Minecraft, But Everywhere We Look Explodes

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so I was on reddit yesterday and I saw a post where they made it so that everywhere they looked an explosion was spawned I read the comments and there was quite a few people that were recommending that I should try this as a survival challenge at minecraft shout out to you guys there were some pretty funny comments there too but anyway so here we are can we beat the game minecraft but everywhere we look explodes this was torture if you're new here and make sure to hit the subscribe button you won't regret it okay guys now before we get into the challenge as you've probably heard I'm hosting a Minecraft tournament with lots of big prizes and I can't do that unless I get sponsored because I don't have the money so I guess sponsored a great Chateau Legends raid is one of the top three ranked RPGs on the Google Play Store and it's just been nominated as a finalist for Google play's at best of 2019 users choice already the game is insanely popular and you've probably seen it almost everywhere fifteen million downloads in the last six months that's just crazy so what is right it's a hero collection turn-based game with over 400 champions for you to collect and personally customized you can also assemble a team from 16 heroic factions explore 1 plus million champion builds and even enjoy a fully voiced Story campaign the best part is it's completely free to play some extra cool features in the game new champions every month rate is adding more than 16 new champions every month so there's always new strategies new balancing and new warriors to play with there's also progression rewards you can get tons of free champions equipment and other cool stuff just for playing the game the missions that are shown on the screen right now help you progress in a fun and easy way while you get extra rewards for completing each mission the best part is once you complete the missions you'll get one of the best legendary champions in the game the arbiter the game is growing super fast look at this cool roadmap they've published it's on the screen right now they have huge plans for updates in the game a new faction a new tag team arena feature and even a new clan boss you can fight with your clan mates it's pretty awesome so if you want to check it out go to the video description click on the special link so you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey anyway hope you guys enjoyed this video what you just gave it those steak right from the commander I'm ready come on run it yes run not like yeah all right look up look up look up everyone's running alright let's look in there you're such an idiot no stop don't kill me seven Alain I'm actually not purposely wait George you just killed me didn't you everyone stop everyone stop looking there everyone stop I'm turning me I'm turning the sound down even more blocks on two percent otherwise it's too loud there's wood don't but I put some logs on the floor I have 18 logs 18 logs that's plenty that's plenty there's some apples though wish you get the apples no don't kill me doors no opposed killing me killing me still you're killing me all right hang on I have ten logs I have ten line can we even Croft do we need to cry um yeah we do need to craft here I'm gonna try a surprise seriously first I'm eating this Apple I'm eating this Apple I think I can I think I can eat some okay I did it you see George look watch oh you're such an idiot another up you walk I'm gonna get your stuff I'm gonna eat your stuff oh my god alright look I got your good stuff I got your stuff he's just killing me I'm gonna try and crap I'm gonna try and craft what I'm just blowing up the forest I'm not trying to but it's still exploding I'm gonna get in the water I'm eating this Apple just in case I accidentally myself oh I see you dude all right can we croft or not I think so are you okay see I got a crutch pinch down I'm crossing no where are you I'm crafting I made a sword I gotta crack too much down we don't even need you I'm crafty I'm crafting I made myself sword we don't need a soul away we don't need them well we need we need we need furnaces so we need to get some cooked iron there was iron on the floor here over this iron here box out to mine let's see if I can get some leave mine this I think I got it please come on I can't look down to see where it is to get it oh it's back there all right I'm getting apples we're getting these apples no so hard it's so annoying once we get like a bucket then we're pretty much like we have something nice to stop not let me just get you a stop okay okay I got a furnace down in this icy dream okay kill you yes I got stuff in the all right I got iron in the furnace I think this is detrimental at the same time it's also easy snap down you're not gonna new here's a snap where's the don't don't take anything no one do anything I'm trying to I'm trying to like I'm playing this game at f5 oh my gosh why that makes that harder Billy alright did you get a dream no I blew it up I don't know if I got it I got it I got it okay green where are you oh god don't look at me don't look at me to look at me I'm having enough I've enough is enough for ages alright stop don't kill Sapna no I blew up the craft I'm okay how are you I placed it I placed it I placed what I just found like I got it I got it I got it I got I got it show me okay I have seven iron I'm making one bucket and should I make anything else or just buckets make two buckets oh we need to Flint seal I have one extra iron for that okay okay oh wait is this a to have this issue quite a bit up the lava oh it is lawful I need ice buckets any water though go to the giant leap we need I have two water buckets I need apples I need we need actual food can when you guys kill like some donkeys donkeys library oh my god how'd I die oh my gosh my stuff might burn okay oh I see it I see it just do not know one ball anything up here right now look up in there okay I got it again you blew up all the stuff around it Jordan like how much was the place to water bucket on it I have a genius plan you ready yeah yeah I just weighed I wanted you're killing me okay okay back up then oh I'm just destroying this forest that's kind of cool hey RJ you're gonna want to cook the right well no I'll just eat it raw oh my god take my stuff - oh okay ten more times ooh I got one of sitting down come on two hearts alright nine more times oh my god George just moved for now oh wait nice nice oh no I got one I got one perfect I got no it's fine it's fine it's fine let me do this part I can do that part better than you guys no it's fine no no my stuff's by the lava you go oh shoot without it I'm dropping one where you dropping it I don't know George you gotta make these changes so much hotter alright no you took my stuff now you both took my stuff here what no you didn't you guys stop where you placed it you didn't place it in the right place really I don't know where your bucket with though all right I got it I got it yeah really look out look out guys back off back off completely off no I just look or you just blow up stuff SAP nap you blew up the other bucket no now you're looking up it is George but I'm pretty sure he's yeah I was looking at this whole Georgia if I die you need to get this bucket okay I'm trying to oh my god yes I put in the right place I put in the right place I'm pretty sure I did the time like wouldn't you understand wherever you look at blows up he's like walk through George George I'm a half-hearted take this bucket oh my god we lost the other bucket though and the other iron and the end everything blew it off well somebody blew it up it wasn't me I didn't it was you George I'm like so sorry maybe I thought I saw some that do but then I know but I'm sitting here and I'm looking great up wait Sapna we just killed me all right how about you guys just like evacuate for a minute this evacuate I can't what you're just just move right now you're fine back you ate oh god I'm getting pushed wait hold on [Music] not yet I did it I did it I did it I did I put in our place we'd like a little bit of a portal go um actually I can just do it with the city and then it doesn't blow up I'll do that that makes easier what oh my God he's doing live I just ruined the whole portal he didn't yeah I did we can just go the opposite direction oh go to the stuff spread the love with the buckets by the lava all right George don't go just leave the premises I took it I'm doing it because you're incompetent you have lava side up don't do anything no I have the bucket I'm too scared to go next to lover wait killed you oh god no the whole thing again it's just a long sigh that's not you didn't like ruin it you need be more cautious will do I am it just the problem is you're getting exploded it's hard to like George where's the bucket okay so hey keep hitting that respawn button okay stop George George George the boys gonna like dese water getting like five minutes guys George stop George George please come on I kill them okay keep them back you don't like even though oh alright let me raise funds let me respond yeah let them respawn let me response out that one I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying alright let's say I'll hold him here in prison go complete the job why because you're holding us he was holding me looks like we're trapping ourselves in here just look oh my god I just blew up again so easy to get out look guys guys you won't get out okay wait stop dumping it out first getting the buckets gonna respawn guys nobody respond except for me nobody respond nobody responds okay listen idiot nobody reached one Skippy asleep nobody respond when this hole is so deep I'm making a path way out this way respawn don't just don't respawn yet alright I'm getting out guys I'm making some progress with the portal alright I like it I like screwed up the last second blood dream who's kidding me let me kill you real quick oh it's by the lava by the lava that ain't get burned no please it burned oh my god let me go places well guys now there's no water so I can't even do the lava trick well you have to go get some more water and how are we gonna place it high enough try again okay I got okay dream I just fell I look like I actually got so good oh you're doing really well yeah I'm not gonna be right back you guys make some progress okay wait what oh yes yes I do that by day right now I lose the bucket why no why would you do that how did that happen be fair I wasn't that hard to get the bucket so I mean we should be oops we should be flying regardless but would you just hit slam my knee on the desk uh look I didn't burn II didn't burn gonna get it get it get it please okay I finished that side of the portal all right you can place one more loss oh yeah which I should put I should place one more I'll be but more lava make you move the water bug on top of that lava I just let the obsidian okay this worked yes all right get the lava bucket last one last one did you push the water it did it did exactly what we needed to please dream dream do not die no please get it and I didn't hear anything burn I didn't hear anything burn is it there it should not be alive I got it oh my god I'm getting away I'm getting away from this lava yes guys we did it I'm trying to we have the Moto yeah the portals down yes George stop all right I'm gonna sing some crisps that's why I'm not talking all right well I don't have any food my food hang on are you blind up blowing up now stop all right look we need unlike waves of soaking all we need the iron against B blew up that iron twice I have four iron so I'm kind of I have four I heard as well so we can make it a chess player no we don't we only have one furnace the breastplate all right George so I just kill you take it are you gonna drop it I'll drop it don't kill me oh all right what are you robbing Jesus give it to me I gotta kill you stop stop why oh my god oh stop like 92 more deaths are from you Louis NYE and someone's coming right now who is that all right I dropped the goods under that you just killed me I did it guys it's cooking it's cooking all right I someone got off on accident there's only one person who's pointing with three in the morning killing both of you I don't even care why would you kill him when you have half a heart because he's I'm probably more likely to live with half a heart than he is I'm making a furnace I got those mobs coming the spider just kamikaze to me that your reaction for it not dropping an end of oh yeah screaming no yes okay I made progress so I got to Flint now yeah we need to that's good who's better than one guys that was so easy I mean I let it in one try I made a furnace a crafty crafty much a furnace and then I put the iron I dream take that place no don't drop it on the floor idiot pick it up pick it up pick it up don't drop it no don't come near okay I got a theorem I got the iron all right wait give it to me I'm the chosen one okay well these ocean waves up the guys the explosion blows up the portals so like we have to somehow like like we can't we have to go like one out of time we each act that we luckily have three iron and three Flint all right look I have I have three Flint and seals on there why do so many it's bit excessive well we have to have one please really I just explained this is the worst challenge you've ever done read it I hate you all right what's this what's this ready are you ready yeah I'm ready okay is it lit no okay wait watch this ready oh okay ready no I missed that Freddie no Freddie explained oh no to back up into it wait wait am I in it okay look wait no don't guys move out of the way move out of the way I'm coming through coming through coming through oh god you're gonna have to rely the later books just go this way I'm just running this way I don't care everyone just run their own way get away from each other I'm killing you guys get out of here yeah just store the COS they'd killed you guys just look do not you're come on the same ways me I don't see do you see any like nether fortress stuff anywhere no but I like let me never see them you're always one that finds it I am I don't know how you can always see them I probably know the fortress I found the nether fortress I found the nether fortress wait you both found at the same time this is so difficult no I'm gonna have far okay well that was pretty clutch of me not gonna lie just do not die and I just died oh my god I've done it I've done it I got a leg up a gateway to the blazes I just killed myself why aren't these blazes spawning why don't they they not fly away from the portal I mean the spawner they do well then no I'm back in the nether it was a lava everywhere how are we gonna live so George we're relying on you this time getting the blaze rods and house you to get it back you want me yeah I'm in a different place like there's literally two portals here one of them is lit still and I'm in a different place I'm just trying to get back to them like I can see the fortress way over there but there's no way I can get to it oh my god I'm burning in lava I'm burning in lava oh I died oh my god oh [Applause] my god okay okay I give up I give up I quit I quit this video gets flipping a hundred thousand likes and I will do this again I don't care only a hundred thousand literally this is terrible no one tried this this is the worst challenge anyone has ever recommended I got disconnected I would just connect to this well I'm still in it I'm stopping recording bye bye
Channel: Dream
Views: 7,285,939
Rating: 4.9411278 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream, dream minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft but everywhere we look explodes, explosions, Minecraft tnt, Minecraft explosion, Minecraft but we explode, Minecraft but challenge, funny, family friendly, minecraft challenge
Id: 5Vx6LaKfdvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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