How to Kill the Warden

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the warden added to Minecraft not too long ago in version 1.19 made its debut as the strongest mob in the game's history as it lurks within the deep dark biome and within ancient cities guarding the valuable loot that resides there many players would never dare challenge This ferocious beast as it is capable of eradicating the player in a matter of seconds killing the warden is an accomplishment that is nothing shy of spectacular this monster boasts a mindboggling 500 hit points or 250 Hearts meaning fisting this guy would take about 500 shots something that I don't really have the time for but on the other hand I did actually find three different ways to kill the warden in Survival Minecraft the first way is actually pretty simple just overpower the warden as much as humanly possible this means maxed out netherite armor a maxed out netherite sword a maxed out bow with harming arrows though I don't exactly know how useful that's going to be and more items that I'll inform you guys about later but before that we need to discuss the measures we already have to take to defeat this monstrosity maxed out armor and weapons are not easy to get quickly as they require hours maybe even days worth of grinding now what about the other items that I said I was going to tell you about well let's get right into it the first set of consumables I'm going to use are enchanted golden apples with each Notch Apple granting me regeneration 2 for 20 seconds absorption 4 for 2 minutes resistance for 5 minutes and fire resistance for 5 minutes this is an extremely rare item in the game as you all know so for the sake of realism we're going to assume that I've grinded my world to the point where I have four enchanted golden apples the next consumable I'm going to use are strength two potions strength two potions are incredibly powerful boosting my attack damage by six the final consumable that I will be bringing into this fight is an item so rare and overpowered that many players don't even use it and have never acquired it ever this item is the potion of the Turtle Master this potion is going to grant me slowness six and you will not believe this resistance 4 despite me losing 90% of My overall speed I'm going to take 80% less damage from all sources now before I actually begin the fight you might be thinking why I'm not bringing totems of undying into this fight and my answer to that is it would literally guarantee me the win if I carried a bunch of totems on me the warden stands absolutely zero chance despite it's immense strength so just to make the fight as Fair as possible for both parties I will not be bringing totems of UND dying well with no hesitation let's jump into the first round let's go we're going to pregap right now and we're going to drink a strength potion let dump that and let's put the enchanted golden apples let's see he should know that I'm coming okay he's right over there he's right over there I'm not going to uh should I pull out the bow let's do it cheeky bow shot let's do this okay I missed I'm Ed that out I'm going Ed that out all right there you go okay potion of the turtle Master bring another one in let's do this come on come here big boy oh my God he he still does a heart of damage what oh my God yo okay it's going to run out it's running out it's running out okay heal heal heal heal oh my go okay that's Sonic Boom still does true damage okay dude I you literally can't see anything holy oh my god oh he's dead what he's dead already that was so quick no way okay editor tgp got to check and see how long that fight was because that felt like a minute that not it wasn't a minute like I got the first shot and that was probably like 20 30 seconds realistically you can't even deny that is a wild way to kill the warden on the first try actually a part of me is kind of curious can I take on two wardens I'm basically going to carry the same gear I had oh God I had oh my God I'm voice cracking holy I'm going keep the same gear from the previous match and just Spawn Two wardens so uh let's do that and let's do that okay there's two of them why are they staring at each other's balls okay uh strength potion um okay uh I think I'm going to do I even want a pre-notch apple I don't know okay well let's fire at one and then fire at the other they should get the magro come on Turtle Master okay let's do that all right okay all right come on let's go y'all ain't got on me this time I can kill you guys really quickly okay I'm on okay I'm dying holy okay I'm dying I'm dying I'm I'm dying all right uh another turtle Master yes the the sh the sonic boom is insane it goes through Shield it goes through uh armor as well oh my God I can't even see what's going on what the hell okay I think I might oh my god dude the Sonic Shak is no joke okay the Sonic shriek is kind of killer right now oh my God okay let's go let's go keep keep keep this coming keep this coming keep this coming dude that Sonic Shak is no joke it just no it just launches me holy all right come on Resistance running out we need more okay oh oh my God okay no I'm low I'm low oh man oh my god dude wait they're coring me no wait in the water slowness is actually screwing me over oh no is this the end this might be the end we might have to pull out the bow here damn I suck [Music] okay dude oh okay dude the Sonic shriek attack is nuts that is nutty oh my God I can't even get close you can't even get close I can't get close I'm out of I'm out of God apples I'm out of God apples my helmet's my helmet's gone they one's de one one's de oh oh that was insane just out of curiosity I wanted to see how broken my armor was oh my God this was destroyed holy crap my helmet broke as a matter of fact so yeah I two wardens definitely is enough to kill you you if one Warden if I can easily beat one Warden two wardens I stand absolutely no chance I mean they absolutely shredded me let's see yeah I used all of my enchanted golden apples H I didn't use my bow though I only used seven instant damage arrows maybe I could have used more now that I look back on it maybe I actually could have used more uh in uh of the arrows I definitely could have done that the problem is like they were in such a location that I could easily bow spam but I didn't want to do that cuz that would seem very unfair like just like bow spamming the guy from over here right like what just happened wait what where the hell did the warden go what the he he's he's just I just melted him was he a one shot did he die he might have been a one shot oh we'll never know cuz he just he just disappeared okay well H that was that was crazy that's the first way to take down the warden is by just straight up out gearing it you can just bring maxed out netherite armor maxed out weapons strength potion Turtle Master potion golden apples yeah let's go to number two well without a shadow of a doubt that first round was nothing short of spectacular one Warden seemed to be no issue for me but two wardens that's where the damage began to spike simply overpowering the warden seems to be an efficient yet hectic way of killing it now on to the second way to kill the warden this involves us heading into the snapshots of 1.21 to use a weapon so powerful that it could potentially kill the warden in one hit the mace was first introduced to Minecraft and snapshot 24 w1a with the player being able to craft one with a breeze rod and a heavy core both items that could be obtained in the new trial Chambers from its introduction the maze was always considered an extremely powerful weapon dealing more damage the higher you fall from that same principle is exactly what I'm going to be manipulating in order to kill the warden a second time let's try it come on come on come on come on F take two [Music] okay we are on y level 300 and the warden is y level -20 meaning this is going to be a 320 block fall if this if this doesn't kill the warden I don't even know what will cuz we only have a couple dozen more blocks left to go let's [Music] go please no way okay I am on the max y level y level 320 this is the max y level I can't go any higher than this I mean I could teleport myself higher than this but 340 block fall you can see the warden all the way down there let's go we just got to line up the Crosshair with the warden and smack it you suck I don't know what to do all right let's go 16 17 18 BR no way it survived that to a degree this this mace challenge is also kind of turned into a dropper because I have to fall through like a 1x3 hole to get this guy all right this is take I think 18 the furthest drop in the game y 320 to y64 let's [Music] go take [Music] 19 all right fall over [Music] here there is no way it survived you know what I'm going to cheat let's give ourselves strength too [Music] this is strength two right we got strength two plus the mace let's [Music] go come on please this is like a 460 blocked fall come on I I suck at this game I've been sitting here for like half an hour bro come on please please please please there is no way I survived that 460 blocks let's try it again we're going to teleport myself 500 blocks okay great I have Darkness just wonderful I don't even know where the hell I'm falling okay all right 564 oh 564 blocks oh that's going to be a lot of editing it's right there okay it's right there right there dropper time there you go 500 block fall oh my God I think 500 blocks is it that is crazy well I think we figured out how many blocks you have to fall in order to kill the warden now 500 blocks that is mindboggling well with that being said and done I guess let's move on to the third and final way to kill the warden the hired help known as the Iron Golems will be my partners in crime for the third and final way to kill the warden this strategy will be the most timeconsuming as it will involve repeatedly healing the Golems over and over again my role will simply be to summon and heal my fellow allies while they do the job of destroying the warden without further Ado let's get right into it all right I got one single iron golem spawn egg with 64 iron nuggets see how this goes oh my God they're already fighting all right just begin the heal Fest all we got to do is heal this one guy they're just in the water what are they doing oh my God already down to a a 2/3 of iron ingots come on iron golem you got this you got this Iron Golem come on come on Hank you got this Hank I'm down to 16 come on I'm almost out of iron Hank I can't keep healing you Hank Hank I'm out Hank oh my God good job Hank oh I'm so sorry I'm so well Hank did it it took 64 iron ingots and one Iron Golem to kill the warden well there you have it three distinct and somewhat unorthodox ways to kill the warden in Survival Minecraft obviously there are tons of ways to kill this guy maybe some more creative ways to do so but yeah that's about it I hope you all enjoyed this video smash that like button subscribe and comment down below your way of killing the warden
Views: 3,914
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Keywords: how to kill warden mob, minecraft warden, minecraft warden vs, Thegameplayer, survival minecraft
Id: 2gHju3B41s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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