Minecraft, But Your XP = Your Year...

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this is Minecraft for your XP equals your year today the more speed we collect the more fortnite time our player goes from being a caveman at XP level negative one to begin biking at XP level 600 to even being a computer at XP level 3000 Michael's eclectic speed to make my current year as high as possible but as the years get higher history isn't the friendliest thing so how far back in time will I go and what happens at XP level or year 10 000 stay tuned to find out so right now we're level negative one in working man and all we have right now is a spear which I can pretty much throw and that's it so our goal today to get some levels to go from negative one to level one and to do that we need some stuff so real quick let's get this tree foreign and so now to get some more levels I think I gotta go hunting and do the advancement on the screen which is gonna be cooking a cow oh we got the cows over there and before we go click the cow apparently I can start a fire if I just hit the rock on the Rock huh oh wait it is flammable okay couple more hits oh we made fire and we got a message saying use a spear to get yourself some food so it's time to go hun I see the food all right I'm gonna throw my Spear and let's see if this works oh oh we got the cow okay spear back and now we have a vertical cow oh okay now build something to cook it wait what does it mean build something to cook it hold up does it mean the fire do I like put this down or something oh yes it's good again let's go come on give me some XP here right I don't even know what I'm supposed to go with this oh oh oh it became an XP cow wait what okay let me stop the fire real quick and suddenly we now have a cooked XP cow and so without further Ado guys we're gonna be going from Level negative one and now to maybe level one oh Europe yet again and we're level one now wait so what did that become now oh I'm a centurion yo now you're stronger go to the nearby Village seems like they need help oh okay I guess I can finally evolve from my little cave right here and so does Civilization now have Villages let me look around real quick and see if we can find that oh oh it's only right there okay let's go check that out oh wow it's a pretty empty Village and I'm gonna guess I gotta talk to that villager right there hi there we really need help we need to defeat our enemies the pillagers will you help uh yes I am a satorian so why not let's do it you will good first we have to trust you defeat or protector in a duel to prove yourself oh gosh I'm already fighting apparently then wait who's a protector then oh yeah about their father protector all right okay I'm gonna throw the spear run around him get the spear back and oh gosh okay okay okay okay okay maybe new plan I forgot to mention earlier but we did unlock a brand new ability Arrow volley here it is on the screen and let's go ahead and try it out with the key in three two one oh here they are oh well that's gonna be the aerial volley ability and down goes the protector you gave me explosives gonna guess that might be for later so let's go back to the Villager get my spear back and so did I get the job hello leader you are worthy come to our secret base where we will review our plan oh okay secret base let's go ahead and go there what the heck is this thing wait is this a trojan horse baby finish this and figure out how to use it oh wait so do we gotta finish the Trojan Horse with blocks okay that's about to be a big job let's real quick get some materials and then start building the Trojan Horse all right we got a bunch of wood let's go and grab all the wood we got and so now we gotta finish the horse but I guess just filling it in I I don't really know how to make a horse but I guess I'll try my best oh well we did it yo okay honestly it doesn't look that bad let me know what you guys think in the comments down below but it does kind of look like a a horse I think I I don't know all right Mr leader I think we're good here good enough hey nice okay I'll I'll wait did you guys just kind of like add to it I mean Loki doesn't look that bad and so now inside we have the explosive locations I'm gonna guess I gotta put the explosives in there all right let's go to grab those and let's see how it changed from the inside okay so this is where the explosive location let's go and place them there and now it says use the villagers to throw the cow on the pillagers wait what how does that work all right Mr leader I think we're ready um I guess lead the way uh what would I have to say everyone pick a cow's leg and let's go all right let's go I'm coming I'm coming oh wait wait are we like going under it oh we sprinted up after me all right let's go oh wait there's a full on bridge oh guys there's the pointer base okay let's go Army on the way to the pillagers all right come on later we're almost there three two one wait what are we doing oh oh we threw the thing oh my gosh and was that it I thought we were supposed to go inside of it huh inch out we got the message of a head made of XP is down to the crater wait what oh there it is so it's an XP Pillager head so I'm gonna go to Guess that this is gonna get me to the next year so without further Ado let's eat the head and oh Europe now we're level 1000. wait so what am I now oh wait am I Viking oh that's sick yo and so now we got a message saying the bridge has been destroyed leader how will we get across now Bob the Builder huh I will take the lead we need to make a bow oh and now we got a new crowd unlocked which is gonna be the Viking boat on the screen right now all right we did win the previous battle but now we got boat problems so to make a boat though all we gotta do is pretty much this and oh my gosh we have a full-on broken Viking boat wait with parts missing though all right so do I just like place this down right here oh oh that word yes seems like something is wrong go into the boat and find the missing parts oh wait do I just like rock like this right click oh it TPS me inside the bow I guess Broken Bow find the missing parts it looks like we have four doors maybe one for every part let's go in here I guess oh um all right a little bit flooded all good it's gotta do some four block jumps we got this well it's not falling I do not trust that glow squid down there and now we got a boat part very nice okay that's one boat part down and now let's go all the way back and get to the next rooms okay that's gonna be one room done let's put a Clank right there and now let's try this one oh wait how dare you drop me while I'm eating what eater wait what is the wood eater oh oh okay that's the one eater go on spear get him oh no no no oh my gosh okay not afraid of that door well might as well mention right now we did unlock a brand new ability where we can do a wooden skier now as a viking so this is the building right here where it sends a wooden zombie I guess flying at things wait let me try this again gold wouldn't zombies get him oh gosh okay okay okay that's enough wooden zombies and done goes the ball is just like that and I guess it's a Viking I get the wooden scare I'm so confused and so now with that being done we're gonna straight up Cannon holy and some more boat parts all right now for the next room what the heck is this place oh whoa wait are those piranhas oh gosh okay okay oh good job oh no no no no no no oh okay okay chill abroad oh my gosh that should be pretty good damage okay where's the test where's the chest is it down there do not tell me it's down there okay here's the plan guys I'm gonna go all the way down there real quick and see what I can get here we go in three two one oh gosh oh gosh get the chest we get the boat parts and I'm out of there nope not dealing with that again all right that room's done and now we got the final one which is gonna be uh oh it looks like a parkour all right not too bad and now I guess we just gotta jump all the way up all right from here I think I just go on this thing and oh wait what again challenge feel the mobs oh it went to the parkour oh okay all right let's start beating these mobs getting some quick shots oh wow that's awesome what is what I thought okay let's go and On The Go only the last move Parts up there there we go let me get that boat part and all the way down we go so now with that being done I guess with the four boat parts where do I put them oh I just like them oh and we're done we just got to be beat out oh and we're back so now we're above the Builder the Villager and I just gave you the boat parts all right here we go all four and he says now to fix it up oh there he goes oh gosh okay what is he gonna do with it he do be building oh it's ready wait oh no Viking posters are incoming oh okay okay okay that's awesome everyone on the boat oh gosh all right get on the boat get on the boat oh gosh okay it might be time for the kid it's gone kitten get them oh let's go oh one more Pillager guys and where is he then oh and down goes about a villager just like that and all the Viking villagers have been defeated holy fireworks and it looks like we got our next XP item right there so real quick let me leave the boat and we ended up getting a viking XP bow so yet again I think we can level up to another year let's go and see what we've become now right click and you're up yet again and what did I become Mal oh I'm a king yo okay so XP level 1500 or the year 1500 and the later says our savior come back with us here whether you're being our king after this before we get to the Village though by the way we did get a new ability which is gonna be Crown throw salt Crown throw oh we can throw the crowd to yell at sick and so the villagers aren't back there so did they go back to the Village oh wait now that I'm getting closer to the Village I'm pretty sure just only just went forward in time oh wow this is actually crazy guys what the heck is a full-on town now oh there they are it's a leader how's it going everyone congratulations Nestor as our new kid objection how dare you decide this without me wait wait Tyrone who's Tyrone oh sorry own fight I guess we'll do a ceremony to decide oh okay I guess we're doing a ceremony um all right whatever is happening let's go do that oh my goodness we're all fitting in here all right what's up now that everyone's here Tyron you may plead your case if I was the king I would take all the food how is that a good case oh they're upset about that use all the boats to find treasure uh do you guys like that nope they didn't like that and welcome pillagers and make peace now necess turd that this is a pretty easy case for me if I was King you guys all get free bread free emeralds and I will probably just end up giving King to one of you is that good now we choose our King all villagers leave your vote to there oh okay I guess I'll just run up oh yeah I didn't get a reaction though is this gonna work or dog acting anyways is that right the votes are all in now okay who won the winner and our next king is come on come on hey we won yes it is raid let's go take this Crown you deserve it oh we got a crown to go on top of her crown oh gosh oh uh for the king all right let's put on the crowd on top of the crown and wait what you don't deserve it yeah they're not doing a good detour in it oh so I'm not worthy so do I like gotta do something good later ideas you want to rebuild the bridge for us I didn't think of that but sure yeah let's do it sure we'll help you we'll need the materials though okay so I'm not King yet and instead I gotta now grab them wood log Stone and Lapis all right let's go do this now we got the logs time for the stone though let's probably grab it for my old Cave Mountain all right Cobblestone done now I gotta go caving which I guess let's go find a cave there we go finally found some lapis let's real quick grab you time to go up all right Mr later guy everything you need your goat 32 logs are right here and now for the stone that should be good all right and finally some good old lapis let's get that in and I think we should be good great come let's fix it up all right all the way to the bridge we go oh here we go build us an outline of the bridge and then come to talk to me oh gosh can I just speed with you okay the thing is guys I don't know how to speed bridge but I guess I'll try my best all right Loki no not that bad for someone that doesn't know how to speed bridge at all this is decent last outline piece should be right here oh there we go okay that's outline done and now uh do I just talk to you we will finish it off King Nester oh yo those instant take this upgrade I think it's exactly what your crown needs to level up oh and we got a bottle of enchanting X being used for upgrading your crown wait do I put it with the ground how does this work maybe I gotta like combine them hold up right click oh and the crown turned into an XP Crown oh that makes more sense now yet again right click oh in Europe yet again and now we're level 1650. wait so what are we now what the heck am I am I a plague doctor or something oh wait okay this year took a dark turn oh building a lot gas breathing wait what's gas breathing gas breathing oh I can breathe gas oh oh gosh okay villagers times I'm sorry about that wait who is this guy hello oh scared rolling help some crazy villagers destroying your emergency Fortress everyone is ill oh wait am I supposed to follow you okay let's follow this guy I'm gonna guess it's back at the Village wait where is he taking me oh wait did he just go down rampaging Tyrone okay this is a little bit sketch where the heck is this taking me oh there you see him you have to stop him oh is that thyroid or Tyrone all right let's go I guess the doctor has to take him down this is all your fault that's where you did this to me oh my gosh I should be king look man I'm not even King anymore I'm a doctor oh no no no stay away from the gas oh wait uh poison gas fight poison with poison go on poison get him oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh the poison doesn't do much damage but if I combine it with actual hits I should be good here oh it's good it close and down goes Tower just like that and he says I'll be king this isn't over Nester um I think he's gone though here have this so you won't get sick oh whoa okay I just had a bunch of stuff okay thank you Roland we also got a message saying Tyrone got a lot of people sick hope the patience oh okay I gotta go back in there I guess all right before we go back inside we ended up getting an empty vaccine which I'm gonna guess I'm gonna make one wait we gotta fill it up with nope what the heck in a plague door what does Ivan mean white mask do I just put this on oh and this might be what we need to go inside the gas oh we're good we don't take damage anymore wait is that a what I'm sword again can I grab this am I worthy only the one true king can oh you're the one true king ha enjoy the mighty sword Excalibur than my liege oh we got Excalibur yo oh and then summons lightning very nice that might be useful later but definitely gonna be our new sword okay so uh patience where you guys at help me try using the plague door oh wait so am I supposed to go inside of him oh wait are we going inside yo we're in inside patient fight the virus oh oh yeah that do be the virus all right like a doctor let's go in let me take down these viruses real quick take the first one down there it goes and from it we can't experience cure all right okay okay wait so it's kind of like a speed run the Cure form all right another virus let's take this guy down a couple more hits and down goes another career two more to go here we go can I use the poison oh the poison works oh gosh maybe not too well though what about the the crown throw oh the crown [Music] throw very nice and now the final one should be that way oh must be this guy all right let's go in go on groans get him and barely survive that but now we got the last gear let's go to right click that oh and the patient's waking up and we're back thank you so much next one that needs help is in the house across oh is it this guy oh patient too oh it hurts so bad I heard there was a magic cow with the vaccine somewhere in the cow Fields can you please find it yes I I I got you I think all right let's go find the magic cow I guess oh that guy suddenly appeared okay that is maybe not a magical but uh definitely a weird looking cow uh magical cow could I just grab some milk from you oh there we go and now we got a full vaccine hi I can help you heal these people but first you have to get me some wheat first oh really okay well I may have actually used the Wii already but I'll grab some more for him just in case all right don't mind me just grab him some weed for this guy we do need a lot of them so let me get him as much wheat as we can take the wheat there you go and thank you now carefully use the vaccine on me gentle oh wait I think I already used it yeah about that all right let's just go and uh now administer this thing on the sickly patient all right uh the doctors back let's go to right click you and did that work oh and there we go wow I instantly feel amazing thank you so much King Nester just up the road a little it's another patient need please help them all right let's go into the next patient and now we have patient number three all right what's up man heal me please uh do you need the vaccine oh what happened to my face I feel great though oh oh um he's become cow oh gosh I heard Roland was lucky for you he might be on his way here now actually oh there he is now that the patients are healed mostly how will we get rid of this gas new craft unlocked vacuum cleaner oh so that's how we're gonna do it so on the screen right now we got a vacuum cleaner apparently and I hope this is somehow gonna get me XP because I'm not gonna be a doctor forever and so what we need is definitely iron and glass oh and string actually oh gosh okay so I actually have an idea okay so if we throw one sand right there does this give me glass oh it does yo let's go with the bar of Excalibur now we got some glass okay that should be everything we need right there now for string literally a mine shop right by the cave not too bad at all lastly right now is not iron but we need some Cobblestone so let's go back don't mind me just getting some Cobblestone right here that should be it and now let's go ahead and craft this vacuum cleaner in Minecraft all right there we go and now we got a vacuum cleaner get rid of the gas all right do I begin just using the vacuum oh no this works but I think it's working okay a lot of the gas is almost gone all right last piece oh and now we have an XP vacuum cleaner wait so what am I supposed to do with this right click to consume how am I consuming XP vacuum cleaner well here it goes nothing let's see how much xp we get and what year we go to right click oh and you're up yet again in level 1800 wait what's in the 1800s oh guys yo I'm a trade what and we got the message saying maybe you can industrialize The Village try talking to an engineer right well I guess now that we're a trade let's go back up all right where could I find an engineer oh wait I think that might be him right there all right engineer whoa you're pretty Advanced I would like to improve the village but I need some materials could you help me I'll start with the forums I need some Redstone glass and some iron ingots so I actually don't have any of that stuff maybe a little bit of glass take the two glass but now that we need some stuff I guess I could real quick get the glass like this okay there we go that was the easiest class of my life all right now we got the gloss and now we just need iron ingots and Redstone so now let's take the train all the way down all right soon okay let's grab that Redstone real quick 18 there we go and now we just gotta get some iron all right let's get something in part I'm as villager we got everything we need here don't take all the Wet Zone you'll ever need there we go it's 16. then a bunch of iron that we pretty much end up getting into much of it so that's gonna be 32 right there and now finally the glass awesome give me a few moments all right a few moments oh what just happened whoa we did it this is a crucial step for all just going forward thanks Esther oh we invented Redstone Farms yo and I also got the message saying maybe there's another villager that you can help and another oh there's a villager I think um they seem angry though hello hi there we want to help make things for the village could you build us a factory um sure I I guess yeah I guess we're straight up building another Factory now on the bright side we do have a bunch of wood already so let's go ahead and I guess build something I'm gonna just build a box and maybe that'll qualify good enough so you know what let's make the door real quick with the power of editing let's finish this up in three two one and it's done introducing the factory yes um so do I just talk to this guy again I did it this is great but we need something a little bigger oh I knew it okay and of course I make a full-on factory right on top of me and now they say it seems like some of the machines are broken we need you to fix them oh how would I go about this do I like go inside of it or something like like oh yes I was right and so now we're inside The Cookie Machine oh okay okay let's borrow the fires and then just got just get out of the fire gone right there right there there goes another machine the cookie Machines working again time to leave all right let's get out and we're back okay so that's gonna be one out of four done and now we have this machine right here so that was definitely the cooking machine what is this guy going again oh yep here we go what's gonna be in this one inside of the heat machine put out the fires okay nope that's go away go away go away I'm just gonna get rid of these guys and go on poison get him let's get the last jump in and now there should be only one fire left all right let's get that one out of the way and we're good and that's gonna be two out of four let's go with falvin and this is inside the tall Forge all right let's get rid of it again quick another one another one oh gosh okay okay and last one that should be quick all right let's get out again all right that's three out of four done and now one last one which is uh this uh Bowl thing oh inside blender put out the fires okay now electric bats okay you know what I'm gonna speed run this one boom boom down we go and they're all gone and now that we're back and that should be all the machines done so do I just talk to the union worker thank you so much let us know if you need anything made and we found this glowing coal behind one of the machines and maybe you'd need it seems full of XP oh okay so I guess the factory ended up making an XP call and this might be what upgrades me to the next year all right let's see what we come in three two one right click in Europe yo I'm gonna take oh this is sick I've unlocked the ability Cannonball and an army is coming to attack the village quickly preparing Army to defend oh no we have 15 minutes okay okay and on the screen right now we unlocked a bunch of brand new crafts for always to be the parts to make a tank so I think we're making an army now we also got to build a cannonball which what does this do oh guys I can now fire the cannon oh that's silk okay so I think I gotta make the tank to actually recruit the villagers so let's start off with the tank body which is gonna be I think six Iron Eagle so I just do this oh there we go with tank tracks so we need those and luckily I think all we gotta get right now is Cobblestone to make the cannon so let's get it real quick throw your Cobblestone and there we go okay Cannon's a boom boom all right so now we have the two pieces what we need now is a little bit more iron and diamonds oh gosh oh wait this iron right here oh okay don't mind me just gonna grab all this real quick and then we're gonna go down the caves and try to get diamonds as fast as we can we just need one damn thing oh gosh I gotta be quick okay and luckily with the tank now I think I could just shoot all the way down to the caves boy kid let's go all the way down we go oh holy oh it's all diamonds yes that was so lucky okay let's go all the way down there with the tank let's grab this real quick nine diamonds that should be more than enough and now with the diamonds let's put three there get the irony gets him there oh and we got the tank armor okay one last thing to do tank Cannon tank armor and then tank tracks oh and now we get the tank help the villagers Advance all right now that we have this let's go to recruit some villagers and see what we can get okay so what happens when I right click with you with a tank oh we made him feel we're recruiting you become a tank you become a tank and oh gosh okay 10 minutes to get all the recruits we need I think that should be more than enough time be everyone your armies armies okay just in case let's start building a wall this way and maybe we can get something going maybe let's build a wall right here and this could hold off whoever's invading they'll probably destroy in like a seconds but we should be fine all right we gotta block off as much as we can okay this should be good enough all right I got my defenses ready on this side let me make some more walls on the other sides just in case so let's be quick okay six seconds everyone Army let's get ready wait five Begins the Hostile Army arrives oh is this them oh it's zero friends so we meet again Nester you're going down this time oh my God Dam tanks oh go on get him bored right here buns let's go it's actually doing pretty good damage oh my this is a proper chaotic war going Excalibur that did so much damage okay couple more answer here bud and down it goes just like that and he says how are you always beating me I'll get you next time well that's gonna be a win to the war and from that we get the XB tank all right I guess now I'm uh upgrading my tank what the XP anyways we got ravager horns which summons a Rapture Army right click oh you guys are fired wait wait wait we got a bigger Army now but anyways now that we have the XP tank I guess let's take it and see what happens now right click oh Europe yet again and wait what the heck am I oh wait it's 20 22. so wait I became a computer huh and even as the merch logo on it by the bridge on the scoot right now really great merch and I got a new ability which is enter computer and I should get a job all right do I just press the belly key press inside yourself an entire X computer oh wait what the heck is this is like a recording setup do I sit down oh okay um record oh welcome to the Minecraft but you can't touch this game challenge you can't touch the color green oh I'm literally recording little videos oh that's sick I am gonna just play this like how I played it originally and we should be good let's make sure not to touch the color green though and we made it to the desert congratulations challenge complete so that's gonna be the first video done I guess and time to get backing up with this awesome footage make some edits and upload the YouTube video uh I guess let's edit it oh all right we out of the video and let's upload you've uploaded your first YouTube shorts video and we got some cash all right very nice I'll take the cash oh and we're going back straight to recording okay what is this welcome to Minecraft the money gets bigger grow your mining to win mine everything for the diamonds wait uh oh gosh this is a big pickaxe how does this work oh mine level one mining level two so it's a call back to the old video very nice number five okay yep it's getting a little bit big let's get another one in and oh all right I guess that's mine right here number 10 and one of the game threes oh okay we almost died congratulations challenge complete and that's video done okay let's real quick edit the video and now I'm gonna upload oh we got the money again nice all right now it's time to record another video Welcome to to the Minecraft portals get bigger challenge find the biggest portal to win oh okay uh so I just gotta find a big portal oh wait there's a like a parkour thing right here maybe this is it oh okay I'm gonna cheat in it and we made it all right is this the portal oh wait I guess I gotta find each portal in each area down here baby oh there we go okay yet again another portal there we go and now we're like in the still bomb place okay maybe I gotta go all the way up oh and there it is okay next portal let's go in where the heck is the last one oh it's all the way up here holy this thing's getting big all right next one and now we're in the end oh oh yeah that's a big portal okay let's get all the way over there then gotta make all the jumps here we go and now finally it's a big portal is this it hey congratulations challenge complete and just like that we got the video done like this is going to end it up all right did some editing and now with the upload we get some more cash and I guess yet again let's do number four whoa wait okay this Minecraft you can translate anything why don't we translate that pig over there let's see what we get from a translator okay oh we got a hippo okay that's gonna be one out of five and if I can translate Anything Could I technically even take this dirt block right here and translate it uh translate oh yes it's like the original oh we got this at the Subscribe button guys if you made this part of the video okay if you do enjoy the content and what about grass block and translate you oh yes Diamond rain oh it's raining diamonds I mean we could do a weapon what a sword doesn't do anything this time oh and dunk again oh and I remember now we we can shoot the the darks again all right I think I gotta do five translations in total so maybe one is gonna be the last one what's this gonna be oh and cake and so that should be all five translations and now the YouTube shorts is done all right let's go back now let's go ahead and uh do some editing and go upload there we go and now we just have to do one more I guess that's the challenge uh all right here we go Minecraft but there's a custom Boss Challenge defeat the boss and win oh okay we're doing this apparently all right let's go demon let's run out that new Duck sword we got and oh my gosh I do so much damage go on Ducks get him we just killed that boss so quick with the duck sword oh and that's gonna be video complete now that was very easy what the heck that's the last short recording for today all right let's see some editing real quick and upload there we go that's gonna be five out of five and wow that was fast you made so much money from YouTube shorts I made five bucks that that's all I made maybe you can now buy a car use your ability to link the computer let me me real quick I guess leave the computer hey let's get out oh wait what the heck this is not where I first started from wait what happened to the village and everything else oh and there's some cars did I talk to you dealership worker you want to buy a car find the one you want and you can take it for a test drive oh okay uh I mean there's only like one South car so I guess why not let's maybe grab this one oh and we got the car keys nice do I just like right click it oh we're in the car now but why is it red okay I'm not gonna question it okay so now I can test drive it to the Rings okay let's go I'm zooming and that's gonna be 10. awesome the car is now yours oh it just split up as ours wouldn't even pay and as for the next thing we gotta do it says now all you need is a house oh wait we're buying a house oh wait what is going on here you can't kick us out we've lived here for 20 years oh wait whoa what's going on here landlord Bob oh no whoa whoa whoa what's what's up you haven't paid rent in months who are you looking at what you want to buy my house never if you give me the money this house is yours oh oh okay I guess we're doing a transaction right now okay here you go buddy take the 50 Grand congratulations on your new hello sexy story did I just steal this man's house I am so sorry Bob need to leave now no you can't do this to me wait what was he doing oh gosh he's like I'm raging uh should I walk back out okay okay oh my God you know what time for desperate measures rubbish your horror element it's just me oh gosh oh gosh okay maybe the ravages aren't as good that's why they lost the war gun Ducks get him a couple more ducks and down goes above Bob just like that what would that be done now I guess we're going past the year 2022 which I have no idea what that's gonna be all right let's go to right click that in Europe yet again oh and it's the year 3000. wait what am I now oh I'm a robot yeah oh my gosh okay that is sick ability unlocked firing my laser wait how does that work oh yo okay that's sick what the heck let me try that again oh so it loads up in fires oh that's awesome okay you need a better power source go to the secret lab so let's get a robot So to that secret lap which is 300 blocks away all right we made it to the lab and so what the heck do we have going on on here are you a scientist oh hello there you need more power I think I got the thing for you I have items for you in this chest thank you I guess what do we have in here oh processor rocket arms and a power source gain strength what do I do with this oh the power source gave you a massive amount of strength okay thank you very much we also got the processor which a building unlock Slow Time building launch rocket shoe I have a training area where you can practice your new powers if you're successful I'll create an end portal for you first I want you to practice slowing time check out all the robots oh there's a robot okay let's slow down time oh and they're slow down okay wait so can I break them down all right let's use the chickens real quick and down goes all the robots amazing that was perfect now tensor Rockets please unblock the lab oh okay now I touch the Rockets with these guys uh rocket oh oh I made a blown up sub stuff that was great but I said don't bolt the lab fix the hole and I'll have the end portal ready for you okay okay don't mind me just gonna fix this roll quick there we go and gonna do thank you now you can go to the portal wait where's the portal oh gosh oh he should have made a portal all right Roblox tutorial here we go and weird Cyber End this isn't right I am the most advanced being in this Multiverse he cannot defeat me well I got a duck sword that does way too much damage so without further Ado go in my ducks let's see how much damage we can do oh why they did so much damage and down goes the dragon just like that with the power of the Ducks and oh my the server is giving me so much xp that's gonna be Minecraft equals your year and I guess I'm leaving off as a robot all right because I'm doing it for real today's video just like this one bye guys thank you [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 2,039,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but your xp, minecraft xp, minecraft but your xp = your year, minecraft year, minecraft xp year, minecraft xp time, minecraft xp = time, xp
Id: 0DcOtKw4oNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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