Minecraft But On ONE EARTH BLOCK...

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this is minecraft one block like you've never seen it before and it's kind of cheating because it's not really one block we're gonna be on these block planets gather some op weapons and then eventually beat the game i'm gonna do it josh i'm gonna do it don't wait where are you going jenny wait what what that what just happened this is earth but we actually have gravity okay so i could just come down to you huh yes yes okay hey whoa josh we're beating the game can you believe it we're actually gonna do it am i standing sideways or is this gravity what is happening so what are we doing we have to craft a spacesuit to start okay so okay we need to get resources wait so if i think so where are the blocks gonna oh wait what i don't even know i'm so confused don't worry about it we're still playing minecraft but we just have to craft spacesuits in order to beat the game okay okay that sounds good so jelly do you actually know what we need to build a spacesuit well i think at first we're probably going to need a crafting table okay should i make that no never mind wait uh josh hold on a second please um why is the crafting table doing that we'll worry about it let's have a look type in spacesuit space spacesuit iron we're going to eat iron ingredients okay so i need a need to get a pickaxe first i guess it's not this is not a challenge this is easy well i think it might get more difficult jelly so prepare for that really you think so because i don't think so oh okay so we are gonna need to get like a furnace as well so maybe get a little bit more stone than you think you need that's right josh that's right furnace although josh didn't say glass as well i haven't seen any sand um no no no what do you mean that there was sand on the the starting area right and i mean yeah there's sand up here we actually only need one like one single sand no jelly that's too many put that back no no no we take one each all right let's go back oh wait no actually we do need one each i don't know why i'll make the furnace do you have some coal um i don't why is this upside down i can put some wood in there the iron dude i'm getting the iron for the space suit jelly chuck your sand in quick okay let me get some iron as well so we need eight iron each i think yeah that's right isn't this going to be a bit heavy though with all of this iron i got the first piece of glass josh okay it's yours oh you're being rude okay so i put the iron in you know what jelly let's go crazy i'm gonna make a second furnace just for you wait really why then it will go quicker all right jelly i think we're good to go oh wait are we gonna grab spacesuit oh this means all we got to do now is build a rocket and we can go to the next planet okay so how do we build a rocket though well we go under the crap okay we've got a bit more to do then jelly wait iron ingots copper ingots in a lava bucket josh i already have more iron here in the furnace waiting for us oh well we're gonna need a lot more than that well we're gonna need copper and we need to find lava have you seen lava anywhere i definitely saw copper i haven't seen lava maybe we need to explore around the uh gosh i think we should want to explore together oh let's go oh oh what yep oh there's there's copper here there we go i made it nice to meet you is there lava on this one it's a bit dark here this is the dark side of the moon is it yeah yeah this is the south pole josh it's the the winters here okay well it's kind of hard to see anything i got 15 raw copper i think that's enough okay so now i'm gonna continue around i guess oh there's a house here jelly what what wait a second i did not know that this was here okay wait what can't being in the barrels is there anything in there nothing should have used this house we could have lived here yeah well too bad the lava is in the core of this planet oh it all makes sense now right that actually does make a lot of sense to be fair oh you're just going straight are you making yesterday we'll we'll make a little staircase hang on jelly can you chuck me your resources because i need to get them in the furnace like which ones like iron copper put the copper in i already got enough iron we just need the lava mate okay all right calm down i hear it i hear the bubbles wait really yeah it's actually look oh no way okay so do you have a bucket josh what stop it i don't have a bucket is that what you meant to get the crafting table with you absolutely not oh okay well we found the lava in the core of this planet we need a bucket each josh okay i'm making a bucket right now yeah okay so wait wait do we need more than one rocket or one each or what what's the deal here uh yeah i think i think we'll just make one each okay one each okay fine i mean what if it's a one-person rocket that's a good point actually let me get some as well there we go i'm upset but i'm gonna move on from that i i i just did a slight bit of damage okay just a slight bit hey go over the edge josh okay well i'm just sitting here burning but i will make a rocket there we go rocket okay so all right we're gonna need some rocket fuel that makes sense wait rocket fuel what do you need for that cobblestone and coal where was that coal i have cobblestone and coal oh wait really not enough for one piece okay well then you don't have like why would you say it like that all right i'm heading back jelly there we go this is amazing one rocket fuel you got it yeah me too all right so now we can fly to the moon no no no we need a space laser no josh we're making the space laser on the moon oh right wait how do we slice this oh this rock is here jelly wait whoa oh whoa we made it to the moon hang on i need to turn on my night vision visor that's better now we're talking just feel the gravity oh that's pretty good wait a second jelly what are we gonna get wood here how do we get a crafting table i mean i've got some wood luckily but it's a good thing that um i don't know i brought some water yeah good good okay um make a space laser we need to look at the calcite slime bull and the coal okay wait how do we get the slime ball um calcite is easy it's this stuff there's gonna be slime how much iron do you have left uh it was in the furnace oh no i have six ingots okay we should probably make iron pickaxes yeah that'd be good because otherwise i think we're in trouble boom space laser ah we got an alien invasion wait what an actual alien invasion is happening oh my god i don't know there were aliens on the moon wow they're like tiny little annoying things like you we have space lasers that we can kill them they're actually pretty easy to shoot jelly i didn't oh they keep dive bombing me stay away got them all one more one more yo there you go we now have an unusual alien weapon a weapon that does something oh that's gonna blow up the moon my bad my bad josh listen to me oh we gotta be careful of our rocket to beat the game do not break the rocket jelly what do you mean beat the game we've got we're like we're in uh yes yes i did but don't worry i have more like i don't know why i was so lucky with wood oh okay well fuel i made it all right let's get in how do i get in i still don't have to go wait one piece of fuel is enough for both of us all right let's go tomorrow oh hey we're here okay we need to craft a space shelter whoa jelly we need those pickaxes even different now okay can you put down that crafting table again please okay we'll have to make another new one but yes are you kidding me no okay so the space shelter josh yep these three iron ingots two pieces of glass and an iron door this is easy yeah but i need an iron pickaxe jelly i want one i need one i'll give you three pieces of iron give me the wood oh i tried to throw it in that hole but it just floated you still picked it up just take it there we go all right so josh we just need a bunch of iron wait we could have already made it actually if you didn't make the pickaxes i think having a pickaxe is probably better where do you think we all there's lava down here jelly where do you think we get sand from sand is made from uh uh well well glass is what i'm saying but made from sand yeah i'm aware of that jelly josh yep we forgot that mars obviously has red sand glass for us okay that makes sense yeah you just got to use your brain a little bit i know that can be quite cheap you make a furnace jelly and start with the yapping so we need three iron two glass we do need an iron door you can be the crafter i've got one iron there i got okay put the iron in while you do that i'm gonna go explore explore mars yeah josh this this place is not habitable there's nothing just to let you know i found nothing a space shelter boom oh it's here yes look at that place hey hey we could have done this like across all the bits we need like crowding table all of that look it's a blast running even wait so next up we can upgrade our space laser yeah and that is gonna cost us a lava bucket a golden ingot and a bucket of powdered snow what yeah wait is there snow here josh yes there is snow on mars we not we need to go to one of the poles are you sure there's snow here because i've been round uh-huh wait technically you know i'm a real scientist so i know these things snow is hidden beneath the sand of mars so maybe we just got to chop a layer off okay then i found it jelly it's just on one side of the planet oh okay i got the bucket all right let's go back there we go so we've got some gold buckets so i just get the lava yep off you go all right okay uh i'll be waiting yeah i'm getting it geez here is some floating items for you to use in the crafting seriously i can craft yes you can craft okay upgrade kaboom cabal is it your space laser is now don't use it explosive [Music] who would have saw that coming jenny we need to craft the robot helpers at the top of the screen okay but do we do that here on this planet well maybe i see it jelly robot helper is um the emeralds and redstone dust do you have the gold no i when i have two gold but i just need to put the furnace down again all right all right we'll smell some more of that gold and then that's all we need then we're good to go we got the little helper we're gonna name him right yeah we can if you really want to exactly okay i think i've got it jelly there we go hey refill the rock with fuel we're going to the next planet dust here's our helper by the way okay i'm naming you goldie goldie okay i don't know what he does just sort of is walking around aimlessly don't go over the edge goldie don't do it don't get there do it jelly we need more fuel okay well fuel's easy it's just cobblestone with coal do you have coal uh no do you have oh my god how do we keep running out of resources i mean we should just get more than we need what is this thing doing let's just get a ton of the stuff from the inside here josh okay okay we'll do that okay and then we go okay that's fine all right grab the refuel fuel all right okay we can't fly europa whoa what oh check this place out what is this why is the helper health is attacking the whole planet that's been happening did you just look at that person jenny you're you're already antagonizing the alien population sorry jelly i had to kill him you can't wipe out the aliens that's not allowed literally iron blocks here oh wow jelly we can't just go to a foreign planet and just take all of their resources i guess we can uh that doesn't sound very convincing when you say it like that josh listen to me the only objective we've got now is to beat the game josh oh okay alien portal containment that sounds familiar way oh we've got blaze rods next to an end portal josh do not use that weapon yeah my bad sorry ow there's pearls here there's pearls on the walls pearls on the walls but we're gonna need more than that okay i got 16 pearls how do i attack these blazers without blowing them up space laser maybe no but they both blow things up ah really blew me up okay wow this is cool though wait watch i'm in like a maze oh what are you doing jelly i just jelly okay here we go i hope you've got enough dash are you ready for this we're gonna be let's go oh my god um jelly why do i have a feeling we're on a hello is this like a normal end josh all we got to do is blow up the healers okay this should be pretty easy then right yes okay we've got a terrible range okay our alien weapons do a lot of damage and there are no enderman here this is gonna be easy josh oh wow we can just blast it wait i'll put the helper down i don't know it's gonna help oh oh things kill the helper jenny look wait wait click the green one that's not what i meant oh my god nearly there yes i think we did it we beat the game we traveled through the galaxy and beat the weird enderdragon can you die please oh my goodness wow it's taking a bit of time isn't it yeah he's a bit slow come on die here everybody all right [Applause] thanks for watching 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Channel: Slogo
Views: 857,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly, one block, earth block, minecraft planet
Id: Pi3MP_zk3YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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