I died to Every Passive Mob in Minecraft

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there are hostile mobs that kill you right creepers have their explosion skeletons shoot you an eyeball but I want to know what it would be like to die by every mob even the cute little cows cows so I have this list of advancements that I have to complete that'll help me die by every mob let's start nice and familiar with the Hostile Death Shall We hello green armless buddy how you doing oh okay there's our first one now I have to dive by any neutral mob I guess that's gonna be an iron golem right what's up muscular buddy dude you mind smacking me a couple times thank you well that was fun there is an advancement called Dirty trades uh I mean dirt is dirty right hello boys would you like to trade my most valuable item are you guys what's going on over here you guys can join Twins or something okay I shall trade you one dirt for all of your money angry villager oh my goodness all right all right now they know how I feel trading like 17 diamonds for a single Emerald there's a little sheep here hello Mr sheep buddy how do I get you to kill me dude Dying by the fluffiest animal known to mankind uh how do I have you kill me die by die which color will it be I guess I Gotta Die In Colors right there is one color that will make sheep hate me okay turn these flowers in to die and do you hate yellow no do you hate gray no red oh red does it well that makes sense angry sheep angry sheep yeah yeah nice dude crushed it are you still mad at me oh no he's chilling now okay I like how they just become passive afterwards they're like I had my taste of crafty blood I didn't like it very much oh gosh oh very nice completing those achievements got me more here chickens have interesting eggs when given explosive items no problem let's find a desert temple wow that was fast I'll take some TNT my boy I have no pickaxe hold on glorious Bush give me a stick yeah all right hello tree I'm just gonna borrow this real quick I'm just gonna borrow this too it's cool I'll be back just just float there for a little bit pickaxe acquired look at that little guy I don't know how bunnies are gonna kill me but I'm I'm excited to find out all right let's go oh goodness I hear you somebody dying okay oh I almost died there let's get ourselves uh some gunpow there I don't know if I need the saddle but we'll take that got some gold okay not bad loot got myself some iron let's grab ourselves this TNT here as well thank you glorious TNT I'm gonna feed you to a chicken ask no questions because I do not have answers outside of you guys like watching me die for some reason okie dokie Mr Chicken I'm gonna feed you some TNT oh delicious uh he just ate it and just exploded a little bit this is how I feel after eating Taco Bell you know oh there it goes explosive egg okay I stand on it yeah that works nice job chicken hopefully that didn't hurt you too man oh he keeps going okay I don't know might as well no well the sun has said is there anything that I can take advantage of here oh rotten beef I might have to feed like a rotten flesh to a cow that's horrible and I hate it we do what we gotta do let's make a little sword here and we'll find ourselves some zumbos yeah Zambos and skeletons oh stop skeleton stop it dude oh skeleton spider it's not your time right now dude ah There's a Zombie hey buddy do you mind if I take you out so I can feed you to a cow again questions are not gonna help you here yay I'm trying to oh gosh okay well that that is what it is oh one camper how dare you uh okay okay it's getting I'm evil Enderman invaded everything and the only way to stop them is to morph into powerful new Enderman with unique abilities take on the six deadly dungeons then defeat The elusive Ender Lord can you save this world find out now on the Minecraft Marketplace guys this is unhelpful I'm not trying to die to you dude I die to you literally every other video give the passive mob some turns to kill me okay selfish zombies yes I did hide in this tree until morning what are you gonna do about it looking for a cow hey there's a bunch of cows what's up buddies you're looking mighty hungry my boy you want a little Munch oh gosh Zombie Cow Zombie Cow okay well that was quite horrifying Mr Pig hey buddy you haven't killed me yet dude what do you need you need so weird dudes for these little guys guys to take me out you look so kind and sweet but not for long okay little chicken armored pork a pig with a thick skull looks like an iron helmet huh all right I can do a little bit of mining let's grab some of this Stone here wow very nice Stone you rock dude don't judge me you're the one watching right now what's up green boys excuse me pardon me looking for some you give me a potato dog how rare is that thanks for the lunch I guess just took out the zombie before his lunch break he's like dang my mom packed me that potato man I was excited for that all right got myself some iron I don't know if I need iron for anything I might need like a bucket for a bat or something weird an iron chest plate for a frog Wow that's scary over there I'm just gonna go this way okay I'm not lazy I'm just energy efficient there's my iron there's my potato I'm gonna keep you nice and handy potatoes I will cherish him and I will name him Dave let's make an iron helmet and let's see what this pig has to do huh where'd the pig go ah there he is what's oh gosh uh chicken that scared me dude he's still out here and just pooping explosive eggs hello Mr Pig do you need a helmet my man uh toss it on him no Okay I uh right click there we go hey what's up Mr Pig he's got a helmet on he looks angry with me battery's passing some gas oh my goodness okay yeah that'll take me out the armored piggy hit me with his head and I'm flying in the air well you look awesome my man you look like a warrior you look like you're ready for the skate park my man shred that narded hit those slopes dude backflip 360. okay next up we've got fish food here fish doesn't make good fish food oh I guess I gotta feed a fish a fish that's horrible man I can't feed a fish a fish that's like me eating a very handsome and humble dude wait what here okay oh I feel really bad doing this let's grab a fish here come on we gotta go fast we gotta be efficient hello Mr salmon would you like a lunch my dude oh yeah he's not happy about that oh goodness thank you Mr salmon all right I've died hey check it out I've completed one whole column we're getting there dude next up rabbits with no shoes are no joke armored hops oh so that's how the bunnies take me out I do have yeah I've got plenty of gold from that desert temple uh we can make ourselves a pair with little boots here let's find ourselves a bunny I guess he's just gonna kick me to death picking a kickboxing fight with the bunny dude I'm both looking for a bunny but also like sand that I can fall and it does the satisfying thing you know what I'm talking about there's nothing better in Minecraft than when Saiyan does its fall thing oh oh no did they fix that in Minecraft this is all Sandstone no that's not satisfying Minecraft what have you done boycott Minecraft everyone I'm just kidding hashtag bring the sand falling back okay there's a little bunny come here dude I gotta give you some golden boots come here bunny dude did I do it hello little baby bunny come on come on I'm gonna get it this is going to be hard ah there we go there's a bunny looking bounce man goodness he's got like Jumbo's 40 going on here okay well he's not taking me out do I get to stand underneath his boots come on Take Me Out come here man this guy's living his best life yeah crafty was squished too much we got it also my boy I said I was just borrowing your wood there you go looking much better dude crafty life lessons when you borrow something give it back unless it's food then you'll probably keep that one I don't think they want that back making some good progress on the old death counter let's see what's next alleys foxes puffer fish ooh golden treat a horse's favorite snack I don't have any carrots it's let me head back to that Village if I could find it excuse me little bamboo oh there is uh there is some guys you got a farm right there why why is this so weird I mean I get it having like a garden around your house like flowers and stuff but literal wheat dude I don't know I'm not judging are these carrots uh potatoes potatoes hey look at that our potatoes got a friend now uh looking for carrots oh gosh hey there's a carrot sorry Jeremy I'll just add these back here no no harm no foul look at how angry he looks dude Jeremy here I have some emeralds my dude I'm sorry for treating you dirt earlier all right make some nuggies we can make the golden potato okay I'll know worth the shot I guess a little bit of carrots and we've got a golden carrot dude would you like my carrot my boy oh goodness they seem very excited about this golden apples are you interested in that there you go buddy there's a little Golden Apple for you cute little bug and now what happens if I give a golden carrot to them okay he's munching on it he's loving it uh hello do you need more there you go buddy here's oh goodness gracious what's happening ow whoa dude he's got the zoo look at him go man they see me rolling he's sparkly he's delightful and when you ride him oh he just kicks me off immediately ow okay well I guess that's gonna work huh ow yep yep that worked I've been slain by a horse you figured I'd learned my lesson from the first knockoff but no okay horse knocked off the list I guess I can do mistaken alley now it says alley sure oh goodness gracious all good I just died from an explosive ax look what you've done well technically look what I've done oh my goodness look at all the holes from this chicken dude just still pooping out explosive eggs watch out horse uh Mr Chicken I'm just gonna block you up Peter okay well never mind okay well I guess he didn't like my uh my dirt so it says that allies don't like pillagers I don't exactly know what that means but I guess we can head to an outpost I don't need to die to a Pillager though so now might be a decent time to make a couple pieces of armor there we go looking nice and protected let's find a Pillager Outpost and then die by the cutest mob known to mankind do you know what the cutest mob is it's and the Subscribe button the cutest mob no to mankind well we found some alleys hey buddies don't worry I'll rescue you and then you can kill me oh gosh lots of pillagers I don't need to die from the pillagers let me clear out these guys real quick excuse me boys oh my goodness there's a lot of them ah where's Chester when you need them oh goodness I'm gonna die no no no no no oh my goodness uh hold on I have an idea hello boys would you like to see what explosives look like up close there you go and that should do it huh I took some inspiration from your brother hey stop it stop it that should be all the pillagers there's one more oh gosh they just keep spawning man I gotta be quick with this yeah oh I got something here I got a Pillager head oh I see oh gosh no no no don't don't kill me now hi cute little buddies okay they seem friendly enough so what happens if I put on a Pillager head hi buddy oh gosh she's picking me up oh no he's grabbed me from my Pillager eyebrows it is not the best feeling in the world yeah am I just gonna die from Fall damage Go Alex crushed it I look like a gray handsome Squidward all right I'm taking that bad boy off it smells in there I don't know where that helmet's been the worst cosplay known to mankind the next couple look kind of difficult we have Fox and the blade which sounds kind of cool um there is a jungle close by it's worth a shot right uh foxes don't spawn in jungles parrots do I gotta sing badly I guess okay looking for a parrot hold on let me Google real quick I gotta I gotta make sure the parents actually do spot in jungles I don't think I've ever found a parent in one of these videos so welcome to a brand new crafty this is season two of crafty now that we've found a parrot it's a whole new world 230 videos just leading up to this moment we found a random cow what's up buddy I don't know what you're doing here are you munched on the cocoa beans I don't judge you man cookies are delicious there's a little parrot what's up buddy boy all right I Just Gotta Sing badly Adam right are you mad at me yet are you mad at me no he actually likes the song Hey he's happy for my singing I'm singing too beautifully for him oh idea what if I sing stuff about things that he doesn't like walking on the ground he's better than flying if I had wings I wish I was dying don't forget that hey it's working every time I fly yeah come on I wish I was dying him yeah wow I am sorry for your ears but I did what I had to do there's only a couple of challenges left drip Stone Dracula seems good and I have a mystery one player mob your greatest enemy I gotta find out what that is huh the next one I want to try is the fox so I'm gonna travel around until I find a Tiger Biome or if I find a good cave entrance first I'll do the bat challenge hey there's a tiger that actually wasn't too bad it says armed and dangerous The Fox and the blade so I guess I gotta find a box here somewhere and uh trade them a iron sword giving foxes anything is one of the most frustrating things of all time I'm hoping I can do this relatively quickly foxes are so hard to give items to I don't know if it's just me come on little fox where are you at buddy nope that's a pig keep your eyes peeled we're looking for a little shy Fox and here is your fox six o'clock news yeah hi Jeremy I'm here on the field looking for a fox have you found the fox no but I did find this tall piece of grass that is very unhelpful news now to potato with the weather yes okay okay we found a fox oh no no where did he go dude I swear I just saw a fox that wasn't me right oh he's behind me it keeps disappearing dude oh this is not gonna be an easy challenge is it I just gotta give the fox my sword just follow the chicken wherever it leads oh goodness yeah he's had a feast just now okay okay and give him my sword is that gonna work come on no ah he picked up a piece of chicken carefully carefully oh he's right here come on give him the sword yes yes yeah worked look at him go there we go thank you buddy come on one more hit one more hit and boom boom slain by a fox oh that was a hard one man that took forever next up let's do the bat one shall we Dracula drip Stone doesn't seem too hard just gotta feed drip Stone to a bat I don't know I don't have answers for you grab some of this grab some of this now I look for the Batman yes while we don't have Falling Sand we still have falling gravel it's not the same though hashtag bring the sand falling back it was honestly my favorite part of Minecraft yo can you not dude drip Stone attack potato attack oh I forgot to put him on Attack Mode where's that bat dude I'm looking for a winged Bowie the tiny guy hey I've got him what's up Mr Bat dude come here I got a drip stone for you did you get it did you eat it is it tasty did you like it is it your favorite are you gonna kill me now oh my goodness he's got Sonic attacks well not not that Sonic like Sonic blasts or like Sonic booms sing me your Glorious song Bat yeah we've done it dude that wasn't so hard it did take like 20 minutes to find a bat but we got there and now I'm like Batman except I'm not rich and I don't have any gadgets and I don't have a cool suit and I don't have Alfred and I don't have a and I don't have a bat cave I'm not stoic or mysterious or handsome my Skin's blue my name's not Bruce but other than that I'm basically Batman dude okay let's see what's next uh a puffer diet it looks kind of like a cat I might have to feed a puffer fish to a cat uh what's the best way to find a puffer fish that sounds like a setup to a joke but I'm actually curious what's the best way to find puffer fish no I'm serious I'm looking for him based on the Goggle search I just did I guess I just gotta fish it there's an 11 chance to get a puffer fish so yeah I'm just gonna be here for a while stay away fish I'm not looking for you delicious salmon come on first try first try I am so bored already why does anyone do this ah grab it oh no rock cod go back to the land who you once came from okay I think it died I think it's dead that's my bad Mr Fish I'm looking for your brethren big old puffy bully he's not chunky he's just big scale camera the best content anyone's ever made come on yeah no give me a proper fish I'm sitting here Googling how to make an automatic fish farm I've only been here for like 30 seconds dude fishing I don't know I don't know man it's like the worst content in Minecraft it's just not for me okay didn't get it you know what if you like the video right now it gives me luck okay let's see if it works if you like the video and I get a puffer fish right now okay well remove your like come on what the heck what are you doing here bro I got a dude shoot and tridents at me do I need a trident for anything ow that's it I'm getting bored efficient you're going down bro oh you do a lot of damage I don't have a sword anymore give me a trident give me a try to dodge them Juke them get shot right in the face okay but yes yes we got it oh my goodness that took forever dude oh my gosh I'm so excited that was the worst experience of my life all right let's go find the cat I'm hoping this is what I need to do I've got one shot at this boys yes come here kitty I'm breaking leaves with a fish right now that's not what I saw right I totally saw a cat yes yes yes yes perfect okay oh man that's the fox situation if you go with a lava please don't go in the lava buddy got him oh my goodness he's growing he's huge oh my goodness the biggest cat anybody's ever seen I'll pet you little buddy there you go big boy oh you're not happy about that okay the ocelot has puffed up and yeah I've been taken out by an ocelot dude that was a tough one man only one left here in the Overworld the fiery froggy what a strong digestive system it says so uh maybe he eats like fire or lava or something I've got the flint and steel I've got the lava bucket let's find ourselves a frog looks like I may also need a mushroom for later so I'm gonna grab that now while I'm here hello Mr Frog do you eat fighter is that what you're looking for are you excited about that don't jump with the fire man how about lava do you eat all instantly man yeah nice and spicy huh what are we on hot ones right now how you doing oh my goodness he burps fire at me that's fine that's what I'm looking for Take Me Out frog yeah oh gosh if I fell in the water one more spicy burp and I should be dead for sure yeah yeah yeah dude I was burned to death while fighting a frog I wasn't fighting that frog man I was being very kind oh gosh dang it that explosive chicken dude you're killing me man literally all Overworld mobs completed teleporting oh am I going to the nether Now take me to the nether oh my I don't think I need to get killed by any of these guys right uh it's called the wrong mushroom snack I might have to feed a Strider one of these mushrooms here hey buddies I've got a little snack for you my boy hope you like it there you go you like mushrooms don't you oh gosh she did not like that mushroom okay all Nether mob dance completed teleporting to the end oh that was fast that's certainly convenient dude okay I Gotta Die by the Ender Dragon player mob your greatest enemy I see no dragon oh hello Mr command block it looks like our final advancement well if I see a button I gotta press it right let's see what happens spawning crafty oh no oh no I die from me oh wait wait do I take crafty out or do I have Crafty take out meat I don't know go ahead dude I'm Not Afraid yeah slain by crafty yeah we've done it dude we've been taken out by every passive mob are we friends now dude okay he's passive he's cool ah what a handsome little fellow I bet this guy makes great videos don't worry Mr crafty I'll subscribe to you do you want to do the outro of the video uh wow couldn't have said it better myself okay
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,549,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft funny, minecraft enderman, custom enderman, minecraft marketplace, minecraft game, custom mob, custom mobs, minecraft death, custom death, minecraft die
Id: x729gI_vB5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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