Minecraft, But I Have to Carry My Friend...

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in this video we coded it so that my friend is constantly stuck on top of my head there is no way for him to get off and I must carry him all the way to victory our goal is to beat the game also according to YouTube's statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing YouTube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already make sure to check you still are okay guys so while u2's has literally just released right now wait hang on what say you twos you twos are collectible vinyl figures me and dream just release our own custom you tears but if you want one you're gonna have to be quick they usually sell out really fast if you want a discount code I'm giving away one one right now to one lucky person it's the name of my sword here it is so all you have to do is go to the link in the description click the first link type it right and you'll get a big discount so many droves in this chess joint out of my youtube chest drew these are like oh there are smoke dream bring them back no those are my codes I wanted to buy it I wanted to buy a ton no I'm taking the back don't kill me I'm taking a large these are my these are my you to use codes I'm gonna use them and by my own YouTube's I'm gonna have so many it's gonna be great wait you drew what it's moving it's moving Meadows but they're all discards they're discount code moo moo Meadows movies what are they doing let me kill this one okay Jim we can't leave them here but okay whatever we don't have time to kill them all we literally don't have time to do what there's still a bunch of the chests oh my god wait what is this what you fell in my trap again this is like the fifth time I saw him like oh my god there's somebody code it's okay this is interesting I'm trying to break them why'd you stop them are you stopping oh come the other way now you'll ruin it you're ruining a dream oh my god anyway there's a ton of codes now I guess whoever gets them first gets them it's the first thing in the description all you have to do is pull them who are they what are they what are they worth how much of a what are they doing they're like different percentages I don't even know like it's a random percent some of them even a hundred percent okay you can let you get some prefer for u2's link in the description just put it in your basket put the code in and you get free stuff dream where are you I'm on your head what oh yeah yeah what a surprise oh what a surprise Susan stop hitting me did it stop dream stop please we need to cooperate this game okay we need everything best of friends and trying as hogs were cooperative rating okay dream the first stage of call for every beat of victory yes I'm gonna carry you just like always so I'm gonna get this tree look I'm so much more efficient than Geum I broken three logs and the time it's taken him to get one wait I picked up along gonna be stopped you're kidding me okay look dreaming we don't need any more wood okay I'm making this coffee table I'm gonna get I'm just gonna win for us okay it's all me don't worry I've got you this video you know what yeah take that take that and you do that you do the basic bits for me I'll be on the lookout okay oh I mean I'm in a block dream I can't see anything get out I can't I'm in a dirt block of this food right here wait swap me in swap me in I'll collect the food swap me in no I'm I'm carrying you like always okay all right get the food at least this is so weird I'm just sitting on you a head there are so many animals here I'm on your head so I can see so many there's like four sheep three pigs oh can you I'm giving you over four this is this is great like I actually couldn't see these animals oh I just swapped you out all right no I didn't mean to like we're doing it we're doing it yes yes is the ultimate teamwork of the pig out nice too far away sting okay okay we caught I can't reach it my arms are long enough bring me to the cow I'm trying I'm trying yes what are we doing we need iron right we I see you leaving it in no dream oh I'm on three months I'm on three I'm on three please I have no food I have no cross I have food wait how do you have no food you know it's raw I don't want to eat it there's so much iron here I'm scouting it out I can see like all the iron house is so much iron like this one down there oh there's so much behind the water there's a bunch behind the water hole find the water oh you're right okay okay watch this ready dump oh yeah good George and like that's like heavier so it was harder to do that jump I'm onto a hot pot so we should probably eat get get food let's food in there grab food of the furnace I put some food Oh a whole steak just for me welcome I was gonna eat it but okay you go up wait can I reach it oh it's gonna take so long but I'm getting it like we don't tear up it's so much better take some iron there's so much iron what how did we do this oh it's night time dream oh wait we can't sleep we can't sleep oh we can't oh no we can't properly sleep because you're stuck on my head okay dream I have a present for you watch this right here my chuck it up there I'm just kidding ha give me it okay I'm making leggings okay oh you're getting it look teamwork you picking it up that's teamwork good job dream oh look oh my god trim why is there so much iron today so I need to make a shield and a helmet oh nothing wait where oh he's here it jumped at us yeah we're going after him I can't see what I'm doing cuz like you're in my face oh wow okay okay that was extremely successful bucket of water here take this go to the red flowers over there yeah grab one I have a present for you George isn't it reminiscent George I'll defend you okay okay come on give me my beautiful red hat okay I'm gonna I'll use the red hat so now we just need a lava pool you know help me or what I'm trying what was the bad aim or something well it's cuz they're all far I did get read I'm gonna die I'm gonna die here's your new shield I think so I've got I've got I've got a whoa okay swap me hey you just handle these mob stream I can't handle them I don't have a shield never mind you were right I don't I don't say it's behind you George okay it's right there okay um well there's an end one right that dream oh it's tall you can get it oh there's another Enderman right behind it these are water oh yeah you dropped one I know there's nothing wrong read that all right her I'll let you kill this one entirely okay oh wait yeah woman's if I hit it just stand still wait wait yes I'm too tall for it no I'm gonna get it it was because there was a spider wife-swapping so uh no you need to kill this on Lulu let me closer look he can't hit me just Joe okay look oh yes we got another one wait oh you got it okay it's daytime now what do we do we just need a lava pool this is the bit that's boring so I'm just gonna let you do it toss me the water bucket yeah you know that means now I get to make the portal let's go cuz he's no control Kennywood swab me back I have a water bucket I one of my bamboozled him I've been by for them so I wasn't think I am everyone's thing I get to look cool I get to look cool hurry up and find a lava pool then no I don't drain oh that was a good I noticed it too I noticed that when I almost fell in and then I fell and stuff well now it's stuck down there you me get us out there might be a lava pool down there oh gee I didn't realize you swept me out a creeper just like literally jumped on us okay get us out quick get us out of here village are well we might as well kill the iron golem we're gonna need it no don't bother killing wait you can kill it you can kill it remember this love nothing is gonna hit me it's gonna hit no I won't know it will it won't you're three blocks ahead I'm not you are George trust me if it doesn't it won't it's hitting me run run run you idiot I knew I wasn't wait I knew it no dream drink stop I have a block I have a block I'm holding the block looks fun okay I don't want to deal with that is leave leave leave leave it alone you know what George we couldn't do it yes look at this stands no chance come on easy yes oh there's light over there no left left left left yeah let's keep going keep going forward up left it's a fire it's a lava pool I know it it's a local yes oh yes there you go doing that see teamwork if I wasn't up here I wouldn't have seen it oh it's nighttime you can go quick quick quick it's nitro I got a quicker stop like it's my time no go as quick as you can this the zombies I don't have a pickaxe I hey mobs hurry up okay I've made it I made it successfully yes look at this angle nice oh nice okay nice all right where's my stuff I have I have most it what happened give me my stuff back this is zombie I need the Flint steel quick quick quick hurry up hey stop go I got everything is that everything that's not everything I'll give you more okay okay no all right dream which direction for the fortress I'll say we head west oh look at the pro I get this angles epic it's like you like Dawson sounds good it's like third-person this is epic oh look at the pro does it this is good I like when you swing you jump up I'm like in the sea legs out look oh okay nice that wasn't shoot well they're shooting you you're fine you're fine smack them smack them ah oh no we swapped I killed one a good one there's nothing imagine us on a horse let me epic alright down great you're going down yeah go up go up alright go down go back down around go straight go all right go right there's no other options Eurasian look at that diamond that's just like right it's simple okay just don't kill us please do not kill us oh is it go straight that room we're fine is it what is that cost okay what does that costs doing dream dream bye calm down we're perfectly fine we're just making it we're making it quick I hate fire this way this is a really get that leave it to me okay Oh watch out okay dr. Willis gotten off first Hey Oh God finish it finish him nice I'm helping I'm doing it I'm doing it I got it no I read you from here my arm is on that long like who do you think I am long arm man there's two more here wait why they all supposed to three wait what we're gonna we're not even have to find this partner we're gonna get off I got it all right so we have five okay well oh right be really careful I've I've - how many do you have at four okay oh yes wait we got sick we have seven we haven't even found Bona yeah let's go it's fine we have seven how did we do that we killed like eight or nine blaze we got really lucky with the drugs wait we come from back this way Oh from down there Oh parola stone no don't pause down we need to pause I hear sobs that's what was that no that's fine don't worry I got those yeah I can't believe that we didn't even find a spawner it was just like tons of places that's the first that's the first for any more challenges well that was the most easy never I've ever done was actually and we're out as a chorus fire oh this guy's instill half but would have thought we were wait oh it's in the portal it's a portal okay I got okay well guess what room what we're let's show you already oh yeah way to the I look I have a parole okay look I'm sorry about making it ring it is this way ooh there's a Plains there's a Plains village I can see it well you see it oh yeah I see it oh yeah we need to trade I really want a horse I want to see what we look like on a horse isn't that so many villages oh this hay bales over their heads that we're horses okay oh yes yes it's so messed up I can't I can't see because like the horse is putting us in the blocks one tame tame horse team yes yay okay but Dharma run yes it's decked out oh my god this is ridiculous I'm on a horse and you're on me and while you hang up and down I don't know okay this is weird oh my god oh it's fast this one says get the boxes well this vast two diamonds and owned up to the no.2 diamonds yes we need to get word I get the boring part just chop doors I don't just listen I don't want to of would listen just try the woods I don't want to be on top I want to sit here on my phone while you literally mine would for go chop the wit this is George just slob like I'm tea I'll take you there i'll take you to the forest I am a I'm man you better you better carry me take the person I'm AF King right starting three two one you better do it otherwise I'm not gonna swap back I'll be I'll just be sitting here until we die my god [Music] I'm turning stuff into logs logs into planks okay I traded with them okay I have 44 emeralds oh I had one okay yeah okay nice eight blue stone please have the trade yes okay nice um okay so we've got em he's locked in we seen you go trade with the rest of the villages to get 40 more emeralds that's why we need some four arrows and stuff too so okay I have 18 emeralds I'll buy like a stack of ours okay yeah okay yeah we need more wood okay I'm getting more wood oh there's an anyone right yeah okay get it I'll get these things oh oh oh no all right save me oh yeah I can hit it as well right oh my God look 100 but we got a pearl yeah nice okay that saves us a bet where are the villages I think they died there's none here the village is empty wait you're actually although the cleric died all right um we have to move on to the next village grab the brewing stand wait they all died we can remember at every what we don't need that much more look I'm throwing the I all right it's this way all of our villagers died in the night it's fine it's fine did you rate we didn't arable George you did a terrible they died it's not my fault oh my god yeah yes oh wait that it that's it right well that is it that is it yeah right there oh yes yay okay wait that's the portal room with the light I'm pretty sure okay let's go down because I'm pretty sure it's light in like little strips oh that is the porter oh no it isn't for me I'm right all right right there oh yeah I can't see but I I'm like about yeah I'm gonna drown okay I can't I go down go down I'm actually Swami Swami Swami Swami Swami I'm getting ready George I'm just drowning I'll save you I'll save you I'll save you ready I saved you alright we're fine I'm just trying this there's two eyes in the portal is to okay we only need a couple more there's a creeper watch out oh no oh no you're all spawning use lava lava are they gone oh okay alright put your stuff in okay I have an eye but I can't do anything to that in the block drop it - dropped it oh is that we're gonna need two more oh no three more three more okay I guess I'll just look I have all these sticks did I really get them for like nothing yes okay we've seen one more wait two more I can't believe we actually got all that wood for nothing I'm so mad no did I hear an airman uh was it I heard it too I can't see anything but I heard it oh yeah I hear it about I literally I cannot see anything oh I found it wait wait I have to interpose wait nice Oh cuz I go and find it out you got one from the chest was fine when you won't work oh my god Oh God I can finally see you oh no I can wait did I just hear an anyone don't worry honey oh I did where is it oh yeah it was like over there listen wait it's that it's like this way I'm just digging it's right in front of me I'm pretty sure it's right here how'd you not hear it I don't know I heard it and how would it be in here it's so important we're in the ocean oh I found it I found it wait what it's right here okay I can't see anything I got this I got this don't worry oh my god okay come on hey I don't think I can go oh wait what it's like in water maybe cuz go like you know where to tell the whole team oh it dropped nice we're done with the last one way to you we're done how did I find it I mean like this underwater cave drowning okay I'm drowning to just I don't know where we are to him I mean it's under water place and I don't like yeah we go back to the ocean go back to the ocean so we can find the stronghold room I don't know where the stronghold is there oh go up okay all right now swim around until we find the portal room there's the boat it's back I'm not funny I find it yes you have a blaze all right please please I'll meet it ablaze right yeah okay please powder okay give me one and dream the moment we've all been waiting for yay yes wait I have an enduro wait what oh my god or will you spend like ten minutes you can do that all right I finally can see good okay come on dream yeah I'll swap you so I'm a okay watch Sunstone do it I go there hey yeah it's a bit weird yeah it's weird I got it there move move oh I got it that's the weird one move I got it I got that this one here yeah stop okay and then there's one more oh all right yeah yeah oh wait up there I thought it was the other way that's why I'm looking I got it I think we're done no way wait how does this walk if we're gonna go underneath the dragon to hit it um probably not well bed bed bed bed bed bed a little bit okay I have it I'm dropping it to you Oh little late oh my god nice that works oh my go towards that go towards it go down there George I'm in the dragon it's fine it is like nothing did nothing oh my god let me do it no I'm doing so much damage look oh okay we've actually got this yeah it keeps sniping it keeps my finger sniper dream sniper yes oh my god you're gonna steal the boss hit on you dream oh god oh my water what about good finish her off yes oh my god lick dreamer on aquarion top of each other this was perfect yes
Channel: GeorgeNotFound
Views: 4,409,883
Rating: 4.9679403 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft But I Have to Carry My Friend, Minecraft friend, Minecraft carry, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.14 survival
Id: QFPsrprExzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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