Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 31

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hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of all the mods every single one of them brought to you by our sponsor Apex hosting who hosts the server that we're playing on they can also host one for you at a nice discount off your uh first month 25 if you use the codes in the description to stream the YouTube video you play some all the mods you can play vanilla Minecraft another mod pack whatever floats your goat thanks to them for sponsoring you know it's something really funny that I did uh just a about an hour or two ago as I was streaming and I I went to is on another server brought to me by Apex you know the series and I I decided to wrap up I just wanted to do a quick plug and um but the other person I'm playing with it's like they have no affiliation so I was like all right I'm just gonna mute and say it instead of muting I pause the video and I started talking and and then I realized after a few moments and uh did it get a little weird the other party was just listening to you give the outro yeah basically they're just like huh yeah yeah okay yeah we have our moments sometimes some I love that for you Chief thank you thank you very much our senior moments are to be remembered oh who said senior who brought age into this I did oh um interesting who's qualified to speak but me so interesting so true okay so hey um it's about to be a fun time of uh fissile fuel how about that fissile fuel oh I've been waiting for this day as an everybody I you know probably I need to juice some gems man there's a lot of gems juicy juicy gems I wonder if I got my mobs I had bees that I needed to get not the bees from the from the dark from the dark dark what's these were those the only way the only way to get a skeleton B apparently is um through oh they're zombie okay um you take you take beehives and put them in the dark interesting that's kind of cool yeah yeah um yeah so I'm trying to figure out how like it's interesting but it also took forever like I ended up digging a big old hole deep deep down and then just placing a bunch of hives to try and finally gets to happen and I mean it did but it was uh it was a bit onerous to do initially you do this on camera or was this in between episodes you were hanging out no no I I I dug it out and did it all you know placed it on camera but uh I um but I I they collected because it's not you know they just show up whoa hey hi everybody like these zombies that are down here this time um they just show up so that uh at some random time so I didn't like wait for the whole thing there I gotcha um oh I didn't put reactor glass on auto craft oh no the flaws to be coming up in the system or becoming apparent okie dokie so hey we have the fission fuel assemblies we have the fission reactor casings we need a bit of reactor glass um do I cue this up no I have to make other stuff interested to see what your layout for the fish outfit was going to be it's gonna be just a twister a twisted mess of cabling just Blick what if it was neat and organized though you know do you is that what you would like to see at your space station because you might have come to the wrong place you may have to take over if that is what you are looking for I guess I paid for the end result and not how the process gets there and you'll be happy with whatever are you am I being paid for this I mean yeah if you wanna I can pay you double of what your recent short made you [Music] see it's like oh I'll take that hmm you say eh okay what is there in mechanism there's the pipes there's the cables there's the is it the oh it's the pressurized donger there's one thing I don't want it's the pressurized donger no um especially winter time wait what I don't know I'm gonna be honest I didn't but I had something there I don't really yeah I thought I was good anyway we're in the red center right now my brain capacity is currently at a two not everything lands right no especially not in winter okay I'll give you the call back they're on darts to the wall there's no dartboard hope something sticks all right um well this should be so how is everybody's weekend been going mine just started an hour ago so going pretty well so far your your weekend your full weekend started an hour ago on a Sunday it's Sunday not Saturday oh that's how it's been going okay wow I guess that does give an explanation as to how your weekend's been going oh did you sleep through Saturday sounds like I did right maybe I did maybe I did maybe I didn't uh we will never actually know if he slept through Saturday mysterious of you you won't honestly we didn't have a session so what if I did oh he just hibernates in between our sessions that's all he does all the mods of tricky towers and then sleeps and then like you're that's your entire life I mean I feel like that's a pretty good uh pretty good itinerary for you guys needing a third member here might as well find somebody that does literally nothing else but this is not it's not a terrible existence I mean to be fair we didn't get you because you were like oh he'll fit the like you're here because we like you you realize that right um but only a little bit if I'm late two times in a row I'm gonna get the talk I uh I was almost late today and I was like I can't I can't I can't oh my God the last time but um but I wasn't so it was fine um you you didn't have a spill no I I didn't I didn't have an issue this time so how how did that go by the way I feel this is actually kind of an important thing to get the conclusion of I I don't know that it's really that important to get the conclusion of so I think it's pretty important it's not it's not gonna be a conclusion it uh I I I cleaned up I I got a my steamer and I I worked on stuff and and did what I could you know it's like it's not the best story in the world but it's the one I got osmium compressor somewhere sure you do I must right do I not hmm with YouTube videos and the analytical backend I don't remember uh is there like info that shows you because I know that on a scrubber when you're watching a video it'll show like most viewed and the basically not heat map but like the what is that called the highly replayed parts of the video yeah like what is that what is that uh view called that shows you that is there there's a name for that right no are you sorry are you talking in analytics are we talking when you hover over the timeline on a video page well right now I'm talking about hovering over the timeline on a video page like the name for that like this yeah I think it's just the most replayed or something like that but it only shows on videos over a certain viewership threshold there's no like I don't think there's a way to like enable it it just if it is available it will show when you hover the timeline right is there something like that for the back end as well then or can you only see that like on the video page itself I know there I don't think there's anything like that in analytics if you look at the watch time chart it'll kind of show you if there is a spike but it it doesn't really show you in as dramatic a fashion as that thing on the watch page okay because I was just wondering like because there's some YouTube videos where if you like Google something and if YouTube video comes up as like a response to that question that it'll just put you straight at like a 252 in the video like right where that part is uh-huh I just guess I just wonder like how that looks like from a Creator's standpoint if they go to the video and they just like see in their analytics that One Singular Spike of like where it gets replayed most of the time because of Google searches see that you're just talking like a specific video that gets a lot of traffic because it addresses one thing at one point in the video pretty much yeah if you like ask a question on Google and that comes up for it because I don't know probably just looks like I need do they have any say in that happening because like I'm Googling a video on how to do some Redstone stuff and A video popped up and it took me directly to 252 in the video like where they talk about it but like did the creator have any involvement or like anything it's based on chaptering a lot that like Google search automatically indexes the chaptering but you can add chapters in your video and if it I don't know what algorithm determines the relevance to the Google search but it works that way the relevance okay interesting I really would have thought that give me flowers but um huh nothing what's up with you um nothing okay good talk it's pretty cool uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey God how did I never get this thing set up what was I doing with my life so I need ancient and withered oh my God how do I get the osmium in here do I have to like I can just pump regular osmium right just pump the regular osmium where's ancient yeah we got some osmium let's go and you just go in here yes sir okay perfect perfect perfect that are thick though perfecto now yay it's working I need to find your friend Mr withe Weatherby thank you oh yeah it needs power that's so smart so I need to keep the infinity nuke in my hot bar for the rest of the series and then hopefully at the end of it all it will be at max level and we can do a huge kaboom you have a license to carry that around with you um it's it's beyond the scope of licenses oh because you just use it on anybody that told you you can't have it on you yes I walk loudly and carry a big nuke um would not want to meet you in a dark alley at night I mean I would take us both together so yeah but you'd probably be okay with that though considering you're the one carrying it I guess I don't carry a nuke around with me if I'm afraid of what's gonna happen to me um I just carry it for self-defense reasons this is it seems like it might but doesn't huh exactly yeah yeah oh yeah brother flowers on an all the money and block and then with vibranium it will make a an obtainium okey-dokey cool now we can make the next step in the process of fissile fuel my favorite part is just having to like go down back through like every element of of the tree more and more as you have to like keep getting further and further down and do it um how do I make a dynamic tank there we go these bees are really quite terrible that I bet they're gonna start outputting even worse now that you've told them they're quite terrible no I'm watching this one gets stuck because he's encountered a difficulty that difficulty is that the block he wanted to get to was one block higher than he was hmm oh wait what what is my best way to get the uh refined storage system across dimensions wait what what's the thing called I have it at the base the pre-show thing works cross-dimensionally uh what's the name of it wasn't have it not and not we're not talking about the wireless right this is I need to be able to Import and Export uh uh Network transmitter I'm pretty sure it should work cross-dimensionally yeah Network transmitter network card and Network receiver do you already have this setup over at the PlayStation another space station but I use it to get some cables up to where the old space area was at our base that little area right there because I didn't want to run cables okay so Network transmitter and Network receiver oh ridicule and then and then there's a network card you said you just right click that onto the receiver and then put it in the transmitter this is very fancy this is very very fancy I haven't used this before that's so cool vibranium and oh trust me I know you haven't the amount of cables that we had on riding the mod shows that wow okay so I put the network card in there and now it says missing network card uh wait do I what the you need to link click uh right click the network card um on the receiver basically where you want to send the stuff too I uh wait hold on I accidentally I I you said giggling for no reason nuke on the ground um I just want to make sure it did it doesn't sir oh oh where did you play if I if I break it it's not gonna detonate right we don't know that you don't know that I'm gonna do something hold on um that's a good idea actually no do not destruction Gadget the thing why not because I've worked hard on this uh it's hard on the base cardboard box we're gonna cardboard box it I'll just put this away in my back pocket for now cardboard box doesn't work on it okay um do you want to back things up right now I don't have an easy way to do that I think you just need to avoid it I'm sure there's a way to like break it and be fine sure you'll be fine just just do it it doesn't break oh so you just right click it and it goes I don't know I don't want to do that interesting where are you guys at right I feel very uneasy right now I'm going back to my space station nothing can hurt me there uh it's right here I don't see it it's this it doesn't look like a nuke but yeah I wouldn't right right click that if I were you I um yeah you can't why can't you break it I was just trying to charge it but it was a lot of rebuilding Lottery building okay it's really quick I can't do that okay um okay so all the way down there okay cool I've surrounded it in obsidian but I have to make another one to do this oh great we have another tumor in the base what would you prefer I want to look at it every day to remind myself of my mortality shortage I want to know that it's there I wanna I wanna look at it and feel something okay I'm gonna I'm gonna look it up okay hold on uh Industrial Infinity nuke what this guy hasn't left okay trying to see if it'll tell you how to do the thing it's the only come out at night how do you activate it probably only comes out at night hey here's Pete it's the thing where it's gonna start me at one minute 16 into the video destination okay oh nice I'm gonna go to a destination where we all ready um I will show you how it works you just place it take white click and um it gets 90 Infinity nuke okay okay okay you have to actually hit it with a flint and steel so probably okay anyway this is okay we're actually not it's not like something that's just gonna instantly detonate out of nowhere so you know what if you would prefer to get rid of the obsidian tumor then we're good probably I do wish that you could pick it up though but I can do you apparently not pick it up I have flint and steel in my inventory I'm gonna put that in a backpack so one from you carrying the nuke around so now you're carrying around the foot and still um [Music] nice but you can shoot I think apparently you can shift right click to pick it up okay um I'll try that wait so I put this oh do you take the network card and you put it in the Network receiver now you right click it on the network receiver and then you put it in the transmitter and that's connected system I freaking lost I wanna roll today I don't even mean you lost close the door uh just go up what's going on with you there bud I'm just making one move after the next man just making the plays huh okay it's fine Network where did the Wither go supposed to be in there but I haven't seen it for a half minute okay how do I Power this it is not accepting from the do I need any controller over here what's up or an energy acceptor or something like that oh the Network receiver doesn't need power oh that's fancy okay yeah it just uh when you put the card into the transmitter it'll pull the power from your storage there or whatever your Network's receiving power from cool I remember I got the infinity nuke back we're good I feel a little bit safer now I'm glad I'm glad there we go okay now let's see nice nice That's my brand name chief that guy right there that's my king yeah yep Kensington apparently get the skeletal until night time it seems or maybe interesting oh my God it's my Shader pack that makes it look dark oh it's so much nicer okay so I'm gonna do that and we get the yellow cake whatever coming out of here or something I feel like I shouldn't have thrown my Shader pack off though because now I realize there's clouds in this dimension interesting guys are there clouds in space um to an extent like it depends on absolutely they're not water clouds but okay interesting technically you could think of the Sun as a cloud if you're talking about just gaseous formations but if you're yeah if you're talking water vapor Cloud but there's like the [Music] the work Cloud I think that's like just outside of our solar system or something right uh it surrounds the sun I guess but at any rate there are things that are called clouds and in the sky yes but not they're not water clouds because that would be ice um okay let me see so then from over here we have this and it feeds feeds yeah okay go sir another chemical dissolution what's up he's on his way are you speaking quietly are you quiet or do you change any settings I think it's chilling I'm just chilling bro oh okay sorry am I do I need to you don't need to do anything it just I couldn't tell if I needed to crank you because it uh okay that'll make him real loud yeah after a little bit I'll start making a lot of noise oh God dang it uh this calls for experimentation should I should I crank the volume I guess so okay I'm sorry uh uh how is your weekend zine about to get a lot better sounding pretty good right now there's some uh there's there's more on the menu than I thought there was going to be and I'm I'm here for it uh but it's been all right I uh I I called my chat Psychopaths so things are okay cool going good yeah yeah um the the the the timer we I I finally put a cap on it so oh my God didn't you get down to like really low and then every time do they just come back and they're like not gonna end you I mean I got the I got the five minutes at one point but we're a little above that now back to like five hours or so 50 hours [Music] how many hours uh 433 what so uh I I uh after running out of ideas on all the different things and stuff uh because well we've been doing this for a while now 46 days or something like that um I uh after talking with some people finally just kind of as a it wasn't a joke but it wasn't an expected thing but I put the cost of getting ketamine treatment uh for uh depression which is a new treatment that's being shown to be really effective in moderate to severe depression Force like 65 of people who try it um but it's new I don't I I don't know that I would say that's so experimental but I mean I guess it's still a really new procedure and not covered or anything like that um so it was a significant amount um and I told uh chat that if they you know somehow that funded that I would go to the end of the month so and then the Psychopaths did it and so I called them Psychopaths and now I'm going to the end of the month oh it's amazing man wow it'll be like I I have no concept like no frame of reference to try and understand like what life will be like or if it if it worked like I wouldn't I wouldn't know what that means because my life has always been carrying around kind of this whatever however you want to metaphorically Envision you know uh a depressive disorder um so it like I'm excited but it's scary like it's it's scary to think about like again you know part of in a way who you are or you know I think but um so I don't I don't know what to do with my hands right now but we'll see how it uh how it all plays out but yeah so I told them basically regardless of before that happened I was like look you know here's if if we do this then we go to the end of the month if we do this then I'll go to the 20th if we do this then but ultimately it was no matter what happens the end of the month is the end like that's I think that at a certain point kind of like what Jordan said there it's no longer an event and it's just what is and I wanted to continue down the event line so we uh I said we can go as far as the end of the month and chat was like all right bet wow so that's weird hopefully that goes well for you whenever you get around to schedule again the whole Pro I don't know how long the process is but yeah but I don't either um so yeah they they they've done uh they've done a lot of crazy stuff and uh I'll be forever grateful but I don't again it's uh it's it's intimidating you know I didn't really I didn't really think of Life of it of it actually going through you know what I mean like it was one of those it was a really cool idea to think like man that'd be cool to do but facing it as an actual doing it is completely different you know and you're like ah is this something that is like you just heard about it recently or is this something you you've known about for a while uh well I've known about it for a while like uh I mean I would say probably in the last years when I have thought about it if that makes sense but um but it's uh it's it's a pretty new treatment like it's not I I talked to my psychiatrist about it he basically was like you know I hear good things but I haven't been following it because it's still new and still pretty so he's like I haven't even got so he's like I've got some people I can refer you to who I know do follow it and so from the doctor's side it's like the doctors are saying yeah it sounds legit but it's so new that I haven't I don't even know about it or you know to speak about it so here's you go to a specialist who's started to go down that line you know so we'll see kind of scary but also amazing right like something that Monumental being like yeah this is brand new pretty much yeah like do you know what what does it look like like what do you do you go to a clinic and they like do they they you ingest in a controlled environment or how does it work um so there's a uh like a cheap version that is they somehow work with you through your home and you know you basically do tele guidance because you the whole idea is or I guess not the whole like uh the the very very uh basic idea is that you take this substance and it's basically a psychedelic of some sort um and it puts your brain into a receptive different state a a reset if you will and then you have a professional that helps to guide you through that state into a better frame of mind or point of place or reference or something you know better something on the other end uh and that's like alarmingly vague but that's kind of the basic idea is you're you're redoing your brain into some extent and uh so the Jeep way is basically like they they send you the stuff and and you take it and then you have a televideo conference with them and you know they're like they they walk you through it but uh the proper way to do it is I I will go into a center and they'll give it to you intravenously and and you know there's basically a doctor attending you the the the psychotherapist is attending you the entire time and takes you through the whole process and you do that six or seven times I mean I don't know the exact amount but several times and uh so um a resident stream doctor uh she had it done and she was one she was the one who was telling me about it but she said that at her first session um when she first had it she saw her life Replay in her mind in Dick Tracy style Comics format huh it's crazy so but she she told me uh she told me today she's like I'm really glad you're looking into it and that it's helped me a lot and I've been out able to go do things that I wasn't before and stuff so uh you know I mean it's not it's it's not uh it's still new but it's not just you know BS from uh some random uh or an un peer-reviewed article like it's yeah the real thing so dang it's crazy I you know again it's the it was a really cool idea and now it's a really scary possibility or a reality you know not impossibility it sounds like this is yeah happening right well I didn't say a possibility not impossibility but um but yeah it uh that's the idea is I have to you know I mean I'll I'll go and get it scheduled and here we go let's go what's the Ambassador brother thank you hope it go super duper-d how many sessions does the thing involve uh I from what I've seen typically six but I haven't set any of that up yet I uh they also funded me um getting the the allergy treatment shots and so I've got to schedule that uh first and then once that's done then I'll start doing the other things so they're working on fixing me up you know got themselves the ancient old Fixer-Upper you know it's kind of like when you uh if you invest in a 100 year old home you know you know I'm just gonna like Plumbing's bad The wiring's Bad you got to redo it but it's good hopefully you know it's got some decent bones and good character uh-huh dang I would never look at you and assume that you had lead paint in your walls all right I appreciate that always always appreciative of you not conflating me with lead paint I can't keep track I've ever stepped in this I always forget uh wait oh you were the wrong thing what if you are oh my gosh oh there and that's just okay water rotary condenser no why do I have a chemical dissolution chamber solution chamber I don't know anymore or whatever I'm just gonna start hooking it up oh God and then I always forget like what is what in terms of um like what what is what state of matter yeah is it a gas that was one of my biggest complaints about mechanism is the is it a gas or is it a liquid guessing game okay so I need that and that also my oxygen is lasting a surprisingly long time so long as he was can hold your breath underwater you've tested recently I haven't tested recently years is it normal because I would always be able to hold my breath for way longer if I was just out in the air does holding it under water is it psychological for me that I just can't hold it as much because I'm underwater um or is like the pressure of the water cause you to not be able to hold your breath as long I don't know science behind it but is it possible that there's a like are you maybe breathing a little bit when you're not in water how do you think you might not be but in water you can't do it at all no I'm definitely like holding my breath when I'm holding my breath I think that uh the most likely if I had to guess is uh that um under water you've been swimming to get to there and moving and so you're just your system's moving you're a lot less relaxing your heart rate's up and so you're just going to burn through your oxygen faster whereas when you do it at home you're typically you know I mean I I guess if you were to run around and then try but well I've you know I've I've like gone to be fair this is a long time ago I haven't actually tried to hold my breath in in a pool in a while but I've like you know relaxed on the side of the pool just hopped in and tried to hold my breath and it's always less yeah I mean I I still would my thought would be still that hopping in and stuff is going to raise your heart rate and it's going to give you an inherently different uh thing but I don't know like it could be the pressure it could be psychology there's any number of things um if you're I mean typically when you're under water you're not necessarily like holding your mouth and nose and so if you're exhaling slowly you actually should be able to in theory hold it longer than if you were like genuinely blocking your Airways which don't do that at home kids uh um you know Mommy Mommy look what I learned today there's a biological reflex that actually allows you to hold your breath longer when underwater well I certainly didn't get the memo on that one yep there's a difference between um you know you trying and uh you know a state of emergency as well and what you can actually do with adrenaline and whatnot um but the uh obviously under water is bad um but you can't actually from from what I've always been taught they might have changed this with newer medical stuff from what I've always been taught is you really can't do much to yourself trying to hold your own breath because you worst case you would just go faint and nearly pass out or pass out oh yeah yeah like above above ground you can't yeah hold your breath to death break to death do we have a Iranian a cake some tasty some tasty yellow cake always use some calories all right I gotta head back home for this how long does he need s does that change this right yeah it is it's got he's got his uh pollen pants on and everything skeletal jeebus jeebus I just encountered mobs I was not prepared for but I still handled myself accordingly I cannot get a skeleton B to do skeleton things okay let's see so if we make some yellow cake and bring it in here will it look don't eat but apparently it's pretty tasty right whoa did you stop the day oh it's been stopped for like 15 episodes 20 episodes uh-huh because night cycles are dumb oh yeah for sure no I got you but but uh I just realized that uh I think that this I can't get the skeleton bees to work because they probably only work at night so we got fluoride let's go our teeth are gonna be so healthy love me some healthy teeth that's how they control you huh um break free from the government get veneers me when I find out I've been inadvertently supporting big teeth this entire time oh is the corpse you expect the least I'm not sure it was inadvertent all right let's go take a look at there you go wait that's not that wait what are you doing wait wait wait wait what wait oh okay there we go okay cool cool cool should we got that one going yeah okay cool and that's gonna be gonna be pressurized tube skis oh frick balls in this balls in the sack balls yep you know the drill by now okay there we go so ah I was wondering what the uh oh what's going on bro bro are you are you making that do that thing it's gonna be so awesome I know it's gonna be so cool it's gonna be so cool um anyway I uh was just taking a break from the bees to come take a look at what we are up to up here uh is is everything going according to your purple uh I don't know that I've ever done this wait you've never done the fissile fuel I think I probably have who's healthy yeah it's good for you man good for you I mean I'm sure I've ended up doing something I don't know man I've definitely gone down a lot of the routes of mechanism uh what was it we did I had to do a ton in MCE um to get the chocolate bars and all that crap so I was playing with the different gases and so I definitely have been through a lot of this you do the sulfuric wash and the uranium yeah I mean I don't think I've done specifically this process but I've been through this world that makes sense so so I can't say it's it's great or it's not but I believe that you're doing everything perfectly thank you I want to believe that I'm doing everything perfectly why did it just become rainy in outer space that's kind of Awesome that's kind of weird what goes with the uranium oxide uh it's funny because that one side is just really nice and easy you just pump the uranium into the thing and then you're good but then the other side has like 50 different layers to it oh so is this the end point is where you mix it with the uranium oxide is that like you're trying to get to there yes working backwards I see Houston we have a problem what's your problem that's that's the problem uh-huh we're gonna need an Ender tank I think yeah have we got an Ender tank with uh hang on um oh a sink I bet sinks operate in space oh why don't you ever think of the sink I don't know God I need to turn you up so much I'm really not turned down too much yeah you're you're Mega quiet you're like a mega quiet in comparison to Peter oh it's kind of I apologize dude you're so cool oh I know that is so awesome I see what you're doing that's cool that's bro dude bro I see that's what you mean by turning it into a lighthouse it all makes sense now they're all going off just right oh I love it how do I get this to pull from the sink again isn't it the mechanism wrench you're the uh uh is it called a wrench it's like a multi-tool or something like that oh yeah configurator the configuration the configuratory uh I have the refined storage one I don't have a mechanism one I got it there we go oh baby he got it there we go ye all right you're electrolytically separating that I do be okay so I'm pretty sure that is the oxygen that we throw into there so we're gonna have to vent the excess there and then that is going to be a tube [Music] right yeah you got that oxygen there very good what's supposed to be feeding this chemical oxidizer uh it's something else that I'm gonna get to figuring out in one moment as Oxygen Plus sulfur dioxide so we need to get sulfur in that chemical oxidizer right here it's really dark can we make it back to like not doing day cycles again no I need it to be day cycling properly for a bit that's terrible I trust me if any you were preaching to the choir no one complains about uh day night cycles like I complain about daylight night cycles and I wouldn't want to hear anybody else complaining about day night cycles except you well I think thanks yeah it was a comment yeah it was a common one saying like if if anyone's gonna complain I want you to be the one complaining because I yeah I appreciate that we don't by any chance have um sulfur Essence growing nope I just noticed that so I was gonna go and work on that okay what the hold up yep yep yep that is a little bit of balls there's a little bit balls um I understand there's balls there yep yep yep but it's okay it's definitely good and fine What if I how do they get multiple there how do I just attract another one am I that attractive but what if I do just run it in simulation mode okay balls no oh flower on the bone block this is the bone block so what if I just do it but not that no stop all right I can't see anything during the daytime man oh no wait is that the wrong way Miss what happens when I can't see sounds like you're struggling there boss AOE pickaxes are a struggle are you getting what are you not taking the why are you not taking the water inputs that's an input that's an input you know that's what's going on okay okay then that's gotta be an output should be outputting why isn't it outputting why is it not outputting oh hopefully this works oh there we go beautiful beautiful wait oh that's good okay that's good that's good that's a water vapor there and it's gonna be the sulfur stuff over the good good good good yes yes yes it's happening as soon as we are getting sulfur up in her we are going to be doing great great stuff looking forward to great things perfect yay okay that's what I'm talking about right there all right we have the basic infrastructure ready to go and then while we wait for the sulfur to happen I guess I can build more reactor I'm not sure shoot I should have been queuing this up in the freaking meantime gosh dang it a thousand reactor glass oh my God oh my God sulfur seeds for dust nope what's up I just got Enderman that's unfortunate it's or not Enderman uh creeperd but it was in protected lands so I was on phased by his churlish Behavior all right cool ah I need a building Gadget they're so cheap it's nice Road it really is some say that this is total overkill for our purposes and they would probably why oh God with the shaders it's just really bad oh is this gonna no it's not gonna intersect with the space station let's go it's going to be close but it isn't okay yep okay cool uh uh what was the control Z again how do you control Z if the building Gadget is it control Z nope it's not controlled z um somebody knows I'll probably conflicts whatever dude I'll take so long to mine everywhere what the what did you do I just put the block like where I did the building Gadget like one off foreign usually is you silly uh Pete how do you like this some mighty fine box boss glad to hear it thanks so much oh let's go reloading chunks fixes the display issue that's so cool ugh okay time to put this to use here and suspicions up yeah so uh got any other topics to discuss on tonight's podcast podcast yeah uh no nothing running through my mind anything going for you guys run through my mind aren't we interesting God we are yeah we're super duper interesting I broke down boxes today that was tiring but got through it you know oh do you like finish up your packing or unpacking I should say oh no no but I just had a lot of boxes in my living room that I had to get rid of so that I could move from one spot to another so I took care of that okay you still got more to oh impact yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna have a lot of that I'm gonna have a lot of that uh why is that best of luck because I do I'm I'm moving this week oh yeah it's official huh yeah yeah well congratulations um yeah it's stressful but all uh you know it'll it'll be great hopefully once it's done it will be great we don't want that [Music] so for your brother you've been trying to go to that place for God knows how long uh been a little while yeah yeah oh service mode right okay do you hear that too huh nice America it's the Flying Saucer speeding off is apparently client-side not oh I guess so yeah the environment it's so nice and rainy out here I would like for us to be rainy over here no we're gonna have three straight days of 107 degree Fahrenheit oh no I mean in Minecraft because it's been over three straight weeks of 100 plus degrees Fahrenheit here so yeah life is good life is great it's uh it's wonderful I'm glad suddenly I know a topic to talk about before the podcast ends it's chilled out a little bit here fortunately it's gone back into like the 80s ish um but it's it's been a scorcher that's for sure she's a scorcher what a what why is steel not going Steel why are you no steel still uh I've missed this huh The Machine's getting built and my frame rate taking as a result oh it's gonna get a real laggy out in space soon at least it's out in space right I miss something because like this does not have I use my 1920 fission things and that wasn't all of them that wasn't full did I go too big I thought I did 18 by 18 by 18. don't tell me I went too big it's 17 by 17 by 17. it's a Max not 18. are you freaking kidding me this dude in his Reddit post says materials for 18 by 18 by 18 Vision reactor I think it's 17. he's been misled you can't be serious right now I'm pretty sure it's 17. why would he say 18 by 18 by 18. why would he indeed are you believing me over them hold on a moment don't you feel lied to oh no it is 18 by 18 oh my God okay wait is this wait this is a different block on the top here [Laughter] I thought the different thing goes on the top tippy top top tippy top way how does it wait is this the the way is this the control rod assembly goes on the what problem are you having here you just don't have it so I I I was told it's 1920. does the Assembly of this year yeah take one row of the fuel assemblies off that's where you put the different one before putting the glass on top balls I did I did this I did this last time too all right yeah hold on use the exchanging Gadget oh hold on yeah I'm fine I'm fine I'm good okay it's fine is it fine yeah it's fine it doesn't really sound fine nothing like a good old bit of manual labor you know let them cook be honest good honest word brother well I don't know what the heck's going on here okey dokey let's try that again why didn't we look at this sick she is skeleton I'm actually quite happy with how this design turned out managed to hide things fairly well and considering it uses observers the color palette's not too out of whack for what the base is so pretty stoked about that oh so it's just kind of like a chain reaction of Observers pretty much yeah okay I thought there was a way to do it like red Center Peters and Redstone but I'm actually quite glad that observers work because they're much cleaner tell me we got a perfect amount here tell me we got a perfect amount yeah perfect on Mount look at it go holy pog okay oh and it's daytime let's go and then the ah reactor you have a day night cycle on right now yes I'm talking about it we talked about it right I guess I could just enabled my shaders and I don't have oh wait I know I do never mind uh there's just a permanent Moon that never moves okay so I guess that makes sense considering let me on mate why is it missing oh I'm missing two blocks or a few blocks why why is it missing uh glacial Waters thank you for the 10 sub gives us very generous much appreciate pretty cool pretty cool can't you just make four more I can but I'm trying to like did I mess something up right did I mess something up oh that's good that's good but it's just scary when you suddenly like you're you're a few blocks short and you're like but where did they go know oh maybe I used some and oh it's because we need the input and output ports and all that stuff yeah I forgot about that whole deal forgot about that whole deal um how is the uh don't you dare ask okay how is um our desire for tricky Towers going is what I was gonna ask what do you why would you think I was asking anything else I've never been more excited about literally everything or anything else in my life ever the sofa is going fine by the way oh is it that's so cool I wasn't even thinking about that but the fact that it's going well is like a big pleasant surprise yeah um now I just need to figure out how to make the wither be like I literally just stood next to it for a while and eventually was like all right I'll go fine cheese so thanks bees for finally going um oh oh oh there we go okay good all right so that means that we've finished that entire segment um and I don't remember which one we needed for the star but we should be I'll double check and figure out there was something we needed from the bees for the star and and we should be able to provide um so bees Good Times tricky Towers always fun um I'm ready are you looking to finish up then captain um I mean I'm I'm you know whatever whatever works why am I so oh right there's the whole other side I was like why do I have so much here let me just uh let me just plop down this final side but you can start out showing if you want you know I want to look real quick and remind myself if I possibly can what it was that we needed from the bees was it the Oblivion Shard or the dragon soul maybe it's the dragon soul trying to remember what it was that uh the bees needed the bees touch you need the business mm-hmm okay there we go that is a big old um boxy reactor looking right at home big old boxy reactor I love it so let's see how how is this oh I see geez that is a lot of Observer blocks isn't it oh my God any of the bottom row to send a signal in a circle and then the top row to actually send the signal up to the lamps and then you need uh because I didn't want The Observers to be underneath the lamp so you can see from the outside right so I've got another row of lamps on the inside but the strength of an observer can actually push signal through two lamps not just one so that's how it's powering like these inside ones and then the inside ones are powering the outside ones without them actually being connected to an observer I did not know Earth that way I guess that makes sense it kind of like you stick a repeater through like a block and an output signal on the other side but it's just instead of doing it with a repeater you're doing it with an observer and the pass-through block is something that also does something in response to Redstone yeah it's a good way looking out probably how it works yeah inactive okay Dragon Egg cool that's how do you make it happen uh well we wanted to be inactive so because for the dragon soul um the but you know and in order to make that you needed the draconic bees which is what I think we needed to work down so um we would like to thank our sponsor Apex hosting for providing the server that we've been playing on if you would like to play with your friends then please check that uh check them out using the descriptions in our respective videos uh if you use that description that link that code that wonderful uh little opportunity there you can save yourself 25 off on your first month and that will help support us so thank you very much to them and thank you to you uh we do create these live as it happens twitch.tv twitch.tv captainsparkles and twitch.tv Pizza Hut please come say howdy hey throw some follows and uh check out all the stuff that doesn't make it into the videos and then if you have enjoyed please uh lots of pleases we're just we're just very very polite here um but please consider hitting that like button uh and if you haven't already then subscribe and turn on notifications anything for you to if you please that's it for me we are now making we are now making the fissile fuel because your sulfur is doing stuff so excellent yeah yeah I see it disappearing but then it reappears then yeah we're gonna we're gonna need some speed upgrades and stuff for sure but um it's all the different colors oh and it's doing yeah it's doing all right well bye guys later well
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 14,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, modpack, x33n, petezahhutt, atm8, amt 8, all the mods, all the mods 8
Id: 47hsPzgV00k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 13sec (4573 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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