Noob1234 Went on a Minecraft Date!

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welcome beautiful people today we are helping noob go on a date he's so fast with it man some of you probably don't know this but i am a married spud i look like i'm 12 but i'm not i promise i'm actually married i got the ring in order to successfully wing man and help noob talk to his lady friend we're gonna need a set of walkie-talkies because i'm gonna tell him exactly what to say so he doesn't mess things up and that walkie-talkie is locked in the chest and of course the only way to get the chest open is to kill the spiders and get the keys thankfully some of these spiders are not the smartest oh boy oh boy okay finally okay this is really weird but each key has its own symbol key of hearts spades diamonds that's weird is this weird i think i think it's this one that one it was that one anyways if we're gonna help this guy have the best date of his life i need to walk him through what to say to his lady friend okay don't say anything you would normally say okay she's at the door but just remember you need to repeat exactly what i say he's not he's not rip okay he's not responding we're gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine ask her how her day was yes that's good that's good okay now ask her kindly if she would like to go on a date with you girls love dates yes he's slaying look at that okay last thing be a gentleman tell her you're gonna pick her up at her house soon bro little nope dude he's learning look at him he's telling me he's like a real man now he's growing up so fast now the next step of the date night is to get noob looking as swaggy as possible if you walk up to a date looking like that you it's not that you don't look good it's just you can look a little bit better we are going to the soup store and more specifically we're going to get him a tuxedo normally you do tuxedos at like super nice events and weddings what what is happening what do you mean the mall's on fire are you kidding me oh you're just gonna wait out here aren't you okay fine listen you wait outside i will risk my life to get you appropriately dressed for this date oh this is just fantastic you know what i mean honestly noob is so lucky that i'm good at parkour if i was bad at parkour i would probably already be dead like legitimately i would be dead oh wait first piece let's go baby okay that's the top oh right okay bottoms oh one more piece okay this is this actually this is going pretty well there it is last piece the boots everything noob is gonna need to look swaggy hey don't panic but the entire mall is a blaze so we have to jump off the roof to survive oh no okay you are so welcome that you have me in your life take this come on every woman loves a well-dressed man or noob look oh you look so good what do you mean this isn't your style i almost died getting these clothes what are you what are you no no no no no no don't change stop stop you can't be kidding me yo we literally almost died for this what are you doing you think this is some kind of sick joke buddy you look like a giant cookie and you all right listen i just want to go and point out that i almost died to get him those nice clothes so if you could please leave a like on this video maybe 200 000 likes would satiate my appetite for almost dying to be honest you look dirty i'm just gonna i mean like i'm just gonna be honest if this is all you wanted the entire week i could have it's fine i'm not i'm not mad you're mad not mad you're mad i don't think that you're going to win the affection of your lady friend with how you're dressed but we can if we get you a super sick ride this right here my friends is harlow he only deals in the most luxurious cars minecraft uh and only one apparently uh he's got this one and then this looks like a jeep we are here for your luxury vehicle see listen and when you talk to a car salesman you got to be straightforward about everything you know what i'm saying uh no no noob you can't pay for it in dirt yeah he's got no no no no you're going to make him mad you i thought you brought the diamonds no look at you made it okay relax buddy really relax noob do you see what you have done you you see when you see the things that you do you can't just pay people in dirt nobody likes me getting paid in dirt except for you i almost died again i would like to live in this minecraft video so if you haven't already hit that red subscribe button down below because i'm pretty sure noob is just trying to get me killed i know we need to get don't you just call me pentagon pingtun pengton my name's not pinkton it's preston hi listen i have a game plan okay this is highly illegal but it's in minecraft so it's going to be okay but we are going to steal that car you ever watch the movies fast and furious pretty much the same thing's about to happen all right do you want to climb the ladder can you cut can you hello dude you're freaking me out man come on up the ladder dude thank you can you call okay eventually he will figure out how to climb up the ladder i promise thank you okay listen here's the listen here's the game plan so listen we are right now i gotta stop saying listen we are directly above where can you stop it you need to keep up stop getting stuck on the staircase directly beneath this noob is the red car i need you to distract harlow you understand me go distract him go go what are you doing you can't jump over those okay be careful listen just be careful you just did it all right perfect no you don't you just call them ugly that's not how you that's not nice and that's not okay whatever man you know what that's fun i've got my hands full so here's the next part of the plan we've got to go in here and we've got to reconnect each of these wires to their exact colors so we can take the car like i said this is highly illegal but it's in minecraft so i think it's going to be okay boom now that we've got all the wires collected it's time to get in the car oh yeah here we go i've always wanted to do this all right wait for it for it i keep the distraction going all right noob we're busting now bro oh we're in baby let's get it all right i cannot believe that worked that this is the dumbest video i've ever filmed but i love it check out the wheels baby oh my gosh this thing like dolphin dives i have no idea how this is physically possible this car is so advanced it can literally go over objects in minecraft it's like a dolphin now be careful noob is now driving the car it's not going too good but i gotta get inside this is the restaurant he's taking girl on a date to and i have decided i am just going to become a waiter put this picture on instagram and twitter baby how am i supposed to wingman and pay attention to their date if i'm not the waiter serving them hello what would you like to order aha a magical apple and he he wants dirt cake uh i don't okay yes we're gonna make this work listen also is it me or does this not look like a waiter outfit i look like i'm in a robe to go to bed anyways we got a bigger problem at hand in order for a date to go smooth we have to make sure we can fulfill their orders except we got a problem i'm pretty sure the magical apple she ordered doesn't exist do we have magical apples on the menu i don't even think they were reading from a menu they were just yapping okay see he says they don't exist i knew it jeff i will figure out this apple situation so far we have helped noob through everything on his date night so far and i'm not gonna let some random magical apple get in the way of this i'm literally gonna find a magical apple even if it kills me okay we ventured off a little bit too far but i found this really suspicious temple and i feel like we might find something here hello is anybody is anybody home hello this is a very large temple ah yes because the okay this is definitely weird that is weird what what are you don't call me lava creeper man only my wife can call me that i need a magical apple have you ever heard of one i mean then again i didn't know i didn't know unicorns existed in minecraft so the fact that uh maybe the magical apple does exist oh of course she knows where they are she created them what excuse me where am i wait what should you not do on a first date what is happening smile fart or greet okay well this is so painfully obvious this is like this is so cringe i love it clearly it's this one i don't even want to say it it's kind of gross all right this is ridiculous man name one action you can do to impress a girl dab run oh the snow beneath me is cracking by the way i just noticed that uh or sing to be completely honest it's between dab or sing i'm just gonna go ahead and assume it's saying though not all girls are impressed with the dab it should have been dab but i can understand why some girls would like singing instead all right last question what is a common gift that a girl loves we got dirt no tnt most definitely not and of course we've got flowers it's got to be flowers what is this captain obvious questions all right arturia thank you we've been working really hard on this date night so if you could do me a favor go to check out some of the new merch this is the block hoodie one of my favorite hoodies on the store we also got the plushies and a bunch of other cool new merch pieces so go check them out if you haven't already it would do me a huge favor noob's got the cake take the apple [Music] [Applause] somehow we have managed to save this date i don't know how um perfect noob is eating is there cake girl is eating her magical apple everybody's fine for now it's stressful they're on a picnic and it's going pretty well oh no no what do you want do you think i can get her some flowers i talked dude i told him to bring flowers to the picnic he didn't listen to me this is what you get man i literally am trying to bestow upon you the most magical wisdom pieces nari where can we get some flowers welcome to nari's garden how can i i need a bouquet did i spell that right a flowers please cause this guy's a noob he's literally looking at the sky right now oh great okay so and now we've got to go on an adventure down here in this well to get the flowers oh boy this is gonna be a circus oh you just take fall damage you know don't use the vines or the water or anything like that all right i'm gonna go this way no no no no you go that way go that way that way it looks easy do you realize what i have to go through right now to be a friend to noob i mean what is this what what is this i'm having to parkour to do flowers i don't even parkour to get flowers for brianna speaking of which if you guys didn't know this is a sync post with my wife brianna on her youtube channel brianna please if you want to see the date perspective from girl and brianna you gotta go to her channel and watch it once you're done with this perspective because it's amazing anyways welcome this is the first set of flowers but to make a bouquet you know you need more than one set of flowers like you need at least two are you already done oh oh wait he actually got flowers oh dude i'm a low-key i'm impressed right now um except i can't make dude if i had noob go on this minefield he would be dead so i'm pretty sure um if you touch one of these pressure plates you die and that would not be good oh my god huh oh chase lasagna oh my gosh put the chicken in the basket bro i'm good we're good we're good we got the red flour we're good you didn't hear anything oh boy now we just gotta go all the way back i got the red flowers too okay no no what that is just no that's unnecessary you are wasting good materials and also making the world look hideous you have no shame noob literally no shame at all okay here if you can take these flowers that what are you dude where are you going this way dude come on come on get okay yes here you go i knew i spelled bouquet wrong i knew it okay we did it i still okay so i can't let her know it's me uh did she just give her a playstation 4 made of dirt what am i watching it is it's a dirt playstation 5. i don't even know those existed unless it's like one of those cool like playstation five wraps i've actually seen those and they're like sick here's the new situation noob is on a date with girl we're at the carnival except we got a little bit of a problem he wants to impress her by winning many games at the carnival and he needs me to go invisible and play the mini games for him also this is uh if you know you know this is an attack on titan character from one of my favorite animes i need an invis potion please i need the invis potion i could see one literally directly behind you yeah okay i what he just left all right that was that was a little awkward anyways now that we've got the invisibility potion there's no way she's gonna know that i'm helping noob win all the games if it was anybody else i'd be a little bit worried that they would hear my footsteps but girl doesn't really have that ability um she can hear she just you know not the smartest anyways the point is we're gonna be fine oh dude i do not like clowns let me know down below in the comments if you have a fear of clowns i i don't they are a little bit strange i mean look at this man he keeps coughing okay here's how we're gonna do this i have to literally get inside of noob all right noob ready for this red bull come on how would you look at that all right this is okay okay we did it did she notice i don't think she noticed she just goes that's my man oh boy oh boy how about this is getting a little bit hard all right we've got seven minutes left on the invisibility potion i think that's gonna be enough i mean these games are so easy i'm pretty sure a child could play them oh the beanbag toss okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna toss it from okay i don't want carl to notice oh this is gonna be so hard they'll never notice watch oh oh this is ridiculous this is like it's so dumb that it's funny you know what i mean like this is just one of the most ridiculous things i think i've ever done to minecraft and we pretty much only do ridiculous videos on the preston plays channel oh no no no no okay okay okay okay i can do this i can do this oh this is i feel kind of bad doing this man let's go baby oh my gosh look at that look at this yo noob just got given what is that a teddy bear a golden bow and i can't even see what the other thing is it's buried in grass oh look at that look at this the next part of the date girl and noob are on a date at the art museum and i know something's coming man oh no what do you want me to do noob listen i have done so much for you i don't know how much more i can do to be honest genuinely no no no no oh no please don't tell me you're going to make me paint something noob you don't understand i am i'm so artistically challenged it's not even funny no no okay but it's going to be bad is that okay like you don't understand how bad i am at art it's not even funny oh no listen i'm going to genuinely try my hardest here okay oh this is already bad i'm trying to do eyeballs okay [Applause] it looks terrible it doesn't look anything like anything i can't i give up that's it this is as good as it's gonna get i don't i literally have no idea how it turned into that i promise i did not do any off-camera mining all that matters she likes it noob just says i went to public college for art as long as she likes it we're in the clear i can't believe it we are finally at the end of the date all right he's dropping her off back at her house everything is going to plan we can finally wrap up this video you know what i mean like it was pretty bad chaperoning their date but it wasn't that bad what no not the okay this is no no no no no this is the ex-girlfriend not the anything but the ex-girlfriend ladies and gentlemen stop it stop it right now i don't know how new managed to get more than even one girlfriend go go away that's right leave there is literally nothing more awkward on this planet than an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend ruining a date night with that being said if you want to keep watching some more videos for me click on either one of these have a fantastic day god bless and i'll see you all next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,351,742
Rating: 4.949718 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: j0eYmONfwE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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