Aphmau Was SOLD To ROYALS In Minecraft!

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this cute little minecraft player is about to go from peasant to palace as she's accidentally mistaken for treasure but the royals who took her find out that this little player causes lots of trouble but is also incredibly helpful will she get used to life in the royal palace oh hey be sure to like and subscribe thanks oh i wonder what there is to eat today oh fish oh yes awesome just eat some and it's rotten eww oh hey kitty you must be hungry too you wanna catch some of my food oh stay right there no no no no no what have i told you about sharing our food i told you no but it's a fish and i just made a kitty friend over here and i don't care wait you made a what [Applause] don't worry i got rid of the cat no nice things for you [Music] i love that kitty nothing will make me happy ever again and i mean nothing will oh make way make way the royal family approaches leave all your valuables and please stay away you're all very gross right here your royal highness oh no there's creepers hello stay down royalty get out get around get out of here [Music] that was amazing little one how did you fight off those monsters like that oh they've done there's monsters all over here and they come to the town all the time and i guess i'm just used to fighting them a child used to fighting monsters well that doesn't seem right at all you know what why don't we take this little vagabond home with us how about that like really meaningful of course it's all about what's this all about that that's my servant god i mean my adorable loved dead child that i told so dear and uh i yes i could never part well then yes sir if you're so inclined maybe i could offer you some gold in exchange for what yes yes i agree i i didn't even say how much gold i was going to offer though anyway i gotta go count my gold bye little peasant girl whose name i totally forgot oh uh all right then uh just send him the bill all right then little one this is your new home so beautiful wait am i gonna be a princess princess well you're certainly a princess at heart little one but how about you try something a little bit lower like uh like a maid or even a knight anything you want to be okay i can be a maid because i've been fighting in the village this whole time so yeah i'll try that oh fantastic well come on let's go ahead and show you your new home wow this is so pretty oh this is just the tip of the iceberg little one we live in an iceberg i've never seen stairs before this is so cool yeah we're going to show you to your room we'll let you talk to the head maid here i bet she's kim are you and i was totally cleaning i wasn't reading we have a new resident why hello here she is interested in becoming a maid for us do you think you'd be able to handle that oh sure no problem oh fantastic i can really use more hands around here because i'm the only one that cleans all right you take care of that me and the queen need to go and do something else over here yeah royal stuff okay bye take care all right we need to get you dressed up chop chop in here okay um let's see yeah try one of these outfits on i like this one i'm gonna give this one hey don't you look so adorable perfect for cleaning okay so how do i how do i clean is there a royal way to do it oh well it's super duper simple so you just take this broom okay and if you see anything dirty you make it not dirty come on give it a try yes so much fun wow you're such an expert already i get to sleep you do it okay um do you have any food i'm a little hungry right now oh uh yeah i think i got some bread on me have one now and when you're done you can have more later okay thank you okay let me see how i can do this um now you have fun cleaning i'm gonna go take a little break finally after so long i get a vacation wow she's been excited okay um oh there's a lot of mess here okay check out this um miss kim do you have any royal cookies huh hi there uh your name is kim hi who are you um i'm new here um i was just taken in by the royal family and i became a maid because i didn't want to become night yet because they've been like a night the entire time that i was in the village and uh yeah nice to meet you i'm noy i'm prince of the kingdom nice to meet you maybe we can play together ah that'd be awesome i've never had another kid to play with yeah it'd be a lot of fun just go around the castle and uh oh oh looks like you've got some trash coming up yeah i got a bit of stuff to do um um doing a really good job of it so far new girl uh uh you missed the spot what oh oh yeah i got this don't worry i got that right here and there we go um perfect you missed another spot what how come i'm a missing spot you're not very good at being a maid you missed all this dress this is rough i'm trying to clean this up and again the hottest we really need to keep working on making sure that we show up the defenses what what the noise hello father hello there is trash everywhere what is the meaning of this well i think it's the new maid she must have brought it from her trash village i knew it i knew she was up to no good in the trash around here all right hold on hold on a minute this one has only just made it here i'm sure she's just still learning look at her how diligent she is trying to clean everything up you keep practicing but father there's so much trash and she didn't clean it up and i'm sure she'll get it eventually i mean she did save our lives and everything that is true if anything you need to be more responsible yourself a future king should really keep their castle cleaner yes so truth here all right oh there it goes okay see hardly a problem look at her how hard-working she is yeah she's perfect fantastic little one thank you amazing paradise well done your highness we must continue come on yes yes yes i'll talk to you later then goodbye we'll see you later bye father bye mother okay let's see just clean this up a little bit more perfect oh wait i just realized i have two rooms what if i held them both like this and then i would do something like that wow it doesn't do anything that's fine i'm just gonna keep going uh oh no dude clean this up all right huh you do care oh um no that no no that's definitely not what i'm doing here right of course not i'm looking for more of that tasty gold the king gave me but oh you think i'm worth more uh yeah yeah sure now help me look oh he's gonna get me in trouble he's really gonna get me in trouble this isn't good yeah here no no i'm not there why aren't you helping me uh because i am uh doing um [Music] [Laughter] um interest and tax on your sale something like that well clearly you are very bad at sales management but on the other hand this little one has proven once again that they are great at protecting this castle i'll just take care of the trash here one moment very good pierce i'll put you down maybe making a maid out of you was the wrong choice you've proven yourself to be so good at defending the kingdom i think being a knight seems to suit you much better what yes i mean pierce you've seen it all twice now in fact i think you'd be great at showing her the right who is that a knight [Music] wait no but i've been here the whole time pierce you take good care of her you just oh that's it then huh i i i do you think i finally get a new night i've been the only night for so long i am oh i'm sure she'll be a great night i mean i wish she would be my daughter but i have no doubt she'll soon be the best knight in the realm good luck little all right little one so uh i think if i remember how children work that you should be ready for one of these right i know what to do with this yes of course slice concise no no no no no that's okay we gotta we gotta we gotta untrain you and retrain you don't we all right ah come on come with me we'll we'll go cut some stuff uh i'll sleep up on the fridge all right so you're in my new night huh do you think you have what it takes to defend the kingdom from all the evils that might besiege it uh yes cool all right well first things first we need to get out of that made stuff because they ain't gonna work all right so just give me one second here and uh there we go oh wait what's he doing here hi oh he he's he's here actually he's doing some work for us today for for gold isn't that right sir yep they're paying me one whole goal to stand here and do nothing yup and he'll continue to do nothing as it's time for your first bit of training are you ready yes all right uh you steal that sword i gave you earlier wait all right your first game here is to uh go after him let's see what we got okay do it he didn't tell me that no no no don't clean his shoes my shoes are shinier now where's your sword there it is okay now he's not gonna hit you back just go after him that was a pretty good work to start i really liked your form i think you could be a little bit more nasty to him than the next time but we'll work on that all right huh next step uh archery practice all right you're gonna stand very still all right just make sure you stay very still you'll be fine uh sure there you go and then uh here's some arrows all you have to do is firmly grasp [Music] it okay there we go okay now that you have those all you have to do is put one of the arrows in and you just hey careful careful hey whoa whoa whoa whoa oh you need to hold back and then fire then you do extra damage oh okay okay you go now you figured it out oh she's a natural hold like this all right go for the kill shot you've got it huh do it do it yes i have someone now what do i mean well done uh let's see we've done swords we've done archery oh we should do some horseback riding horseback riding oh you're doing wonderful oh look at this oh yes here's i want to do a horseback riding can i train too mm-hmm [Music] okay so i'm on patrol so all i gotta do is just make sure everything is safe and [Music] prince noy what are you doing out here by yourself going out for a horse ride come on wait you you can't because if you do that don't you get in trouble my father will say it's okay it's fun let's go come on uh-oh get the extra horsepower no annoying you can't go not too bad going oh no no no no no no i know come on oh no that's not good that's not good see it's fun isn't it no no we can't be out here come on oh it's safe out here my father comes out here all the time no no i know i know you guys smile no oh no this isn't good this is the game you're so mad at me no way no i know oh no cool no i don't think there's a friendly wolf stop come on they look perfectly friendly see hello there you friendly you friendly come on why don't you want to play come on out wow that was amazing wow what kind of wolf would attack a prince there you two are oh thank goodness you're both safe where prince noy you should know better than to wander away from the castle like that uh well i i just wanted to go out there thank goodness you were here uh young night half bow but wait hold on uh wait the prince you you have a bow wait there's yeah there's bits of wolf everywhere hey did you dispatch the wolves yeah so the wolves they were coming for the castle and i could hear them howl all mean and nasty bow and arrows and i came out here and i protected the kingdom but excellent work young noy all right don't wait till i tell the king what i've heard today oh my goodness this could be wonderful but but but that's a lie hey look you work for my dad and that means you work for me and when you win i win oh and when you win i win oh now so young and you have so much to learn that's not how that works uh okay let's let's get going come on come on come on so as i was saying when you win i win that's how it works in the kingdom okay [Music] you hey how are you doing here uh oh the target uh yeah target iva uh no no i'm not the target i'm back for all the gold this time and i have the perfect plan what's your plan for getting what why would a maid knight know where the gold is i'm the only one who knows where it is beside my dad my mom no then uh uh you take me of course let me show you all the cool stuff i'm gonna get not kane what no no no no no no don't tell my dad i told you where it is oh no this is uh hot yes hey could you tie this for a second oh yeah yeah yeah sorry about that there you go okay oh he's got a key tada no this isn't smart this is smart gold and bridges as far as the eye can see [Music] [Music] thank you for showing me you know what uh i want to show you something too ah what open the door no and i'm taking the key as the royal prince i forbid you from doing that um no how dare you define my order i'm a prince hey get back here you shouldn't trust him so much i gotta get us out of here let's see why we need to fire royal though i rule over him i think i know a way out and someone grabbed me see all you gotta do is just take one of these golden buttons and then parkour all the way up here and then like this and out and down and oh that was amazing oh wow you're so smart and so resourceful i can't wait to tell everyone how we got out of here i mean i really could have just put the button down there but i wanted to show off wait there you two are uh-huh oh people working all over for you wait yes what is going on little young boy oh the target came back and he tried to trap us in here and steal all of our riches but then i broke us out of here with my resourcefulness and her half mouse so that she could get the button to get us out wow how i can't believe you're so resourceful young noy you could learn a lot of from him just saying uh young knight remember when you win i win thanks for the bread you're welcome of course say you know now that you're a guard you can afford two bread it's good stuff isn't it yeah yes [Laughter] hi everyone um things happened while you were away are you okay are you are you all right sir no yes this miscreant tied me up now where's tell me a big word that i don't know i am the new king here for i have the crown and i have all the gold heavenly wait i have a crown on so you have to listen to me now ah the worst i hate when this happens throne of lies i say lies which is my throne which makes it even worse here i'll get you out of your majesty sorry no you can't do that why because i'm king and i say so i'm conflicted but he can't even read huh wait hang on you guys get mobs here is that is that part of being literally my job sir uh i i don't want to have to deal with that so i'm out of here uh i think my trash pile is calling me i'll be back later part of the gold uh good luck with the monsters bye um guys come on who do i follow now who is it who's gonna be get a hold of yourself soldier come on oh oh king oh thank goodness there's somebody out there okay uh yes of course here you use the bow there you go have some of those all right let's get out there let's do this wild beings interrupting my royal time even after i was tied up don't you guys have enough torches what around you do you think they grow on trees come on they actually kind of do come here i'll be all right well you don't look like a spring chicken yourself pierce okay my job all right i think that's father god vacuum foul beast go shoot yes you took down that creeper all by yourself he did i saw with my own eyes unlike you that's a wonderful son you you you may just be fit to lead this kingdom after all ah thank you but avmal taught me how to do it is that right i believe the tightest thing i've ever heard [Music] little one you are surprising me more every day you know what i think i'm going to make a new law starting right now as king people outside of the royal bloodline are allowed to become part of the royal family so i'm a princess now you are officially my daughter as my decree yay [Applause] oh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,909,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: xrEnu-mA4IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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