They hired me to hunt the most DANGEROUS animal

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me and jelly are back in way of the hunter we're gonna be hunting some animals in a new map with shotguns and also with our car uh yeah you're just gonna have to watch to find that one out that's a nice looking shotgun jelly thank you Josh you got a similar ones yeah okay this is a new gun that we have now purchased and Josh what are we gonna do we're doing a new map a new world and we're gonna go shoot some right innocent animals oh no no Josh They're Not Innocent oh what they committed crimes good let's go together crimes they're on our property okay is there anything wait what hippity hoppity get off our property wait quiet wait there's something over there wait we're at our house jelly oh man already got a property they deserve to die man oh my goodness I see it a moose jelly wait what look right over there 180 meters oh my God scotlers and everything if you've got your other Guns Alaska moves uh yeah the shotgun's not gonna make that mate Justice the second one I know wait but we should go for because I don't think we've got the power to take the first one down it's bigger what do you mean the one the horns obviously oh yeah yeah yeah okay I need to do some zeroing uh this is 150 meters away I'm getting 180 are you 150 oh no it's 200. you're right you're right you're right Josh Josh it's gonna go I need to zero do the zither at zero I figure out a zero uh arrows arrow keys three two one fire I guess helmet I think I hit it in its head again where was it Freedom where was his wife oh my God Sony where's his wife and his kids all of them I don't know I think they ran all right jelly let's get the cars and go figure out what we shot wait let's shoot our shotgun does it say Well done whoa I'm pretty confident we shot that about 75 times uh oh yeah that meat's gonna be ruined isn't it Josh hang on Jelly I've got a new car by the way mine's got an open back it's pretty cool what check this out yeah Josh I mean mine's the same it's just hey all right Josh let's take the shortcut route oh okay all right whoopsies I'm pretty sure there's a there's a river yeah yeah but this is a UTV job off-road vehicle okay so I it was along here somewhere was that a little bit too brutal by the way like um but I don't know follow moose where is he um you found him oh wait Jenny can you see it as well as me I don't think so I think if you claimed it oh no this Harvest doesn't belong to you it's beautiful okay I mean you what an animal yes we shot it three times um okay we shot it I think I think those two shots we missed we missed like we basically missed its internal organs every single time all right well five times um Josh how much money are we gonna get for that we are gonna get 220. oh okay uh anyway Josh I think now that we've um cleared the animals off our land I think it's time to go hunting with our shotgun what do you think I that's the whole thing we started yeah I'd say so um my car's already smoking um oh sorry so Josh where do we need to go and what do we need to shoot with our shot I don't know we can try and find some evidence of like where our animals would be I guess uh uh around oh Birds Bert where I mean I think there are smaller birds there's one right above me oh my God there's so many shoot him ah why is it not dying all right uh I don't know about the birds man I think the birds is kind of they're kind of too small all these bats not totally sure we have any idea what we're doing I'm wearing shot really trying to you yeah I'm not getting that all right let's continue yeah Josh we gotta find something bigger than that like a duck a duck is a big bird Josh's gonna kill me wait did you die yes I didn't even know I could kill you jelly jelly jelly I think I see something in the background no way again I think there's some sort of animal like laying down over there oh my God okay I've got an idea get your shotgun out get your shotgun out that's up wait can you get in my car jelly we're gonna pull up on it and then jump out and shotgun it okay that's God damn I need you to keep an eye on it though for tracking this is what we call a drive-by shooting oh God in the woods oh my God stop the car stop the car no I'm gonna get a big one oh my God Josh I'm on his tail hit it I think we I think we killed that one though oh get out get out Josh my shotgun has binoculars all right in it there's one running away okay all right all right what is going on with my game you good yeah my shotgun had by not wait sorry if we kill it from the hit with the car oh my God this thing's beautiful mate whoa look at this oh what it just says wasted because it was Roadkill are you kidding me bro daddy you you can go check the other one I think I'm pretty sure we've got two right all right well I need to go walk to it Josh because I can't drive your car oh I can I can drive it uh uh how did it was it how'd it go yeah it's dead it's dead I see a bunch of stuff running in the distance over there I flies are shotgun enough um that was the whole point yeah like the point wasn't the damage his legs and then then shoot it with the shotgun yeah I mean ended out of his suffering I mean but I feel like we just killed instantly with the car yeah basically Josh are we not gonna find that one that we shot yeah I know but I I don't know I don't know exactly where I went we can go towards it though yeah yeah let's go let's have a look it was in this direction so you shot a bison but our rifles I mean I think I shot it in the booty so I don't think it's gonna really still be around I mean it would be somewhere around here all right use your Hunter sense uh I'll use my hunting call oh I see blood I see blood I see blood so I did hit it animals it says animal survive so unless I hit it again on this Trail it's gonna be fine clear yeah I don't that's definitely not uh gonna be a dead bison nah this this animal ran me this animal got away I think we've made a quite a bit of noise in this area not totally sure if we're going to see much plus we didn't hit it with the shotgun I know I know we've got to find some evidence of like some feeding areas to get stuff with a shotgun yeah you're right it's beautiful around here but it's beautiful around here while we're just shooting everything all right Jay so we've got a bit of a valley down here just looking ahead to see if there's any I see uh some sort of elk or moose like really far away like 600 meters but well we got to get something with a shotgun yeah I know and they're either creep up to it well they're a bit too fast for us I feel like wait if we're pretty popular they don't know true true but we have to get so close we've got to think about where I'll smell like 50 meters I'll smell this behind us luckily so that's good I knew you're gonna say that oh my God oh my God stop the car there's a whole bunch of them right up ahead what do you not see it three 350 meters away about what slightly to the left of 180. they are pretty huh yeah I don't really I don't understand how we're gonna sneak up on them Josh stop the car oh we gotta walk there okay the wind is not gonna expose us we got seven 7.7 meters we gotta get on the opposite Hill Josh all right let's start crouching from here from here all right well we've got quite a journey to go yeah but Josh get the chocolate ready mate put it in between his eyes okay is that is that rude I I think shooting them is rude this is just a you know it's a Nerf gun we're helping nature here you know it's a Nerf gun jelly right oh stop still he's right here he's right here 100 what that's what I mean like Direction Josh oh he's definitely looking at us oh he's looking he's alerted he says alerted oh they're smart do you think this is too far I mean it's a shotgun it causes too far what do we do what the hell are you Josh we could start sprinting and when it starts running then shoot no no no we just slowly Crouch the moment it moves now move move move stop the moment it's not right green light Josh this isn't squid game the moment it looks we start moving and the moment it stops looking we start moving okay okay if it's us running we shoot though right yes green light move oh that's that's alerted jelly look how fast it's moving the one no I'm lagging all right I hit it I hit it I hit it too I hit it twice I think we hit it pretty badly Josh definitely got a good hit I mean I don't know how much damage this thing does but oh my God I think we hit it big time I think we hit it big time I think we must have hit it four times yeah it just it's that's right it's difficult to know how much damage this thing was doing though just gotta follow its bloodline Josh okay here's the the bloodline okay yeah this is not a good we we need to know where the blood was up here he went this way somewhere what does the blood say I lost the blood it says clear it says small amount jelly it's a small amount I don't think I don't think the shotgun was it I mean we could have killed got that with our sniper okay I'm looking for a Josh but I think we hit it four times I don't I just think that we that it was too far you know like the damage just wasn't strong enough yeah you're probably right but don't worry we can come back from this okay oh there's something here it's a temporary setback Josh there are literally black bear prints here uh and Elk I see a whole bunch of elk down there do you see him oh my God yeah wow yeah but those are too far for the shotgun I see a bunch of wolves as well and Elk oh oh hello a pack of wolves might be fun and some more moose yeah the wolves look good maybe they'll eat us let's go find out uh jelly what instead of binoculars you've got a sniper rifle in your hand so when you aim down it you yeah aim ing I had it I had binoculars on a shotgun earlier uh yeah that's okay Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh there's so much up ahead it's all been spooked though really yeah look at it 90 degrees it's all running away we were able to get so close to certain things I don't know what happened was it just we were just walking too fast they're all walking up the hill maybe the girls clubbed up of the Boost what look at them all oh my God long range shot um they're not even scared oh there you go I might have hit one to be honest well now they're running all right well Josh they're really gonna find something now yeah um yeah all right let's uh head back let's head back uh because we are yeah all right Jenny we picked up the car have you got your shotgun out what you got your shotgun like in your hands I got my shotgun in my hand okay we see animals Josh try not to roll yeah rather than running them over we're gonna try and pull up on them and then start shooting this is our this is um our last shot at this okay final attempt and clearly we're using the shotgun wrong but we we don't mind ah Jenny this is it work this is our last chance okay okay okay let me get out let me get out yeah [Applause] yeah two get another one get another one I'm in this bottle I shot it in the butthole why don't I get any of them I can't look at any of them wait really it's very strange yeah damn dude that went right in his buttocks oh nice Dodge we got them all uh that was a good ending Josh yeah yeah I I should I literally put the gun in his butt um wow look at all the bullets okay
Channel: Slogo
Views: 294,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, They hired me to hunt the most DANGEROUS animal, way of the hunter, hunting, dangerous hunt, hunting with friends, jelly
Id: hgsgJpF9Gko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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