Minecraft, But Jumping Multiplies Items...

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haven't you always thought that jumping in minecraft is awesome well today it gets awesome now i know exactly what you're thinking oh it's just another stupidly weird wisp idea no not today in this video i have made it so that every time you jump every single item you have will multiply so this will create millions of items and apparently last month 28 million people watched my videos and didn't subscribe so even if a quarter of you guys subscribed we'd be at 10 million subscribers which is insane so if you enjoyed this video then please consider subscribing it is completely free and you can always change your mind later and now just enjoy this video oh well i guess if i jump now it means nothing however if i collect one seed just give me one seed minecraft please yes there you are and if i jump oh it's duplicating yes okay wait a second if i just run over here go down here yep let's just oh yes come on oh see it's baby oh okay maybe that's a terrible idea and i should not be doing that at all let's just oh my oh i'm gonna kill my game i've got to look away okay i need to jump less also dump out all these seeds because this is ridiculous oh what have i done i could grow an entire nation with all of those seeds all right i might just quickly grab this wood and oh wait a second i've got an idea why mine more wood when i can just oh yep there we are two stacks of wood just like that perfect oh i jumped again by accident oh this is going to be a nightmare there's going to be way too many items okay i just need to jump less that's fine we got this i'm not going to be an idiot okay i'm already i'm i have got so much wood and 32 okay i don't want them okay well i guess i've got plenty of cobblestone now this is just ridiculous you know what we're actually gonna do we'll pick up some of this wood we're just gonna make slabs okay and then the rest i guess we just don't need i'll chuck most of it out but now i only have to jump when it's necessary it's slower and it's inefficient but i don't care it's a goat oh i've gotta say hello to my fellow goats how are you barbara you don't look like a barbara oh my this game's weird man i'm just gonna leave barbara b we can't even nope oh why did i do that okay yeah that's filled my inventory okay that's gross just keep dumping everything out just stacks and stacks of items all going to waste oh that's a village okay nice i was about to kill mobs for food but there's no need hopefully and i jumped again okay i need to stop doing that oh okay if you press space bar and water it also does it that's not good and i did it again okay this is so annoying oh you know what i'll take a bed because if we can stack some beds that'll be very good wait does it work oh yes we can stack beds okay nice and there's a blacksmith here yes and hay bales okay good we've got plenty of food this is perfect come on obsidian as well yep now we're talking but we can just make our nether portal this is great and free food absolutely perfect why not jump once and again there we are 36 hay bales i'll take it and now we don't have to worry oh we can get unlimited iron as well i didn't even think about this smack this guy come on come fight me buddy okay i'm gonna have to jump three times but i don't care we're doing it okay that's a lot of items now i'm just gonna have to kill him without jump cutting otherwise the items go everywhere there we are finally four iron no i don't think so let's make it a bit more yep perfect lovely jubbly and 64 iron 64 beds two stacks of obsidian okay this is ridiculous and then we can just replace all of our terrible tools for better ones and get some armor as well perfect so now i just need flint and we can go straight to the nether this is brilliant come on give me the gravel there's gravel right here hello i'm just gonna take you give me one flint please oh there we are there's the flint oh no get out of here it's fine we don't die we don't die we love fortnight we love fortnite oh no no no no no no no no no no okay you know what that was stressful enough let's just make this portal we can just scuff it all up because it doesn't matter as long as i'm not jumping and boom we've done it this is great there we go oh no this looks like a terrible spawn potentially wait a second no it's not a terrible spawn there's a bastion there i jumped i don't you know what i don't care wait wait wait wait i just realized something firstly the gold can be duplicated that's beautiful there we are who needs more gold i've got plenty happy days wait let's do this way more efficiently let's go boom boom do it a few more times yes there we are who needs armor i've got some and then we'll make boots yes okay you know what i've got bored of slabbing like this so if i need to jump i'm gonna do it okay it's fine but i've just realized i need one ender pearl i get one ender pearl and i'm sorted so let's just head straight over to this bastion or oh come on buddy please please please you know you want to give me just one ender pearl don't you i've got plenty of items okay they're making me lag come on please no are you kidding me if he could have given me one okay it's fine trading it is up at this place oh do you know what i'm just running i don't it's just spouting items okay this is weird oh yeah it's making me lag so bad we've got to wait for all these entities to clear before we come back this way otherwise i'm gonna die oh wait a second no no i'm gonna be super smart about this well let's not be foolish boom gold blocks are way better than gold and up we go we've already got a stack of gold blocks now okay it's gonna get too laggy if i do this the way i keep going so let's be a little bit smarter oh yes okay we've made it in apparently even though i'm nowhere near now i'm just gonna be somewhat safe with this because i don't have a lava bucket and i need one killing brutes is gonna be a nightmare if i have to jump crit them so let's just use lava okay hello beautiful people okay yeah please don't take the gold blocks i need you to follow me big man this way is the way go on buddy in you go yes good okay there's one guy in there you're gonna be angry with me so look here we are you're angry come on oh you know what we're gonna get this guy's training in a different place i don't even care boom happy days i literally need one ender pearl from one of you oh no no no no that's a brute that's a brute okay okay okay yeah that's right you suck please give me under poles buddy just one of you oh how many how many it doesn't even matter how many two ender poles okay that's literally the minimum we can get but i don't care wait i just jump and 64 under pulse now we're talking okay i'm leaving here right now i don't even care i'm gonna lag out my game oh my goodness we've created an army we just made these people rich you're welcome by the way i'm not quite sure where i should be going however i have ender pearls so i can pull wherever i need to go okay this is good all the entities are burning yes that is exactly what we want okay you know what i'm gonna purl over there that should land me oh okay yeah maybe be careful oh then we can just pull over there why not let's see what happens oh yep okay nailed it oh no okay there's a no no hold them right behind me no no no i'm good i'm good i'm good oh fortress though you're joking okay good stuff you know what i'm just running i don't even care this guy can kill me i mean he can't but i'm leaving let's do it the quick way i can't see anything what is happening bridging is no no bridging has been made disgusting okay you know what it's time to be smart i'm just gonna pearl and maybe just not die that's probably the best bet okay i've got an idea it's a terrible one but i'm doing it i'm doing it here here we go oh oh i'm fine i'm fine all right you know what we just have to deal with the fact that we're getting so many entities no no no bad timing bad timing oh okay okay this is bad this is bad i'm running i'm running okay there's a chest here i can't find a spawner just yet but we will that's useless okay there are no diamonds we're back to finding blazers yeah we're doing it the weird way come on what yep boom nailed it oh blazes yes okay i don't have a shield no oh bad idea okay yep yep let's not die let's not i'm just gonna make a shield right now before i die like an idiot okay here we go here we go i'm gonna have to hit him without jumping so i can see the blazer if he drops it come on come on come on please no place rod oh no blaze rod again okay this sucks they take so many hits when you're not pressing them okay let's try you blaze rod yes yes yes we take it and now we run and jump sprint yes okay good we just have to run about 300 blocks this way i'm leaving i don't care if i destroy my minecraft world with items it's fine we can purl there as well make our lives easier yes and you know what i think we can dig straight there perfect we get our portal down light it yes and wait a second there's one thing i want to do just to crash the nether and just check okay if i do this okay i want to see how low i can get my fps just with the items oh my goodness we're still going oh my goodness wait what's my fps 18 i want to get it to five come on come on come on what's up eleven oh it's going down oh we're on below ten okay so hey guys welcome back to my minecraft uh to uh episode series today we're we're gonna be playing some okay yeah i can't see anything that's going on we're leaving oh we're safe yes and there's just a nice portal here please give me something good there's no chest okay then never mind well now i guess we just uh boom and boom and then boom which is this way okay and if we just keep jumping we will never run out of these guys we can spam them as much as we like it does not matter look it's still this way okay great it's a pink sheep wait wait wait wait wait wait is that who i think it is is it my long-lost friend derek derek where have you been i've missed you my friend oh look at you don't worry jaego's not here to kill you you're safe and look at all these things i brought you they're souvenirs okay bye derek hello everyone i'm wisp the cringy minecraft youtuber please subscribe also check out my twitter and instagram shameless plug shameless plug boom oh it's fully straight this time okay well that's good because boating means i don't have to jump and i don't have to see flying items everywhere around me we're still going we're still going slightly to the side here we going again oh straight down please tell me it's straight down i don't want to search anymore yes it is it was literally straight down here down it goes okay good we're leaving they're all disappearing yes oh yeah we found it it was literally right in front of me oh yes here we go oh come on give me one diamond no put this string here yes okay good we're definitely getting a bow but also if i can get one diamond and we can get full diamond so easily okay that's a library i have no idea if you can get diamonds from that but let's try oh luck of the c2 that sucks what about you okay nothing i'm starting to lag out my game slightly i gotta be careful with these jumpings everything's just changing where is stuff i say that and then i find the second library i think yes powerful oh my okay yeah now we're talking there should be another chest where is it oh it's right here i'm lagging so bad boom oh efficiency for that's kind of trash this is all trash okay that they all suck but i'll take it whatever okay i'm just feeling like i've been everywhere now oh no no okay just go ahead okay oh it's right here dude you're joking me i've been here so long and it's been here the entire time okay yeah whatever get these eyes in come on boom okay oh i forgot every time we jumped we were duplicating all of these okay wait a second i've just gotta make an anvil yes boom make a bow as well and okay we go boom like that that is power four it should be yes and then we do it again oh six levels okay i can get six levels right now yes there's coal right here this is good there that's six levels yes okay we've duplicated the bose this is so annoying okay boom boom power five oh yes we separate our stacks of arrows we jump a few times and we've got three stacks of arrows yes we've also got eight bows which i don't need there we are wait i just chucked it through okay no no where's my boat they're all here they're all here right that was stressful but we got this all right we're going we're going right if i make the game like too much in the end i'm doomed come on dragon yeah let's do this okay there's one we should get all the easy ones come on oh no i didn't mean to hit you i'm so sorry i'm so sorry no no please please let me just kill all your healing towers first yes got it nice we go again i need to heal we got another one again yes good okay caged ones please get them now i've got 64 bows right now this is bad there's another one we're gonna pull over to this one just because we can right underneath good come on don't start missing now yes good we got it good right okay the jumping is making me lag i need to get all of these podiums right now i'm going up come on here we go yes okay so laggy gotta be quick oh too many items too many items and boom okay good those are the last two i can shoot them from here come on come on come on i got it yes i got the far one good i can reach this there it is okay that's all of them okay dragon no no you don't hit me power five this better do some damage oh it does it does loads yes come on dragoonie bertha doesn't stand a chance oh she's perching i've got beds okay we're going down we're going down oh no oh no oh oh two last two last two words come on yes okay i can get at least two bed bombs here i can i can do it there's one okay we got it oh shoot that really hurt me okay let's go again easy does it oh yes okay she's so low where is she oh she's gone she's gone okay come on come on come on oh she's coming down yes we get another one come on and we go in we go this is it come on bertha yes yes yes yes oh my goodness there are too many items right now goodbye bertha you are you are dead you are done and well i suppose if you want to play this then check out the patreon link is in the description and there's just too many items
Channel: Wisp
Views: 1,595,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, op items, custom, custom item, random items, there are custom, 1.17, multiply, multiplies, item multiply, multiplies items, jumping, jump, jumping multiplies items, your inventory
Id: 3ePZqEnVkHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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