Minecraft, But The World Changes Every Time...

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yeah I don't know how long it's gonna take for us to get the next switch to it that was like five minutes and then it's like this video we coded it's that after five minutes the world around us will change we'll be at the same coordinates but on a new world a new minecraft seed and every time we switch worlds that time goes down five minutes four minutes three minutes two minutes is it even possible to beat the game we're about to find out also according to YouTube's statistics only about 15% of the people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up like in this video or you just realize that somehow you're not subscribed please subscribe you can always unsubscribe if you want it's free enjoy the video oh yeah by the way guys go subscribe to George's links in the description alright so I think we need some planning before this like honestly we need some plan this is something that we don't really have time to think about so first of all there's different like Y elevations which is like up and down so we may need to get buckets like as quick as possible because if we don't have a water buckets like MLG water we could die instantly like what if we what if we spawn like it's going very high up yeah okay our goal needs to be get iron so I think we should just got a little bit I think there's a cave over there you just get iron and smelt it like before the time goes and one thing we did is there's no timer so we won't know and we're not keeping track anywhere where our time is we don't know what's gonna happen we just know it's gonna happen eventually we didn't even get almond we should just go to the nether instantly because we need to have as much time in the nether as possible because we do with the time gets shorter each time we do need food to I guess there's some pigs around here but I guess we she iron first irons importance I think we just ignore the food for now what about getting food I'll get some food and you get a bucket alright five minutes starting now go okay are there any messages at all that were no sign of anything it will say is when when we're switching world it will say switch world very helpful okay there's a cave right here something good I'll just get I'll kill these pigs I see two pigs this last log I'm just kidding I think that's probably enough I seem to find iron there's some coal here Oh God okay oh there's loads of things huh there's so many mobs why there's so many I can't take creepers exploding all right I'm gonna gonna kill cakes ice there's loads of them over here kill pigs kill pigs okay I have 14 pork chops you're not zombies there's so many mobs has a village over here we go to the village oh my gosh there's so many mobs it's gonna be some good stuff I'm on like have a heart just don't die I'm gonna die when I get teleported to the other bro I would be like suffocating I'm gonna die instantly how much time do we have I don't know I have no idea I might have enough time to make a bucket and then I don't know if I can get up though in time I just have no track of time no track of time yeah I'm gonna need some run flowers too hopefully do it alright I'm coming back watch I end did he get yeah it's perfect amount six nice I'm just waiting for this to finish cooking I got I made torches because there's no light around man take it out the furnace in case you split you soon I made the two buckets okay there no way you are I'm lost got armor where I came from I think it's up here there's more mobs okay I just heard a creeper you know get out I get that pick up that water that oh I just saved myself with here I need food I need food I'm on one hurt okay there was more iron right next to me but I didn't get it because I did want to waste time we need to make shields ASAP when you get we get wood ASAP I'm gonna get some wood real quick with my axe just be ready to MLG water like at any point No we literally have no idea where we could be in the middle of mountain we could be like way in a ravine and a cave and lava just oh oh oh oh okay no there's cows I'm getting some of these cows wait you kill them I'm gonna get bonuses okay there's so many mobs like action why there's so many yeah I don't know how long it's gonna take for us to get the next switch go down this Creek is hopefully I'm gonna find stuff so just stay there we're gonna need a lot of obsidian you know is where we need to actually if we get speed we don't get stuck in the nether if the netherworld changes what we're there we've gotta get out of diamond so okay I think I'm gonna gets more iron I'm gonna go down don't come with me so we're near each other yeah let me just cook this food and then I'll come with you but it's gonna switch really soon so this is so annoying we have to like I want to be near each other but at the same time yeah that's okay you want to be near me that's fine it's like we're gonna need the armor because like we're gonna fall into lava like we're gonna put in love at some point I think we need up like iron armor helps in Pablo oh my gosh I'm choking I'm choking - are you coming down the key or not I will be Oh No I might know oh my god oh my girl chai mine down I guess I should stay down here coz I'm already low down I need me a shovel because I supported loads of gravel and it would take me ages to get out much time do you think I have I'm not gonna put all the iron in the furnace just get somebody look a little bit out of time hopefully this it's gonna switch parts it feels so much quicker I need food I need you to be in your mix any food I'm coming I'm coming I'm digging down to you I have so much food I want to do like multiple furnaces well the same time I don't want to lose like all my iron at once you know yeah I was I was about to pick up my phone this isn't it swapped world but I'm not strip mining right now and now I'm just getting iron it's like I want to cook this iron while before the worlds were just erased yeah I'm gonna cave okay once the world switch gets pretty fast then to be impossible to cook stuff because you can't really have furnaces you know I just want to get all they're impossible cooked I'm coming to you but pickaxe is broke do you have another one oh I have wood I have wood well hurry before one of his switches and you're in like a block I'm trying yeah you're like right here it's gonna switch anything I'm just collecting these why are you sneaking I'm sorry I'm just going just collecting these my head Hey take that take that quick pick it up pick it up I'm making an iron shovel for myself do a shovel or no yeah what should we do now just wait a second first like it's gonna switch any second right they have stuff oh there's emeralds here emeralds so I guess I'll get them just case we come across the village our diamonds oh no oh you're right I'm not I can't mind okay oh my gosh I got so close to dying they're right here I got so close to dying oh they saw what stop it there's gotta be diamonds there's gold yeah we need we literally we need diamonds we have to advance oh gosh how is there not any diamond down oh I don't have a is it just others - there's three three perfect well for game oh me too drop them before like the sink switches on the floor okay quick that's mine - stupid obsidian I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying come on in obsidian I don't think there's any more diamonds there oh there's an abandoned mineshaft above I go looking at one piece of obsidian alright now I've got nothing to do I'm just minding this ravine get cobblestone click blocks we'll need blocks later we need flint ok ok fun switch any girl oh I have carpet in my inventory oh there's a fun nice that's good that's a fun give any iron that's a flint as soon as the switches I'm going to crash because that's like the one of the rescuer things to do so like that's like as soon as the switches I should craft we need enough for like like a couple portals we don't I get stuck in the nether for stuck in the nether then it's 10 for a postal isn't it you have at least 10 I think I have at least 10 right now yeah I'm just waiting for my anymore City I'm just many more sitting sorry finally you find water I'm gonna mine more Presidium basically like when i teleported in there was lava right below me and I just like I was stuck in the blog so I didn't fall into it but I would have died if if I activate here you don't get one - what time do you have I have one more iron yeah um okay I think I have time to smelt um no wait till the next one what is the next one I don't know how long the next one last magic please tell my water rip for the switch that's what that suck that would suck like I blocked it off somehow cuz I'm glitching I was glitching okay I have 15 obsidian I would really like some water right now I feel hey are we gonna switch soon I think we might oh here it is okay okay how quick was that was really quick that was pretty quick we're kind of in what am i more of city and you look for water no dang it oh I'm in water I'm in water I'm due to the service now how much I have I have 19 I just needed one more because Coast another I know we can we need we need to find one more we can find one more otherwise we're screwed I guess we know I guess we could mine one obsidian from the port we could risk it we go like next so mine one obsidian from the portal okay okay it's gonna be risky like what if I don't get okay it's going really quick now you realize we're gonna have to build the portal light it go through it then break one obsidian before the minute passes okay we gotta go we're gonna speed build you and lover I'm in sand the desert next to a okay oh okay Oh No okay quick to restore the next one let's do it right here right here go let's go okay go go go you're pushing me out I don't pick I know Sabourin okay it's not loading wait what we're in the overworld what happened I'm just minding I'm sitting I'm just my name is city in which we just go through wait wait wait no no I didn't I didn't it didn't take me through I see the brick at least one I see two break at least one well do you want anyone yeah what the hell happened where are we really different universe no what the hell are we no all my stuff's in a hole I saw it
Channel: Dream
Views: 14,362,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft But The World Changes, Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, dream Minecraft channel, laggy Minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft world changes every 5 minutes
Id: 5slw77hxG3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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