Minecraft, But I Cloned Myself...

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i am incredibly lonely so i have decided to clone myself in minecraft you know to cure myself from the crippling loneliness and my aim is to use an army of clones to defeat the ender dragon so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing it will help cure my loneliness and it's free now enjoy the video okay we are in and we run start oh hello buddy hello wisp i am you from the future the world is not the same as it used to be follow me where oh my what oh my complete this parkour and end it with an mlg are you kidding me what happens if i die you know what i'm just going for it come on oh yes okay oh my fences okay here we go here we go oh oh my god you're kidding me okay now we just got to go up oh oh okay i made it ladder parkour i hate it but it's all good easy does it come on and what so now oh my you're kidding me i have to complete an mlg okay i'm doing this i'm not gonna fail yes i've done it oh and we're back congratulations here is a clone crafter as i said the world is what is gone you said the world is a very different place than what it used to be and we got this are you kidding me okay so if i write oh yes we've got all the different clones oh you're kidding me farmer wisp what does wheat seeds an oak sapling and a soul what on earth is a soul hang on i've got an idea i see some mobs i'm just gonna get a weapon and go for it i'm so sorry to do this to you and your friends oh yes i was right i got a soul from killing a mob which is actually quite sad but now if i just get seeds and then just start destroying some trees we can get a sapling so easily come on yeah sapling okay now we are talking we just go boom boom soul to give us farmer wisp spawner are you kidding me oh he's adorable okay bud what do you do for me hello me hello how are you i can farm for you oh that's good right click any blocks have it harvested i'm literally on three hunger bars boom what are you gonna do what oh my i can right click everything and he'll just do it all are you kidding me he just keeps going okay well i guess i'm kind of set for food that's absolutely insane so technically i've got unlimited food no matter what and already a stack of bread perfect thank you buddy i'm eating good and quickly mate i hope you don't mind i've just got to get some stone perfect and some super slow stone tools boom i want to find a village to see oh no we found a shipwreck that's fine oh and a village right next to it you're kidding me okay you give oh buried treasure map i'll take it and oh so much iron you're kidding me oh no i'm drowning this is bad save me farmer boy okay we're good wait if he's a farmer what happens if you oh he can just mine stuff for me as well if it's a oh that's cool i mean i'd rather just take all the hay bales this is great but now i need to know which one am i doing next i need to clone myself again and i don't know what there is miner wisp oh that's easy as well wait and i've got 11 iron so for that i need 22 iron yeah that's right and a soul all right yeah come on over here buddy and that gives us 16 including the nugget so we need five iron all right i literally might just grab it from this there's got to be one piece of iron down here oh yes iron and iron okay perfect this might take a while unless i'm a smart boy just like that perfect okay we've got the clone craft the back and i'm not going to be able to use any of this iron to protect myself that's not good seven pickaxes put in the soul and the iron ingot to make a minor wisp spawner okay yes he's got a little hard hat and everything all right farmer west meet your match minor wisp it's me again yes or you i don't know yeah i mean it's getting a bit confusing anyway i can do some cool stuff break any block and i can do it ten times better oh wait if i just break this block then what do you do oh he runs over oh what no he mind all my stuff okay that was helpful dude but you kind of you messed me up all right that's actually insane though does he mind ors please tell me you do no okay so that's the only thing he doesn't mind in that case let's go find this buried treasure we're finally on the map yes okay it's this way i think we're on it so i'm just going to mine this oh no he can't sink i think it's time for farmer whisper to go i'm going to create a way down for minor wisp do you even die please i'm sorry you didn't have to see that i'm sorry let's check if he can mine underwater okay he can that's good news oh no he can ride even further oh he got it oh my goodness thank you buddy so it doesn't matter how far away it is he can mine it i'm just gonna mine this one here and he'll just mine yep he literally just mines all of it we've got diamonds all right bud we're done we don't need this anymore we're leaving we should probably actually go into a cave together like this one i actually kinda need some diamonds and some iron so you know what we're just gonna go low and i'm just gonna let him find some diamonds for me oh yeah this is the cave we're talking about we're at minus 48 so this should do are you kidding me literally the first block you've mined buddy you're paying off you are you go do this one whilst i make an iron pickaxe oh what okay mining diamonds is easy yes we are lit oh no he's just gonna keep doing that even more okay yeah you know what this might get a little bit annoying buddy you need to stop there needs to be an off switch no he's found more in more you know what no no you're too hopey you're gone wait no i don't want to be alone no we lost minor boy wispy he was a lovely jubbly fella if ever i've seen one and he's made us rich i've got 15 diamonds you know what that's plenty i don't even need these i'm gonna finally make a chest plate and a sword that'll do oh he's gone so we need to replace him right away what's next i like the sound of robo wisp oh yes okay that's doable is there even surely there's some redstone in here yep he literally mined it for me we've already got enough minor whispers saved the day once again i'm just gonna take these i might as well he'll give me an axe and a helmet perfect and i am gonna have to kill some mobs to get a soul are you kidding me right as i say it and that should be enough for an iron block also diamond that should be the exact amount is that nine yes it is nine okay but we are actually done i can make robo wisp i got him wait you know what what does he do oh my you're kidding me what i am horrible i won't destroy anything in your way you're kidding me no you won't kill them oh why you just one tap both of them oh my i like this guy a lot he is gonna help me get some souls go on buddy smack them up yes and some string i'll take it oh this leads into a huge cave with lots of mobs and a mine shaft yes come here robo boy kill him come on kill him they're trying to kill me he's killing him yes he's doing it with so much ease oh there's so many mobs here okay i'm just gonna smack him all once then he'll just take care of all of them thank you and there's a soul there for me as well oh there's something behind him isn't that get out of here creeper you're dead give me the soul and iron oh this is great thank you we now have three souls and we're going happy okay you can stay with me i like you oh you're kidding me i didn't even notice there was a minion wisp a what how is a minion gonna help okay right oh there's goldbrite here and lots of it too i think that literally gives us enough from one vein yep it does okay that is all of it take seven one gunpowder and one soul to make a minion wisp spawner what do you do are you serious you're tiny and you do what i'm holding him there's another one listen what does this do ah what did he just duplicate when he took damage what i just keep saying banana in chat oh my what have i done but i can just oh my goodness no no no no no no okay okay okay i've got too many can i just collect them all okay i can yes no no no they duplicate every time i do that as well i need to be so careful right click them one by one so i can collect these minion bombs and i can just fire them around how many times can i make them duplicate that's the question i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go for it i'm just clicking as fast as i can come on oh my okay i have an army i have a legitimate army can i i can kill mobs with it maybe yes i can i think i killed robo wisp no and now i just have minions i am not gru okay wait wait i'm gonna start right-clicking some of you can slowly collect up all my minion bombs because this might be helpful and then when i've got about three or four left i'll keep them because this is too many all right you know what four minions left that's fine with me and there's lava here so i'm just going to go to the nether i've just got to do this without letting these guys knock me into the lava and everything will be fine we're done okay we go boom oh my goodness this is getting a bit stressful okay yep they came with me i don't know if i like that okay yeah you know what i've got to replace these guys they're annoying me we've got a super whisper left we've got wizard wisp oh you're kidding me that is so easy oh and it might work with a potion of water breathing instead of a water bottle okay okay okay let's try it we've got the sticks we've got the soul and the potion of water breathing yes the wizard with spawner okay right minions you know what guys i think i'm done with you i'm just gonna use you as bombs okay because this is pretty funny that actually does a lot of damage anyway it's wizard wisp time what do you do you're a wizard i'm a what a wizard right click me and find out why okay what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my i'm just flying no no get back down get back down wait how do i get off no oh my okay maybe i'm a wizard that's insane for the nether what can we find okay oh yes the second we change biomes we find one hello let me in thank you wizard boy i love you and there's a blaze spawner right here okay this is good oh were you kidding me oh if only i had robo wisp and i don't have the stuff to make him do i no come on blaze rod thank you come on don't you even yes good there's another one you know what actually that's a good point what is the next cone we've got super wisp which is end stone why is it blue okay and then we've got girl with which is the last one before the end stone oh we need an ender pearl and netherrack and we have one soul left for it which is perfect okay yeah you know what i've got the blaze rods come here buddy we are flying out of here straight away we can always come back later i don't care there's literally another one right here i'm gonna kill him come on buddy he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me no no no this is oh i got a soul but none ender pearl you know what i'm actually just gonna kill this guy with minions oh and he dropped an ender pole are you kidding me okay that's perfect wait so if i take a blaze powder an ivender and grab some netherrack we can do this the penultimate one girl wisp oh my goodness i have a girlfriend that's actually insane this has never happened before oh wait no no this isn't safe i just got thrown fireballs out and i'm quite low this isn't worth it i'm getting out of here you know what actually boom overworld and yes if i'm not mistaken this is literally where we started where would be the better place to spawn my new girlfriend hello hello why call me a loser i heard you were lonely you're here to fix that yes what are you gonna do oh what no no why is there a boss bar you're kidding me what no no this is bad help me wizard whisp what are you doing come on we just got three ender poles oh the bus bar's going down what do i just have to kill the mobs okay are we done what no she swore them again no no no this is bad this is bad come on get out of here no don't kill me oh oh my goodness i'm so low but yeah so if we look at the boss bar there's different parts to the boss bar so i have to do this another four times after i've done it are you kidding me this is the second to last one hey i'm actually insane right now come on oh this is bad she's doing one more set yep okay this is the last one oh come on oh almost got hit oh this is bad this is bad where's the whisp get to me please i'll fly away oh smacked smacked ah done i don't know where the blaze has gone it's saying i've only got one more mob to kill that'd be one of these please yes i did it good job you just killed all of the friends i made you you're so lonely and then no this is the worst this has been awful wizard whisper i'm i'm i'm done i've got 16 ender poles you know what that's fine i'm just we're going okay we're just flying away it's this way just you and me buddy it's not going to plan we've even found ice spikes before we found it this is just the worst oh oh it's going downwards oh you're kidding me that's going straight down okay buddy you know what i've got some minions let's do this we will just throw these down are you kidding me no i just killed wizard wisp i am actually the worst person in the world okay you know we're just going to launch some of these down see if we can see it all right and of course the water's just stopping it great might as well just blow myself up what's the point anymore oh okay maybe not i found it and we just need to find the portal and figure out what the hell blue end stone is oh speaking of hello yes let's get these in i'm sorry you couldn't be here wizard wisp or minion wisp or farmer whisper robo wisp i did this for you guys i hope you can see that i'm actually just talking to myself this is okay that's i'm just blowing it up and i'm leaving oh what why is it blue you know what i don't even care i'm an idiot i didn't save my souls okay i need to get souls because i've got to make super west right now oh literally first one okay perfect and oh the dragon is me no no no this is bad i've got to get my end stuff i need a nice strong man to come save me boom we have got super wisp oh yes hello no no please buddy just be the savior i need you may be just wisp but i am super wisp by picking me to save the world from this weirdo oh you talking about this guy oh we're flying yes oh what oh no way we can blow up yes can i hear him please oh yes okay i can destroy all of these right now yes that's done destroy all of them oh we're going i don't even care oh come on that is literally all of them you are done buddy boy yes get some minions in there to destroy you oh come on we can do this now yes i'm gonna hit him in the head i can't believe i've cloned myself to defeat myself come on you're perching i'll get a few hits in come on that's good come on super stay with me stay with me we're getting down we're getting in we got this we just gotta smack him yes come on this is it yes we've done it buddy just you and me we did it for the rest of the clones we did it buddy we saved the world
Channel: Wisp
Views: 980,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, wisp, wispexe, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, custom, cloned, clones, minecraft clone, myself, minecraft but i cloned myself
Id: 7Sx2Yj5Tfvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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