you have to sit them down again or they'll just follow you everywhere I am so glad I made this thing it makes my life so much easier and there's so much shorter this meant that with each feeding cycle the cycle got longer like like a lot longer I spent hours and hours feeding dogs it was very tedious it got to the point where I was just aimlessly clicking chicken into an ocean of dogs there were so many dogs that the dogs you tried to sit are being pushed to the front while the dog stood up and then you accidentally click the dog was already sat and now he stood up the babies are the worst by far I stopped even trying to sit them down but you wanna know what's the worst thing about all of this the worst thing about this was that I wasn't even nearly satisfied you really think I'm gonna be satisfied with this amount of but wait how many how many dogs even are there here okay I've got a plan I'm gonna count them to keep track using dye so I'm just gonna make a load of this and turn each dog pink and then the ones that aren't pink I know I haven't counted is genius 573 dogs I'm actually going to move you I'm actually gonna move you up here just just mind the badly placed lava watch your tail okay 573 dogs and we know that a stack of chicken bursts another 32 dogs which means we need roughly 45 stacks of chicken to reach 2 000 dogs so let's put some chests Into The Hoppers and then we can create a flood that will push all of the chickens down to The Hoppers where I can easily chop them so now we just sit back and wait oh yeah that works like a charm okay we have all the chicken for 2 000 dogs so when this chicken is gone we know we have 2 000 dogs I feel like I'm saying two thousand dogs too much ah for goodness sake yeah this this is one of those moments where you you really question your life by the way dogs if I if I click a chicken on you and then instantly after click a chicken on your mum I'm sorry the chances are low but accidents do happen Okay so the frames are starting to take a notable hit now come on last push last push who wants some chicken we ten away 2 000 dogs two thousand dogs two thousand dogs PC be like bruh but Kalani be like yeah two thousand dogs it is actually a lot of dogs for every dog we lost one frame let's just quickly give this guy a really thoughtful name and there we go all right get off I'll let you sit there but this is actually my throne and it's time to see the fruits of my labor okay let's start small let's take like 100 dogs and see how they fare in relatively normal day-to-day situations for example you're just minding your own business when a violent donkey appears out of nowhere and challenges you to hand-tan combat yeah donkey's donkeys stand no chance or here you're just going for a walk with 100 dogs when a sheep makes a verbal threat towards you and your family yeah that just that just didn't even last long okay what about what about something that actually fights back yeah nothing nothing really stands a chance everything's just actually running away now they're actually running away the skeletons are like oh 100 dogs yeah nah okay I think we've firmly established that these dogs are ready so it's time to initiate the plan exact my revenge and gain back my masculinity I discovered earlier in the video that the cave near the village actually leads straight down to the ancient city to me to create some sort of transportation system is safe for near at least 1 000 dogs and potentially more should we need backup it needs to be dog Death Proof well I don't I don't want like 500 dogs falling to their death it'll slightly weigh on my conscience squids can die in caves if they like but my dogs will not okay maybe I can just start from here and dig a staircase all the way up I have a bad feeling about it but I'm gonna do it anyway because I can't think of a better alternative well that's perfect then it comes out there oh this is brilliant okay let's get like let's go like 1 000 dogs or as close to 1 000 dogs as we can get oh man I'm actually running faster because of the 1 000 dogs pushing me okay so I don't know I guess we just go down what's the worst that can happen it's a staircase oh oh no oh that's a dog Avalanche that is a dog Avalanche oh dear no back up back up back up things are not going to plan okay so what we're going to do is actually try that again but with water this time especially here this part in particular needs water okay 1 000 dogs Check let's go okay so so far so good it's a dog Avalanche but it's a controlled one okay very good very good okay a couple of squeals here and there but we're good okay final stretch down here wait I can probably just fly yeah I can just fly down and they can just teleport to me right that's probably the best idea okay that was not the best that was not the best idea okay we made it down alive that's that's the main thing that's got some strength potions going okay dogs now all we need to do is provoke him we need to be as provocative as possible I'm talking breaking blocks breaking blocks and making loud noises disturbing the piece okay this guy hates loud noises okay here he is hey remember me we haven't been formally introduced but here's roughly in my estimation about 1 000 dogs my Powers have doubled since the last time we met where is he oh there dogs attack oh what uh uh my bad my bad but it's working it's working oh what's that you're gonna use a Sonic thing charged Street that's cute what are you gonna do sonically shriek 1000 individual dogs I don't think so oh you can't he can't even reach me imagine doing the warden fight in third person mode you okay man you should probably make a move if you want to stand at your arcade that he's making a move he's making oh this is just this is him wait is that it God is he gone oh that was almost lame it was so easy oh that's that's just embarrassing for you you crossed me I almost feel bad for him all right let's try and provoke another one so let's just come in here and start breaking stuff I see no sign of another Warden anyway do we scare them all off is there only one surely not what type of baller has an entire city to himself there's got to be another one I think we scared them all off dogs I think we scared them off they don't even want to approach wolf wolf will squish too much yeah that's fair no I can understand that I can actually see oh okay so this guy was just like nah I'm just gonna sit this one out fair enough okay let's see if there are any of her yeah actually probably not there's love okay oh dear that's look at that feed okay I think I've proved my point and I literally can't prove it any further because the wardens are scared of me now I can't even find another one all right let's get out of here well I think that was thoroughly successful successful okay it just became a little less successful anyway on to the next challenge we've seen dogs against single enemies now it's time to see dogs against multiple enemies it's raid time okay I'm just gonna come down here because I need oh that was awkward oh this is a very awkward this is very awkward okay let's just get out of here let's just get oh no it just got even more oh dear oh wait are there even any villagers alive here anymore oh no oh there must be I just haven't seen it oh where you may not be for long we'll see how this goes okay we're going straight in Show Me What You Got okay starting off strong starting off strong just don't go near the ledge you will all die all of you okay nice okay that's round one easy okay so I'm needing to clear an area out here because I I can't see the bad guys anywhere ah hang on I see them I see them here I said oh dear oh no oh dear oh it's raining dogs it is raining dogs that was a terrible idea it's almost like I should have patched up that massive gaping hole what I'm gonna do is is uh patch up this hole and then we're gonna try again okay this is working much better less dogs are falling to their death oh yeah no that that that's actually an issue I didn't think about damage potions okay well they survived this guy can't even get to me when will I find a challenge okay I think I found a challenge vexer problems these guys are problems for dogs they can fly and dogs can't okay I've made my decision I'm gonna give raids with dogs a solid six out of ten since it largely depends on the terrain and also the dogs don't know how to deal with splash potions or Vex so okay dogs your next test is the nether I need weather skeleton skull your final challenge so I might as well just take you along with and see if you die or not so I'm gonna make this portal much bigger and then hopefully they just walk through yeah yeah that works okay I have a feeling we're gonna lose a lot of dogs here nether travel what I'm thinking is I'll just fly off and then land the dog's teleport to me and I'll keep doing that until we're at the Fortress yeah this works another another trouble with dogs isn't even that bad look at this none of them are dying okay we're here we're at the Fortress let's see how we get on I have a feeling it's not already we've already got a casualty okay why are you why are you just jumping off why are you actually just choosing to jump okay everyone's on fire everyone is on fire already we've been here 20 seconds this is this is going exactly how I thought it would why did I look at that feed look at that feed why did I bring dogs to the nether oh this is on me this is not my conscience I'm feeling it only slightly okay so basically what's happening is the dogs are falling down to the lava but it's far enough that they then teleport back to me to die tragically in front of my eyes just don't bring your dogs to the nether or or any any pets I think we've been here probably five minutes and we've got about 10 dogs there okay 25 minutes in and there's only one dog left I don't think he's gonna last long at all in fact watch this watch this I guarantee he's just jumped off to his death yep there we go it's one thinking is I'm gonna build like an underground Arena because otherwise the withers are just gonna break free and then they'll just be up in the sky like yeah what are you gonna do as we've already established dogs can't fly is that a cat can you fly hey let's not I'll take a cat right now some meows will be a nice change from barks yeah and I like the way that you run away from me instead of to me because I've just been used to dogs renting oh sorry I don't actually mean to do that but if you get in the way I am gonna I am gonna hit you like this you see if you get in the way I'm gonna hit I'm gonna make I'm gonna try and make this room as hard as possible for Withers to escape from so I'll use up all the obsidian that I have because I have quite a lot I still got a load of obsidian in the end actually so we'll go and get that first ow my face okay there we are at least something productive came from that video all right let's line this place with obsidian okay and then we just we just come over here and and spam right Mouse button until we have like a thousand I don't know like a thousand dogs is that gonna be enough I feel like if I take any more dogs than this I'll just die by entity cramming so I'm not gonna risk it okay let's just go down see it hopefully they teleport yep good okay nice I think we've got a thousand dogs there I actually really do think we've got a thousand dogs at least look at that okay I'm just we're just doing this we're just doing it are the cats still here I'm sorry you have to see this feel free to join in okay here we go oh no oh the lag okay one there we go okay we're just gonna we're gonna go away until he explodes and then actually I can just get this end one okay dog move move okay two okay dogs show me what you got oh wow oh wow okay they're actually destroying him okay the third one's there so far so good okay the feed's starting to come in the feed is starting to come in thick and fast we're about 20 seconds in so I'd say that they're doing pretty good okay and first wither down already we're about 30 seconds in we are 30 I think I've broken the game it doesn't matter anymore there's nothing good enough to beat me I'm Invincible look they're just bullying him they're just oh wait hang on a second oh hang on a second they can't get him oh he's found loophole he's found a loophole I respect it but you're gonna have to come down I think I just shot like a lot of my own dogs then my okay I just did it again okay and the second weather done this guy's found the same loophole but we're not having it I'd say we're about a hundred dogs down right now most of them are from from me oh this is just embarrassing this is hard to watch this is just this game's too easy now I do boss fights in third person mode it's too easy you can't even get to me done Victory oh look at that feed that that is a lot of dead dogs so they did not die in vain well I guess that answers that listen haters are gonna say I took it too personally and took it too far but we live in a world where it is Yeet or be heated okay and today we stood up all 2001 of us and said we refuse to be heated instead we choose to be the eater or some dogs harmed in the making of this video sure yeah sure there were but I have my pride back and that well that makes this story a happy ending catch you in the next one guys [Music] a lot of things in Minecraft anything from building a simple house to building a literal working calculator there are just some things that you cannot do you can't place water in the nether you can't enchant blocks and you definitely can't pick up Bedrock Express clearly here by the shake of my head I mean look at this look at this guy he's been trying to pick up Bedrock for 365 days and he still hasn't managed it but I did some research and I devised a plan to achieve this impossible feat and Far Far More you see throughout Minecraft's history there have been ways to collect the rarest items and do the things that you should not be allowed to do it's just that with each update it gets harder and harder what if you could go back in time hopping through Minecraft's updates collecting these items and bringing them back to your world at 100 vanilla hardcore to find out we need to make a fully legit working time machine that definitely works and isn't fake on any level is fake it's a fake time machine but it's gonna make these transitions super smooth what was that sound was that was that the door that's the door sound Kalani why are we in a brand new world in Minecraft Beta 1.9 pre-release three I'll tell you after I kill those sheep but I'm not just gonna kill them I'm gonna send them flying with natural knockback that's right in this version you have natural you just get given knock back just get given it for free we see the first item in our list is the end portal frames and in this version of Minecraft there's a high chance that a stronghold would be a coordinate zero zero but there's also another way to find the stronghold hmm I wonder what those two ginormous glass skyscrapers are yeah you see in this version of Minecraft Jeff added these glass Towers to make it easier to find the strongholds when working on the update the only issue was that well he didn't take them out before releasing it to the public this is probably the only time I'm going to find the stronghold in the first three minutes of loading a world oh look it's a stronghold I'll just go down these steps now glass towers are strange but there's something that's way stranger about this update oh hello there I don't like how he fired instantly okay attack wait for it attack anyway as I was saying there's something that's far more strange about these these strongholds if you don't leave me alone allow me to introduce you to the end portal what do you mean that's not the end portal there's nothing wrong with this well you mean yours doesn't look like this I don't know what to tell you man guess you've been playing this game wrong please leave me alone but before we collect these strange blocks we need to make some preparations like a temporary base for example now we can make this out of cobblestone like a normal person or we could take full advantages of the version we're in dupe the iron we just collected and build it out of that yeah I'm gonna go with that one you guys remember the old F4 duping method feels good to be back and no I'm not taking these duped items back with me to my main world because I want this to be as legit as possible but it does mean that we can progress faster through these updates and let's face it breaking the game is more fun to watch than mining all right got enough materials to make a singular TNT now and that is all we need actually that's not all we need we also need a button is that button yeah there's a button all right so we're going to come in here why do these blocks take so long to anyway yeah we're gonna blow it all up we're blowing it all up blowing it up look stop stop it oh oh what's this oh what's this on the floor oh look it's nothing with no name look silverfish it's nothing just like you just just this item technically is the end portal frames but in 1.9 pre-release three they weren't properly rendered so as we go through the updates they'll slowly change in appearance through to their final form okay next up we need an enchantment table we're gonna make some illegal armor and tools oh hello where did that come from thanks for the books though oh this is the worst part by this update by far please go away I just want to sleep you are nothing and no one all right that should be enough how do you know something's Enchanted in this version well because it says so silly what it's enchanted with I have no idea but to take this armor to the next level of broken we need to update the game but before we do that I I have to I have to duplicate these I can't lose them yeah there we are my mind's at ease okay we have fully enchanted diamond armor fully enchanted diamond tools it's update time it's just a shame about my uh my time machine being so far away so I could just build it I can just build it again yeah that was that was such a better idea here we go and here we are Minecraft Beta 1.9 pre-release 4 and hopefully there we are the end portals are in their second phase anyway don't mind me I'm just gonna jump off a cliff but Kalani how did you survive that well you see you see I now have fully Enchanted feather falling armor and fully Enchanted feather falling tools I see the armor we just Enchanted in 1.9 pre-release three has now defaulted to feather forward so we are definitely putting these in the box of illegal items fully Enchanted feather falling tools and armor yeah and in this version there's there's a there's a circle Sun for some reason I don't know why it doesn't look right it looks completely wrong okay next on our list is a monster spawner but to connect the monster spawner we need to build an XP farm to get enough XP for a silk touch pickaxe which meant a hat a monster spawner this will do well and we've also found a mine shaft a mine shaft in a stronghold remember when the fences were like this okie dokie got a little XP farm going now unfortunately in this version of Minecraft XP is extremely hard to collect and the most likely level for a silk touch enchantment is level 46 and when I say extremely hard to collect this took over 3 hours and five diamond swords to get to level 46. oh yeah and another thing in this version if you pick a level 46 enchantment it doesn't just take off a few levels like today's versions no it takes you back down to level zero I literally have one shot at this otherwise I'm doing that again for the next three hours the only good thing about this in this version is that you can just refresh like this you don't you don't have to make an enchantment to refresh it you just keep clicking but I haven't seen the level 46 enchantment anyway I think the most I've found is 34 so maybe I'll add some more books and that is also not working okay I've been I've been refreshing for like 15 minutes now um and now I can't even find a 34 so if I see a 32 I'm going for it 32 please please please and this is what depression looks like okie dokie now eight diamond swords down and we're at level 36 that's I'm taking a risk here but I'm going for it I I can feel it this time this is the one I I know it oh 34 34. do I go I'm going for 34. please visible happiness okay here we go that we're going to choose this one please break there we are monster spawner monster spawner acquired I wonder what happens if I place it just just pigs just yeah that makes sense just pigs okay monster spawner acquired but you already know we're gonna do this I can't risk losing it but in this version there's a different way to dupe okay so we gotta set up like this and we're gonna light the portal and then place the water there and that's not supposed to happen so okay so all right thanks again am I stacking water I'm stacking water okay I guess I guess you can stack water on this update okay okay so place it there yes that works and then another one there now we light it and we put a crafting table there grab the monster spawner now as we push through the portal by the water we place the Spawner in the crafting table and there we are there are two monster spawners but one of them is very interesting when we pick up this one and try and place it it just spawns more Monster spawners so we can do this forever there we go we can just do this forever and this this broken spawner will even eat other spawners so I'd say that that spawn is worthy of keeping as well because that is that is completely broken okay so does this do these spawn pick okay they do they do spawn picks okay so I can make a spawner out of this I can make a better XP spawner okay so this this kind of worked but I'm sure I can make something better oh okay now no pigs this morning maybe if I make a platform for them to spawn on no no no what about aha okay you need you need a grass block okay okay they need grass blocks to spawn on okay this is working well so now they fall off come down here yeah well I mean it's definitely working because I can't do anything yeah so I don't know something like this I've never made a pig spawner I don't know what I'm doing I never know what I'm doing okay this does seem to be working though yeah no it works it definitely works this is a more efficient way of getting XP okay it's update time again and here we go all right here we are we're in 11w49a and I'm getting rid of all of my stuff into this chest because okay now now watch my hotbot okay watch my Hotbar very closely bruh but Kalani where did your heart and your hunger bars go well you see in this update you have creative mode that's right creative mode and hardcore you just press B you just press the letter B on your keyboard and you've got creative mode all of the items that you could ever want and yes this is what creative mode used to look like what if I just just came in here and took this uh this weird looking creeper spawner I mean technically technically it's legit right I mean I got given creative man I mean I mean surely I can just I can just no I can't I can't do it it's cheating anyway I thought that was just a fun little thing on to the next update okay we're now in 1.3.1 and we're here for one thing if you're wondering why I'm getting ice all will be revealed and as you can see by this version end portals are looking a lot more like end portals all right update time and we're dying we're dying I'm in the floor why am I in the floor okay so I said update time but really I meant downgrade time because now we're back in 1.2.5 why well you'll see oh good this is a lovely uh nether spawn yeah yeah nothing dangerous about this if only I had some water here then I could swim down oh look how convenient how convenient there's water here and apparently it doesn't break your fall okay noted this is so wrong this is wrong on this is wrong on so many levels yeah just casually making an obsidian bridge over this Lava Lake nothing to see here I just can't stop placing water it's just it just feels so wrong and it looks so wrong here's some water oh look it's so cooling isn't it it feels so good and you already know I've got to make a water base okay I got a little staircase going but if I put lava there and let it flow down just like that then I can come over here break this get some water and there we are big fast staircase and we put water on either sides just for good measure and then water on the top and we've got a little water tunnel over to our water staircase look at this a water base in the nether okay time for another update and we're in 12 w49a and the XP farm is still supplying me with the ludicrous amount of pork and actually for the time being I'm gonna block this up now I can just stay up here enchanting okay sharpness two in the sharpness two something's three drops three and sharpness three sharpness four and sharpness four and a sharpness four sharpness five okay you're probably wondering why I spent so long getting a sharpness five book now you're probably wondering why I'm back down in the old XP farm well that's because these guys now drop carrots so we're gonna try and get a carrot and you'll see why I don't know how you're doing that I don't I'm not I'm not sure I'm not sure how you'd please stop okay we got it we got a potato but a potato and a shovel that's not really what I want and we got another potato it's the wrong vegetable a carrot there's a carrot that's the right vegetables brilliant okay now we can make a carrot on a stick and now all of these pegs are gonna flock to me but that's the biggest mistake that they could make why well because I'm gonna put sharpness five on it a sharpness five carat on a stick yeah you guys might want to stop following me you really might want to stop stop following me now oh I actually really underestimated how overpowered a sharpness five carat on a stick is this thing is powerful totally worth it okay now we're going to stupido we gotta knock back two and we're gonna put a knockback two on a piece of dirt it's knocked back to dirt knock back two dirt look pegged it's not back too dirt okay there we are we got a sharpness five carat on a stick and a knock bag two dirt actually I'm Gonna Keep the I'm Gonna Keep the sharpness five carrot on a stick because that's actually I'm not kidding my my most powerful weapon I have right now and the last thing we're gonna do in this version is make a nameless Diamond got no name okay there we are time to update okay I'm nowhere this game is really starting to break now oh I'm back okay we're now in 15 w 47c and we are here to get bedrock that's right we're gonna attempt to get bedrock and this is also the combat update which means my carrot on a stick is no longer my most powerful weapon R.I.P the cat on the stick why why did I spawn down here I swear this world is just absolutely falling apart now and it's also the update that introduced lapis to the enchantment process Man Minecraft used to be so much better I just found half a door I guess it's half a door yeah that this world is literally falling apart and uh this furnace is broken as well it's a broken furnace and we can no longer click refresh so we're gonna have to make a lot more enchantments now yeah that'll do and we'll also make this because we need to collect some gas tears and some blaze rods and end the pearls go away oh what what what what do you mean what do you mean there's a chicken attacking me why is there a chicken attacking me why is there a chicken attacking me no no no no no look it's not even that there's something riding him because I can't hit it there's nothing it's just it's just an Angry Chicken I'm I'm sorry but I can't allow you to live yeah you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna bury yeah all destroy all the evidence I this this world is becoming more and more broken with each passing minute okay now we can make the end crystals and we're getting closer and closer just need a few more a few few more resources okay since we have n portal frames uh we can just put the portal wherever we like and I think it'd be pretty funny to do it in here okay brilliant fantastic okay we're gonna get some water and collect some arrows and we're gonna speed run the uh the get that no we're gonna speed run the Ender Dragon quick real quick hold up why why does he just dive like that watch this um cool so now we're gonna try and get this uh this egg to go through the portal and of course it didn't okay we'll also just throw some things through and then that should tell us where yeah there we go okay so this is where hopefully the Bedrock is going to come through right here so we need to mark this point just like that and no I'm not trying to summon Herobrine but before we do that we need to enchant some better armor real quick also I just realized there's only usually one Dragon egg in each world right which means technically that's illegal okay it's not the best but it's a bit of protection so that should be fine all right grab everything we need and let's go okay so the idea is that once we place this end crystal in the middle it will replace with the Bedrock above just like that and now place these where you usually would get the dragon back but on this last one just after you place it left click so it explodes and because the summon process has been interrupted it should have glitched the Bedrock that replaced with the end Crystal to drop through the portal to the world spawn maybe but the chances that worked first time very slim this is going to be the longest run of my life please work where is it there it is it's actually there it actually worked first time that is a block of bedrock in survival I mean I know this process worked but I didn't think it would actually work I'm so happy that worked first time we don't have to we don't have to spend ages getting more materials for more end crystals and there she is the final piece to our collection so now we're gonna take it all and put it in the nether why future Kalani will explain you see you can transfer items from one world to another through the Netherworld the way to do this is you place your items that you want to move in a chest write down the coordinates then go into a Minecraft folder and copy that Netherworld and paste it into your other world when you go into The Nether it will look exactly the same as it did before but if you travel to the coordinates that you wrote down you will find that you've merged the two nether worlds into one and your chest full of items are sat there waiting for you now you just grab them go back home replace another world back to the original and boom you've transferred your items and hopefully haven't corrupted your world but yeah I'm sure that won't happen don't worry okey dokey I think I'll put my items here and I'll cover it up to make sure it doesn't get exploded by gas but before I leave this world I'm going to free the pigs I think they deserve it on account of you know all the killing that I did you may have to trample over your your dead friends to to escape but you can escape yeah there we go there we go he's like so this is what it looks like yeah yeah buddy this is what it looks like up here this is your life now alrighty time to burn everything to the ground [Music] bye pigs bye-bye I love how he's still up there having some sort of Crisis by Towers bye I guess all right here we go we're going back home ah home that was wild yes my items oh thank you yes come here okay time to find out if this works okay yes this is literally just my nether it just looks like my nether but without all my buildings so if we travel to these coordinates we should find the chest I have a feeling it's gonna involve a lot of this all right this looks like old nether train and I'm lagging like crazy so I think we're getting close uh oh the water's still here okay that is very interesting I thought the water would disappear right I can't believe my water base is still here and it's all there all right we've grabbed our items let's get out of here okay next item on our list isn't really an item it's a backwards nether portal otherwise known as a pether nortle but for this to work we need to build an update suppressor machine so we're gonna need a lot of gold so it's time to speedrun a gold Farm thank you okay they should be coming through any moment now brilliant I think that's I think that's enough gold okay so now we've made all the rails and that should be enough I think I hope now we just need a place to build this thing but it needs to face West hmm okay facing west facing west how about here in the side of the mountain let's let's build our illegal Museum here okey dokey let's hollow out an area okay so let's make like a circle just like that love a good Circle and this is where our pedernal tool is going to be right there which means that really we have to build a portal this big it'll make more sense after we've built the machine okay we've got a basic area for the machine yes it's it's that big [Music] okay now it's connecting down to the portal so now we just need to make this bit okay I think that's working I mean it's moving [Music] this was without a doubt the biggest headache of my life and I still don't even know if it works yet I haven't tested it there she is so yeah if this looks complicated to you that'll just be because it is okay so what's hopefully gonna happen when we turn this machine on is that we're gonna be able to start breaking the obsidian around the portal without the portal breaking so first off the bottom layer will break that's fine we want that to happen and then we'll be left with this shape then we hollow out the middle place it with obsidian and boom Heather nautical listen I'm not very good explaining things uh you'll see what I mean you'll see what I mean but first let's just double check that this actually works we're going to place this here and a rail on top so we put the Piston down press that something happens that should mean it's on now if this makes a noise it means it's not worked okay I I think I may have found the problem you were supposed to be a sticky piston all right let's try this again hopefully this doesn't make a noise aha now I'm gonna break this block blow and hopefully this shouldn't break it does hmm okay it worked for a second and then just stopped working now it's not now it's not working why is it not working hmm that's working so hopefully hopefully this should work yep there we go and then this one this one first layer done so you see how this bottom layer was supposed to break now hopefully nothing else should break that's that's that's the idea now turn the machine off now we're going to move this whole section behind the portal up one block and move on to the second layer easy right okay this should work and yep okay now we just we just repeat this okay so to hollow out the middle of the portal we use water so place it on the Block there and then it breaks do it again and then we can replace it with obsidian and we just repeat that process that looks very wrong okay we're on Final is the last layer we're on the last layer now and that that torch is floating it's a floating torch we did it we made a pether no tool and a floating torch so that's pretty cool okay so now we'll just cover this back up and there we go the pedernal okay so I think with the amount of items that we have we're gonna actually need a bigger room than this so I'm going to extend it that way okay I think that's good I think that's pretty good size so for the engines I think we'll make a redstone entrance like a secret entrance but we'll worry about that later on for now let's get building this place okay so I think we use this as our like item showcases yeah I think that looks pretty good right okay so it's looking okay it's looking okay but it's looking a little bit boring and I think we can make it look less boring and by less boring I mean more broken because that's kind of the theme of this video so we're gonna make a mirror on the floor just to add to the Brokenness of this video foreign this out and now we're going to build a mirror in Minecraft don't believe me just like this there we are is a mirror right it's not a real mirror I just I copied everything I mean look it's made out of purple wool I just copied everything and put it down there and then added some glass but it looks like a mirror right I mean it looks like a mirror if you don't look too hard if you if you kind of squint and then slowly close your eyes and picture a mirror then it looks like a mirror okay let's place our illegal items in our illegal Museum but before we do that we're gonna build two other portals here okay there we are we've got the end portal okay now we're going to do the exact same thing on the other side but with a slight twist so we've got a normal end portal then we're going to come down here by three blocks then out by one we're gonna place the dirt place a mushroom bone meal it and oh what's this what's this it appears my mushroom has deleted the portal frames yes so we'll do this on every side now we're gonna replace the portal frames with bedrock very carefully then we'll get the dragon egg from this world and we're gonna place it on top and there you are an end Island end portal and a normal end portal normal end portal Heather nautil and an end Island end portal [Music] foreign s on display Kalani surely we can't make this any more broken than it already is oh yes we can okay so I'm just gonna come down here I'm gonna grab some pickles and then I'm gonna place these pickles on top of this machine that I made I'm gonna break the Redstone Block floating pickles and not just floating pickles but a floating banner and not just a floating Banner but a floating sign and nay not just a floating sign but floating I'm sorry can we just take a second to appreciate that shot I mean look at that shot but floating sand with a dead Bush on top and not just floating sand with a dead Bush on top but floating gravel okay Connie that's really cool floating sand with a dead Bush on top and and floating gravel but I bet you can't make water float okay you made water float but I bet you can't make lava flow okay you made the lava float but I bet you can't make Kalani float well I mean technically I'm floating I'm on floating water right all right it's time to speedrun a door [Music] foreign [Music] of illegal items and if you want to try out some of this stuff for yourself I'll leave a link to puffing fish's channel it's unobtained series pretty much made this video possible so go and subscribe to him also go check out Sensei if you want to get really annoyed with redstone and learn about update suppression or as I like to call it update depression all links are in the description and uh yeah catch you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music] Minecraft is a Sandbox game which means you could do basically whatever you want you want to go fishing you can do that you want to just set fire to everything you can also do that you want to put an ocean in the nether you can do that too if you like that's something you can do look no Pig get out of here you're exposing me man okay I've been exposed this is a green screen and I'm in the middle of nowhere because you definitely can't do that or can you see in the last video we went back in time through Minecraft's updates collecting items that no one should have like bedrock and Portal frames and even a pether North or whatever that is but I did some more research and oh oh what's this oh Kalani merch or cloudy dot store how'd that get there and I came up with a plan to collect far more than just illegal items but rather illegal train but to do that we're gonna have to go back in time further than we've ever gone before and our completely legit 100 working time machine that definitely works and isn't just a smooth transition but you gotta admit that was a smooth transition oh oh what's this what are these chests oh look it's every item ever ah well this will come in handy here look I'll come in here I'll take some cakes I'll take a stack of diamond blocks okay look they've even got such classic items as fire and water how about a stack of beds is that enough beds for you but Connie these aren't beds they're half beds either then you just place two fires down either end and then they turn into normal beds duh I can't why can't I put it out but yeah this is just basic my this is just basic Minecraft knowledge okay I I know that you already know this what yeah Minecraft Beta 1.6 test build three they just give you basically every item in the game at spawn why don't know we're not going to keep any of this stuff in my name world but it means we can progress faster and hey the game gave me this stuff okay it's not my fault you will notice though that we aren't currently in hardcore mode and that's because it doesn't exist yet do we need to go forwards in time to Minecraft 1.9 pre-release four but we're now in hardcore and for some reason the lake is freezing why is the lake freezing over but this is actually very helpful for us because we're gonna need a lot of ice it's not so helpful for this cow though let me see if I can help him there I helped you but I do actually need some food so I'll wait I have an entire stack of every good hardcore world needs a base now we can make this out of wood like a normal person or we can make it out of every block in the known universe here I'll give you a grand tour look we come in through the doors here you see lovely doors as you come in on the left we have a lovely portal window so you can keep an eye on your time machine big spacious room going upstairs we have a cake floor a one by one nether portal because we couldn't fit in a normal sized one and then one sec and then the master bedroom with three half beds with soundproofed foam walls for the best night's sleep just just a basic Minecraft house really yep anyway now to make this happen we're gonna need ice and to get that we're gonna need a silk touch pickaxe which means we need XP now as I showed in the last video getting XP in these old updates is extremely slow so it's a good job we have an entire stack of uh spawners in this chest these spawners only spawn on grass blocks and they only spawn pigs because logic okay now it's time for my least favorite part about these updates going to sleep and getting attacked what what what why are the walls attacking me no no it can't be there's no way these walls are attacking me there's no way all right well well I I guess that was the thing anyway it's a new day the sun's out and it's time to build a pig farm of questionable ethics and stay down there slaughtering pigs for the best part of four hours yeah no this works this really works okay this really does work there are so many pigs out there they actually can't physically fit I've been down there so long there's been an ice age okay now ugh I can't think straight with all these oinks okay pigs I'm going for it wish me luck first I gotta click about five million times to find a level 34. oh 34. we're going for it first try here we go wow we actually got hang up what hang on a second silk touch and fortune together say it with me now that's not physically possible there's only one word I have for what just happened no well we got another item for our illegal Museum I guess okay now we can get the ice and now we can update all right we're in 1.2.5 now let's just grab some placeable fire as you do and like this portal because in this update you can do something very interesting you see you can place water in the nether not like this this is not I'm just finding out about this now what what even is placeable water now in this version with all the ice we collected we can place it break it and it glitches the game into thinking that this is okay which is not it's not okay anyway now we just need to find a lava ocean and replace it with an ocean ocean let's just come over here and dig up a load of sand and then duplicate it to our hearts extent with the 1.2.5 F4 glitch and then let's just start placing it okay let's test it we're going to place the sand to remove the lava then remove the sand to place the water and boom ocean easy oh dear good job there was a Notch Apple in those chests that gives you five seconds of regeneration I actually think my pork chops are more effective at healing in this version okay okay okay so that's a full inventory of sand we've used which looks quite good until you realize that most of it's one block deep and then you realize this was a terrible idea okay let's try and get down here because I feel like this is a good sized ocean okay let's see how big this thing is all right so I feel like this would be a good one to transform because it's absolutely massive but there's one problem that comes along with that it's absolutely massive you can't tell because the render distance is so shocking in this version but it's absolutely massive so I'm going to need a quicker way of what where have I come out this is not my home okay I'm guessing home is this way yep nice to know the world's falling apart already Okay so let's take some nothing otherwise known as Redstone repeaters along with some Redstone torches some crops no no no we don't need props and then we'll grab some redstone dust that is white for some reason because that makes sense and then we can just come in here and do some crafting in my floor which is not the sentence that should be said okay we got some Pistons all right if we make a redstone clock just like that yes so we put a piston here and we can just Spam sand now I don't even have to do anything hang on a second I think we can make this faster I think if we do this and this and then that and that and then this yes oh that's way faster that's what we're talking about I can't hear anything okay that's that's one stack I'm starting to think this is also going to take a very long time where is it yeah this is going to be an issue isn't it oh that was my machine that was my machine okay this is a great machine and everything but I still don't think it's gonna happen I'm getting attacked roughly every two minutes currently and I just worked out that I would need to place roughly 300 000 blocks of Santa fill this Lake which means if I place three blocks of sand every second it would still take 27 hours to fill it which is why I've come up with a new idea I'm gonna put the ocean on on top which is a way better I should have started with that idea okay step one we're gonna have to we're gonna have to make an obsidian base for the ocean to hold the sand so we're just gonna do this everywhere shouldn't be too hard foreign well I was wrong about that it's quite hard where have you all come from this is not okay but at least the good news is we're almost done with phase one of many phases what how did you how did you just spawn right in front of me no bad ghost all right there's now obsidian everywhere it's time to initiate phase two I'm not looking forward to phase two okay phase two we're gonna cut we're gonna cover this whole place from the Sun all of it this this entire Place everything that you see which isn't a lot thanks to the render distance it is gonna take so long and there's there's no quicker way of doing it and we're gonna do all of these edges as well I don't really think it's fair that I can't even see where they're coming from just constant damage control just just this constantly okay I think I just have the edges to do now like this never mind I just I just found a whole other spot that I haven't done I'm gonna go cry now okay I think we might be done maybe never mind there's I found another found another area I don't know how many hours I've been placing sand my brain hurts and so does my placing finger hey I actually think this is the last bit okay no this is the last bit here this is the last bit done I'm done now we just have to do that all over again but with ice okay so we're going seven layers up from the lowest sand block and then once we place all of this we just break it and then and then we've got an ocean just just ignore all of that lava over there that doesn't exist okay ignore that don't do it you just got Uno reverse okay I just found out now that glowstone is warm apparently it melts ice I didn't know that that might be that might actually be a quicker way of destroying the ice yeah that could that could save some time that could work right there's one good thing that's come from this gusts can't get me anymore they just watch me it's quite concerning but okay this is the last section and I think that's the final block I think that I Can't Believe It's the final vlog It's the final block done done I might cry I think I'm gonna cry yeah so this is gonna work not only is it the quickest way but it's also the only way because breaking ice only turns its water there's a block below it but if there's a block underneath it works so the way to get around that is just melt it this is already so much more fun phase four is my favorite phase by far okay no I take that back it doesn't work that well it leaves a lot of blocks in between the glowstone oh why does everything take forever what do you mean there's no sand below this I don't know what you mean just pretend like the sand blow there okay I was too lazy to do it okay now we just have to go around getting these odd ones and oh lovely my my base is flooded okay the quickest way to do this gotta be a boat right it's it's not the boat does not work it's just doing what it wants I'm not I'm not pressing anything right now I'm pressing nothing this is my favorite part of these videos where the world just starts to break okay I'm gonna have to do this manually okay I think I'm done I think I'm actually done ignore that one ignore that let's get out of here craziest thing is I don't even know what it looks like I can't wait to actually see things by Broken World Generation buy pigs but but what my house made of every single block buy tiny nether portal buy conveniently placed chests that have every single block in the game really help me out thank you oh hang on a second I need to destroy everything yeah yeah nah nah there could be no trace of this this is it's just it's not allowed it's completely not allowed this whole world needs needs to die now we go throughout all of my things just place some fire just Place yep that's working my house oh no oh no my time machine how am I gonna get home okay pigs I I set you free in the last video but I'm not feeling so generous this time so you gotta go bye pigs bye oh wait hang on a second I gotta I gotta bring this pickaxe back with me okay I place this here put it inside and then that should work right work last time all right it's time to go oh boy I hope my time machine still works my world ah good old home well I mean it's it still worked I guess uh my stuff yes okay Moment of Truth hope I didn't just do that for nothing here we go hopefully we spawn in the right place yes it's definitely an ocean in here oh it's so nice to actually see things I can see all the mistakes Ah that's annoying why is it all wavy like that that's interesting okay now I gotta break all these hopefully the Boat Works and then I can just go around in the boat breaking them okay The Boat Works now but the breaking the braking part is very slow okay I'm gonna have to hop around on the blocks breaking them but it's okay because there aren't that many that was a little bit of sarcasm to emphasize the fact that there are that many there are actually thousands so yes okay just the last few left I think I hope and I think that's the last one right there I think you're the last one done done wow it's it's a lot darker now all right before we carry on with this ocean we're gonna put an island in the middle and for that we're gonna need you guessed it blocks [Music] yeah kind of like this I'm stuck yeah all right so I think this is pretty good outline let's build this thing and I think we'll put a river through the middle yeah kind of like that [Music] okay this is looking pretty good but right now it's kind of floating on water and Islands don't float on water so we have to make it look like it's connected to the ocean floor [Music] yeah like that that looks nice how and why okay I'm gonna drop down and I bet you yep there we go okay now we've got to cover this ocean floor with some green stuff to make it look like it's alive which means we're gonna need some bone meal I found the old portal which means a pickaxe yeah a pickaxe what is what is going on with this portal okey dokey let's add some seagrass and some Grass Grass then we'll add some fire just because now we're gonna put some texture on the floor because it just looks like a completely flat ocean right now which does not look very realistic it's looking pretty good now it's looking it's looking quite nice we know it's not looking nice these big big big [Music] foreign [Music] yeah it said no back all right now we got a big old open area looks much better okay now we're gonna steal a reef we're gonna we're gonna steal an entire Reef [Music] yeah just like that but but everywhere oh I'm not looking forward to this [Music] [Music] okay it's looking way way better now it's actually looking like an ocean but now it's time for some residence it's time to steal a village okay sorry dude I am actually gonna have to steal your house blink once if you don't want me to okay foreign [Music] here so we'll just steal this Farm quickly then we'll just come over here and oh wait now wait we can't place water yeah okay we're just gonna have to put this Farm here I mean it's better than nothing okey dokey this had some trees [Music] okay this is this is starting to shape up I'm sure you'll agree however there's a slight issue it's quite crowded and they keep breaking down my doors but fear not I have a plan and it involves Turtles okay so you and you just like that because they're just flicking just flicking Santa okay okay nice I'm just gonna I'm just gonna steal these eggs from you actually I'm just gonna take them this feels wrong but also right it's it's growing on me why only one why just one not good enough okay now there's only one thing that Pigmen hate more than doors and that is turtle eggs I don't know why okay so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna come out here and we're just gonna pop one there like like okay I just killed a baby um and then he should yeah there we go so now he's like uh no I completely disagree with that but then he sinks and then they all come over and they all sink and stop breaking my doors it's working perfectly now we just gotta do this everywhere I'm just gonna need a couple more just a few um no no no no no stay back no stay back okay stay back there are they're still breaking doors so I gotta play some more I guess okay so I think it's I think it's I think it's safe to place doors now yeah it's looking a lot clearer now also if I place magma blocks then they get sucked down so you can't even see them it's perfect it's brilliant yeah can't get my doors now can you I'm gonna pop the rest of the eggs here and see if they hatch into Turtles and in the meantime now I think I'm just going to use the villagers that I've already got here so let's see where this portal comes out and right next to it ideal okay so clear out this make a bridge place a bell grab a villager okay buddy you're about to go on the ride of your life actually actually if I just make a villager farm here then I can breed villagers and then just send them to the island that is a much better idea okay now we just need this villager but for some reason he wants to run a run up some reason he wants to run away so what all righty okay now we've got two villagers gonna throw them some food through the food hole nah there it is there it is I can hear him there he is yeah okay this is all going really well hang on a second hang on a second I think I think I know what they're doing no I'm not allowing this I'm not allowing this they're stomping on my eggs this is not funny it's kind of funny but no and then I made another bridge by really to edit through me building the bridge so there's there's the bridge okay villagers how are we doing oh you're asleep oh good idea okay bad idea yeah I forgot that was a thing all right it's time to speedrun this I'm just gonna throw them some food and then AFK for a while okay it's been like two hours Villages well there's a lot of you there's actually a you look like you need a day off my friend okay it's time for the transfer to begin okay brilliant they get along everyone's friends everyone's friends here uh excuse me I'm just gonna push these guys down yep yep he's gonna sink and you off you go and this one see you down there okay so for some reason they're rejecting this Village I don't know why maybe if I give it a do a bit of this yes okay okay they're coming back brilliant yeah just accept it there's no there's no escaping this place right right let's look it's looking kind of cramped in here I'm not gonna lie why don't you move into the other house houses why okay let's get some pigs shove them through there not if you're scared okay that's good to know okay here we are home let's grab some chickens I can just shove this guy off right okay yeah I can just shove you off yeah there you go easy another one and we just do a bit of this grab some sheep okay with YouTube I'm just gonna send you both down together it'll be fine it wasn't oh we don't need cheap we don't need cheap they last one cows and I think I think we're done I think we're done with animals now now we just have to breed them okay this place is looking full of life okay so with the portal I'm pretty sure you can change the latitude and it won't mess it up but I think we can build it directly below the other one destroy our old one and then this one should should work yeah okay now go back in yep that works okay so now we're gonna make this into a like a ruined portal foreign distracting from the island okay final touches we're gonna add some more Ocean Monuments and then just tidy up a little bit it looks a bit messy [Music] okay before I forget let's grab my illegal pickaxe there he is you shouldn't exist and I'm going to put him in there with a knockback two dirt because I just don't have any more space I've got too much illegal stuff what can I say so there we are we put an ocean where no ocean should be purely for the sake of it if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like subscribe as well why not subscribe helps me out a lot and uh yeah
Channel: Kolanii
Views: 6,344,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 1000 days, hardcore, i spent 1000 days in minecraft hardcore, full movie
Id: ukIza5XHFxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 1sec (7381 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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