We built a CANDY Mansion in Minecraft!

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the sweetest build challenge of all time two teams will go head to head to see who can build the greatest candy mansion don't forget to subscribe because you're sweet hello little gumdrops you all know why you're here right no we're here to eat right i don't really know what we're doing i think i know what we're doing well get your butts out of those peppermint patty stools because i am putting you guys into teams at random look i got these papers on them oh yeah you don't get to choose okay just throw it who's grabbing it first it's really random if you're um hand it to me hand me the first ticket how about you just spin around and we just pick it up i think yeah just keep spinning just spin rainbow okay all right we got this i i wonder if she's gonna feel nauseous swirly swirly swirly is she dropping swirly oh wait oh this one one more my teammate is funny which is me my teammate is draco mine is gold i'm lunar yeah yes i guess that puts us together all right okay take your paper back rainbow it worked you're very great great uh team captain picker i guess these are the three kingdoms that we get to choose from but i'm going to pick where you guys are gonna but but you just said we you said we yeah oh yeah i meant yeah you said i meant me there's no i in me and we okay um ice cream kingdom she wasn't even gonna let us read i mean this place is i like this it's cool we gotta play with the just funny wait draco where are we claiming let's go count yeah calm down three two one go okay split i don't see this thing draco they're gonna try to do it on the furniture oh don't wait can i say a pun can i say a pun yeah sure we're just gonna grab it yeah okay all right yeah three two one ice cream split banana split no oh yeah i'm taking it i took your toilet wow great teamwork everyone which is hot it's not fair we have to split you go i got nothing lunar i have i got it all right follow me fly this way rainbow where are we allowed to start okay anywhere oh look there's a giant build your masterpieces cake cake ice cream cake wait can we rainbow are we allowed to like steal i already had a feeling you two lazy bums would ask that so no you have to build your own okay this sucks draco draco maybe we should we should just go to lunar and goals and builds beside them so ours looks better and we can make it we got to pick an aesthetic place dracula keep looking you love aesthetics rainbow what are you doing wow what a great judge you are ice cream on you guys draco where are they come on it's over here oh how about this place it has a view oh this place is nice yeah the view is great yeah that's great where are we going okay let's build right here draco right here right purple river place behind beside this waffle tower okay you know what right here draco look empty plot of land very workable very workable you know what i mean oh yeah okay let's start let's get the blocks dracco let's line up our blocks i found this block which looks like ice cream it is black oh oh that looks like chocolate cake okay this one and look look dude look how sick that looks that's like chocolate carpet i got i think it's lowering it okay let's go so should i build the structure should our structure be like out of this or are we making a rainbow structure what are we making let's just look to the left i can't see anything i see a creepy ring rainbow stop stop looking rainbow can we ask for help what no that's against the rules i'm the judge what is draco doing that's cheating okay never mind draco stop cheating draco what's our idea okay you know what rainbow we're not gonna ask for help because we're not cheating let's make a chocolate cake oh choco i know rainbow likes chocolate cake with strawberries okay that's what we should do yes oh you hear that sound why does it sound so cool it's delicious oh my gosh that actually sounds sick i heard i heard from all the way over there that you guys were giving some misinformation not really so i like chocolate covered strawberries not chocolate cake with strawberries i like vanilla cake with strawberries okay rainbow you're too picky it's too late to hear that luna luna guys don't don't do not listen to the vanilla cake i i just wanted to come over and give a little bit of a correction you know not to be annoying okay well we're being judged on the beauty of this right yes the sweetest mansion remember yes track will get fire we must burn all this snow so we do not need to destroy it what block is this it sounds so cool oh this is a bone block that's why it sounds cool okay bone block um rainbow don't eat the cake obviously it's not edible and draco is griefing yep draco i think we're making like a log cake at this rate um that works right okay are you gonna build the strawberries are you gonna help me draco are you just gonna grief i am clearing the land this is just me slowly building we should should should get a switch that we want though a rectangle we just want a rectangle yes draco rectangle we want a delicious chocolate rectangle wait oh i know what we're missing look you cut out the filling and just make this all white filling yeah yeah you do that while i try to finish this okay i could build faster watch this the bone block is not cooperating with me it's being it's being very finicky draco you put the cream in the cake all right all right and you make the strawberries after i will do the interior decorating and if this doesn't look like a chocolate cake mansion i don't know what does oh that looks sick yes that looks amazing oh my gosh this is actually the most delicious thing we've ever built do that i'm gonna fill the rest of it in i mean that's pretty nice they have to be able to live in this yes and this chisel quartz block looks really good because it has white frosting on top and i could just fill out the top like this so then everything blends in draco are you throwing stuff in the house i'm trying to pick a glass which glass this glass let me see let's see is that like raspberry i think this one looks pretty sick what else do you got um i think wait i think it's supposed to look like this draco oh yeah do this i think that looks good i don't know what this is that that doesn't look that appetizing so you do the glass of windows i'll finish the top structure it's gonna be the longest mansion in history the shape is pretty boring but we're gonna make the outside look phenomenal i would eat this wow the roof for a cake is done it looks pretty good and i think i want to mess around with the trapdoors because i feel like these look like chocolate blocks so we definitely can make something very creative off of them dracco draco what are you doing i think you can put them around the edge of the bag yeah i know look look look chocolate doors genius genius okay let's fill this up so let's put i guess we can make these like long chocolate bars so we could hold the cake it doesn't matter which direction they go because i don't think rainbow will care unless she does and she deducts points on it that will be pretty sad the house's exterior looks pretty much done so i will go ahead and put the strawberries on top since draco was working hard wow you guys are fast yeah let's just say our mansion looks pretty good like i was wondering way better there is tay and some licorice on top rainbow you like licorice right uh negative okay well this is a candy kingdom rainbow you're supposed to appreciate every last entity of food we got strawberries i mean that looks pretty that looks pretty good bam draco what is this it's a wall so we look like we have an entrance oh like a fake fancy wall i like that i think i have a painting for you wait should we no we shouldn't decorate yet we should just finish the interior every mansion needs um draco our man should be looking i need a better table yeah um draco what it's okay i just looked at our competitors build it looks pretty tiny too we have to figure out how to make this um instead i mean it can be a mansion but could also be those bachelor pads where everything did you just call our bill and did you just copy us no jacko we're making we can't make it taller we're making a bachelor pad mansion so excuse me yeah it's totally because we didn't run out of room i have materials ooh candy corn lights i think i could put up the lights right now when you walk in the foyer you should see a beautiful you have to do the anti-gravity tool okay draco you got this so let's put the candy corn oh i just read it's a candle i'm stupid you may be a candle but we're gonna make you into a hanging light bring it up draco make it fly gravity and and oh yeah i mean that's pretty good give me a second here yes anti-gravity and then let's move you boom you know what you do it i'm bored i will do the placement so we're going to have candy corn lights hanging down like that that looks good good job draco this is extremely hard to do i feel like a mansion should definitely have a doughnut then so when you walk in you're like whoa this this mansion is humongous then boom you are greeted with magnificent giant bed yeah look at that okay actually it's pretty bad i'm moving it let's move the giant bed right in the corner we have to make this place look spacious after all since it is a mansion uh let's place it here and hopefully i can find an end table for this a beautiful donut table i think it is quite oh it's quite big oof we're running into a problem and it's turning bigger instead of the donut table i'm gonna try using the ice cream sandwich table yeah this looks more fitting let's drag it and place it right here please fit oh that's perfect oh i'm moving draco why did you make the bed so big it's gone what what oh hi can i trade teammates can i trade teammates nope no takebacks draco is chaotic gold's a pretty good team i like i like gold as a teammate wow draco imagine being not complimented i'm kidding draco you're doing a great job now lamp here you hang these lights i'm sorry draco i'm sorry i disrespected you you're good you're a good teammate man okay and i'm an amazing decorator see i compliment myself let's place it here um i don't want to be like annoying but that light is off do you see it draco no it's not draco everything be lopsided in this house no it's not it's even why we definitely need a living room so let's place a sofa here perfect let's rotate this so the sofa could be in the exact position draco is still working on those lights we have our candy corn tv oh it's very flat okay i need a tablet jack i'm trying my best here look i think this is when you have to use anti-gravity use anti-gravity on this i'm moving this couch a little further because it's too squishy and we have a candy corn rug oh that looks amazing okay let's put it right here boom ooh i'm visiting here when you go ahead and it's gonna oh yeah shine the mirror right there do you have the toilet we took the toilet earlier we should go steal it from the toilet i have a bathtub and since this is a mansion this place should definitely fit more beds actually is it becoming too squishy where do i put this i have to remove this we cannot fit it we fixed the tv sand that looks a lot better and now what color do we make everything pink i think black and pink looks good jacquard what are you strawberry colored strawberry okay let me go strawberry this this is i don't know if our ice cream sandwich can be strawberry color i feel like a little bit of black in it looks nice and then we fix the tv yes it's looking great here let's color this to i guess black so our secondary color tone looks pretty good and then the donut bed the donut bed will be something bright let's go with green so we can burn people's eyes brown and purple not bad okay where's the toilet bed we have a wall shelf we need a toilet dude we have to go steal their toilet i don't know okay fine we'll go to the toilet don't tell them though you have to be quiet i know how to trick rainbow she loves ice cream so therefore if you have gorgeous ice cream lamps on the floor when she walks in she'll be like mind blown and let's color them two different colors we need to make the shower room so uh where are we going to put it dracco because this is a churro shower look look at this do we seriously want a shower right here or in that corner no how about in this corner yeah i feel like if we move it to this corner no one's gonna notice they can't deduct points on us for being lazy now we need the toilet move the vanity over here perfect churro shower oh yes art every beautiful mansion needs art let's move this and vanity no no no i got another mirror i got another mirror wait you have another one okay that's pretty epic fine i'll move this back i'm gonna grab myself a toilet it looks like we don't need a steelers after all wait is that a tub oh yeah it's a bathtub look at this toilet what is this it looks so huge why does it look so weird this is so huge okay toilet stay there mirror oh okay we're running out of space i think we over decorated let's put the mirror there no we can never over decorate there's even a kitkat rug whoa kitkat rug you're going straight here hey this looks pretty good look at that and let's put two chairs here draco we need to finesse the living room living room ain't looking too good i got it i got some stuff okay we need more paintings and these chairs should stay like this and we should just color them i've got a pink lollipop a pink lollipop rack oh is this to hang your coats i think you should go to the door then and i got a lollipop clock does it actually look like a lollipop let's see oh that's pretty cool let's make it a grandfather clock make it big make it big big big big big make it extra big and what else do i got there's i still have an ice cream trash can i'll have trash cans in this game i guess you could go in the corner it kind of looks like decor draco make it humongous these are all the furnitures i have left to put around oh my gosh that's so cool wait we forgot the kitchen the most important part kitchen right here draco does that an ice cream fridge okay put that up oreo fridge oh my god goodness is twinkie twinkie go on the couch i keep forgetting use gravity draco gravity though and i will put on this beautiful candy cane candle where did the twinkie go it fell on the couch it's gone perfect positioning yes okay put the waffle pillows on and i think we're done all we have to do is fix the exterior a little bit and like you know give it some give it some beauty time is up everybody do not touch a single block do not touch donut touch you'll not touch um okay rainbow you are the judge where should we go who wants to go first what are you i don't know stop being so canadian you're the judge it should be us you're the giant okay um wait what's that over there okay i guess we're going this way no no no no i want to go to this one she's so indecisive fine draco go to this one welcome to lava you make me crazy chocolate cake strawberry yeah licorice every cake flavor in the world rainbow just did oh to ours and not to yours no step back step back whatever let yourself in no no no before we let you in just stand back stand back real quick appreciate the scenery draco and i did look ooh candy corn trees with licorice stems trunks licorice is that a hot cheeto hot tub it's a hot lava pond nice to take a bath i thought you could drink coffee after eating tons of chocolate all day do you just want to bathe in this hot lava hot tub it gives you some really nice you're right to burn off the sugar right yes yes that's how it works okay here come in the extravagant blah blah blah mansion oh and look look at the detailing draco made right here look at that yeah look at this detailing i like it i like it i don't understand but i like it step in rainbow sprinkle fencing wow did you buy more surprise that was really rude 35 yeah look at these ceiling lights you're not appreciating our effort anyways that's kind of crazy like what what hey you're not a judge tell a roomba you're not a judge okay drago this is the extremely giant super king-sized donut bed extra bouncy what flavor is this it looks it is um poison berry oh and this is the bathtub with the shower head oh a turtle showerhead your guys's house seems like if someone was how does things last this is the toilet toilet i don't what this reminds me of this reminds me of a furniture display store a showcase yeah i was trying to get some vibes no it's open area magnificent yes this is the kitchen with the open it's very open appliances right and um lastly this is our most proud place look it's the living room with a pillow couch i like um did you even bother to color coordinate the furniture to be chocolate what i i did then everything came let me break my house i dig color corn made it gold that's why i told you this is like a furniture display store that's the vibes i'm getting okay well what do you rate it out of sweets um come on don't be shy how about how about no ratings until the end let's go okay rainbow wait but we built something off screen just for you hey draco for people who don't give us a good score right draco yeah this is bribery just go down back mail go down i don't wait i can't fake it you guys fail but get your butt down there you guys failed oh this is [Music] is it that challenging to get okay you know what none there this is what happened to you gummy bears this is what draco and i do rainbow this does not belong in a land of sweets no bribery or blackmail um okay i rate this a scary furniture store let's move on to the next build no escape escape but i do really appreciate the outside this looks like a delectable cake house that a witch would probably live inside thank you thank you i agreed i'll take that as points draco high five bam now let's go off to the masterpiece everyone is it a masterpiece it is let's leave it down confidence aren't you let's not change the day change it today please it's only film it's still cute during the dark time because we have lights wow all right rainbow so luna and i know that you love sampling things so this is the multi-luxury parfait tear look strawberry raspberry delicious dutch fudge chocolate fudge vanilla wow rainbow it's gonna spill out okay it's so you can see it more oh oh there's a pop so creative oh it's actually pretty thank you come to the top check it out this looks delicious draco i hope their furnishing skills is as good as ours yeah it probably isn't what did you name your build what did you say what did you name your belt it could sound fancy we call it uh they don't even know luxurious um best tier parfait yes that is the name s test here i like the pink stairs thank you these aren't even stairs why do i have to haul cake stairs welcome to your area this is rainbow's cute chocolate chair with her little computer and her pink lamp and this is her kitchen okay they're tryhards jacko they did good wow and this is a strawberry milk rug do you see that the clock's kind of on the floor yeah that's a fail this place looks delicious and if you don't think so you are lying to you look at the details did you see the floor you don't have a fridge full of details no fridge no fridge rainbow rainbow keep eye of that no fridge in the kitchen we repeat no fridge yes no fridge no problem these are just all sweets exactly aha can't eat your house yeah and your house is illegal beautiful rainbow you have to notice the stairs they're cherry crafted stairs crazy lazy we weren't rushing you have to hop for the last step that's done oh wait i have a phone on the floor that's cute this is rainbow's phone her strawberry bed pink ipad why is all this stuff on the floor ice cream tv they don't have to use gravity like these um dude this tv is so nice how do i get one in my house you don't you eat it oh this is your house this is your house wow such a suck-up like funny it doesn't just have a secret room that tortures people we have a secret balcony that you fly up this hatch you see the chocolate hatch you just go right up it oh wow it's so delicious up here makes me want to throw up this isn't a secret balcony this is just your cookie oh yeah and this is our very yes it is it's our delicious okay limited edition colorful sprinkled chocolate wow wow we know rainbow doesn't like cherries as much so we did a strawberry chocolate wow wow okay can you guess who can you guess who's gonna win um pretty sure draco knives builds me and draco's yeah we did pretty good and we went faster okay i am the judge and i am the result love this rainbow parfait this is the winner okay okay but i am also a judge and i vote that is funny and draco's beautiful lava cake is the true winner but you know who is the final vote kf hey kf yeah that's right we see you it is your time to pick the true winner who is it is it the draco and funny lava cake build or is it the golden luna s tear parfait oh it looks delicious from afar q epic uh house tour thing [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,086,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mod krew, minecraft mods krew, minecraft krewcraft, krewcraft, krewcraft funny, krewcraft series, minecraft candy land, minecraft candy
Id: Pgg8LE0My7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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