The DARK ANGEL That Became A QUEEN In Minecraft!

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when an angel in heaven loves a demon from another their daughter the dark angel is born she's one of the most powerful angels but other angels refuse to call her their own and send her to earth to live alone now the dark angel is out for revenge and we'll have to find a way to get back while surviving on her own will this dark angel learn everything she needs to know to win her place back in heaven let's find out oh hey like and subscribe before it's too late and the angels [Music] hello welcome oh you are so cute here have your bunny there we go do you like him oh i can't wait for zayn to see you [Music] [Music] wait a minute i can't see what is she well obviously besides beautiful and horse of course yeah plus she's beautiful and that's all that matters now she's gonna grow up to be a good angel aren't you oh and you're gonna be the best evil little demon your dad has ever seen no you know she's gonna be good no she she's gonna be an evil little demon i mean look at the glare on her look at the darkness and all that look how cute and adorable she is she's going to be definitely very good oh i mean she's literally encased in shadows so what what huh oh no just have to ruin a moment like this [Music] everything's gonna be okay nothing to panic about yeah that's perfect come here [Applause] so nice to see you oh definitely don't need to worry nope no demons here or anything like that there's nothing to see here definitely not oh yeah you should go patrol over there yeah oh very important bye oh that was see everything's okay obviously you go over here where are we going it's super simple you gotta get your halo and you can meet lots of people over here get my halo what will happen if i get it it's very important that you get your halo though because none of the other angels then can say anything about you being a dark angel and we can stay here forever all right i will go earn my hands told you i'm the best hey hey who's this who's this new kid hey hi hang on why are you dressed like that also why don't you have a halo uh my bunny ate my halo hey guys check it out she doesn't have a halo no halo no halo you're not nice i don't have to be nice i'm an angel already look how powerful i am i'm the most powerful kid angel up here also you are lame new kid i have a halo you got a dumb little bunny hey hey hey watch this what's this here [Music] get over here bunny all right all right hang on let's try this again maybe if i fly out here and drop it there we go now that took care of it okay okay you know what you know what ah you're starting to get on my nerves and i don't like that would you [Music] all right i find my money i won't let that little brat of an angel ever pick on you ever again [Music] no no get back [Music] get save back back i say you call yourselves angels hang on tight nah we're going down don't worry my bones broke my fault i'll i'll just respawn soon enough just have to be raining when i'm dieting in the shade of the world little one your mom would die to me again if she knew you had that sword but it's no choice now it's your sword now you get out there two rhymes be evil and be the best little demon and make your dad proud but i'm a dark angel dad [Music] i know i'll get to see it after i respawn see you soon oh no what do i do i don't know what to do i am hungry huh what's that smell oh i'm gonna follow it maybe it'll lead me to someone so good cheers where's the tent it's raining wait wait wait i thought you were gonna bring the tank i i thought you were packing it though no i was gonna be packing all of the wonderful comic books that also food hi why is it so bad perfect yeah yeah yeah look at that there goes the pledge [Music] [Music] what are you who are you what's going on [Music] no no it's not your steak now that's how these things where we made those back that's all matters oh nice oh my god it's kind of rude to take her steak i was really hungry yeah that doesn't give you an excuse to just take it from us we're all great too i'm from up there where are you from oh i think she means north oh north okay got it gotta gotta yeah that they get guess how they dress in the north huh uh what's your name my name is elfmel huh i'm noi i'm piers which trust her on this day i don't um well i guess we got room for one more you want to join us without a trust her look at her she's obviously not from around here look at those wings come on you can't judge someone by how they look like you do not see the darkness oh they're cool i i don't like this door i don't like this while ben wow trust her come on wrong everything's fine everything is on fire excuse us [Applause] [Music] is it is i i am here to help humanity and wow there's a lot of fire wait a minute what are you doing here um i'm uh well i i fell down from from heaven and i i i think i'm stuck here oh i get it you're the one who set this village on fire no no that's it's kind of kind of mean to you but that makes sense being the dark angel and all don't worry my dad told me all about you he's the one who let me this hammer oh um well i was gonna use a hammer yes he called it back it's okay he uh he he gave me a couple of other spells i can use get get back zombies that uh um hang on i i i i can do this don't worry uh i'm i'm taking out the zombies don't worry i'm helping helping you i need something stronger uh maybe uh thunderstorm oh yeah that uh that that worked right oh uh [Laughter] my dad is the strongest undergarden fire how are you gonna do that oh oh um let's see um yeah that's that's great anyway i'm gonna head back uh i've i've done enough to help the village took out the zombies i got them oh well they're fine anyway i gotta go later nerd what is this yeah you know what you said it you're ready [Music] what's their problem act like they've never seen a demon before i think i scared my friends away dad that happens all the time anyway how have you been i've been good i've been living with humans what you can't be good listen you're a dark angel and while it does mean you're part angel you're also part demon it is time for you to embrace the darkness increase the darkness that's right i'm going to take you and train you on how to be a real anyway you and i are gonna take over heaven but that's not a good thing to do that's a bad thing to do exactly and besides heaven's not gonna take you back without your halo and remember those little kids that made fun of you because you were part demon don't you want some of that sweet revenge revenge yes yes it's a dish best serve hot if you ask me oh i am hungry fine i agree yes perfect now to get into heaven you're going to need a halo and since you haven't earned yours yet uh i went ahead and swiped one of these from the guards up there so go ahead try it on okay all right i'll grab it and i put it on like ah it looks great now well it's a little bit crooked but you know what it's fine now come with [Music] my friend me and this is going to be your first test you need to steal candy from that boy from that boy yes and go and take what is yours that is your candy you go get my candy okay all right i got this i got [Music] thanks i guess assert your dominance child you're a demon here that's what my candy what hey oh hey please yes yes that was perfect perfect dad because it's mean because we're demons and because it's going to make it [Music] i done but can we talk about this first yes brilliant job daughter i am so proud of you thanks dad i know i could be evil but noy you know what i'm sorry here's some food no don't give them cookies good dark angel dad delicious thanks fmel thanks mr outbells we are dead yes yes enjoy the cookies okay come along thank you sir bye good job blowing up the house anyway oh you have grown into such a fine young demon and now it is time for your final test yes i'm ready for it dad okay there he is steal that man's candy stealing candy from a baby yes i've got this ah this is just as good as i remember it bio swimming please hey apple how's it going you've been friends how are you doing long time right uh yeah i suppose well now that i'm all grown up and you're all grown up right you bought something oh wait what what's going on what can what can old pierce do for me give me that kick give me a kiss get over this oh i am so proud of you dad i think i'm ready to take over heaven okay but first there's one more thing we have to do dad what is this place this is where i and like all other demons was born and this is where you will learn the final secret of being a demon the final secret of being a demon what could it be i'll tell you but first you must defeat me in battle defeat you in battle yes you see for this is an arena where all demons must prove their worth now face me child in the demonic pit of triumph but i am a dark angel father i don't know if i can do this yes you can i believe in you i've trained you your whole life for this now come at me it's okay i know it's a first for all of us very impressive my child hit me with all you've got uh it's okay you've done it you've defeated the darkness what do you mean what is the secret the secret is i am your father but dad i've known you've been my dad for like ever yeah you want to know a real dark secret though yeah yeah been waiting for that and like you know training for all the revenge and stealing candy for babies you know that kind of thing perfect you got it that's the secret demons must never fall in love with angels dad i haven't met an angel aside from that i'm the stupid one that was you know when i first met when i was a kid when i'm trying to get my revenge on but you know i'm never gonna fall in love with an angel yeah yeah i know listen i know i've never talked to you about love and stuff and falling into it but just promise me you will never fall in love with the first cute angel you see dad please i'm not as basic as you ah you fit my honor you are ready to take your revenge on heaven uh oh okay dad i can't i believe it my own daughter killed me uh i'm gonna get my revenge dad you gotta respond i know you're gonna respond dad can i get mcdonald's later yes sir i gotta get back to the huh what is that uh what do you think is gonna let us out pierce i don't know i don't even know why i'm in here in the first place pierce what bow hey hey what are you doing here i was going to go torment you guys one last time do you have any candy by the way no i don't have any candy because you took it off stop stealing my kid please what's wrong why are you guys in this cage well uh some angels kind of put us in here for probably good reasons what are you doing so i don't think we're that bad don't worry stand back i've got this okay okay oh yeah look at that it's me hi anyway let me let me just pick this up by now anyway hey how's it going i can finally lift this thing what are you doing here it's you wait you know each other that's right it's me and it's time that i finally destroy your friends because you're evil i'm a good angel i i i can i can do things like that friends isn't that the anyways of being a good athlete yeah what she said tell us what we did that's who no you be quiet no anyway uh so i've kidnapped your friends so what are you gonna do about it at least i can get back to heaven where you can't guys don't worry i won't let that angel come back and hurt okay again all right i'm gonna go back to scary and teach them some manners okay okay thank you thank you okay we'll be here hey look i did have some candy after all you are holding out on that why is my life filled with nothing but tormented destruction [Laughter] i've made it to heaven oh this actually works [Laughter] oh it's all coming together perfectly this must be where he lives oh everyone thinks i'm the good angel but little do they know about my plans to take over heaven and steal all the candy in the world [Laughter] what are you doing here i heard everything and [Music] you you've been stealing candy yes that's right cause only the most evil of people steal candy from babies and i know i'm an angel but it's just too good look at all this candy three candies maybe four in my life but i i have given back to humanity what have you done from them aside from help their village burn faster and kidnap two innocent humans um lightning i have my halo and it looks like you lost yours what wait what what did that happen you know what because you were evil doesn't matter i will defeat you this is my house my rules my candy [Laughter] i am still powerful [Music] [Music] oh i think i'm in love i'm basic i finally caught your halo may be fake but your heart is not here take this what is this it's your crown you've earned it my crown yes i'm the queen of heaven you are the queen oh my gosh and you fell for an angel not as basic as your dad are you [Laughter] let's talk about this if she finds you cute listen it's not like he wants to date me or anything oh actually i was thinking no nothing nothing nothing just kidding have fun sweetie now to go cause some havoc do i yeah hey aren't you gonna share any with your old pops well oh yeah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 12,583,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, dark angel, minecraft dark angel, minecraft dark angel aphmau, playing as dark angel in minecraft, dark angel story in minecraft, what is a dark angel, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau and friends, aphmau, no swearing, family friendly, aphmau prank, aphmau is furious, aphmau is crying, aphmau is hurt, aphmau new video, aphmau angel, aphmau heaven, aphmau dark angel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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