Minecraft but You turn into a SPIDER!

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I'm gonna turn into a spider in Minecraft but I'm gonna need to grow some body parts first so let's begin our journey as a human and see if we can web a dragon okay so step one is to get bitten by a spider and that's a spider right there which is it radioactive but it's surrounded by guards over there so first we need some wood okay so here's the plan first I'm gonna be drinking infants potion walking my way there stacking straight up and then using a lead to drag the spider out and then getting bit maybe I'll grow some more legs and to do that first we need that string on this chimney apparently real quick attack up there we go get a couple street might as well get enough for a boat do I jump down let's go okay don't don't do that and now with the string I saw this guy jumping on the trampoline right here with slime box so don't mind me let me grab this real quick and we'll move this right door all we gotta do is slide down and I'm so sorry about this all right oh that's mine oh he's crying sorry I wasn't here and so now we can go ahead and get a bunch of slime balls I'll put two back there you go and now with the string and the Slime we have our lead that's gonna be the first thing on the checklist done next up in this potion let's get some bread first oh wait is there a broomstick in here oh there is okay we need that for invis oh and even more bread and emeralds and so now before we go to the nether I need a little bit of sugarcane one spider right and smart gotta say this is a lot of work just to get bit by a radioactive spider better become Spiderman and now we cook we got the spider right we got the sugar and right here a run portal which is the next step oh wow that's actually really handy what the heck okay one button steel one obsidian and wow I just need one block and another easy part is all I gotta do is mine this gold block right here because later we gotta make a golden carrot might as well grab the carrot right now there we go so we get the Nuggets so we're on the carrot and we got the golden carrot all for one invis potion before we go we need a brown mushroom all right we finally found one come on buddy oh there we go so mushrooms butter ice sugar and we get the fermented spider eyes so we go this one then this one and we're getting this now to the nether lava water there we go and now we light the portal and just in case before we go let me make some armor I don't think I can wear armor as a spider but we're zero percent right now at the top so let's go in oh my gosh wait what the heck is the spawn it's so good all right let's just get our job done then this won't kill me right yeah we're fine all right let's do this quick okay some blaze rods all right that's all I need one Blaze Rod done I got two just in case and now we get some Nether wart thank you very much and now we go back all right let's get the burning sand down one water bottle get on some good old days powder and I can't mess this up so first never work you got night vision now we have the fermented spider eye and now we have the poison of invisibility only three minutes though so let me take off the armor real quick and now it's time to do this okay let's drink up and we just gotta get past them okay let me throw that away and last time I got near them they tried to attack me but Loki I don't think mobs can see you when you're invisible so we should be fine right here and all we gotta do now is just break this guy out don't worry buddy I'm coming to save you let's make sure he's fine he shouldn't bite me as long as I'm invisible honestly I feel like the guards are uh kind of dumb so we should be good I don't mind me just an invisible lead and taking this butter away and as planned we're gonna take them right over here I'm setting you free buddy go straight this way give them a name in the comments down below and so now without further Ado let me get uninvisible there we go and so do I just hit you what happens hello oh it bit me and I'm a baby spider now yo now complete tasks to gain more legs only we're at four out of eight oh so this is what we do in the village then all right Mr spider you're free I am now on to bigger things because we're at 20 and this guy should help us get I guess our first leg oh and the farmer gave me a to-do list Pete cow and then remove extra light from cow oh well we got some weed uh Mr Cow can I just feed you oh it got big yo I did the a too much okay so I fed Cal now to remove the extra leg do I just cheer you oh we got the cow leg oh and now we're five out of eight all right thank you for the leg next up maybe that okay so it's literally a spider house how do people even get up here gonna climb all the way up unless there's a ladder probably a ladder okay how does this guy even get his mail oh my gosh he's wearing the EXO story of shoes um hello heavily armored get him to take it off how do I do this oh low key what if I push him out I have an idea okay so I don't want him to die so what we'll do is right here I'm gonna make a little platform don't mind me and with the platform we're gonna be using the slime blocks we got just so we can land safely I think oh that should be good let me go back up now Mr villager let me make a nice open entrance for you all right make sure this goes perfectly right wait I haven't tried right clicking him oh heat the house up oh maybe we should try that instead I could use a fun steal or maybe campfires let's get some coal and now without all we do is this let's get some King fires going and this should be enough all right Mr Shoes I'm putting down the campfires and you're gonna sweat oh we took out the armor now get him out get the Villager out of the house oh so now maybe we push him out all right now to pushed you out or actually wait before we do that let me real quick make sure we can make it so I'm gonna do this this there we go and now buddy it is time that you go sorry about this but we need your legs good luck we've landed oh it looks like he's not happy either oh my gosh and he dropped the shoes I don't think I need giant shoes but we'll keep them just in case but now the shoe's gone it looks like the legs are a little bit weird so do we use this year oh it worked and we got villager leg all right let's make our leg counter grow up that's gonna be six now and I saw right here it says six legs required so this might be for the next one oh we got a mining guy hello does he trade oh that is what we call a scam guys I think I know why this rock is here then what do we have in the chest oh okay you know what I was gonna break the rock with this instead I like this better so this is what we're gonna do set up some busy right here just a little bit don't worry no not that much and with this flint and steel let's see if it breaks the rock all right sorry about this let's blow that up oh gosh oh gosh here we go here we go oh my gosh oh oh you know what I'ma leave you with the rock and now with this oh wait what's happening now we're spider level 30 spider cave unexplore the spider cave oh I think it's over here actually oh yep there it is all right so it's spider cave what exactly are we doing in here oh spider cave has spiders are they friendly oh gosh how the heck do I get through here oh my gosh holy cobwebs wait they're not attacking me though they might see me as one of them okay let me just mine through and see we're the way to the next spot is maybe I gotta break the cobbles oh wait a door okay this might be the next room then oh my gosh they got parkours for the spider all right spider Nester let me real quick do some jumps and if I look like this right now I wonder I'm gonna look like at a hundred percent soon okay let's make it here and what the heck is this we got different colored spiders oh wait maybe I gotta sort them hold up red spotter do you follow oh they do okay let me get all the red spiders and then we put them into the Red Room let's get them all in that's gonna be the red ones done blue don't go in there and now let's go in and get blue straight this way open up the blue door come all in and that's all the blue one done now all that's left is good old purple all right we're straight in here and now that's all of them done and the door open nice what the heck is this then okay you know what spider villager web competition build best web oh wait what the heck wait we're already starting oh my gosh wait let me grab all the stuff guys I I don't know how to build the best web oh gosh oh gosh okay we're gonna do like a weird pattern right here and I don't think I can do webs for my butt yet but this is good enough I think I'm just making a checkerboard I don't know what the other guy's doing but maybe they like volume let's go ahead and add some wool to it there we go and oh gosh oh whose web is better I mean mine has more web than his what do we won yes and so with that being done we get our own stinger and wait do we add this to ourselves oh wait I think we're transforming we're 40 spider down and we got the stinger and so now spider fangs take a spider to the dentist oh pick up with that craft right so we unlocked a brand new crabs on the screen where we need these cobbles right here and so with this pretty much we're gonna be making I guess a sack for getting spiders all right let me pick you up there we go filled sack and now we just gotta go up okay dentist we got a receptionist and I gotta sneak in oh okay yeah if we're sneaking in maybe we want to go the other way there is a little entrance right here or we can do the good old usual let's make a trapdoor very easy and with the trapdoor we gotta do is just sneak in okay we're good to go when we walk in oh and saw the Villager bought the door okay receptionists are not coming in all right we got the tools in here oh my gosh in a tiny potion too what the heck all right so do I just put the patient on the table let me get the filled sack let's put you right there there we go now that you're down I think I'm supposed to grab all the tools real quick to solve the brush the drill and now with the tools I think we just drink a tiny potion and we go inside of this guy all right Mr spider I'm going in inside of its mouth yo this is terrified and clean up clean both sets of teeth we got to draw the brush and the saw so is the brush for the nether rock oh it is and the drill is for the iron all right let's roll up you get drilled you get brushed drilled brush brush drill brush honestly not too bad let's just keep brushing and I think the saw is for when we're gonna take things okay we're almost done here Mr spider I don't know what you've been eating but my goodness do not be eating iron that's crazy final brush is right there and with all that done all we have to use is a saw now and so now we grow up the tiny fangs there's mine that oh my gosh why'd it become so big okay that's first thing and that's like a bang and so now we've consume them to get on ours oh 60 spider now to escape oh we got the fangs yo we looked menacing wait do I like punch the tongue or something maybe I gotta brush its tongue brush oh it's working aimer bag's normal now to get poison or now we can go to this spot which is 60 spider required oh wait are we going to like the nuclear reactor thing what the heck is this place oh okay so we're apparently supposed to sneak inside all right here's the plan guys we're gonna just slowly go by the side I did not expect to see the cards again I should have made it in this potion oh wait there's a ladder over there okay let me go around how's it going guards don't worry I'm just a spider mind in my own business I'm not really a human anymore but um we gotta get the poison okay so if I go in here oh this is cool so we gotta press the lever and it makes us crawl okay let me just walk in and I think we're going through the kitchen or whatever oh even more guards outside okay what do we have in here a guard's uniform oh yo this is a thing wait how do I put this on oh we gotta disguise okay so we need a clearance card where the heck is a clearance card is there something around here I don't know okay let me look around there's a thing right there gonna be Exmark spot no oh I think I found it oh we got the clearance cord hey guys don't worry I'm just I'm just gonna go check out the radioactive stuff all good uh have a great day guys I'm just gonna walk straight this way remember to subscribe and like yeah 80 people watching right now are not subscribed so it's very important anyways we got a maze right here so let me just go around real quick okay so I think I gotta go straight this way then and then this looks promising oh whoa where is this going hello I'm I'm part of the team okay oh office all right you know I'll let you guys do your thing and don't worry I'm going straight to the office and looks like this whole place is amazing why do you guys have this place as a maze oh and here we are oh and it looks like I might need another access key all right uh let me look around real quick wait I think I see it who put the key on top of the books all right whoever did that is probably getting fired but it's all good because I'm just gonna go into the next room let's open that real quick and now as we go down oh it's like a security quiz what item do you craft to catch fish fishing net who would fall for this it is the fishing rod let me open that up real quick there we go I wonder where that one took you oh gosh now this is an XP puzzle we have balls of enchanting in oh wait I have an idea guys okay this is actually really cool so hold on I think if I just go here and I put a bunch of XP okay that should be enough and then the make the XP follow me all right come straight this way come on go down go down go down little guy right there come on make it all the way in and yes oh my goodness that's actually a really cool puzzle and now this is the button puzzle oh uh there's buns all right I press them another button there oh maybe it's fine to correct button which button is it then that one no oh this is actually really hard one oh wait I opened the door apparently all right we're good and now I gotta match the notes wait what does this mean oh man I actually don't know how to do this okay I can do this okay so this one needs to go like that all right give me one second we mess around with this one eternity later okay I think we have it now and when we play this does that work oh yes we did it and now we can go to the next puzzle it looks like and what the heck we're doing here oh is it just a water one okay I think we just gotta break the stone for each little thing oh wait there might not be enough water though oh wait how do we do this then oh wait I'm dumb it was this one all right this is easier there we go going oh and that's cool all right let's go all the way down and is this what we needed oh wait what obsidian bottle needed wait what is this oh it's the uranium okay wait so we got gold blocks gold ore all that good stuff and so that's the ground for the obsidian bottle on the screen right now but how do we mine obsidian oh there we go a lot of darn blocks my goodness I can't wear diamond armor as a uh Spider but this will definitely do okay let me grab that there we go get someone that made it first off we need a Diamond Sword and the main thing we gotta make is a diamond pickaxe for the obsidian so now we just go back here mind obsidian watch this yep now we do that three times and now with obsidian all we gotta do is make one nice Square because we get the obsidian bottle which will make us get venom on our teeth so without further Ado let's right click that and now we have a bottle of uranium okay let's just shrink out then here we go and oh we're transforming 70 spider and I got poisonous Black Widow thing okay let's go up he just launched me all right man well good thing as a spider I can swim my goodness oh and now collect one eye and place it I guess by the way I think I know where to find one okay first spider I see come over here buddy oh wait the spiders won't attack me I forgot I'm so sorry about this okay um well no it's water right about time number two oh and we got it the spider eye and I think I'm just supposed to place it so do I just put it there oh yo what am I supposed to do with this oh wait what the heck it's saying stuff first I built an upgraded eye how do I do that maybe I can make it bigger let me I guess then real quick we're gonna just surround all this with all the wool we have and maybe the game Masters will consider this to be the upgrade thing and to make it you know more Spotify We'll add some cobwebs and some blink get one gold block there another gold block there and I think that's good let me press the confirm key here we go in three two one oh and it worked it got accepted as the upgrade Spotify let's consume that oh and it looks like we got another instruction draw an eye we just got a brand new Craft on the screen and it literally only requires one Flint so I mean let me get a shuffle real quick and let's grab this real quick there we go one flip let's place this down get the stick going and now we have the pencil which I guess we can go ahead and draw on the crime table all right let's roll all right so I think I just sent this to the game Masters but pretty much I'm gonna make a I right here I don't know why I'm supposed to try and then we're gonna I I think this is supposed to be a spider right oh gosh this looks like more like a cherry oh no okay I'm sure I don't think you're Cherry but we'll make it Enchanted it's a special Cherry you know what I'm gonna send them this and see what happens in three two one all right did that work oh it did yo okay so it didn't work and we got the upgrade spider eye let me right click that and now what is our next step gonna be trivia what the heck are you one eye creeper who has the biggest eye huh we got a big old eye the letter I and a one eye creeper okay I'm gonna go with the meme one let's come with the letter i is it this oh yes I got the biggest eye let's get another X upgrade one and uh oh wait what the heck is this is this a portal find a eye can I go in here oh wait what the heck okay I'm supposed to go in here and find the Ivan oh there's Clues and clue number one says follow the trail Hey where's the trail go is it this way okay it looks like a string Trail um I think I lost the trail oh gosh okay I think I'm supposed to go probably on this parkour okay let's go one two three let's go through here oh and it's the next clue let me grab that real quick clue number two have you checked the walls wait what do you mean check the walls like here oh wait do I break this oh I was right yo okay let's go through and now all the way down what the heck okay we got a full on Minecraft minecart and the next clue okay what do we got here Minecarts are easy Transportation oh whoa wait okay so am I supposed to like use a Minecart around here oh I am okay so I put it right here and then I press the button and then it sends me flying yes all right let's do that again flip that there we go oh my gosh and that's what we get through wait no no no no I I'm so upset why did I do that okay let me place you right there there we go okay what the heck oh we got the treasure room holy gold and finally the nice upgrade spider eye let me take that that's done oh and it looks like we have another message thing eyeball dodgeball with an I wait where though oh there's a portal right there okay let me go through oh and is that my opponent hello is this gonna be eyeball oh and he's firing them Yo okay got a Dodge I'm gonna grab the eyeballs and oh my gosh this is literally eyeball Dodge all right let's go oh we're doing pretty good damage oh gosh okay I did a decent bit damage there let me hit him there there there there oh my gosh oh in the combo Downy goes and from that we get a nice upgraded spot to ride there we go another one done and now find the treasure on the hidden island oh what the heck there's a treasure locating uh Island oh my gosh Island okay I think I forgot to follow the company straight this way then one sec you probably never see this but this is a spider boat also the Island's right here so what the heck are we supposed to do here are we gonna find a uh treasure oh wait now it's pointing this way oh wait is it this oh it might be under here oh it is yo it's the final of green spider eye let's go ahead and use that and finally oh wait we just got teleported over here huh over 80 and I have so many eyes gigantic meal trap and eat a pig okay where is a pig and how are we chopping him oh wait I think I got a new ability oh I can trap him like that okay let me find a pig then all right Mr pig let me try this out so I throw the web right there and then um oh I didn't ate it oh my gosh okay now I gotta eat a cow uh this guy right there so I just go ahead go up to him real quick and then we eat all right oh that grew a little bit yo next mule is now an Elder Guardian wait an Elder Guardian huh okay let me go back to the ocean then real quick so back at the island I saw this the middle so if we typically just go oh well like I said if we typically just go down here there must be an Elder Guardian somewhere inside here oh gosh I gotta be quick though because I am gonna drown okay oh there you are all right let's real quick get stuck and we got him nice all right next meal is now a house full of mobs oh gosh oh gosh okay okay yeah we're good now let's go buy some of that Village oh and it looks like I gotta fill this one with mods all right so here's a plane what we're gonna do is oh my gosh wait I am so big now what the heck I didn't even realize I grew this big but what we're gonna do is first we need some of this let's real quick grab one of those and if you want to make a big meal we gotta get some chickens too so got the hay Bell don't need the pencil anymore got the seeds and we got one carrot so no where are the mobs all right before we do anything I actually gotta make this a little bit open because I couldn't even get inside but now we should be good right this way guys we Are Gonna Fill This up to the final people all right come inside don't don't escape don't escape don't escape oh gosh I've done too many okay this is uh this is tragic two hours later well I think we lost more mobs than we got from that one you know what this is good enough let's real quick eat put in the wood it worked and now final meal the weather huh oh no let me go back to my portal all right let's go through Mr Fortress we are back and actually wait we can do this hey there we go using Webster power so apparently something happens if I wipe the skeletons any mobs hello all right let me real quick web you and I think when I kill them in the webs it apparently does something oh wait did it drop uh it's cool it dropped three schools that doesn't even make sense but I'm gonna go with it so now all we gotta do then is get some Soul Sand right here let me real quick grab four of that or five and so we just got a web of weather so put these together get these three going and here we go oh gosh it's about a spawn wait can I go ahead and wipe it now oh we did love to wither and without further Ado let's eat yes we are the big 90 spider now create an army and follow the Brick Road oh that's back in the village okay let's head back to the portal then uh that's probably a bad idea in the nether but it's all good don't question it okay so now that we gotta make an army we can use this ability where we can throw poison oh and it makes them into villagers Fighters yo my friends come oh gosh all the cars there we go oh how the tables have turned right now all right let me just make everyone possible into the the pretty much the village of spiders there we go you guys become villager spiders there we go and now we have a nice Army to come with us pretty much down the brick road it's at all right come start with me and uh the radioactive guy is still vibing right there hope you're doing great hope you have a great life I'm just gonna go straight this way though with all my friends look at them anyways oh this is where we're heading oh this is the spider Kingdom oh wait it's The Spider pillagers my Orbee oh out there taking their sweet time one second let me go pick them up oh my gosh they're so slow guys come on come on we traded for this you guys are supposed to go to battle with me we gotta go to 100 oh bites and use the distraction to sneak in oh we might be distraction then hold on hold on hold on okay I'm gonna go ahead and just go around then while they all why and let me just go through here how do I get in uh is there a wall maybe up here hold up hold up hold up while they fight I'm just gonna go as fast as I can all right you know what we're breaking in just a little bit more of a hole there we go and so when we break this we should be able to see what the spider king is oh my gosh what the heck is that you all right I got my poison attack ready my soldiers are fighting behind me let's go oh gosh it's coming after me let's go on spider king go on poison oh gosh am I missing oh I know I'm hitting him yes yes oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I'm not sure if this is the final boss or what leads me to the dragon but either way let's get this guy down he's almost dead oh gosh oh gosh all right let's just Spam The Thing holy there's a lot of poison going on right there uh this guy's pretty much dead and in three two one down he goes and I think that might be the end of him did he uh drop anything oh it wasn't my inventory the spider Crown rule over all the spiders all right so wait does this make me 100 oh wait no I can shoot the crowd all right well I guess we gotta keep going then straight this way oh and this looks to be like a stronghold portal oh it is all right well without further Ado guys all that's left out to do is go through here and well I mean the main challenge is literally breaking my way into it okay slowly but surely what the plan is we're gonna go in and we're gonna wet the dragon and then we're gonna eat it I think I can do that all right in three two one go and win oh and there he is I'm it's a dragon let me get this done here we go oh that works and no we eat any that's gonna be spider level 100 and with that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed up everybody want to do this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,068,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft big, Minecraft but You turn into a SPIDER, minecraft spider, minecraft turn into spider, minecraft spider mod, minecraft spiders, minecraft big spider, spider
Id: xZkzT2uSHgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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