I Survived 1000 Days As An Elemental Warden In Hardcore Minecraft: Full Story

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on day one I spawned in as a baby Elemental Warden whoa I can't wait to see what kind of powers I have I was in an above ground ancient city and standing in front of me was another Warden with some strange wardened creatures my son you will be a valuable asset for our side of this war father what do you mean by our side horn sounded and I saw another warning started to attack the city why did this Warden look different you've taken it too far this time I have done what needs to be done you're the warden and his men were quickly overpowering my father no stop leave him alone I summon lightning from the sky whoa I could do that there are too many so I try to run but the evil Warden stood in front of me and forced me to leave with him and his army father please help I will find you foso I promise on day two the evil Warden led me to a large destroyed City here they're even more odd Warden mobs he led me toward the center and said to one of the other wardens the elemental powers are uncontrollable we cannot allow him this he must be disposed of dispose of what do you mean suddenly a group of warden stalkers started to rush at me from all sides leave me alone and let out a large Fire Blast has stunned and caught the group of them on fire the evil Warden shot a Sonic Boom at me that narrowly missed I got scared and shot a sonic boom back at him but it wasn't an ordinary Sonic Boom it was an elementally infused one with everyone stunned it was my chance to escape after him you fools on day three I ran through the world knowing those monsters would be chasing after me I needed to get away from my pursuers I saw buildings in the distance and I rushed towards them maybe I can hide somewhere in here as I got closer I realized it was a village but there was so much destruction I walked through the village and saw an injured villager are you okay what happened to this place is that an elemental Warden stay awake for me whoa just just take it easy man I'm trying to help you he told me the war between the wardens has brought nothing but misery to this world they used to live in peace there were talks about an elemental Warden that would be made to end it all our conversation was interrupted by the evil wardens men arriving at the city hey over here there he is get him I started a run away from a village but I knew the monsters would be close behind me oh man how am I gonna get out of this one baby Warden come here quick I saw a bat asking me to come with him I just hope I can trust this guy I started to follow the bat on day four the bat and I arrived at a large Lush cave that was filled with small houses what is going on with this place you're trying to hide out from the war on the surface everyone kept referring to this war between the wardens it seemed to be affecting All Creatures big and small the bat introduced himself as Echo and told me that the war had resulted in a lot of collateral damage because the wardens were blind they were unable to distinguish between the noises May made from their enemy and innocent creatures that is awful I asked him how he could help and Echo told me that I must stay safe in time I will be a valuable asset once I'm stronger you're the only way to put an end to it the bat said I seemed different from the other wardens there was something very special about me and he offered me a place at the base I was about to accept his offer but I remembered my father I have to find him I felt like he was in crave danger I began to leave the cave and head out for our ancient city I returned to my home and saw that it was totally different from when I spawned in there was a lot of Destruction from the evil warden's attack the city looked totally abandoned I made my way around and I found a chest inside of it was a set of stone tools and some food I decided I would repair the city for when everyone arrived back I went out and gathered materials to repair some of the buildings I returned and started my work once I finished I heard a strange noise coming from behind me and realized it was coming from the center building what is that I felt drawn to the portal almost as if it was pulling towards me [Music] I then began to walk towards it belzo is that you huh what I turned and saw one of the warden creatures from day one I looked back at the portal but it was no longer ignited uh did you see that the portal it was lit what are you talking about your father went looking for you he's somewhere on the battlefield the battlefield oh no I need to go save him I've rushed off as fast as I could on day six I arrived at the battlefield everywhere I looked there was nothing but destruction and Chaos I heard shouting nearby and I headed toward it I saw my father and he was surrounded by a group of crazy looking skeletons I was afraid but I had to help him get back to my surprise I let out a big gust of wind energy and knocked the monsters away from my father good work son before I could reply they were back fighting with us again I tried to use my elemental powers but I didn't seem to be able to control them oh no oh no please work I use my Elemental sonic boom and was able to take them all down and before I knew it grew into an adult-sized Warden with 30 Hearts I'm just as big as you Dad I am so proud of you son now come on we have to get out of here on day seven we escape from the battlefield and made it to a clearing my father was leading me somewhere but I wasn't sure where Dad can we stop I need to catch my breath no time the fight has already begun I told my father that I was glad to see him alive and safe he felt the same way too but told me that we needed to go somewhere before returning home we made it to what seemed like a warden Camp what are we doing here this is one of the evil wardens camps use your powers to destroy this place destroy it why wouldn't we be destroying the warden's homes my father told me that this would be the best way to end this war I hesitated for a moment but obeyed my father and destroyed the evil warden's you've made the right choice son now let us return home as my father left I looked at the burning camp for a moment wondering if I made the right choice we made it back to our ancient city base I was still caught up on what had happened my father continued further into the city while I stopped why were we fighting this what could his motives be he hasn't told you tell me what come with me as I followed him toward my father he told me the story he said that there were once three friends my father my mother and the evil Warden named Dalo the wardens lived happily thanks to them and there was a long time of peace and prosperity in the warden Community the evil Warden wasn't happy and grew jealous of my father and mother he spread lies to his followers that father and mother were going to start a war and ruin their peace one night he snuck into the ancient city and killed my mom nothing in this world has been the same since I knew my father didn't want this war but after my mother's death he must have felt like he had no choice I looked at my father and told him I was ready to keep fighting for our people this needs to end now good I have a special mission for you you retrieve this we're sure to finally end this war on days nine to ten I was following my father's instructions when I came to a large Castle this must be the evil warden's base like my father had described father told me that I needed to steal a special sword from there with that we would greatly weaken the evil warden's ability to hurt our people I snuck my way inside the base and made it to the evil warden's treasury it was a warden sword man this is gonna be a piece of cake suddenly the guards showed up so I had no choice but to fight them I use my fire abilities to burn the creatures in quickly defeated them I rushed out of the treasury as I made my way towards the exit the evil Warden was standing there waiting for me give me back the sword boy and why would I do that you killed my mother and started this war now I'm going to end it I would never kill your mother your father is lying to you now give me back the sword my father would never lie to me in my rage I summoned an ice ball that hit the evil Warden freezing him in place this gave me enough time to escape as I made my way back to my father's Camp Echo surprised me also I need your help whoa a little heads up would have been nice you know I'm blind he told me that the refugees at his Camp were starving and needed help finding food I told them that I needed to go back to my father quickly but Echo urged me to help we returned to the refugee camp and I saw everyone was starving I went to the world and collected seats while I was out I found a group of chickens I led them back to the camp and built them a nice pen to stay in once I finished I got to work making a farm hopefully this will keep everyone fed for now and before I could leave Echo stopped me the offer still stands if you want to stay Echo I can't stay here I have to help my father end this war I left the camp and ran into a strange Warden I had never seen before so you're the elemental Warden huh who are you the war Gordon called himself Abel and said that he knew more about the war than my father LED on it wasn't dollar who started this war it was your father you should be more careful around him my father started this war no no no there's no way I need to go back home I left Abel and headed off excellent all according to plan on days 13 of 14 I continued my travels toward my house what did Abel even mean my father started the war no I didn't want to believe him but I felt this overwhelming feeling that something wasn't right I arrived at Camp suddenly I looked up at the structure in the center why did this seem to be constantly calling my name foso it's good to see you a father I was able to get the sword now that evil Warden will be much weaker my father told me to keep it you'll need it come with me wait I have to ask you something I asked my dad about the start of the war and if he had attacked the evil Warden first but one thing's for certain I did not want to tell him about Abel who knows if that guy was crazy or not my father just shook his head he killed your mother and that is why we were fighting this war he then told me that he had no time to discuss any of this anymore our men were apparently under attack and needed my help my help all right I trust you plus there was no reason he would lie to me he is my dad after all I had to help our people I rushed off toward the attack I made it to the castle and the wardens were all being attacked by him and his soldiers the evil Warden overpowered the men and entered the city stop you don't need to do this his men heard me and they turned all their attention toward me they began to rush and I did my best to avoid their attacks I used my Elemental Sonic Boom to take most of them down and finish the rest off with my lightning ability oh man I had to get in there and stop him now I rushed after him I arrived inside the castle as the evil Warden took down one of the commanders of our army no you're a monster you'll pay for what you've done I am not the monster who started this you can thank your father for that what we started a fight and I can feel my emotions surging in my anger I started to use all my elemental powers in quick succession it seemed as though all of them were dealing more and more damage exactly why we've never brought elements into this war you shouldn't exist take this I hit him with my Sonic Boom he stood before me defeated but then I heard Abel's voice in my head it was your father you should be more careful around him oh what I stood there looking at the evil Warden when he said you are finished with my best friend started his best friend my father no what is actually going on I ran away from him as fast as I could I need to talk to my father now as I made my way back to confront my father I ran into Abel again vozo you seem to be down what's wrong I told Abel How I Could Have Ended Dalo but chose not to do it it just didn't feel right I could have ended the war man and plus he kept telling me what you told me I confided my feelings to Abel about all of this for some weird reason I felt like I could trust him it's okay foso you made the right decision but you still need to end this war Abel told me that if we don't end this war then everyone's going to lose so many creatures will be harmed if the war continues he handed me an orb and told me only to use it if it was absolutely necessary what is this able if things go south with your father this will briefly stun everyone around you giving you enough time to escape thanks I really appreciate your help now I'm going to end this war once and for all good luck photo you foolish Warden on days 21 to 23 I returned to our ancient city home I confronted my dad so when were you going to admit it admit what stop the ACT you attacked a dollar first I know all about how you started this war and you refuse to admit it my father once again denied what I was saying you don't know what was taken from me you'll be punished until you learn your place all my father's men started a rush at me in attack they were trying to throw me in prison I beg him to stop but none of them would listen to me I didn't want to cause any more harm to anyone in this world so I pulled out the orb Abel have given me and I activated it there was a strange ringing noise and then a massive flash of light oh I don't feel so good uh on days 24-26 I woke up everyone in the ancient city was gone why do I feel so weak suddenly Abel arrived and walked up to me what have you done why did the orb not work Abel it worked as intended you fool my name is not Abel it is what's happening suddenly he teleported me to a dark and desolate Place everything looked so strange I turned around and saw abaddon's true form and he was absolutely terrifying he told me that thanks to me all my elements were gone and no one could stop him it was are you started I was the one that killed your stupid mother wait what was you all wrong dude both sides of this war shall destroy themselves and once I am free I can finally rid this world of wardens and the world shall be mine with your power's gone there's no hope to stop me I was deceived by literally everyone I need to get my powers back somehow there's still time I can make this right clearly there was something bigger going on in this world than the war itself I decided to go to echo's refugee camp I needed to ask for help what happened to you foso go ahead and make yourself at home I don't have time to explain I felt so weak and needed to rest I created a small base for myself I then went to bed and got some rest I need to get my powers back and once I do I won't let Abaddon win on days 27 to 29 I woke up and told Echo about my encounter with Abaddon and what I wide scene on the other side in order to stop him I'll have to get all my elemental powers back but I don't know where to start do you have any leads on the elemental I told him I unfortunately had no idea what happened to them it sounds like they weren't destroyed though maybe they are missing in the world and you can find them what he was saying seemed to be right dollar had told me the elements were incredibly powerful so they couldn't be destroyed it seems as though Abaddon is going to stop at nothing toward the entire world of the wardens I have to warn the other ones and fast Echo asked how I would be able to stop the fighting there was no way either side would listen to me I have to try if I get my powers back I'll be able to save everyone on days 30 to 32 I went into the battlefield and my father's forces were attacking dalos something was strange about the warden leading the charge he used electricity on Dallas soldiers wait a minute that must be the lightning element it seem sort of attached itself to one of my father's men I've never felt so powerful hey you're using my power give it back to me you want your power so badly here he shot me with a lightning blast ouch that took a lot of my heart I gotta stop this guy before he hurts more people he continued to use my electric powers against me I Rush at him wielding my Warden sword I hope this does the trick this Warden was not ready for me to be so powerful without my elements I can't overpower him until I finally defeated him after he went I can tell my lighting element returned this is great one down three to go now who has the other elements with this new power nothing will stop us there has to be something I could do to make this right uh maybe I can talk to Dalo I made it to the evil warden's base and entered the guards were confused by my arrival but I told them that I needed to speak with their leader listen Dalo we need to put aside our differences okay you must listen to me and why is that you seem to have lost something is that why you were here I told him there was something far more dangerous going on in this world I was tricked by someone named Abaddon did you say yeah do you know him Dalo began to tell me the story of Abaddon he had been a warden that lived in their Community his ambition and quest for power led him to create a portal in the center of the ancient city but the powers from the other side pulled him in leaving him stuck through time he finally found a way to come back it was no longer a warden he was something far more terrifying it seemed as though the other side of the portal changed him all he wanted was help from the other wardens but they didn't listen my mother and Dalo fought against him and forced him back inside the portal we fled and created the new city above ground it was a regretful action maybe there was something you could have done to help him he told me that if I wanted to learn more I would have to travel to the first ancient city and see for myself on days 36-38 I arrived at the first ancient city and found it completely covered in some strange blocks this looks like what Abaddon had shown me how was it here though I kept looking for any clues when suddenly I got surprised by a group of skeletons the group rushed at me and I tried to use my electric powers but I was unable to my lightning was blocked by the cave above thankfully I was extremely strong and took them all out I reached the portal and noticed that it started flickering I heard the ominous drone I had heard before all of a sudden I was back in abadan's Lair and he was standing before me listen Abaddon I've come to reason with you Dolla wanted me to apologize for not trying to help you back then and we can still save you what makes you think I want to be saved this is everything I've ever wanted you're better than this you don't some people don't want to be safe closer count the last days of your world he rushed at me to attack me and there was a blinding flash of light days 39-41 I was standing back in front of the portal man I was going to need a way to bring all the wardens together to stop this monster but instead they're all fighting in their own War it was clear that his time on the other side of this Portal had increased his powers I headed off towards echo's cave to check on the refugees when I arrived Echo was extremely happy to see me where have you been I'll tell you later I need to clear my head I decided the best way to relax was to upgrade my home I started to expand it and make it feel more fit for the elemental Warden I caught Echo up on where I had been and told them that I didn't know if I would be able to save everyone look around foso everyone here is so grateful to have you you bring these creatures hope that the war can be ended he told me that I couldn't give up now thanks for your support Echo you're a good friend you will go there and end this war do what my son could not as you wish I made my way towards dalo's base as I approach I could see smoke oh no this can't be good a Russian side and saw parts were frozen over this must have been the work of whoever has my ice elements I went to Dallas quarters and there was a warden he was trying to trap Dollar in ice OZO run it seems that I've missed one no matter soon you will be frozen just like the rest hey leave him alone he blasphemy with ice and I was stuck in place I blasted the warden with an electric shock and broke out of the ice I dodged the warden's ice and started to fight him with my sword as I slash him down I can tell that he was getting weak your father would be disappointed I defeated him and as I did I gained my ice element back look at that I have half of my Powers maybe when I have all of them there's a way that I can stop Abaddon I freed dollar and you thank me for helping I told him about the ancient city and the strange blocks I'd found come with me right now days 45 to 47 I followed dollar to a building deep in a forest what was this place and why are we here I need to know if what you saw is the same material we wrote about we went inside the library and began to search the books that were inside finally Dalo found what he was looking for read this describes the blocks I began to read a dark block with glowing spots that do not illuminate the surroundings that seems to be what I saw he told me to continue reading the block was said to be the absence of life and elements did not originate in this world these blocks fear the elements because the elements bring life to whatever they touch when combined they can defeat the skulk what does that mean those blocks come from the other side we know the existence of them from abaddon's description your elemental powers can stop what he has gained from the other side I guess it's up to me to regain all my powers and defeat this guy then we started to head back to base on days 48 to 50 as we traveled back my new companion told me he needed to rest for a minute he wasn't used to traveling this much as a leader I got to work and built us a small camp to stay at I started to ask him about the times before the war and he said things were much simpler your father mother and I were great friends together the wars I don't understand how he could think I was capable of killing your mother everyone in this war had tried to manipulate me but you dallo you seem to be speaking of the truth it was clear that he saw the bigger picture going in on the fight I asked him how he was able to force Abaddon back into the portal Dalo told me that after they had forced him into the portal they were able to break it with their sonic booms what was left behind was a strange like a constant drone rang out from it before I can ask him if this was the same trone I heard a warden stalker rushed towards us and told us at a window element Warden was attacking their men all right talo rest up I'll take care of this I rushed off to confront him hopefully I can regain another one of my powers back I made it to the desert and found the wardens being blown away by another one he must have my wind element this power has so much Freedom how about you leave them alone and pick on someone with powers I blasted the warden with an ice blast and froze him in place ah blasted Warden fight fast he freed himself from the ice and tried to hit me with gusts of wind man these things hurt I use an electric shock to quickly subdue the windward and suddenly my father appeared why did he look so different you don't deserve this element I've watched as my father took down the warden with the fire blast and stole the wind element and from the looks of it he had my fire element as well father what are you doing this is madness please just stop all of this fighting he shot me with fire and win taking away half of my heart stay away from me foso this is my last warning I watch as my father made quick work of the other warnings and then he walked off father no man I couldn't believe that my father would do this why would he try to take my Powers away I thought I knew him but now I don't anymore now Dalo who I thought was the bad guy is treating me better this is just frustrating it was so frustrating that I destroyed a nearby pillar with lightning I decided to return to the refugee camp to clear my head fossil you're not now Echo I need to be by myself for a minute I went to bed and slept with my thoughts [Music] I'll destroy you you cannot this is but a dream what do you want a deal you know why this war started your deer was killed by your own best friend you wanna end this war free me and I will bring your wife back on days 57-59 I woke up and started talking to Echo about my father that's hard to deal with I told him how lost I felt and how ashamed I was of what he has become he doesn't seem to understand the dangers we are facing I think he's blinded by everything that happened with my mom if you want to make a difference right now these people could really use your help I looked around at all the refugees and Echo was right I couldn't control this but I could help them all right now we started by expanding the farm so all the animals would have plenty of food once we were finished we got to work building larger houses for the other refugees everyone deserved a nice cozy place to live in as I was finishing Echo rushed towards me what is it your father he's going crazy he's burning down forests nearby what could he possibly gain from this I need to stop him right now on days 60 to 62 I found my father out in the force burning it down to the ground dolo come out here and let us finish this war once and for all I shot my father with an ice blast and stuck him to the ground father you need to stop you're hurting the innocent my father broke out of the ice and turned to face me this was the only way to Bring Back Your Mother Abaddon promised me I told my dad that mother is gone and abadan would never bring her back dallo did not kill her but he didn't seem to listen father if you let Abid on out the world is doomed I don't care I can't trust what you're saying you signed with dolo too he hit me with a fireball and greatly weakened me no why I use my electricity to stun him and it worked I then used that opportunity to escape him while I could I arrived at Dollar's base it looked like they were hard at work repairing the damage that was done I quickly rushed to him he asked me what the deal was and I told them it was my father he's going to free Abaddon why would he do that what could he possibly gain I told him that he believed he would bring my mother back if he did it for him I have to go and stop him no you have some something much more important that you need to learn follow this he shot me a map and told me I needed to travel here he then said I will confront your father no son should have to face his father in battle I don't know dollar this doesn't seem right but Dalo insisted I said goodbye and began to follow the map after a while of traveling I came across a temple I began to walk inside stop you cannot do this how dare you talk to me like this after everything I've done for you I didn't do it we were like brothers we dropped Abaddon to save this world why would you set him free I have to I want her back more than anything you will not stop me then you leave me no choice on days 66 to 68 I found myself inside the temple I stepped on one of the skulk blocks and suddenly there was a loud rumbling a giant worm appeared in front of me I prepared for a fight but the worm just looked at me my name is fozzo what is this place hello fozzo I am the skunk Queen the guardian of the skulk here I told her that dollar sent me and told her about Abaddon are you from the other side as well yes and I'm the only one who stands between Abaddon and his pursuit of skunkifying the world she told me that I was the key to defeating him but she could see I was missing some of my elements the skulk gave me a set of Warden Armor to protect me in the fights to come if your father really plans to open the portal then you have no choice but to end him for the sake of the world you need your elemental powers what I'll have to kill my my own father no how could I do that I need to find my father and dalho there must be a way to end this without fighting their be I left the sculpt Temple and made my way back to Dalo I must old bread for the sake of my wife my son will understand farewell old friend on day 69 to 71 I was heading towards dalo's base to talk with him when I saw him walking slowly towards me he looked badly injured no no no what happened to you you're a father he is going to open the portal it couldn't stop him maybe they're still reasoning with him we need to go and talk to him right now it's over for me photo you have to make the choice between him and the world wait wait wait no no no this can't be happening I need to find my father fast I arrived as my father was making his way to the portal stop you cannot go through with this Abaddon cannot be trusted you don't understand you foolish child I was hit with the fire blast that knocked me back Dad please don't do this I have to do this he touched the heart of the portal frame and there was a massive flash of light and an explosion after the explosion Abaddon was physically in front of us finally three at last I've held my end of the bargain Now give me my wife I was never going to be a different wife back it was me who killed your killed your wife you fool but I knocked him out of the way I immediately shot him with my lightning but he was uninfected and blasted me with fire ah the fire felt way stronger than fathers I was losing a lot of Hearts father please I need your help we have to end him before he affects the actual world what what have I done I've killed dolo my father was still shocked by the news he heard I turned to face this monstrosity alone I try to use my Powers against him but they had little effect this world belongs to Avatar Abaddon swung his arm and knocked father and I out of the area on day 75-77 we landed in a snow biome far away from the ancient city as we got up I asked my father why he killed Dalo all he said was he doesn't know that's not good enough of lightning he was your friend your best friend and you killed him I froze him with my ice powers do you think I wanted to kill him I dodged the Fireball and shot him with the ball of lightning again you were tricked father just like me and now we both have to live with it father knocked me with a large fire blast you can't do this alone we have to work together give me my Powers so I can fix this I started all this wrong in the world I'll fix it myself he rushed off and I was left standing there the skull Queen told me I might have to take him down to save the world but I don't know if I had what it took on days 78 to 80 I made it back to the refugee camp Echo was there waiting for me with the other refugees were you guys waiting for me or that's right we know what's going on and we want to help the refugees agreed with Echo and they told me that they wanted to help me after everything that I've done for them ah thanks guys I really appreciate this suddenly I remembered what my father said earlier what did he mean when he said fix our mistakes as wardens the Sheep continued to tell me that the original leader wielded a horn that would summon the attention of all the wardens hopefully I can find the horn somewhere in the first ancient city maybe with that I can use it to once again unite the wardens on days 81 to 85 I traveled back to the first ancient city I noticed a skull could spread more since the last time I'd been here I started to look around for the horn in various chests that were scattered around the area I found absolutely nothing until I walked up to one of the chests and yes there was the warden horn as I grabbed it I felt rumbling in the ground and heard a strange sound coming from the portal suddenly swarms of Undead creatures started to come from the other side oh no I'm running out of time I need to get back to the wardens now I rushed out of the ancient city as fast as I could to find my father and the other wardens I shouted for them to stop but no one listened I blew into the warden horn and all the wardens suddenly stopped fighting and looked at me I hold the warden horn do you all need to stop this stuff right now that horn has no meaning anymore we will defeat dollars forces so we can focus on Abaddon if we don't work together we won't stand a chance there is a bigger war going on and more lives are at stake than we think my father was Furious and rushed at me using his fire powers I dodge his attacks and started to fight back I don't want to but I will take you down if I have to you are too weak to fight this it's my duty we continue to fight and eventually I began to overpower him I can do this father without all the elements in one Warden we don't stand a chance my father stopped fighting and began to sob I have been afraid to lose you but you're right you can't do this we all believe in you he relinquished his elemental powers to me then I became the elemental Warden once again I gathered all the waters together and began to tell them what we were fighting for together we were able to defeat this monster once and for all the wardens cheered and I sent them to the ancient city to defend the portal first I need to check on Echo on days 91 to 94 I arrived at the refugee base and saw that everyone was gone what happened where is everyone Echo where are you we were attacked I can see that who attacked you he told me that an army of the Dead had come through and defeated all of the refugees no no no how could I let this happen I failed these innocent animals that I sworn to protect and save they believe in you Bozo you can still make this right save all the other creatures that you can Echo was right there was still time to protect the rest of the families that lived in this world I had ended the warden War but there was still a final battle to be fought on days of 95 to 99 I rushed to the ancient city and saw the wardens were fighting with an army of the Dead I stepped in and began to lead the charges against the army with my combined elements I was able to use my Sonic Boom and cut through the Army I saw abadon making his way toward the portal and I knew I was running out of time before the world would be converted into stalk we will hold off the Army you need to stop Abaddon before it's too late just be careful I made my way to the portal and saw him trying to use a spell to bring the other side to our world stop what you're doing you did no chance against me now it is you that is lost folzo the elements cannot stop the inevitable he casts his spell and suddenly the ancient city began to be covered in skulk no I began to use my elemental powers to fight against him but he was resilient and his attacks still hurt quite a bit my father rushed to my side and began to fight him with me together we could stop him I prepare to hit him with my Elemental Sonic Boom but he jumped into the portal oh man if I have to go after him father I just have to I need to end this once and for all on day 100 I followed Abaddon and we were inside of his lair Abaddon surrender we don't have to fight anymore I told Abaddon that I wanted to make amends for the mistakes that the wardens made against him we can still save you think I can be saved I want nothing but to destroy all of you he rushed at me and started to use his fire abilities I will stop you to save the world he was strong and I was taking a lot of damage but I had to fight him off I knew everyone was counting on me to stop him I froze him with my eyes blast and then use my fire on him finally I pushed him back with an air blast and stun ntricity how is this possible now was my chance I used my Elemental shout and when it connected Abaddon Was Defeated no the world was saved from war and all of the corruption converted back to the other side of the portal on day one I smashed out of a flock of ice as a warden wait I'm an ice Warden and I have 20 Hearts I looked around and realized that I was on top of a mountain I didn't have much time to think as the sky went dark and a large skeleton appeared wait a second do I know you yeah pesky Warden you will pay for what you've done to my vision wait what did I do I can't even remember a thing the skeleton started to attack me I was about to fight back when one of his attacks hit me that hurt I had no choice but to run away with the terrifying glitch chasing after me why was he so angry with me and more importantly why was I made out of ice on day two I was trying to make my way out of the cold biome but everywhere I went there seemed to be more snow I realized I was in the middle of a desert but there was snow falling and accumulating here the entire world had been encased in this massive blizzard before I could even think astray with a group of ice skeletons showed up oh man he must pay for what he did to the eye switch the group of skeletons started to rush at me and shoot arrows I felt a surge of energy coming from inside of me and I Unleashed an ice Sonic Boom taking many of the skeletons down I continue to fight with them until only the Stray was left my back you big scary little beast and with greater numbers too this isn't the last time that you have seen of me and what was that guy's deal ah I can't think of this right now I continued on my journey to hopefully find something that wasn't affected by this blizzard on day three as I was traveling through the blizzard I noticed something shining in the ice I made my way closer and noticed there were tools stuck inside I broke the ice and was able to gather an entire set of tools these were some kind of special ice tools I wonder how long these have been trapped here I continue to travel and I started to think that I wasn't going to be able to make it out of this storm anytime soon I need to build a base I went out and gather materials from an area around me I was even able to gather some coal man it's freezing once I had enough materials I began to build the base it wasn't much but it would at least keep me out of the cold I tried to remember back before this world was covered in ice how did this happen was I involved [Music] you'll never get away with this do you understand me oh man wait a minute I remember fighting with that Lich in a much different world before everything had turned into ice this has to be why I can't remember my past I need to figure this out sooner rather than later on day four I continue to search for a break in the storm as I traveled I noticed a group of iced over zombies attacking a squirrel and a seal I rushed toward them to save them leave them alone you monsters lucky for me these guys were just as weak as the skeletons it didn't take long until I taken all of them down are you guys okay I hope you weren't harmed a warden man thanks for saving us we really owe you one something is happening in my home the squirrel told me he had run into the seal while looking for help after fleeing from his home I gave him the coordinates to my base and quickly rushed off toward where he said his home was when I arrived at this Forest I noticed that it was the first area that was not completely covered by a blizzard man this is awesome I even saw regular chickens running around wait what's going on what's that noise I spoke too soon because I started hearing rumbling and noticed that the biome was slowly changing and everything was starting to be covered in snow no I even noticed that the group of chickens in the area had been covered in a layer of ice as well this doesn't seem normal it seemed like the storm was spreading and I was going to need to get to the bottom of it on day five I spotted a village and began to make my way toward it I needed to see if there's any information that I can get about this storm as I got closer I noticed that some of the villagers were also covered in ice wait so is this happening to every single mob I saw some of them were even completely trapped in as well I walked up to one of the ice villagers hey what happened here people call him Avala Avala he described to me the skeleton I saw on day one and how he had been slowly converting the entire world to this eternal winter that isn't even the worst part the sound of raid Bells began to ring out and a massive group of ice pillagers began to enter the village they started to attack everyone including me I had to fight back and help defend these people the pillager's health appear to be weakened like everything else in this Frozen world but they still put up a good fight are they it feels like they're doing more damage how after a long battle I took out the last one I felt myself growing stronger and whoa what I lost five hearts and the rest were slightly covered in ice I then noticed that I had acquired a new snow breath I also saw that the Pillager had dropped something it looked like a map that let out of the snow I told the villagers that I would be back to help but first I needed to check on my new friends at my base on day six I was headed home as I got closer I saw the group of chickens running around sporadically hey these are the same guys I saw earlier suddenly they all randomly died wait what what happened this doesn't make any sense was it the weather I have to get home I arrived and saw the squirrel and seal were shivering in my house they introduced themselves as Samuel and flipper I got to work making them places to live at once I had finished both of them approached me and thanked me for my hard work I told them that I would return soon but I needed to see where this map LED as I was leaving Samuel said bring food if you find any I followed the map but all I saw was more and more snow I was starting to lose hope until I saw it there was a break in the snow and I was so excited to see something other than ice I hurried through the biome looking for any signs of food to bring home to my friends but I ran into a player wow a warden made out of ice that's like crazy dude I explained to him the massive storm I just walked through yeah I'm not buying it you want to bet on it fine when you find out I'm right you owe me a bunch of food the player told me that we had a deal and began to follow me I led the player to the snowy area and we began to travel through it together the player was stunned to see it it's real it's all real well a deal is a deal the player dropped me a bunch of cooked beef as well as seeds to start a farm with thanks I asked him for his name and he responded Tony I told Tony where I lived and offered him a place to stay but he said that he had bigger plans for a way to beat this oh do you now huh before he could elaborate more the Stray and his group of skeletons showed up yeah you baby you're done now I sworded they started to fire arrows at us Tony began to run around and panic well I thought off the skeletons these guys seem to be way tougher than the first time how I was able to fight off all the skeletons before turning to see Ned was leading Tony away from us you hear my prisoner you hear me you player sucks Warden a little help your Warden the sky is seriously so annoying I chased after him and noticed we were approaching a large ice temple on day eight I entered the ice temple trying to catch up to Tony finally Ned let him go and I shot a Sonic Boom at him but miss I gotta get out of here he ran off before I could stop him oh man looks like I'm on my own I started to search the temple for any signs of Ned until I entered a large room standing in the middle of it was the giant skeleton from before this guy again before I could prepare to fight he said great see you you again I'm happy you made it here after all none of this could have been done without you without me would have had mean the skeleton refused to answer but began to attack me I started to fight back even with my new resistance his attacks were still hurting me a lot I had no choice but to run away I used my ice breath to freeze him in place so I could Escape as I was traveling back to base I started to think about what he had said none of this could have been done without you [Music] it worked it worked I returned to my base so it was me I caused everything this Eternal winter is my fault how could I have done something so foolish was I a bad guy and if that wasn't bad enough flipper ran up to me extremely distraught and began to say Samuel he he's gone what how how how is that even possible he was okay when I left she continued to say that shortly after I left he began to complain that he wasn't feeling great I think I'm beginning to feel weak as well I thought back to those chickens they were covered in a layer of ice and died quickly after the ice it seems to be some kind of illness and that's what's killing mobs that's why I lost my heart all this is making sense now I looked at flipper she was upset by the loss of her friend so together he made a small grave site for Samuel I knew I had to do something to keep her safe I hope because she was a seal she would be able to withstand the ice for longer to be safe we started to upgrade the base to keep everyone warmer we added extra layers of walls to our houses as well as campfires to the center of each home hopefully this will prevent the spread of whatever illness the ice is bringing on days 11 to 12 I was trying to find sheep for wool to add extra insulation to our base when I saw something strange walking through the snow I called out for the person to see what they were doing they were clearly startled by my appearance but introduced themselves as Dr L curious that the mob as large as you has been plagued with a strange sickness I told her about the fate of Samuel and the other ice mobs that I've seen she asked me to come with her back to her base alright let's go together we traveled and she continued to explain to me that she has been studying this strange weather phenomenon that has started to plague the world have you found anything that might be able to reverse this or at least slow down the spread possibly but I don't know if it's even true Elle told me that there were rumors of lava crystals that existed long ago and if the Legends are correct they might be able to be used to combat the ice and its plague she dropped me a map that would lead me to an ancient lava pool I'm still trying to figure out how this all started well let me know if you find anything about its Origins okay I'll go and look into the lava crystals on days 13 to 14 I stopped by my base to make sure everything was okay with flipper I didn't need another one of my friends being sick I'm starting to feel better thanks to all the base upgrades glad to hear I headed off toward the lava pit hoping that the storm wouldn't get any worse and she would be safe I made my way farther into the snow biome I wondered how all the mobs affected by this would be feeling I heard laughing eternity two snow golems dug snowballs at each other it looked like they were having a blast hey what's going on isn't this great we go around everywhere no issues now how is this great the entire world is covered in snow and everyone seems to be falling sick and dying from it yeah one but us it's the snow golems time to thrive now baby they laughed and continued to play wow I guess some people were enjoying this after all on days 15 to 16 I made it to the lava pool that was on the map I noticed that there are a lot of cows that have been iced over when I asked them how they were feeling they said they didn't feel any different than before huh I wonder if the lava was preventing the ice from taking over their bodies hmm that might just work for the villagers and my base one problem though how was I gonna be able to see if those crystals were inside the lava I began to use my ice breath on the lava and slowly it converted it all into ice the cows are shocked and began to yell at me but then I noticed there is something red inside of the ice I broke the ice and received the lava Crystal the cows were amazed to see what I found and I decided to test it out I used the crystal on the ice and recreated the entire lava pool the cows were extremely happy to see their lava had been restored this could totally help the villagers I told the cow to stay warm and headed off toward the village to see what could be done on day 17-18 I arrived at the village and started to show off the ice crystals to all of the people I approached the villagers that were encased in ice and was able to break them out of it the villagers began to thank me and I decided to take it one step further I try to use the crystal to remove the illness that was covering the villagers unfortunately it didn't work I was really hoping it would you know what maybe there are more of these that I can combine and make it more powerful I asked the villagers if they needed anything before I left and they said her thumb has frozen over and we're starting to run out of food I was able to restore that entire lava pool with the crystals I wonder if the same could be done for the farm I use the Crystal and yes the Farmland was a store to fertile soil again I helped the villagers replant their seeds for good measure I created lava pools near the farm to prevent the Blizzard from reclaiming it the villagers were extremely grateful for my hard work and shared some of their bread with me I headed off back toward my base on day is 19 to 20 I saw the callus from the lava pit hey guys by the way do you want a better place to live they appreciated my offer and return to my base with me when I arrived I built a pen for them at my base and made sure to add campfires to keep them warm throughout the blizzard I had confidence that with this they could eventually thaw from their sickness and recover I checked on flipper to see how she was doing and showed her the lava crystal that's great news bozo I'm starting to feel better as well thanks to all your help I gave her some of the bread that the villagers had given me I promise flipper I'm gonna make everything right I'm just gonna need more time I didn't know if even I believed what I was saying but I headed to talk to Dr L I needed to show her but I was able to find hey uh super scary lips shirt I believe I've located a piece of your staff good maybe there's a way we could repair it this Warden is starting to get on my nerves you deal with him while I go and retrieve it oh man as you wish on days 21 to 23 I entered Dr elzalad and presented her with the lava Crystal she was excited to see that they really did exist and asked me if I'd used it I told her what I've been able to accomplish at the Village but revealed it had not been enough to cure the villagers I would need more time to find the location of the others but in the meantime we will figure out what caused this I was nervous to tell her but I felt I had no other choice I began to confess to Elle that I had battled with the Lich before in doing so I hit him with a sonic boom that appeared to let out a massive amount of energy and caused the blizzard Elle looked at me in utter shock and I thought that she was gonna throw me out but to my surprise she said that is not possible she explained to me that the massive Flash of light and energy had happened many years ago wait what what do you mean many years ago that was long before the blizzard started to spread I started to feel unwell how long had I been trapped in that ice well I was trapped I let evalus spread his plague across the world and I really doomed all those creatures on Earth with my mistake on days 24 to 26 I return on my base and notice that all the pens I built for the cows were empty I looked around on my empty base flipper flipper where are you I called out for her and luckily she was inside of our home what is it fozzo I told her that I was just glad to see her hey do you need anything she told me that she had finished all the food we had and was gonna need more together we began to build a farm using the lava Crystal to thaw and restore the area so we can plant the seeds afterwards I headed out in search of any information on the lava crystals when I ran into the Stray again what do you want small skeleton walked out from behind him and moved at a pace of a snail toward me wait you can't be serious you're talking about this little thing I laughed until the skeleton was right in front of me and launched me in the air whoa that guy had some serious fight in him I lost most of my health and a no choice but to run away [Music] I see you have one of my crystals hahaha [Laughter] on days 27 to 29 I realize that my reduced Hearts I was gonna need something to protect myself from attacks I tried to search the ice to see if there's anything stuck in it but I know luck I went to a cave and began a mine for iron I collected some and smelted it down to make myself a chest plate and a helmet I was about to leave until I noticed there was a large pool of lava behind me and wait a second I have an idea I had a plan that would help the villagers I set off to the Village to tell them my plans but when I got there it was swarming with pillagers Village if you don't do as I say I looked around at all the scared people man I had to protect them okay what do you want from me he said that I was to come with them to their Outpost and talk to their leader right now fine let's move then on days 30 to 32 we reached the Pillager Outpost and I saw that they had already captured many creatures they were both alleys and iron golems in cages I knew I had to help them but now was not the time the Pillager brought me in front of their leader and he said you will work with us to take over this Frozen Wasteland he explained to me that unlike the other mobs the pillar just adapted quickly to harsh environments together we will be able to conquer it even quicker yeah I'd rather not do that you people make me sick you're nothing but bullies who prey on the weak and I am not that suit yourself then the leader took out a lava Crystal he used it to make a massive lava pit and told the guards to push me in oh no I was terrified I started to panic as I hit the lava ah wait a second I'm a warden and it's obvious that everyone knows that lava doesn't hurt me I took out all the guards of ease and then used my Sonic Boom to take out the leader and steal his ice crystals as I was leaving the base I made sure to free all the creatures that I've been captured and headed back so what do we do now I don't know travel on days 33 to 35 I returned back to my base and noticed that there are more animal pens with sheep in them hey flipper did you do this one I was gone yes while you were gone sheep had wandered into the base and needed a place to stay so I built this for them hey by the way are you uh still okay she told me that she'd never been happier with the Sheep around I guess they'll provide you some company while I'm gone trying to fix this mess I headed off to see Dr L I arrived at her base and showed her the second lava Crystal Dr L eagerly took them and combined them for me and now some bad news oh no she told me that she was able to locate two of the lava crystals from her research but since the Pillager leader had won she didn't know the one he had taken one of them is located somewhere in the Badlands and the other is stuck in the nether the nether huh good to know I thanked her for the information and headed out before I went to the Badlands I was gonna need to see what this could do for the villagers on the way to the villagers I made a quick pit stop at a near cave and grab some iron I used the iron to craft some buckets and then continued on my travels Once I arrived I tried the lava Crystal on the villagers and yes it worked I was able to cure the villagers I then told them my plan to try and slow down the spread of the blizzard and prevent them from Catching this illness again I started by helping the villagers dig a large trench around the outside of the village before passing buckets out to them we then set off to the massive lava pool and began to fill the buckets we returned and slowly started to fill the trench in with lava if my theory was correct this should prevent more of the spread thank you so much for everything you have done for us don't sweat it guys just happy to help you fall you must stop this Warden at once before it's too late I'm trying my best sir try harder on days 39 to 41 I was traveling to the Badlands when I spotted someone who looked familiar it was Tony except he had a massive base with a lot of animals and a huge Farm wait a minute what are you doing it's the end of the world I just know it I need to be prepared prepared there's other ways that you can help out you don't need to just hoard food and shelter the man didn't want to hear anything about it he just got back to work all right well that guy is seriously weird I continued to the Badlands and began to search for any lava pools or something that could contain the lava Crystal suddenly Ned and his tiny skeleton appeared an ambushed me and began to attack I was more prepared than ever though to fight the skeleton so I dodged as slow attacks and use the lava Crystal on him because he was made out of ice it was super effective and I was able to take him down with no problem this is not the last that you've seen of the great Ned the ice witch will rise and you shall fall he rushed away what a weirdo man after defeating the skeleton I noticed oh man I upgraded again I lost another five Hearts I had to continue on my journey I need to find those lava crystals before it was too late on days 42-44 I spotted a massive structure in the Badlands I answered what appeared to be a temple I started to look around for the crystal I began to feel like something was watching me hello [Music] I looked up and spotted strange ghosts flying above my head I prepared for a fight but they didn't attack they just continued to mock me you Unleashed a storm and killed your friends how could you live with yourself what that's not true why are you saying that you have to throughout all of your friends will perish and it is your thoughts I know I made a mistake but those small mistakes don't Define who you are and this one is not gonna Define me I will make this right I will be the Savior this world needs there was a large rumbling and as I looked up the spirits all disappeared I saw a large door had opened and I entered it there was a sign that read lava Crystal pointing toward an item frame huh well that seems easy enough I rushed towards it but it was empty man so much for the lava Crystal and the Badlands on days 45 to 47 I exited the temple and spotted the Lich flying around Ned must have given away my position to him Without Eyes Warden this ends now I wanted a fight I was afraid I only had 10 Hearts I slowly made my way through the Badlands eventually I made it out and then I headed back toward home once I was back at my base I noticed that flipper was outside she was waiting for me so I asked her what was wrong things are starting to get really cold the sheep have been complaining about it and I'm feeling it as well yeah I know it's not getting any better as the days go on I decided it was best to use the lava crystals to create small pools of lava throughout the base and hoped it would alleviate some of the cold flipper thanked me for my work and I headed off to a cave to finish my iron armor set I wanted to be prepared for when the lids confronted me next after finishing my armor I used one of the buckets I had to grab some lava and return to my base to create another portal once that portal was finished I knew that I had to go to the next destination of the crystal I entered the Nether and what how is this possible everything was covered in snow and ice can the Lich travel across Dimensions too I started to search the nether for any signs of the lava Crystal but the more I traveled all I saw was more and more snow I ran into a group of piglets and I asked them if they knew anything about the lava crystals and I swore it the piglet asked if I knew anything about the ice I caught them up on everything I knew so yeah that's when I hit delicious staff and unleash this terrible storm all over the world you what no wait you don't understand it was an accident the piglets began to attack me and I was overwhelmed I had to surrender stop guys perfect my staff is almost ready on days 51 of 53 the piglets took me back to their Bastion they began to question me more and more about what I knew about the storm I explained to them everything and how it wasn't my fault please you guys gotta believe me the piglets were reluctant I showed them the lava crystals I had already gotten and they were shocked you guys just needed to listen to me okay I caused this mess but I'm trying to fix it for me and for everyone else the piglets looked at one another began to discuss finally a brute spoke to me we will show you where the crystal is but in return you must help us I agreed and a piglet led me to another Fortress I answered and was greeted by a group of ice monsters who started to attack me somehow they had replaced the blazes in the Fortress I had to fight back using everything I had and was able to take them down thanks to the pigland's health I searched the Fortress and in one of the chests I found the crystal we headed back to the Bastion and I used its powers to remove all the ice and snow from the area wow the piglets thanked me and I told them their help would not be forgotten after leaving the nether I returned to base to see Dr L was waiting for me she started to tell me that she finally understood what the lich's plan was so when you struck his staff with your Sonic Boom you didn't actually destroy it instead you sent his ice crystals all over the world I have managed to track one of the crystals to the Jungle but the Lich was there so I stayed hidden while he grabbed the crystal she thought that he was gonna use the Crystal and unleash its power once again but strangely he didn't if the Lich has already covered most of the world in ice what more could he be trying to accomplish L told me that at the center of the world was the largest volcano to ever exist if the Lich were to freeze this all of Minecraft would permanently endure the same fate as what we were experiencing I showed her the lava Crystal I found in the Nether and she gladly combined it with the other two we began to formulate a plan to ensure the survival of everyone on Earth I would go and acquire the final lava Crystal while Dr L took it upon herself to find the other crystals before the Lich got his hands on them sounds like a plan we went our separate ways hoping to see each other again on days 57-59 I returned to the village with the three lava crystals I stood in the center to let out a massive Sonic Boom as I looked around I noticed that all the snow was gone from the area it worked I was finally able to get rid of the snow the villagers cheered with joy but I told them our fight for survival was far from over I began to tell them about the volcano does anyone have any information about it yes it was once an Explorer from our village who had found that volcano he continued to tell us the Villager had traveled to many areas of the world and left detailed maps about the places he dropped me a map and wish me luck on my journey I hope you find what you are looking for or whatever I thank the Villager for all they have done and set out toward the volcano [Applause] decided to Aid the ice Warden that you must be punished on days 60 to 62 I was traveling toward the volcano when I passed by Tony's base he was standing outside what appeared to be a large bunker entrance hey what are you doing I'm gonna wait out this storm I have everything I need inside oh what are you wearing this suit should keep me warm throughout the storm though I tried to explain to the man that the suit he was wearing was for radiation that's not gonna do anything for the cold I can tell he had no idea what I was talking about but I reminded him that he could provide more value helping than hiding there's no point it's better to wait off things like this than fight back I don't know if that's the right way to think about it listen everyone's terrified of what the future holds but only few are brave enough to fly back against it and change it you could choose to live in fear or you can be strong and fight on I headed off toward the volcano hoping that Tony would listen to what I was saying I made it and it was even more massive than I'd expected it to be wow I can see how this provides heat to the world I began to explore and eventually found an entrance to it I started to search the area within the volcano eventually I came across a note that read do whoever finds this armor I hope it suits you well it seems to have properties of fire I opened the chest I found alongside the note and discovered a suit of armor within I quipped the armor and realized that all my hearts had been restored I had 20 hearts and the ice was removed it wasn't the lava Crystal at least I had all my health back amazing I headed back to base to tell Elle about what I had found you and your ward and friend are too late you will never succeed on day 66 to 68 I returned to base and notice that all the Sheep had lost their wool I saw a flipper and she slowly approached me things are starting to get worse foso flipper oh man what happened to all the lava she told me that the lava was no longer effective against the storm flipper and I quickly made upgrades to our houses adding extra layers of walls we finally finished hey have you heard anything back from Dr L before she can answer we were interrupted by Ned arriving we found your stupid face you Warden uh you what do you want here to challenge me once again with your pathetic minions I've came here to ask you where your friends were hell she must be in danger I rushed after Ned following right behind him on days 69-71 I followed Ned to a strange building in the snow I wasn't able to tell what it was from the outside as I was about to enter I finally realized it was a prison made out of ice I saw L was in a cage ah the Lynch granted me some of his powers he knew that you would follow me you are so gullible suddenly the Stray began to grow large Ned began to strike me from a distance using his bow and I used my Sonic Boom and Ice breath freezing him in place he took out a sword and rushed at me attacking me at all angles our fight continued for some time but my new armor rebucked all of his attacks eventually he started to grow weak door days of harming the innocent end now wait wait no I struck him down and he was defeated I freed Elle from her cage and she told me that she found something within the prison that can wait first we need to get you back to safety on days 72-74 we arrived back at the base and Dr L prepared to head back to her lap but I stopped her you need to stay here the Lich knows that you work with me and if something happens to you then all hope will be lost we began to work building l a place to stay at my base with L secured I asked her what she found in the prison and she revealed that it was a map to the final lava crystal that's amazing news I can get the crystal back before the Lich completes his staff and we can finally end this let's not celebrate just yet look at your friend my friend I saw flipper slowly making her way out of the base it was clear that the illness was starting to take a toll on her seem to be getting worse the Sheep died while you were gone I turned and noticed that they were all missing from their pants I tried to use my lava crystals on flipper but it didn't seem to have any effect it was clear that I was running out of time flipper you are coming with me I need you by my side in case you find that lava Crystal I need to make sure you're safe together we hit it off toward its location flipper and I arrived to the location on the map we were standing in front of a large desert temple quickly made our way inside and began to search for the lava Crystal there was a large rumbling sound and a massive skeleton appeared in front of us I froze a skeleton in place and tried to hit him with my Sonic Boom it turned its attention toward flipper and began to charge at her leave her alone I blocked the skeleton from Flipper and continue to attack him until I finally took the monster down ah suddenly the Lich appeared did you really think the Lava Crystal was here you are a fool the Lich cast a spell and the temple began to collapse on us I ran toward flipper to protect her from the debris on day 78 to 80 flipper and I were trapped inside the collapsed structure I looked at her she was getting weaker the witch was always one step ahead of me and I fell directly right into his trap we lost it's over I doomed the world to start with and I was too weak to save us from it OZO you can still do this the mistakes you made in the past won't change the future you're the bravest person I know you just have to be strong she passed out in front of me flipper flipper oh man maybe she was right it was still time to fix this there has to be I summon all the remaining energy I had for one last sonic boom and use it to clear a pack I did it together we left we returned a base but it was in total ruins the Lich was there attacking Dr L I jumped into action fighting against him with everything that I had I was far more prepared for this fight than I had ever been the witches attacks did less damage to me with my lava armor and I can tell that he was getting scared I took out my lava person and tried to use it on it but he immediately started attacking everyone I heard a scream and I turned to see Dr L was hit with one of his attacks and she was fatally wounded hell no the Lich bled from my base and I rushed to El side I asked her if there's anything that I could do to help but she just shook her head go to the Village ask where to find the lob Crystal we may still have some time she died from her injuries that was left there filled with sadness I took this time to repair any damages the Lich had done to my base or my friend's homes and then I made her a small Monument you will not be forgotten I can promise you that after saying my final goodbyes I sought out flipper she was still very weak and I knew that she didn't have much time left I decided it was best to leave her at my base and I built her extra campfires for warmth hang in there I'll be back soon why is the village hovered in snow where is everyone I slowly realized that the Lich must have attacked him as well no I put all these people In Harm's Way trying to make things right and look what they got for trusting me it was the lowest I had ever felt I was prepared to leave when I noticed a note on the ground and it talked about the lava Crystal the villagers must have been looking for it as well so many people had been hurt because of me but maybe I can still save everyone else on days 86 to 90. I began to search the Lush cave the note had led me to I could tell that the Lich was afraid of the Crystal and if I was able to find the last one I could hopefully put an end to all of this I saw something bright right in one of the corners I ran toward it and yes the final lava Crystal as I collected it I noticed that the crystal combined itself with the others with the crystal fully merged I can feel a strong surge of power and I knew I had to hurry back to flipper at last the final Crystal this world is doomed I was rushing back to my base and noticed that it had gotten much colder outside Warden come here quick oh brother not this guy again what do you want can't you see that I'm in a hurry Tony said that he needed me to see something so I followed him and wow you must have been busy we went inside his completed bunker this seriously cannot be your solution the outside world is about to be doomed forever you're still hiding some of us are fighting to save the world I'm not brave enough to fight back you're much stronger than me but I want to at least offer you a place to stay my friend is on the verge of death I don't have time to high chair with you I need to hurry back before it's too late then at least take this the player threw me a lot of iron and an ax he told me maybe with these I could Forge something that would help me in my fight I thanked him for finally helping me and left on days 95 to 99 I arrived at base and quickly rushed a flipper she was totally unresponsive to what I was saying please work please work I took out the lava crystals and used him on her oh so flipper okay how do you feel I still feel weak but a lot better what happened you don't have to worry about that now you're gonna be okay listen I think the Lich acquired the last Crystal and he's planning on freezing that volcano very shortly I had to act fast I realized what Tony wanted me to do I crafted an anvil with the iron that he had given me and then combined the ass with the lava crystals and I was now equipped with the lava ax hopefully this is everything I need I said goodbye and began to travel toward the volcano I arrived at the volcano on day 100 just as the sky was starting to go dark I slowly climbed my way to the top and saw the Lich was about to unleash the power of His ice crystals I shot my Sonic Boom at him and it staggered him for a second you're too late Warden you lose I'm here now and I'm ready to end what I started [Music] shall die before the rest of your friends which and I began to fight I use my Ice Crystal to freeze him in place while I Rush at him with the lava ax it was obvious that he wasn't prepared for something as powerful as this we continue to fight and I knew that I was slowly weakening him the Lich hit me with a powerful attack and broke off some of the lava armor I started to feel weak and really failed again no suddenly I remember what flipper had told me you're the bravest person I know you just have to be strong they felt more alive than I had ever I didn't need my armor to defeat the Lich I just had to believe no no this is all wrong no this is exactly how it is supposed to be I hit him with the ax taking him down for good the world was finally restored free from the Eternal winter
Channel: FoZo Movies
Views: 1,544,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J7MCJW6H0v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 7sec (4507 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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