Minecraft But It's One Modded Block (#2)

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hey welcome to episode 2 of Minecraft but it's One modded block I don't really know how to say this but we've had a bit of a disaster of Epic Proportions you see I was just doing some work in between episodes and one minute our friendly free-range Pig was just wandering around enjoying life frolicking in the sunshine and then the next I turn around and he's not there I don't know what happened there's no trap doors to pathfinding correctly and walk off the edge but somehow it must have happened I'm so sorry our poor friendly Pig now you're not gonna have a partner and I'm so sorry it was just in time for me to learn that you can actually pick up animals just like you can pick up chess and I was able to easily place the chicken in here and breed it using melon seeds because I forgot that you can do that any seeds work for breeding chickens but now I'm sorry you you don't have a companion and it's it's got wrenching one like equals one prayer for our Pig remember the pig anyway since we last left off as you can see I've done a little bit of work with sorting out inventory I built an inventory platform it'll continue to expand over time but I just want to show you really quick how cool pork is okay you saw a little peak of it in the first episode but I've now done the proper key binding and so it works kind of the same way if any of you have followed along with Vault Hunters we've been using it a lot there at least we were before we had a storage system so now if I just hit a couple Keys boom Auto Stacks it's incredible so as long as we're getting items that we already have I can just pop it into the right chest instantly and it's it's kind of awesome so I did that I also I accepted the hopper Bonsai pot Quest well I made the hopping Bonsai and now this is going because I learned as I was just you know trying to right click this thing every now and again when I saw it was ready to go um I learned it's terrible and very rarely do you get anything from it it's like once every three or four times you actually get a log from right clicking so it kind of sucks and you're much better off just growing saplings that's kind of what I found here so we got a lot of wood that way that's how we got most of the wood for the chests and all that stuff and um all in all we're doing well I also I built a little wall because I'm a little bit worried about the whole creeper situation I don't want to creeper to even if it's not gonna blow up blocks I don't want it to blow up our animals because that's kind of inconvenient if that happens and um all that we got to do really now is we will be able to get some more pigs if I just am able to continue breeding up um the chicken slash the Sheep because I think all it takes in order for us to do the challenge wherever whatever section it's in yeah here we go is we just need to do some braiding so we've done two we've done the Sheep once we've done the chicken once and if we just keep doing those then we'll be able to get the numbers up also there's been plenty of eggs so hey there we go I got take aim for hitting a chicken with an egg I didn't even know that it worked that way that's kind of incredible wait can I get more can we get more can we get more come on more chickens what the frick I did just breed him not too long ago so I am gonna have to remember to keep a couple melon seeds so we can keep growing melons and make sure they're a renewable resource for us oh it's gonna be kind of embarrassing if I forget that so I've got wood I've got food items I've got agriculture items and I am gonna I see when Redeeming the hopper Bonsai thing here I did mess up a little bit and it prompted me after I got this to choose what seed I wanted and I was like oh well we'll get wheat if we use bone meal on grass and then just punch some of the grass and so I'll just pick beetroot instead of giving me one and one it it gave me yeah I didn't realize this is a choice but it showed the wheat seed so it got me confused so I chose beetroot so it gave me two beetroots and I'm like that's not what I wanted to have here but thank you now I guess we can really Farm beetroot super well and super good isn't that exciting all right well anyway we're gonna get the numbers up it's gonna be great I feel like today well obviously we want to keep on mining this thing I don't know how many more we're gonna have to do before the the creeper situation stops and we can instead just focus on you know not having to worry about things blowing up the instant I mind something but hey guess who still hasn't made a sword me I can do ax crits right I've got the PVP power just want a diamond I just want a diamond man what I'm gonna not do though is I will not for this series the idea is I'm not gonna mine the one block in between episodes any in between episode work we'll all be building with existing resources that we've already had in our chest um or you know if we make any farms mob Grinders that sort of stuff I'll use new resources from that but I will not make any progress on the one block unless it is during the episode Time Lapse I mean it might just be a jump cut here and there but the idea is I should continue to pick everything up so creeper doesn't just blow it up I need to really really keep that in mind but now watch insane insane if it's in your hot bar it does not Auto stack and obviously there's going to be some new stuff here and there but it's like okay we know this is the chest that has our oars and I can just pop things in and it's it's truly wonderful and then I can go over to here and I can be like okay boom and even if I don't remember exactly what goes in what chest right I can just keep going to each one and then I just do the things and then boom there we go throw that in there God it's such a good system it's such a good system cork is so nice even though it might Frick up my block placing every now and again cork is truly big plays the question is am I gonna have to get fortune 3 in order to get a diamond pickaxe here like am I gonna have to do that because it's kind of it really doesn't seem to want to give me a new diamond it's kind of it's kind of ruining my life here like all the blocks that you could choose here and you're just refusing to give me though it's daytime I'm sorry that was kind of mean of me dude that was kind of not very nice of me to do that but then we just like okay we go there we go there and then boom our inventory is clean isn't that incredible I want to make the building Gadget that is a challenge that we need to do here and also there's like dude I can get some pedals these these blocks are really interesting I haven't actually checked if these Britannia blocks here are a three by three of petals and if they can be deconstructed I have made a betania chest but I kind of want to see is it okay it's a pedal storage block essentially so I could take these all and I could just deconstruct them and that way it'll save a little bit of space inside unless you end up getting a bajillion of these but yeah that's pretty awesome and so the building Gadget the cool part about the building Gadget is it it gives us back the diamond and the iron that we invest in order to make it so I feel like it's kind of a no-brainer to do at this point because it'll make us expanding the island like 10 times easier so here's what I'm thinking we gotta make oh it wants us to make the building Gadget and the charging station for it if I am not mistaken is that in the Overworld there we go so charging the station doesn't require Diamond but it requires we need four lapis eight iron it doesn't give us all of the iron back I've just just realized but you know what that's fine we've got plenty I'm sure we'll get more and we needed the Redstone lapis and Cole and that should be good the only thing I was like kind of Holding Out for is genuinely if I got to level 30 then maybe I'd be able to get fortune and use it on this diamond ore but then I'd have to apply Fortune to an iron pickaxe some kind of I don't know about that so here goes nothing all right I'm just going to use it we'll get our diamonds back and then just fingers crossed bro maybe I should make that my first task for this episode is pretty please pretty please make it so that I can get another Diamond that's I I'd like nothing more than that also though how am I gonna what am I gonna charge with I hope this thing takes coal takes coal right you're gonna take coal I think please tell me that that is what you do okay yeah so it takes coal and then that converts it into power and we try okay it yeah it takes it takes coal all right it takes coal all right well you know what that's fine though because we can just get more we do charcoal yeah okay that's not bad that's like a third filled up and then this is awesome because we can then just build like new Farmland because one of the quests here is we need to get a bunch of different stuff yeah we need to we need to farm a stack of every single one of these resources easy right also bone meal with a composter how am what am I gonna throw in the composter I could throw melons in trying to think what are what's our most renewable resource that we can compost I don't actually know you know what I want to do though I want to get another Diamond please get me a diamond unbelievable I feel like it teases You by presenting you with what could have been three diamonds if I had an iron pickaxe at the first one and then it just doesn't give you any more it's like you had your chance if you had only known about the botania whatever World gen type that this is then you could have potentially but I didn't even I didn't even have the iron pickaxe or the ability to do that at that point and that's the Absurd thing and now I've gone through two pickaxes and we're up to 840 blocks mined and still it won't give me another one hmm it's fine I'm just gonna go get more iron smelting in the meantime and this is gonna happen eventually that's definitely gonna happen eventually how about we pivot from the struggles of trying to find a diamond it's only gonna happen when we're not looking for it right and instead let's build a little farming area look I've built a cute bridge I did it well not recording because it it took some it took some thoughts to get this incredible architecture correct okay it was it was a very involved process but that said now that we're on the other side here we actually do have to be careful and try to conserve our dirt because we don't have like a lot of it but what we can do is a 9x9 area probably and then have it surrounded by some kind of other block I think that that piece of dirt right there might be it might be a goner ah Frank but the beauty of this is I can use the building Gadget okay so there's one two three four um it's gonna be I guess four on either side of Center to that and then one two three four and then two three four five six seven Quirk you've done it again I actually am going to need to do that in order to get some water underneath so it's like it's nice for that you keep ruining my life building Gadget love building gadgets Gadget this house and now I was thinking what we're gonna do is just kind of surround it maybe with a border of the Cobble over there you see how you make that it's really cool you just you do this for a little bit you get a bunch of Pebbles and then all you gotta do is it's so nice you just take each of these and you put it like that and you get cobblestone bricks and wowie zowie aren't they just the didn't mean to I meant to get more Pebbles but it didn't it didn't work that way I placed the block anyway you get the idea this is really how I I Channel my inner Builder is we don't just use Cobblestone we use the bricks and it it makes things like it's much fancier than it otherwise would be and I I'm sure that you can all kind of appreciate just just how fancy it really is and then we can do this over here and then we can do can he reach it one of these times I'm gonna fall off and then I'm gonna lose everything and it's gonna be a disaster and then we building Gadget and hopefully the power lasts for quite some time let's see how much have we gone through not a whole bunch yeah look at that that's so cool that's so cool and then we all all we got to do is just don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it and now finally finally we can actually we we can do this we actually want cork to do that at long last all right there we go every now and again it's actually helpful it's just that oftentimes it's not and then you play something incorrectly and then it drops and you lose it and then you're sad what if we actually hear you know what what if we made like a Fount kind of on either side of the bridge but it's it's infinite water pools and it's functional and beautiful and voila infinite water pool man I love water logging cool and and then I have to break these cause a whole water flow to happen down there and now we're good right great and then we rinse and repeat voila what a beautiful Bridge oh my goodness it's it's so elegant now I can do this and then we can till everything but I do want to put the growth accelerators to use I can't remember what they require for crafting okay we're not we're not there yet although I do think I got some Prosperity shards but I'm thinking at least what we'll do is put them in we'll start them kind of in one row back here and then we'll have one under you know one of each of these that we're going for a stack and hopefully it'll just get that to grow a little bit quicker than the other ones but you know we'll kind of plant some down each of the rows columns please catch the dirt don't waste the dirt I've wasted the dirt don't waste the dirt dirt is a valuable resource there we go and I wonder if I should have just had a full layer of like Cobblestone down beneath this would that have been a good idea I can always do it you know after but yeah you know what slowly but surely we're gonna work our way to having well you know when I when I put these down here because you can stack these a whole bunch like way way way way way deep underneath and uh we're gonna We're not gonna be able to you know risk breaking anything afterwards so we're kind of gonna have to be strategic about things but um anyway great for now that's a problem for future jardon and for the time being we just have to remember that one doesn't have the growth accelerator and let's make a hoe and then we can start farming in Earnest and you know what we're gonna end up doing is we're gonna have you know maybe we'll just have a bunch of like interconnected Bridges at some point like a bridge Lakota over here and we'll have another 9x9 farming area and then that way and then so on and so forth and then when we've got something that can Auto Farm I don't know if there's end or i o or something like that that has the farmer block or something but but eventually I'm sure we'll expand further and maybe we'll use the bridges in order to connect everything and make it look uh lovely but for now let's get an iron hoe and then see what kind of seeds we've got to be able to plant basically nothing can I compost saplings actually I remember if that's like a valid uh compost thing but let me see really quickly because I feel like uh saplings are basically our most viable composting resource at the at the moment maybe are you are you yeah okay this is going to take ages isn't it to get a bug no please please don't go through all my saplings don't go through don't yay I got one bone meal okay give me a seed give me a seed give me see wait do we get another bone meal along with that do we get another bone meal we don't we don't oh we got another inferium growth Crystal and dirt seeds that's how we're gonna get our dirt because this isn't gonna provide enough but we obviously Are Gonna Want More Farmland so that's where it's at okay so we can do this and then we don't have to worry about that goodbye Cobblestone and then we can do that and then we can do it's it's mystical agriculture everybody um which which uh which means it means ten ten ten I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry that it it really they've really gone in 10 10 does on this I can't believe that they would tend ten tennis like this this is it's it's kind of it's kind of oh god oh no oh geez so uh Hey anyway there goes the dirt seed that we're really gonna have to really gonna have to ten ten ten this there's an analyzer or something right there that seed there's a seed scanner or something like I'm pretty sure I'm I'm pretty sure anyway yeah oh yeah because there's different tiers and oh boy all right uh we're in for a trip wait 14 growth is actually like Omega fast okay let's get some beet Roots out here so we'll kind of go in like a row column depends on the orientation that you're looking and then that was actually that was pretty good so we're gonna get a seed right oh we're gonna oh we're gonna get multiple seeds we're gonna get flax we're gonna get we're we're gonna there we go we got a wheat seed thank you we got melon seeds we got pumpkin seeds we got Industrial Hemp we can have a whole row of hemp if we'd like to have that I'm also getting exceptionally hungry I also think we should probably get some torches down around the outside but yeah okay farming is off to a start here but I can't remember actually if I can have will pumpkin pumpkins won't grow onto a piece of cobblestone will they don't think they will at least anyway let's get the wheat down I don't know let's get some hemp down maybe maybe we'll do the hemp there in the second I like this we'll just have it go all the way so that as soon as you walk off the bridge you're just in hemp you are enveloped by it and then hey all right beautiful we're off to a wonderful farming start and then also I need to go and get these over here so this is just uh these are basically storage blocks of veggies but they're all veggies that we need to grow so farewell to our beautiful beautiful aesthetic crates of veggies and hello to what why oh wait I um yes okay there we go I was like okay it's not working but why isn't it working there we go easy then we plant you here and then we get onion and the onion makes sense that it would be directly planted because the onion is a bulb right oh God yeah you see I don't grow food I don't even cook food so I it's fine everything's I I know I know farming techniques and what is planted and what needs to be converted into seeds and it's it's great jardon maroon professional farmer At Your Service I guess we might as well just convert these all to seeds and plant all of them because it'll make it faster for us to get the stack that we actually need so let's just do that as much as I'd like to just munch on some raw onions you know I I feel like we should just consider accelerating the process you know there's nothing like some raw onion if you guys haven't tried just munching on raw onion real delicacy can't recommend it enough definitely give it a try and and report back to me on just like what a great recommendation uh I've I've provided you because I think it's a good one okay you know what I'll just I'm gonna do the melon seeds I'm the pumpkin seeds elsewhere maybe just so they're not kind of interfering with whatever direction that they grow almost forgot I need to keep my trees going still how else are we going to get wood until we get wood seeds or whatever other seeds there are oh the dirt's ready to go yeah one dirt Essence this is huge actually though it might not take very many and it might give us a whole bunch of dirt in return let me see I can get puzzle I can get where's just normal dirt normal dirt 24 dirt for eights yeah uh uh oh God is it ever gonna give me more seeds though unless oh I'm gonna have to do the crop sticks and all that stuff right let me just verif wait there's no crop sticks hold on hold on am I getting my wires crossed wait no I am getting my wires crossed it am I oh god dude I can never remember mystical agriculture versus what's the name of the other one I'm totally blanking but maybe I don't need to do crop sticks maybe I don't need to do crop sticks but how am I gonna get more dirt seeds oh oh you want me to Botany pot these oh I need to make more uh wait yeah actually wait why am I doing any of this I just I guess I should just start off with making the botany pots yeah wait does I I don't I don't know if there's a way that I can use the inferium the crystal growth accelerators to improve the speed of the botany plants but yeah if I'm gonna get more seeds that way then that's probably a better you know what honestly let's put instead of just wasting our time with this this stupid thing over here not giving yeah we got 10 logs let's go everybody instead of wasting our time with this let me get the dirt seed into here and this way it should give us some like self-sustaining dirt with more seeds maybe that'll kind of open us up to we can plant more or put it in more of the more Bonsai pots so on and so forth and then what kind of what what do you why oh oh ah It's gotta be the it's got but but how do I just oh that's really fancy actually I did not know you could do that so wait I can do this oh that's so cool and then I can just combine with ethereum okay so this is just kind of the base stuff is there any way for me to pull the dirt out of this thing no no there's not but that's that's great just have to break it every single time don't worry about it so okay we put that there and then we put the inferion in there and then we put the dirt seeds in there oh dude this is sick and then we're gonna get oh it only takes a minute to grow too and this is gonna kind of get us rolling in the dirt department so I'm gonna have to start Mass producing the botany pots because it's probably gonna be better it's probably gonna be better than doing this although look stuff's growing we're getting Tomatoes we're gonna we're gonna get stuff we just leave it alone for a little bit so either way we're still getting crops one way might be faster than the other um but we're off to a start dude let's get more planted here and then we'll start being able to breed some more chickens really nicely are you nice and no you aren't but that's okay and I know we have Let's see we have a little bit more wheat that we can use so that we can continue our breeding Expedition oh you guys a little bit of double breeding action let's go and then we're gonna get the mob spawn eggs all right that was over here what are we at we're at five out of six hey wait if I get a couple seeds here which I just planted then we will be where we need to be you're gonna give it to me no would have been nice I'm just gonna sacrifice a couple of my delicious melon slices in order to complete the breeding challenge yeah come on come on make a baby yeah new population let's go okay boom boom boom boom Oh now you have a friend I'm so sorry I'm really so sorry about what happened to your initial friend I hope you didn't get too attached you must not have gotten too attached I mean you never you weren't in the same pen or anything like that but now you have friends and you guys were kind of already off to a pretty good start in terms of population with the eggs and stuff like that but now you have company too let's go we've got friends for everybody even more friends in here oh my goodness it's gonna start getting super loud wow this is a cause for celebration let's get diamonds right surely we'll get diamonds now oh okay oh that's so nice that's so nice the the final thing that I get here is death uh yeah so we made it through the entire underground section and uh we did we did to get another diving so ah we uh we really struck out on the whole getting a diamond pickaxe um so we're gonna be stuck with our iron situation oh boy oh boy whatever wait what excuse me huh what's happening oh I know what happened the leaf it decayed automatically and the next thing was uh slime uh red conundrum dude these are actually really cool blocks they grow crystals on them I'm actually curious if I leave this here for a little bit if it'll grow a crystal on its own some car oh it might no it may not because I think it actually has to be a lower elevation for it to work that way uh so it may not be that way but the really cool blocks are they're really cool for building I don't know if they're really all that functional or anything but they're pretty for someone like me who is well known for his incredible builds that he makes on a regular basis in in most every series that that is that is me okay hey but we are getting more crops this this is mature but I can't hold on nope you're gonna no can I not right click you that's very sad I'd prefer if I could there we go more onions meanwhile look over here things are popping off we have another seed which in the meantime while I don't have another hopping Bonsai I guess we could just like put this down here I wonder if every now and I get the thing grows so fast actually with the growth accelerator underneath and then this yeah the difference is actually kind of insane and it yeah I guess you're yeah you you don't want to get right clicked whatever it is what it is but yeah the difference is actually why wait what what happened what happened to my tomato why my tomato fully break there we go we need more growth acceler is this just one oh my god when you stack a whole bunch like a a stack of is it is it the those that you like stack 64 underneath a single block and then just just grows like non-stop it's awesome you hook it up with the farmer and all that it's end game stuff but you know it's pretty sick wait actually it's a five percent chance to get new dirt seeds and we got that ah not bad not bad at all so eventually once I get enough dirt from all the dirt Essence I'll make another Island and maybe grow some melons and pumpkins there but for now I'll just do that and then they can grow to whatever blocks they want to grow to and we can Harvest from there and these I I should have put the growth acceleration ones closer I don't have to walk as far in order to harvest but uh you know I I should have I really should have thought about that one in advance now it's gonna be hard to retrieve them because they're yep anyway whatever it's fine oh wait actually hold on we can make we can make more dirt now can't we because it was like that yeah 24 more dirt let's go wait this is huge maybe I should I'm gonna have to make a whole like new area in order to do all these uh hopping bonsais which how do I make by the way what's the okay terracotta so yeah wait that's that's straightforward that's straightforward we can do that we're gonna need how much clay do we currently have like a pretty decent amount I think not a not a crazy amount we're gonna need is Clay able to be a renewable resource here is there a way okay dirt and water Essence in order to make the water seeds I need to do infusion crafting with water agglomer ratio so I maybe a little ways away from this but let's look at what our quests are now in okay so the Overworld was the uh it was making the building Gadget that was the first thing from there we need to make a cutting board I should also check okay so the oars I could redeem a bunch more if I wanted to sadly no more diamonds I could start working on create we're kind of we're we're underway in this stuff I don't exactly know I'm gonna get bamboo we're gonna have to work on botania in order to get the petals and stuff like that there is yeah handful of stuff the Bumble Zone this is uh you throw an ender pearl at a B Nest right fun times good thing I broke some beehives and wasn't able to harvest that we need some silk touch in order to do that but we'll get there I'm sure so we're at 903 blocks mind I guess 900 was the switch to Overworld there's a part of me that's like yeah I know there's a whole bunch of quests to complete but what if I just keep mining this forever I guess the only issue would be if we start coming across silk touch blocks like beehives that we kind of like need hey buddy uh huh so I don't I I would like you to live and Thrive and and have a great life um I'm I don't have a beat please stop Crawling Back to the one block I need to break I need to break just that I know that's like your home and you want to migrate back but you know this is actually good potentially because if I can get this terracotta it'll make the hopping Bond's eyes much much easier that's just more water which huh not all the blocks are things that you break that's really interesting okay it's just like every single new phase is gonna require me to go and just make new chess and you know what I'm sure we're gonna get more mobs here I'm gonna I will make a sword I won't rely entirely on Ax crits even though my ax crits are kind of like you know they're popping off pretty pretty good but here iron sword is is this your home this is this is your home right is You're Gonna Keep no matter how far I try to push you away you're always gonna try to come back to here because this is oh oh dude we're getting donkeys I'm really gonna have to expand my farming situation aren't I see ice this one is this a situation where I want to like wait until I'm able to silk touch so I can actually harvest the ice directly or does it matter it's what I'm not entirely sure about I'm just I'm obviously trying not to soft block myself and I just wonder if there's ever a situation where there's some block that I absolutely need to have that I won't be able to harvest until I make progress with the quest you before we progress through all the different tiers of the one block you know hey but we can make some more dirt right now and dirt is a hot commodity let me tell you but yeah I wonder if we can use the I wonder if we can mix and match terracotta colors or if it might have to be like the same terracotta color but it would make it easier for us to make more of the hopping buns eyes rather than having to go through our kind of minimal clay blocks that we have at the moment I'm just probably gonna like throw stuff into chests that I already have and then like I don't know sort through stuff in between each episode or something oh boy our crops are popping cropping off yay let's go we're gonna be it if I just you know AFK here for a little bit we will be at 64 of each of these in no time and also out of space in my chest ah I can't wait to get refined storage but I can't even how I don't even know I I can't envision how we're going to get to refined storage at this point like the things that I'm gonna have to do in order to get to that being unlocked I I really I don't know and I still do need to watch a little tutorial on silent gear so I can figure out if maybe outside of diamonds there's a way to get a like diamond tier pickaxe or if I wonder if there's Emerald tool no no there's there's not doesn't seem to be the case I'm like I wonder maybe some of these can make this interesting stuff that you can do with these and huh okay you can't actually wait you can make some tools with oh because these are silence gems so it's part of Silent gear all of this stuff I'm just curious if they are of diamond tier but maybe they are like special attributes that go along with each of them um that's probably something I would find out in a tutorial video we got another seed five percent drop chance see as long as I'm not in Vault Hunters sometimes we actually do get lucky with things also get more growth there I mean I could just man the farm at this point if I if I wanted to and I would be occupied for quite a bit of time the only bummers when things are in your hot bar they don't Auto sort into the into the chess so I have to like manually deal with that but a small price to pay okay all right you you're just you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna just I'm gonna move I'm Gonna Keep On Moving through there we go snow oh I'm gonna yeah I probably wanna keep snow just in case so it's shoveling time I'm just I I like being able to see what new blocks we get here as do you apparently Mr Turtle you just you love it we got another we got a mule never mind I was gonna say hey here we're gonna be able to get more donkeys and no no we're not gonna be able to because we can't the new Pig let's go oh my God you got more company this is so exciting should I just I can't pick you up can I pick up I can pick up the turtle I just have Turtle butt in my face right now hey who do you want to hang out with um you seem like you would get along with uh with some chickens yeah you you look like you're a friend of a chicken of the sea that's what they call Tuna which you're not but tuna live in the sea as well and and so yeah you you know uh slate interesting zinc how about a diamond uh hello hello I don't that's I didn't invite you here I didn't I didn't invite you in Fury and that's called permafrost more leaves terracotta iron beautiful beautiful dude all I really want is like more terracotta will be popping off the only bummer is I can't I can't pick up the donkeys unfortunately uh uh well I guess the donkeys they've they've chosen their place I didn't even need to lead them in you can't breathe so um I guess here again that you're gonna sit on the fence no that's understandable really at the end of the day you're not really sure where you fit in and I I get that dude I really I understand that feeling I sit on the fence about a lot of things too like having to having to think of a decision having to actually on the Fly be like you know what this is what I'm gonna do it's very difficult I absolutely empathize with your struggles right there you know I feel like this botany pot that we got for one of the challenges is really just going to waste right now so I'm gonna make another uh hopping Bonsai I I don't I'm so used to calling it a Hopping bonsai plant but it's not actually what it's called so I don't know anyway I know our iron is a little bit limited right now but I I do think it's probably a good investment and we do need to get a good source of food going which we don't have yet so I'm thinking whatever I put in here probably should be something that can generate food for us maybe ah God I just don't have like potatoes would be great baked potatoes would be awesome but we don't have potatoes again so that's really unfortunate are tomatoes a good source of food no no they're not a good source of food at all maybe we maybe we do uh Wheats or something like that for for now I don't wanna I don't want it but it's kind of looking like that might actually end up having to be the case so well there we go wheat and then oh more dirt actually once I craft this you're gonna have enough to be able to make I think an entire yeah a whole new farming area so we got that I know I'm gonna need to make a mob grinder as well so I've got a few things cut out for us outside of doing all of the different quests um I could actually if I wanted to I think the way that we're going to get the pedals here is we're probably gonna need to do floral fertilizer which I was able to do with what was it I think it was the Living Root that we got kind of right out of the gate so if I just do this right we get a couple floral fertilizers and then we get ourselves some Britannia plants that can be used for petals which is great and all but I don't think Britannia helps us with the food problem the the food situation is is truly something isn't it that gives us two right and so we can then what we do right is we take one of those and we let it grow and then we Shear it and then we save the other one and then they and then they multiply that way I'm gonna have to make actually like a betania specific kind of area probably and oh there we go but we can add this to our Britannia chest the moment and we'll uh yeah I just I'm gonna need so many different little farming areas in order to you know get everything under control there's just yeah if I could get terracotta on the regular it would be very nice our mule has decided that it wishes to live with the chickens and the turtle you know good choice a lot of diversity in here and uh honestly I think I think it's a good place to live I don't think you could have made a mistake really but I I think it's a pretty good place to live it's a good choice you know until until I end up having that sort actually how am I even gonna sort this because like I can't pick up the mules and I can't pick up the donkeys so I would have to pick up everything else hmm maybe they've just live there now so hey we're terracotta oh snow snow I just every time that I'm like I could make more hopping bonsai plants but what I could do also is I could break more blocks and then I see here's the point where I don't know if this is actually something that would be really good to silk touch or not but also like how would I get silk touch at this point I suppose following the questline maybe would make that clear like I don't know don't know if there's a way to do it right now because like I don't have the ability to make I haven't gotten sugar cane yet so I can't get paper so hmm the challenge that I just like can't figure out how we're gonna ever get are these saplings right because they came from the early first tier leaves which don't really appear much anymore and we have to get lucky that they drop the sapling when we break them so I feel like that one's gonna last until the very end of the series and we're just like never actually gonna be able to get it done look we've got four wheat how exciting I'm gonna be able to make my first bread oh my God a food source it's incredible actually though we do have a little bit more over here maybe we can just keep planting keep planting keep planting okay we're gonna be oh so vegetarian in this series and there we go now we got a whole row I could also eat tomatoes but we gotta get to our a full stack of 64. otherwise we don't get the challenge and the challenge is the most important part we got beet Roots we got every we got a full invite Tory couple important things here one I've just learned that I'm gonna have to be comes in from ragnamod and learn resource bees I think after we bred 40 animals but the other thing is this leads to bone meal so we should make The Cutting Board because it's really simple and straightforward I would like different ways of getting bone meal that sounds fantastic is this gonna be like a Pam's harvestcraft kind of thing so can I put this on top of something what is a what's a culinary blog like that let's go okay on top of the Furnace absolutely so how does this lead to getting bone meal then so with the cutting board oh wait that makes sense because you're chopping up meat and so the bones there would be yeah yeah I have grown very attached to our friends over here and I feel very bad having to let any of them go uh so maybe I should go fishing instead because I can shop up fish hold on let me whip up a fishing pool behold my elegant fishing pool strategy it's surrounded by stairs and it's going to look beautiful wow look at this and I made the perfect amount of stairs for it I hope that this act I was trying to conserve resources and now you've got it oh my God why water logging sucks but wait An Elegant solution I don't know why I didn't think of that but it's it's yep yep yep yep thank you bless wood block for your contribution in making this actually salvageable and now okay so I actually don't know for sure if this is gonna work or not like if this is gonna be a big enough pool to fish run without it you know hitting the edges or something like that but don't worry we're gonna find out and then you know we gotta get some guard rails right gotta get some guard rails and then wow it's such a imagine I I don't know how the fish actually you know end up here in the sky but they will all right check it out this is totally gonna work this is totally gonna work it is right that's not on the it's not that might actually be hitting the edge but now we'll see let's go wait oh wait hold on there's like modded fish which may may not actually work this may not actually work for the getting the bone meal um I just didn't wanna okay I've grown attached to my chickens I know everyone's gonna bro just use your chickens you have a source of the bone meal right there but but that's sad all right the fish at least I'm not as attached to and they're also already just an item not living Frick maybe it'll work maybe it'll work you know what maybe it'll work even though I don't think it was listed in the thing but here will it can I put you here wait was it gonna work and then it was the knife and then do I go chop chop chop chop nope right click this doesn't seem cuttable it's a fish why are you picky what do you have against trout versus the salmon it's eventually I will catch a vanilla fish there we go okay this should be cuttable right tell me it's cuttable yeah oh wait that's awesome okay so we get rock hard slices and then we also get the bone meal from it okay that was a lot of effort to get a single bone meal but I'm sure that we'll find an automated way to go with that at some point um just it might it might take a moment but hey look all my chickens are still alive and laying eggs isn't that so exciting let's get your numbers up so that you can just make noises all over the place and I'm gonna have to turn off friendly mob sounds because you guys are just too much hold on just a minute folks we do have a way to craft paper without sugar cane so we just put we just put wood on a cutting board you know what I always like to do in in my kitchen personally is I like to prepare a meal using my my cutting board and then I also like to use that same cutting board to uh chop some some firewood on and then without cleaning it uh I will go and and continue that process and now we got ourselves paper let's go and now we got a book okay so it's not quite as efficient as sugar cane in terms of being able to convert into paper but this way I feel like it's probably a good way for us to uh to be able to get maybe silk touch before we progress too much further um yeah oh also what's really cool you can use an ax and it basically acts like a hoe when you're breaking leaves which is awesome I feel like that honestly should be a vanilla thing because otherwise you have to like switch back and forth between your ax and a hoe and it's it's like why it doesn't seem necessary it doesn't add to the experience having the ax be able to just kind of do all in one when it comes to treat breaking and stuff it's just kind of a nice thing but I guess we're going to be going through a decent amount of our wood but at least it just it ends up being stripped it's a way to basically strip logs so you still get to retain all the wood functionality but you get the addition of having the bark to be able to use so it's like no part goes wasted think of all the times that you've stripped logs playing Minecraft where did that bark go into The Ether we gotta use everything all right it's part of life is being efficient so now can I I wonder if I can do this and then kind of like oh oh there we go this this is paper making at its finest okay yeah no this is 100 how we're gonna end up uh being able to oh God no I'm gonna have to kill my cows though okay this is kind of sad because we've just come to the realization the only way we're gonna end up getting books from this if I have leather and um in other news uh it's turned it's turned dark real quick here hey guys I'm gonna just you know do a little bit of breeding no particular reason is there a vegetarian that starts vegetarian I meant to search leather is there another way to get leather by any chance that you know doesn't involve oh yeah there's leather seeds of course but we're gonna have to looks like we have to do this whole infusion crafting thing if we wanna get that so for now yeah yeah we're gonna have to sorry guys um and it innocences or ignorance is bliss you don't realize what's gonna happen to you and don't worry about it hey look we got 14 wheat that's a lot of animal breeding right there and also maybe food for me as as a human who really needs a better source of food and is as much as I love watermelon it's just not satiating me as much as it needs to at the moment hey sheep would you guys like to uh do a little bit of a breeding sure there we go I should save some for cows since the cows are kind oh I've just about you sorry about that buddy as if poisonous potatoes weren't fun enough now we have Rotten Tomatoes to go along with them but we're cranking along with with Gathering up crops almost to 64 on tomatoes and we can make a decent amount more paper and I will need to braid up the cows before we get leather and books and all that stuff but I want to see if it's possible for us to get silk touch before we proceed because like there's a chance that this will be useful also beehives will be nice and then we can go to that b Dimension and stuff but hey we're cranking along we're gonna be able to oh my God wait we have so much more Duran Essence we can make more dirt we can expand more farming plots I really should just kind of AFK here for a while and like let the the bonsais Farm up some resources and then maybe breed up some animals and that's a large tree I think we've reached a good spot here we've made some good progress next time around maybe we'll be better suited to tackle a few more of the quests and perhaps we'll get jumping into some create stuff and get some power underway because I'm sure we're going to need to start providing things with power at some point like this thing refined storage in the future and um we'll also want to figure out how to get more of the hopping Bonsai so as always feel free to leave some comments if you're interested in you know helping progress me along letting me know what I I messed up or anything like the video subscribe to the channel stay tuned for more in the future and there's a playlist in the description if you want to uh keep up with the series or jump into future episodes if you're watching this down the road thanks for tuning in see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 418,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, captainsparkles, mod pack, one block, all in one modpack, skyblock
Id: 5eJZY4Wgr9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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