World's MOST Secure Minecraft House Battle vs Aphmau!

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welcome to an extreme face battle with my friend aphmau so we are going to build a pretty big house let me do do do do i'm going to do a redstone pathway okay so this is going to be the entryway i know that i said i was gonna do redstone but i think i'm gonna use it as like a highlight so we have the front part of our house we are going to simply outline the area secure right you know who needs a gate when you can have hold on hold on we are going to do a tripwire here no no it won't place hold on i don't know why redstone hates me but you know what it's fine it's a nice little accent piece here it is we have do-do-do droppers are going to go all down here i feel like the entryway to a very secure base is super important so that looks like it's connected i hope it's connected is it connected i don't know so i got my world edit to and i don't feel bad about using it this time because i've heard she learned some tricks of her own all right so how do i make a secure base well i want to make it kind of cute but you know i want to make it kind of tough so when she comes in it's a little tough so um all right and then i'm gonna try to make a skull here let's see if i can do that because i want to make like a little skull that's kind of like you know it screams scary when you look at it but the rest of it might be pink or purple i don't know is this a good shape to make i don't know oh my god it's gonna look tough and skulls are tough right yeah that works i think that works oh that's so cute that's tough that's the toughest thing i've ever seen okay all right there we go there we go there's a bow there's a little bow all right that's tough that's the toughest thing i've ever seen all right now to make the actual fortress of uh fortressing one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then it's right there and then one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay and then this one here and then sit still okay okay all right i think i got this look at that look at that oh cute oh that's adorable all right so it's a false sense of security all right she's the secure house base but off the spooky did you just quickly just say let's just say again okay now it is connected we are ready to go there um we are going to hide some droppers back in this area um this way this way beautiful beautiful 64 arrows in that one and 64 arrows in that one now i have to be careful because uh it's locked and loaded and make like a cool lighting situation there it is okay i feel like i'm doing a pretty good job guys i filled in the hole with a decoration oh my gosh i'm actually pretty excited about this i oh is it already glowing guys because it's touching the redstone block so i thought that was just a coincidence but i guess not hey how's it looking guys how's it looking uh-oh aphmau is saying something what did she do i saw that emoji what are you up to uh nothing i just thought it was nice that you got achievement called pretty are you up to decorating by any chance oh uh i i don't want to reveal what i'm doing right now because i don't know how far along you are uh i'm i'm you know i'm i'm done actually i'm 100 done yeah there is no way uh uh don't come check but i'm done you can always add more okay of course yeah sure of course me yeah i'll add more she knows that i'm not done she could tell i could tell she knew i could tell okay all right wait a minute wait a minute calm down calm down all right there we go all right so what i'm gonna make her do because i feel like if she's gonna put some traps for me i gotta put some traps for her all right so i'm gonna put this down here intimidation checked it's really working how does she come into my chest okay i feel like she's doing a lot of world editing and that kind of scares me because i don't know if i'm doing enough now so i feel like this is a little busy but it looks intense to me like if i was going to be intimidated by something it would be redstone i don't know why and i also have a gap in my wall that has to change but also i have to be able to get out of this place so we're gonna grab a pressure plate this is a big house i'm literally getting lost okay we open it from that way we open it from this way looking glorious now brie let's add you know uh some wallace back that would be great just like so oh it's so pretty okay okay now we also need a ceiling i'm trying to add more texture to the roof so it's not just flat but uh yeah this is gonna take me a while this place is big i made a chungus situation right here okay so we have the roof all finished and beautiful let's go look at it from outside i actually haven't seen it i hope it's pretty ah don't hit the arrows okay i mean i've seen worse oh let's put fencing up there too fence fence fence bree let's spell correctly we're going to that was out of place embarrassing oh three there we go we're going to put fencing all around here secure who needs a security guard when you have redstone and a fence that's all it is that's all you need to protect yourself going crazy i need my my desires need to be beautiful it's at 169 all right this is all lit this is all lit that's all that matters it's all lit nobody's head is going up here okay nobody's head is going up here if you care about that much you know just oh god oh god oh god undo undo undo please there we go okay all right set that and then over here let's do the same thing so we i i mean i feel like this room has enough lighting but let's be real we want to kind of stick with the aesthetic i got going here um the aesthetics is important okay i don't want to hear anybody say that they're not they are they're super super important to me and put this over here and then we gotta go 169 there we go all right and then we need to fill up my fridge oh my god i just want some time to decorate now cause she's she gonna give us some decorating time because happy that would be awesome i am digging this bree this bug keeps flying in my mouth guys it's not very nice of him and i don't appreciate it one two three one two three oh that was a bad idea i forgot i double enforced this thing going to also you probably don't want tons of windows in a like special house like this we're gonna keep it plain and simple and i might fill it instead of uh the norm i'm gonna put it with bars you can see through but not very well that's the point so immediately when you walk in you need some intimidation so we're going to make a cage i don't think creepers need that much room so this should be fine we are going to make a cage for the creepers i just realized i have to make a roof i didn't really want to okay you guys so things are heating up i now have the intimidation station so we walk through the chip the trip we walk through the ship why can't i speak english we walk through the trip wire and arrows will flame then we have the redstone torches honestly that's just to be pretty we have inside glass areas so what i'm going to do is [Music] i'm going to place creepers and what else zombies i feel like a zombie would be nice okay we're going to put just a couple creepers and then we gotta seal it seal it breathe fast okay good good if they explode we are not in good luck ladies and gentlemen things will go astray but secure see they're protecting us from whoever enters right here then at the end of this let's go ahead and put another tripwire i will say like the zombie grunting isn't very nice to have him to have in your house but you know hey i need protection i can't even see where i put the string because of the redstone is it there i feel like it's oh no no don't upset the zombie breathe fix this you can do it i bet you it was too close sir can you move please you are in my way you're in my way i'm trying to fix the wall um they're yelling at me they're growling at me everything is fine you did this to yourself there we go how about that no it is still not working we can't waste any time i only have five minutes left that is it um we need furniture you know we also need tnt we also need we also need pumpkins are scary right cactuses cactuses we could do that we also could put a tub of lava in how about that oh as soon as you enter is lava that's what that's what i'm feeling okay so don't need you string you betrayed me so we're gonna do this and then we are going to place parkour i mean it's not that hard but if you mess up you will get a little toasty lava oh it said hot stuff it thinks i look spicy there we go so there are zombies creepers then you walk in honestly i need to make this better what were you thinking bree leave that one i'll place one more over here and more lava honestly like let's make this whole thing lava we're trying to go hardcore right now so you would have to see i would have died i would have died right there because i'm very bad at parkour i've been trying i'm getting a little better i think but um uh oh can i place things down now perfect this doesn't look that cute i'm not gonna lie but i'm just trying to make it secure that's what i'm really caring about oh my god decorating time please decorating time okay this is coming along good guys it's coming along pretty good it's coming along very very very well all right secure base i got the secure part done i just need to get the base part done with this looks like i actually cared about the thing that i was doing okay oh it's like finishing your homework and you is you just about do half mouth is it time i mean almost time i mean i could use a couple more minutes but also i'm pretty proud of what i've done yes save i just haven't decorated anything so maybe how about two or five more minutes five more minutes let's go five more minutes starting now first we are going to make some beautiful tnt columns like the civilized human beings that we are no why redstone was it the redstone okay you guys so i was able to rebuild the house christ is averted apparently bree don't put tnt in your redstone i'm sorry y'all are probably judging me but it's time to decorate a little bit okay this is a like solid base build off which so it's not like one of my moments where i want to make it just like crazy decorated and pretty but i feel like we could put a clock right there make it official then we probably need a [Music] sofa i don't need a bed i'm not gonna sleep here i just would like everyone to know i forgot these doormats like always ask you what you would like to write on them we're swapping it out we're doing some red carpet right here does that look center guys yeah it is okay perfect we have the throne your majesty right here whoa i just i just joined the chair um here it is so we have that we also probably need like a sink or something i just i don't know why i just feel like when you're a spy like in a base you wouldn't need water occasionally so we're doing water and then frames let's get some frames up in here here here here here here that looks pretty cool if i do say so myself oh it can it can this is one of my favorite builds i've done so far i'm just gonna say now we want some banners it would kind of look cool right here yeah okay then uh i'm not really liking the look of this picture no armor armor stand for sure this and only diamonds here okay that's that's all we can have i'm gonna put that in the corner like so and then we could grab some gold how about that how's it going how's it going it's looking good we have an armor stand but i am missing something like for sure missing something avail keeps making advancements and that's intimidating i i don't like that i feel like that's a bad sign for me jingle bells what well the only thing cool i can think of at this moment is to put more frames down bear with me i'm sorry i think i'm cool if you think i'm cool give this video like i'm i'm kind of playing but i mean definitely like this video if you're enjoying it also so i can film more with app mouth give us some encouragement there it is whoa that was high i oh bri you can't have the cart there there we go this is looking pretty cool if i do say so myself now we need the guard chicken so chuckles who's available on he's got to be out here somewhere maybe he goes inside i can't decide where he's gonna live oh not by the arrows that's for sure i'm gonna put him in here avoid the lava at all costs so chuckles is a little area is a little shallow but we're gonna work on that it's not a big deal we are going to chicken i'm just gonna sauce an egg in there he will definitely hatch soon we need a sign for him though he he's extra fancy okay let's let's be real guard chicken we ran out of time i have a little trip wire which i could have just not warned you i'm going to go into survival just in case my body's okay spooky okay all right all right all right all right i'm gonna i'm gonna pretend like you've never said that all right okay we're just gonna walk through here welcome to the the big guard dog area i don't know what to call it they're they're scary they're keeping people out they're spooking me oh my god but they can't get me no no unless i break the glass which which i'm tempted to do you wouldn't do that i mean i might i mean why not why not hello sir oh my god he's only going after you zero to ten what would you rate it i would rate you know what you know what you know what i'm gonna get compared to the last time i'm gonna get i'm gonna give it like i'm gonna give this i'm gonna give it a seven i like how much you have to think about that i appreciate it yeah i look at this top secret security i still i put a skull oh my god that's awesome i'm actually super impressed oh thank you all right so this is my skull base all right if you want to go into survival so you can try to survive the traps you totally can oh you have a lava parkour i do i do have a lava parkour so if you want to come over this way oh okay so i totally did it we're starting over we're starting over okay sorry so here i'll go to survival two you did all right let's see uh i did it you did oh i did it too okay all right all right now this one is actually a trap here right okay what is that what's under there magma stop it that is brilliant if you come over this way you'll see that i have a kitchen excuse me why are you so good at building it's not even fair over here is the eating room okay the eating room because you come right here yeah it's a cookie so you can sit down all right all right you sit down right here um yeah my grandma gave me that my so you were wondering what the creepers were for right well yeah i was going to i was going to do this and i'll put you down there you know maybe put some put some creepers down here just a little bit you know hey this is not right i'm a guest i'm a visitor so so follow me this way follow me back my hurts now oh that's right it's okay don't worry don't worry over here just a little this little tv spot um and up here is my my room i got you a present because i couldn't finish in time surprise i heard something bad oh you guys i think it's a good time to end this video i have literally blown up in uh flames yeah acme went up in flames too y'all have a blessed day and we will see you in my next video
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 6,834,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: zHFMxkF-O6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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