Minecraft, but XRAY is always on (#1)

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all right guys so we're here i have x-ray on as you can tell very easily there's a ton of ores all around us i'm here with sapnap and george their links are in the description we're doing something that's very interesting as far as i can tell it's never been done before um but maybe it has basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and beat minecraft while having x-ray on 100 of the time i'm actually lagging a little bit i'm not sure why maybe from all of the ores all around us but what we're going to do is we're going to try and beat minecraft so that means it helps us in some cases like if we want to find let's say diamonds then it's a little easier but if we want to find let's say a tree then it's much harder so we're still in the same spawn locations i haven't moved snap dump hasn't moved george hasn't moved we're all still here uh and basically we're gonna do is we're gonna try and be minecraft so let's get started i'm gonna be careful because this is our second run because before we had anti-x-ray protection on on accident we had to redo it but um last time there was caves and stuff everywhere you found a tree already yeah this one right here oh i found the leaves ooh i found a tree that was easier than i thought okay gotta aimlessly run around george yeah it's dark wood okay you have me too so we're like a you think we're like a spruce [Music] where are the trees i found a cactus dude i guess we'd probably see can we see sand i guess we can see sand stone but not sand it's like over there you see you see like on the water bed there's like sandstone this is all i got you have a crafting table somewhere oh drink one okay look what we can see what can we see okay we can see when we place wood and stuff we can see it i know we can see when we place cobblestone there's just the default settings of the x-ray mod which i'm not going to link just because i don't know if it's if it's safe or not but um basically what it is is it's x-ray and it's all the default blocks we see all the ores lava water but we don't see ground and normal blocks can you give me a i lost my tree stone picking i've i've got a stone picks for all of us okay where are you how are you so why are they called stones wait can you dig us out thank you all right give him his pick all right i'm gonna go get iron okay yeah and we'll get full diamond really quickly right yeah i think i should be going for diamonds while one of you guys does something else i think one of us should be collecting like as much wood as we can get because it's gonna be hard one of us needs to stay at service and collect wood i think okay i'll collect wood how much did you get george oh just three okay that's good and you can give me an iron pick and i'll i'll go down and get diamonds i need some more cobble for uh for furnace i have two cobble do you need more yeah i have one furnace oh do you have um coal i have coal yeah look at that coal okay you guys don't even need to give it to me wait i don't know where to place it i can't place it um place it i'm out i'm out ow sorry what the heck i just broke a tree and i lost it okay there it is you lost where your tree was i'm just breaking leaves where's the wood i got it all right what's the plan i'm gonna get that you're getting diamonds he's going to get wood like as much wood as he can on an island which i think is pretty bad because we're on an island then you can play saplings you just can't see them afterwards oh found another tree i'm going to get some more iron for things like buckets and clean steels i don't know if we'll need anything like that okay let's get it anyway that's smart i think i can go down and get a stamina hopefully i don't die somehow um i have some wood oh like by falling in a room one of us needs to get food yeah by falling it's not saying george should find food i'm digging straight down but only because i can see hopefully i don't fall into anything i see diamonds down below i see some piggies over here come here yeah but you need to get wood i think is pretty important i just keep walking in this stuff your pig i didn't realize there was this much diamonds like imagine i just makes me feel bad like how many how many diamonds do i go by and like like whenever i'm strip mining okay just something unforgotten or forgotten so i've been digging around basically going to all the iron and not remembering where i came from oh i've got a bit of a problem now i guess i can just go yeah i'm just gonna do that straight up straight up oh no my pickaxe is gonna break is it actually i have oh i have wood i can make more i need to it's really low i don't know if i'm gonna get out i can't it's getting annoying because i can't i can't really see what's in front of me so i keep like mining the block in front of me and forgetting that i didn't mind it and then like i'm just kind of stuck for a second that makes sense it's pretty annoying oh my gosh can we go to this we have to do this again like we have to get like skippy and bad and all them and just like have them all try and do it you guys think we can see in blocks that'd be that'd be a problem if we can't see the end yeah we're gonna be walking off the edge what if we can't see like the end portal frame blocks okay how are we gonna put in like the eyes oh we're gonna have to kill enderman oh no that's true how are we gonna kill him i'm gonna find loads of them oh guys it's becoming nighttime where's our hole i don't wanna be here anymore what is dream i see george guys i have 37 raw pork chops and 24 spruce wood honestly don't lose i am i'm just trying to get to the next diamonds i see stop enough i don't see you there's there's like a hill in my way as much as i'm like i wish i didn't have it on right now yeah i think where are you oh i see you i see you wait where are you i'm right before you guys george do you want to get oh my god george bring the stuff and come down the hole it's nighttime mobs are going to start spawning man wait is it actually night time i can't tell down here yeah i think it is yeah it is here there's a big chunky one right here monkey diamond that's a big thick diamond here how many those are i need like at least a stack right probably need more at least three george make another furnace so i can start cooking our pork chops i need more iron my pick's gonna break i'm mining too many diamonds i'm making myself full diamond real quick because i have the diamond still actually i just don't make myself a diamond pick why not it makes me mine stuff quicker how many diamonds you have i had 24 i think all right i'm gonna make us a little house up here i'm on a beach wait do we need sugarcane cause i see some um probably for enchanting if we want to beat the end the dragon we might need it okay i'm gonna go get them oh i'm getting hungry anymore that's true i need food snapchat you said you're gonna need food oh yeah i'm cooking it oh i found some pigs oh my god oh my god there's a zombie in our house wait do you have you guys made a house i made a house well we have to protect ourselves from these mobs somehow i didn't make a house i made a house for us i kind of wasted all our wood on it but it's all right dude we need that wood what's like the most important resource right now because you can't see trees well dude you're getting bombarded by zombies there's like ten zombies coming at you right now that's why oh my god [Music] oh my god there's so many coming there's more oh my gosh i'm gonna die close the door close the door there's another one's in there's no doors that's what i'm making why are you making it there now we're protected oh my god where are the diamonds bad we're recording i'm good what is this block is it bedrock i think i found bedrock i can't tell i literally can't see so basically we're doing a challenge right where we have x-ray on 100 of the time we can't turn it off we're trying to beat minecraft [Music] together he muted oh he muted i made us a house very beautiful that's nice we don't need a house though uh i think i just proved that we did i was getting smacked by mobs that's true i don't know what difficulties i think it's unharmed i think you're just bad at minecraft one kill a few mobs there's a little bit more than a few well i've been my kill count is pretty high right now i'm just doing this solo right now got some food for this this is so hard i'm trying to make it so you can see what even is our next step we need like obsidian right obsidian wait what for for the nether portal okay so we need obsidian so i've got i have water buckets and there's lava on the surface so we can just get upside down or i could try and obsidian down here if i see i guess i can't see it i can't even see the obsidian well yeah i just come to the surface and i put a water bucket and i can see the lava there's water there's lava right next to me how much lava is there enough there's enough for our purposes i'm sure do we need like golden apples and stuff i guess gold yeah might as well even enough diamonds for us all to have full diamond armor not yet i'm still mining diamonds jeez i'm so lost where are you i thought you were in the house [Music] what happened i almost died so creeper now that you know a little bit more of how the x-rayers feel on your server do you feel more empathy for them no hell no ban the x-rayers they're cheaters what's kind of funny is we took forever we're such news we took like an hour to figure out just how to get x-ray we're like how do we get x-ray on our clients and george is just like george just started hitting us exactly george like had like a documentary on him he had a wiki howl i was like how do you i was like how did you know and he's like well i mean i don't know i'm just like inflammatory i'm getting so many diamonds [Music] congratulations you see how happy i am we have a house there's a skeleton right outside our home and i'd be getting attacked right now i just fell quite far wait what are your calls there i'm gonna come back uh 255 it's 250 250 basically you'll see the house all right i'm just one diamond oh i got gravel or something i don't know what this is got something that's annoying get us get as much gravel as you can well okay you literally only need gravel technically okay it's eventually combined you know what's hard i'm trying to make sure our house is lit so we don't get attacked by mobs it's lit making we already have a house that's protected there's so many mobs outside where are you george i can't see i seen enderman i'm um i see the enderman where are you dream i mean i'm i'm below but i just was looking up to her around where you are and i saw the enderman i'm at y61 i'm in a tiger i'm gonna get a little bit more damage i'm gonna come to the surface i think we will have we'll have a good amount of stuff i keep getting stuck on blocks it's so annoying i feel like yeah i think navigating the nether might be the most annoying like how are we going to go we're going to fall off they have so many clips oh my god wait something something's fighting oh skeletons are burning wait you said 250 250. oh i see the end of man i'm going to kill him you look at that funny get to it oh it's here look at me look at me oh it's looking at me where are you teleported away oh see i see the house i see that i george there's so many creepers around you oh my god they're chasing you you're gonna get stuck on blocks and then i'm stuck don't don't bring them to our house please do not bring me down where's dream i'm coming up i'm coming up you can hear me right oh it's day now i just i just don't see you anywhere i don't see you at all i'm like far away in the water i got like all the diamonds in our entire chunk okay i'm swimming up this oh my god oh my god i got up i don't know where how am i going to get on land i'm on land 250 250. i'm trying to move too i see a creeper what's your quartz i'm in a tree i'm in a tree i don't want to like fall down a hole aren't you happy we have a home where's our home you're 50 to 50. i see it i'm going to do this i'm going to tower up a little bit what's the tower up no i'm tiring up above because i don't want to go through this hole because i'm a genius i don't want to go through this whole terrain of like trees and so i'm just wait where am i what i just started i'm on something that's so trippy what just happened i'm on a tree i guess i was just building and also i just stopped building i was on a tree and i was floating in the air that was so trippy i felt like i was jesus oh we need more than 14 food here we go raw pork chop all right there's all the food we ever do here jump okay here i'm gonna give you um that i'm gonna give you that there we go i'm making myself a diamond there we go i want you you're damaging my that's enough for full diamond for all of us and i and also like the tools if we want them i feel like i made a pickaxe and a sword this is the fastest i've ever got a full diamond in the game for sure so what do we do next we got full diamonds we need to go to the nether right oh yeah let's get obsidian let's get upside down i have water buckets that's uh you see lava on the surface anywhere um oh there's some right over here oh wait i don't think that's on the surface it's under it's underwater though we go to it let's go i can't get it too quick [Music] all right i'm kind of like jumping in the water i'm in trees you can sleep down right here come to me and i'm gonna dig down to it oh wait no no don't do that because we might just pull straight in we have water that's true i have water i mean i'm just going to yellow straight down sorry this is scary stop dude i think if i break this block i would be live with all of us all right all right all right here we go we can all collect it right we can see if there's lava below because i'll place it and then you can wait no no no no stop there's no yeah i already have two how are you an idiot how are you an idiot [Music] all right i think we have enough probably how much you have i have four i have two four nine me one more let's have enough for a nice one let's not cheap out so what is that 12 14 14. i'm gonna break some gravel and get that's flint i can't see god yeah look at that i don't know where i placed it right here all right how do i get out let's swing above my head wait oh wait i'm literally blocked in here wait can i see you oh you hit me all right so i make the portal put it next to our house over here bring it to our house we don't like that by the house yeah that's true but no reason why not what is this there's so much stuff in front of me i don't know where i am this is so annoying where am i okay yeah just put it right here where am i okay here we are i'm almost over we need to like clear out this whole area that way it's not that's so annoying how high is it to be this is one more higher right no well yeah the thing goes one more though light it up jury he doesn't have flint oh all right i'll go first guys i'll see you say if george stay out i'll see if it's safe no we'll go it's not safe it's not safe it's not safe it's not safe right okay i guess it is but it's like there's so much water you can't we can't even see that dude this is going to be impossible we got to get a little lucky with that guys i think this might be a good place to end the episode dude this is crazy how are we even gonna just be careful stop moving so i'm gonna start moving moving dude george dude this is crazy how are we even gonna just be careful something stuff's up some movies i'm going some movies george i was like i thought there was a block in front of me and i was holding and i was like why can't i move and i just let go oh my god guys make sure to subscribe put notifications on if you want to see another episode like this like this video if this video gets stop clicking the door if this video gets 20 000 likes then i'll we'll finish this series off we'll come back on here and we'll try and beat the game thanks for watching make sure you comment down below and love you guys subscribe to these guys bye
Channel: Dream
Views: 9,223,292
Rating: 4.9559398 out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, dream youtube channel, dream skeppy, dream skeppy channel, dream Minecraft channel, xray, xray skeppy, minecraft xray, beating minecraft, how to beat minecraft, minecraft xray always on, minecraft but xray is always on
Id: Q_kHdIWRcZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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