Minecraft But All Blocks Are Potions!

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yes we finally found it our diamond give it to me oh what is that a diamond potion that's right guys in this video blocks are potions which means dirt stone iron or diamond or even bedrock every block has a potion and they get insane all right guys we're inside now in this world that is completely switched though you cannot tell right now all of these blocks now are potions in my hand we've got a dirt block the most basic of blocks for us to test out here but we placed this block down all we have to do is bust it and we instantly get ourselves a dirt potion what is this thing oh oh gosh look at that what in the world is a smelly effect let's drink it down straight away we are now smelly for the next minute don't click off guys i know oh disgusting what happens with the smelly effect oh wait a second look at that if i walk up to these mobs and i get close enough here nothing happens they can't smell me it's a pig too how could a pig not smell me it's a pig too i mean how does he smell me this guy probably smells disgusting but look at him he's getting poison is he gonna die is this pig gonna pass out right in front of us because of how bad we smell what do we have 15 seconds left how long is it gonna take for this pig to pass out is he taking damage the baby pig is taking damage hold on second try here we go break it down get the potion we ran out because we were distracted drink it down stand right next to these pigs i'm gonna chase you guys around until until until five hours later until that happens he died it took a second for that potion to have full effect i mean golly for someone to smell so bad that you pass out and just i mean you know you guys saw what happened for that to happen because of someone's spelling oh my gosh the flower too we get a potion this flower is called the flower potion wait a second we got a portal right there that's gonna be super useful i wonder what those blocks drop but that's besides the point first things first we need to have our flower potion take it down take it down what's gonna happen with the flower potion hero of the village ah let's go into the village i mean if we have the hero of the village effect we might as well get into the village is the golem we call him friendly nothing's happening there hey guys how you doing i'm the hero of your village my friends whoa oh he's giving me potions wait wait wait what hello they're giving me they're just giving me potions oh they're giving me iron ingots too not diamond hey drop me a diamond i don't even have to trade with them i just stand near them i'm the hero of the village therefore all of this i get for free yes thank you thank you mor we just got two are you kidding me no way you guys have anything else for me gold very nice more diamonds anything else you might have for me we've got leaping leaping fire resistance swiftness swiftness oh my gosh we were getting loaded from our friends jorge and gazelle right here or hey and gazelle what's up folks yeah thank you very much anybody else want to give me some stuff how about you guys you guys have anything for me maybe you'll be willing to give me something different okay extra diamonds wow we have seven diamonds right now all from taking down one flower potion that we still have 30 seconds left on i don't think we have much to worry about because if we go up to any flower that we can find there's some right here boom what is that whatever you are boom potion that was flower potion got it take it down right away as soon as this one runs out two one zero boom drink it the next one down our villager friends over here we are your hero again will you guys give us anything different still gold ingots diamonds and lots of potions more potions i think all the trades are the same oh the first emerald that's kind of nice fairly juicy i might say thank you thank you there is nothing that we could need other than friendly villagers to give us all the things we could ever ask for it's like christmas day every single day when you have yourself the hero of the village effect from a flower potion it's like i'm trying to date them or maybe they're trying to date me they're offering me items to win my love and affection and i have to be totally honest you might have it boom boom oh and potion swiftness take that down juicy juicy juicy we got three more extra diamonds and we can make a ring and return the favor to one of these villagers eventually but not yet oh we got another potion from the crafting table what did we just pick up no no where'd it go a crafting potion oh what is a crafting potion it gives us the craftsman effect for two minutes drink that down really fast here and craftsman craftsman craftsman for two minutes right there one minute 50 seconds left what happens if we're the craftsman do we get free stuff from crafting oh we get tools instantly break blocks instant tools blocks wait a second are we getting oh i thought that was wood boots i was gonna say what in the world wood boots we're gonna get stone tools no we get cobblestone from there maybe if we break stone over here stone tools oh that is juicy that is so juicy thank you and the chain mail armor oh instantaneously every single block that is so nice okay uh i don't need the wood tools anymore i'll keep the shovel and boots and chest plate and don't need that chest plate don't need that and helmet ooh and leggings full chainmail easy does it very nice good to go more we could probably get some iron tools or armor if we just bust some iron ore give me some iron get another potion like that boom and boom and break it down get myself my potion give myself my potion where'd my crap there's my crafting potion get rid of that other bottle i don't need that anymore take down the crafting potion and we got our iron ore right here break it wait it dropped a potion and an iron tool we got rid of our stone shovel we don't need that anymore oh that is juicy iron potion oh i cannot wait to try that out wait break the rest of these though first before we get distracted we got some armor upgrades here okay guys boots leggings iron potion but there's one last thing still before we take down that iron potion straight down to diamond there's gonna be so many tools that spawn on me right now just absolutely ridiculous actually while we're doing this fire resistance a stone potion oh is it we i was i didn't realize we were getting stoned that whole time we were digging down from the top oh my gosh unlimited stone potions that is absolute oh we got our diamond right here okay uh i still have enough oak planks on hand that's good good fantastic news right there grab that and we just need to get ourselves a crafting potion place you down there break you down there's our crafting potion and we picked it up where'd it go right there drink it diamond yes baby and a diamond potion oh my okay focus up stay focused stay focused get rid of the swiftness that's our shovel that's nice break this another diamond shovel break that diamond helmet okay yep that's gonna be nice more diamond helmets well we got three or four diving doors here and uh we got like six shovels and two diamond helmets these diamond potions get rid of the leaping get me the diamond potion diamond potion that's the diamond potion there that's enough okay back to the surface select that bad boy drink it down like the iron man i am and then jump boost for three minutes resistance for are we unlimited we're we're oh my word oh my gosh hey piggy watch out excuse me piggy i wonder if i land on one of these guys if they're gonna get crushed underneath me i'm gonna try and land right on the pig right on the pig right on the pig wow you really survived that that's incredible the force of iron man on top of your backside and you just walked away like nothing happened you know what i'm not letting you go coming right back see ya bye oh wait a second we got an iron fist as well iron fist you you'd we just needed him out of the land did you guys see that we can jump so high and slap mobs with our iron fist like i just went straight down here fresh pig oh gosh come here see you buddy oh my word the slapper doozel right here does anybody dare to come at me all of these villagers that were trying to date us earlier you know what i didn't like it i didn't like it one bit yeah yeah yeah and that golem that dirty dirty golem oh he didn't get heated okay run away run away the iron golem did not get heated stay as far away as possible and we're just in time to run out of our effects but we did then get next this stone potion right here drink that one down let's see what happens we have heavy feet for 30 seconds we're just slowed down guys heavy feet we're just guys i don't know what's going on we're just slowed down that was the most we have another one we gotta test another one stone potion i don't know what's going i don't have any idea what's going on oh wait oh if we jump with the heavy feet we fall right through oh my gosh and we take no fall damage but we just bust through oh my gosh can we go down and break bedrock like this let's go all the way down to bedrock and see if we can break okay but let's not fall through the bedrock i have no idea how many blocks are breaking we're at why 14 right now though we should be fine oh we ran out grab another stone potion break it down oh okay did we break the bedrock uh i think we broke the bedrock i'm afraid to jump again oh wait a second we did we broke the bedrock and we got ourselves a bedrock potion with superpowers for 10 minutes okay that is gonna be spectacular stick around for that i'm i'm nervous about that one the stone potion actually quite heroic but the diamond potion still holy moly we get diamondy for two minutes we should climb out of here before we use it ever so carefully without breaking any blocks below us thank you thank you oh so many potions and no blocks this is gonna take a minute forget it it's taking too long and there's mobs nearby we're taking down the diamond potion maybe we go a different direction maybe we just okay we'll just try to escape as fast oh wait they're not doing anything why are you guys not doing anything i'm diamondy for a minute and 45 seconds still the mobs aren't doing anything you're gonna start exploding why won't you explode holy moly that creeper just turned into a block of diamond all of them are staring at me oh my gosh we can jump right next to them and they just turn into a block of diamond can we actually mine you down oh my gosh we get a block of diamond we get a block of diamond from every mop oh does this work on an enderman he's just staring hello buddy oh it's did block a diamond still a minute left no no don't tell me i ran the wrong direction i want more mobs this direction no wait a second no we're fine no we had i think we grabbed more than one diamond potion didn't we yes we have two more diamond potions on hand from earlier we haven't used them yet loads of pigs right there diamond potion drink that down [Laughter] stare at me folks stare at me diamond diamond diamond diamond all of you diamond i feel like i'm getting mad with diamonds right now oh my word you've got to be kidding me guys look at all these diamonds grab that instead full diamond so easy with the diamond potion but the one still that i want to check out is where did it go where did our we had a bedrock potion where did our bedrock potion go bedrock potion super powers for 10 minutes slurp it down as fast as i can welcome to my super powers friends how strong am i oh okay one hit there you go can you blow me up nope you can't do that buy one hit everything goes down in just a single slap one slap five and we also can take no damage oh my gosh we have strength resistance superpowers with the totem of undying symbol oh wait we have superpowers will this work for a bow too i want to test this out because if this works i got an idea that we have to try out with these super powers on skeleton oh gosh i just totally missed that pig but that's besides the point there's one thing we have to try while we have these superpowers and that is this in the end we i'm assuming we have superpowers oh you oh you did not die i'm gonna say that you did not okay there you died in one hit where are you mrs dragon can i land this just one shot i just need to land one shot wait for her to come around mrs dragon come on come this way i missed what a bat just pretend you guys didn't see that now she goes down like not then like that one shot wonder with the super powers from the bedrock potion that is absolutely insane give me all your goods give me all your goods imagine right now we just get ourselves like a dragon potion from mrs dragon oh my gosh then we just fly around and eat minecraft guys if you want to see some more content check it out right there thank you so much for sticking around block potions overpowered
Channel: Bahri
Views: 343,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potions, minecraft, block potions, ore potions, minecraft but, minecraft but blocks are potions, minecraft but all blocks are potions, bedrock potion, diamond potion, dirt potion, potion, new potions, new potion, iron potion, crafting potion, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: 27WH5v_zc5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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