Minecraft, But We Are Stuck Together...

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what's dream what did you do all right guys this video we coded it's that every time we get too far away from another player it instantly kills us meaning we have to stay within five blocks of every other player or we die this was crazy how hard is it to beat the game while you're virtually handcuffed to your friends I have no idea but we're about to find out and based on YouTube statistics only a small percent of the people who watch my videos are actually subscribed to my channel so if you end up liking this video or you just realized that you're somehow not subscribed please subscribe you can always don't subscribe if you want it's free enjoy the video alright guys three two one let's go be careful be careful alright get wood my luck just fell yeah you can we should just get this one safer look out George you're safe I don't have any wood what are you doing I want one way I'll give you guys do not move any farther thank you I'm not giving any thank you hey what got one I'm getting a soul stone just everyone hold tight oh wait wait let's go down with you I have nine stone I make three pickaxes and I'll get enough for swords I only have enough for two pickaxes well I gave you nine your location I made this word for myself I made all of us oh I have yours well now I have two swords do let's go up for now one George been found over there look oh oh [ __ ] is let's go kill them no give me some wood does a fox wait that's what Fox says well that's true that is what the Fox says alright that's good look there's a fox let's go this way let's look for food and caves let's dream lucky we're right here come I would please I twelve logs oh there it is guys why are you so slow snap I'm right behind we're gonna have issues well I just call him snap map cows yeah what's your out oh my god oh my god you guys are so slow [Laughter] literally sneaking and moving forward he's like slow down slow down it's like he's like a grandpa play oh my gosh dude yeah careful stop no there we go ow what is it Randy Randy or we need the food I'm cooking up some iron and I don't know what we all get one steak up sure 3 divided by 3 is 1 Wow you're better than ksi already you made an iron pick yeah why why that's like the last thing we need and going let's go down here and see if there's anything ooh the force fields right here where this iron is I can't get it I'm pushing oh there's more iron here someone get that iron oh my god it wasn't me we went over here we run over here wait just follow me I gotta go we gotta hurry good luck there's a jump scare a little bit right Oh guys no we gotta go oh my gosh I was like in there jump into the water jump to the water three three those so close we almost didn't do it in time like this yeah we're just walking we're walking right yes everyone keep walking it's this way to left there doesn't be careful where oh hey sorry that's right okay I might be really carefully slowly don't please oh we're this way Oh God okay just go this way go this way this way right okay we went down right this way really sure just go just go go go go go it's closed and then we went down and went to the right yeah all right wait whose stuff is that this is my stuff that's creeper look out okay alright alright there's iron here not some stuff alright I have some lace [ __ ] what was it me again no but you got shot and knocked you out ya know when you actually killed you oh my gosh alright let's go hurry three new one don't my god it's it's so close when you do that though alright so we overshot it last night George do this again is he going straight hey you guys sprinting there's another one just go just go just go he's go go it's creepy right oh my god my heart I'm gonna have heart I need food no I got any food hurry one heart let's get this iron oh my god it's so much it's amazing just go up right here right here really that's right it's gonna be water right here alright I'll be careful guys careful be careful be careful be careful be I'm not near you guys guys no - I am - I have to our Yuri a bit of drone alright how's gonna run to the water so be president kill him me too I hate it I don't know why they added it sweeping edge it's so dumb it suits weeping edges trash it's trash garbage Oh what do you mean what is it block the arrow just kill it I'm trying just block the arrow it's it's sweeping edge it's sweeping edge dream wait wait wait it's AB nap yes okay alright let's go this way [Music] alright umm a lava pool well dude if this one is lava we're just gonna fall in it stop now so just chill yeah we just chill for a minute so for mac chill we're doing this so inefficiently and we're just like oh this is the most efficient way with people not really I guess it is fairly efficient George why'd you do that I don't know I see the water alright three is a mineshaft so chill just went down don't jump dude mine okay well see cobwebs get them I'm not their lava BG do we have water yeah what we're all just silent for a minute because the stupid lot my lava was like glitch I thought I had lava when I guess I didn't let's go alright let's chill chill first oh my god oh my god him on one heart [Music] killed us all I guess I did but I did I break the watch below me I'm not sure I did I think British George let's go he's killed us all oh my god I'm hungry too I love food though do it we should look in the wine shop a little bit alright let's go further this way a little bit oh no yeah it's the bit funny alright let's go this way did together we won't lose it let's go this way the mine is mine what you said mine and you actually get them I need the achievement - yeah skeleton why is so many is that is that skeleton spawner oh it is what is a skeleton spawner should we farm it no no don't break it don't break it don't break it we can farm there yeah we can form the arrows wait it's a double scull no way really let me say oh it is I think we should farm a little bit cuz we need arrows like arrows are good here all there's more skeletons we go okay let's get up into the skeletons fun it up until the skeleton spawner we could look out don't go too far alright let's go smart yeah you need to avoid the yellow we can't go out of it yeah alright so where do we come from this way I says only this way it's this way it's this way guys I may have to go right I think down yeah down and right right and then right again right arm there I'm pretty sure this is iron oh this way it's this way this way and then right again left left right Cohan and then right mom Laura that's right here two-one-one gut go come on we die all right all right no all right stay near each other I won the other side of the portal and come back around okay this looks crazy - heard you jump down on me why did you do that go there this holds and careful don't push each other off place the blog next year Oh crazy you know like do not jump down there we see it below us run I hear a gas they can only spawn like the open right probably it's over there up up up be careful stay you're really close to each other wait wait I've no blocks just wait chill chill all right boom scoot over it's like over there what are you doing oh I see the open I see the gas I see it to left oh I did see it then you probably did I see its foot right there three three you are you both oh my god that why would you do that oh my god no and you can't fit three people on one block andesite I like ran out of other blocks how do I have this much andesite what have you been doing mighty game decide I guess Oh God my hand them getting angry how didn't you get huh oh god no oh my god there's so many of them I'm gonna die I'm gonna die food I ate but like I I'm so low god no way hit me what we hit me I'm dead I'm dead no no no please please please oh my god for now for guard me please guard be good me oh my gudd oh my gudd there's so many blazes there's one up in the sky oh my god I'm gonna do we have how many do we have I have two there's one over there but we can't really get him oh sweet seven we need nine we need to get at least nine then he can go I only have one stone right I got one so do we have enough I think we have enough yeah I leave enough let's go let's go let's go so dream house - I up - and yeah yeah yeah let's go
Channel: Dream
Views: 13,753,689
Rating: 4.9593673 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but we are stuck together, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, Minecraft But Drops Are Multiplied, Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, dream Minecraft channel, laggy Minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, item drops multiplied, minecraft but lava rises every minute
Id: JAe0QwYre_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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