5 Days at SUN AND MOON Daycare In Minecraft!

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inside this minecraft daycare sun is our babysitter but when the lights go out it's moon's turn to take care of all the children this is a fun car ride oh there's a cow mom careful mija don't distract me while i'm driving mija we're almost at daycare all right mom is this the daycare yep come on out man okay why did you do a bad parking job this is not the parking where it goes we do not talk about my parking job because we're at daycare okay but i don't want you to eat it oh oh that looks kind of creepy no nonsense me huh i think it looks absolutely charming look at all those colors rainbow color with the sun and the moon oh oh welcome welcome you must be our new child welcome this is sunnyside daycare it's our sister look i mean uh-huh babysitter location we are a branch of fazbear incorporated so we are well equipped to handle children oh that's perfect you love that place of athol right [Music] all right then what's your name little one it's admob oh nice to meet you come along it's time for you to meet the daycare attendant daycare attendant but but i thought you were gonna be watching me oh i would but i have some important business to attend to mr sun is a professional though he will watch over you just fine uh yeah you know i gotta go build things with uh pizza and stuff okay bye bye oh children it's so nice to have you all here now you two take a rest and oh we have the new job welcome welcome to our wonderful place uh welcome to your new daycare hi everyone welcome the new children hi what is your name new one it's wonderful all right so you know the rules no no hitting and no it's fighting no biting especially and just keep everything's nice and neat and stacked especially when you're putting away your yes mr sun we'll keep it nice and neat where can we play oh you can play anywhere this is a wonderful place where we can play as much as we like of course we need to play at certain times at different places but i so guess you just have a good time right here wait no no no no no we do not need to go over there let's get off the limit oh we don't need to go in there you don't need to go in there we're up to you to have fun and a part of that is not going in there so stay out of the room all right it's uh for children who are uh less than good no no no you shouldn't go in there no we we we really should go play games elsewhere hey you know what oh we have lots of new things to do why don't we go play with some a glitter look at this look at the glitter all right stay away from the door now over here we gotta show some wonderful arts and crafts please play with these mr sons do you have any googly eyes of course i have googly eyes a new kid i want to check out what's in there and you know noy and casey they're they're they're two good kids but you i could tell that you're the you're you're a bad kid you wanna you wanna get in there with me no yes i do [Laughter] i told you to stay out of there come on back where we could play very nice okay hi guys okay children and now it's time to let your imagination soar and explode all you get to do is get to do whatever your mind creates and put it down on the paper you can do whatever you like and what do they be wonderful sure yeah so much fun okay so i'm going to give you about 30 seconds to get yourself this going and i'll be checking in in just a moment but i need to check out the stacks i'll be back [Music] so who would you be working on hmm um i made um air he made air oh that's wonderful oh the imagination is soaring all right what did you make me um uh well i mean uh this but you have to look at it right my eyes all the glitter oh oh i can't see anything i was cleaning up i must get to the wash station clean up clean up sorry guys i'm sure it'll be fine never got to show my rockstar crocodile you have time to work on it then come on annie come on in uh yeah you keep working on the drawings we'll be right back come on i think it's down here okay all right are you ready to go in yeah okay it uh goes downstairs oh wow um um uh hey uh dare you to go in first no i'm not going in first you go in first get back up here down here you know what i mean he locked the door i can't open it there's treasure and he's missing out on everything what is this [Laughter] um what do you see down there right above it you two you shouldn't be here we were looking for the body yes yeah i i i gotta go number one number one that sounds very serious i got a tinkle why don't you just say so in the first place you're gonna just ask me it's right over here come with me away from the door i'll talk about in a moment that was so scary oh come on you gotta tell me what you saw i mean tell me everything it's really hard for me to talk about it because i know what you see what you see go away you're too much of a baby to hear how much of a baby athmo is [Music] it was dark and it was creepy and there was this moon guy there was a big moon guy down there and i knew it i knew you'd be scared of the dark no it wasn't just the dark poor scared little off now i'm scared of the dirt where where where we have few children what are you going what are you up to are you still having fun doing you can't be doing that you've got to be nice to your fellow friends or else they won't be your friends anymore right but i'm a little hungry i think um also hungry you say well wait this is a good time to have sex okay let's go just come over this way come on everyone please make sure you follow me so we can have ourselves some time come on come on come on come on this way okay right this way we just need to get back to the cafeteria a wonderful snack time wait a minute are you ready mr sun go mr sun didn't see mr sun um hi i'm not scared nothing and there was uh the the moon and um uh it totally wasn't scary at all oh no and you know what this means that we um had the same bad dream that's it oh it means that there actually is a moon guy underneath there okay no there's not there's oh there you two are i've been looking for you i thought you'd been enjoying snack time aren't you having it it's waiting for you you were missing and so we we didn't know where you were oh that's so nice of you to care about me oh but we just need to make sure that we go this way and not towards the basement oh i know let's get some snacks of course we got ourselves some wonderful fruit snacks we've got some animal crackers and when we drop our families my mom will be here soon why do you want your mom to come and get you aren't you having fun i miss my mom oh you're supposed to be having fun affmount this is no good this is no good at all maybe maybe if freddie was here listen i gotta go make a call i'll be right back okay come on sit down have fun i wasn't scared we totally heard you screaming ian now oh i'm so excited and so excited my mom's gonna come pick me up and i can leave that oh he's right there business mom hi have a fun time oh i hope she wasn't too much trouble mr zane so i'm glad you're here oh not at all she was great she was so great in fact that i think dollar kid should stay the night i mean don't you want to stay because i need the hours i mean um i'm just having a special parents night out of it yes no no mom no no it looks like special parents night no no no no look they have a robot and there's a special surprise later a special guest a surprise me huh wow doesn't that sound pretty good i already met the special guest that you're talking about you know a parent's name doesn't sound really good you know i do want to watch my show you know the one about the werewolf's in the girl yeah of course of course so why don't you go ahead and head home while me and mr son take great care of these kids huh no mom you can't they have a robot and the robot takes care of us perfectly you know what all right all right see you later mia oh by the way i have your pjs just in case okay i gotta go bye we're all so excited here goodbye all right let's get you all settled in shall we oh you're back oh you staying over the night it seems oh we're gonna have a great time oh it's gonna we can get along together we can have a lot of play time and then we can go to bed oh it's gonna be so good let's go back to the play room with all the other children huh i don't know about this sneak here at all oh hey guys guys hi guys i gotta tell you something there's spooky scary thing in the basement what what's this about scary basements are you sure there's a spooky thing down there you know it you know something's going on you're not telling me oh there's nothing spooky down there i wanna show you what i mean here let's go together i'm going to show you i'm going to show you that this basement is spooky it's scary and makes sense that's fine let's take a look together just as long as the stella's stay on let's make sure no [Music] um all right kids just wanted to let you know it's time for a nap and sorry about mr sun being out of commission at the moment we don't know where he is right now but we're gonna get that sorted out soon enough don't worry okay but is he gonna be okay i'm sure he's fine i'm sure he's somewhere else or something anyways i'm gonna turn out these lights and i will see you all later okay bye okay hi mr zane guys the last place that i saw mr sun i was the last person who saw him um um i think that we have to go into the basement and find him what why why do we have to go to the basement there's nothing scary in the basement totally not you saw what i don't like this look mr sun needs us screamed when he came up from the basement what's in the basement yeah come on we're gonna find out we're gonna you know what the lights are out here okay okay everyone got your flashlight right yeah okay yeah parents packed the flashlight yay perfect okay all right so so here's what we're gonna do you guys follow me because i think i saw this place when we were when we were uh in the lunchroom come this way oh this place is really creepy at night just be quiet okay let me see i think this is an area up here oh the kitchen's locked come on look guys we're at the raptors the raptors you may have to get down a little bit okay like this and come through here like this [Music] hey what what footsteps or something [Laughter] the basement is open we can go find mr sun come on come on come on basement that's up okay come on come on that thing's all the basement that means that it's safe to go down there yeah okay come on this way this way this way this way let's see um hang [Laughter] stay down here we should be good huh who's who's that we don't answer the door to anybody we don't know that's a big rule that we need to remember okay okay i will not answer the door none of us will answer the door knock knock oh i'll go get it let's look around maybe there's a way to get out of here what is that oh maybe um what's over here there's a light that's good fire that's uh that's scary um we gotta hide we gotta hide submarine i hear the footsteps again [Laughter] find a secret hiding spot come on i got a secret hiding spot [Music] it's past your bedtime no no i don't want to go to the basement i want to go home all my friends i'm trying to sleep [Music] as i'm trying to tell i've got to be quiet yeah me too maybe that was a dream good night i just want to leave you [Music] stop screaming hello children what's going on here there's some sounds when you [Music] yeah something like tried to scare her something oh the moon man oh you don't have to worry about him then just you don't have to worry about him at all just as long as the lights stay on nothing bad has ever happened at the sunnyside daycare if the lights are on how we got to sleep oh god now we can go lights on why is the light not on lightning mr sunset's kind of scary right now [Music] what's going on [Music] the door it's not gonna open you see it's battery-operated [Music] [Applause] don't take me take the challenge [Applause] run guys come on come on this way oh okay and i need you to run into it okay with all your might okay i don't know what you mean by huh don't worry all right oh [Music] i don't think he likes the lights oh [Applause] [Music] well you're lucky that i even knew how to do that mom mom mom oh my gosh hey we're back you're supposed to take care we're gonna have to sleep over here because they take care of them all right i guess i'll go prepare some cookies i guess i didn't bring a sleeping bag
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,984,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: vz1BrB3R8Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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